OCR Interpretation

The weekly Elko independent. [volume] (Elko, Nev.) 1872-1887, June 20, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Nevada Las Vegas University Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091341/1886-06-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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Dak?m*!. of tlr of
O t<<>. ku l? ted a 'Iralu JnucM
Uk 1'j? ktu':to of LaUx ?t?J
CkUhnk* <(Ou< | J tbeta.
Tk? IrfJUTt of lb* UuOM C?KBitte>
ci. PoUtc L?bli rri/j^r l ? ? (viK c:
r- net lii tu ?u?k *111 tiJ J<l4t to lite :
A-'.nti arid P*rftc L> lj Fvriri:Bt
wii. TL* ITputt CM AjL crJ tj al-d U*
tucadatia c?bc?r>4 a.
Tm C >r?a TriUiuc un : Jtlfe
W ila of E*at r La. CijiUan JoL&j F. ]
AlrUlklff of VwLot *bj 11. 1". Bar
tilM ol Orttilit, nil be t<~
fot? liu He.-al :ic?o ItUe CmiicBUvt
for AturiKT.'iturt].
Id tbe S rtb of IrtUU the Cctko'itr .
vt raUilulit; oo Ui? OmS^B'Ii bi ,
O'QiiSrr riiXiog. aa-uu.i:i^ Ptrtr?:iU< i
and lletf d*ri :n;?. Ot ail fonu* of
\H?U l J tlut uf a re g. U^tU.c la U?
Bint mt J'.riU.
Oar of tb >-* (inriAr-l
Itijatf rititri C?UI?rai> A
CdsM <Ji?js?tcb un. "Fur 'Utt* '
diri a riirll UirJi irw lkii pirtiilnl
iftTP t to tit nprtiliK gr-ui.
Tbr laa of ?leai ?l'?e in ll - toll'.;
U r4iU? col >1 ilwot
Qoeen V.ctor a ut offered C?ts[? l>r
Parts. donog ti? exile from Fikit * on
(kr Um Lrnu* of the et{>ul-iaa bill. tb?
omt Clarrtut'Cltt C'~?i 4~. ?brre L->u>?
Pb;Ii:f?J<e iooul a b' u^e. and ?le.r Or I
died Coiajte De Pari* declilird tb?
Qatro'i ofltron the KTi'Btid tbat Lr
do But luleud to I rM Lie ill Eijglauu j
A St. J oli lit di-~p*tcb of tbr 15?b j
my.: St*? CXJWrm (ruin St. tieorge'a ]
Bay of tli* Iim of a 6*Lia_' tcbocnr; ???.! '
*11 oa board Dru Heal 11. *? k . The ve>- i
id (4 l??)iuii for Itod, ? h- n ?be mu> j
?track Ijt i.u > C-nLore ft'juail, whicb j
earn d ?*?; h'r onreefrd ?ai!a, uL'lij
?be keeled i ter au.1 ?ai.k immediately.
W arrt ct* were issued at St. L <uis I
Monday for the arreat of f?rty-?tvi u
K ij.'hti of Labor, tbe iuo*t prominent
bang Chief Advocate ilcOairv aud Sec
retary Xolan, of Diatrict No. ilSill, for
eon?piracv to d? atroy iailrcad tiacka.
tanj-Ublrt, wittliM, etc., of tbe Mia
?oan l'acjfic t Kail road Company. Tbe
company express a determination to
puab their i?-t> to tbe cud.
A wail of di>.tre-? n.cn ? from Vancou
ver. B. C. announcing tb.it place to be
in a?hea,aud ibat tbree tb';l)?alh| peo
ple are boroele** in cooM-ijiienCe. TUe
appeal for b )p will re teb tbe ear* nn I
touch tbe heart* of the (jeiii-ront people
of California, and by thi? time, doubt*
lea*, ?tepi nave litrli taken for tbe rt.
I ef of these ditliewid p. oplr.
Advices of tbe ICth itiidant ure w
fob ???'.
flen. Rcott notified the parV commis
sioners U*day tbut Ihe I'uiU-d Stair,
tru i pa, guarding tbe toiub of General
Grant ut lli .uraide would be removed
ou Juuc 30,
Tj tiov. fllli Tneadny vetoed the nst of
| the Letiinlnlnre providing for cumulat
! ""-rri'*' ?'*
f oMk #1 lb" ocenaioii. * : repf ' f(
?>*? """ "" 1 Ttr Tf rtt?itrn alM 1
aid eVtneu in Sut York City.
1 r *- "? *
7 l>r. J. A. McD?0?M, on trial in Sun
Francisco lor tbe k.llm?' of Uurid Mi-.li
baa jij-t been itcijniiled by tbe jury.
A tcordiiu to tbn testimony a IJu.eil
tbe verdict i* a juM one.
New* ja*t received nt N ig?lp? Rtntes
that the Apaebea captured H into Sa
lano in Oi'o lllaiico Canyon, three miles
noutb of Nogitlas S iturdny, tied him to
tree and backed biui to death with
On motion of Mr. Thiockmortoii, of
Texan, the Semite bill wna pi ailed
authorizing Ihe Dennixon and Wichita
Jlnilroad Company to construct a road
through the Ii.diuii T<rii oiy.
Tho large provision and pork-packing
bouau of Sperry & lt<i ves, ut Long
Wuarf, New Yoik. took fire this morn
ing aud is still burning. JLoss about
>^00,lM)0, covered by imuranee.
Tbe reanlt of tbe election In Oregon i?
a dnmpaiutnient to ItepnblicuiiH, ill
though tbe Coiigrcmtninn ??? rc-deotcil
The Shite ticket in cqu illy divided be
(ween the two pnrliea. The defeated
JiepubliiunM win idmtifled with (he
mnoAKf incut of Mate iiffnirn which liai
become odiou* l<> the independent Hi'
|iul)lionii?, unit pnrllclarlv to those who
opjwiird Mitchell ti? L- ?? i i ?>? 1 Stulm Sen
?tor, Kin J ia ouii o( (be aigiiH ol the
timet thn> the rnr|firiiti?n iiiul money
powrm cm it nut nl?<ayi fly in Hie face of
the |>eo|iln, mill foint Iheir creature* in
to office, iu exprea* diHjvgnrd of public
?entiliie it. Tbe lower bonne of the
Oregon l/egialature i* |)emcor?llc, but
the Hi- nil l? remain* Hepublicnil. The
J>fi#ocrn|? b ive u majority onjuinl bulbil
? Tbl( f/efftaUture d ?in not > 'lePt 4 ITilitCll
Ktat*? Kan.itor. A< the <J ireruor, Suis
frtary of,.*it?te and Treaaury onaiilutr
I Sir.tr Jloard f??r in* K'iriiriiniriil of nil
f lmt4tlltli>n?, tbe JJi-niocrnt* will have
Control of Ilia Slate for tbe Melt four
jeara.? tteno Jotjrnal,
Tbe apecUele'i-f l|ie ag?d Kngliah
Premier again entering tbe li-l? lo give
battle to lbs eueiine? of jiint Govern
Oient for au K?gli?b Depend nicy ia one
trell calciibited to elevate that xelf HUC
rid.iiiK H ateaiqan ?<ijl higher, if poaai
ble, in the e<ite em of every lair an<l
right mi n ilf jierauii who baa ever felt
an .nterot lu tb p 'lilicul *?ll being <>!
tie people of a civilised conn try. In
JjU mauifeat t"0 tlm elector* of Midloth
ian! jiint iMned, Mr. Oladotone give* ut
terance to tbe following oobie aeuti
??In eoiiaeqncnca of the defeat of the bill
lot I be lliti (iuVeruibt'Ul of i rt'tund
;W Minus; k.( ?ln-4 b>r Kr
jntl >w pi ll d to ? M.? tbe cLa> ?
1cUj? at farilMU tor t dccu:?i I J
bt Xitxia ot the pttr4 >&i 111 ?
itK tbr ?a a j' ? K ?>m li>! b?* >*ti
nleiintJ wa m fc*U ? wLtaiy. Ii i?
oali a ???* o: tlx ?! thi? 1%U
vb ct la.'s*- B>?- i- > p-oul ui il!e
I ? L ? X. Cllr* Ji?l I < n ; - X u
??k >;Ut v.:uc? is th:ru-ea V-:iia
Sirtt% * ?cst IB *.Lt li>ur>?litK Uni
nU thia >K? U> klital iv< ?ni
| Uj< the Uxor of fust cuaiitiKT
Tbrrr I* Uk } -a- of lite Cottasitn:
Ui'tt la lu [? of Lxj
Our |k?c i* that lrtliiivl ahotU. aa jr;
? ell ? re-: r?a^t.v&t, tneuit LVr
?iti a??ir*.** ii_? piiu i? 10 P?r
iiawu to mk? the r*-vjui?;U U*> tu>i
> cbl<?iT tLrm rraoJokl; for liitli
J ear*, k} tti( tlid <4 ahu-h list he a.a
aorea B* 1 1 -an i ?iil U fi: to acff t >t
^L'%rrntzieX-i ia the tit of l^cal ^./ler? -
MLl, lit? t -e lui uSct.
Tfce ' Parvt*a" Wai
A Fort Htaiitoa du;?lcb pte? an !
? coo. fit of the (jrti; } acLt nrrf a? fol
loaa: The 1'U t ? '* U re ihriu
uf ativ o: ht r hi,' alo j> at 11:0, tL- i'ri- ,
? alii at lli^S aul the At>ai.t;c at 11.32.
Ihe 1'ur.t-ib h.l gai&ej iu tie atari, j
The At'-aulicaul Pli-cilia rernnti. J i:> j
about tlier Kali e Ji ait.ou*. 1 he Ttieli- i
?.*a ga niojg a i the Urarie. At 12:30 1
lb Tue i< r? aulnl tr.e ?tafce t?nt < ft <
S?t>-ly Hook at b i -r uo ??, 6r<t. She !
*i? i-lu?-lj f> Hoard b} the I'unt iti,
alio mrb J ti-irt V aecot.il ? later. The I
I'aritati j-a^a^tl the Tlieii* near the Hook
an.l pwaitd l<uoj No. ii at 10:11 j> tu., j
tl.e Tloti. at 1 1:11-1 1, tli? All latio at '
12.(2. ain] the 1'iiKilU at 12 I '
Tlie I'aniaD roomie 1 tLe S.otNi.1
liyht abi|> >1 1: b, a:i.l >!? <><1 lor tLe
Satidt Hook lifjlituhiji, The Atlantic
tnrueil t.ie Sn.t tn 1 li^htkhip at 1 !'?,
the I'ri-cilla.ut X:i8, au.i the Ura}.iu0
.t Ul-S-M.
Talc r-c P.t, cn the Couriers.
Uoatdin;; House Mi-tri-a* ? Ian-*, go
ri^bi down to Ik- mark t, tliis ni?t.iut
un 1 order me t. u uic i-icnca cf ele
phant -t nk.
J.iu ? Good fcrariotii, muni, ai.l
phwut'i not into yez mm ?
D'jaril.ojj ll'iUM Mi tress? Don't I
s'.au 1 there askn ^ foolish qu?tiuu?,
June, but light aloug au 1 <1 j 41 1
toll you. I've ju^t been reading one of
Ou Cbaillu's books, and he fa) >4 that
eh-phau, steak in an 'permanent that it
tukc? half an huur to eat a squ ire iticb
of it.
Tha Zilu.uj ?aa. itt.
Mr. Ilyn n (iamiil^e arrived this
morning from Masou l ily low a, ami
went i.j? unh Hubert Ctillen to Osino to
conduct tbe si-arch (or the body of T.
O tui?lfv, llie Muviii City (tanker.
Oil last Sunday morning Mr Kinsley
telegrapehd from H iiu to Mr. Denuisoii,
?4?lii?r of liia bunk, to come after biui
but a* it *iu ini|K*?iUii for Mr. Di>um
aon ' ive he dispatched N1 r. Gam
?dge bv the neil train Tl?ii?, together
with lb'' fa -t tbut Mr. Emsley h?d pre
"JJf P^W
uk. au..u;, ar
nhtii? .. V . p.,.- ' ?** 'd W p.,eV
ul U.oV with union to |wy 110 Jru/U or
cheeks with bi* sign itnre, would indi
euto Ibut be anticipate! some tiling we
know not abut. A* the unfortunate
limn left the Haiti on Sunday n'.ght and
hot clothe* we e ii'it font!"! autil Tnea
day morning, it is prolmbl" that be left
the train hero and aulidcrcd about until
Monday night.
Mr. Oiimiilfii! states Ihit Mr. Kmsl.iy
was a mini of wraith, being worth some
thing like #1110.000, unincumbered bj
iudubtedncsp, nml the only theory for
bis rash net i* (bat it was committed du
ring a temporary aberration of mind
probably saperiudnced by a too free u-r
of liquor, an lie was boiucwhat addicted
to tbc balm.
The hi arch for the bo.lv will be vigor
ously prosecuted until it ia found, or
until uo timber hope of *uec*ss vim be
entertained. We hope for the Kuke of
bin family and friends tbut lb*' mystery
of hia sudden disappearance may be
satisfactorily solved.
Obnoxious Mormons.
Tli<> United St. ili* C<>n*iil nt Ilns>.
Swit/.erliuid, writes to tin- I ><-|-.irt u ei i
of Stnle III it tl ?' Swiss (iovt ruiui lit in
b coining wriotK'jr alarmed at tin i.n it
linmlicr of Convi tt til M rn 11 I'll .r !.
is mnkiug among the women of tint re
(?illilie. He sny* the Mormou mission
nrii's Imvc lieen working in Hint t'n Id
for years. They lju\e e?tabli..bi <1 mis.
iiiiin hi li'MiU ft tnl nre e locating tlien
children by (lie hundred1! iu the doc
trims uf I lie Mot III" II Ctlilleh. The
Swiss authorities ltsve wiittt u to tlnir
Minister nt Wnshiugton, n-king liiui to
iin|iiire of Secretary llayard it this tlo*.
erinneiit will ri-gitd it in nil unfriendly
net on their pmt if t.iey shall break >i|>
the schools mid dine I !?? Moinion mis
Hioimrie* out of the i-omitry.
Fair's Ocnj.Jalty.
In reply lu a letter from tlie Finance
('.niiiiiitt.-e n|i|i<ilnted I > solicit sub
scriptions for deflsyilig the expenses ol
celebrating the Fourth of .Inly nt Car
sou, Hi'imtor Fair wmte ?> follows:
flelilleini-n: I hnve your esteemed
coiuniunft'iitioii of Mny ll \. nnd take
much picnsure In inclosing you n
drnft far fl'MI townrds the expense* ??f
otir "Na ruinl Anniversary" nt Cnrson
City. I Isg nl so to tend r my thanks
to you for your kind invitation to be
present, mid I hope to be nble to nviiil
iny-elf of this np|Nil|iinity to meet ninny
old mid v iilued friends. Wishing your
Coliilililten inili'll success, 1 bine
the honor to be, Yours very tru
ly, J ?mks O. Fa|*.
A complete assoiluiont uf 3n? tUhing
tuck'u at M'lllui'*.
A VTaWrtl*! THfrfj
O Jser Kth L Tb>-u p?o?. m ??
| c < L-r. I*t. Tbo ? p?At of lit
Ptr-Jij1?: ?: Cburch it Kts??
Mo, took r ?st ?: tbr Stsut-at
Uvok. Nt? v ik, ? ho
| ?>? ^4 )?nx' i|(. ?>?
I by iu> m.ic. !irt* tt?f. . i? jasivt. Oa
i Tloi?J itr L <il i>5: Ui
?u ruj !:ua t^ru mm, tW HI l?j
I as.J rtp;*>l. *i.4 a'tcr re I
| is-frrtsi! c?jR>U obu.a r?
jC.Ol.r>l klJ
i&c <i or (jrctJ nf?a. X t tuj
L.? ?."> u< tilt l>y %. Jr ou tor StKir. .
Mr? Hi bai Urn tbut la lit
I b.ck it i tt- he-ad. aal ?*< oy-.tig shtti
!br stUbd?ai tLlrleJ I i..' .1; u
p.tv: St ? Jt > moist Et and a?-ri ll ?t
? ikc'.i t* kli for. I z Tbvn:p>ca *
ft r*tui*tf. Tt-cre *tit bul
let li Aft ia hi* L-? i ?a i Ur&st, ba: n >t
UtCfxfttflit !*Ui. Au aUlba._?j? ?ft%
?rLl lur, tat befor* it tmtrj the ?o- i
auii ?i? lirti. TLrt mrc :n-l:r?li?u?
t!ut itf ptlt ?rtt ou taeir "elding I
soar, aui Ike in?criptivo inside hrr |
r. ^ sb-U itiry ba J Ittu mar
r?*-? oa Jub* J?i. Tiie i-eli ku.b ia the
r>*>u. * -- b!o 'It, indicarog th*t t:?e
m a? bciurc the Or.. *a?
Wu?t liroairbl ?*?oat the tr?j*iy re- j
ciaia? a mt^rr. Xht id >s cii >u
?te it ni<nu terc-rj to tx.?t bet??ta|
the j-ftjr. GtlkXttt, she bnd-. ???
Nttitr P'fttt* ? th dirk curupl-ii >u
Her [wtrriii* lur iu Sr? Yvr- Ciit m J
?ic ?r.l u>d<>. Ttioa?j>?ou h .? beta iu
Ne a lutli latto aSlebdlUj ttie |
College of ru,uui.tut a:, I Sii;r m*
I'Lie ti.fi ry at Kaunas City la that
I iiouij ? 'ii L .1 Ucu cl?ude?tiuely !&ii*
n?-.lr ttL'i for ?ifiue ittM &. lr?rm^ to
face the c<?n*c(jurii ?'??. del ruiit.?-d t >
?"ek au ewu-e r. tl.tr timu I j in rl h.?
lather. Tuouijvon h 1.1 f"r ?ome tiuie
UrtumjjiKi'J to the y. ung ia ly. ?to !
iuo\r-l in the b.-t aoci-1 circ e? t f Kau*
Sal City, tad the i-ad traycJv v?i.l ?
ii<>aljllt?> a i?. a *eu??liua aiitu it be*
?"?mn kii< '*a u.
The Virconver Fire.
On !a?l iy llic lo*n of Y.it;c u
v?-r, I lie Urn:ii.al |>.int of tUe Cunli iu
Kitlwuy, totally il- if vtil
by tire, l.y which hundred* of families i
are left witb'Ut shelter nn I a IiUuibi r ol
live* Int. l"j# to 10 o'clock * m M"ti
d?y niue l> ill>-?, hOUie uf Mila'b were
beyond ret- iguiti nt, ha i b?en found.
I tie riiuuiu* were laid in an <>ut),otl>e
ueitr False Cre- k bruise. There i?
tome uncertainty about the rxut-t num
ber ulieady luui.il, u? iu anuii- ca*i ? a
b in Iful ol t inned bone* wi re tl.e wn y
in. licit tiou of Lumnu life lost. I
One of the KcmcUerM eta'cd that he | 1
thought the uiuir cr could truthfully be !
estimated ut twelve. The |>t |K'rul ??-n- i i
tiiucnt of I be |teu[>lf a] ?l.. arj ?o Lc o:.e '
ill bopefulncus ami delcruiin.itiou hi
once to lie^in tlie recoii-it ruction of the
city. S-'ine have already }???! building
uaUtikl on the ground. 'I lie mi>aihv
of the |>eo)ile of V*w We?tuiiu?ter
priir tic. illy exhibited by the arriv-l at
ibe *i?!it of tin fir ? on Sn'ul.n ???>?lit '
f r
Trfre? Wilkin lolls of promton*. lh?
Muyor o i i'uronto uu trun unt
ie. i liy telegraph $1,000 for tilts tu'i. f of I
the buffer* rn l?y the fire.
The President ft lUtepUon.
0:? Tue-t?l;iy evening a puhli?: *rei'cp?
b?M I'V Mr. iitiil Mrt*. Cleveland,
duritig which ut least two tliou*an I |>**r
Hoiitf called mid paid I tcir M'rt^icirt to
the Pre*jdeiit ni il Li* young
I'rouiiiit ut iiiviiibfr of C<?iigifHHt of it u
Army, the Navy, amI the I'iplou.utic
&< nice ueie among the gu?st? of the
The reception **hi<h jt.is one of the
^ramleM I hut *nn ever v?- n ut the
White H<'U>e, cloned uh??ut 10:15, ami
tlie 1'reaideiit a tid Mrn. Cleveland, u.t? r j
proiiieomliiix through (he v.irmu* rootna
uccomptnird hv the f'ubim t ofticcrs
ami their wive?, went to pmtuke o! u
collitiou v'^l 1,1 ",IC thi private
ttj/iirttiieutit of the mansion. At the
el cue of the I'resident'M teceptioii tlie
Marine ImihI proceeded to the l?? ?t?-l
and ?e re tin lei the Ifr.izilli >n l'rime.
A Klrg.
I.'i'lvrij,', who wilt recently <le|toneil i
( o .1 tljr Uitvnr an t iio n a nniii.ttt'il m
il l al C o'clock Sini'liy rvouili (. Ilo
bail yone mil (or :i |iro:iiciuiile m tlie
I" trk nl ll ik Co .tli', uromj'tviii 'l liy
In 0'i<l<lrli. Iiih pit Tuo Itiiitf
?.inlili-nlv threw liiniKcIf inlo Hi um'ijir^
l>>ki',iin<l wit 4 drowned. Tin' |?liy?i
ii. in jimi|?'il into I lie wut.r to r?Heit?T
III)- Km#. nnd wiin nl?i droxiteil.
I'be w.iUIi ?iirn lij tki' K iik', '??"! whieli
wa* nil hi* |mti?oii when ln-t i'?ir,i*i) wiim
iiextcinl, hn?l hIojijmiI nl Otil. At III
o'clock next morning l!ie ?"iiun?N of
tli? Il.ivnriiin nriuv mi l mul took the
o.ith of ii'li'^iuiice (?> Kiii*/ l.'i'lwi^
lirotlii't (Mlii, who ni mure iimuim tl Un
title uf Kui({, on lur liie u.iiiiu of Ol
io I.
The VirKioin I! ifl" A?o inlion tit rule
110 ImllHeyi'* oil' of I'Jil n|ih|s nt tiir
tflltl j*ii|i| H.K't on Hiiu.lnjr, not vit li
?t>? li'l i iik ili? coolue*# ol tliu wi' illii'r j ?
lyiiler, rino.
Orent k'him! Wonder wlinl they
woti'il Iiavq done if (lie wot lur Intd
lii't-n Wiirin. Kium I lit- nliovi' it it pre
miuird llrit ci^lil iiii-ii wide n (lean oil,
mul (lit- oilier four |.? out of n |ion*itile
60.? (r.irwn Trilnitifi.
I In* m |>i>rli>i|M ilona on the mine
I > i i ii< 1 1 ' < I Hint hoiii* te ii'tiPN pfii|iloy when
they maik their pn II* ln.? jwr cpiiI. on j
Ki'iicml uter ine ni the eliil of llie iiimilh .
VV* . Iiiife i.e en mji'li r?'|M?it-4, Imi nlwny* 1
?'on tiller il it n 1'ii^iil child that co ii lil
Ht-ore 1 1>5 out of n ptm-tiiilu I'ji).
For nil kiii'lt of collar nml middle
*M?t> II ?( I'lllVl'lnll Of. I
Off Toi Earcpf
M* (V ?-ua.pini d fcy
dAa,l?!t?"? M ?? A.l li aud Miv
KulL. ma.. 1??t? Lr rr tor XrW York !
:Li> t * ? d.i ^ m Lr rr IUt ?ul be j-'iucd
t?y t bt^trv, J *Qug Gtvfj* Uuwll
?bo *jext *CO?|ale of ttoUlb* Lrfr ito
}***'? a?fo t*.;e |>?rty g >inc th-t.cr uti ?
'li?r ftvttU ii?u i o ?cm?pe. Mr.]
rkoinw M Mutrr- amtri hrre fr?m ?
<v> la?t cTritift*, and will
%Uo U ikr OI*C of The pJltT. TL?J m 1 I .
visit KljT ilJ, IrtUbi aud ScvtUtnl, .
?ul pr.UU\ f .kf a rtau over to tbr !
CobtiuLt. TLnr biibji iruuda mi??b j
llem a p!r&ha!.t JwULrT U.J u mJv fc- I
tare Lnutc .
A Wut VtrdicV
TV-f Trnli t o! a^jtjjtai in tbe ci?f of
Or. M lK?a?l l. ml.ii charged ?;th
the czituc of murder. lor k.d.nj: I> i*?d ,
\li>b iu San Francisco recently. mill j
vt? gtjeral %*ti?iatfUoti lo tbose wbo ?
a?fc a \ r ?j?cr a)tpn (Uti ?n of tn- ?auc- j
tity uf mifr sl I botue. It appears from j
t Le tVulcu Ct tb*t M;?h n t only tbru-t '?
ainiftcH u.|v# tue h^.ur of McDjuhU a?d !
rrfu^ed lo IciTp tuC J*rr:iii?r?. I'Ul UM'l ?
:'b3 mt*?l iB?uititt?( %ile and at?u*;v>* '<
Lr.;n fjr in rrfrrriijjj to McD >uaI l*s ;
?Qih hti^uige -i? mould U uii iu- |
s*J t tub to tue ininat?* >f a !?r? Ihrl. I
a ad *?ucb a* mould br lorU'e-.l t?V bit) !
mau mfco Lid the Ir tst part cie of ri ?
sp*ct for the m;f of Li* b?/4.?m# or u
?pa.k o' *j< l i. uc n a.ilo -1.
If tbe rvidtucv l?c ir~e. if David M.sL i
hd use the Itb^na^e ?& rib d t ? bun j
ima;e liat lv fuecvtl'U^ tbr *;.o ?tiu?. L>r
M l> Ti ?id wuuli Lave Le-u !e>"? tbaU a j
man Lad Le (niivj to re*eUt it by at)} |
!U aan IQ bit |?ulrr. to lb*- t-iklllp,' !
of <i ?*; uti l on tue tbe?*r\ lb .t iLe cv.- j
d- U e I* true, e%eiy UU Lu^Latid mill I
rrj in tUc verdict ??f a<ijuitJ, and i
feci lik ? t kiu^* Lv the b ind tb** man j
u L La 1 tbr cour se to d f? nd bis ? i'e'* '
hi u r R^a;..?t tilt ioul slanders of ber
Au-tiu lltfiti le; - J. C. S is |
" ill ill t?*e locliUp nl Ha |Ir M uutiiu. J
uii 1 i* Tt-rv nazy. He his t ?rn every
>?.t?li nl I'lotLiii^' off himself, nil 1 1* i?
wmkfJ it. I the bed cloiiifs he couM i
lay Lis h?n !m on. lie b m occaMwiiul I
?r..zy ^pc.U aft* r a <) ?Ltink |
. i*? at prfM-ot County Surveyor of |
11 luiUoKlt o uuty .
President CivveLiiiJ b 4* but ju-t ?o?
away frum the !iew*|>a|?er mni, when [
the hi^li nnd mighty N->ith American j
Til. Iierbuiid step 111 ai.'l Void for th?* III*
i>litiou <?( hH oltice. I'li'Vrlainl turned
tbe table* oil the reporter-* by gum};
!bt.*Mi titlfr. If he \tili *"-t it j ? Miuie
wciniT a irst nt.tl luuberg r. ami a Kej?
>t Cbira^t bi* r, the aforesaid bund j .
12 :y rcc um.Iit the mutter .?nd let tin- I
American^ have ^uttti.in^ t ? >? ay.
Th2 Daily Altts,
ru fcnaou of (be I'm iiic |
??* " ' '-'f. ,|, |,
uiuIUtk ? ( nitcri'M. N<* rueuiir*
to jiuiii-li ? e fricmU to jx-t. l ilt fair nutl
ll'Utl. 'ill Willi nil.
7 hs Weekly A!t2
rreiteiiln tin* Htrou^-%1 |KHNililr elaim to I
it family em ulation. I. is tilled with '
U'uimI rt*a< 1 i **lmie-t, fashion note*, and
pay* uid-ili^eiit attention to tin llou-e
aii?l Farm. Sjdrudid premium* with
the Weekly Alfa.
Ity Mull. I'ulU^r !?>???. in ill** I'lilte*! State an?t
t 'anuria.
(in? lii'ltn^ Sun Uy.J tine V?*tr '?o
i'nily, " *? Our ?*oiilli 5??
v IiimUjt Kdtiloii. Oik Y?-??r ? W
UtfU) Alia, One Y< 1 .V?
He ml postal eanl request for flee sim
ple ri'l'V of linily ?*r Weekly Alta,
l>rafts, Cheek*, mi l other remitrmee *
should be uiatle pivable to tbe older of
Sin Francisco, California.
Hitvh.g prrur?(<1 tin* Hrrviecu oi h tlior- j
mi^li mid ('(tinpcliDt Laundry mill lite |
ot lh?f Sun Fr.niciftco Ijiiiudrv, mi l uUo J
of CoiiIm i Ltiiulry, < > ? k In < ?l . I
nm now |?r |n?red to do laundry work
in (lit' Im*hI inn n?*r, nod til reasonable
|iric?*n. SprenJ order* executed ill a
frw lionr*' ti I wdi- it ?i fair j
hIi .re of | iiili ic |?.itroiiu^e fio.n the titi
/.Mm of Flko.
IV * \%o doom west of tin* (inn.
I add Orri< r, Krnr.itA. v*? . I
Jlt.i# V. Ihmt.. |
Noil* r i* ffKNrnf aivm th?t Hi* following
n?aie<l ft tiler I<m f >c| n? ? t |r?? of hi* )nt?-iillai?
to ni?'n? fn.nl |?rr??f In ?ii|*|* ?fl <*f Iiiai Iftun, Met
that * a l <1 proof win hr m*<|e l?cfir?' s|ir? |n?lrlrt
Jild^f of Fltui rotin*f, *t Kino, Novels, ??fi
SAtrniMt, Jlfl.T TuiarrFimr. 1^, vi*:
I Ailllllooil llotutnlciil \|?|ihrnHf?n N??. i;y;
i Wiiln ii T. ( ratif. f??r ttift VV. ^ of N. IV. V| j
| ??f fMrlliiii n 1. Yotii?lilp .fj. North, lUiii** i
j M. K*.| M. II. M.
I'l* nttum (III' following wlltirpirt lo |ir?fP :
bl? l onlluii'iii' r?l'lra< o i||>i>n tml rullivallon
of, *?M lftri?l vll.
I W II <pll, of Kiln, N?v?W.
Ki>ot Or, in, of Hon Hi Pork, "
A. W. IImior, u f Kll", '?
II. W. Overman of " m
r. ii. nim-KLiiv. lumxrr.
N?w Oood*! Nsw Stylml
I Imfr jn?l ropfitod my ?i?iii|iI<"< for
S|iriiii< mnl Soiiiiiht mill*. nwl, Ii iviii?
in iilr m| pri il nrrniiKi inonln him now ulilo
In iiiiikc dollir* to < f'l" r r|i< u|>i>r limn
??vcr. Noiir cut! coiniirli' will, mo in
[irii'?"t. If yon wniil n nir-#1 mill, >1- >fi*t
ili*l iy. II' niirnlirr, (icilwl 111 xinirnii
Irc'l. No IU, no j> i jr.
I( M. Kxmunr.
I. 0t 0. P. i
State of Nevada
WILL Hold its
20th Annual
a r
T uesday, Jun3 22
The f Mowing ei?rri??^ w.ii Uk" j
take l?!ac- :
Tlif H. \V. (Innl I. J.ljf ?i'l ru^t in j
tli** forenoon u? tb ? Hill of K k
N'o. Is. I O O. 1". after 1
t * iii(* c.il!f(t to or irr by the M. W. j
<?i Oul M istrr, will \f e-c.-rtrj t?y Klko
I**??l^e X ?. 1*. to t'ie Coart-hou-oe.
u lit re the follow .a* ??lervi^c s >*iil
p iuv at 11 :3o oVI ? k :
Fir^t of the ('p<*ninj O !e
Smuiil ? i'r..\er Ly th?* tii&n 1 i L.)
Th*nl ? Singing l.y th?* t*h?ir.
fi?urth ? AtMr**i* of NVi-linine, l?v I*.
!: lV?*t lirunlof F.k ? LoJ^e
So. in.
Fifth ? Siii^iri'i l>y th Choir.
Si&th ? Uenjionsc to AUJrt'HM of
IV ??!<?<? tne.
Seventh ? Sin^in^ by tli*- CV.ir.
Ilin'hl!i-A'l!rr%s l.y the <ir. in I M ?>trr.
N t?.t !? ? Sin ,'ii?4 l.y the Choir.
Tenth ? Itfiieiliction.
The Offlter* of the (f ran 1 Loilfe
vill lh It Ik? i-i "u;tej liy Kiko hodgv
lilt" k to the Lull.
? rr 1
I: "...
Elko Lodge No. 1 3
'i hurstlav. June 24
T>?* GUAM) MAUCII to togta nt 9
o'clock Nlmr|?.
Mnubrra ??f Elko I/*!k - N??. I**. I. O, O. K.
J .1. M'-lgt. H. \f. II. r?W,
J dm I* *jrn??, J ?hil illMt' ta,
li. K. Urt cli| Jani"* Titlh.it.
F!/>OK miiVCTOH. % W. l|4MOB.
Ml 'SIC, !?)' Wash ??Iiu'h Qtiu?liiP<*
Gorman Stallions
Imported and C5radc3
F'?r ??1?' ?l III*'? ?
o.\?w ha x('ir
17 ml!"* H'Hilli of
coining llirpp'VfnroM, weighing
r?*br?i'?ry *2llli, fium t.ttflO, l<? l.H'H)
| toll lid h (Mill. Co||4 Coinilii two-VPir
old, v? i^liin^ !*VI?ruary 'illli, ri' jM'rl.
fully, I . I l. l'?o hvmI I, I'm |???h n* in.
Oilier li iiw*, I ? i ? j ?? ?rt< ?l it ix| <lri?lr*9
thai a ill now, #?r will * li?'ii lit.it ? r?*' 1 .
weigh from 1,75(1 to 2,2'W |K>uti U,
fifno!)^ wlii' li nri* t wo Prize Winner* mi I
(lie Woild'* Fair. |H.H| uti i IHH5.
nmm or ia::s vm \
TK.IlMH OF HA I F.: Onr-lonrlh i
r??li, mm Imlf i>l I >>i I >? !.???? in |*i,l| nt I HMll i
?>0n-r li.ilf, Fill ol Ihs7. lnl*'iiiliiiK
lii.yir* will tin will to <'iiiii|inrii ???? t :
jiriiTu witli F.h?(itii i|i*iilrr?. Our
I'.u Iitii llrtii lintiiiK h iiiun In Frniico {
to Iwy. n till Olio In I * II now to lniy
tlrn<l< ? w? ilrlv o?.ni|? lilion.
Vi?||..f ? wfti'iiiii. to ? ,11 mul i i?ni|ti, ntir
I j ? &?0|il|8, j
FSntSv Weit 6. Eiria tai
Sign, and
Carriage Painting \
l'.\l'Ki; Tia\'i(i\V!.
Graining A Specialty.
Al? ? n'l kin It ? >* SlEO.clii3a.3r C i
IP' \ll wurk dime in 11 Tn-lrful nti4
Aitftic M ?mi- 1, tlir Slioit. ?( Nutici j
Sjttisf icV.ia Guiir - !
To |?i* Krlil ? ?
Mouwd :
JW 5,1886. '
aoHsu ti.-ici.yo ?
1 1
through 3ut the day. I
To Cciiil' ti l.- at ni^lit with n I |
Tt. Which
Is (,'orili.illy ? -
U. S. STAGE Ci).
wth FY,irEj5 nimn ew
A I it! .? i|inn. Cnlrtitt
liniulxio, .hi I ) il listi |i< >!???? , f rn'ii J i
cIh. ii|>. hi Mnllcr'*. *
A linly'n IiIiip |>Iiih|i (uirir, rotiliiltiin^
n K"'1' IhiinWe, Ilirin ruijt* 1 nu o| i',
! n 1 loin u?lil with iii?Pii|.li .ii IiimiIc,
| mi l 11 ruiiii'it). If lli>- Diiili'i will ntiiiu
{ In llil? nlfltMi |li? ujul .Int/ nnl |Mirn? .
J In* 11111) hnv# I i??l nf tlif content*,
I mi l tin <|iii'?iiuiii? >i?kril. *
From flelil, two mlleii Mow
I'lko, oiif iiiii-niti<lr<l ro.iii linr?ii ?nli
ilnik ?? imi ??, lull uihI Ii-k?, rinlil imiii
"III, *ci|(ti|, ftlmllt I (fill |HMIIIll?, 1 li 1 II III
III *li mi l hIki wn liiiriK'M iiinik. Wlii- 11
I'-il ??< 11, nlmiil M iy .'101 h. win mmlKul,
A ri'wmil of ji.V 1 uill In* juml fur llir il**?
livciy of Hti, 1 1 Inn to tin' mult iHi^iii i|
111 Eiko
W, T. Hi rr.
n ii ir.
For onl?, lirulMK, piiI* from lu?rl?'<1
win-, l ie., imu II ir-touiait' H Unjvrf il
Oil, til) flit. *
Announce* liiuwrll ft* a candidate (ur
re-e'ectiou to the office of
Subjri't tu the decision of the ltepuhli.
cud Contention of Elko county.
? ? .
HfrM'jr Rouotium biiusfll u tctu*
tliJuU- fur (lie office of
Subject to tlie deciaiOU of the Demo
cratic Convention of Elko county X
..IValrr in and Manufacturer of....
Him opened out
? With a ?
FIRE B T!0 C K .
Al>o a I jfi'c A*w?rtincnt ?.f
Which he in Helling nt
Hncrnmoulo I'rlorN
ryc'ull iiinl e famine the stwk in J
jtricea ntul he convinced.
$500 REWARD.
The *bm* r* wan) viUl t?r | l id for th? artMft
itt'1 totn |rf|. n ??f any p^rty or l?arftr? fi.onrl
juilly of at'-ultni;. killit.K or r?nr>tn? off.
illrrliiK liramlt or mark# of anr llvp ?t >cli
?e otifflr ?r to any m/- lobar of ILc N rvada !.)??
'lot* #?**??
E. W. Cum hk,
II. W. Lewis, Secretary
I'll it experience hi* ?lernonnfrnteil the
ruth nf the mimn that "Ifonenty i? the
M?t policy " in l.ii?ine*a mi well *1 111
iri vntr life; nnd m tunted hv thin policy.
I fliull ill the future a* III the |iii?t keep
?iiiiM intl* 'in hand u full i>n|i|?ly of fre>li
1I11I ilceirnhle
(tlUM KHIKK A*t? PunTt?|l?M
>f the heat quality, Mlitahle to the r?
|iiiri'ment% "f hit rtiMomerft, which will
ie kill. I ?t the lowest rate* emiM.trnl
* 1 1 1 1 KOilliil htifct Dcsm principle*
It II ueil known that a l?n;e amount
?f money i? annually Kent from Klk>
"iiiitv in payment lor |>imm1* purchased
ihrn.nl, nit. I in utiiiiv measure to cnun*
cr ict these foreign purchase* I have re
rently added to my "took a Well aeitclnt
mil il*- tira hie line <>(
Hoots anu Suum
rhirdi f .??larajiU-- to ?ell ?t ?? ',(*
ires a? (lie aaiue i|iiniiiy of l*?
mr. l.KHcd elsewhere. tr|Ui*I?>rtali. n
idde.l. with the nd*AOU(? of lutein^ >U
?ppoituuity to tannine the p??l? he
ofe Jiurcli. !??>"? All k"??l? gu.ir?uteei|
o lie jiihi ii4 represented.
Willi nl lice re thullkH to the public for
he lilienil patronage extended iti the
iB?t. find milicilitiH a continuance of the
mine tu the future, I nut,
lltit in Ub???'
K.Ik 'i, Oct. 3Ut. 1HH5.
Eugene Thompson,
mi l t'nil' il S:ulrH I. 'in. I mill Miui i.il
Surveyor (or the Stale of N t- vuihi,
KI.KO, ? ? ? NKVAI?A.
Special attention k'v*'" I" Nnrvryinjj in
all it* lir.inchcn, la) lay mil of Mining
ClaiiilH, Surveying for I'ateiitH mii.I oh
luiuin^ l.aiul I rum tin- State ?r Govern
5 e? Ch(lert left nl till* ofliee will lovif
prompt attention
lien 1 >|iiiirter< fur uroeeric* and |>f>
villi. '111. *i|eli an llrieil lieef, ltoh>|(nft
Siti-iye. I'icklrd Tripe, raiuieil g<??U
anil all till" (lelncaeir* nf tlie market
nl lleiiley'n, ueit door t?j tho l'oit?
olliee. "
F.atray Notlco.
Taken t||? liy Hie kut>4rrilier a Mil nil
lik'lil I ui) In n ie, lar^e while Nlnr III (nfl1*
liea'l, leilli liiml feet while, hr iU'h >1 91
on neck, triangle on left thi^h nnil 1
iliainoml cms* on the led ? ln>t?l-lrr.
in mo of the hranil? vented. Tin n*n"
in reijue<|ei| to |irnvp property, I"'/
rh'ir jfi'M ami lake the nniuinl inn*.
r. wo*.
Klkn Julie III, IHnfl.
T. *?
f Mi Turn f.
Murlnif f 0 t% !?!#? *n<t rmt*\' ** "?
M. lh?tP0f, |n fr, 1 1| < i j tM( fioW
tMniii or Milrtjr hrtfu i 'ill lie
!? '"?? )9o;?<? f i| if, j ififMiitif'l "i
'7 lh#?ln;, pr iihiiiIIi, ami
iif? r i% 1 1 1 f f.4 1 #||
WlUOff *

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