OCR Interpretation

Lincoln County record. [volume] (Pioche, Nev.) 1900-1905, October 28, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Nevada Las Vegas University Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091347/1904-10-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Miss Agnes Miller, of Chicago, speaks
to young women about dangers of the
Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and
suffering and remove the cause by using
Lydia E Plnkham's Vegetable Compound,
"To Yotwo AVombn : I suffered for six years with dysmenor
rhea (painful poriods), so much so that I dreaded every month, m I
knew it meant taree or four days of Intense pain. The doctor said
this wa3 due to an inflamed condition of the uterine appendages caused
by repeated ani neglected colds.
"If youn girls only realized how dangerous it is to take cold at
this critical time, much suffering would be spared them. Thank God
for Lydia E. PlnkUam's Vegetable Compound, that was the only
msdlcins which helped me any. Within three weeks after I started to
take it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at
the time of my next monthly period the pain had, diminished consider
ably. I kept up the treatment, and was cured a month later. I am like
another person since. I am in perfect health, my eyes are brighter, I have
added 12 pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feel light and
happy." Miss Aonks Miller, 25 Potomao Ave., Chicago, I1L
The monthly sickness reflects the condition of a woman's
health. Anything unusual at that time should have prompt
and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove
that Lyula E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound regulates men
truation and makes those periods painless.
severe bearing
u A friend
medicine. I
pain during
1201 etn street,
Invited to
Lynn, Mass., her advice Is free and
'(mum '
nf woman who asks for it. lier advice lias restored to neaiuk
more than one hundred thousand women. Why don't you try
It, my sick sisters?
CC'. ft FORFEIT I' waeunat f-rtkwltk arodate the erlr1i.nl letter! aad etfaararet of
Afll'ii.' abere te-luaaaUl. wkltk will firnrt tb-irehtolnierannin-nwi.
IjgVbPi-- 7. luVri. JUdloUa C Lyaa. htaea.
jwli nr v j x v f r
ft W. L. Onigtmm mmkmrn mnd aafa ntorm ntt't (J
staea Maa any mmnulmuturmr In
Tib W T. ItAuatu BSJVI mhamm . r th HTW
ten 7, ht flttlntf aim Buprrlur wenrtnt quHllllea.
). MaJla In itiv ftft.trv nml thoM of other mnkci un
Mni whr W. U IXmulJt V 60 llioe. cot more In mslie, whr lr kLkoklkke
iouew, snil an of rr.ator Intrinsic -.Ins tlisn Mil oth-r shoe ou Uie msrkst ttwtar, sua war we
SSlilf-lhT"renlliiJllrl. 1)4. w-rB,SVS.04q.l0. . M IK, hattna.. laoktsta
W. L. lH.-liciuriitMthlr ! 1, uoiplor l- asms end price eo Uieoenaa- tamvmwr
take ae snbsUltle. Sold b; shoe dsslen evsnwliere.
"Ihrnr wars W. L JW-, fS l fcv for th tolt IioWk ,fT"!;
.$) VM.--H. S. MrCVK, Drpl. toll., V. . Jnl. Httmt. Aicswrnii,
W. t. Poniila. nws Corona Coltukla In his sho-s. :PJS,f?I ,7 ooBoaaea o
b tKs fiuont ratvut Lesst-er moilo. I?a-t Color KroloU eselul-sir.
hV. L. DOUOLAM. Brmoklma. Sf aoaaah off .
a b-b j aruasueis, a-i,etrre, aaveie.aoaas.aaMai;
)F n I oia aoa-a, ciok In bo asdsloMt, mae-ao,
I .IJni,tJ anrr joists, oostssott nutotcs, trswil
VV Ss B IVaa W ssi,fi.e. oobm mitnta-t apiao wHitre, rssTs
rssT.aeaas, auaioaa, omuslaim, aaa u uiruuiaMTUM i aaa ea aa-af.,
"I was much affllctfld wlthrhemiiatlni.nwrlta Ed. a Nud, lowarllle, Sedg
wick Co., Ktmss. "koIdjt sliout on crutchre and wiflerlnf a great deal of psln. I
was Induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured me,sfter uslni tsree
600 bottles. IT IS THB GRV.ATEST I.INIMKNT I EVER USED; hare rec
ommended It to a number of persons, all express themselves as being beneajtes
bj lu I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great Seal af
light labor on the farm. ' '
THREE SIZESi 25c. 50c AND $1.00
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
ST. LOVI3. V. 8. A.
Kelien-Judson Drug Co., General
Bowhvrd E. Burton. Vha-iA
SDeeldesirtoes,Oot.8llTer.Lesd,,l: Hold 811
er. I5si Uoia. Wo; Zlno or CurW- M 'irsslds (esle.
kstllse earelODM sn1 full vrlos ll.t " ea '
asuea. uontrrjl end umpire won miivim
Mie Data. aWereese. Csrsoaaw Sst'l
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam : Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, has greatly bene
fitted me. I will tell you how I suffered. Mr
trouble was painful menstruation. I felt as each
month went by that I was getting worse. I had
, : j : ... i u X -t. J-
- down pains in my back and abdo-
advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's
did so and am now free from all
my r)eriods.,, Jessie C Lindmck,
nociuora, 111.
Remember, every woman is cordially
write to Mrs. Pinkbam If there
is anything about her symptoms she does
not understand. Mrs. Plnkham's address Is
cheerfully given to every all-
rom sals sv all sftuaaisra
anb aaNCRAL to aa.....
Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah
Self. Sllrer, Copper j M
iuu Uold. Bstons sot la One oaaa
ITSS SrapaJwo as, TsJa. wOIe
KemlaetoS et Bae Ntular ateimeUeaa hut
sea, aa as ea Mr u IM awaosal
"- Mereeaber (, ISM,
Tot tfalesA BtAhaa ..
en. obobob a kixon. x him o.
ror Member at flmmu
BO. JAMBS A. VUlNdTON. ef Orate. Ok
Ft Ssyreaae Jodf.
on. nAWic a. Noaonosa, mt wutoi
Wt Preetaaatlal donors,
EQ Jm BUTLKR. f Nye o.
OH. a A. AHKHN.el Storey Oe.
ox w. J. Plumb, i ma o.
brail ef Sim UelTerelty- Lni Tea,
mvm. uku .. mmrru, wnw Orj.
Skart Tina.
BOB. BL F. STAaaxTT. ef Bit 0.
fM KtBabtlsaa frty mt Rma
IUK CwnvenUea aeaembleS reaffirma MS
adherence to the yrlndplea , ttapubu.
ulna M iprmU In the national lat
tars sa4 wrought Into the gavarnaieet af
Ska aattea tress Abraham Uneola to Tha-
stars Itsesevalt. Th klatorr ef eua
Beaatra Is Um Batty talfhtletrt !
farm BnSersing Uia Bocnlneaa mt tba aa
Maaal mannUoa, wa affirm tkat aa aaaa
la aatlla er private Ufa ta tkla eeuatry la
Mr Stud la honesty, taring,
BtamMnt laSapandanoa, tadfaatee la
k hat ha kaUaTaa to ka tight aa araa
oSsraaal to gvi tha Anarlaaa aaala
ta tka (uMllmant of tkalr Sa-Uar Ua
aaat (our raara than TkaoSora Kaaaavalt.
laa atataamaa la paaea, tka kara la var.
tka waatarnar alwaya aat tka ItapukUeaa
aanlaaa far sraalSaat af tka OaltaS
Wa raapaatfully autsat to tha ratora at
lavaSa that Altoa Braoka rarkar kj toa
alaatly allies with tba aaUUk aaraarato
bbS manaraS InatltuUeaa mt Wall atraal
aaS tka lawlaaa aaS araSatory raeaeaa
Hatl truau mt tka aauatry to svaUty aim
for tha SUeharf af tha SuUaa af tka afJ
Soa for which tha DamoaraUa aartr of
tha United SUtaa haa aeloetoS hlav aaej
thai aa lanamata which wa aaa fnuaaj
I Kara aptly llluatratos alt SUquaUSau
tlone thaa that fraaly anS publloly mm
; ployoS hy William J. Bryan, W. IL Hear
aaS athar laaSlns man aeaapleaeualy
ramlnant la tha anvlronmant af tha
Damoeratla praaldentlal aotalaaa war
uhjtet to fraa and untrammeled dlioua-
Wa ansTatulato tha paapia af tha Stata
af NaTada npan tha paaaase af. tha aa.
Uoaal brrlsaUaa law. which win ultt
aaataly raalalia tba arid landa af tha waa.
and whleh will wlthla a taw ytara trans.
form tha daaart waataa af Navada lata
fruitful haaaataada. Wa aaaart that tka
attanpt to ataal tba eradlt at this great
set far ana maa la a travesty aa feet and
JaaUea. Ta theueande af weatern oltlaaos
who haa asiuted thla aukjeet. to tka
raatara aenatara aad eonsreuaaa wka
far twenty-flve years kava parawtaaUy
read and fought for IrrlgaUea legtala
Hen. and to tha engineer wha have aieaa
arad waetera atreama and threaded the
kaauntaini aad deaarto to Uara tka teaal
illtloa of ataraga aad roelaaaUaa w
(Its dua and genereua eradlt and the full-
aaaa at oar grautuda. But aaa all w
saeian that tha ringing and I octet em
raaomasandaUan of Theodora Kooo troll
that ongreaa eoaalSer thla aukjeat wad
Naapoaalbla far tha erlaUUaaUoa at all
heerlta aad plana Into tha hllla kaewa as
ha NaUoaal XrrlgaUaa Law. wklak was
raatod and agreed to hy all
laa ten and eengreaaaiea. aad latredaoed
axiltaneeuily la tha senate aad house
at whMi would have failed la the house
U art Theodora Reeaevelt Snally
haugbt kk treat taSueaae to bear to aa
at Ita pasiaga.
fa ralolta la tha aasulraateat by tkS
t71ted Itaaa af sufllcdtnt lathalaa tarrl.
law upon whleh to exes-eta, aenatrvot
aat aparatt a aeamercial aaaal aetweeo
(he AtlanU and tka Fadfla eesana aa
ttrty ragukted and aoatrolled by tae
awrirnaientaf tha Called Itataa
rblk will rtly sromoto tha Industrial
swedopataajef aU aecUona at tha raelSa
OoaaV aad m aapaalaUy regrot that Baa.
tar fTae el O. Mewlaada a far fargol
tha sibatarial Intereeta of tka stoto at
Haraoa sab Interpeee hla Tata la tba
Ualtad gtatee agalaat tha
the treaty between tka
aad tha Itepubll af Paa
attempt (a lateral et ta
tba poopU at Navada
af kar prosperity la
aad that tka hear M
a auartar af a aa
i. That tba daws
era whereto thai
hi destined to take klgk
rank la aglultura. tha taduatrle aaa)
mining. Ml leaders are oalled far to
Nareaaat li lagraa this aaw aptott at
tela derail mt Fer tha saaato at the
Pnlted Mat tba Kepuhlleaa party pra
eats tba ai mt Raa. Ooarg a Nlxaa.
aa aa sH. aad layal alUsea worthy
4 familiar with aad la tor-
toted ta fa Ma Industrie af eur ttata.
Sad wka tok Srat aaadldato for tkat
Buprem elfl presented by a Warada
aoa ran tl on laa past twenty yaars was
m a baa Sdarldeat and altlaaa at Ne
rada. sad ! tba aSorto af the Bo
Bablleas a) to aaa all baaerakm
meaaa, aad t to tea at It mombar la
lh stoto lestura, to eecure his ala
Wa subaUt ftehor record ef tke Xo-
Buhlleaa partrslnst tha prafeaalons at
Pemeeraey. B,hlleanlam has built a
a tarlB wall a,t thla country which
glre tha Aawh, markets to tta pro-
Suets or AmerMtabar. It has la erery
put where la rer enacted loglslatlaa
farerlng ahorteau-, Ua isnltary aaa.
dIUeas af tohoahlbltad child Ubar,
and paaaed atrlt law tar tha safe.
guarding at ta, - Uma rt w.
plereee. It has Thsodore Keooerelt
BuhaUtutad arbltfen, sa la the al
etrt-e. for tka bi kad bayanet af a
tost DomacraU SntraUa la Ita sot-
tlsmea, of the Pu, strlle. rrombriag
little, awrfermlng ,, It ka kooa tae
era sad tried frtaei botk aapltal aad
labor, whom It hH sad ..
aordaat parts ef ution't Industrial
aeoaomy. Tha Bleaa party will aat
supwart aapltal la esloa aor Ubar la
rial ease. It reootmlerrsnlsed labor as
tha salty af mduaHnctloa, striving ta
seeurs a move oawj. gistrlsutlea of
lh fruits at iadiwt It la tka trusted
ally of both aapltal Ubor; for aapltal
la tke thins hlak ssmtlal t tk
sueeoosful govoramag antarprkMS aad
with Ukov la Ka en, rar reaseaabla
bear at tke hlghs,t(as etaalsteat
with tba ewceeaeful hist at kusrnasa.
ta thla etete It favjrht heorC labor
upon all Bubtt warjnd a tba legal
work day m mteas. wt mnia aad
smattars, and wTU upl mgtalatlaa glv
gag K proper aad mvit far aad ef
at 'i
W favor tha aeaaeai f tk
tato swvarameat. tha rewe treatmeal
af tha arphea warda
tka kuataaa aare at taVaa. w art
lastly Brawd et tae
t Nevada, aad taa aahrlir.
Halted Blab
savs la a 9n
milldlas efhek
We saagSilato
Spaa tha siknslng
SeU aad he.
atruck wkNetoaaa
lary af atoMapraaa
las keguof a ne'
lbs state, aad
aaaa. W art I
B4sbet srstees
ttrsni Exprtatlon That Can Used
Wltheut Blatphem.
In lh United State It Is commran
to say that you "don't iv s tinker's
jdm" (or aomethlng or other. Our
EogUth cousins, ta similar circus.
stances, ssy "a twopenny dam." Each
of these sppsrent oaths Is harmless,
sad may be used In pouts society
without s qualm.
Rear Admiral Csaey, noticing s look
ef surprise on the face of a friend
when he said "tinker's dam," ob
served: ,
. "1 guess you think I'm swearing, but
I'm not A dam Is s contrivance re
sorted to by all tinker In their work."
Tb pb.ru "twopenny dsn" was
Irst used by the great Duke of Well
ington. His administration of ths
British army wss attacked, snd hs
toalshad ths Houss of Lords by re
plying: "I don't cars, snd tbs British army
don't csre a twopenny dam for any
of these criticisms."
Then be eiplslned tbst "s dam was
an Indian coin of the vslus of two
pence "
tuaellent Opportunity t Arrange far
Ysur Reception st BL Lsuls, During
ths Fair, Free.
If you Intend going to ths Louisiana
Furcbsas Ezposltloa, St. Louis, Mis
souri, opened by President Rooswvelt
April 0th, 1904, it will bo very macb
to your sdvsnlsgs to correspond with
Mr. F. H. Worsiey, No. tit Oooiey
block, Bait Lake City, Utah.
Mr. Worsiey haa arranged to bars sll
his parties met st the St. Louts depot
and escorted to their lodgings, which
will be reserved IS sdvsncs.
Information relative to pssssnger
rates, stop-overs, ticket limits, hotel
rates and all other necessary Informa
tion asked for wlll'be cheerfully given
free of chsrge. This will especially
be of benefit to those desiring to travel
with Utah parties or In parties of four
or five. . School teachers will also
besr something to tbelr Interests by
writing above party.
Trout swallowed Water Rst
la the River Wey, Englsnd, a flsh
erman recently landed s tins trout
weighing two pounds snd sli ounces
snd measuring sixteen inches. In
length. He found t-e tsil of a rat
protruding from Its mouth snd could
se ths bind legs at ths fsr end of
Its mouth. Upon opening tbs fish bs
found a lsrgs wster rat measuring ten
There it scarcely any tm rig
lest substantial ; and almost
nothing more substantial
Chlldlah Ideas sf Life,
A curious snd smuslng mlxturs sf
early piety snd worldllness cams to
light In a city schoolroom ons dsy
when ths teacher bad ssked tbs chil
dren to write on their pads of paper
something about ths profession "or oc
cupation In which they would like to
engage when they became men and
women. One little girl wrote briefly
but effectively: "I would desire to bs
a lsdy rider st a circus If It wss tbs
Lord's will." Another little girl with
equally mixed Ideas wrote: "Mis
sionary, but If not thst, millinery or
clerk la candy store." Llpplncott's.
We don't know how good
it can be, nor how bad it is
some of usy -
First Fountain Psn.
Tbs first fountain pen was Invented
by a man nsmed Joseph Bramab, Is
Ills. Ons of bis several plans for
fountain pens was thst of miking s
hollow tubs of silver or other metal,
ths tubs being so thin thst It could
bs pressed out of shape, snd so csuas
sn escape of Ink to the nib. Another
plan of bis was to fit the tube with
a piston which slid down ths Interior,
and so force out the Ink. John Sen of
fer, is lilt. Improved farther on Bra
mab 's Ideaa, snd mads fountain pens
nearly as reliable ss these of to-day.
rise's Our la the beat medicine we ever used
tor all aSeotlona of the throat and lungs. Wm.
a BaaauT, Vaaburen. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900.
Sweat Sixteen,
Every girl st s certain time la her
life rsgards herself ss tome Wild
Caged Thing, pacing a limited space
betweea dish wsshing sad sewing, try
ing to get out. Atchison Globe.
Or. fv4 KennoSye Favorite Rem4y te
rolleslfor Umll.or. OirM m .fun- lrht .mm at
wmim. rvprwo, Aioujr, I. I. norm
Hew Webster 0t Evan.
Daniel Webster wrote sfter contin
ued provocation to tbs editor of a
aewspspsr which hsd referred to his
private affairs and especially to his
not paying hla debts. He said: "It
is true tbst 1 have not always psld
my debts punctually, snd that I ows
money. The csuse of this Is that I
havs not pressed those who owe me.
for payment. As an instance of this
enclose your father's note, made to
me thirty years sgo, for money lent
htm to educate his boys." Rshoboth
Sundsy Hersld.
We make four different
types: Schilling's Best.
Year aauaisa rar SMSr " mmli Mfei
Japanese Alpine Club.
The Japanese Alpine club, whleh Is
the oldest In tbe world, is also a re
ligious society, snd tbe sscests accom
plished by Its members are preluded
by a prsyer which runs: "May our.
hearts be pare, snd msy ths weather
on ths honorable peak be fine."
STra. Wtaatow" Seochln flrrea.
Ooretilldree tsetblas. aoftena thermos. radese 1
auara sals, oona wiaa sous. BMSSuaua,
Ancient Water Clock.
Plato Introduced the clepsydra Into
Greece. It wss used by the Romaas
also. Tbs king of Persia Is said to
havs presented Charlemagne with a
water clock of bronie, Inlaid with gold.
Wster clocks were used op ta ths
seventeenth century. Even with ths
Introduction of tbs pendulum, water
rvd "ss tbs motor snd tba pssdo
laa ss s regulator."
A Recsnt I nit nee Proves Thst a
Woman's Happineas Is Largely De
pendent on ths Stats ef Her Blood.
When the blood Is disordered every
organ of the body Is affected unfavor
ably and falls to discharge Its func
tions proporly. In tbs esse of every
woman nature has made special pro
vision for a periodical purification of
the blood, and so long ss this occur t
ber health sod spirits unfailingly re
veal the beneficial results. So slight
a csuse as a cold or s norvouo shock
may produce a suppression of this
vital function, snd until it Is restored
she Is doomed to misery. The remedy
that baa proved most prompt and
effective In sll disorders peculiar to
tbe female sex Is that which brought
such great relief to Mlas Mattls
Qrlgge. of No. 807 Indiana street. Law
rence, Kansas, concerning which sbs
speaks as follows:
"In the winter of 1902, from some
unknown cause, there was s cessation
of functions peculiar to my sex for s
period of four months I became very
weak and could not get up stairs
without help. I hsd nausea and pain
and a constant headache. I was un
der the cars of a physician for three
months, but hs did not succeed in cur
ing me. Then s lsdy friend told me
about the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills which she bad used in ber fam
ily, and shs Induced me to try them.
It wss z May when I first began
to us them, snd In June I hsd fully
recovered my health, and bars sines
remained perfectly well."
In sll cases of delayed development
of young girls; In anemia or weakness
due to Impoverished blood and show
ing Itself In pallor, lack of ambition,
despondency and nervousness; also In
ths great constitutional disturbances
sttendlng tbe period known ss ths
change of life, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
are Invaluable for women, whoss
health Is always closely dependent on
ths state of ths blood. They are sold
by sll druggists. A booklet of valuable
Information relating to the care of a
womsn's b'th st all Important peri
ods, and entitled "Plain Talks to Wo
men," will be sent free In s sealed en
velope to any one who chooses to
writs for It to tbs Dr. Williams Medi
cine Compsny, Schenectady, N. Y.
Ready fsr Trsln's Jump.
An esteemed contemporary, tbs
Eastsra Utah Advocats, ssys la Its
news columns of a recent Issue: "A
newly married couple from Emery
eounty took tbelr first ride on a rail
road train during tbelr wedding tr.'p
last week. Hs was explaining things
with a knowing sir, when presently
he ssw a cattle guard, which from his
point of view wss mistaken for
fence across the track. Leaning back
In his seat bs excitedly exclaimed
Hold - tight, Sal; shs's going to
How's This?
Wa offer One Hanaro Dollsn Bower for
ssm m Csurrh llM esasut be sure mj Hea
r. j. chknet a co.. tmi o
for lbs list 15 s-Hr. sna ballera blm Dflrfaellr him
orsbie la sll bualnM irsniisctlcni snd ensnrlsllj
M.W V..f VUI M. J .UII.U(HI 1 1 1 ! II UJ HH I Ul
nsire Catarrh Care la lakes Inurnaltr. seems
llrectly ajhis tbe blood sad mawm turf tors of Ibe
tra'em. Trattmimtaia sent free Frloe ?l eases
bottia. Sold br sll liminliu.
'tana nsu t ramur rim ijt eoauuwuea.
Christening Ships With Wins.
Christening ships with wins Is a
survival of barbarism. In ths olden
days, when sacrifices were offered to
propitiate ths gods of s nation, It
wss ths practice to select soms per
son, snd to spill his blood ovsr tbs
prow of a new vessel. Is course of
time wins wss substituted for blood,
snd ths custom holds good la ssarly
every maritime nation to-day.
Best tea port: San Fran
cisco; nearest; least expos
ure. Tea is sensitive.
Tost i
""a year awssy V jreo Seal She
Fires Shell Six Mile.
A 4.7-Inch gun will send a 45 pound
shell s distance of over sis miles.
A tired woman; a fresh
pot of tea; there is joy ail
over her face.
Ths Nswapapsr snd Its Vlrtuss.
The newspaper Is, In short, firmly
establishing its rlgbt to ths three
cardinal virtues It bss claimed for tts
own good faitb, discretion and lnd
pendence. Augusta (Gs.) Herald.
Sousa's Bsnd Festival.
It Is a long tlms since Sonsa has
been beard here. His great successes
In Europe kept his name before ths
public, but the Jolly snd characteristic
concerts for which his band Is famous
bav been greatly missed. His last
European tour was the most compre
hensive trip of tbe kind ever under
taken by any organization, and com
prised 362 concerts In 135 different
cities In thirteen different countries. It
extended from Cork, Ireland, to St.
Petersburg, Russia, and established a
new record of receipts snd srtlstlo tri
umphs. Now he has returned to bis
own country and is to sppear at tbe
Salt Lake Tabernacle on November 10
and 11, under the management .of Mr.
Pyper of the Theatre. As usual Sousa
will present soloists In addition to ths
instrumentalists of tbe band. Tbey
will be Estelle Llebllng, soprano; Jes
sie Straus, violinist, and Herbert L.
Vseatlons Empty Purses.
A Parisian Journalist estimates tbst
Europeans on tbelr vseatlons spend
sbout tl60.COO.000 s year.
Can a very bad person
like tea very much, do you
Coatly 8tlrcss st Glasgow.
Ths famous marbls stslrcas af ths
Glasgow ssuBlclps buildings sost I
tUft-600. !
Lsnden Youth of Long Age ftsmsnv
bered All Hs Hsd Read.
Ths London Times recently pub
lished sn extract from Its columns of
i century sgo in which were related
tbs remarkable feats of memory per
formed by T. P. Old field, who died at
Qrotto bouse, Margate, In the six
teenth yesr of his sge. The extract
"At ths sge of five snd ons-bslf
years hs bad scarlet fever, which
brought on him paralysis of tba lower
extremities snd debilitated bis body
tor tbs rest of his life, but bis mind
presented tbe finest display of human
"Whatever be read be Instantly had
by heart; his favorite pursuits were
ths mathematics, philosophy, astron
omy, geography, history snd painting,
in sll of which bs made s great pro
ficiency. His favorite authors were
Locke snd Newton, snd bis retentive
faculties were so strong that be never
forgot a single Incident with which bs
had been once acquainted.
"He could relate every circumstance
of Grecian, Roman and English his
tory; was master of sstronomy snd
had pursued It up to all Its recent
discoveries; bad the finest taste for
drawing snd painting snd would fre
quently take admirable likenesses of
persons who struck blm from memory.
Hs wrots a hand like copper plate and
at a very early period In life bad made
himself master of arithmetic.
"He was never known to bs out of
temper, snd though be suffered sn
Illness of ten years, which terminated
In a dropsy and bursting of a blood
vessel upon the lungs, be was never
once known to repine or be Impa
tient His wit was brilliant and re
fined and bis loss will aver be regret
ted by those who bad the happiness to
know him."
-1 IN:,
XVt-Cetable Preparalionfor As
similating (he Food andBcguIa
ling the S tornado nndDovrols of
Promotes DigcstionCheerful
ness and ResLContalns neither
Opium.Morpliine norMiiicraL
1ot Narcotic.
'sBBrjBr'a?BB. o ewlfJBV,
Apetfscl Remedy forCortsIlpa
flon , Sour Stonwh.Diairhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,Fcvcn sh
nrss and Loss or Sleep.
Tae Simile Signature of
A Young Philosopher.
Two little maids of four snd six
years respectively were sested on s
stool. Presently tbe elder of the two
ssld reflectively: "Don't yon think
that If one of us wss to get up there
would be more room for msT"
Why do we advertise?
To tell you what's good
for you.
Why don't we tell then?
Don't we ?
Tsar anear isierns yaw sussy tf yea esa'l Iks
Conversations! Topics.
It Is safa to bst that people talk
more about dress, dishes snd dlseass
than sbout anything else.
i euALiitf -
acIkti&v: z.
wnuwuidimi van,M
tat esuu um KMwt
Mustang Liniment
cares Cuts, 13 urn a, Bruises
s now oan. aarae, rao aaa oav wa
Car. In Souls and West Temple It.
Onr F. t Hill Dru Co..
When Answsring Advertisements
Kindly Mention Thla Papsr.
D(coPYorwi.A-.BEa JJ jf
"! BVffVMMI sltsJHsWssI MM
Rev. Jacob D. Vsn Dores, of If
Sixth street. Fond Du Lao, Wis,
Prssbyterlsn clergymsn, ssys: "I hsd
sttscks of kidney dls
orders which kept mi
In tbs house for dsyi
st a time, unable ta
do anything. What I
suffered ess Lardly
v CI be told. Compiles-
A li tions set In, tbs par-
'1' ill tlculsrs of which I
"I jiJ will be pleased to
t V I give In a personal In
terview 10 any on
who requires Infor
mation. This I csa
conscientiously ssy:
rjil woan rviuucy rius
rT5H caused s general lm
mVmri?m7i provement la my
health. They brought
great relief by lessening the pain and
correcting ths action of tbs kidney
Dean's Kidney Pills for sals by sn
dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mil-burn
Co, Buffalo, N. Y.
"What's that nolsef "That's'
Gladys. She hss a $S gold piece
bsngle tbst was coined ths yesr she
wss born snd shs wsnts to wssr It
sgsln." "But that doesn't sxplsla tbs
bsmmerlng." "Sbe's battering It sa
ths year won't show." Houston Post-
Write HtmiWt ITS RKMKDT Co.. China. M
your era. ere eore fir tnll.nied, asd est eealiare
adrloe end free easiplesIUUltili. Ucuraeailere-Uaa,
No Hurry.
A remarkabls story Is told of s
clergyman abiding In s southwestern
suburb of London, who, concluding
sermon, ssld: "Yes, my brstbrsa,
there Is a bell," snd then, drawing
out bis wstcb, added, "but ws will aa
go Into tbst Juat now."
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Magnificent Crop for I0O4,
weeiern OsnsSa's
Wheel Or thla
Veer Will Be SB,.
000,000 BuBBBle,
nd Wheel at a-raeJ
ant le Wert I.Ms
The Oat ana Sarie? Cree Will Alt VMS AsaSaatr
Splendid price tor all kinds at grala, eaMtd
and other Isrm produce tor tbe grawlag eg
which the climate is unaurpassod.
About IM.000 Americans have eettleg la 1
rn Canada dunus the past three year.
Thousand of f rra hamesuiaAa at let i
each atlU available la the seat acriealtaral Si.
It ha heea aald that the United State wtTl
be forcwl to Import whoat within a very fa
year. Harare a farm In Oaaada aad k)eeee
one of those who will produce lu
Apply for Information to Buperlnteadeat mi
Immlsratloa. Ottawa. Oaaada. or ta authorlaal
Canadlsa Government Aavrov-Benl. Devise.
Room , Dunn Block, Central Arena. OreaS
rails. Mac Una.
Strawberry and .
Vegetable Dealers
Tba Pausnm Derailment of tba Illinois
Contral Railroad Company bare recently issues
a publication known a Circular Nu. IS, la whte
is ueseribed tke
best territory in this country
ror tb (rowlug or eary sirowocmes ana wsriy
rr-ge tables. Every iloslT la snob produott '
ihould address a postal card to the iindors!ew4
cfiilarqNo ' llWa' rwUC "
i. r. lullsx, Aaah oral rass r acwsa.
Whan Answering Advrtlmnts
, Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. V.. Salt Lak-No. 44. IB04, ,
4 (tin ami til list raits
J Best Cooks Syrup- Twtef Oootf.
J Is time. Bom by aniinr!..
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