Newspaper Page Text
wW.i The VOL. lVI PIOCHE, NEVADA, FRIDAY JANUARY 19 1000 NO State Farm in Lincoln County. The meeting of the board .of re f nt wbich was scheduled to take p'.ce yet rday morning in the r-g-n'a room eh the oDivrriiity did not oceonr autil 7 o'clock ia the averting. Rfteni V. W. Boober of Elko and Regent H. S SUrrett of Battle Mountain were delayed ly the wrecl of th fast mail at Har ney late Friday evening and did not arrive in Rh do until 5 o'clock jea terdny afternoon. The meeiiog was held in the Washoe CouLty Btnk building and a fu'l board was pres ent.' The attention of the board was taken up entirely making ar rangetuents for the new experi mental farm iu Lincoln county. The question of fencing in the land was first taken up and S. H. Weils of Lojiau wis ttwnrJi-d a coutrct for furnishing one thousand ..cedar posts for enclosing lie land. The purcham- of barb d ire sod the lettiug of a contract for fencing the 1hu1 were the next mutters that came up for discussion. The board ordered that ho advertisement for bids for performing this work be published in the C'alieute Express, the puper located nearest the new farm. The contract made by Charles Cobb, the agent of the board, with H. B. Mills of Logan for the land for $5.50 per acre was approved by the regents. According to the pro visions of the contract twenty acres on the east end and tri- same mount on the west end nro to be cleared by Febrimry 5th. The remaining fortv acres are to be ready for use by March 1st. The soil in the eastern part of the farm is sandy and it is the intention of the experiment staff to use this land for. horticultural purposes. The western part will be used io conducting xperimeiits. The appointment of a director for the new farm .was not made at this meeting of the oard because they felt the putting of the laud in shape for ubh was more important.. The man who will be iu charge of the tation will probably be appointed at the next meeting eate enough to support s large number of experta in mining law and to keep the courts busy in a dozen states; but the lode miner cliugs to it juat as the placer miner clinge to hie pan and cradle. It would seem . that the mining industry had not grown to propor tions r quiring uome government supervision. Agriculture and com merce has received enormous p proportions fr the public welfare; but ruining is left to take care of itself. P rhaps, when it ia more fully- rea ixed wout a tseaaure house we have in Alaska, tho oeutral gov ernment will tike measures to pro per'y protect the immense wealth of the mines, both by efficient and pracital laws and by proper repre sentation. Tbig i id us try deserves a bureau at Washington and a seat in the cabinet. Deputy Sheriff J. J. Monahan was up from Caliente Wednesday and Thursday. The State Semi-Annual appor tionment of School money's "gives to Lincoln County the sum of $7,439. 28, to this will be added the sum of $5,000 county school money making a total of $12,439.28. This is the greatest amount that the schools of Liuoalu County will have received' for many years in one apportion ment. The funds will all be on a good footing when this amount is apportioned which will be this mouth some time. Too Rich to Amalgamate. The Searchlight is authority for the statement that ore his. been en countered in the Quartette mine which is too rich to Amalgamate properly lu the mill. The ore is a fine-grained, deep red q iartz, and falls like sand 1 under tie pick. Wire gold often hoMs the quarts together. This ore in mixed with low grade ore, so that the vnlua can be extracted by milling without loss. . .. , ; IMHQ HEAT MARKET. CHAS CULVER WELL, JR. PROPRIETOR. ihe laotl of ODBfiriBaili! CaUtttit. - - Hand. - rr . . (Opposite PostofEce.) Farming, Fruit Raising Don't forget the aff.iir of Ihff rea son to-night in ThoiuhnoD's hall. THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM," Published every Evening Except Sundcy. A newspaper that contains all the news aud 24 hours ahead of other dailies. Six mouths $3 50 Single copies .03. One year $7.00 One mouth .6' The Oreqon Short Line Railroad Co. Will gladly furnish descriptive matter in regard to state's resources. D. E. BunLEt, D, S. Spincxb, Q. P. & T. Aet. A. G. P. k T. Agt Salt Lake City, Utah. Change in Vinins; Laws. Reno's Criminal Record. Fifteen hundred and thirty-two arrests were made last year by the Reno police department for offtnees ranging from nuisances to the most serious felonies. The total coat of keeping these prisoners was $2,304. 60 for the 15,364 meals they con sumed. They returned to the city a revenue of $8,000, men serving terms in the c ty jail working out sentences upon. the street to the ex tent of 4,100 days. The Dumber of cash fines paid is not included in this report. Gazette, '- NOTICE. In The Fourth Judicial Dis trict Court of the State ' of and lor ' the County of Lincoln. ; Senator Clark has introduced a bill in ronir ss iminu miners the right to tunuel through adjoining lands to reach veins which the owner has the right to follow, under existing laws, from his own proper ty through all its dips, angles aud variations. It is the existing law of extra lateral rights with modern im provements. As Senator Clark is a member of the committee on mines and mining, it is probable that the bill will be favorably reported. When amine owner or corpora tion lays claim to the nptx or top o' a lode, the neighboring claim own ers ari ready to fight. The law re ports of the miuing states are full of cases wheriu the law of the apex is in dispute. It might seem eusy U determine where, the highest p iut of a veiu comes, the part ne trst the surface; but it is really one of the most puzzling problems in iniuinu engineering. If nature hud formed only ideal vei us of metal when iu the agonies of upheavel, there would be fw cases for the court; but in the i volu ion of the. earth's surface mil en mtsl rau into crev ices, and the rtbultant veil s of ere re found iu every imagiuable fan tas ic posi'ion aud shape. In the Leadville district juries always fiud againBt txtra lateral rights, iu spite of tue law of the apex, because the deposits there are almost fiat beds. The miner who once established the right to dig under his neighbor's grouud would practically own the the whole district. In some of the mining otmps a movement has been started to abol ish the law of the apex altogether. The proposition is bitterly opposed because if such a law w re passed, it would not take away rights al ready in possession and covering more than two-thirds of the miuing lands, and we would then have two laws in force directly at variance with eaoh other. The practical miner does cot want the law of apex aboliahed. It ia involved and iotri la the Matter of lh or A. S. rbomproo, D- oHd Nolce-o( tiuht ap. pointed ft proviua Will Nolle is h.reby Kia that Wiinalmlna Thnmp .on hit. ftluU m ttit) ftbuYw umumI conn, petition rayiuy for the probata of the laat Will and tee e nwnt f almnnticr ". II otupeon. dtceaarn, aud ibat rrl the Mih 4r of nteuiber. D 1M16 ru o'u.ook 4. M la .idly .1 to. Court roam in tta. V wn uf Floobe. tun Bean Mt lor in aeanna of aal petiti -m aud fur provtu eel W1U for bearlug ihe ipucMumor wua iinlue innp-oii for toe ta muuu uumou to a.' f let tern teetameutary wkiab tleie an J pia . any paraoa tntameted tu.y eppea. er.debo cat! . way aalu petittoo ehould not bw ftrant -a and aul n II a twitted to pob-kti H. i iMlLKl ja, Clerk of ait i Oonrr. lUoiic Goodrich. Upu. Oatad Soy; tth i. V. I. - -aborua. AtutiHt: for Htftl'luaar H. W. UNDERHILL CALIENTE - NEV. Fine Wines, liquors, and Citjare. m ma MB EEI: Call Once and You will , , sure and return. be HANS OLSEITS i s one of tho Finest Places in Caliente. Xf you wish anything in tho jcgty of - 1 Bafe" Wlnew UALIENi'K NEVADA. T H P A LA C E X' Jtdtar3. In uie Fotirth Jadicial Dis trict Court of the 'State of Nevada, in &ud for the Counts of Lincoln. J. O. iJvowa, a Th finest of Wines. ,'r .'.iiqaors , s'i I gars, .ti v . i AviD andl Mining rhich Trinity of Industries in "'she is unexcelled.. Irrigation has made her farming an unparalleled success. Wholesale & Retail TD3DA.IiEir IN Fqbr HALOOH. Calient6,; Nevada. Is a place if in Caliente you can get the finest of OIGAFt : LIQUOI' ife'and all 1.1 .oJ qr sort Billard aod Fool Table. GEO. V. WARREN, - - PROP. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Fish, Fresh Oysters "-eceived every Friday. F. H. MclSAMEE, , dLttoriiey Oouxusellor " at - Xaa-WV, Oll.AMaa, KSVABA. Notice to Creditors. NEW ASSAY OFFICE - PIOCHE. .'. . NEVADA Asssyer & Chemist. Fully equipped for all manner of assaying and analytical work. Prices reasonable, Work reliable. Prompt attention given to Samples by Mail. References furnished on application WILLARD McRAE, PIOCHE. NEVADA. In Th District Court of the Fourth Judiolal OI tri t County Liuooln State of Nevada. In the Matter of the Eatata. Lafayette Hoods, Deoested, , Notice is hereby given that the underBiirned has been duly aooeint- if i r ed and -qualified by the District Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Lincoln, as admin istrator of the estate of Lafayette Woods, deceased. All creditors having claims againBt said estate are required to file the the same with proper vouchers at txched, with the Clerk of said Court within three months af;er the first publication of this notice. Lymau L. Woods, Administrator of the estate o Kast Time T 1 1.. .1 I I ' Dated, Aiigrust 8, 1905- D'tteof first publication, Aug 8, 1905 T. J. Osborne, Atty for Estate. 3STOW RTT3rrasriasrGr. SALT LAKE TO LAS ANGELES, ;''::viA,;;;". V-' y m mm STATIos. CBLVEBKMj iotgl Calioato, - - - ITcvadcx. Best ot Accommodations Rrr Clasm Beds and good Rooms. Special Attention given the Kitchen end Dining Room, and the Dest tho Market Affords VU! be served. Hot Sanitarium and Baths in Connection with Water 104 degrees Fahrenheit. the Hotel, Livery and Feed Stable Horsea JDoardedl by the Day, Week andl Slonth. Blacksmith Shop hero you can ot alllliindrof Blacliml tiling doncj at CHAS. CULVERWELL -PROPRIETOR HENRY lUELLTO V Wholesale and Eetai I Dealer in GENERAL OERCHANDISE j)) Groccrlca and Provisions, GlasstiGro and CroIsas?y, Winiss, Zalqaoss 'and Cigar. A Complete Lin of miners Supplies always on hand. Superb Equipment, 'Observation Sleepers. WANTED. A TRUSTWORTHY QENTi,KMA.N OB lady in each oomrtj to manage bnainaM for an old aatabltahed hooas of alld noaocial atanUng. A a'ralvtac. bona fid. wwllj eaah aalary of $1 S.O0 paid by cbsok uob W dnea lay with all sxrwnaea dlrao from neaaquanera, raouey aaranoea ror axpenat Maaaitar, 9V cuioa Sinn., u.wago Write nearest Agent, or to. .J. L. MOORE, D. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. TP 0 TABIjTHS. SUMMONS. In In the matter of tkie estate of Mrs. Annie Deck, Deceased. Notice is here.iy given tbut the underBigiied was on tbe 15tU day of August, A. D 1905. iluly appointed, aud on tue 29th dy of Augqt,1905 duly qualified by tti Fourth Judic ial JPiHtrict Court of tbe State of Nnvada in and for Liu colli County, as the administrator of tbe estate of Mrs Annie Deck, deceased. All creditors having cl iitns against said estate are required to tile tbe same, with proper voucher and statutory utiiUtivutt attached, with thv CierK of aid !Uurt, within four wt-eue from the first publicutiou of t.,.s notice." JOHN rl." DECK, Ad in iu istrator. Dated, Aug, 29, 1905. Cb.m. Leo Horsey, . Attorney for Adiuininlrator. Date of fir tt publication, Sept. 1st, 1905. CHAS. LEE HORSEY OOUjCT -1 SLOR'A r LAW " Piochb, - Nevada. the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for the County of Lincoln, AS3AYER Airo CHEMIST. Pioche, Nevada. I7e State of Nevada Sends Greeting, to at Whit mora and Taoy T. Qraoa. 1 pa' art bnwbv required to appaar In an action onmmenoad agalnrt yon aa drf. ndant by Th. Moapa O ild, AiiTraud Onppr KiBin Company,, onrpurotien a. platnlifr, to Uta foartk Jndlot.1 riatrMtOunn of tba Stat, ot NaTada. Liuoula Ooauiy, tlm town of Pi K)h.. .nit uinr th. c.-mpuitit her bIb , wblcb icon nle with th. Clerk of aaid Court, within tan dat altar h Mirrica ua you f tkia aummona laxolnalra of tba Jay of wrTlor: il aannd ta Mid Ojanty. .ir twtmy dat if aarred oat of amid County, bat within thl. nia. trict, and la ail othar raw. forty dajra.or judfranat by defaait till ba takaa aKaiaat you, eoordin W ia prxyrr t tii om,lali k Iha ati a'ou ir bro'igbi 'O rM )nd('Mnt aHaiua ion, ib. .aid .f vdane i.M-tba Qaia! ut v.- coimrn.ina 01 una ta lea HI .1 Plaintiff .ad u lb., folltiwia !ani, nuamf elal atiiwad ;ao ap iuxa "aiulD m. . LUO l Ooint Htataaf rada: 'ha HaticI Loda mina:01ata tha .lupunu Lola illung Oiaiu an-v bt tllaa Loil. MUitcia Cliia. abo yon k iu-niby u-r'athti.f yua fall to a. pa and a n,-r .aa aumplaint aa ibm rvaulml. h ald plalutiit U1 apply u tba Ooart t.i aud tak judii unt aval Ml yon fir th. mitof U . an '.d lu aaid oomyteia'. In IVatlisony Wbaraof. I. H. J. Snodriob liav. hamunio wt my band offloUUy, and tfBnd th aeal aaid 'ot.r, tbia lttb day of Sopaaav oar, &. v. iwa. H. J. Ooini0rt, - County Clerk and Bi -officio Clerk vf taa Foarth ndirUl Olatriut Court, ot th. Stat. of erad, Llnooln Oo-iuty j B kum Qoodrich. Deputy Clark DANCE, to-nig: ;t. ; Sucot rt iaaiS wltll N otlce To Creditors- In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, In end for the County of Lincoln, State of Nevada. In th. MUter of th. Batata or 0. W. Elliott. Daceeeed. Kotioe ta hereby giTaa that the nndernimed ha wm on the I- day of June, A. D. 1908 duly ap pointed, and on th. Slat day of Jan.. 1M, duly I qualified by th. fourth Judicial Dietrict Oooit Stat, af HeTada, in aad tot Linooln Oonnty, aa th. Admlnletrator of th. aetata of O W, KllioM, daoaaaed, All ciaditora kaTlB elalma aaainat aaid aetata an required to Ala th. earne, with proper Toucher. atatutcry aMdarltt attached, with th. Clerk ot aaid Mart, within three month, after th. iret publication of thl. notlc. " H. B. rLUOTT, F. B. McMaiaea. AdalnUtrator. Attorney far Admlaletntor. Pint pablioatioa Jan. to. 1S0 DAKING OUDER Bntu&WpVct may b wtta vb fey pertoss wita A tiletU jij?MiiTn if. POPT-THIBD TtUt. -SdERTlFiC PRESS .. UPafcs t .Tecily I Oesintea. INDISPENSABLE rvlTO MINING MEN, ' $3 PER YEAR. POSTPAID. KXD VCH BAXI't COPT. Vy IpaUiCirr fcT. SAU raASOi?CO, Cil mm W " A in ftl GHOES. MAIN BTOPP MEADOW VALLEY- STREET Piooho, - ... . IToxratln. Pioche and DeLamar Stage Line. Via Calicntcs and Panaca. J. A. DENTON Proprietor. stages leave DeLamar at 7 A. M. every day, Leave Panaca at 11 A. M. and Pioche at 8:00 A. M every day, connecting with the SL, L A & S L Railroad at Calientes. Pioche Office at Thompson's Store. A S. Thompson, Agent. Caliente Drug S LUI U JOHN SHIER. PROPRIETOR E::iC3FlEHSlSFr3l WB WAICT wn eat iluai an m aeytaaaaw ail ekeal a auaaa MTatVUata awea, tieuileaadSaearaaa. Weawnamamceei pllad a velaabie aieece tlUitmlea aeek. tataaf act ealyall abort S ThVHNS anas, bat eoa. '. tlaan, ajaafaaiaea, horn to aaadle aai care aVSetc. TW.wew5ll eeed yea HUB. aw Mm yea Med ear CLBVSK KIPU rUZZUit laat f DM, panaaid, U rm aak aw tt. AM VOVa DBAUa roa THE STSVam 9. BTXVZSB ABHB AHD TOOL CO, Atk fa O BOal 4a M oucormm ixi. bum. Fine Toilet Soaps VThe Latest PertVunes.-f O-The Latest Novelties in Writing Paper. Also a line lino of (Hiram hnfh awaaat and domestic. S3 CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND NIGH T oa t .TTnrcma, NUVAD, 1