OCR Interpretation

The Pioche weekly record. [volume] (Pioche, Nev.) 1906-1908, February 02, 1906, Image 3

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Weak, Nervous and Wretched From
Wasting Kidney Troubles.
Mrs. Henry A. Reamer, Mala and
Cant Sts.. South Bend. Ind., says:
"When I began
using Doan's Kld
ney Pills I was so
weak I could
hardly drag my
self across the
room. I was
wretched and ner
vous, and had
backache, bear-
rlyf eyes. Dropsy set
tn and bloating of the chest choked
me and threatened the heart. I had
jlttie hope, but to my untold surprise
Doan's Kidney Pills brought me re
lief and saved my life. I shall never
forget it."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Ml'.burn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Brief and to the Point.
Rev. Snyx preached Sunday night
on charity. The sermon was punk.
Pocahontas, Va., Times.
'. backache,
VrW headache.
WS$&T' ness n(1
W&P eyes. Dro
Boy Well Knew Bishop Waant NeaH
End of Sermon.
The late Bishop Kastbum of Mass-,
chusetts was a man of very Imposing
appearance, and when robed in his big
sleeved canonicals gave the Impres
sion of sailing under full canvas. In
the pulpit he had a habit of drawing
himself up at Intervals, with chest
raised and head thrown back, which
gave him a very pompous air.
A little boy of Newburyport. not
fully Inured to long sermons, and,
wearying under his heavy periods,
mildly suggested to his mother that ha
would like to "cut the rest of it." but
she tried to beguile him with the a
surance that the good man waa Just
ready to stop, when he eagerly re;
plied: "Oh, no, mamma, he isn't!
cause he s Just blowed blsself up
again." .
Excellent Neighbors.
Col. Quackenboss built his new
house at the edge of a cemetery.
"Wherefore?" questioned friend
protesting against the choice of situ
ation. "Just a fancy of my own," re
plied the colonel. "The dead are ex
cellent neighbors."
Tumors Conquered
Without Operations
Unqualified Success of
Vegetable Compound
and Miss Adams.
Lvdia E. PmKham'l
tn Cases of Mrs. Fox
Aj&jKyFannle Fox Myr4li"1'uetlattm3
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
" E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the conquering of woman's dread
enemy, lumor.
: 8o-called " wandering pains" may
come from its early stages, or the pres
ence of danger may be made manifest
.by excessive monthly periods accom
panied by unusual pain extending from
the abdomen through the groin and
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indicationsof inflammation, ulcera
tion or displacement, don't wait for
time to confirm your fears aDd go
through the horrors of a hospital opera
tion; secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound at once and begin
Its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of
Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Read these strong letters from grate
ful women who have been cured:
IWrMn PlnUWm- (First Letter .1
"In looking over your book I see that your jtukiug a regu
medicine cures Tumors. I have been to a ifreat relief tbi
doctor and be tells me I have a tumor. 1
will be more than grateful if you can help
me, as I do to dread an operation." Fannie
D. Fox, Bradford, To.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham : (Second Letter.)
" X take the libertv to congratulate you on
the success I have had with your wonderful
, "Eighteen months ago my periods
stopped. Shortly after I felt so badly I sub
mitted to a tuorouRh examination by a phy
sician, and was told that I had a tumor
and would bave to undergo an ojieration.
" I soon after read one of your advertise
ments and decided to give Lydia S. Pink
, ham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottle as directed, the tumor is
entirely gone. I have again been examined
by the physician and he sayi I bave no signs
or a tumor now.
It la Claimed That Many of the Unfor
tunates on the Valencia Might Have
Been Rescued by the Queen.
San Francisco, Cal. The steamer
Queen, Captain James Cousins, has
arrived from Puget sound ports and
'the scene of the wreck of the Valencia.
Directly conflicting stories are told by
those on boird regarding the failure
of the Queen to rescue any of the
people who wore seen clinging to the
rigging or huddled on the afterdeck
of the rapidly sinking vessel.
Chief Boatswain's Mate C. P. Jor-
,gensen of the cruiser rnuaaeipnia.
who with twenty Bailors belonging to
that vessel came down on the Queen,
severely scores the officers of that
vessel. He says:
"I was standing on the forward deck
and could plainly see the men and
women on the Valencia. I volunteered
to man a lifoboat with my men and
attempt to rescue some of the Imper
iled ones. It was a life and death
chance, but we all were willing to
take It. The captain would not con
sent, and so we hrd to stand by ana
watch the signals of distress. After
two hours, during which no attempt
was made to launch a boat, the Queen
put back to Victoria."
Chief Boatswain's Mate D. S. Sul
livan corroborated Jorgenson's state
ment that the Philadelphia's men
were willing to undertake to save all
the lives possible, but they were pre
vented from doing so by Captain
Cousins. Sullivan also charges that
the officers of the Czar and Salvor
were too timid to take the risks neces
sary to rescue those on the Valencia.
Captain Cousins denies the state
ments of the bluejackets, saying:
"It's a lie that these fellows were
ready to go out In a small boat. Not
one of them said a word. If they had,
I would not have allowed them to go
to certain death in the heavy
that was then running."
It has also brought my
periods around once more; and I am
entirely well. I shall never be without a bot
tle of Lydia Pinkham s Vegetable Compound
in the house." Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa.
Another Case of Tumor Cured
by Lydia E Pinkbani's Vegeta-
1.1.. .w..i twI
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" About three years ago I bad Intense pain
in my stomach, with cramps and raging
headarhes. The doctor prescribed for me,
but finding that I did not get any better he
examined me and, to my surprise, declared
I bud a tumor.
"I felt rare that it meant my death warrant,
and waa very disheartened. I spent hundreds
of dollars in doc toring, but the tumor kept
growing, till the doctor said that nothing but
an operation would save me. Fortunately I
corresponded with ray aunt in one of the New
England States, who advised me to try Lydia
E.l'inkhaiu'sVegetableOompound before nub-
openttion, ana i at once icaixea
ular treatment, Qndini
mitting; to an oi
uar treatment, nnauig to my
at rav sreneral health began to
improve, and after three months I notice!
that the tumor had reduced in aim. 1 kept
on taking the Compound, and in ten months
it had entirely disappeared without an oper
ation, end using no medicine but Lydia E.
FinWiam's VegetaDle uompouna, ana worus
fail to express how grateful I am for the good
it has done me." Miss Luella Adams, Colon
nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash.
Such unquestionable testimony
proves the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and should give
confidence and hope to every sick
Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing
women to write to her at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound j a Woman's Remedy Tor Women's Ills
Two Cows Collected
jr We collected two cows for Thomas
Hillyrd of Smithlield, Utah. This
was in settlement of an old bill
' thirteen years of age. I had been
in our hands a little over a year.
Have you got any bad debts that need
collecting? Do you need some cowst
If Mr. Hillyard had turned (hit bill in
twelye years ago, he might have had a
herd of cattle by this time.
Turn in your bad debts. The longer
you wait the longer the people who
owe you will wait.
FRANCIS G. LIKE. General Manager. Some People Don't Like Vs.
For Your Family and Your Blorso
Tho Best Antiseptic Known.
Rheumatism, Strains,
Sprains, Swellings
and Enlargements.
Price, 23c, 60c. and $1.00.
615 Albany St., Boston, Mass.
, Starch Factory for Box Elder.
Salt Lake City. As a result of the
investigations of the Manufacturers
and Merchants' association, and its
committee on industries, It is alto
gether likely that a factory for the
purpose of manufacturing starch from
the potatoes of the state will be
erected In a short time in Box Elder
nonntv. On the occasion of the ex
cursion that was given by the associa
tion to Kaysville, Brigham City, Og
den and Logan, the members of a
committee that had broached the
starch factory Drooosition to the as
sociation boarded the train at Brig
ham Citv. and showed the association
members the proposed site of the fac
tory. It is understood that worn win
be begun early in the spring on the
One Man Went Mad When tho
Queen Sailed Away.
Victoria, B. C Chief Cook Han
cock, a survivor of the Valencia's life
raft found in Barclay sound, in telling
of the experiences of those who were
with him on the raft, said so poignant
was the disappointment of the ship
wrecked men when the steamer
Queen failed to see their signals and
Bheered away that one went mad and
a few minutes later died. The others.
to lighten the raft, pushed his Doay
overboard. Then another passenger,
with a cry, slipped off the raft, leav
ing eight. Four of the men only lived
to reach the shore.
Clarence Long, a smelterman, aged
,35 years, committed suicide at Great
Falls, Mont., In a room in a lodging
house occupied by Miss Mary Mickle
flst. with whom he was In love and
of whom he was jealous.
"Bluff of Bridegroom That Met With
Deserved Failure.
A good story is told on a young
clergyman In the suburbs who wss re
cently married and who was properly
punished for trying to make a "front"
It la a well known rule among
clergymen not to take a fse from
dominie for marrying him. The gen
eral custom Is. however, for the best
man to go through the usual form and
present the officiating clergyman with
ac envelope containing the fee. The
minister then pays a graceful compu
tus to the bride and presents the en
velope to her. Aware of this custom,
the young minister thought he would
make a big showing before his bride
and placed $100 In the envelope, smil
ing In anticipation of her surprise
when she should open It and see what
her lover was willing to pay for be
ing united o her.
Tho young man's consternation can
be Imagined when the other clergy
man calmly pocketed the envelope
and made no movement to return it
The officiating minister had heard
glowing reports of the rich bride his
joung friend was getting and decided
that the fee would do him more good
than the newly married couple, and
therefore for once departed from the
usual rule. The bridegroom Is still
sore about the $100, but the Joke was
too good for the best man to keep to
himself. Philadelphia Record.
Tssl Slip Out of Hunters' Rssch.
Teal leave the water with astonish
ing smartness, and If the shooting Is
in brush the gunner Is likely to be
reminded of the thunderous grouse, by
the way those brown bantams, the
blue-wings, slip out of reach of his
sudden storm of lead. And how they
can go when they discover what their
danger Is! I have stood In the cat
tails by a pond at evening when the
teal were coming In to roost and have
seen them burst into a speed, upon de
tecting me. that required a 20-foot
swinging lead to stop at 40 yards.
They are handsome birds, too, these
teal, and gross is the man that can
chuck them In his shooting coat with
out a glance of admiration at the trim
lines of them. Lynn Bogus Hunt, In
"Shooting Ducks on Middle Western
Ponds," In The Outing Magazine,
For the Indoor Garden.
There are four essentials for a suc
cessful Indoor garden even tempera
ture, cleanliness, unremitting attention
to ward off Insects, and careful water
ing, neither drowning, which produces
sourness of the soil and yellowness
on leaves, nor droughts, which cause
a general wlltiness, not to mention
premature decease. Exchange.
) (A vol A tutS. Av& vi
I v w . w i i y i ill 'w' : I i t J . v i v " i
To sweeten,
To refresh,
To cleanse the
end Gently;
There is only
one Genuine
Syrup of Figs;
to get its bene
ficial effects
V i . t
Dispels colds cnJ
hcadciches . when
bilious cr con
stipated; For men, women
and children;
Acts best on
the kidneys
and liver,
stomach and
Always toy the genuine Manufactured by Li.3
I K-l ...'At
Louisville, Kyi
Sm Francisco, Ced.
The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by all first-class
druggists. The full name of the companyCalifornia
Fig Syrup Co. is always printed on the front
of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle.
Importance of Proper Diet
The basis of all foods consists of at
least four essential elements; but It
does not follow that all these ele
ments will be present in equal pro
portions In various life sustaining
substances. Thus, weight for weight,
bread contains more carbon than
meat, and meat more nitrogen than
bread. These theoretical considera
tions are borne out by observed
facts. Modern researches have shown
that there Is an Intimate relation sub
sisting between the quality and quan
tity ot food taken and the kind of
work or "energy" Into which it is
eventually transformed. Hence a
man's diet ought to depend in great
part on his work.
Virtue Coming In.
There is not much scandal going
the rounds. Recklessness has been
found not to pay and, happily, women
ever the greater sufferers think
the game is not worth the candle.
The word respectable Is not yet In
favor, but It has ceased to be synon
ymous with dulness. '
Domestic Help In London.
In the more prosperous parts of
London eighty mistresses of house
holds out of every hundred have do
mestic help. In the East End only
live families in each hundred can af
ford household assistance. In the
provinces generally one family In
every four has a servant for "help."
How Long Have You Waited
To get at decent WttoH and ehaln?
Com to our ator and how good
Watoh you can get for such a little.
'Established i
1362 f t A
Salt Lake City and Denver.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
Take The Right Read
Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis
Omaha or Kansas City
Unequalled Equip
ment on All Trains
For Full Information Writ
Gmtral Agon - 64 W. 2nd
So. St.. Salt Lakt City, Utah
Specimen prlr.ee: Gold, Silver, Leui, 1 ; (Jold, SO
nr. 7Sot Gold, Sou; Zlno or Copper, 1. Cyanide taste.
Mailing enrelopee end (nil price Hit tent oa epplle
Uon. Control tod Umpire work eollclted. Load
vllli Colo. lie(ereiica.CerbautaSaU(niBauK.
Swift & Company
musji fuilr protect
DM (.a tular
in ln entlOQ. Booklet and
FRKK. H i u h est r f i rem ml
rommanh'etUoLt coutlint1l. K a fb Untied 11.
KaMta, ?mwiJk 4 LwraM, Walking ton, . 0,
nrnnmre crrno
IBM HUiAf iN k.
i. J. Ii. Cr.ror. A
ataMefcd, at
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Salt Lake-No. 5. 1906
k Hf cii iii hu u use riiii. T- j
I k,J BeetCouKQ Syrup. Tio Oooi CeS f 5
k I M to t!m.!. S"id hy inwms.u Iff
Services Brief and Simple.
New York. An Imposing military
pageant passing across Brooniyn
bridge, brief services at St. 1 nomas
Episcopal church on Fifth avenue and
an escort across the North river ferry
to Jersey City, where the body was
iplaced on a train to be taken to
Washington for Interment In the Na
tional cemetery at Arlington, marked
the funeral Sunday afternoon 01
Rriiradier General Joseph Wheeler,
pne of the most prominent generals
,of the Spanish-American war.
Sentence of Death Passed Upon Mur
derer of rfabel Page.
Cambridge, Mass. Charles L.
Tucker, convicted of the muraer 01
Mabel Pake of Weston on March 31,
1904, has been sentenced to death by
electricity during the ween 01 June
10. When asked if he had anything
to say, Tucker addressed the court as
"Your honor, all 1 nave 10 say is
ithat I am absolutely Innocent of this
Bandits Again on the Warpath.
Algeclras, Spain. Advices received
here from Tangier by the delegates
to the conference are to the effect
that serious disorders have been re
newed between Ralsuli, the bandit
chief, and the Anjera tribesmen. One
of the Anjera chiefs were killed and
others of them, with large followlngs,
are uniting for the purpose of aggres
sive struggle with Raisull. Some of
the Moroccan specialists attending
the coaferetie hastily returned to the
Jack the Stabber.
3t Louis, Mo. While walking along
Kossuth avenue after nightfall,
Bertha Riley, aged 11 years, was ap
prehended by a young man who
stabbed her in the back and fled. The
girl ran home and was given medical
attention, the physician stating that
the wound was not serious. This
makes th sixteenth girl who has
been stabbed in the streets after night
within the past two weeks, presuma
bly by one young man who is desig
nated as "Jack the Stabber."
Year 1905 Sales.
Thi total distributive sales for 1905
This total is realized from the sale
of fresh meats (beef, mutton and
pork), provisions, produce (poultry,
butter and eggs), soaps, glues, oils,
bones, fertilizers, feathers, casings,
hides, wools, pelts and other by-products
derived from cattle, sheep, hogs
and poultry.
Margin of Profit.
The Industry Is operated on a mar
gin of less than 2 cents to each dol
lar of sales. Swift & Co. do not sell
at retail. Their entire output Is sold
at wholesale to many thousands of
dealers In various parts ot the world.
There are hundreds of local slaughter
ers throughout the United States,
who buy their live stock In competi
tion with the packer doing an Inter
state and international business. Like
wise the packer must sell in compe
tition with the local slaughterers.
There are no secret processes in the
Ir dustry, no complicated and expen
sive factories, and as live stock can
be purchased in almost every hamlet
.nd city, and the preparation of
teats is simple In the extreme, local
a.&ughterlng will long remain a fac
tor In the production of fresh meats
and provisions.
Economic Advantages.
The large packing houses will, how
ever, always have these advantages:
Locations at the chief live stock cen
ters, with the opportunity to buy the
best live stock; manufacturing In
large quantities, at the minimum ot
expense; utilization of all waste mate
rial; refrigeration; mechanical appli
ances; highly efficient business man
agement. These advantages are re
flected In the quality of the packer's
output, a quality that has reached its
highest development in the products
bearing the name and brand ot
Purchasing Live Stock.
The principal live stock centers are
Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, ! M.
Louis, St. Joseph, St. Paul and Fort
Worth. The same methods of pur
chasing cattle, sheep and hogs prevail
at all cities. At Chicago, which Is
the largest market, there are about
two hundred and fifty buyers, repre
senting packers, local slaughterers in
various cities and exporters. Of this
number, less than a score are employ
ed by Swift & Company.
The farmer ships his live stock to
Chicago, consigns them to a commis
sion firm at the Union Stock Yards,
who sees that they are unloaded and
put In pens. Then the buyers Inspect
them, make their offers to the com
mission dealer, who accepts or rejects
as his judgment dictates. All buying
must be finished at 3 o'clock each day,
and the buyer must pay spot cash.
If the commission man has no satis
factory offers, he can hold his stock
over to the next day. He gets his
commission from the farmer, and nat
urally strives to ge the highest pos
sible price for his client.
Wholesale Distributing Houses.
A wholesale distributing house is a
giant refrigerator,' but instead of
shelves there are trolley rails, from
which are suspended hooks to hang
the carcasses. Some of the houses
cost as much as a hundred thousand
dollars to build and equip. As a rule
they are of pressed brick, the lnsides
being lined floor, walls and celling
with highly polished hardwood. The
floors are covered daily with fresh
sawdust, and all are kept spotlessly
clean. There are over three hundred
of these wholesale houses in various
cities of the United States, and the
public is always welcome to visit
Packing Plants.
Buildings, Space. Land,
Acra. Acres, meres.
Chicago 44i 87 47
Kansas City . 7 30 19V4
Omaha 6 28 23
St. Louis 7 197A 31
St. Joseph .... 64 25 19
St. Paul 5 12 16
Fort Worth ... 8 15 22
I Packing Plants.
i All the Swift ft Company plants are
located at the great live stock mar
kets, In the heart of the great agri
cultural sections, where can be pur
chased the finest grades of cattle,
sheep and hogs. We have seven pack
ing plants, employing at each from
two to eight thousand persons.
The following gives the locations
and sizes of the different plants: ,
The total number of persons em
ployed in all the Swift packing plants
and branch, houses aggregate over
26,000 persons. Conditions for em
ployes in the various manufacturing
and operating departments Is contin
ually Improving with the construction
of new buildings and the Installation
of new and up-to-date equipment.
Sanitation and Hygiene.
The housewife makes no greater ef
fort to keep her kitchen clean than
we do to keep in sanitary and hygienic
condition our abattoirs. They are
thoroughly scrubbed at the close of
each day's operations, and automatic
appliances are used wherever possi
ble In order to eliminate the personal
handling of meats. Rigid rules gov
erning these points are strictly en
forced; laxity means dismissal.
Visitors Always Welcome.
No other Industry in the world
gives such a cordial welcome to visit
ors as Switt ft Co. We keep open
house the year around, and maintain
a corps ot specially trained guides,
with special elevators and rest rooms.
In one year we have entertained over
a quarter of a million ot men and
women; in one day Grand Army
Day, 1901 we entertained 23,000.
Among our visitors have been ambas
sadors from foreign governments,
princes, noblemen and distinguished
citizens from all lands and eminent
folks from every state In the Union.
We wish to familiarize the public
with our methods, and the best way
to do that Is to let the public see tor
Itself. We have no secret processes
or methods In any department.
Swiff s Premium Hams and Bacon,
Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon
are more widely and favorably known
than any other brand. Their popular
ity Is due to the uniform quality and
flavor of the meat, and to their fine
appearance when received from the
dealer. Each piece is branded on the
rlnd, "Swlft'g Premium U. S. Inspect
ed," and wrapped In cheesecloth and
white parchment paper.
Look for the brand, "Swlft'g Prem
ium," when buying hams and bacon.
Swift's Sliver Leaf Lard
Is a strictly pure lard, kettle rend
ered, and put up In 3, 5 and 10-pound
sealed palls. It is America's Stand
ard Lard, and enjoys a high reputa
tion and an enormous sale.
Swift's Soaps.
An Interesting feature ot a trip
through the Chicago plant is a visit to
the soap factory, one of the largest
and most complete in this country.
There we manufacture numerous toi
let and laundry soaps, and washing
Among which are:
Wool Soap, widely and favorably
known; for toilet and bath, and wash
ing fine fabrics.
Crown Princess Toilet Soap, highly
Pride Soap, for laundry and
household use.
Swift's Pride Washing Powder, un
surpassed tor all cleaning purposes.
Swift's Specialtit
Swift's Premium Ham
Swift's Premium Bacon
Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon.
Swift's Premium Lard
Swift's Winchester Ham
Swift's Winchester Bacon
Brookfield Farm Sausage
Swift's Sliver Leaf Lard
Jewel Lard Compound
Swift's Cotosuet
Swift's Jersey Butterin
Swift's Beef Extract
Swift's Beef Fluid
Swift's Premium Milk-Fed Chickens
Swift's Soaps.
Wool Soap
Scented Toilet Soaps
Swift's Pride Soap
Swift's Pride Washing Fpwto

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