Newspaper Page Text
'The Pioche We - V - EKLT VOL. l.Vl Commi lcner' Met ting. Tie'1. ut. t il ii..l ,T F. bio rv ili Rt'i, O ro , B.ldwin t-.A N sbiit nil n) f. jTesci.l sod l r Euyei.e 0"0 !r b r t, . .f infliiii., ? '!' .1 U'li uini !iUi.r 8.1- '! 15." rmrf, nt'prnv. .1 mnl i;;nnl hy thr Cbiirui uolt' li.i-.rJ. nil C. iin'v Offitvr for c maitlc. .f Pro n-Lt t 1905 rihd su-i. i proved. Bills f..r Dec niter 1905 allowed as per Cfcrt ' R gist, r c'aim txiok. Tt ie bill for Wui. E. AbU-tt for road ork for tb sum of $200 wtre or!er d returned to have Bond In ect r eiii I be bills. Tl .rebeiiiK hut one bid in for thecouH i( County Bridge nexr Cilirnt., the "!' met was awHrdfd to J-ouin L uuoi'if for toe sum of 275 ( 0 Cr.t. r d li t .1 !.tn20.. 63 iiu c!us t ii B oc 33, u n of Pioche now owi t-il by li e County be soid to A. W. Sett for tb- sum of $75.00 also lot 53 Block 25 town of Piocbe owned by tho Couuty b nob! tu A. W. Suoti for i he Bum of $3.00. Order-d tbHi lots 18 and 19 in Block 1 of the town of Pioch owofd by the boM to Win. K Orr for the sum of $50 00. ami l.i 15 and 20 in lilock 31 ovned by tbe Couuiy lie Id to Wm. ?. Orr for the consiJeratiou of $10 00. Reports of Couuty Offi cer approved. BiIIh for the ixoiitli of January nb p r Register ci.iiu Book were al low. d. Tou unite Plat of east end Addi tion of tLe Town of S. nr-'bligbt was presented for approval and the Plat comply lift with all the requiw meutB of the was approved and signed ty the Cbatruiun f tl e Boa d. The Bill of A 8. Thon.peon Co., Bt-'ge f r of R Mar's UsI.-ut-to Pi" b. wnHrjctd fr 'he r- -on th.U lie b'iIUh i ud not b' ei. antboriz d bj a y meiiiber of t!i Board. An (Xerution whs prrg nt d.'s 8U I by W .i D. M yn'ir.l J. P. t lowtifiliiD in 'be Cine of U 3. Lee tb Linco'n County, judg ment of ibf o urt being iu fav.r ? Ih- Hiwit.ff f..r the mini of $CC 0 ami ex' of suit um mntiug to the rt'n.qf $16 00, thin mttter wia Im'd ov r until M rrb tn"ti jr for.fnM er ii.T Hli'!ti"'' O' je i i ii tr reh'd'nU fi- Cr nt a Cm. M. Sli-wl D-'rii-N 30 w-iiB l.m 1 An order w n I; ti ut u bj ci netinf of he B- ard of Cuu'y Coin iiiiBHionertii be held Monday March 5th, 1906, for the purpose f drawing a jury lint sufficient for lh Marcb term of oourt. and for the tri a c!i ii of all regular dioii Ii't buMinttss. The following transfers were made, frin the General County Fund o the Salary Fund the Bnu of Fift.en Hundred Dollum, ato from tbe Q-'nml County Fond t' th St te Fund klte rhiJ of $100 00 Tux Ltty fur th- ye r 19;.G w ? made is follows; StMte, Tax Gen. rnl Cou y Conti gent Iudigent School Interest Curr. nt Expense Jury .73 .45 .15 .20 .45 .45 .20 .20 lo -l General Cou .ty Rate $'2 85 D. inu: rTnwn 3 00 Pii.ol.i. Town 3 15 No jecl rate wan levied tnx oitL er Bunkerville or Culiente, for in terest ou School B 'iidn. Meeting adjourned until Monday March 5th, 1906. Mr. E truest Gdh and Mr. F. Wi son, the bitter repre8eiiinr tb Aniericun Smdtirg St "Rtfinit'g CompHuy, Lave been witit ue tl past week. This is Mr. Yi!eoi.'a first trip to this section and be in most f-ivorably impressed with tbe general mini-g outiook. The amount of low-grade fluxing ors that abound here ate aouiewbbt a--toniabing, and the nearby large mehert will surely draw from this s ctiou a vast sud large tounage. With the adveut of tbe railroad here, Mr. W ilson says that we will be one of the largest shipping camps of fl -xing sno other ores to tbe szneltt rs. This is most grati fying news coining as it does frtm r.ine M;is of labia a em to lw no i'oul t tint tb- iu 'ns'i r r!ii nr given in honor of Pr- ident Itil. t by the Naii n al Fedei -ti ,u of Mutual Aid S ci ni a cp w is th-j gr-ategt f -at tf.n- Ii .r brieu h 1! ia tio lern Utu.S At tl i Iviequet, which wis Bpr. a I in G". ti ilea Mucbiuca in the I'll nijia .!; less thin 50.000 j.e. '. sit iluwn rimuHaiie nusly at over r.iae niiJeB of tabli-s. The ilinn. r was Bervi d by 3.600 waiters, aud in tbe course of -the feast 165,000 p'-tes were us. d, not to mention 70,000 forks and 50,000 knives. Food and drink to the ex tent of 1,300 tons were thus con sumed, which arrived at the banquetiug hsi I in 3 500 vans. Tbe b-ver gea consisre'1 t,f wine, milk, water and blacu eff-e, which were drink ont of 125,000 tu-i.blers. Tuis b inquet at wuictt there as 8' tub ed delegates from all over Frni-e, was given to mark x tbe cloBeof President Loubet'a term of office. The Galerie dea Maeuines, in which it was given, is the largest covered hall in the world. Pre vious to the banquet a monster pro cession look pluce, the 50,000 mu tualista" aBsemoling in tbe Xult res gardens and marcbiDg thence with bands p'nyicg sud &-ign fljins? to the Trocadero. There President Lnubfrt umde thera a abort speech, enthusiastically , appbm.b d, on tbe UHefu'uees of provident societi.g, af er which he whs presrnt. d with statuette symbolizing mutual aid Then the crowd marched on to its record-breaking bauqu, t. The ar rangements for tbe banquet wer reii.rkble. were half doseu courses, aiid at aome tibK twice as t. ucu ub the people could eit. Exchange. NOTICE. In The Fourth Judicial Hi. tiict ('nut l vf th,. .tnt of ; v;nl; in a.Hi ,.. the County of li n. of I Not't- of tlota . 1 J Will ?';t,CH',' ,rtT " ,h Wl'tilmfn Th .n.i' n t t-- ai.-rt id H ism.,! ,w a p ,,,,, -.. e I t- o; ti- um will .,, , . ' 1 " ' "a .-! 'it ei- -jb". A D Iww " '!X, ""' ' """ '" b w: . Vi -. .! . t i.r'a-li. i..K,.; "'' -f ' ' P' '' .-'al-Will . r li.-4.-i. K I t u ;( iim, r.-i no on f..r ..... i. KM-.- ,.,.. Mta,. U!t.ll i,r. ,, ' - " 1" aoa luecn-atvd '.'I ' " ". ' wila vrtittou b-.i' "'' ."-Ui ' .t il -anted to p.- In- H. i. t HiOKlOH, Oir ..f Mi Oourt ' ut . ,e Q. dri, b, ) pa !.. I in . -t ib tn.(..i' fer Jtl't. No ice t . Creditors. In the Fourth Judicial Dis trict Court of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Lincoln. In tbe witter of the tstate of Mrs. Annie Deck, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on th 15th day of August, A. D 1905. duly appointed, ind on tue 29th dny of August, 1905 luly qnalifiud by tbe Fourth Judic al District Court of the State of Nevada iu snd for Lincoln Couuty, s the administrator of tbe estate of Mrs Ar.rie Deck, deef'sed. All cr ditors haviug cl -iuw Mg iin-st nid F8tnte are required to file the sue, with proper vouch. ra and statutory affidavit Oa..hil. wjtb the Clerk of said . 'oiirf, wi'hin f0r wee! e from tUe first pub!ji:itiou of this notice. JOHN H DECK, Admiuistrator. Dated. Aug, 29, 1905. Chs. Lee tlorsy. Attorney for Administrator. Dite of firt pubbcihoo, Sept. 1st 1905. f . CM AS. I.KK IIORSKV "30TJJN- t X.OV-A. r Li.W PlOCHX. ... N IV ADA. ASSAY! R and CHEMIST. Ptoche. Nevada Al Wild, of Hawthorne, bns sold his claim in North Canyon, Esmer alda county to J. S. Cain of Bodie and Aurora, for sixty tb msiod dol- lars. The mine is knows as the im; r.... i i . . i'j'"H vuicuuibo, rdu csrries) oign tsjsst ia gold sad siivsr. 1MOCHE, NEVADA. FRIDAY. FKBRHAKY J) .9W THE SALT LAKE ..TELEGRAM, Published every Evening Except Sunday. A newsp.ip. r that cortjins all the news and 24 hours ahead of other dailies. One year $7.00 Six luontl.a $3 50 Oue mouth .6"- copies .63. H. W. UNDERHILL CALIKNTE NEV. Fine Wines, taiquors, and Cigars. mss m QM fmm in Call Once and You will be sure and return. HANS. OLSEITS saLooixr Is one of the Finest Places In Oaliente. If you wish anything in tho way of. sa- WlELOi 1.ilQLTJOr5. a. dlOlgars. "ALIENTE NEVADA. THE PALACE i i .'. n wo, 3 - me it of Wines, iqaors AXD - 1 w .js on Hand. 3' : I.,-A.3r.r a neat SUMMONS. m the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada In and for the County of Lincoln, Tlie Slafe of ttrvada Sends Greeting, to atoiiMl M Whi'mor. .nd Ticj T. OrM. Toar m tuv-b- n lred to .ppor In .n MMnn e anMonwl .mlnat jroa m drf 14.111 br Tb Mo( O ild, HT.rnd Ooppvr Min'n OuDin.ny,. ori.rtion u pl.l ittff. In th fourth Jodlol.l at O. ur. r th riUt. of Ne.ui.. LI -eoln hnuf, t Oi towu f Pi ieh. nd n.wr th compl.'.il h r .-In, wnloh Hon Ble with tha OI,wk af Hid Coart, wfhtM ten d.T fter tb. mrrloa 00 jro of th aim m -im icxoIuhIv. of tha dy of -.rrlo-i il d it aid 1 un y. or tw-11 y d.v. If wrvrd out ..f ull County, but wi'bln this Dl. trlct .nd in .11 uthe. o.-efty d vyi.or J.uliim.'nt b lof.ult will be luken .KiQtyoa, wsourdliiKto tli- r-yer .if uid coarul.lnt The wid sctiou lg htoaght to recover jndgtut you, tb. ld jf. ndunt for tbe Qaivt ug tui coofcni iuu al title In th. kM Plln'i9 10 tod to tb fvllowiiia rmp 1 clm l'ii. ed n Sp.toK. Mil, Ian Dfotri t Liuailn Oountv SUfc- of Sends: the Kebel Li-d. Mining CUlm the Snipeon Lode Mining ( ud th. UUu Lode Mini' s Ol.lm. And yo are bereby antited th.t if yon fmll to P" nd una the wld ouiapl.lnt mm b m rt'iired. the md pUiutiS will apply to the Oourt fr and tk. J-ailiieiit amnat you fur th re.tef d. u. au -e Iu said coinp laint. In I', alimony Woereof. I, H. i. OoodKcb . hye ii.reunto wt niy b.ud oific .lly, and .dzed he aea( -if ald oourt, tbU Hh day of Seteo.. bar, K. D. ll. H. t. OOODR20H. Oonnty Clrrt and Ei-ofBclo Clerk of th Fourth Bdlclal Otatrl. t Oourt of th Stat of ia, Lincoln Onnty B KitRpm Goodrich, Deputy Clerk Mads ia all atTlca and alxea. T.iirht.r. Satrongeat, maieat wirtlne, aafcat, atmpleat, moat accurate, noat compart, and moat . modern. Tor aale by all dealer In anna. Catalogue mailed free by TI19 Harlia Firo Anns Co., ir4 . J a cuinon to tne amount of oua 1 It . . a - hundred and aixtj thousand dollars is on hand at the Crswa Mint ..... reaay lorsuipueiit to tbe coinage mints of tbe country. The Caraoo Mit.t is handliug four times ss much bullion asit did s year sea. Wbjnot open it as a coinags taint? vzx a ran a kL is7 siiiXja The Land of Opporun:(i.v! Farming, Fruit Raising Mining A Triuitv of Industries ia which she is uuezctilled. IrrigHtion has made her farming an uuparulldttd suciess. The Oregon Short Line Railroad Co. Will gladly furnish descriptive matter in regard to state's re somrcea. D. E. Burlet, D. S. Spknceb, Q. P. k T. Agt. A. G. P. & T. Agt Salt Lake Citj, Utah. WARUtilVS SALOON. Caliente, Nevada. Is a place if in Caliente you can get tLe Finest of OIG-ARr5. "WIISTTDS. l.IG?-crtlts and. all ci of sort IDrl riles BHlard. and Fool Table. GEO. BARREN, - - PROP. Notice to Creditors In Th rigtr'ot Court of the Fourth Judicial O-s-trit i.'oatity Lincoln ,. Stat, of Nevada. In the Slateit . ho ! of Lafsyetle Voods, Deceasfd. Notice is htrfby given that the undersigned Iihb been (?uly appoint ed au.l qualified by th DiHtrict Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of the S'ate of Nevada, in and for the Couuty of Lincoln, asudniin- iatratrr of the estate of Lafuyette Woods, tU'Ceasfd.' All creditors having claims ngiinst said eatittn ure required to file the tbe same with proper vouchers at tuclied, with the (Jlerk of said Court nit bin three months afler the first publicati n of this uotice. Lrtniiu L. Woods, Aduiinistrittor of the estate o Lafayette Woods, deceased Dated, August 8, 1905- Dtof first publication, Aug 8, 1905 T. J. Osborne, Atty for Estate. WANTED.- TBPSTWOKTBT WENT' )Hill OB lady in each county tn D.auaie hnnlneaa for an old eHcabll.bed hmme of a-.lld financial atandlng. raiuB". none nde we- ait earn aalary 01 'ft no paid by cheek each V aowla; with all exDonae direr from headquartera, Mo ay advanord for axpne HMr, at unuo aiu,, unicago SEEING MACHINE. KOIXER BEARINQa HIGH QRAOB. by buying this reliable, honest, high grade sew ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FACTORY l5-2LVIDERB. ILL. 2 PRESS OPT-TPTRP YEAR. V .--'"V I 'l Aammatto i ' 43 Page 1 Tetkly t Clusuatci. INDISPENSABLE TO IVIINING MEN. $3 PEEL YEAR, POSTPAID. BWD VOaV KAMPLI COFT. MmiNGScintiflcFRESS SSC HUUT ST. IAS rUK0UCO, Cil MEAT MARKET. CHAS C0LVERWELL, JR. PROPUIETOR- Gatcent, - - (Opposite Postoffice.) 64 W hoTesale & Retail T3E3A.1 jJHi X T,' Fre- Oysters eceived "very 'rlday MtsNAMEB, aa-tto. .... y a- Oouus j .'. I c - W , Nkvada TPI-A.I2STS IsTOW R.xjjsr3sri2sr3r. SALT LAKE TO LAS AMGELES, Via ii t .- mm swm. Past Time, Superb Equipment, Observation Sleepers. Write i'1-itrest A)ent, or to, J. L. MOORE, . :, . D. p. A.. Salt Luke City, Utah. ot ce io OreditorH- In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, In and for the County of Lincoln,' State of Nevada. In '.he Hotter of tbe Untate Of Elliott. IIWMMd. Notice iH berebr aiven that the nndn-alimerf hu wiu-oiith lit ay -u Juno, . tl. 1H06 niy ap poinled, and on Uis21ntJy of Jnue 19U9. duly qiiallflwi by tbe Fourth Judicial District Court State .f N..yada, iu and for Lincoln County, a the Administrator ol the eetato of 0 W. Elliott, drceiM-d, All Drfiilitora baVitltf nlalma ,.alnaf tu,jl uUla are requited to file tbe me, with proper voucher anl atatntory ufll.iavlt attached, with Ihe Clerk of Mid court, within three montiia after Ihm trrt publication of ahla votio. . .'. . ' ... .8. B. KXLtOTT. F. R . . adinlniatrator. Atorny for Administrator. Fint publieaHon J ne u. ItNiB THE OLD RELIABLE !Tn m w Co ABSOLUTELY PURE The groaiosi of modern-time helps to perfect cockins Used In tha best fea Hies the world over aoTM. hum owmit eo.. m voaa MININGnc .N Li.. . iH. .ilfrc PRESS DULVEMWELL MOTH Calionto, - Best of Accommodations j I Fi r Class Heds and good Room Special tte on h given the Kitchen a r.lnlno Dnnm inrlrh a If 4- 4- U V -I. -a. t ta """in. unu .ue uai 1,11c laiurivct ffords Will be served. 1 Hot Sanitarium and Baths iq Connection with, "the TJct Water 104 degrees Fahrenheit. f Livery and KaXYEJLY Hores Boarded! by the Day, Week andlJIoath. - w j. urawwssHwcgen nf i jeoj Blacksmith Shop here you can get allSIxlnds! of BlacIxmithlxiQ done: at CHAS. CULVER WELL HENRY Wholesale and i(l GENERAL HEPCHANDISE j)) NTS,. Sroccrics and Provisions, Glassware and Crockery, Wines, Liquors and Clem A Complete Line of Miners upplies always o - hand. BOOTS AND MAIN ST OPP MEADOW VALLEY STREET Fiocho, - . ITovad Pioche and DeLamar Stage Line. Via Calicntcs and Panaca. J- A. DENTON Proprietor. Stages leave DeLamar at 7 A. M. every day, Leave Panaca at 11 every day, connecting with the SL,L A & S Railroad at Calientes. Pioche Office at Thompson's Store. A S. Thompson, Agent. Caliente Drug Store JOHN SHIER. Fine Toilet Soaps.g VThe Latest Perfumes.w-f GThe Latest Novelties in Writing Papery 1 TST The Choicest oZ Cantlisa, JEZ I Also a fine line of Cigars both fbreigl V and domestic. 1 )f$aaS(B ! CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED 'DAY AND NIG n NO 85 i Feed Stable AlVTs HATMlT.T5;tTnTt?''' ! Reasonable Prices. FROPRIETO WELLAWD Reta 1 ' Dealer in KafV- Fill a. M. and Pioche at 8:00 A. I PROPRIETY e-ltMaaa-Wawllll.i. fa I c.