Newspaper Page Text
THE riOCflE WEEKLY RECORD n. E. rXCtXCMTHAL, MOCKS NEVADA V HEWS SVMMARY v Eighteen persons were Injured a the result of a passenger train wreck near Towner, N. D. According to the latest returns near ly a million persons In Japan are on the verge of starvation. Provincial Councilor Filonoff was fired at fire times and killed at Pal tava, Russia, by aa unknown assassin. Many people are burning corn at Lubbock, Tex., as It Is the only fuel they can get. Coal is worth 30 per ton. Vast quantities of soft coal are be ing stored In vessels at lake ports In anticipation of a possible strike of the miners. Fifteen persons were Injured, two probably fatally, in a railroad wreck near Durham, N. M., seven cars being ditched. ft Is announced upon reliable au thority that Admiral Togo will visit America in April with two armored cruisers. One miner was killed and three others were seriously Injured by an explosion in Ball Knob mine No. 2, near Delorme. W. Va, An agreement providing for the es tablishment of parcel post at cheap rates between Sweden and the United States has been concluded. A race war has again broken out In the region between Ellzabethpol and Shusha, where the Armenians and Tartars are massacrelng each other. ' Four more anarchists, making six teen during the past fortnight, were hot without trial in the citadel at Warsaw. Of the total fifteen were Jews. The double tracking of the railroad Across the Isthmus of Panama Is pro gressing rapidly, and it Is expected that both tracks will be ready for ser vice in July. The funerals of the thirty-two men who were killed by machine guns at Vladivostok January 23, near the com mandant's house, were held In solemn State on the 30th. . Rocco Bell, who had been arrested on a charge of burglary, committer: suicide In the county Jail in Chicago, hanging himself with a rope made from the bed sheet. , The president has sent the nomina tion of James Smith of California to be governor general of the Philippine .islands, vice Henry Clay Ide, resigned, to take effect June 1, 1906. Lady Grey of London, wife of Sir Edward Grey, the foreign minister, , who sustained concussion xit the brain by being thrown from her trap at El lingham, Northumberland, is dead. It Is reported in Vienna that a mili tary convention has been concluded between Italy and Montenegro, for the purpose of breaking down Austria's predominating Influence in the Bal kans. Frank Willard, a half-breed, who murdered Sheriff Smith at Uklah, Cal., on December 22 last, has been sentenced by Judge Burnett of Santa Rosa to be hanged at San Quentin on April 28. . ' Doubt as to the marriage of Mrs, Charles T. Yerkes to Wilson Mlzner have been set at rest by the filing of the certificate of the marriage with the bureau of vital statistics in New ;York City. ' House committee on the District of Columbia hag decided to report with tout recommendation the Adams bill, providing the whipping post as a pun ishment for wife-beaters in the Dis trict of Columbia. ; A statement prepared by the depart ment of commerce and labor shows that the commerce between Italy and' the United States in the fiscal year 1905 aggregated $77,600,000, almost 'equally divided between imports and exports. Informal negotiations for the float-1 atlon of a Russian loan have again been taken up in Paris. The amount .mentioned in official circles varies, but $400,000,000 is generally spoken of, with thei price at 90 and interest at 6 per cent. William Walter Hamilton, a negro, was hanged In the Jail in Washington for the murder of Lizzie Lyman, his common law wife. The drop fell at 7 o'clock and death ensued twelve min utes later. The erlme was a particu larly brutal one. William Clark wag acquitted by the Jury at Dubuque, Iowa, of the murder of Leroy Summer, whom he found with Is wife. The jury had been cut several hours. The plea of temporary Insanity was made, but the real plea wag defense of home. Miss Bruer of Minneapolis, whose uncle, I. G. Bruer, a Minneapolis lum berman, was drowned on board tht Valenciti, hag engaged an Indian girl as a guide and is preparing to go from Victoria to the scene of the wreck to s-u'cu for lkr uiiclu'g hotly. . A decision was handed down in the supreme court at St Louis affirming ithe decision of the lower court in find ing "Lord" Seymour Barrtngton guilty of having murdered John P. McCann two years ago, and fixing the date of his execution as March 15 next. Fire resulting from the explosion of a lamp In the home of Grant Stewart at Prentice. Wis., destroyed the house and cost four lives. Mrs. Stewart broke through a window and iwhped. Her husband, a babe and two other children were burned to death. ' HMD SEEDS BADLY HEEDED Turkish Peasants More to te Pitied Than Armenians, Says Sabaheddine. Claims That Revolutions Which Have Torn the Country for Many Years Have Been Organized By Agents of Powers for Their Own Ends. Parts. Prince Sabaheddine, a nephew of the sultan of Turkey and chief of the young Turk party, has ad dressed a letter on the subject of the regeneration of Turkey to Senator Pierre Berthelot, who recently ap pealed to President Roosevelt in be half of the Armenians. The letter complains that the revolutions, which have torn the country for many years, have been organized by the official agents of certain powers for their own ends and points out that while much sympathy has been given the Arme nians, the Turkish peasants are more to be pitied. The agrlculturlKts, the prince says, are all forced to serve In the army, and the women are loft to raise enough to pay the exorbitant taxes. Intelligent and educated Turks who are trying to gain reforms are ar bitrarily arrested, tortured, baninhed and even murdered by Irregular tri bunals. This persecution, however, has only strengthened the movement, The reforms Imposed by Europe on Turkey, the prince says, have accen tuated the troubles. The Interests o the Armenians and Turks are identi cal. The Kurds being Mussulmans, but not Turks, ravage both Armenians and Turks indiscriminately. It would be a great gain, he says, If the Kurds, who are the finest race, could be at tached to the soil, as their ferocity la the direct result of their present so cial condition. The great and Imperative reform, Prince Sabaheddine continues, Is ad mlnlstrative decentralization In the empire which would permit the in dustrious inhabitants to exercise ef fective control over the management of the local affairs and take the nec essary measures to maintain perma nent order and peace. If Europe and America decided to Intervene, the letter says In conclu sion, they must In justice intervene In favor of all the victims of the pres ent regime; besides which Turkey be ing the great link between eastern and western civilizations by reform ing and bringing her into line with modern ideas. It would efface the an tagonism of the two civilizations. WOLVES AFTER THEM. Two Wisconsin Men Have Narrow Escape From Being Devoured. Loyal, Wis. Hurry Riddel and James Cook, prominent citizens of Jackson county, Wisconsin, had a nar row escape from being devoured by wolves. They had been out all day hunting with a number of other men and, becoming separated at dark from the main party, lost their way. Th y built a .fire to protect themselves. No sooner had they done so than the dis mal sound of wolves was heard In the distance. Placing their backs to a large rock, the men prepared to fight for their lives. In ten minutes the forest seemed alive with wolves, and the two men began a fierce battle. After they had exhausted their am munition they fought the animals with firebrands. The remainder of the party had gone In search of the miss lng men and appeared on the scene Just In time to save them. Fifteen of the wolves were killed by the larger party before they dispersed. Priest Gives Up His Life Saving t Drowning Boys. La Salle, 111. Father Gilbert Simon of St. Bede's college and three stu dents were drowned while skating ou the Illinois river. Severn! boys were standing to have a photoprjiph tacn when the Ice broke and nil Bank. Father Simon plunged Into the water and saved five boys, but on re-entering the Icy river for a sixth student he became exhausted and he. with three boys, was drowned. The four bodies were recovered shortly afterword. . Heyburn'a Bill for Irrigation of Tract Townsites. Washington. The senate Irrigation committee on Saturday ordered a fa vorable report on Senator Heyburn's bill providing for the segregation of 160-acre townsites on irrigation tracts and requiring the secretary of the in terior to sell water rights In such towns for municipal and domestic pur poses, such water rights to be bought and controlled by the towns. The bill also authorizes the sale of water In towns for power purposes. Frenchmen Refused to Leave. Port au Prince, Hayti. Of five for eigners who had been ordered deport ed, a German and an Austrian were put aboard ship Saturday by the po lice authorities. The three remain ing persons, all Frenchmen, took ref uge in the French legation and re fused to depart, one of them declar ing that he was without means, and the other two requesting a delay In order that they might wind up their affairs. The Haytien government has demanded the execution of the decree of deportation. Miller Resume His Duties, Annapolis, Md.The action of the president In- pardoning Midshipman John P. Miller of Lancaster, Ky., who was convicted of hazing by court-mar tial, was promulgated at dinner for mation at the naval academy Sunday and Miller resumed his position as captain of the Twelfth company. The navy department has asked further In formation relative to the cases of Mid shipmen Stephen Decatur, Jr., ox Portsmouth, N. 11.. and Peterson B, Marzonl of Pensacola. FACTS IN NATURE. Vot Only Se We Get Inspiration Nature, Bat Health ee Well. For people who are run-down and nerv ous, wbo suffer from Indigestion or dys pepsia, headache, biliousness, or torpid liver, coated tongue with bitter taste In the morning and poor appetite, It be comes necessary to turn to tome tonic or trenathener which will aslat Nature and help them to get on their feet and fmt the body Into Its proper condition. It becoming more ana more apparent that Nature's most valuable health - giving agents are to be found In forest plants and roots. Nearly forty years ago, Dr. R.V. Pierce, now consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., discovered that by scientifically extracting and combining certain medici nal principles from native roots, taken from our American forests, he could pro duce a medicine which was marvellously efficient In curing cases of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well a many othnr chronic, or lingering ail ments. This concentrated eitract of Nature's vitality he named "Golden Med ical Discovery,' It purities the blood by Euttlng the stomach and liver into ealthy condition, thereby helping the digestion and assimilation of food which feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach, Indigestion, torpid liver, or bil iousness, and kindred derangements. If you have coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches or pain in side, back gives out easily and aches, belching of gas, constipation, or Irregular bowels, feal flashes of heat al ternating with chilly sensations or kin dred symptoms, they point to derange ment of your stomach, liver and kidneys, which the "Golden Medical Discovery will correct more speedily and perma nently than any other known agent. Con tains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. All Its Ingredients printed In plain Eng lish on wrapper. The sole motive for substitution Is to permit the dealer to make a little more profit. He gains; you lose. Accept no sub stitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It Is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative: two or three are cathartic. Not Much to Boast About. "I can't see," said Mrs. Nurltch, "why Mrs. Dalllngton should put It on o thick because her ancestor came over in the Mayflower. I've been reading about It, and as far as I've been able to find out it was a little bit of a Loat that didn't have elec tric lights or any other conveniences worth mentioning, and my husband sayg he doesn't suppose the whole crowd of Pilgrims that came over on her could have raised enough money to buy a box at a grand opera per formance." Shake Into Tonr Ihaea Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures pain ful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y, Beginnings of Great Writers. Very few writers, even those who have genius, have anything to say when they begin to write. At first they write for the love of writing, and only when they are fatally committed to the trade do they discover whether or not they have anything to say. That Is the great risk of all arts. You must learn to paint before you can be sure that you can paint. You must learn to write before you can be sure that you can write. 5 Tons Grass Hay Free, Everybody loves lots snd lots of foUde for hogs, cows, sheep and swine. The enormous crops of our Northern Grown Pedigree Seeds on our seed farms the past year compel us to issue a spe cial catalogue called SILZER'S Bi.SOs.tX SEED BOOK. This is brim full of bargain seeds at bar gain prices. SEND THIS NOTICE TO-DAT. and receive free sufficient seed to grow 5 tons of arass on vour lot or fnrm thin summer and our great Bargain Seed Book with its wonderful surprises and great, bargains in seeds at bargain prices. i Remit 4c and we add a package of Cos mos, the most fashionable, serviceable, beautiful annual flower. John A. Salzcr Heed Co., Lock draw er W., La Crosse, Wis. Bark Salad Palatable Food. When Admiral Sigsbee's squadron was cruising In the Caribbean sea. In 1904 and the spring of 1905, the offi cers of his flagship, the Newark, found that bark salad was not only edible but was quite palatable. This remarkable food was made from the bark of a tropical tree, and much en Joyed by the natives along the coast. The rough or outer part Is chopped off, and the inner portion chopp One slices and made Into a salad dressed with oils, spices, Ac. . A GUARANTEED CITRK FOR PILES. Itching. Blind, Blading Protruding Files. Drill flati are authorised to refund mouer If PAZQ OINTMENT falls lo cur. In to 14 due. BOO. Not Otherwise. A woman's proper place is at home, when she is needed there; not others wise. Why should woman be expect ed to play the part of an Indoor grown cabbage, while we men are free, buts terfly-llke, to roam the world's garden on wings? Coulson Kernahan lo Ideas. DON'T FORGET A large S-or.. package Ren Cross Ball Blue, only i cents. The Kuss Company, Soma Bend, Ind. Golf In Rome. Among the large British and Ameri can colony living permanently In Rome there are a considerable num ber of golfers. It Is only natural, therefore, that a course should have been established for the benefit of, players . who find themselves in th .Eternal City. The King. Mrs. 'Wlnalow'a Soothing- Ryrap. forrutMren teetbtnir, softens the euros, reduces ta lammauon, alujsiiu, cures wlndcollu. SMabouia, New Laid Eggs. By greasing eggs with vaseline while still warm, or at any rate, with in a few hours of be:ug laid, the con tents retain perfection for six weeks or two months, and many do so for a much longer period. The sooner the grease Is applied the longer "new laid" qualities persist I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds. Joan F. Botch, Trinity Springs. Ind., Feb. 15, 1800. Why Hietd Keeps Walking. John Hield, a genial Scotchman, la floorwalker In a large department store In New London, Conn. One day a customer said to him: "Do you keep stationery?" "No," he replied; "If I did I should lose my Job." CASTRO WCCT STUD FOR FRANCE'S BLUFF Said to Have Issued Orders to Fire Upon the First French Ves sel That Is Seen. Wlllemstad, Island of Curacoa. Passengers on the Red "D" line steam er Philadelphia, from New York Jan uary 20 and I .a Guayra, Venezuela, which arrived here Sunday from the latter port, report that President Cas tro is making every possible war prep aration. They said that orders have been .Issued to fire on the first French vessel sighted cruising in Venezuelan waters. Castro, It is asserted, regarda the whole French movement as a "bluff" apd says he "will not be bluffed" and will retaliate, prohibiting the Importa tion of French goods Into Venezuela. UNIONIST PARTY SPLIT UP. Balfour and Chamberlain Agree to Disagree. London. That there is a split In the Unionist party Is recognized as an existing fact by the Unionist newspa pers. They say It is definitely known that Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain have agreed to disagree and that It, Is believed Mr. Chamberlain will with' draw from his adhesion to Mr. Balfour and organize a separate party on tar iff reform. This, it is admitted by the Standard, the Morning Post and other Unionist newspapers, will be the only course open to Mr. Chamberlain un less, Indeed, Mr. Balfour decides to call a meeting of the party and allow Its members to decide the question oi leadership. BOYCOTT BREAKS OUT ANEW. Chinese Discharge American Directors of Education. Pekln. Yuan Shi Kal, viceroy of Chi LI province, has discharged Pro fessor C. D. Tenney, the foreign di rector of education, who organized the new school system In this prov ince and within three years made It a model for the empire. Strong opposi tion has arisen lately to foreign man agement of the schools and particular ly against Dr. Tenney because he Is an American. Yuan Shi Kal told Dr. Tenney that he appreciated his wcrk, but Yuan Shi Kai has so many ene mies that he could not afford to keep him, KILLED BY BAD AIR. Two Men Meet Death in a Cripple Creek Mine. Cripple Creek, Colo. Bad air in the Blue Bird mine caused the death of two men and the Injury of three others Sunday. Allen Webster and T. Ole son were overcome and were being hoisted to the top when Oleson tumbled out of the cage and was dashed to death. Webster expired from asphyxiation before the cage reached the surface. Fred Benjamin was waiting to be hauled to the open ing at the top of the shaft, when in some unaccountable way he became wedged between the shaft wall and the cage and was badly crushed about the body. He may not recover. Large Tract Is Withheld for Irriga tion Purposes. Washlsgton. The secretary of the Interior has withdrawn from all forms of disposal 600,000 acres ' 6f ' public land In Utah for Irrigation and forest reserve purposes, as follows: Two hundred and - thirty thousand four hundred acres In the Salt Lake land district, for Irrigation purposes, and 270,000 acres for the proposed Pavant forest reserve, along ' the Pavant range, between Richfield and Fill more. ONE DEMAND GRANTED. Russia Will Abolish Capital Punish ment, But Not Siberian Banishment. St. Petersburg. The abolition of capital punishment by the civil trib unals of Russia, which was one of the main demands of reform parties, will soon be an accomplished fact. The project will be considered this week by the council of the empire, and there is a strong chance that It will be approved and signed by the em peror. BLUE LAWS IN INDIANA. Man Arrested for Shining 8hoea at Terre Haute. Terre Haute, Ind. As a result of the strict enforcement of the Sunday closing law thirty-seven offenders were arrested Sunday. Hotels, res taurants, drug stores and news stands were the only business houses open. Twenty-tour bakers were among those arrested. One man was arrested for shining shoes and another for wash ing a buggy at a livery stable. EASILY RECOGNIZED. Russian Rebels Foolish Enough to Get Photographed, St. Petersburg. Vanity proved the undoing of scores of the Letts leaders durtng a service immortalizing their connection with the armed insurgent military maneuvers. The leaders were photographed In groups wearing the uniforms, and these pictures subse quently fell Into the hands of the aa thortties who thus easily traced the originals and tried them by court martial. Balloon Crosses Channel, t London. The balloon of the ; Aero club, which left London for France and was sighted from Eastbourne plei moving seaward, successfully crossed the English channel and descended In safety at Bermouville, twenty miles inland in France. The entire time consumed from London to the place of descent was four hours and ten min utes. The occupants of the balloon were Messrs. Pollock and Dale, who are members of the Aero club of tha United Kingdom. - LOST 72 POUNDS. Was Fast Drifting Into the Fatal Stages of Kidney Sickness. Dr. Melvln M. Page, Page Optical Co.. Erie, Pa., writes: "Taking too many Iced drinka in New York in 1895 sent me home with a terrible at tack of kidney trouble. I had acute congestion, sharp pain in the back, headaches and at tacks of dizziness. My eyes gave out. y and with the lan jj, guor and sleepless ness of the disease upon me I wasted from 194 to 122 pounds. At the time I started us ing Doan's Kidney Pills an abscess was forming on my right kidney. The trouble was quickly checked, however, and the treatment cured me, so that I have been well since 1896 and weigh 1S8 pounds." Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Women and Hljher Education. "Women as they become more high ly educated tend more to suicide," said the president of a girls' college. "In the past they only killed them selves for love. But now, being edu cated, they live like men. Like men they write, paint, build, run groceries, .drug stores, brokerages. And like men they commit suicide. "They killed themselves in the past from love alone, but now they end -their HveB from dlsapnoInted .ambi tion, from loss of money, from a book's failure, from a fall In stocks, from a rise In drugs. "But the higher education of wom an Is an good thing, even If It does cause her now and then to kill her self." Tliera la mora Catarrh la this Mctton of tha eonnlrr than all other diseases put tugether, and until the last few yean ww supposed to be Incurable. For a great many yeara doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is takes Internally In doses front 10 drops to a teaaponnful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offar on 4 hundred dollars for any ease It falls to cure. Bead for circulars sod testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENKY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Bail s Family rills for eoastlpatloa. REMINDED HER OF HENRY CLAY Bibulous Husband Suggests an Idea to His Amiable Spouse. . When he got home In a night liner at 3 o'clock the other morning he found Lis wife propped up in bed reading a recent American historical novel. She was quite amiable. "Oh, good morning," she said, sweetly. Has the milkman come?" He steadied himself against the chiffonier and struck an attitude of extreme dignity. "Whaz zhat you're readln", my dear?" he Inquired of her. "Oh, one of these historical nov els," she replied. "It's time to get up, Isn't It, so what's the use of your coming to bed?" "I didn't know you were inshresht- ed In hlsh'ry, my dear," said he, with profound solemnity. "No?" said she. "Well, it Is not to be expected that you could be real ly very familiar with my tastes. By the way, there Is a story here of how the eminent Henry Clay happened to Bay he'd rather be right than presi dent. Do you know I've been think ing over that remark in connection with you." "Shash sho?" he Inquired, wonder Ingly. "Shlnk I'rs, anuzzer Clay, eh?" "Well," she replied, soft and low, "I think you'd rather be drunk than president," and then the servant girl's alarm clock could have been heard ferociously ticking in the attic-room. . . One Louis Was Named Joe. ""Rhode" Island has a large French- Canadian population. Some of tbe old est of these adopted citizens retain an amusing dialect. A resident of Paw tucket who -was visiting Woonsocket a few days ago. Inquiring of one of these adopted citizens if he was ac quainted with Louis Generoux (pro nounced Oenerb)," a rest .ent of Paw tucket and well known clothing salesman, received this reply: "Know two Lou Generoux; one name Joe." " " OVER SEA HABIT Difference on This Side the Water. The persistent effect upon the heart of caffeine in coffee cannot but re sult In the gravest conditions, in time. . Each attack of the drug (and that means each cup of coffee) weakens the organ a little more, and the end Lb almost a matter of mathematical demonstration. A lady writes from a Western state: "I am of German descent and It was natural that I should learn at a very early age to drink coffee. Until I was 23 years old I drank scarcely anything else at my meals. "A few years ago I began to be af fected by a steadily Increasing nerv onsness, which eventually developed into a distressing heart trouble that made me very weak and miserable. Then, some three years ago, was add ed asthma in Its worst form. My sufferings from these things can be better Imagined than described. "During all this time my husband realized more fully than I did that cof fee was Injurious to me, aud made ev ery effort to make me stop. "Finally It was decided a few months ago, to quit the ubb of coffee absolutely, and to adopt Postura Food Coffee as our hot table drink. I bad but little idea that it would help me, but consented to try It to please my husband. I prepared It very carefully, exactly according to directions, and was delighted with Its delicious flav or and refreshing qualities. "Just as soon aa the poison from the coffee had time to get out of my system the nutritive properties of the Postum began to build me up, and I am now fully recovered from all my nervousness, heart trouble and asth ma, I gladly acknowledge that now, for the first time In years, I enjoy perfect health, and that I owe It all to Postum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. j There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvllle" In pkga. Postum Food Coffee contains no drugs of any description whatsoever. HERS 11 it Aim Standard Oil Magnate Upheld by Court in Contempt Proceedings. Another Chapter in the Movement by Missouri Officials to Oust Com pany From Doing Business in That State. New York. A decision that Henry H. Rogers, vice president of the Stan dard Oil company of New Jersey, shall not be compelled to answer questions which he recently refused to answer In the taking of testimony here In the case of the state of Missouri against the Standard Oil company of Indiana and other oil companies, was handed down on Wednesday by Justice Gilder- sleeve in the supreme court The ap plication to compel Mr. Rogers to an swer the questions were made by At torney General Hadley of Missouri The companies affected in this case are the Standard Oil company of In diana, the Waters-Pierce Oil company and the Republic Oil company. The state of Missouri seeks to oust them from doing business In Missouri. The application was denied for the reason that in Justice Glldersleeve's opinion the court of original Jurlsdlc tlon in Missouri should determine the queston raised by Mr. Hadley. Leave to renew thla application was granted Mr Hadley. CANADA IS INDEPENDENT. Has Given Up Idea cf Reciprocity With United States. Washington. A discussion of com mercial conditions between tbe United States and Canada wag held at the White House between the president and James McMullen, a member of the Canadian senate, who waa presented by Senator Warner of Missouri. "A few years ago," said Senator Mc Mullen, "a strong movement was started for reciprocity between the United States and Canada, but with us the subject now is scarcely mentioned. Our people are becoming convinced that they must look abroad for an out let for their surplus products. "Our producers are able now to lay down In Great Britain fruit, fresh meats and other perishable stuff in as good condition as we can put them Into the United States. They are build ing up a fine export business and are' very prosperous." TURNS OVER HIS COMMAND. Major General Corbin Leaves the Philippines. Manila. Major General Corbin has relinquished command of the military division of the Philippines to Major General Wood and sailed for Hong kong, accompanied by his personal staff. The transfer of command was made with Impressive ceremony at Fort Santiago. Army and navy offi cers, clergy and business men and others from civil life were present For the first time in the change of commanders there was no parade of the troops. STEAMER STRIKES MINE.. German Vessel With Russian .Troops Has to Put Back. Berlin. Herr Ballin, director of the Hamburg-American line, ' announced Wednesday afternoon that the German steamer Silvia, of that llrie, which left Vladivostok Monday with a large num ber of Russian troops, who were re turning home, struck a mine and had to return, in a sinking ' condition, ' to Vladivostok, where she was run ashore in order to prevent her becom ing a total loss. With the exception cf a cook, no lives are mentioned as having been lost. SNOW BLOCKADE RAISED. First Train for Two Weeks Gets Into Silverton. Durango, Colo. The railroad block ade which has existed between this city and Silverton for the last two weeks was raised on Wednesday and a double-header freight train left here over the Rio Grande railroad for Sil verton. The cars were loaded princi pally with coal, and this supply will avert the fuel famlnn whlnh k.. threatened in the San Juan mining camps, ine DiocKaae was caused by extensive snowslldes In Animas can yon. Wool Growsrs After Teddy. , Denver. Resolutions condemning President Roosevelt's policy of taxing stockmen for grazing on forest re serves were adopted by the executive committee of the National Wool Grow ers' association and a committee was appointed to go to Washington and op pose this measure and advocate rail road rate legislation. The new secre tary of the association has begun his campaign to secure every sheep man In the United States as an active mem ber of the organization. Grave Charge Against Soldiers. London, Jan. 31. A dispatch to the Central News from Cape Town, pub lished here, says: "The Canadians here are enraged at an alleged outrage by German soldiers at Swakopmund, German southwest Africa, who are said to have shot and killed Dr. Anson Donaldson of Brockvllle, Canada. Ac cording to the story, Dr. Donaldson was walking peacefully in the streets when a soldier fired at him and while ne was lying wounded on the ground other soldiers riddled his body with A TF.ULY IDEAL 7iFE HER HU8BAHD'S BEST HELPER VhTorcu Health Is tbe Great Sonrc at power to inspire auia mjoauraare XSi Women Sfcould Seek It One of the most noted, successful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, has said, " Whatever I am and whatever success I have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. 7.xm tha day I first knew her she has been an Inspiration, and the greatest help mate of my life." To be such a snooessful wife, to n tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's . constant study. 1 If a woman finds that her energies are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, headaches, bearing down pains, nervousness, irregularities or the blues, she should start at once to build np her system by a tonic with, specific powers, such as Lydia Q, Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Following we publish by request ft letter from a young' wife : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Ever my child was born I have suf fered, aa I b ope few women ever have, with in flammatiori, female weakness, bearing-down cains, back ache and wretched headaches. It- 1 . , . 1 T 1 , i J anectea my axomacn so 1 couiu ntv viiyjy axj meals, and naif my time was spent in Bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health new life and vitality." Mrs. Besale Aiualey, 611 Booth 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Alnsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If yon have symptoms you don't un derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. CLEARED PATHWAY FOR GIRLS. Vermonter Quick to Realize Humcr of Situation. John Davis, a tall, lean Vermonter, had a market at Burlington thirty years ago. He was a genial fellow, and not in the least to blame for hav ing an extremely long nose attached to his thin face. He was very much accustomed to having strangers look at him wonderingly and smilingly on account of his nose. One summer morning as he wag ar ranging goods outelde of his market door a pair of Boston girls chanced to be walking that way, and as they noticed this human wonder they paused to gratify their curiosity, with smiling faces. '' Davis quietly took In the situation, and, placing his finger on his nose, pushed It way round on his leaa cheek as he said: "Now, ladles, cen you pai.8?" A Natural Conclusion. A little New York girl, whose brief 'experience of life was confined to ex . lstence in an apartment house; was visiting In Philadelphia not long ago. One afternoon, to amuse the child, her ccusin showed her a number of photographs and Views, meanwhile ex plaining and answering questions con cerning them. One of the'm was a picture of Windsor Castle, which, she was told, was the residence of tha late Queen Victoria. . After looking at it a. moment she Innocently Inquired: "What floor did she live on?" Llp pincott's. ' - Li mf r.imp-Jm , You Are Very Foolish T buy cheap Watches or Jewelry. It la economy to get tha Inexpensive kind with a aolld guarantee. Our houa has tx aolld reputation svnd takes care of small accounts 'Established i IS62 '7C s-aV Salt Lake City, Vtah. and Denver. Cola Good Teeth a Good Temper Arc characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. That is because they are made of the best steel in the world Silver Steel by men that know how. Atkins Saws, Corn Knives, Perfection Fiona lerapsrs, etc., srs sold br sll oo4 nsrdwsrs assists. Catalogue on rettuest. ' .E. C. ATKINS Ca CO. Ino. Largest taw Minuftcturen la tks World Factory and Extcutlva Offices, Indlsnspolli gaaHCHaa Ne York, CMcafn, Minnsenollt Portland (Osrronl, Senile, Krancisce Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) Awtpt at aubitituta Insist or. th Atltlni Brans T0LD BY OOO0 D1M XRS EVtttYWruFT illillliMaAftsjfttt ' .r55??f"!??V,'K "jNa 4 "ar-ITficnipson's Eye Watsr