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The PlOCHE VOL. LVI PlOCHE, NEVADA, FRIDAY FEBRUARY id 10(1(5 A Bill to Establish a Department of Mines and Mining. Introduced by Congressman C. D. Van Duzer of Nevada Be it enacted by the senate and bouse of representatives of the United Stites of America in Con gress atisembled, that there shall be kt the Beat of government an exec utive department to be known as the department of mines and min ing, and a secretary of mines and mining at the head thereof, who rhall be appointed by the President, by and the advice and consent of the senate, who shall have a seat in the cabinet, and who shall ie ceive a salary of $8,000 per annum; and section 158 of the Revised Stat utes is hereby ammended to iucuJe such department, and -the pro visions of title 4 of the Revised Statutes, including amend ments thereto, are hereby made ap plicable to said department. Sec. 2. That there shall be in said department an assUtant secretary of mines and minifg. to be appoint ed by the president, by and with the consent of the senate, who shall have a salary of $4,000 per annum. He shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the secretary and required by law. There shall also be appointed by said secretary one chief clerk, who shall receive a salary of $1,800 per aunnm, and such other clerical asi nnce as may, from time to time, be autho rized by congress. Sec. 3. That the said depart ment of mines and mining shall have general jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to mines and mining industries and the geolog ical survey and over all the matters committed to any of the bureaus, offices, departments, or branches of the publio service by this set trans ferred from other executive depart ments of the government to the said department of mines and min ing as fully as the same is now pos sessed by and of the said bureaus, offices, departments, or branches of the public service froiu whence the same is so transferred, and that the official records and papers now on file in and relating o the business of aBy such bureau, office, depart ment. or br.uich of the public ser vice in this act transferred to the department of mineB snd twin ng, together with the furniture now in use in such bureau, office, depart ment, or branch of the public serv ice, shall be and is hereby, trans ferred to the department of mines and mining. . Sec. 4. That there .hall be in the department of mines and min ing a bureau whioh- shall, under the direction of te secretary there of, gather, compile and publish in formation in respect to the same, and it shall bo the duty of said bu reau to acquire and disseminate practical and useful information concerning the mines, mineral re sources and mining industries ' of the United States; that the offioe of the director of the geological sur vey and the geologioal survey serv ice, and all that relates to and per tains to the same, is hereby trsns ferred from the jurisdiction of the interior department to the junsdic tion and supervision of the depart ment of mines and mining, to re main henceforth under the jurisdic tion of the latter; and the director of the geological survey is hereby made the director of said bureau Sec. 5. That the secretary of mines and mining shall annually maVe a rcnort in writing to con gress, which shall contain au ac count of all naoueys received expended by him in promoting and facilitating the development of the American mines, mineral resources and mining industries, and such recommendations as he shall deem necessary to the further develop ment nt thn same. He shall also make special investigations and re ports on particular subjects when ever required to do so by either the president, the senate or the house of representatives. See. 6. That the secretary of mines and mining shall have charge in the building of premises oc upid by or appropriated to the department of mines and mining, of the library, furniture, fixtures, records and other property pertain ing to it, or lereafter acquired for use in its business; and he shall be allowed to expend for periodicals and the purpose of the library, and for the rental of appropriate quar ters for the accommodation of the department of mines and mining within the District of Columbia, and for all other incidental expen ses such sums as congress may pro vide from time to time; provided, however, that where any bureau proprosed to oe transferred to the department of miues and mining by this act is occupying rented build ing or premises, t -ey may still con continue to do so until other suit able quarters are provided lor their use. And provided further, that all officers, clerks and employes now employed in any of the bu reaus, offices, departments, or branches of the publio service in this act transferred to the depart ment of mines and mining are each and all hereby transferred to said department at their present grades and salaries, except where other wise provided iu this act, uutil oth erwise provided by law. And , pro vided further, that all laws pre scribing the work and defining the duties of the several bureaus, offices, departments, or branches of the public service by this act trans ferred to and made a part of the de partment of unties and mining shall, so far as the same are not. in conflict with the provisions of this act, remain in full force and effect until otherwise provided by law. Sec 7. That the jurisdiction, supervision and management and control of mines and mining lands and mining industries now vested in the interior department are here by transferred to and vested in the department of mines and mining. THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, Except Publiahed every Evening Suuday. A newspaper that contains all the news and 24 hours ahead of other dailies. One year $7.00 Six months $3 50 One month copies .03. H. W. UNDERHILL CALIENTE - NEV. " H&BMMl .-.; Fine ' -i&Tines, Liiquors, and Cigars. Infe &mm la Call Once atid . sure and You will return. - Node t.. Creditors. In the Fourth Judicial Dis trict Court of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of s, Lincoln. In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Annie Deck, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 15th day of August, A. D. l'JOo, duly appointed, and on the 29th day of August, 1905 duly qualified by tba Fourth Judic ial District Court of the State of Nevada iu and for Lincoln County, as the administrator of the estate of Mrs Annie Deck, deceased. All creditors having claims against said estate are required to file the same, with proper vouchers and statutory uffidavits attached, with tho Clerk of said Court, within four weeks from the first publication of this notice. . , JOHN H. DEOiC, Administrator. Dated, Aug, 29, 1905. Cuas. Lee Horsey, Attorney for Administrator. Date of fir it publication, Sept. 1st, 1905. SCHvOL REPORTS. HANS 0LSE.TS SLxOOlV Is one of the Finest Places In Caliente. If you wish anything in tho way ox- v.1 lOlgars. C ALIEN TE NEVADA. HO ai sf. y The Land of Opportunities! Farming, Fruit Raising Mining , A Trinity of Industries in which she is unexcelled. Irrigation has, made her farming an unparalleled success. The Oreqon Short Line Railroad Co. Will gladly furnish descriptive matter in regard to state's resources. D. . BuRtsr, D. S. Spenceb, G. P. & T. Agt. A. G. P. & T. Agt Salt Lake City, Utah. WAREIEN'8 ' SALOON. Caliente, Nevada. Is a place if in Caliente you cau get the' Finest of piaAR. - " WINES, XjIQTJCXFUS and. all id of Soft Billard - and Fool Table. a GEO. V. WARREN, - - PROP. S'tlEAT MARKET. CHAS CULVER VV ELL. J li. VROPIUETOR... Gattertt,. - Nevada. (Opposite Postoffice.) Wholesale & Retail -Dei A. liinn t n; Pour Fresh Fish, Fresh Oysters eceived every rrily F, H.. McNAW k E , Attoi'noy j f THE PALACE J; G. 'rown. p 3 Pioch. Mord Tha Finest of Wines, liquors AiiD Cigars, Alw ys ou Hand. BT: A.fcVO and! TP -0 J TVYBT-jEDS. SUMMONS. In tne Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for the County of Lincoln, Notice to Creditors. In Th District Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict County Lincoln State of Nevada. . - In the Matter of the Estate of Lafayette Woods, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed and qualified by the District Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Lincoln, as admin istrator of the estate of Lafayette Woods, deceased. . All creditors having claims againBt said estate are required to file the the same with proper vouchers at tuched, with the Clerk of said Court within three months after the first publication of this notice. ' Lyman L. Woods, Administrator of the estate o Lafayette Woods, deceased Dated. August 8. 1905- Diteof first publication, Aug 8, 1905 T. J. Osborne, Atty lor Estate. 3STOW RXJ3ST3Sri3SrC3-. a i a ir OHi- i LHlt TO LAS ANGELES, VIA ,u v n: .ill. v'l't'iii IA tlLJ If (' I I MWV Calicnto, - - - Best of Accommodations Fir f Class '-eds and good special atte on i given the Kitchen and Dining Room, and the Cest the Market ' Affords Will be served,.. Hot Sanitarium and Hatha in Connection ' with the Hotel, Wat'jr 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Livery and Feed Stable WHll4 ST0CJO2 WITH Horses Bonrdedi by the Day, "Week and! Month. Blacksmith Shop here you can get oli;ixinds!!of Blaclimithing done! at Hcaaonablo Price CHAS. CULVERWELL PROPRIETOR Follovviug is tle report of the Pioche Prim ry School for the month ending Jan, 5,1906. Number of pupils enrolled duriug the uioiith, 37, males 20, femnles 17. Per cent of atttudauce duriug moiitl., mules 98, ftinales 94. Following is a list of pupils who have missed no time duriug the month, the last thirteen having mis sed no time during the present school year. James Price Marion Ewing Geo Garrison A. DePedrini Mattie Orr Rose Succetti Harold Clark Merman Middleton Floyd Campbell Hal pli Goodrich Mari im Lloyd Lloyd, Christian Victor Welland Maude Goodlander, Teacher Kobt Succetti Walter Garrison Mary Ann Price Mamie Orr Lena Frank Clara Garrison John 1 rice Frank Varner Daniel Frank Isabel Nesbitt Ella Hulse Lena Welland The State of Nevada Sends Greeting, to Sxuual M Wbltmorc and TictT. One. Tour tv hfrfbv inquired to pptr In an action commenced aRalntit you aa defendant hf The Moapa Sold, tlYran4 0opptr Mining Oompan;, a onrporntlon aa pltlniiff, in tho Fonrtb Jadloltl Ptatriat O.nri of 'h Htate of Nevada, Lincoln OouTity, at (Mi- tnwsi of Pioeh-, an.l anawer the 0niiiinl h'Tflu, wBich lan die with tha Olork of aaM Oiiiirt, wl'hli' n day after tha Htrrlc on yonof'thia 'irin m (iolusia of the day of arioi it a-'v d l i -aid )an'r or fweny dene tt Ktrid o it ( nil t Ct iDty. but within thla Din trio t, nd in ail ih-r ca-e forty d .ys. or Juilinuent by .lefault ID b laioa uilnt you, aooordlng to tb" prayer or aai: iomp)ali)t tba ui i .'i)ou hro ight 10 recover Jodgmcut analua ;on, Hie id afi ndant for the Quieting :.d -ouli rii Inj of title In the aald Plaintiff lot and ijih- filliwiurf uiinl mining claim alruaed iue Hp luita Mlniug llttrlit Ltnooln County lit t uf rvaiia: the Rebel Lda Mining Claim, the a uipxiiii Lode Jllulng Claim and the Utah Lode )Hni' ( iHatm. ... ! And yon arr beroby aotlltec that if you fall to a p-ar au-! awrt tba aaid oomptalnt aa above roquirrd, the aald plaintiff will apply to the Court f r ami take Jud uent anainat yon for tba relief 'eato aald eomlaint. In i'Htimony Where, f, I, H. i. Q.iodrlch have bereaaio mx my band offioially, and fflxed lheaealof aald court. tUU ltth day of Be, tern, bar. D. 1WJ4. H. J. O "lMOS. County Clrrk and ti -officio Clara of the ronrtb indicia) tllatri t Court of tba State of Neve la, Linooln 0n y B Kugene Goodrich, Deputy Clerk W4NTED- A TRtTSTWORTHT OENTUMaN OB lady In each eonnty to manijie buaineaa for an old t.hiuhpd honae of aolid financial atandinir. A raliibt, bona fid wettly caah aalary of 118 00 paid by efaeok each Wtdneaday with all expnnaca direct from ueeuqutrcere, anouay hithiwu lur piiniw. Uaaagar, 340 Oaxton aidK,, Ohicaxo Vt Fast Time, Superb Equipment, Observation Sleepers. Wii'e nearest Agent, or to. J. L. MOORE, D. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice l"o i rcditors In lh Oiatrict Court of tha Fourth Judicial District) In and for the Count, of Lincoln, State of Nevada. - utter of the Katate Of 1 K'l' I fCanrd. - f!-i hereby glvi" t!it.lh' ot etttued haa i-u tb 19 ay Jiiik'. x ti. 116 n'y ap liolnlnl. and on th 2Ut day of l ine 1908, duly o,M.l!a! by 'he rr.unh Judi ial DiBtnct Court u Nevada. 1 1 and for Lincoln County, aa the Adiuiutra!o. ol tue t oi 0' W. Elliott, All creditor having claim against aald relate arr rriintrd In nla the -nine, with proper voucher inl tatntry nffidavitr ettachnl, with ihe il'ork of inl court, within three uiomtiK e'tr (lie or"' pnbllratlon of thla notlo. n . ki i.iott. ". I. McNj,,:-, Administrator. icrn y tnr Admluistratnr. , V rat i-uhli-atior J no ?0. t'6 The following is a list of the pupils of the Grammer school who have missed no time duriug the second month ending Jan S. Clara Peaslee Dorothy Price Caddie Cook Chester Cook Eben Wheatly Eddie Price J. Christian Minnie Hulse Lizzie Goodrich Bobs Falconer, Teaoher. WO? iiE nil ot bay to kow I BookonFlREJlRi Wall about tla frnoua HTKV EN'S Kiiia, plll a yeiuable un-paia llluauaud book, Mllar not only all about STEVENS arms. but co lalolnf uaefut and intemdng lDfonaatioa oa huanac, ahootlni. alshts, ammunltloa, how to handle and care fee anoint. tc. Thla aIU Mwt you FKUB tor km caaa la anal fat BoHag. Han you tried rr CLEVER R1PLS TVZZVBt Seat FREE, poelpald, if yea aaa be It. ASK YOU DBALEft FOR THB STEVENS. mm Had In alt at rle and Hue. Llghteat, ttrongejt, catleat worUmr, aaf eat, atmpleat, i moat accurate, mott compact, and moat modern. Tor tale by all dealer ia arm. Catalogue mailed free by Tba Harlin Fire Arms Co., Nnr EiTB, ConrM TJ. S. A. " ,.lii"UiWl? MSM.t-WV: ii I! I c 5"V HENRY WELLAND Wholesale and RetaJl Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE j)) Crroccricss and rovizsions, GlaEsstjrarc and, Croclicri, Wines, laiquors and Cigar, A CompLite Line of Miners unnlies alwavs on hand. AMD MAIN ST OPP MEADOW Piocho, - - I VALLEY STREET STovada Pioche and DeLamar Stage Line. Via Onlicntcs and Panaca. J- A. DENTON Proprietor. stages leave DeLamar at 7 A. M. every day, Leave Panaca at 11 A. M. and Pioche at 8:00 A. M every day, connecting with the S L, L A & S 1 Railroad at Calientes. I Pioche Office at Thompson'.- Store. A S. Thompson, Agent. j. BTXvnra ashs aso tool go. m P. O. Box 4094. CHICOPEE FALLS, U.i. A. BrTou?u.i:..v.v 0 !:-rv?re ORNa., S-.A4S. li. ewint Machiiiis are made to ell r8rd law 0. .-ailty. but tha " Sew Hme ia mad to wear. Our (uarauy utuvr runt out ( V make Sew ;ij t,'r.Kr?. to suit all dtionS l the trade. T1- "Xewf tloma" atanCjat'Jut bead of all Uii .-ru ' l&mVj sewlnj maetinw nM fcy m:.i;fia-l artnvu pan saws L efWlMPiHaific rop-y-Tmrtp year. JjJCO3 48 Page t Vctkly 1 Eustrattd. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR. POSTPAID, v l!TO tOB aAHTLS COPT. MINING-Scleatlflc PRESS SC KAKXST ST. UAS rBAHCISCO. CAlv Tba rush to Manhattan is so great that the automobile lines bar raised the fare to $20 per head. Caliente Drug Store PROPRIETOR Powder Is made of Grape Cream of Tartar Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. JOHN SHIER. Fine Toilet Soaps. VThe Latest Perfumes.v-f CTho Latest Novolties in "Writing Fapcr. The Choicest of Candles. JZ Also a fine line of Cigars "both foreign and domestic. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAYA ND NIGHT OATiTBKTB, - : 2ST2Z1V V r 9