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The PiogmWeekly Emm, TT VOLVI PIOCHE, NEVADA. FRIDAY MARCH 0 1900 Q :j0 6 a COMMISSION 2R3 MEETING Board met at 10 o'clock, a; m. with R. J. Gorden, Geo. C. Bald win an! Jas. A. Nesbitt, present The bills of Wm. E. Abbott. was again presented for road work, and an order made that the billa be ajain returned to him for the signatures of road inspectors, and to definitely state what amount of work was done, where, and a report to satisfy the Board that the money had been expended in a proper man ner, as the amount of $200. was voted f or a sp ?cial purpos The monthly claims were al lowed as per registry claim book. A bill of Clayson & Griffith was returned ti Las Vegas, toba pro perly sworn to before a Notary or Ju3ti23 of the Peace. A. A. Carman appeared before the Board and asked for the sale of County lots numbered 7, 8, 11. 12, 13, 14, block 26, town cf Pioche, After consideration the Board ordered that the same be sold to A. A. Carman for the sum of $5.00 each. The pur chaser to pay for recording the deed. A bill of J. J. Monahan, Con stable fees, etc, was rejected. Wm. E. Orr appeared before the Board and asked for town lots situated in Pioche, owned by the County, being described as follows: Lota 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, block 1-lots 18, 22. 23, 26, 23,29, block 2-lots 1 and 3, block 3, -lots 16, 17, 18, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, block 18-lots 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, block 19-lots 28 and 35, block 24-lot It, 19, 20, block 25-lots 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28. 28, 29 block 2G-bt3 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 14. 15, block 19 lots 43 and 40, -block 30 lots 14, 21, 24, 25, block 31-lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, block 25. . These , were ordsred sold to the appli cant at the sxn of $1.50 for each lot In the matiar of tru judgment issued from the Judiice Court cf Caliente. in the case of W. J. Lee against Lincoln County, an order was made to return the trans script of judgment and execu tion to the Justice, W. D. May nard, as the judgment is not in accordance with the Statutes in such cases made and provided. A petition asking for a niglt watchman for the town of Caliente, was read and after con sideration the same was refused for the reason that no provisions are made to legally pay for such service out of the funds of the County. A communication va3 read from Caliente asking for the erection of a pest house for the town of Caliente. The matter was discussed , considerably and no definite action taken other than, a disposition shown to erect said house if a desirable lot could be secured from the citizens and the lot deeded to the County. John H. Deck was. sold lot 27, block 31, town of Pioche, for the sum of $7.50. W. E. Harrison , bought from the Board lots 15 and 16, block 24, for the sum of $7.50 each. Jake Johnson . bought lots 6 and 37, block 8 from the County for the sum of $5. each. These lots are also in Pioche. s .r Mrs. H. L. Craw was sold lots 12, 13 and 14, block 8,:. for the sum of $5. each. H. C. Harmond was sold lots in town of Pioche, lots 7 and 8, block 36, for the sum of $12.50 each. , -i An order was made that all parties buying lots in Pioche township must pay for the same on or before April 1, 1906, or all right to purchase same will cease. A petition was. presented and read from Moapa asking for the sum of $400 for the use of road work badly needed at the junc tion of the Meadow Valley Wash and Muddy River, and at a point on the Muddy river near the rail road, where a new bridge will be constructed. The Board votad the sum of $200 for the same to be paid out of the General County Fund. " The official bond of Samuel Raber, of Eur.uervills ' township. was approved, 3 the Constable of said township. The question of further sink ing the well near Las Vegas, was discussed and an order made that Peter Baol be allowed to continue the work to a depth of 100 feet, if water !s not obtained before that depth, for the sum of $5.00 per foot Upon a requisition from Judge Geo. S. Brown, a list of 150 names was drawn for the trial j:iry service of the next session 0' the District Court A special levy of $1.25 on each $100. valuation was" made on the property owners of Caliente School District for the payment of interest on school bonds. A special levy of $4 on each $100. valuation was made on the taxpayers of Bunkerville School District, for the payment of in terest on school bonds. ." T. J. Osborne pezwA bsfori the Board an'! stated hi bid bought lots 2 2G, p town of Piochr;, from 3. . Wertheimer and never received a deed for the same, and asked that the County now deed to him the lots for the sum of $5.00, that amount covering all back taxes on snid lots, an order was m lie for the tran -,fer for tho amount r.amed. Mail Change. The time of the deparuure of the mail has changed from 8 A. M. to 7 A. M., and ever since the change, while the mail is ready on time for he stacre to take it, the stage has not left town any morning before 8 and some mornings it has been 9 A. M. We can not see the reason for the change from 8 to 7 as when the stage wasjscheduled to leave at 8 it seldom got away be fore 8:30 or 9, ar.d then there vk's plenty of time to make the trip to Caliente and give the P'M. there, all the time necessary for the distribution of the mail which left for Los Angeles on the 2:30 P. M. train. if any change should have br.nmade by tin Daoartmifc looking to the needs of the pul-llc and the best service in the dos pateh of business the change should have been from 8 to 9 A. M. instead of 8 to 7 A. M. State Orphans' Home Statistics. The state orphans, home new Luldir.g in this city has accommodations for 100 children. The state wards now number 62, of whom 31 arc boys. The height of the - structure from base to doma is 115 feet. The grounds comprise an area of 16 acres of agriculture land, upon which is raised all of the veg etables for table U3e - and feed for livestock which includes six cows. Since the establishment of the home in 1839, 700 children have been admittad within its portals and supported and educated at the state, s expense, many of them occupying po sitions of trust . Sheriff M. J.- Murphy of Lrn der county, who was returning from Chcago with a prisoner named James E. Finnegan, was stopped at Ogden Monday and served with a writ of habear corpus. ; Finnegan is wanted on the charge of obtaining money un der false pretenses, the amount involved being something over $900. He was arrested in Chicago and held until the Nevada officer arrived with requisition papers. Governor Deneen hon ored the same and granted the repuest for extradition. Thir wa3 on Febuary 20. Immedi ately thereafter the Sheriff witl h;s prisoner left Chicago and t ien by a roundabout wa t irough Wisconsin left for thr West This action evidently to prevent the friends of Finnptrar ! from getting action to stop the i extradition. Ex. I MEAT.. MARKET. ClIAS IX'LVEItWELL, Jit. rr.oiHHETon. Caf.tento, - - NTadt. (Opposite i' .M nkM?.) Pome, Fresh Fish. FreVS Oysters rcelvet overy FrlJ-ty H. . W.. UNDERBILL Fine and Cigar 3- Call Once and You will be sure and return. HANS OLSEN'S Is one of the Finest Places In I salient e. anything in the way ot- ci. 1.1 C"3is..'-ar. ('ALIEN' t K NLVA1A Henby Lee Henpt Mathe- PIOCHE JUh$T MARKET. Pioche, Main Street Nfvada, Prime Bef, Pork, Mutton and Veal. Leo jrxcl Mathsws, t3 opa. CHAS. LEKIloRSKY MET nci Pioche. - , Nevada THE PALACE J. G. - row; t 1. 1- t The Finest of v - I -Amines,; -. ' ' iquo'rs Cigars, Always on Knn. &TljhJD andl "E00 l. J TABLES. TONSORI A?. PARLOR PIOCHE, - - NEVADA. Vli work elono In the Highest ?tyj of the Art Also his a first class H-th IttMjin where Hot and '."Cold Water Baths . . can be had HENRY Wholesale and GENERAL fflECHANDISE j)) Groceries and "rovisioiiB. Glassware and Croclrery, Vines, Iiqor.i end Cigar A. CompkteLine of Miners Supplies always cn hand. . BOOTS, r SHOES. m - MAIN ST OPP MEADOW VALLEY STREET Fioch.3, - - ITovada CILVERWELL HOTEL Calionto, -: - - ITovada Bostcf Accommodations - Fi' Class r eds and good Rooms rpecial tti ' crirh g ven the Kitchen ana C ining sioom. and the 3?st the Market ffcrds Will be served. Hot Sanitarium and Baths in Connection with the Hotel. Water 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Livery and "rss,3oarded by tlieDay, "Weekank Moutli. Blacksmith Shop here you can get all kinds! of Blaclimithing done! at Reasonable Prices. CHAS.CULVERWEIX, IDAHO The Land of DpporlunM Farming, Fruit Raising Mining A Triuitv of Industries in which sha is unexcelled. Irrigniiou ha niada'ber funning an unparalleled success. The Oregon Short Line Railroad Co. Will gladly furnish descriptive matter in regard ' to state re " sources. ... D. E. Bublei; ' Dr; S." Spbhcm, G. P. & T. Agt. A. G. P. k T. Agt Suit Lake City, Utah. WANTED.- TKtWWORTflY OENT' VMAS ( K i neta count j t: ln.lnm U,r an old wUbllxhxd k'aw of .olid Ui:uci1 t.olina A ( rlllt, h. D. ad. kl ruh ikilur of I d 00 pud 0 eitmk men W outtday with U eiu-o- dlract iroo hulti.rtni. Mmtty sUt.ik-mi for tpa l.VH.MllCiluin 3:HCh?c(i i y jf n f Ai i Makes "delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. An afcsoJstsly pcre, cream cf tartar ftmiSf v . fcTWAfc MKNNI MW6M OSW KaW WMb , . WELLAND Retp'! Dealer in Feed Stable PHOPRIETOP NOW RUNNING. SALT LAKE TO LAS ANGELES, '""VIA''"'"'" UMDL1 lOllMf STATIOM. Fast Time, ' , Superb Equipment, : . Observation Sleepers. Writs nearest Agent, or to. J. L. MOORE, D. P. A., Salt Lake Citj, Utah. 77 Pioche and DeLamar Stage Line. Via Calicntcs and Panaca. J. A. DENTON Proprietor. - . . ,- . Stage leave DeLamar at 7 A. M. every ; day? Leave Panaca at II "kl. and'Hoclre at 8?0O A. 'SI every day, connectiag with the ft L, L A & S L Railroad at Caliente. . Pioche Office at Thompson's Store." A S. Thompson, Agent. Caliente Drug Store JOHN SHIER, Fine Toilet Soaps.- VThe Latest Perfamea.N-f O-The Latest Novelties in Writing Paper. TThe Choicest of Candies. ! Also a fine line of and domestic. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND NIGHT Caliente - - J. A. Denton, The Tables supplied Best the Market Affords. Good Beds and Well Furnished Rooms. QTStagea Leaves Hotel for Pioche, Panaca and Delamar every Day in the week.gXl THE DIM & BIO CB41E AMD THE io eiinn iao scGnxo XjIhq run s, GlenwoofSpring8, Aspen, Laidville, Publo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis, 'n. , Chicago, and all points east. ' f tionnec5in at uaen union nepot withall Southern Pacific and Oregon Shor. Line Trains The only Transcontinental Line passing directly through Salt Lake City. Splendidly Equipped between OGDEN Via Three Separate St THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS DINING CARS, Service a U 3 Fr r.t t ld.n, fra. il'ntrtod booklets, etc, Inquire of your neutit tioket agent, specifwug the to Grood runia, or tddrasl I. A. BEMTIU, G. A. P. D . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ay- PROPRIETOR Cigars both foreign - - ITevada. Proprietor. with the Fast Trains Daily 3 AND DENVER Distinct Scenic Routes! Denver, Omaha, To Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Without Change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Ptrmnvlly Conducted Excursions. Cane on all through Train. (fy