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ifiEGOBD.' : - IOCHE n VVJkfi VOL. L.VI PIOCHE, NEVADA. FRIDAY MAUCH iO 190G NO lO Mining Very Active Around Goodnprings. Loot Ilia Prisoner. Carson Nev3 says Governor After nearly half a century of i Sparks received a telegram last varying vicissitudes the mines of Goodsprings are being given a real show. The Salt Lake rail road did much for the district, but the smelter will make possible' the handling of low grade ore, and the profitable working of many properties. Tradition has it that the Potosi tribe of Indians roughly mined and fashioned bullets from the gsJena re. Later the location of this wg lead deposit Became known to Brigham" Young and he sent out a band of Mormons to work the mine, Then, strange to relate, ore was taken to Fort Douglas by Gen eral Sydney Johnstone, and the bullets manufactured were used in the' miniature war waged against the Mormons by the United States government. But all this is ancient history, and to day Mormon and Gentile capital i3 pouring into the district and the section teems with activity. W. H. Wilson, manager of the new smelter, together with Contractor Joseph Dedrichs, ar rived yesterday, and at once started preparatory work. At a later date it is their in tention to visit all the mining camps of southern Nevada and personally acquaint shippers with prices and terms. A sampling works and assay office are to be at once erected, in order that the company can commence buying ore. Jean, which is the station on the Salt Lake Route, is save :i miles dis tant from Goxbprin?, where the smelter will be erected, and the two places ?J3 to be con nected by either an electric or a regular railroad, .The smelter will have twa. blast furnaces, one flat bottom for copper mats, the other a crucible for lead. Searchlight. SCHOOL HIS PORT. evening from Sheriff Murphy of Lander county, who is at Ogden. He states that Nevada has lost its three prisoners, whom he was bringing from Chicago to have their trial at Austin on the charge of fraud, for which they were indicted by the grand jury. They were brought from Chicago under extradition papers signed by the governor of Illinois, who revoked his papers after the sheriff had the men as far : as Utah. , . t Habeas corpus proceedings were instituted in Ogden and the men were turned loose. The in dictment will remain against the trio, but they cannot be punished unless they are caught within the State. Governor Sparks remarked this morning to a News repre sentative: "New Jj a pretty good time for ' the stockmen of Nevada to take warning and look out for Chicago sharpers, as they come here and give bogus checks make contracts for the delivery of horses and cattle and relr dudiate their debts. Appoints Visitors. 8 EAT MARKET. CHA.3 OULVEKWELL, Jit. UiOPHJETOU. (Opposite IWtnflice.) POBK9 iesli Trusts, Frali ri-, Fre'i Oysters evoty rrH eceived The following is a list of the pupils of the Grammer School who have missed no time during the month ending March 2nd. George Frank Clara Peaslee Caddie Cook Eddie Price Eben Wheatley Chester Cook Lizzie Goodrich Rose C. Falconer, Teacher. The following is the report of the Pioche Primary School for the six month, ending Mar 2, '06 Whole number of pupils in at tendance, 35; boys 19, girls 16, Per cent of attendance, boys 89, girls 91; average 90. The following pupils have been in attendance every day during the month and the first six every day during the U rm. Governor Sparks has ap pointed the following honorary board of visitors to the Nevada State University. The list con sists of one from each county in the state, with Chief Justice Fitzgerald as president of the body. The duties of the ap pointees are to visit the Univ ersity commencement week: W. C. Grimes, Churchill; H. F. Dangberg, Douglas; C. B. Henderson' Elko; H. F. Bartine, Esmeralda; H.C. McTerney, Eureka; B. F. Riley, Humbolt; J. A. Miller1 Jr., Lander; J. T A. Denton' Lincoln; J. W. Wilson, Lyon; W. B. Pittman, Nye; Andrew Maute, Ormsby; J. J. Sullivan, Storey; N. W. Washoe; R. A. Riepe, Pine. Roff, White Floyd Campbell Ralph Goodrich; Lena Welland Herold Clark ' . Daniel Frank Mammie Orr Rose Succetti v .' V." Welland Frank Varner . , Ella Hulse 'James Price Walter Garrison Mary Ann Price , Clara, Garrison : Maude Goodlander, Teacher. Generally when a woman drives a man to. -drink he jogs along right steadily, without shy ing at anything along; the r, way. "The assessed valuation of Butte, Mont, exclusive of mines, is $40,000,000. The' monthly payrolls of mines and smelters exceed $1,000,000. The mines of Butte are valued at $1,000,000 000, on which no taxes are levied. The net bullion proceeds only are taxed. The mine3 supply over one-fourthof the copper product of the world. The electric pewer and light plant represents 40,000 horse-power. The population is estimated at 75,000. , The Highland group of mines, at Ely, has been bounded to Samuel New.iouso, the Utah millionaire, for $80,000. The Shellenger. and Comins ranch on Steptoe Creek, close to ! Ely were sold for $103,000 last ! week to Messrs A. G. Corbett j and J. R. Thompson. The j ranches contain 1700 acre3 of ' land and have a water right of 1000 inches. They was bought soley for the use of the water. A little Ferron girl, says the Emery county, Utah, Progress, wa3 told to write an essay of 350 words on any ? subject. She choae to write about a stove which her father had just put up, so she wrpttt -.the . following: "My father . tried .to put . up a stove yesterday Joorning. . Just as he gotit nearly p hej started to put one of the "legs 'under that had fallen out," and the "whole stove, pipe and all came down. I guess that makes about fifty words, and Pa said the other 300 while he" finished putting up the stove." iV "'V- H. W. UNDERH1LL Fine Wines, Ldquors, and Cigars. ssxx tab llMiw td Call Once ai.d You will In sure and return. HAfiS GLSEfTi Is one of the Finest Places n) . alicnte li you -wish anything in the way of- wa riots .1 dCLTJO.r-fi. :v v.1 Cigars. CAL1KNTE NEVADA. HENRY WELLAND Wholesale and Rets" Dealer in ((( GENERAL MERCHANDISE j) Groceries and Provisions, Glassware and Crockery, -"Vines. L.iquor j and Cigar. A Complete Line of Miners Supplie always on hand. -V V SOOTS urn Jul SHO MAIN STOPP MEADOW VALLEY STREET Pioob.3f - - ITovacU Pioche and Delamar Stage Line. Via Calicntcs and Panaca, J- A. DENTOXT Proprietor. - Stages leave DeLamar at 7 x A. , M. every day, Leave Panacaat 11 a. M. and Pioche at 6:00 A. M every daj, connecting wtlt the , S L L A. & S L Railroad at Calientes. t Pioche Office at Thompson's Store. A S. Thompson, Agent. ILVEEWELL HOTEL Calionto. - - - - Nevada Best of Accommodations Fir r Class Beds and good Rooms Special tti ' on I1 given the Kitchen and cjning Room, and the 3st the .Market;. ffords Will be served. Hot Sanitarium and Baths in Connection - with the Hotel. Water 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Livery and Feed Stable niJLLi stocio;i with 3LIVEU1T A.l SADIILEIIIOCSIIS. domes Boardedl by the Day, Week and Mouth. Blacksmith Shop here you can get all kinds! of Blachmithing done" at Reasonable Prices. " 1 1 A S. C T LV E It WELL PROPRIETOF Henby Lee Henht Mathews PiOi HE IDAHO The Land of Opportui ities! XL iRREl Farming, Fruit Raising Piocbe, Mniti Street, Ntvudu. Prime Bef, 1'ork Mutton and Veal. Loe and athowa, P ops. m HORSEY 00"UT "'( iOH-AV "W Pioohk. - - - Nzvasa 0m NEVADA'S MOST P0PU- LAR ROAD. TWO PALITIAL TRAINS from caliente TO ALL, POINTS South, North, East and West, Chemical analysis shows that! QdE the communion wine used in i i IE ADM I A New York churches is composed vALI'r UKIN I A oLT? f and i LOW Rate Excursions coal tar, but perhaps it is as pure asthe heart of many of the' Wnte nerek Ae;to THE PA LAC E O. row . I'tooh The' fittest ol Wines, iquors - AMD . Cigars, Always on Unci. POO 1,1 TABIjBS. Mining Trinity of Industries in which she is unexcelled. Irrigation has made her farming an unparalleled success. The Oreaon Short Line Railroad Co. Will gladly furnish descriptive matter in regard to state's resources. D. E. Burley, ! D. S. Speuceh, Q. Pi&T.Agt.. A. G, P. AT. Act Salt Late City, Utah. laot-lroais Light oii Caiiente Drug Store JOHN SHIER. PROPRIETOR Fine Toilet Soaps. Y-The Latest Perfumes.f OThe Latest Novelties in Writing Paper. $ DST The Choicest of Candies. JH! Also a fine line of Cigars both foreign and domestic. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND NIGHT Caiiente - - - - ITevada. J. A. Denton, Proprietor. are mad with T ANTED. A TBtTSTWOBTHT SENT' (MAS tm iftd7 In Kh coaoty to mftDBK. bmttneM for so old titttabltuhed honM of tolid floasci taBiina A rwxht. bon. 8d wwklr h h1u7 of ( 00 p(d ny enwi ncn aDM i7 wica .11 Dn direct from oMUqunnon, Hou.7 idviimo (or xpD4 i.MKr, 9i Uaiton Slag., udicko BAKING POWDER A&sotutaly Puro ftatldysicptfi may ba eataa without laeoavcnlanea ' avail by persona with deUcata , V dJgestloa ' i .1 : ' ' Orot wp. rum o mm nm Mm imi MO Gil TONSORIAL PARLOR PIOCHE, - - NEVADA. ;: JAKES . A. NESBITT, Is just in receipt of a FINE STOCK FRESH GROCERIES, THK LATEST STYLES IN . - All work done in the Highest Style of Goodwin's Weekly. D. P. A., Skit Lake City, Utah. the Art. Boots 4 Slioes Abo has a first class Bath Room where H ;t aud Cold Witer Baths can be had. B$el of Uciior One price to all.- MAIN. ST. OPPOSITE LACOTJR. AMD THE fi'Y. RIO GUiBE Wmi Tho Sccnio Lmb To ''-v , Olenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas uity, s St., Louis, ; I Chjoago, and all points east. ' s , , Connecting at Ogden Union Depot w'th all Southern Pacific and Oregon Short. Line Trains The oalj Transcontinental Line passing : j " - directly through Salt Lake City. 3 Splendidly Equipped fast Trains Daily between OGDEN AND DENVER Via Three Separate k Distinct Scenio Routes; The Tables supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Good Beds and Well Furnished Rooms. TE5RMS S1.50PER DAY, flT'Stages Leaves Hotel for Pioche, Panaca and Delamar every Day in the week.& THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS a 1 Denver, Oinalm, t0 Kansas City, St Louis & Chicago Without C hangca Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Excursiom. DINING CARS, Service a la Carte on ll through Trains. tut r.ttt folders, free Ulnatrtd booklet., .to., lnquiro of ynar n.arett tiok.t H!ut pilviK tb io Grand rottM, or sddri I. Am BEKTH, Q. A. P. D. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 1 PIOCHE - NEVADA.