OCR Interpretation

The Pioche weekly record. [volume] (Pioche, Nev.) 1906-1908, March 16, 1906, Image 2

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C W. OABRIiOlC, rahUeaaaV
The strike of the factor jr employes
at Moscow Is abating.
Fire or incendiary origin near
ly wiped out the town of Wayne, W.
American Consul-General James R
i Parsons, Jr.. was killed by an electric
oar In Mexico City.
: Harry Howe, It years of age, la dead
at Sidney, Iowa, from Internal rupture
sustained In a football game three
weeks ago.
, Senator Chauncey Depew of New
Tork has tendered his resignation as
a director of the Equitable Life As
surance society.
. Ed Tomlinson, a distiller at Keokuk
Tails, Oklahoma, was shot and klllea
by F. M. Grundy, the result of a feud
of long standing.
The Constantinople correspondent
of the London Daily Telegraph says
that the modified proposals of the
Porte are acceptable to the powers.
. The Kalmakem of Venldje reports
that he has found In Lake Yeotdje
the bodies of forty-four Greeks and
Bulgarians who were klllod during the
recent fighting.
. The. Stockholm Aftonblat says that
, two war vessels will be dispatched to
Bt. Petersburg to protect the Swedei
there and to bring home those who
wish to return.
, At Horton, W. Va., seven coal mi
ners were suffocated. They wers
.working In a drift, when a wooden
tack of the ventilating furnace caught
fire and was consumed.
The budget committee of the Span'
lsh chamber of deputies has approved
an extraordinary credit of 14,000,000,
to be distributed over four years, for
the purchase of new artillery.
Seven hundred postal and telegraph
officials are on strike at Warsaw.
About a hundred of the officials re
fused to Join the strikers. The strik
ers have vitrioled the letter boxes.
. E. Igoardo, who was employed on the
farm of J. Pacheteau, near Callstoga,
Cal., made a desperate attempt to kill
Mr. Pacheteau, after assaulting Pache
teuu's nelce, and then inflated fatal
injuries on hlmBelf.
At the Planklnton cafe, in Mitchell,
8. D., two masked robbers held up a
crowd of fifteen men. While one rob
ber stood guard, the other searched
the victims. The robbers secured sev
eral hundred dollars.
Senator Culberson has Introduced a
Joint resolution setting aside one-half
of the unappropriated public lands In
the Philippines belonging to the Uni
ted States to create a permanent pub
lic free school fund.
MaJ.-Gen. MacArthur, U. S. A., Is a
guest of Gen. Lord Kitchener, the Brit
ish commander-in-chief In India, at
the military maneuvers on the occa
sion of the visit of the Prince and
Princess of Wales to India.
John C. Hanley, who has received a
good deal of public notice through con
nection with farmers' co-operative
schemes, was indicted by the Federa
grand Jury at St. Paul, on a charge
of using the malls In furtherance of a
scheme to defraud.
The American line steamBhlp pav
erford has arrived at Philadelphia
from Liverpool after a rough voyr.ge
Among the steerage passengers wen
more than 200 Jewish refugees from
Russia, They included men, women
and children wh lived In the sections
in which the recent massacres oc
curred. ' Thirty thousand dollars is likely to
be put into a home for aged and dis
abled sailors by the International
Seamen's union. This was practically
the report submitted to the convention
in Cleveland, O., by Paul Scharren
berg of San Francisco.
Many wealthy refugee families from
Odessa and Kishinev have reached
Jassy. They report an alarming
spread of the agrarian movement
Their train was several times attacked
by maurauders at Bessara, a village
between Odessa and Ungehl.
On account of their being Infected
with scales formed by a parasite dan
erous to native fruit, State Horti
cultural Commissioner Huntley hat
ordered the local fruit Inspectors tt
fumigate all Japanese oranges re
ceived at Puget Sound ports recently
The Lauderdale school (colored)
located in North Birmingham, Ala.
raa destroyed by Are Sunday night
entailing a loss of $45,000, with insur
ance estimated at about 17.000. About
60 pupils were endangered, but all es
caped from the dormitory without in
: On hundred thousand Jews, eact
wearing a band of crepe on the left
arm, marched under a myriad of black
banners through the principal streett
of the east aide of New York on the
5th, accompanied by bands playing
dirges, in memory of the Jews massa
cred In Russia,
. Secretary of State Root and Secre
tary of War Taft, accompanied by s
party of military men, spent Sunday
on the battlefield of Gettysburg, look
lng over the ground for the purpos
of selecting a site upon which to erect
a tablet inscribed with Lincoln's Get
Ctyuburg address.
According to figures Just compiled
,th death list on the Great Lakes dur
)::g the season now closing has been
the heaviest of any year since big steel i
f vessels began to be used on the lakes.
I '
,A total of 216 lives were lost. Of
'these 11C were lost during the three
great storms this fall.
Hebrew Babes Thrown From
Third Story Winc'ows
at Odessa.
Refugees Tell of Persecution by Rus
sians, the Indignities They Have
Suffered Being Almost Incredi
bleThe Blackest Page In
Russia's History,
New York. Russian refugees,
many of them eye witnesses of the
massacres in Odessa and other Rus
sian cities, disembarked here Monday
from the steamers Patricia and Chem
nitz. Some of them told graphic and
pitiful stories of their experiences.
Jews who had themselves lain hidden
in Odessa houses while mobs searched
for them, Russian workman of the
Christian faith, strikers from the rail
road's, a newspaper reporter and Ger
mans who bad long lived In Russia,
Joined at Ellis Island Immigration sta
tion In declaring that they bad been
attacked Irrespective of religion; that
their assailants were led by police dis
guised in citizen's clothing and that
the massacres were not race persecu
tion, but revolution.
While telling their stories the men
sometimes burHt Into tears, for per
haps half of the entire number had
left behind them wives and children,
who were either dead or defenceless
In Russian cities. One of the men,
Abraham Chanoch, an Odessa tin
smith, toid what he saw of the Odes
sa massacre, from its beginning, when
two rival parades, which were cele
brating the new constitution, met and
began to light. He told how little
children were thrown out of high win
dows; how Russian Christians pa
trolled the streets In large bands pro
tecting Jews, while other bands ot
men pillaged and murdered. Work
men and students, he said, led the
peace party, while disguised police
usually led the hoodlums. After the
first two days he and two companions
escaped from the city.
Two refugees from western RuBsia
said that there the Jew killing was,
started by emptying the Jails of pris
oners, who attacked and stole from
the Jews. The men from the
province of Kovino asserted that the
police themselves read in the em
peror's proclamation of a constitution
an order to kill all Jews and cried
this through the streets.
Canoch said that faces of the dead
on the street were too mutilated for
recognition. Each day the peasants
flock to the towns predicting "the re
volution is coming, and if it does not
arrive today It will tomorrow."
Frightful Attack by Supposedly Do
cile Animal.
Fresno, Cal. Before his frantic
grandchildren could drag him from
the bullpen Charles Blsl was gored
in a fearful manner by his bull at
Conejo. Bist Is an old man and fee
ble. The bull that attacked him has
always been regarded as docile until
Monday, when he made a sudden dash
at Blsl aa he entered the pen to lead
the animal to water. (
The animal's horns caught him on
the hips, threw him high in the air,
and as he struck the earth the bull
was on him. He thrust one horn
through the old man's right side and
was goring him about when his grand
children Jumped the fence and
dragged him to safety. Blsl's condi
tion is critical.
Omaha Kidnapper Assured of a Num
ber of Trials.
Des Moines, la. Governor Cummins
on Monday Issued a requisition for
the return of Pat Crowe to Iowa for
holding up a street car In Council
Bluffs the night of July 2. 1905. A
woman betrayed Crowe. Lillian C.
Bolton of Council Bluffs. In the hear
ing for a requisition, alleged that she
overheard Crowe telling others about
the robbery.
Mitchell Not Mentioned.
Washington, D. C An adjournment
of the senate was taken on Monday
without any mention of the late Sen
ator Mitchell of Oregon, and so for
the first time the death of a senator
was permitted . to pass unnoticed by
the senate. The erasure of Mr.
Mitchell's name from the rolls fol
lowed. Chaplain Hale recalled the sit
uation to mind In his prayer by re
ferring pointedl; to corruption and
death and by praying that members
of the senate be given strength to
bear each other's burdens.
Landls Has Brilliant Idea.
Washington, D. C A novel method
of seeking federal control over Insur
ance is proposed in a bill introduced
by Representative Landis of Indiana.
The bill cites that congress 'has ex
clusive Jurisdiction over the District
of Columbia, the territories and the
Insular possessions of the United
States, in consequence authority is
given tho department of commerce
and labor to require full statements
from all Insurance companies doing
business within such Jurisdiction,
which will include alf the big com
panies. ;
Beyond Jurisdiction of Courts.
Wasbiugton, D. C,-On motion ol
Former 8enator Thurston, Chief Jus
tice Fuller, on behnlf of the supreme
court of the United States, on Mon
day directed the issuance of an order
dismissing the appeal of the late Sen
ator Mitchell in the case against him
The proceeding was brief. Senator
Thurston announced me death of the
Oregon senator and moved the dis
missal of the case. In directing the
order th chief Justice merely re
marked that this course was usual In
criminal cases.
ft Is the Portland Vase and New In
British Museum.
Another family treasure of great
raluo which has since passed Into the
Keeping of the nation Is the Portland
yase, now exhibited In the British mu
eum, says the Westminster Gazette
This vase comes from Italy, and what
Its age Is no man knows, though It has
been proved that In 235 A. D. It was
deposited in a sepulcher under the
Monte del Orano, three miles from
Rome, and Is believed to have con
tained the ashen of the Emperor Sev
ems. But, whether or no, Pope Urban
VIII. had It dug up; and for more than
two centuries it reposed In the Bar
berlnl palace at Rome. In 1786 the
duke of Portland purchased it from Sir
William Hamilton for l.O'i guineas
and deposited It In the British muse
um fifteen years later. In 1845 a man
named Lloyd, employed at the mu
seum, picked up a stone and hurled it,
in a fit of frenzy, at the case which
contained the precious relic. The vase
was smashed Into hundreds of pieces,
but with great ingenuity they were all
put together again, and as it now
stands is said to be worth at the very
least 15,000 pounds.
Tennessee Praise.
Dayton, Tenn., Dec. 11th (Special)
Among many prominent residents
to praise Dodd's Kidney Pills Is Mr.
N. R. Roberts of this place. He tells
of what they have done for him, and
his words will go deep Into the hearts
of all ho are suffering In the same
way. v. Av says:
"I was"a martyr to Kidney Trouble,
but Dodd's Kidney Pills completely
cured me. I shall always keep them
on hand in case there should be any
return of the old trouble, but I am
thankful to say they did their work
so well there has not been the slight
est sign of my old complaint coming
back. The pain in my back used to
be terrible. If I got down I had
nara jod to get straight again. But
my back Is like a new one now and I
can stoop as much as I please. I don't
believe there ever was any medicine
naif so good as Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Use the reans at Hana.
It is not money so much as brains
that the small merchant was'.s for ad
vertisingthe handicap of deficient
capital is as nothing compaed with
the handicap of defective thinking.
Whatever excuse may be given for
failing in business, the lamest of all
la "lack of moans to advertise," be
cause the business does not exist that
cannot be exploited profitably with the
means at hand.
BTiTi or Ohio, City or Tolido, I
Fiuvi J. Chiniv makee oath that he ta eenloi
partner ot the Orra of J. I msiy a Co., d,.l,ii
feuelneai i In the City of Toledo. County antf Stale
ifore!d, ami that aald Ann will par the aum or
ONKHUNUUKU DOLLARS for eah and e,e?y
caae of Catakhh that cannot ba cured by the uaa of
Hall'! Catahbh Cum.
sworn to before me and aubitcrtlx-d In mr nresenca
thle th day of December, A. I)., '
v' Notabt Public.
Hell'e Catarrh Core ta taken Internally and acta
directly on the blood and mucoua aurfaoea of the
eyitenj. Send for leatlmontaia. free.
,av F.J.JllKNKrCO.,Toldo,0.
Bold b all DniKulite, 7Jic.
Take Uall't Family r Ilia for conetlpatloo.
Caused Educator's Inability to Place
Rather Prominent Man.
At a recent dinner of the Geodetic
club Prof. Shaler of Harvard told the
following story on himself: "I still
remember a mental slip I mads nearly
thirty years ago when In Washington
attending a large educational confer
ence. I was alone In the hotel parlor
watting for two of my friends when a
rather short, bearded man entered
and, seeing me, advanced to shake
hands with a cordial, 'Glad to see you.
Prof. Shaler.' At the moment I was
unable to place him and had to con
fess toy Ippse of memory. I explained
that I was meeting so many people
that I could not remember the name
of each, though the face might be very
familiar. He smiled and said he quite
understood and drew out his card. On
it was engraved 'Gen. Ulysses S.
Grant,' and then I understood why his
face was so very familiar."
Keep up your vitality and you will
never know disease of any kind. No
disease can exist where there Is au
abundance of pure blood. To get the
necessary amount, eat nutritious food;
to circulate It perfectly, take proper
exercise; to purify It, get fresh air and
sunshine. If a perfectly healthy con
dition of the skin exists and an even
temperature of the surface of the body
is maintained, It is Impossible to catch
cold. Cold water baths taken every
day will do much towards producing
the former; proper food and exercise
the latter. London Tlt-Blts.
Must Have the Kind of Food
Nourishes Brain.
"I am a literary man whose nervous
energy Is a great part of my stock In
trade, and ordinarily I have little pa
tience with breakfast foods and the
extravagant claims made of them.
But I cannot withhold my acknowledg
ment of the debt that I owe to Grape
Nuts food.
"1 discovered long ago that the very
bulklness of the ordinary diet was not
calculated to give one a clear head, the
power of sustained, accurate thinking.
I always felt heavy and sluggish in
mind as well as body after eating the
ordinary meal, which diverted the
blood from the brain to the digestive
"I tried foods easy of digestion, but
found them usually deficient in nutri
ment. I experimented with many
breakfast foods and they, too proved
unsatisfactory, till I reached Grape
Nuts. And then the problem was
"Grape-Nuts agreed with me per
fectly from the beginning, satisfying
my hunger and supplying the nutri
ment that so many other prepared
foods lack.
"I had not been using It very long
before I found that I was turning out
an unusual quantity and quality ol
work. Continued use has demonstrat
ed to my entire satisfaction that
Grape-Nuts food contains all the ele
ments needed by the brain and nerv
ous system of the hard working public
writer." Name given by Postum Co.
Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little
book, "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkgs.
Dogs Used in Search f- Murderesa,
Whose Clothes Were . i Tatter
and Feet Bleeding Vhen
South Norwalk, Conn. Crouched in
the bushes of a swamp, her hair dis
heveled and full of burrs, her dress In
tatters and her feet uncovered and
bleeding, a posse of men found Mrs.
Edward Gustafscn Sunday afternoon,
a maniac.
Mrs. Gustufson is the young woman
who shot her husband In their home
Saturday and then chased him around
the house and upstairs, where the
pistol was taken from her after a
stubborn fight. She had fired three
shots at her husband during the pur
suit and hud threatened the lives of
her two little daughters. She made
her escape to the woods, and large
posses of police and citizens scoured
the country all through the night,
using lanterns and dogs In their hunt
for the demented womaa, fearing she
would return and kill the girls.
Mrs. Gustafson has not spoken since
she was captured. She made no re
sistance, and her mind Is apparently
blank. Gustafson Is dead.
The Representative American Drama
of th Age.
Salt Lake Cicy, Utah. Among
Americans who are inspired
by patriotic sentiment there cannot
fall to be a sense of gratification that
the most important play in the history
of the stage world Is the work of an
American. That play Is "Ben Hur"
the author, General Lew Wallace.
Since its original production In New
York City, the closing year of the last
century, it has been presented in
many foreign countries and languages,
and all have acknowledged its supe
riorlty. The attention paid it by rep
resentative personageB of the world,
from the Pope of Rome to the King of
England and the President of the
United States, has worked a healthy
Influence among all classes, and today
to attend a performance of "Ben Hur"
Is considered a part of the education
of the rising generation.
The public of this vicinity will have
an opportunity to witness "Ben Hur
at the Salt Lake theatre. Salt Lake
City, Utah, Christmas week. It is to
be enacted for six nights, starting
December 25th. Matinees are to be
given on Christmas day, Wednesday
and Saturday.
High-Handed Outrage Perpetrated at
Brazilian Port.
Washington. The Brazilian embas
sy In this city has received a telegram
from Baron de Rio Branco, the minis
ter of foreign affairs, stating that a
few days ago several of the officers of
the German gunboat Panther went
ashore In civilian dress and visited a
small fishing town called Itajahy in
the state of Santa Catalina, and there,
without any form of process, seized a
man by the name of Setlnhoff, who
had left his native country, Germany,
aa a deserter from the army, and took
him with them as a prisoner on the
Panther. Thereupon the gunboat left
Itajahy and went to another port in
the state of Rio Grande Dosul. The
three Brazilian cruisers, Almlrante
Barrao, BenJ. Constant and Tamman
dare, were sent to watch the Panther
and see that no simtlar occurrences
should again happen, while the Bra
Eilian government made an official
protest against the action of those of
Bcers to the German government.
Carriers Killed and Policeman
Wounded In Street Fight.
St. Petersburg. A disturbance in
which two carriers were killed and a
policeman and several others were
wounded occurred Saturday, Immedi
ately in front of the postofflce. Tb
strikers for two days had been seek
ing to persuade the volunteer and
regular carriers to refuse to work. At
the door of the building on Saturday
the strikers, enraged at the refusal of
the volunteers to quit, drew knives,
whereupon a carrier attempted to de
fend himself with a revolver. Both
the carrier and a companion were
killed on the spot.
A squad of policemen was stood off
by the strikers and workmen who
sympathized with them. Both sides
exchanged a fierce fusllade, during
which a policeman and several work
men were wounded.
As the strikers were withdrawing a
Cossack patrol came galloping to- the
rescue. One of the strikers turned
and threw an imitation bomb and the
Cossacks wheeled In order to avoid
what they presumed to be a deadly
missile. The crowd managed to get
In an open courtway close to the door
and to escape.
Sudden Death of Ewing.
Salt Lake City. Samuel C. Ewlrg,
one of the best known hotel men in
the west, and since 1871 prominently
identified with Utah's mining inter
ests, passed away at 1:30 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon, five minutes after be
had taken an overdose of tincture ol
digitalis. The medicine had been pro
scribed for heart trouble, from which
Mr. Ewtng had suffered for several
yaars. The indicated doso was ten
drops. Mr. Ewing swallowed a tea
Bpoonful. Masked Men Loot a Bank In a Massa
chusetts Town.
Reading, Mass. Eight masked men
entered Reading early Saturday, cap
tured and locked up the two police
men who were patrolling the main
street, and then forced entrance to
the Mechanics bank, where the)
wrecked a cafe belonging to the Read
lng water works. They secured Hod.
A. P. Brooks, a citizen, exchanged
shots with the men left on guard out
side the bank, but no one was injured,
A Valuable Agent.
The glycerine employed in Dr. Pierce's
medlt.'lne greatly enhances the medi
cinal properties which it extracts and
holds In solution much better than alco
hol would. It also possesses medicinal
Sropert.es of Its own, b!nf a valuable
emuicent, nutritive, antiseptic and anti
ferment. It adds greatly to the efficacy
of the Black Cherry bark. Golden Seal
root, Htone root and Queen's root, con
tained in "Golden Medical Discovery" In
subduing chronic, or lingering coughs,
bronchial, throat and lung affections,
for all of which these agent are recom
mended by standard medio I authorities.
In all cases where there is a wasting
away of flesh, lots of appetite, wilS
weak stomach, as in the early stages of
consumption, there can be no doubt that
glycerine act as a valuable nutritive and
aids the Golden Seal root, Stone root,
Queen' root and Black Cherrybark in
promoting digestion and building up the
flesh and strength, controlling the cough
and bringing about a healthy condition
of the whole system. Of course, it must
not be expected to work miracle!. It will
not cure eonaumption except in its earlier
stages. It will cure very severe, obstin
ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn
geal troubles, ar.d chronic sore throat
with hoarseness. In acute coughs It is
not so effective. It is in the lingering
coughs, or those of long standing, even
when accompanied by bleeding from
lungs, that it has performed Its most
marvelous cures. Send for and read the
little book of extracts, treating of the
firoperties and uws of the several med
clnal roots that enter Into Dr. Pierce's
Oolden Medical Discovery and learn why
this medicine has such a wide range of
application In the cure of diseases. It Is
sent free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y. The "Discovery" con
tains no alcohol or harmful, h bit-forming
drug. Ingredients all printed on each
bottle wrapper in plain English.
Mick people, especially those sul.'erlng
from diseases of long standing, are Invitad
to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All
correspondence is held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser issentree
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps
for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth
bound copy.
Poisonous Insect Eggs.
M. Cavereau, a French scientist,
has discovered that the eggs of In
sects contain the same characteristic
poison venom as the sting of the in
sect. So also the eggs of serpenU.
The discovery is Important in its
bearings on the phenomena of hered
Covered Head, Neck and Shoulde
Suffered Agony for Twenty-five
Years Until Cured by
. Cutlcura.
'Tor twenty-five years I suffered ag
ony from a terrible humor, complete
ly covering my bead, neck and shoul
ders, discharging matter of such of
fenslveness to sight and smell that I
became an object of dread. I con
sulted the most able doctors far and
near, to no avail.. Then I got Cutl
cura, and In a surprisingly short time
I was completely cured. For this I
thank Cuticura, and advise all those
suffering from skin humors to get It
and end their misery at once. S. P.
Keyes, 149 Congress Street, Boston,
Wearing Out Motor Tires.
On heavy motor vehicles the cost
of the wear and tear of tires Is about
four cents a mile.
Good tea is better than
most of us know. You may
as well know Schilling's Best
Largest Crab of Season.
The largest crab caught this sea
son was in the North sea. It meas
ured 2 feet 7 Inches across.
Red Cross Ball Blue. Larpe 9 ot. park-acre 6
cents. The Kuss Company, South Bend, Ind,
Lace Making Dying Out.
Lace making Is said to be dying
out, not only in England, but in Italy
and in France, where Alencon and
Chantilly are no longer made. The
Spanish industry is dead. Belgium
now turns out lace of any required
style or name.
A Great Monarch.
Wealthlet than any brother sover
eign; master of legions, which num
ber over a million; lord of more than
one-sixth of the surface of the globe,
with subjects of many colors and
races, amounting to over one hundred
and twenty million souls, the Czar of
all the Russlas will not be Invincible
until he adopts Ptllsbury's Vltos as
his regular breakfast diet
Clothes Washed by Electricity.
Clothes washing by electricity,
without soap, Is the idea ot a Hun
garian. The stream of electrified
water is claimed to remove all spots
and dirt, and the 300 garments held
by the machine are washed In less
than 15 minutes.
Why throw-away money
and comfort in buying poor
Toar B-rooer rwnrna yoor money If you deal
Uka Schilling"! Baat. -
Climate Kills Blue Popples.
The attempt to acclimatize In Eng
land the famous blue poppy of Thibet
has proved a failure.
Taka LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tahlete. Oraf
elite refund money tf tt falla to cure. K. W.
GROVK'B elgnature la on each uoi. Ma.
.. Power of Cheerfulness.
You find yourself refreshed by the
presence of cheerful people. .Why not
make earnest, effort to confer that
pleasure on others? You will And
half the battle Is gained If you never
allow yourself to say anything gloomy.
If we know anything, we
know tea. Hold us respon
sible! Write tor Mr Knowledge Book. A. SeauUna; a
Company, Ban Fraactaco.
Doing One's Best.
The habit of doing his best is one
which has never yet failed to help a
man in life, whatever his work. wat
ever bis alms.
Free Matter Handled Repre
sents a Loss of Twenty
- Millions in Revenue.
Postmaster General Is Less Concerned
About Deficit Than the Efficie..iy
of the Postal Department De
ficit for the Year Is Near
ly Fifteen Million
Washington. Postmaster General
Cortelyou, in his annual report for the
past fiscal year, says that, while a
self-sustaining condition of the post
offlco department would be gratifying,
he is less concerned about the deficit
than the efficiency of administration.
For the fiscal year 1905 the total re
ceipts from all sources were $152,
826,585 and the total expenditures
1167,399,169, leaving a deficit of $14,
572,584. In conneoifon with these fig
ures the postmaster general directs
attention to the increased amount of
free matter handled, which, he says,
averaged 12.58 per cent of the entire
weight carried, or a loss In revenue of
"Manifestly," he says, "had the mat.
ter carried free been required to have
been prepaid, notwithstanding the
layge expenditures for the rural free
delivery service there would have been
no deficit."
Answering some of the criticisms
which, he says, have been directed
against the postal service, he says that
most of it overlooks the unusual con
ditions existing in this country, its
great extent of territory and its wide
ly scattered population.
Governmental control of the pneu
matic tube service and the mail wagon
service Is recommended.
An appropriation of $10,000 for send
ing three experienced postal officials
abroad to study foreign postal systems
is asked.
Manufacturers and Merchants Work
ing for Betterment of the State,
Salt Lake City. The Manufactur
ers and Merchants' association. Incor
porated, of Utah, has been organized
In Salt Lake, and is planning to ex
tend its organization throughout the
state. All manufacturers and mer
chants In the state are eligible to
membership, and are invited by the
association to send applications for
membership to the manager. All re
quests for information will be prompt
ly answered.
The organization has been perfected
by the election of Orson H. Hewlett,
as president, and the following offi
cers: George S. McAllister of Z. C.
M. I., factories, vice president; Leon
Sweet of Sweet Candy Co., second vice
president; G. R. Cleaveland of Cleave
land Commission Co., secretary, and
C. O. Harris of the Utah Independent
Telephone Co., treasurer. The other
directors are the officers named and
George AuBtln of the Utah Sugar Co.,
Nephl L. Morris, J. R. Valentine. H.
K. Deardorff, John R. Bruff, H. J.
Faust, George A. Whitaker, J. M.
Marriott and Albert Fisher.
The association will secure a com
plete collection of the articles manu
factured in Utah and will have them
on exhibition in the headquarters of
the organization. Manufacturers
throughout the state are asked to
communicate at once with the man
ager, Gordon H. Place, and secure
spaee for their products.
Building Boom Throughout United
Chicago. Official reports of building
construction in some fifty leading
cities throughout the country,' com
piled by the American Contractor of
Chicago, Indicate that the building in
dustry is in a flourishing condlton
and In somewhat greater volume than
In November, 1904. While about a
dozen cities of the fifty show a de
crease compared with November, 1904,
the balance show a decided gain, run
ning as high as 449 per cent in Oma
ha. A general average through the en
tire list presents a very favorable
Attacked By Vicious Cow.
Peru, Ind. Unconscious after a
probably fatal attack by a vicious cow,
Mrs. Noah Lapard was found lying In
the barn at her home four miles north
of here on Sunday. She went to the
barn early In the day after her hus
band bad gone to Peru and upon his
return he found her with her clothing
torn into shreds and several wounds
on her head and body. The bloody
horns of the cow told the story of the
woman's injuries.
Burton Will Not Be Recognized.
Washington, D. C. Senator Burton
has wired his colleague. Senator Long,
notifying him that be did not desire
any committee assignments pending
the determination of his case In the
courts, and Senator Long so informed
Senator Hale aa chairman of the Re
publican committee on committees
Senator Burton is at present chairman
of the committee on foreign reserva
tions and a member of the committee!
on postofflce, public lands, pensions
and claims.
Counterfeiter Are Caught
Los Angeles, Cal. In the arrest
8unday morning of Frank Weller,
alias Wilder, and Joseph Castro, alias
Lawrence, by United States Secret
Service Agent Cronin and officers
from the central police station, it ta
believed that one of the smoothest
gangs of counterfeiters that has oper
ated on the Pacific coast for yean
was broken up. With the prisoners a
quantity of paraphernalia was confis
cated and sufficient evidence Is said
to be possessed by the officers to per
mlt ot a prosecution of the charge.
Is guaranteed ta ba in
absolutely pur
Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
or otKer Inturious Ingredents. See)
formula, on every oaa. Your freoe?
sells Three Crown, "the best of the
good ones." - When the quality la
superior, why not buy goods mad
In Vtah?
One Dollar
for a Postal Card
This company will give one dollar for I
the hrst reliable information of an I
opportunity to sell a steam engine or I
boiler of our standard type within I
our ranee of sizes. This does not I
include vertical, traction or gas en
gines. If you know of anybody in
tending to buy an engine or boiler
teii us. A postal will da.
have for years been the atandard for all (team
piania. oeai or material ana vorkminahip.
uur big output enablee ua lo ecu on email prof-
It. An Alias, th ka, in ,h wM ...
I more than the other kind.
Writ today for oar special offer.
squint acoaciMinaUcitiM INDIANAPOLIS
I OorllM En!nw Hlgrtrwed EtiftlnM WatarTubaBoifenj I
luHuauc aafc-iaa mrouiing LoiiueB rutubuh
Atlu Engine In farrtce 8,000,000 B. r.
Atlu Boilan ia Mivioe 4.IMJ.0OV H. p.
Wales Has No Capital.
Wales wants a capital, but, though
the search has been going on for
years, no city has yet been found pre
eminently suited for the honor.
We do some things because
we want to, and others be
cause they belong to a plan
that is good on the whole.
Toot trrooer returna your mouey tt 70a goal
Uke Schilling'! Beat.
Why Hlsf
If, as some say, billiards Is the dev
il's game, then let us fight the devil
and take it from him. Why should ha
have and keep the best Indoor game
in existence? Exchange.
Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children,
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
in the Children's Home in New York, cure
Constipation, Fcverishncss, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Wonns.Over 80,000 tes
timonials. At all Druggists, 25o. Sample)
FKEE. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeEoy,N. Y.
From the Rear Platform.
An Irish street car conductor call
ed out to the passengers standing in
the aisle: "Will thim in front plaze
to move up, so that thlm behind can
take the places of thlm in front, and
lave room for thlm who are nayther
in front or behind?"
Every pound package of
Schilling's Best is a free
sample, if you don't like it
Tour grocer returns your money U you dont
like Schilling'! Best.
Odd Derivations.
Philologists claim that the phrase
to "sleep like a top" comes from the
French "dormlr comme une taupe"
to sleep like a mole. It is said, too,
that Cinderella's slippers were not
made of glass, but of "vair," the old
French word for ermine, which In
time became corrupted Into "verre,"
People think spices and
extracts are always dishon-
No; they are not.
Tour grorer return! your money U yon dont
Uka vhiningi Bust-
Belgium's Good Work.
Though Belgium has an area of but
11,373 square miles, which is less than
one-fourth the size of the state of
New York, and a population of only
,600,000, it has accomplished within
twenty years a mighty task, opening
up to the world a vast territory cov
ering an area of 800,000 square miles
with a native and white population of
about 30,000,000.
Ptso's Cure tor Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samcbi
Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900.
"Bull from New Zealand."
A New Zealand publication, the Con
tract Journal, makes this bull: "The
clash of party cries Is obstructing a
clear view of the present position of
this country."
Whoever you are, wherever
you are, our tea is for you;'
our moneyback money too.
Tour grocer returna your money If .on toct
Ike ScalUlmr'i !(.
Woman Has Tenor Voice.
Miss Josephine Northmore, of Lake
aide, Minn., has a genuine tenor voice,
with a range from E fiat to high C
Any attempt to make her sing soprano
in the same range ?r contralto has
proved unsuccessful.

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