Newspaper Page Text
LYDIA E. PINKHAM A BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth ana How the "Panic of '73" Caused it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. THE STORY READS LIKE A ROMANCE SAKHAROFF ASSASS1HATE0 6YWQMAN REV0LUT10KIST The Murdres Called at Horn of the General and Fired Three Revolver Shots at Him. This remarkable woman, whose maiden name was Estes, was born In Lynn. Mass.. February 9th. 1819, con ing from a good old Quaker family. For many years she taught scnooi, ana during her career as a teacher she be came known as a woman of an alert and investigating mind, an earnest seeker after knowledge, and above all, she was possessed with a wonderfully sympathetic nature. In 1843 she married Isaac Pinkham a builder and real estate operator, and had so often made from roots and herbs for 6uch of her women neigh bors and friends who were sick and ailing. Its success In those cases had been wonderful Its fame had spread, and calls were coming from miles around for this efficacious vegetable compound. They had no money, and little credit. Their first laboratory was the kitchen, where roots and herbs were steeped on the stove, gradually filling a gross of bottles. Then came the question of selling It, for always be fore they had given It away free. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the mer its of the medicine, now called Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and these pamphlets were distributed by the Pinkham sons in Boston, New York and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent. self-advertising, for whoever used It recommended it to others, and the de mand gradually Increased In 1877, by combined efforts, the family had saved enough money to commence newspaper advertising on a small scale, and from that time the growth and success of the enterprise was assured, until to-day Lydia E. Pinkham and her Vegetable Compound have become household words every where, and thousands of pounds of London. The St. Petersburg corre spondent of the Daily Telegraph, In a dispatch dated December 6, sent Tla Edythkunen, East Prussia, says: "Lieutenant General fT, for mer minister of war, was assassinated today. "The government had deputed Gen eral Sakharoff to visit the province of Saratoft for the purpose of quelling the agrarian riots there. "A woman belonging to the so- called 'flyins column" of the revolt tionary movement, called at the house of the governor of Saratoff at noon Wednesday and asked to see General Sakharoff. "She fired three revolver shots at the general, killing him on the spot. "The event has created a profound impression in St. Petersburg, owing to tears that the revolutionists here will follow the example thus set." 8HIP SUBSIDY BILL REVIVED. P l meir eariy married me was marKeuuy and nerbs are used annuaUy ln prosperity ana nappiness. iney nau maklnK this (treat remedy for woman's ills. Although Lydia E. Pinkham passed to her reward some years ago, the per petuation of her great work was guarded by her foresight. During her long and eventful experi ence she was ever methodical ln her work and was careful to preserve a record of every case that came to her attention. The case of every sick woman who applied to her for advice and there were thousands received careful study, and the details. Includ ing symptoms, treatment and results, were recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, together with thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and repre sent a vast collaboration of informa tion regarding the treatment of wom an's ills which, for authenticity and accuracy, can hardly be equaled in any library in the world.. Another act of foresight on the part of Lydia E. Pinkham was to see that some one of her family was trained to carry on her work, and with that end ln view, for years before her death, had as her chief assistant her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pinkham Therefore, under the guidance and careful training of Lydia E. Pinkham, and a vast experience of her own, covering twenty-five years, the present Mrs. Pinkham is exceptionally well equipped to advise sick women, which she is always glad to do free of charge. The record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made of simple herbs and roots, is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant conquest over the obstinate ills of women, greater than that of any other one medicine of its kind ln the world, and will ever stand as a monument to that noble woman whose name Its bears. four children, three sons and a daugh ter. In those good old-fashioned days few drugs were used ln medicines; people relied upon nature's remedies, roots and herbs, which are to-day recognized as more potent and efficacious ln con trolling diseases than any combination of drugs. Mrs. Pinkham from her youth took a deep Interest ln medicine, in botany the study of roots and herbs, their characteristics, and power over dis ease; she believed that as nature so bountifully provides food for the body so she also provides medicine for the Ills and weaknesses of the body, ln the roots and herbs of the field, and as a wife, mother and sympathetic friend, she often made use of her knowledge of roots and herbs ln pre paring medicines for her family and friends. Knowing of so much suffering among her sex, after much study and re search, Mrs. Pinkham believed that the diseases of women have a com mon cause, and she set to work to And a common remedy not at that 'time as a source of profit, but simply 'that she might aid the suffering. How her efforts have been rewarded the women of the world know to-day. In 1873 the financial crisis 'Struck Lynn. Its length and severity was too much for the large real estate inter ests of the Pinkham family, as this class of business suffered most from this fearful depression, so when the Centennial year dawned it found their property swept away. At this point the history of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound com mences : The three sons and daughter, with their mother, combined forces to re store the family fortune. They re solved to give to the world the vege table compound that Mrs. Pinkham Revised Bill of the Merchant Marine Commission. Washington. The supplemental re port and revised bill of the merchant marine commission were presented on Wednesday ln the senate by Chairman Galllnger of the commission, and in the house of representatives by Rep resentative Grosvenor. The revised bill, according to the estimate of the commission, will produce an Increased revenue from the tonnage taxes of II, 900,000 in the first year of the opera tion of the bill from July 1, 1906, to June 30, 1907. It Is estimated by the commission that the actual expendi tures on account of the bill in the first year of its operation will be 1150,000 for naval volunteer retainers, 1666,250 for mall subventions to new lines, and $67,000 for the Increase of mall sub ventions to two existing lines, a total of $1,283,256. SECRETARY SHAW'S REPORT. AILING WOMEN. Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid ney Will Keep You Well. Sick, suffering, languid women are learning the true cause of bad backs and how to cure them. Mrs. W. G. Davis of Groesbeck. Texas, says: "Back aches hurt me so I could hardly stand Spells of dizziness and sick headaches were frequent and the action of the kidneys was irregu lar. Soon after I began taking Doan't Kldaey Pills I passed several gravel tones. I got well and the trouble has not returned. My back is good and strong and my general health better." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Light Dumb-Bells Best If you use dumb-bells, as the cus tom of many is ln these day ot strength and figures, don't have them at all heavy: and the same applies to the Indian clubs. It is not weight but exercise of the muscles you want light, regular exercise not to over do It one time and neglect It then for a week. TEA Where tea is good, much tea is drunk; bad too. Dressmakers' Models. A London court dressmaker said the other day: "A mannequin, which is the correct name for a model, should be live feet eight Inches tall ln order to show the new model dresses from Paris to advantage. This Is two Inches taller than last season's height VERMONT W0LU1 PUIS PEKALTY FOR MQRDER After Being Twice Reprieve-, Mr. Roger Meets Death on the Gal- low for Murder of Her Husband. DIDNT COME FOR EXAMINATION. Windsor, Vt Mrs. Mary Mabel Rogers was hanged at Windsor at 1:13 o'clock Friday afternoon for the mur der of her husband, Marcus Rogers, at Bennington, Aug. 13, 1902. Mrs. Rogers was pronounced dead by the prison officials at 1:27. The execution took place after the woman had twice been reprieved on account of appeals made in her case by her counsel and after the United States supreme court had refused to take action ln the case. Only a comparatively few persons witnessed the hanging, the number being restricted to those permitted to attend by the law of Vermont Mrs. Rogers maintained her com posure to the last and mounted the gallows with a steady step. Although a deadly pallor overspread her coun tenance, hardly a muscle quivered as Deputy Sheriff Spafford pronounced the fatal words: "I now proceed to execute the sentence ot the law, and may God have mercy on your soul." When the words were pronounced Deputy Sheriff Angus McAuley sprung the trap and the drop fell. JOHN H. MITCHELL CALLED. But Collector Underwent Ordeal Like All the Rest A celebrated specialist, to whom time was literally money, and who was possessed of a fiery temper, made It a rule that all patients should undress before entering bis consulting room so as not to waste any of his valuable time. One day a meek looking little man entered with all his clothes on. "What do you mean by coming in like that?" asked the doctor, in a rage. "Go and strip at once." "But I " faltered the man. "I tell you I've no time to waste," yelled the doctor, and the poor man left the room ln haste. Wfceo nis iara came he re-entered the room. "Now, then." said the doctor, "that' better What cau I do for you?" "I called to collect your subscrip tion for the benevolent society." TiiEOUHio:; ,r? ? Shows Large Increase In Revenues and Decrease in Expenditures. Washington, D. C The annual re port of Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw, submitted to congress on Wednesday, shows that, compared with the fiscal year 1904, the govern ment's reoeipts for 1905 Increased $12,886,896.21, and there was a de crease of 15,879,447.10 in expenditures However, notwithstanding large increase ln receipts and de crease in expenditures, there Is a bal ance of $23,004,228.60 on the wrong side of Uncle Sam's ledger that is the size of the deficit for the year. Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease. "I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recent ly and havl lust bought another jvpply. It has cured my corns, and the hot, burning and itching sensation in my feet which was almost unbearable, and I would not be with out it now." Mrs. W. J. Walker, Camden, N.J." Sold by all Druggists. 25o. Largest Theater Stage. The largest theater stage in the world Is that ot the Paris grand opera, which Is 100 feet wide by near- j ly 200 feet deep and 80 feet high. TEA Do you use Schilling's Best? What a pity we don't all of usl The Man with a Career. A man with a career can have no tme to waste upon his wife or his friends he has to devote himself wholly to his enemies. John Oliver Hobbes. Oregon Senator Did Not Long Survive Conviction. Portland, Ore. United States Sen ator John H. Mitchell died at the Good Samaritan hospital ln this city at 11:30 o'clock Friday morning,, death resulting from complications which followed the removal ot four teeth at a dental office Thursday morning. A hemorrhage of unusual violence fol lowed the removal of the teeth and, despite the application of the most powerful styptics known to dental science, the flow of blood could not be stayed. Physicians were summoned to the dental office, but the combined scientific knowledge of the dentists and medicos could not stop the flow of blood. immense Palm Leaves. The biggest leaves in the world ar those which grow on the InaJ palm, found on the banks of the Amazon. The leaves reach a length of as much ts 30 feet to 50 feet, and are from 10 t J 12 feet ln breadth. SUacobs has traveled round the world, and eveiy where human I Aches and Pains have welcomed It and blest m it lor a cure. lrice. a5c m4 JOe. g X m v. . u Oil I m 0 9 Terrors of the Sea. New York. The steamship Gerty of the Austro-American line, from Venice, Trieste, Messina and Palermo, arrived on Wednesday with 719 im migrants, who told a story of a five weeks' voyage through storms and terrors which none cares to experi ence again. For the better part of a month they were shut between decks because of rough weather. They had DON'T forget neen irtgntenea into at least one thia A large S-os. package Red Cross Ball Blue, only panic, a woman had gone insane from lnls 6 cents. The Kus Company, Souto Bend. tad. tflrro, h. f(,now nassenirers aald: fire had started down ln the engine space The Gift of Gifts! For ChristmoLS or Any Other ' Time Is a. Diamond. Vnless you have & technical knowledge of diamonds your chief concern should be in selecting the house from which to purchase The unquestioned reputation of BOYD PARK. Salt Ltvke, Established 1862. with absolute guarantee, will decide the question for you. Dra.w from the largest stock of Diamonds, Watches and Silver in the Region. Reasonable Prices. Send for Booklet Ammonia Used to Capture Insane Woman. Girard, Kan. Mrs. Ina Berry, who since Friday had held the town of ficials at bay from her fort ln the toilet room of a Frisco railway coach on the tracks here, was removed Wednesday shortly before noon, after she had been partially overcome by the fumes of ammonia. A bundle ot rags saturated with the drug had been pushed through the window of the toilet room. Before surrendering Mrs. Berry fired one shot at her captors, but without effect. The woman is insane and defied all attempts to get her to leave the car. shooting at everyone that came witn in range. DIVORCE CHURCH AND STATE. Searching Excitement. "Hang these here motor cars," said the man with the sunburned suit. round shoulders and long beard. "I think I've gone a-running up to no less than a dozen crowds, expectin' to see a fight, and only found some fellow doctorln' a' motor car." Stray Stories. TEA We take the risk of your finding our tea as we say, at your grocer's. Tour grocer return your money If yoa doat Ilk. ScHlUlng'i BMt. at night, the ship had been ln total darkness, the drinking water got salty, a passenger was choked and robbed and death had claimed three victims during, the five weeks' trip. Old Mother Nature. Nature is an endless combination and repetition of a very few law. She hums the old well-known air through Innumerable variations. Emerson. Collapse of Station Roof Ki Is Work. men. London. Ninety feet of the roof of the southernmost end of the Charing Cross railroad station collapsed with out warning Tuesday afternoon, carry ing with it some forty workmen, who were engaged In repairs -on that sec tion of the roof. The casualty list ot this extraordinary accident includes two persons, who are known to have b'een killed, two persons missing and probably burled beneath tons of de bris, eight seriously injured and twen ty slightly Injured. The falling walls of the station crushed the roof of the Avenue the ater, adjoining the station, injuring several men who were at work there, A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES. Itching, Blind, Bl.adlng. Protruding; PUea. Dri( gliti are authorized to refund money If PA.ZO OUITMKNT tall to cur In I to U day. Mo. French Senate Passes Bill Amid Great Enthusiasm. Paris. The senate on Wednesday, after a long debate, adopted the bill for the separation of church and state by a vote of 181 against 102. The vote was announced amid enthusiastic scenes. Former Premier Combes par ticipated in the debate, contending that the measure assured neutrality of religion, moral liberation and the social pacification of France. MORE RESIGNATIONS. 170 Main Street. Salt Lake City. m WE TREAT and CURE CATARRH wJ til wkU 41mum I th mjm, r, mm. throtvt, Ivtis, atom ftcW, ltvr, bowala, kid, tllJ m& til eliTAftiM, KMiroiu Mtl privl 4 . f Ltotk mim, tn4 4iMkM ! Mldrm. Horn TrMtuMt Car. Writ for f re symptom Hat If . aot call Conaultattoa PI. A. . IKOHIl Special Offer in Private Diseases aoaaa. Unfortunate, of both him who ar auffarlnf front Private Dle whether aanmd ey lanor ano. oew or eontagloo ba alwaya bn looked npoa at legitimate prer DT the Snarl an4 Charlatmi wbo poe aa "KpeclalLte" and rob the auSerer for wortbleaa treatment. Pita BHOB.KS IK NOT AHK YOU TO FAT TUB la ON iMJLLAB UNTIL CUUKU ONLIM TOU WISH TO YOUBSEI.K. 1,KS. SHORES KNOW TUIT CAU CfBI A!TD DO CTJX PRIVATE" DISIASBS lit BOTH FKKMANK.NTLT. aud to PHOVIB tbelr .kill, la tbla laaa of allnrau, ber tree and lire aucb oaes before tbe patient I required to par Dre. Snoree' one dollar. Or thoee wbo prerfer. mar par the fee ln smalt weekly or momnir inetaiiment aa in euro pruarme. this uuhht PLAN Of 1'KAI.INU WITH THS Ab'rLICT IE l. deal, atfeatb blow to tb guuk and Fakir woe Wd roa eer hear of a r.klr reraodlM penny to a doped patient? Take no ooancee you oannot toe Nlne-teutha ot so palled " WKAKNKH8ES OF Man aamandi all Caab. In etchanse for empty proailaea. your mony If yo doat pay lk owe. ara alain'v tbe reautt of eniaiawd or lnBamed IK St'ATB HLAND Dre. Snoree aew LOCAL TRSATMKNT for snob , IN VARI ABLY Cl;BK k oiber Doctor bow many eaeee tbey ear under tbe old and aeeteet Plata t treatment fur uli trouble. We euro LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weaknee. Spwautorrkoaej, GOKOUHHOEA, SYPHILIS. VaRU OCBLI and kladrod trouble. In lea time aad for lew money, than any Institution ln tbe weat. every eaee la confidential -we never uaaaaataaaor beHrey aaeoret. t'oo'ultatiou, Examination and Adrloe rKBB by mall or at the offloe. orr'lCB Hoi US; a a m tot p m: Brulni I to j Suadaya aad holiday W a m tall. South Main tire, (all Uk Cite. Utak. DBS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY OK TMI MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH ANO IOWILIitt WOn SAL V ALL DRUI)T AM PjSNSJAL TOf1B.M.. -NEVER FAILS Nslden-Ju .son Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utak. McCal'. to Resign Presidency of the New York Life. New York. The Evening Sun ol Wednesday says that President Mc Call and Vice President George W. Perkins of the New York Life Insur ance company are going to retire from office ln that company. Mr. Perkins retirement, the Sun says, win proo- ably take place soon and Mr. Mccaii t at the next annual election of trustees I ln April. Peace Will Not Last Los Aneeles. CaL At a public re ception in his honor Wednesday night. Lieutenant General and Chief of Staff Adna R. Chaffee of the United States I army, predicted that the United States will again go to war. He said: "Gen- j tlemen, war will come again. There are plenty of men in this room who will see our country at war again. I Not on our own soil, perhaps. You must remember that we have now be come one of the nations of the eartn. We have great Interests to defend." Patrick Must Die. New York. After making a final personal plea to the court in his own behalf. Albert T. Patrick, the lawyer convicted of the murder of William Marsh Rice, on Wednesday was sen tenced to die ln the electric chair in the week beginning January 22 next. Sentence was pronounced by Justice j , Rogers ln the criminal branch of the state supreme eon it Notice at once was given that an appeal to the su preme court of the United States, on i a writ of error, will be taken. "Found Drowned In Water." A coroner's Jury ln Cornwall, Eng land, which had been called to sit on the body of a miner found drowned ln a pool in an abandoned quarry, brought ln the following verdict: "Found drowned in the White Quarry, there being water there at the time." TEA Your grocer and you have common interest. Tea is good for you both. our ffrooar return, your money If 70a doat Ilk. SchllUni'. Beet. Sleep In Wicker Baskets. The Serl Indians make an odd' shaped contrivance ot plaited wicker work, with a hole at the top, through which the occupier crawls at night to sleep. TEA We don't mind the money the moneyback money there isn't much of it. Tour troeftr return your money If 70a don' Uk Schilling'. BMt. Nebraska Marshal United States Loses His Job. Washington. The president has summarily removed from office United States Marshal T. R. Matthews, of the district of Nebraska, for alleged misconduct ln connection with the case of Richards and Comstock, who were recently convicted ln that state of illegally fencing the public domain. The sentence of the court was that the defendants should remain In the custody of the United States marshal for six hours. Civil Service Employe to Be Forced to Pay Debts. Washington. A bill providing for the discharge of civil service em ployes who fail to pay debts con-; tracted for groceries, clothing, rent or the services of dentists, physicians or undertakers, has been introduced by Representative Dixon of Montana. Af ter a government employe has refused three times to pay a bill he is to be suspended, and If he fails to pay ln three months he Is to be stricken from the rolls. Evidence of Brain's Activity. Talking to one's self Is generally considered a sign of a weak brain, says a doctor, but nothing could be greater mistake. It Is a sign of an extremely active brain. It may be strong or a weak intellect, but the ac tivity must be there to cause this peculiarity. A round trip rate of $50 to California will be ln effect all winter via the new ixai popular Salt Lake Route. See nearest agent or write for Information to J. L. Moore. D. P. A., Salt Lake City. 8ome Amusing Blunder. An English druggist gives the fol lowing list of blunders mads by his poorer customers: "Catch an eel," for cochineal; "prosperous paste," for phosphorous paste; "grease It," for creosote; "fishy water," for Vichy wa ter; ".guitar," for catarrh; "everlast. Int." for effervescing. Senate May Amend Panama Bill. Washington. The emergency bill appropriating $11,000,000 for Immedi ate use in the construction of the Panama canal will be taken up by the senate on Monday. The discussion of the measure probably will occupy three or four days following the lines ot the debate which occurred in the house. It Is expected that the senate will amend the bill to restore th $5,500,000 cut out by the house, thus making a total appropriation of $16, 500,000. Did Not Die With Boot On. San Quentin, Cal. Walter Warner was hanged on Friday ln the state prison here for the murder of Marie Tomaya at Santa Barbara, on June 10, 1904. When he bade good-bye to War den Tompkins, he said: "This is the happiest day of my life." While ascending the scaffold Le kicked off his slippers, remarking that he would not die with his boot on. His last statement was that the "AQotlng ot tbe woman was accidental. ..t.,lilUiailUiil jCVgetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andBcgula ting the Stomachs andDcwrels of Promotes Digcstion.Checrfuh npss AndltesLContains neither Opium.Morphme nor Mineral. lSOT U ARC OTIC . jByv &0USiMlXLM(2IBS JUS' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears ino t Signature AY of nam Aperfect Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stonwh.Diairhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOTiK. JJLH AW EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years m TMHaiaiMaawam aaa aim SON'S Who la Leyaorv'a ? The largaat en prtoa Jewelry House In tha Inter-mountain country. Everything first otaaa. with, ample guarante to protect the purchaaer. Wa will mtkll fra out two Ulvistrextad Cektav. loguee ( on af Watohaa, -A." and t otha of Diamonds and Jewelry, "B" ) to any addrasa. Phone 65 for the cor. rot tlm. SALT LAKE CITY. More Converts Every Year Every day in every year that comes, more housewives are tivinff up their exhorbitant pncea Daxins rowaers ana turning to K C, the honest and reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are find inj out that r BAKING k f POWDER costs one-third the price of powder anywhere near K C quality, and makes better, purer, more healthful bakinj. 25 ounces lor x. Send potal for " Book of PreaenU.' JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago. HI. PRICE. 25 Cta. ffTO CURE THE W?i ill WIHm Mil V Vk Tl -a - tt AiTRPiPlilF Wtk es!. inn cmn. kmcicke m KEUFlim mill iiiLibqHM r'".v"rT"":"r7- ,;t ... Forbid Ue of Bicycle. Strong Japano Intoxtcgnt, Dr. Adolph Frltzen, bishop of Strass- SM. the Japanese spirit, lg stronse burg, has again Issued aa edict for- & drink known to Mg. bidding priests within bis diowse to , , , use bicycles. "jffiS ilhorcpssn's ?8 Wr ForcbtaleSrav Wh.. Ancwerln, AdvertlBementg aaauaaUaa.aUajr.palu.ottM.wladoollu. KcabotUa. Kindly Mention Thlt Ptptr. British Change In Diet. W. N. U.. Salt Lak-No. SO. load. British people smoke one-third more ST" tobacco than they did thirty year r ; i ago, eat half as much again of sugar. . , t i.t a tut m i fe i and drink 40 per cent more tea. while I VlT-t ' the consumption of Intoxicants has -t yt jyy,"tf "" J tended to decline. . I