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" ■ —— KETSTONE JtfEST •* k McDowell Co|litgrO; Children .Crowding | School Rooms. jeer la MrDo^Lfagflht* whfc* hm jo* ctco^i fc ".Hg1 #H^mrr^i,o>tW>»l«iioe wySX^'tLAa WSo^SrhesehoN^yrnxflF^ieDQweii roanty k amomr thi JmBw the. tfaV, the majority oi the t» «o«4 ccnditk>r* oM dilapidat ed ■CnKtaiieflmtid^.rrplsced bj' sew ••I *«fd£aa|pK«i^ wbUe the terfct bo<1 hJKpSS^^ which were bmtt wmiffiwmoire being repaired and" . iiuiifapi to meet the requirement* of k> th th ; object oi making better eanitary condition, mom light and rconi , Bod eeey exit* is caee of fir*. > >. ' The Ttiom Board* oI gdccatioe, the Coonty Sopt. end the fflgt. Bupte. ere working tnpthq to brae the echocle of the ecmt; pp te the hlfhetr point ol efficiency oeefnlAeeo to the people u I • whole. Ooonty ftapt. W. O. Gook i» txntiring in bit effort# to improve * th> •choole not only by r-ovidmg adequate ecboot facilities bat by aqcuriog the rtry beet teacher* morally endy intrUectaJly,. the* eyi be obtained. >• MeDoweH coeoty la ttrj liber*} is it* expenditure* for the education of thr yoothe of the coney in addition to hftruf aotoeof the beat echoal# la the C. ***** MrDrtxll P7»intr -# mom 014* fe 4 I*r crux. giMtw then the ifatlr* *!u»f k«A. n Otfi W -' r. a y very ' |«ce:nr»rUf tefttfttft-Saprr** *r.<J Vita ?rrtrr &U IBlo flWCIM - trfif ptrmm la MrOo^T'T^rtj »h n! I \ U nfm ymmoug« <A .ufri* : .*«uitwr«,thr^ t)#T4*irtl« ta i hyge^Hy w thVi tnw H tM hpftifc hnj9 an<1 jrfrte I he sdrtr.tvfl < ' Jbmt cwmooo ''tWwrWW tenh>r tor Ci-lato Effect tkb M*rtk-P«. ^- erfal Bo an! to W Appihtii . V CHARLESTON, W. VA.. May 8.— Daring the tneiij month of Msy practi cal! j the whole of th» so-calied pcpiuei Ke-U-fWuion eaaeM at the mmrca of the State Lefiditait last winter *W be ei#me effective- White ewne of the more qrgent Wte-ation 7M p —ei by th« law tnakicg boHj to take effect from paangr, the »ore.important laws were created to take effect 90 daya from their pwoft, and beglncipg thia week thjf time limit exptrra on eererai of the mcasa rea, tad before th^ month ia endei all th» Dew lcriaiiinn will he la effect. One 6t thA meaaurra onacwd at the ra iin»aporititertr known ae the "l-hw »kj Iiw," btcame Hfcrtire May ef the Panhandle Kate era interested In tLe Dew tew, which >*> f« »?* Tjct^l «* ittfltNinukjrOmiMuk^ A P* fX1** octmty, nppO# to practically alV teeuiidea, State Aadltar Joint 0. Partthae construed the measafe to p»een that It doepnoC tpply to the boeuiflds owner of eeeqitrim la aenae ousyyarfan who may desire to diepoee of them ia the ff-srciar course of bte prirata bodotmbat if any corpoi ttWo desiiea to plan it rtock npon iU market H mart ftrat obtain a lk*.-»k ujtder the ptutistoaa of the lew, A bearthinx aoalyjtv of thA affalta *< >n> aiwp«»ft forrifo ar, J issstl'/ de si rina to w-Uweeorittes tetithorlad by the Vttt Tbo eon*pe*i>> rr^nired tobe lkecaod^ awl a>c»t UJa with tha Aadlter t(re plant'npoa which it prtfpoaas to tHhr act IjftainMb floplia of all contract bonds or other fntcrwaxcta, an I tern teed acrocnl if kt ut> tacit! or jr eerti ted copies U ankles <rf laccrponpcn, byUwa, Ac , with.coptea of ail oofl tracts aud mo lutioa bearing a put the rate of stock* «r.<faacurWac 6», fa* «oaj£pi ttab^ tjomp^pfc^ wMeb, operate baarily la *W tb^ala, wttfaia t*» .cope el |ta aat.,jr^ i^Alona whh the "bftaa rkr Jew" iherr *fll p teto effect aeetof tartralip* ;nc*aotr» JirUf the Inaartace Ootamle ee*tfrfrift iwfMunsrtean/ A adhcr fiWM»] I rT rClr- I lrn->- -r T on faninnft nllUlSfikcU^ IhSt Jacr- . a stackers jrWa a» TyetA Vl^hda the I Uws tetsn [. Tfe law l^ipeUttrA feif »ew vflkn bot it d« l r - rWi Jrw^ llotH X»> Ukmvt*t Mill). W Vi^ «»<t» Ko*U*^tr tlia sate of ihef^ed |t»rwiii. M n»H»«T Ihrfefa J If jwmf #fH OF GOV. HATFIELD To Charges of Senator Kern about the ■■ Strike UM£5SNESS MOST CEASE Charleston, W Vn, Maj a, (Spl)-Oo reroor Hat&4d in his lUinhnt W*d last night In reply to Ibe charges o( t\ S. taAtar Johi W. Kern thai peonsge b pnedoed In the mines of this State-, that "Mother J' jeaM ra tried by d mm head coartHDartial, tliat 'a nea^paprr man wee deported Mm the »Uf dnrirg the MiRiCary Ooart sessions at Pratt, tharfui that Kern Je not tellfnr the truth. v The statement by Ooreroor Hatfield fellows: > **I am Informed that Senator Kent has made a etatamrnt that peonage exist* Jo Waal Virginia and that Mm. Marj Jot** hxi bera on trial before a drumhead Mil itary Ooart for the peat 30 dayt. DENIES. PEONAGE CHARGE - "Jn reply to the Sent tor'• statement relators to peonaf,1 to my that hie a!W*a»km is a fabrication. Mm. Jones is not now, nor Itaa the at any dae afaee iher arrest, been 'in prieun. She ia being detained (and le not in any way ocmlined) at a plea«aaf boarding ^ house with a private /amity en the tank of fie Kanawha Biear at Pratt, W. Va. "I do not intend to permit Mm. Jones or any other rrrson to come into West Virginia and make inflammatory speech' es that have a tendency to produce riot bloodshed each aa waa experienced under, the admlniatratioa of Governor Gtars cnck; CLAIMS EVIDENCE • - t . • "We hare evident?9 in abondanre to prove that the kind of speeches made by . Mm. Jones and her co-worker* did brinjr about a riotous state which reed f ted in t murder a^d the destruction el -property.! We hate at least a doaen of the same . <4ase of people obofined in different Jaile' them guilty of mur-! "The honorable body of ahichSpnator j Kern U a dmmktr b** a perfect rfjht to ijipUMl" Vlrinia or any pan of dbell ba deljfhfted to have toch m ' UrwUaatkxr 4ad affl oac in j tMt effort J la aid die committee m any way leant' hot Btfl it v Kern most remember that I * an wepowiblft to tha pe^pte ot Wat Vir-1 glata lor tha. maiatain^pce ~ of law and Order, and ft wtitbe maintained during my term of cttce at any haaard; and a ben it beeotrca cxtturi to detain or jail people to aecomplhft tfeU parpcee it be 4pOa unheal iatS*«ij. KTRIKE DECLARED EXITED j "Tbe km* drawn c<u etcika on Paint and Oabin Oroftka b at an eud. Fewer; than ID pecpU ate today without verkjm tha* taction and before the middle of the week* mrjmm viU hare tmm carad for.. 'Voeh tliUMi of. the tenth aa Senator KerBacexsa to be ere lanrefy reapanaiWe . plor thaaa falaahooda mtaffcprcaeate* > tbna whkh work an told barJ»hJpe spun . thoaa is office who hate doe teapot* to la* and order and who a.a tryiorto car., ry tot end maintain the prtacipteft of r»d prtrorament. ."7 note 4hat ana of the tUlemenb of feaatoe&ara it fcrtbe effect that be ikaiMaM I «,,J v f V-. M ¥ . t «i A r «. a® »- < KDOwf pmiUfaf lull 9Qt r^pottdant-wia elected daring tb« trial of; Hatibmt Jocmo abd ihfaftiJ from (be Aito. 1 ran aaa up WW term to rt« I pram myartf mate' forcibly than » ma1 that thie weft a wtlfoi'end deflorate Ha on the pert of the ewe »bo fcxtortzwd 1 IVIioilII Tin ml lr i iihM not eorprW) mo to team that tba Senator t new tM« to bo tba earn «Va ha mad* the oUte . • ' moot. . . ifti • . 4r i Cliff DBS I! usa ACT :j ♦ " i* ' ■ ■ Totfttyvtr 1QT* tha V*»l J»pMW ptpmUAna b Uw But* rrf Od.f ml^j Tetk, Ktmkt Hew ItarUi «4 Aiimh f« NbO, th* J*f+atm> p<*p-' ul«lion in th- Itow (Utai *M.MP*' *1,7-1*. Tbo of Is ibW euoacj w mhetwVy £» 1» tho y«f lW, «r. erroerwei ro CtitM^d bto *7 Ifet Mutn »o4/tfn, nbr wbk* tobmui iato thb coa*V%wm prnbtbkrd. TTku ywt lOjM JtfnaTMml pa* mi * *,t* - y California the* aw oaly AmI 40,orm Jspwee, **-Oslifcusla bat IKf.nii r^'p>e. tti iipnm mtitMli two par cent th« anrirg pr«p«fcuoa of Cab bralc, wd ma dm ana*! fwcitaga * Md today about 0,000 la OMHwala Tba iua laolalna IJi/H) iqun mika, or orar 14vy»0,ftro m<vw Tba bold* M <h«*nn on abooi rw ^iiia V rr —^ v are Br«a t«9rd |d balfcvf aia b »**»* ft n^param "cot of a pv^* h£3. Tt» Oimit>nimrtt to be it> tiuV tn Iiwb tit* land C»h<Aroi» bee fwyfcjp iw|ifrn» ia'Ataer ieaa Lbi^ry for it, vk**>t«nWr.clbr~\i» the fjhBow jetn *jn <1Mi» nie Kearaej, tbe 9^ kf ftteti r, art CalltmiwtfJ arvd eUfrrMd tU> aatko bj the tide*ce *\>i the agjtatina »be Cbf*t* v WhlKMrt <looU the Uti-JtpWMM lOtr. tin California U fnettrrd hj- and from unoitf the TVT tror»t e^n>Aif ©f Oil lodli'i jr^n tiif ac«nJt of a vicwut or>! uSfrfwrm* apfvaUfe rarr pra>»i»ca..Wort of tbeiorporttai raai*w «aa<tt*<$3ri* of OallTofSitb, eapecip/ tbue* baric g uaJ infr relation* wlib lh%rmt, b«ae rijoco<a ly pn^rtnl Kf 'tipH the propaerd aiira land act, but U% *«j\«irngue and tf>o agitator aeem to Baxe control oi tiie Cali fornia cltuatSoo far as thr LefwJctujr Iseommi .<? ~r GOVERNOR COMMUTES | DEATH SENTENCE John Medley Escapes like Gallows Hardest FoOghi Case in His tory of State. ♦ : '' ? Governor HjUJleiJ ccunra-it^i tliejeatir aentence of Mb M« <11/ to life hrp?Uen meet lM»t frfl% (ti 1 b»e mtfr *Ki>, *,y flea yeart ho iJfeght th rougti every r url Of the stale for bia life will lir*, tL**i*h l! - - 1 in pnaon. \ On- July 4 •$***. at Cuthin lli'-l, I j Mercer county, liihn Medly killed Xtu*£ Shannon. It W alleged that Shatr^n objected lo i' lfagnt girl named 31ary Lewia danciej uith Medly. Trouble arose »*ver tb« lO^jcctlofr and Medly »h<it Shannon severst tieu-a and he died In* stantly.* tried, ccnvlcted and wnienccd to l« hung. Then began the great flght for In* life which ha* been aaged through the fct»te court* to tie U. 8, Supreme Coert for tl»#» life cf th'« poor Negro. Jodpv Sanders of IliutfieJd took the meVd:*> State Court of Ap peals and t? tho U. 8. Supreme Couit and foufht^isr^ without fail to save tho alt « as la \aio nntH an apfipal to th^rbi^, broad whoaa There are mar. j wbo believe that Med-1 ly vti Jattifled'in shooting Shannon ar.J much of the evxleocetend to Juatify that belief. PrerioeOo the dtnce' at which Shanooo he had brutalry u saalted 5<r4fjS(ftlb«r and brother and threatened tba life*,! John Medly. lie came to the Nerfro dance armed in J in ttrfexod wiih Mc-i'f, a Negro, while dan» crrg with » Ne$ro girl. It apream thai Shannon wai rf th^t tjre of rrv»n »h^ hair Xegro into, lore Negro trciyea fi.u crj "Nc^ro dom ination" %hcn ihe hninble iutt'HgrM Negro ftt- »ocnetM?*fl food. There «r* many of them left. Bnt justified or rot, Ued'j « ai arotenced to be hung three tltyca and onl* the jurtlca loving Gover nor Mvrd hia life. There ar« ll.ouaand* of people, %hita and black, who cun mend.Gov. Hatfield, believing that Med lj xb&aVd have bees acqniTed. IE SPIRIT OF NEGRO'S PROGRESS im r* .'jV #■» , I DetpiU Saatbtrs Pr«J*ike, Nefrof ^ in Mftntgoatry, Ala., a/« Very Projptrau . Motrffrxtivcj/ Ali .-/{beS*fr<*«3i tLis dt/ Wltfirt* ;r * sroc*rj rtor*», on<tro<kf<akiag«uMM^Hneat, tae bwtV on* rc^V ccbpn/, iLrve d/«f »Utt». two nnfrw**** 000 •bop, «** firrt d«M <irj gacxU sod funUur c itor*, om Arkjflim 4n4 intnl ta»t*r shr>« W ^ > PULASKI IRON COMPANY MAKING IMPROVEMENT C " HtffSl-i H tW iVidfl ti^bOa. t« mAiojoPf •ite it»proT«Mnt# »r fl» L» 0k» dotefotl A*d t #>fit «Uh i etnplqfeM. IW7 «r* ^piriA« KTJVtui'aVl fntoO rin* tf* em pfcoj t» ndb tmrvr&m ' A ^ wpfij of Hat cub* to I finr d4J+lfO0m<1 0\*TJ h'riM* »tx4 vh#»fj r«l th* oprr»ti i »tl tw rrpiioW ifi orde th*t #*ry ui} hxo-t man it. Eikwif# nptifi win dhr> M m»lr air^T •vtrT&iA* for lh* enaJort of tfc« tela*! and thooe «bo wort wfn4 the roia*». •Ad role* o*f»* will hp dirt. ■' The Pfr»l«T 'prist (MKpl *!*• r~*f «»» *:il tfcrtv tc • w*«%»y pVnoirr? »dd;ti<wl t|> the fpgi.V *<Tk'/ drs«> Mr. J. fyJ 6»nr.infhro to U* nptfw , UwfuU of f *5„QflyH*<xi «4 tt* ftes» ■ r» tn*t*I U& ryY.^J and «i ;#( Otef-MMd (f bUn. SUDDEN CHANGE ; OF WM laws of Natw 'are Just * And Cannot be Abro by Man • BY ATTORNEY -S. B. MOOH ■ TSrtr vu much rejoicing In (bw Untied Stair* of America in 1*5S, it ken Oour-dor^lYrry —ccrrded In negotiat ing a trra«y nf amity and cradf yith Ja pan. Ever lira thai tiwia the Japirm> lau> l*rn nvwdfd gc oarAl? gs anperior, to their first o-osfns, the Chinese. Tb* united efforts of alt th« workl's' greatest| natioca har* teen aceeavy to neure **«n a partly of»o door in Chiua Long 'rgeyea bare been cast upon the "Far Esst" and dreams of a apiemiid renpirr •if trade Jndmlirr the land that Inhtrf*.. ted the aahes c^Ot-n^crua have filled the (brains of lt^3ae i^oae Urea am dndieatatf tu the watching of the dial paaa of profit and loaa. Foe many years the Japanese bare accepted ah advances In nil etn^l ncnt!y satifaetory manner and many and •"xtrartfiu* have been the wreaths of pi tfiae placed upon the Jafsneaa brow tnf evincing a desire to'apa the ways of 'I- \Tiet. It has become % ccrr.mon itlrg to tW »o the Chinese aa fai io fcrU^fr* ;hv Jtj>ane«e In profreasive t cm. Only a few vnars ago wb*n the Riuaian iirar ma<le rendy to devour the px>f litt'e J«p, Uu>>ond p*np}g of this rrpuMic *ept (figuratively ni coarse) tn » woeful amit ii»«il'<n of die unhappy fate which they f»H atire awaited iMi | Moved little yellow friend* in the ''fat East." In the war between Rtuaia and Jxpan, however, die t.nsipected hajf* pened—Japan waa \»<toriou«. .The nn« exprcted ml*o*JeV»]npnd alan In the ings af Americas e towatd their well be> krvwi JapanmetHeads in whom they had thetetofbrcdajightrd an I been waH pleas ed. "JapanJ* victory ^ aa m*;, aa nun •hoald have very ua^tatty^jid reaaon* ably auppoaedr received ^»Jth .huuaa. hurrahs and bon-flrea evtnrifig exuber antly at an event entirety anexpsctad, tat very xsnch dealradjg^M the scmtrary, f ^jht ^\b»v^h^icourV wirnfTr "•»'* iron) thence Uaocd tn«rl« and hiatal which fid ally took the form of intelligible speech and the speech wsa a tn* between V hew! and a yeAp-^The Yellow rerill"* 1 fine* the Ko«*>-Sapantae *ar Japan hfi come to be {regarded m a world pow er. The United Fia jtt, or tnore properly a majority at the peupW* of thin cocntry have ahown a very remarkable change of Blind. Tfcf J»p li no longer praiaad and furouraged. Nobody ia hraging about how much Auwrica l»aa taogbt th" -Jap and how eaaily lw< haa learned. Tb«> rr-.anti'r <hu«« a ft 'AVf coldncea toward hi® apprentice of whom t^e tnauer wn t-nnrrfy eo prood. Th- qtHwft^-n ia no !v<_,:sr haw to aurt the Japan**) on the road of pr»f rv«*, hut how to stop them. In fVifornia the people "to the man ner borr." hare reao»t**l to legislation to keep the Jap down, which ia aennfra^h-n that the Japanese are their anperinr* !j. thrift aiv! economy. Tfce p»*M r h*a learned too wait Amert in*lutlm to Japan to ari' t' flv *aj* <A modern cltril i/4t^T> Hu u*> literally accepted. TJ U i ■ ritation in Waehiagton and ..ruining of tttth in Bacreojanto, bnt it a »U an»0 muight, for 'ria * law of nature that die fittaetthall wmive, in ppite of rare, r*f i^oa, the hoUL't acta of lega le! tut* aofht %lae. Tbe )a«i of na ture *Se joat and cannot be abrogated hy man * JC; V •» DX. £\ VIKEY, PHYSICUN AND BUSINESS MAN 0 Dr. H. A. Viftrjr. tnr wjj«1 effi <wt ph»yei#fi pf Nrjfthfcrk, haft torn to ^tj i r> qaij kjokloc nf bU •t It* Ifarrtoa PrirsM ll'^Ul in Kin-. t*U tto Im* few J«7*. .* /• | pi Vmry hM tho ko"OT nl ;*4 thftvnhvtanfaj pr«7»n/ «n»o*r» »c^ Uui*«« m^rf fo thU count j. | If:-ravie* r*c«hr«t iHlrw to /«»♦ tb» frsthlCtlof ©f t?* >;k Rh1*t 'Ufttflfd Wrf»OcV» It* rl(«Jrr lict «rrk I ui tr.-uunt of »hk » wt«t by m *vvrr»' •Vht. JcTt amnfvit)' imi to <**r !•* >'» mnk. )U u iWb a phywiri^n «m1 mi or ator. \t» r*r btt at r\eh mineot )y it*J mm o4 (W mc« . mrnrn boom —-—*— • .* i • • - • 'T Hot? lWTmt fo#d B*f wfTI to » r?ammUl i^Hofnttf «M ttor wrrk irk t£r*t nConf fl -^rtn^tn «W be tea tito#! U*jr»W»t «£»», it nr.0 ©f tb* f rV-ipaf «fc»p«rU0<-nft.o{ tto r»i. . TV* *« {fa ntfmTit ol II. f*. IV to*A '•( rto FWtirt Kqtaiporwt o| tto Wtod jUJIrtwri «t t Jbmr to b* ro-pW^fw jcttefilij in way coaat. Work cm the electrfe• roa<l from Woedaide to Port Waehla#on «i» n^ifT wrj and the el«cyiflcatton with* double tricking ^ th* main line feo*Sof Wk Count? » plaune*!- ^ ~ ^ TiM OMUAtobbt railroad' bridge, frctg tfcg Bronx to Lon| Ultra J aod I the tW •uhcidiarjr railroad from Aetoxia to Seat New York are w»U ad rahead. -They wiii eofmrct altfi Tort I'oftd F.# ana aW Bay R*tae. TWra ara plena tour trarktag tlx Mofitaak dlvflfen Od th» connecting railroad will briaj* tbc i%w York, >*rw ll^vta A Hartford Railroad to interchange freight aftd poeeeOgertraf. flc brtwfcn M-otaok l\>intandaDof New CHINESE REPUBLIC mwm by o. s. Waahlngton, May 3—The new Ohineea republic vu formally recognised today by the United Suiea. Charge Williams at rekiu, cabled that be bad delivered the formal recognition aa be was autho rised to do upon the complete organi cation of the goTcrnmeni? Minister Chang, aa toon at be learned that this country had formally had recog nised the Chinese Be public called upon John Harnett Moore, acting Kervtary of stabs to aaaurs him of China's apprwia tinn.* The minister told'ficcretary Moore be was sore that the country'e act would go' far in helping the new government to assume and maintain ita new petition in the family of the republicans nations. ™ Bute department orfldaU are inclined to regard the langu ige contained in Yhan 8hi Kai's message of thanks to Preaideut Wllaon'aKrtter of recognition aa indicating davotinc to republican principles, refu ting the diary* that be baa l**en oooteni plating tba establishment of a (Laspo i Hws» c"*. • ' ANOTHER ACCIDENT AT H. R. CROSSING IN BURKE Mrt. M. To*i StTtrtlj lojored. Light Eofiae Knoclu Her Down. Rail Road Co. Eb* HiT Vmkul Lites of Citixtai of Keygtofte ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r. i i J iitt two ttcki a vomu tad boy werr kUied by a lirfcu engine aa they1 were croaalo? the N. A»V. II. H. truck» at rhp croaaing bekn*»j)^Hti, frridgr. Sunday nigtu atx>qv)^8y o'dodiVMrn. M. Tots rum Mf wgylionitfjn jfv-rk. arxl at the rrnadM ab^oi J&TfdMm Lrotn where the othr «Ekfc|£MSflBw^be w •truck bj no t /.J-ic end siHooaty, proU *1»ly f*iu ) lojurvd. Mr*. Tott waited .»< th« south tide oi lb* tracks while a freight train palinJk wbi*h wae going eart. After it paatad she attracted to eroaa, fa^ln* to fm Ote engine coming on . the *aat boqad tr^k/in time to get out] of the way. feWwas bit by it and badly injured. The pbyeieiaaa believe abe will i—it. * NEGRO SERVANT HIKES H Fron MUiiitippi lo Waskingtoa to Hate Virdaau GetHim A Job Wiati'mftM, M>/ n—AfU> a six wrrkn "hik*" from liii home In Mi«i«eipvi, Oratory, • former n#*ro pervtnt of Heaator Yardatnan. llmpM, footaorr god t*avd-ftair>*d into (be eai»ital in narrh of wjgh Tie jp»t it Ii> went?«<»r^ today aa a porter in j the Be ata office Uaildin j. for Senator ' Vardaman believed that the dieptay of; rnt made by Qrrt- rj in aearr^ yl office J»l ml t> be rrw^r-ir-J ~ , Mrm,|M William U ierr,*' aaid t)ir fienatt* today "for ha will prove an ex ample tn the memhera nt hia rar**' , Me added that hie old employee "new j arontd tale a ktlt hi a atr*et car whfle a «oe>aa <*a» stand tag." ATTT. MGCIMS MAKES TRIP TO CHI TIANBURG, VA » ai • . ■ ■ ^ Attorney T. "C florins of will teareriouday for ( hrlatiaaabnrjr, flKI •iiere be «0I *ric ! up aa exteaMfe ae | important M*ie for and in behalf oi OH eer Carter | r J He hu been the att orney la tbe caeM for aome ti»Mn<| hie wen teudi <i|M tiartfoa by the mJf lie bee eo impartially ] ouked alter inaftrn. J !'■ ' iTifTM COKMBf -• V » • l£tfO, 3.—The aal« oI !?©• fro r^Mreh intrf bondage, rpw.rr.! ljjK. « that of antebellum days oi wj* rercekdtoday la tba' croes-ea$U nation of IkS. Bennett, President of the Ultaoie'ChUJ^a tf ohm end Aid Socie ty,(before thettarren Committee In rot t tgiting Hera* mdiijr Sodfltfoa. Blr. Bennett admitted the troth of the revelatione, which startled tba member* of thioomeitttee mora than aay evidence they had heard drerioualy. . 7 "H's lor lb« boat," he said, placidly. Ad excerpt from the Children twa, 4m official organ of the society, was reed. "Y*r *larpcf colored citiaena homes arc found with Bpathern white feuilira . a here ibry can reader rich service m is peculiar to Southern families," aaid the circular._ . "Do yba know what thla tneana?" •loeadon^i Rep restated re Rev. F. K J, IJoyd. Mr. Bennett admitted lie waa able to understand the paragraph, b t could aee no nceesfrott lot becoming cited over it more then yon are able aj - compcebenb," aaid II". boreiI at vl by Pres ent! tl>e U." "It uieena pervutly to Uojd. fit black ident blood} Mr. interpretation "Why the ■ arc perfectly proper*.' imrt (or every one ''Isn't it a fact, Mr ed Chiirman Thomas thi*«- Netcru children are eold to in Cttiia<la, in New Toilr, in that llu-y art? 'hired' out the country?" Mr lletiMtt changed to end be replied with waa r>» DMtCl tiv Miiiu«*luiti-ly its meii:l>ere pete that it at thia labor*. sr« »My "fi is in all AuotJfcr bomb «u tlten exploded by Ihfe committee. ' IvtU it a fact," questioned Chairman Carran,-"that in 1WW a publication n«n dacV»*l a coin tun devoted to the, ftn<lii«* of hom«w for Negro children and that Oh* api>)H*»ilon« obtained were turned orrr to joar eociety entire!*?" . Mr."fV*imctt entered a vigorous denial. The l onitfc.tU*, however, produced writ ten e> idtfhc* in its effort to bring out tk* facta. ^ ~ 4#1 am mrjfriaed at the aggrieved atti tude ai tht iflreetigaton" waa all that tbe i'reaident of the charitable anciety had to aey alur leaving the witcen chair. "He'll I* »ome more aurpriaed U not actually iuconvcoiaeed before we coc dodo," aaid C halm an Oarrta. # * WEST VIRGINIA INDUSTlftl SCHOOL FOn BOYS INPORTANT CHANGES IN LAW OF THE INSTITUTION AT . FRONT TOWN GRAFTON, M»j 1—On May It theft will to into effect lAMlol lh# mU 1*> (rlslat irr reviling in the U« wfrhfUhfnf An I governing the Wmi Vlrftfcia lefcw'iu »>bo"i At Hnmyt^wnto Taylor const/, L'n<Vr the la#^fc9Siiedf" ; (1) The uninc <H the UwtitaHea whl be the •'Wert Virtfnie Induatrffel n)o^ibr (*? Yootli u»d»r the •oLof «■ fwi wfTnot l»e committed for ircorriflbQV or y. (3) Intprrojr«t'>rfai covering the history o( the rm md tbi mental and physical h»*Vth oI tf>e rUl be aaertrtd adl tn*4e |,-rt ol thHroeplAa^ torcoou^t inent t »th- wli *>» Thcee in«erra(apHci w»il"t4- f>rrp4m>f t*j, the Male boesd el. control Mi l will k fateMied In form on »j-piicntioft to tbe <Un|. —.. • (4) Cwmiritroent pepeif la efl (iw, trben in Am form, will .be forwarded to the taprrintradanl. ' | <J) 5o yvnth (Twnmlttfl to the pfcooi if tmilcr ihJ ip ol twelve jeeie, wilt be lodged ia eoy JaB ee loakup, peodiag toovai to the imtftotidKk ^ ♦ • ,'--V f <«) AU yonth cnteAfi to kW «ill be fetched tbertttflf aolhprity there* of. N [-Y (?) Tl f Hate boerrf of W 'art •vHhork/ to mM