Newspaper Page Text
> Daily Leader. -V<>'- '• N<> lll.ll 1111.1), WEST VIK < '■ 1 \ I A. TIISDW Mmumnt,. \rkll. , ._, , „ , „ „ , XKS x X| XR I ——'—1mmmmmmmmmm__ > _ What The United Citizens Party Is Contending For “Progress mill Against Party Parti sanship" is Tlieir MiKtu—IKi You llelieve in It? We lit at a great n ) against the diti'ii-u U-iweu friends anti u ’Igli- ! b'»i>, lii .Mil, or likeiy to be euusri. l» llie issue* raised in Hie prawnt tirin.oiial campaign. i’liis is to be deplored, hut so long as right and Win g t xist and one man lias the courage to defend tin* right and an other dares to uphold tin wrong, these divisions will occur. , ll would seem that Scripture quo lu Hons arc the ortlei t»f tne day. It would tun lie amts then to give the vor> wolds of iIn* leal Prince ol Peace oil tliis subject. lie says, 'I came not to send peace on earth, hut a sword.” fit* tamo to inaugu rate a reign ol rightlOUsnesa and there can he no peace bet ween his kingdom and the powers of darkness, ll is interesting to note the concern lliewly developed) foil by some lest tlie church he divided. To allay the anxiety of such, let it lie noted that the church was never more united than it is just now, and there nevet t*\er resirlets that power will lie for ilie public good, from bulb a moral and financial standpoint. Wo have no apology lo make foi asking people Of itluelield log a Mil ess of pm t> affiliations race or coioi to suppuit us in this movement, it tin o I c r parlies have nothing better to offer in the way oi campaign uigumenis, tbau at mutts upon the l ruled Citi zens I’aity, do you need to he shown where they stand and what you may expect ut their Hands? Hut we have something heiU‘1* to offer you. Wo nave clearly defined measures, and well tried men. All purlieu cocede the fa« t that tue men of tin* t'ttl/.ens ticket,who now hold office have made the best officers the c.ty ei ttlueln id has evot had. Take the oi tiers on the t'lti/.etis in:.el. Compare them with the* men who .ue candidatea on the Mopuhlican and 1>oiucm ratio tickets for the same offices. We ask lot oni candidates public scrutiny Ask who they are, what they have none, whether I lie) are lax payers in tne city ot 111iicfield. We would In vite you to investigate another ques iioii also Is it true that despite a* • not t io confuse the issues iu vouch in ilns campaign, the real and most clearly delimit issue is. shall MANAGER HERE ARRANGING GAME Salem I la se llall Manager Here To Arrange for Series of (iatneN. Kdwnrd Perry, of Salem, Va.. man ager of the Koanoke College Hase iiall Team, of Salem, Va., wan iu the city yesterday making urrangeraeuta with ilit' liluetleld iiaae Hall team for a series of guinea to be played the coming aeaaon. The dates of the engagement* have not been mada public but will be within a few days. PROMISED WIFE FAILED TO MEET HIM •tenluck) Ho) Hoes to Poealioiilas V nli I ait i*iit ion of linding Ills Bride. Special to The Daily Deader. Poealioiilas, \ a., April 111.—— Do\u (ivus not always run smoothly aud Bitch was the path of a young boy "fioin down on the farm iu dear was a lime wiicn grcaier Harmony ol mole genuine fraternal spirit ex isted between the different brunches of the church than exists at the pres ent time. It is so marked as to cause general comment on the part of outsiders. The church feels il has a common foe to tight, and that it- success and life in the future depends upon the unanimity with which it contends against the forces ol evil. Hence the strengthen lag ol tic tie.- that bind and the lengthening of the spiritual and fra ^turnai cords amongst the churches, "it is barely possible that a very few who bate tried to train with both sides iiml themselves uncomfortably cmharnsscd, when lie- lines are drawn. An uproar may naturally ho expected when a u . i.-ion of the sheep from the goats i ..lied for. Hilt any possible hurt to i no church -o jeal ously guarded niiml by otn friends (and we are m most lieariy sympa thy with o i enuilie elioris in iliis direction* i ; - nothing to do witli the issues coin .mu ing us • \cepf as ii may be introduced in coni me the 11 ends I1, peace and rightcou-uyss, In ah si nee of n il nrguiiiei i i and si iglu lorwaid, manly reasons why toe < iti zen uf Hluciield should not support flic independent movement inaugu rated by the i nit'od t’iti’.ens Party’. And il iliero were nnyi.iing in tills y of division, who i- responshle for l.' Those wlio compose the I’nited Citizens J’arty have exercised their inalienable right as citizens to nomi nate a ticket for tho municipal offices of Hluclldd. The Kepublcans and Democrats have done the same, and now from those nominating last come tiie cry against division. It is to divert attention from themselves us the real cause of the divslon I* isnot remarkable how good we yst to lie sometimes, and how mean the other fellow is. As our moral tlier nonieter rises, Ids goes down. Now, then, we propose to let. the people decide tie* case that is before them upon its merits. Hook at our platform. Wo stand for the right eous administration of municipal af fairs by men of sound business in tegrity and ability. We stand for ii;-vo, hi *uaii we not uave i.cen »ed saloons in (hi ell) of alui-uulil? on tills question the l iiiteit Citizen* phi'O takes ttie side or no license. *i you waul lo pin out me saloons vote lor t lie men uomiuuteu n> me Citizens. 11 you want Uie saloon nine yom i nolle from the others. As a jirooi mat mis i* me reai issue, we iioim you lo tue lacl lUai wnaievei deferences there may lie be t weiu Oeiuoeials and UtpuhJicuus ou 01 lie*’Tnaflei s i n'ey nave been pei leel 1> agreed and thoroughly consistent in their light against this one issue, mm the} h \e shown unmistakahly tntii ihc> no regard ii as the para mount iss .-, b> neglecting all otuer* *o l omhiir it. Wlio have joined hand in iiaiu! io defeat the will ol the majoiin and force (lie licensed sal oon upon the people again? Who were -> friendly as the Hepuhlicans .iiid i -mot cals when they unilo to prevent the Citizens from getting tlmii rights hi tlie matter of election > ommissionei s? Who joued hand in hand to liglit the mandamus proceod ii -v heioi Judge Chambers in Lli« <i*i i ronri The only possible reu on loi their ui ion in tills liglit war tin i to give us representation on the hoard of eiecion < ommissionert that l lie drys would liave a lair show and they feard in suck a case I lint (lie results would be fa • o* able to flu I nited Citizens 1m tv This is no new feature in the harmo ny between tin* two of hero parties hut is in lieu with their poley sinei the inauguration of this movement We do not question your privl 1* g. to endorse this kind of thin-r lull will you? IT MUTATION COM .VI ITT I*! I IMTKH CITIZENS I1 V ItT V. WIFE SCALDS ^ HER HUSBAND thought lie Was the Ollier l-VIlow ami as lb—nil Hubby Oet« a IiimhI Scabliii. old Kentucky" who lauded in this piece Saturday evening. The facts in ilie cube are about a» follows: So .:e lime ago Kddle Reynold*, of Glaujtow, Ky., and Alias Saver, of this place who lias been making her home wlih Samuel Gilliam, secured each other s names throuh a uiulrimomal leu can and commenced a correspon dence which almost cm no* lo an end Saturday Alisss Qurver wrote u Dddie ' telling iiiiu lo come on tliat she was ready to marry him and l< '•Mai a ribbon on bis coat as rlu rc> og.ii/e him by that when ha gj' uii the i ai»». Inynolds came ri-,'11 bn when he disemharked lx laixii to find tlx* bride awaiting him and straightway he commenced a dilli gent search for her and at lust lo rated her. I'p to tlx* present time they have not been married and the chances are they will not he. Alls* Garver is about 3a years of age while Reynolds is nhout 23. When talked to concerning the matter he said he could have married a young er girl at his home wiio had plenty of money, hut he wanted an oldet on* who could manage things foi him, WAS EJECTED FROM HOTEL Story 1’iiMivlx-d That Woman < oin pauioii of Maxim Gorky Is .Not Ills Wife I a use* Trouble Siecinl lo The Dally Deader. \» w York, April <1.—Maxim Gor l»y, who arrived in New York on Tuet day, bci aided as a leader of Russiar revolutionists and brilliant novelist [ was ejected from the hotel llelle clalre today when the proprletoi heard that his woman companion whs not his wife. When Gorky and the woman wort ordered out of the hostelry, . Gay lord Wiltshire, a wealthy soet'list • whose guests they were, Invited then , to Ids own home, but Gorky declined i living that he would not embarrast his host. Other offers of shelter wert i 1 also declined. HAS RESIGNED HER POSITION W ill Go W ith (lie Itlm lt< Id Wiil'i Works nod Improvement Company. Miss Annie Karris, who for soin# tllM has been employed by the Flat , Top Grocery Company, In the rapac ty of hoc i-Keep,- hey resign d nei i>< hi n atid has accepted a slpd'ai cute -sith the ninefleld Watr Woiku , and Improvement Company, Mr. .lairns f^filllns, one of our large coal operators, has placed us Hinder obligations to him for favon in** people mid their interests against combines, cliques and rings. We stand for improvements whenever needed. These Improvements Include the building of sidewalls, lighting the dark places md paving tin- treefs, improvement of s;mltni\ conditions, ami the extension of all public mu Venlences to all parts or the city whoreover practicable, so that wheth- j <r you are on the inside with the owers that be, or not, you can share • he benefit for which your money I expended \\ <• are not for those who believe that only the elect (on a money basis- have a right to the priv ileges of cllfxcnshp In Hlueficld. We stand for the abolition of the saloon, an institution that menaces yourhomes, your morals, your finan cial welfare, and the peace and good citizenship of your community. It seeks to drag down your young men. and lives by their destruction. It dwarfs, blights ad blackens whatev *■' It may get under its power, and •' la diligently seckng nil the while *° *‘*,f,nd that power. We believe, and are prepared to prove, that what • an* i las, \ a., tpcll III.—Tl;» f*. •* - .1 I.. I time 'a lltinktown t'ni mt*i a «i « lit III o'clock, when tff( II ii ks'got Into i fight Ah Is ciih cii. v among the Hungarians, thi. it" n * hi o w cold water on the womon I" day after Master, and the nexl day I he women change places with th< men Mot such was not the iIiih morning and the tables wort i duplet ely turned on three of llun gory's sons Two of the men got lino a -crnp at the home of a "Hunk’ and both were nprawling on the flooi when lie wife entered with a pall ol i i .1,1; water and scalded all ihrt« ol iIn n on. Two of them wore latei .led and placed In Jail t>uf fh< Ii’ annd of the woman being scalded I'.om head to foot It wan deemed win* u. leave him at home. He In now |r a 11'tleal condition. l oll MI,K.—A fine brick bualnesi house on Mercer street at a bar rain Call on or address W. H t'renshaw * Co., 321 Princeton Avenue, Mluefleld, W. Va. r Docs Mrs. Mary W. Bur ger, Who Came Here Recently Fror Baltimore. Body of Mrs. M> ^er Exhumed Sunday and Analysis of Stomach Made. CORONER'S JORY RENDERS VERDICT At the Inquest Held in City Hall Sunday Evening Preliminary Hearing will be Held To-morrow. As a result of the coroner *■ inquest, held in this citv Sun day evening last, Mrs. Allied Burger, of this city, former!) of Baltimore, Md., stands ar filled i it til*. miin l.,i' mother. Mrs. Mary Mitinyei, mention of whose inysteriom death was made in Sundas morniny issue of the Daii.s 1. K a i» k k . k As ssill he remembered hs our mans readers, there w.e cause last Saturdav hs tin authorities to believe thai there was some msstcry stir mundiiiy the death of the ayet lady anil cojisei|ueutl\ h< , bods was exhumed Suutljn morniny and at 2 1*. si. .111 in • |nest was held hs |. A. < ham I >ers. Alter tile hods was exhum ed. I >rs. Slusher, I lerheri I hompson and l\ \V Smith, made ail anals sis of tlx stom ach and found it to contaii morphine in a larye (piautity. Several witnesses were ex amined, amony whom wen I >r. Slusher. R. (Newkirk, Mrs. II. booties-, Mis. Me \ eiyh, Mrs. Pritchard. W. S. (‘rocket and I )r. I . VV Smith. A< tiny upon t he es id* nc» adduced at the trial, the jury, composed ol |. W. (‘hamhers, I. P., \\ . 1*. Palmer, I». Jenkins, W. (». herrell, ( ), ) bllis, I. \V. | 111 rst and I. M, Hournc, rendered the follow iny scrdi* t ‘That on the 12th das o April, ioof>. she came to hei death from morphine or othri , poisoniny administered hs Mars \\ . Huryer. Mrs, Huryer and h* 1 moth ei came to, this cits about om month ayo from Haltimore, Md., and had up until Iasi sserk been stayiny with Mrs. II. Rooney, on Hland street. i It was hero fh;it suspicion was aroused ;,s to the part that i Mrs. Burner was pla> in** in the affair was to send ;i soul into r*u*rnit\. As near as a represcntai ve f thr I.kaiu k roilld learn, who inter <w , ed the parties last cvetiiti^. :) * »• rase | is about as follows Nbo'it sis mouths ajfo tin- htfsbatnl of Mrs. M vrtiri(fer, «Iie<I j?» |*;* 11 more .mil indications were that If ha«i t ken or had rcr ri \ ed an o\ errlosr • nr phme or some other opiate V -hr time of his death, he carried > ^ insuranre and owned \c .ore -I valuable land m V\ ashin^l-,n ( ,, which at his rleath went to 1 - w,(e. Since eominv to this nti Mrs Hunter has on several or casmto odtl her associates that at the rle.itI ol her mother, she would inher tin land and would also the n niw was milling from the iiisitranc - ■ - ■ — - — -- Bluefietd Traction Company Franchise Granted Last Night REV, BAYLOR'S STRIKE SllRATION - MOTHER DEAD STILL UNDECIDED t*»»V‘ il Holds an iui|>oriuul .Mooting Iasi Niglu—itliielielil Avonuo amt l >1.111(1 SI root (a lit* i’uvrd. l lio HluoUold City Council mot in ;nini so...noil ul llio City Hull milling lust ulglit. Tim re worn resent; .Mayor 1C. 1C. Carlor, Couu 11 A. \\ . Howard, 1C. 11. Wood mil, U. I,. Shullon, i» A, Hheiry, \ 1* Hawley, Wm HI. Us, \V. A. iioniii , W . 1C. 1 or roll, W. T. Clb— 1 i and W . J. I pdllto. Quito a number ol buildlug por in won* imu,,I among which were .uni ii. Ilctulortioii, roaldouce ou imd.i . ,,, i, .; H. BtowoM, real* 'iit. ii. Cluy at root, K. 1,. lliuck, (.•.■uii on Sommcm at reel, IClI/.a 1 i ■> iosldouoo mi JolToraou Hi., »* « mior, rosidcucu on llurgur I. Kill logo, i osldeuco on aitnl at loot. • ho ir.iuchiso of tbo llluutilonu i » mni in liny, which wua at u ■ ' in m oii;n of tho council > 'i m n. ooniul loading, wuu • "•• at n11 mul liolnro Ihj ojiiii .i inn upon innlinu Wan uiianlmoilu ■ ■< ioil an road, lino ol llio cou* i< " i. in mo iruchiHO hi that tho inn ii in imii n( tho now nil mo aovural HllOOtH with K\|>it*e<l m I!«•»* Home at lloaednle, \ irginl.t s a j Morning '•*.»> Dally l.‘a»ler is tit reed t • ( a loiter from Itosodalo, Yn . .annoir.i «d \-* the death of Mrs. Sidney II. Hammond, mother of Uov. J. A. Baylor, of this city. Her maiden name was Mias Mary Vndorsnii and lie;- mother was a sister of Judge .1. M Sanders' mother. She was mar tied twice in her early youth, to I \Y B.'vJor. and after n few years of wid owhood io Sidney It Hammond She .was i good woman and died i Chr'Htlnn'* death. At the time of her death she was a member of the .Vett odist ehtireh at Uosedale. Mi v Bavor was at her liedslde at --- • V ll|M'IUlll|>‘ ltl'|ll> Will I Ittl l> I Ill'll IHihii Mllrlii'IIV l.usl I*iii- I pnsill. V Special In I ho Dull) In'.idor. New ) nl h, ,\|»lll III.- I'rcsuioul Mlie hell ha- littlo linin' . Im 111*w pin pnsiiinn from npcrntoi mill iho) will moot I niuni m w In ill.Ill II I ni mu I lo " poll. Information given out Unlay 1 lull tile formal ei ply which will ho ' sent In .Mitchell ul Annapolis will Hull) decline Iho lust enilliler pinpn mil ni iho minors, us was intimated h) Mr. liner nl Iho Inal mooting which lhoy agreed m aiilmilt in the <|iioatinn of wages ninl ail.tiislmem nf mm plninls through a inmlliullnn honnl I’he repl) will stale that l lie a wtTrd nf ill*- aillhraeiln eommicinii covers all oilmr demands of ilio minora. ' It now amis ptnhtihle that Mitchell and Iho numihers nl Hie slih aeato eomiiilttn will make u re<|iioat for .'I III ll III -I' I-111. I'... ........ .....1 II..., ■.Ml Ihi time of her death, having been culled there h\ i telegia u %ii»e dev lust week WILL BE ARGUED IRIS MORNING Manila intis Awarded Against City < imiiicII Will Ite \i ginil anil 1 >i rnb il M iiy, Thu writ ol mandamus granted tlio . I Ui'ed Cii i/.i n | 1'ii.v against i lie < it y ! ! I lam II or Ulucliuld will bo argued ho lme luige < Mia label s al Well'll (bis moimug. Ui'iiiysgiiUiUM s of Llie 0U Ic'ienl putties Mere at Well'll yeslor dav bin I lie lieariug was eoiitinuud '**>111 this 11Mmt11 ng w lieii dual m l Ion will lie taken. The case grows out id tie' illy council refusing to recog nl/.e ilie ('it 1/i'iiM parly and appoint Ing represeiilnlIves from their parly as idiiiiiiIhhIiiiii'I'h of the uiiinirlpal eb'i i inn to be lii'bl May I at. WAS REFUSED ADMITTANCE — ! I uUil Sidle* Iii'pniy Nolilled lliul (•enigiii I'eiiilenliai) l>id Not 'I'l'i'pt Women I'riNonei'*. Special to Tlie Dally Deader. \ilanla. <n*., \pril Id.—When Mrs Smoot, convii led and sentenced to a • ''i in of 12 moiiHim in the penlton t l*i ry for eireiilal ing eonlerfelt f’e dollar gold pieees, was brought to Ibis city Sunday morning in tin* on •deny of IT. S. Deputy Marshall Milligan, Warden Moyer notified him that the Atlanta penitentiary did not accept women prl oners. Mrs. Rinoof wan then taken to police hcadiiuur t«rs where she will lie kept until ni rangeinenlM can be made for her transportation to the penitentiary al Nashville. Do not fo-get to remeirilier (li t tln> Deader want! all the news from everywhere. i ornpdtii Hi i Ini h her father v ,i rail a < (inventIon of the three iIIm IiIcIh. THE VIRGINIA TO BE CHRISTENED ; A in 11 UtMli Is the |»ale Set for It to (•o Into Iiiiimls.sioii. ■’I"'1 -'I in Thu Hally Deader. *|»»H Newt*, April III.— At- , neei-, are lining Hindu at the etd ini putting the hatllcnhlp Virginia in iHiiinii- mi mi Friday ^Hi iI tt, and with thin end in view I lie w Oi lv III flnlHhlng up the hlg light in helm* niHhed with ill pottMlhlo , rn pi tilt v. It In proliah|e that tin* silver n-r v ii e which is to he presented in |he , Virginia will he ready heroic the date ror the coiniiiiHtdonlng fSovornor V S'. .Ill (III will preaenl the i | Vhe- c; *M»»n a it P; Mulshed \ SHOULD BE SEVERLY PUNISHED . Dell Horse and \\ agon Standing Hitched I p All 1-1veiling ami Hail of DiihI Night. <»ffli * • r llainion, while malting Ida i found la I nlidit. until ed a hoi <e hill lu ll to .1 W a: on Iii> h hail In . n there all evenin'.- lie animal had i heen landing in one plain almo f a day wlthont • ii thing to eat, and I this lionld lie a 1:1 e lor I ho loo... i i\ iiidii1111 ii 1 (oi lhu) tin* nodiied • ‘'iii»«'il t>l lhu granllug ol llio a at int o. imiiifi i dial tin!) (ivo een*» mi ■ ••tli In- ihaiguti over Llio linos ilniit in' til) limn , mill dial Iraus •i liall In.' c,i \on (laaeiigoiH over ■Km. In a in • i < >. vv 11 Ii i ii Uio city, mil I In ■ i end in Ins hull |. • i'i' hi \ \ • i» ti« • anti lllauti tit root . ii I * • i t tni.'itloi allou ami ua a 11 '•> v ui in a v' r> short Li him |»'i» in K.ntitl Hiiapo, an Hie conn* i hi* inih ini dial ilioy shall On I'll' 1 ' hi t al oada ro'.olvcd al mu ui < iiuncll In lhu > ai do) have ilnnutuii lhu ei < i inn inward m'iuiiiik apeak > ■ 'Ini* . do ponplu nl i lie con ii meeting in ho hold lioru They will Kivu 11 mi unitor ' ai dial do ..amu amount hu i I* piivaio ii hat' ri | ill t iii from • ' I n III' im ii nl I In) illy. VIlL answer ROLL CALL TODAY • .m ii \ * •! vitii'i' I ii I in i ii uni is Will » I»(* al la Itil lilt' Ih tin del" I Inn Vim iimg. ‘IV' ' I in it I ui la a ill Kill ,i I e go '» i i la a ni ■ | he lltn ni dor "i mmimi,, ini ,m vviu in (hoir •• • i• ■ • ** nil’ iho one tli it \.ua '• 'ii <ii ' ha to i mild not loll hiu ** wii i• j i'jji i■' ii Alien, I *>". Hull' i «nilioi ,iml <J. Li. Iii'li. ill mi. " ■1 ii ' ni' <1 are mil l lie only >. ni a|i|h ii hi |it. iiioi mug ' i'"i l.nla i i oi i liony lin»', gt Ills .. ‘ ""I ery happy Iasi night '■'I l" ' " 'I in ' inhruelng Viclo ' '"'l i v, Ini*'. ,m uinaii, hv\< i al tlini'rt V i• 11 <' 'j« i ii I lo tin <• actions •I" |>ti King ha heen canying a "i n i 1.1 t night tie liuil it in Much • »i hi mm:, place ih ii an officer i'«*'»s• 111 i If t tu isi 'i charge of the '••'I Kin also until morning, ’•"ft m * iii <n < I * i Mill he A. A. 1 * i i 111 |.,i i on the '• i1 • i i Ih oad company •f " have to servo a wen ' •'• tin' military prison "'I hv itie flnthortfH that i ' <1 "i t* i from the army. ibHGEANT JONES IS OFF DUTY ' ' • " >*■ it io|y \\ ttli nn ggra> * • ' "• llh< inii.itism or l annhago. n 'ii' frlonrli of Sergeant "f I '• pO||f »|ej,.i i | ||i.'fit of h 1 1, will r< i of to |< a n that • I' h "* 'I in i ion m m, if h an ■I < a of or *i n.f him ha.- heen • <>f 'V» i I flays, hut has i" . inn* ,"|.f on the alert 1 iiiui of ih <ii> >; interests. '*< |ot\ to look afl» | |f U. I,;,\f oil. iii Hliu I'u Id 'Clio Ium .• w.o: taken in flu* fdnbh* adjoinlni' flic <it\ build •"St Hful will ho ko|.l Ihoio until ih< ow IU I ( nil ho lor |(...| ARRE-lfD ON A LUNACY CHARGE Will I So -Iii a ii Homing |;,f, ••..*;. • < hanilw tv | Ins Mot Min . John l{o>oii-, orilofotl, wim nr I ' Mlorl , iiillK 1 011 . r• I •; :* hofoiii ’Hquiio (’ham- ^ u r: to in. airily, Jt I; reported ^ Hutf Sunday ho attempted to asanull Vi<<- I! rook •<, n white riil on I ho hill oimt of tlu* r if\ An ro fid diai jp* ho l.o.uloi ha.M mad' t* ory effort «» to* ot laln tile truth about thn mat * e>. hut to far Ium Tioon unable to do xo TIiomo wrho know Hole* a y hnt ho l hall (fitted tmd t«i o drink* on idornlde. C.IC Wll UI'IMMi, iiftfnl Opnntm* S.tlidn., April 11 fho Sale eon 11 hue nil i;., iter wo*, k •'"roo dolfelom M;ir>li Mallow*., I to * *• l» lit Saturday. 'IIIK . ANIJ HlCK.VI HTollI*; C<). [ i insure*! I hose w ho liavp been in i pu t ti«>n to k now. a v that Mr M \ r , tinker seemed n i * omatose t.itr an*l that hri daughter usr»| her very roiiahly, ami on overal instant e woul»l la; her in the fa* r ami .y -aid verv seldom lot Iter *m y < her room. In fa* t. | »c * * i ■ <• Mir mcni omd to Mrs Hurler that her mothor w;m in a bad condition ami hr* reply w i that there ou, hi to Ik i iw pa **■*!, permit!im. the ki :r,. of people of the iiao of her mother I here has been m < 1 d l*y Mr< Httraer about the relief that w i ml*! nunc from • he d. n 1 of her the «>J nioti dill hr aavc her an ovcr*|o*e of morphine, w'hirh * ansed *|« a*b Mrs. Huraer has been irre-ted <>n a warrant eh a rued with murder and is mm under anard at lustirc < harn Iter's oftme aii*l as soon as to *,-^ary arrangements . m 1 >«• marl* i prr liminarv hearing will b< her. whi* h w ill n all tirobabilily be to morrow. 4