OCR Interpretation

Bluefield evening leader. [volume] (Bluefield, W. Va.) 1906-1911, April 18, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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Biuefield . Iaily Leader.
m N'°- U. . , _ BLU’ I I I I' Ll > W is I \ I K> '■ l \ 1 A. WKPM-i.w mok\iv;, M-KH • s/ ^ - FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR.
Work Commenced On
New Business Place
Modern Busiaeu* Mace To Be KrrrM
On Princeton Avenue by Ha ni
ne* lurk
Work on the excavation for the •
foundation of a new and modern
harness place was commenced yes
t^rday on Princeton Avenue on the
lot adjoining the one on which a bus
iness place is to be erected by Thorn
ton's Clothing Company.
Mr. Samuel Turk, proprietor of
the Bland sliced Department store,
recognising the fact that the present
place occupied by him aa a depart
raent store is loo small for bis in
creased trade, has had commenced
the erection of a three-storv brick
building, which Ik to contain all the
• hat the contract called for the com
He will occupy the basement and
first floor uk a department store nod
the second floor will be devoted en
tirely to the millinery branch of liis
business. The building Is to be
25x100 feet and will be heated with
Kleam and lighted with electricity.
Ou the first floor there will be a 75
foot balcony. The building will be |
entirely fire-proof and the front will
be of-pressed brick, giving it a band
name appearance. The work will
be under the charge of B. 11. Clifford,
tlie well known contractor.
When seen by a representative of
the Lender last night Mr. Turk said
that th contract called for the com
pletion of the building by the 1st of
September and that he hoped to be
*»*>!e to move into It a fc*w days later
hk his increased business demanded a
larger place. The building is to cost
$10,000, and will add materially to
tlie appearance of that part of the
Mr. Tu'< has been a resident of
i ir city for 14 years and during 'hat
t in* has acquired some valuable
ptoperty here and is identified with
sc'erill of til s local hueineSH enter
plines of the city.
i.MlroncK Kui.-r Town and Hteol Hi
lies anil Kill Three Men.
Manila, \pril 17.—One of the
bo'dest exploits in American experi
ence ol ladronlsm" in the Philip
pines was carried out in MaloloK.t he
capital of the province of Hulacan,
in i!ie Island of Luzon, onl> twenty
tniles from Manila, yesterday. Forty
liulrones raided the headquarterh of
tint Philippine constabulary, in the
center of the city, captured twenty'
rifles and escaped after kill ingeerht
men and losing ono of their own
^ number. j
Nt*w«y Nines From the Citjr Where
The Mark Diamonds Abound,
Daily Leader News Human,
Black Diamond Book Co.
f’oration law, Va.. April 17.—Mm.
Scl. Baaeh returned Saturday • vua
ing form au extended t-J;» to Klch
a oi'd, Baltimore am! New York
Mr. C. W. Young of Weieb, spent
Sunday in the ritv.
Col. James 8. Browning returned
form Kiebntoud Sunday morning,
where lie has been with his brother.
Mont, whom he left at the hospital
for treatment.
Dr. Geo. H. Zimmerman returned
Saturday evening from Staunton. Va
where he had been for aeveral days
on business.
K K. Saunders, of the Pocahontas
Colliery Co. spent Ranter in Blue
field with friends.
Air, Nathan Marka returned from
New York Sunday morning where he
had ben spending the holiday with
his paents.
Mr. Julian Cox, of Maybeury W.
Va.. spent Sunday in Pocahontas
with his Mister. Mrs. T. S Crocket.
Mrs. 11. S. Black and daughter, of
Minefield. spent Raster lu town with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kwaaa.
Mrs. F. P. Landon and son Qeo.
of Keystone. spent Raster with
friends in town
The First National hunk of Poca
hontas, moved into their new homu
on Monday. The new building is up
to date in -every respect and is a
credit to the town.
K. F. Via and J. B. Harris, of
North Fork, spent Sunday In the city.
Miss Mae Jones has gone to New
mun to nurse Mr. Taylor, of the pow
der plnnr. tf’TPBrmfrnTTc
Mr. and Mrs. Zeek of Worth, W
Va., spent Sunday with Mrs Sol
Baaeh on Water Street.
Vl> i l.ie»i Night mid Transuded Bus
iness and Afterwards l.unrlied.
Minefield Aerie of Ragles held ii
bin-liiess ims-iing at their lodge room
last evening at which time Important
business wit.; transacted. They, af
terwaids Indulged in lunch furnish
ed by the Windsor Hotel rsfe. rite
Verio at this place is growtn? in
memlieislhp and semes to be in a
\ * •> p. > si erous condition.
Hepnrts Sent Out From Washington
To Tlutt Kffivt.
Washington, l>. C., April 17.—It
seems hard for Roanoke, Va., to get
a new postmaster. Funkerhonse,
whose name was aent to the Senate
last week, after the withdrawal of
the name of (i. L. Hart against whom
charges were preferred, Is objected
Senator Martin has received nu
merous letters und telegrams from
Roanoke people, asking that tills
nomination be held up until charges
> otilri be died.
The Senator has had actlou on tlie
i>(.i.until inn deferred
Old papers for sale nt this clilts.
I hey ate nice und dean, only lOcit
per one hundred.
• ini' IIiimlrctl keg* of I'ouili'i' I'snl
In ItlaMiug Mountain Hlile.
Train * No. s and 10 on the N^h
folk & Western were delayed several
hours hist night on in count of (lie
tracks being covered with rocks and
earth near Wllmore.
The Norfolk & Western is engaged
in bettering their tracks in that vi
cinity and last evening a blast was
put off in the mountain side, a charge
of 100 pounds of powder heng used,
which covered the tracks with so
much debris that passenger and
freight trnflh was completely blocked
for several hours.
Fishes have no eyelids and neces
sarily, sleep with their eyes open;
they swallow their food whole, hav
ing no dental machinery. Frogs,
toads and serpents never take food
except which they are certain is alive.
; Serpents are so tenacious of life that
j they will live for six months or lon
I ger without food
Base Ball Boys Meet And
Perfect Their Organization
I>lii»fldd Assured a flood Have Ball
That the city of HlueOeld Is to
have a good base ball team this year
goes wiihout saving. If one Is to
Jcdge of the manager and assistant*
el.Mted by tbe boys at a meeting
hid at th office of l)r. A K. Thomp
• ’ll last <•' cning.
At tilts meetelng there were prev
ent all »h»* niemtiers of the dub s
was repotted exclusively through the
cdiimiiH oi the Dally Lender Sad
" t.iirsdi>> morning. D E G •; n"
w ’I tc tlie citizens of Bln .|
»s i: l,i sc ball enthusiast of ext*
si .v experience, was elected as m. n
age* for th«’ season. B Shumate,
as«!rtant manager and -I. D. Eo
lor colors the club has sel v e<1
"re i" and the "fans" will be govern
ed accordingly. It Is an omen thr»t
a Hu* h. sc ball team Is to "hot atuff"
T Tin-re* L no reason whateve wV
lllucfli-ld should not Have an c-xi.,
} lent team and the hoys will com
namee prac tice at once on the* ground
to (Jraham.
Itohert Williams. Hplller lllch - and
e* * * • will do ’he "slab" work and
indei son. (libber on and fit who • * • t
do i he latching.
I will tie .c in "inhered by oil* ,t
I/it> ir.d I hose who are Inte *»u
•a bee- hall that Mr. Shumate w ■«
tin* organizer of the Coafletd League,
and has done much toward estab
lishing tin- national sport in this sec
tion of the state It is up to the peo
pie of Bluefleld to assist the team
In all ways that they can, more es
pecially .financially.
Mill K no id. Graham CMiven Kl • (id
I’m n Mergeanl.

At a meeting of the town Council
cf Graham on Monday, Mr. .1. ■. i
Warden was elected town Sergeant
of that city. Mr. Warden la well
Unown in tbia city and hia numerous ;
frlenda here will be pleased to know
that he haa received thla reco/ol- i
'ion in our alRter lew*
\ot Much fltialnes* lu-ing Ibrne In
The Justice*' Court Tbi*
There lias been verv little going on
In ihe juaticca' court thla week, in
fio't there has only been one caae
tried thla week and that was Charles
/Mb'ii against Charles Lawson for
assault and hatery Allen claimed
that Lawson threw a rock at him last
November with Intention of doing
him bodily barm. The case came on
for trial before Justice Chambers
Monday and after hearing the evi
dence of one witness the case was
dismissed the plaintiff navlng the
[ coat.
Constabulary Arrived ami Minin,
Completely Awed.
\A IidIIm i. I'm., April 17.—Every
thing Is quiet here today after the
outbreak of Monday night. The state
constabulary has arrived and taken
charge and the miners are complete
ly awed The bloody termination of
ih*- disturbance was a terrible blow
to the foreign element. No further
trouble Is at all likely though there
lx bitter filing against the deputies
A dispatch from 8t. Petersburg
savs: Mme Corkv Is In the southern
part of Russia and her version of the
quest Ion of a divorce from her hus
band, the novelist, has not he.-n ob
tained Maxim Gorky's friendship
with Mine Andtelva Is of more re
cent date than was supposed As late
as J 90T5 the novelist, with his wife
and two children, toured the- Cau
casus. The children arc* boy g aged
five and eight years.
Grand Opening Hatlrday, April 14,
the Hale continues all Kattei week.
Free delic ious Marsh Mallows, 4 to
5 p. m. Saturday.
All Huntington Astir Over UinxI
Committed By n Negro.
Huntington, W. \ a.. April 17.—
Mrs. Martha J. Hass, a white woman,
well connected, was shot aud killed
hi re yesterday by Charles Morrow.
:* negro hotel porter. Tha motive
foe the deed is unknown. Intense
excitement prevailed for a time, and
there win threats of lynching.
Mrs. Bass, who whs thirty year*
of age. was a native of Meigs county,
Ohio, and was prominently related.
She expired thirty-five minutes after
the shoot lug
Coil Operators Mn-| and Full ltc|M»rt
Will Not lie Made Public K,r
A Few Buys.
New York, April 17.—Tha atiiliia
elte coal operators meet this after
t oon to draft r formal reply to Milch
ell proposal for arbitration The
teply will contain a flat refusal of
Mi Mitchell’s proposal. The reply
*.vMI not be made public heroic the
latter mil of the week.
Kirin of C. O'Lpitjr A Son, of This
1’llyr, IM»|igte of Vnluabl i I’mp
'•Hj Ml Norfolk. \ n.
C. OlrfH'7 & Son, l he reliable real
i **st a to firm of mis city, have J.nt
i dosed one of the largest deals In
real estate reported in this section
of the country for many months.
, The real estate In questU^uiordain
of 5T.0 lots In the city of Norfolk,
Virginia, and has been transeferred
10 prominent Minefield capitalist*
'* ho propose to organize a company
and sell tha lots si a future date,
I he (nsideration, although not yet
made public, is a big one
i -he firm of C. O'Meary A Son have
rondo some Important deals in ih*
oast few months but this b a record
i breaker and shows the popularity
of l ho firm. They have quite a num
ber of deals on hand at tho present
| time whereby several valuable prop
ertps In Hluofield will change bands
W'tnlu the next few weeks.
* onipany Went to I’ieces iiimI liimt
Dog in hynctiltiiri! Mutl,
l.ynnhhiirg, April 17.— lien or
Hroken How” Is broke. Men of the
company declare that they have two
weeks salary coming to them, ami
Hint from preaent appearances it will
la- a long time coming.
lint tlie\ got (heir money's worth
in it way, for they saw one of the
most beautiful fights that was over
pulled off ort any stage It happened
in this way: David Miles, who had
the leading part, asked for his sal
at v Manager John Wall didn’t res
pond as Miles thought he should, so
he asked him again Again there
was no response whereupon Miles
hit Wall real hard. D was on Ho
stage in I.\ru hlmrg. and the two men
•Mixed It Up for fifteen -irafglif min
utes. nobody interfering although
• he <<n t j i e com pa m wa- prc-ent.
And the company had other trou
hie- In Dynchhiirg One of the east,
a valuable bull terrier, took to fho
woods He was the only one who
had not been bothered In the salary
finest ton The entire party men and
women, turned out to earth for him
and got stuck in a swamp When
fhev came hack to the theatre they
liiitl enough Virginia mud on theli
shoes to establish .< in. 1 ki 1 garden
And they didn't find tin dog
A number of dlsHngt. -bn | persons
and tourists who have been presented
to the Hlutnn of Trtrke b> the em
huKsadot s of theii renpetfive toun
tries were refused permis-don m wit
ness th** Selamlik ceremony Saturday
on the ground that lists containing
inn n;«ni<’M of per*on* who <!• Im*<J to
HtiPnd Him not fliihinltted fir the
sulta n's a|i|ir i, 1} a* Hi# usual time,
letter Abdul Hamid sent his . egieta
to the embassadors His inaje-t/ r •
ritPd Hip usual player at the S< lam
Ilk. but accorded no audience*, al
though the Spanish and Kuiiianian
ministers were present at the cere
Was Seriously Injured
By Fall Of Slate

A I .urge Itepr.'sentat ion of Ikclcgutc*
In Attendance.
Washington, April 17.—The flf
teentlt Continental Congress of the
National Society of the Daughters of
the American Revolution assembled
hen* today. For the second time the
proceedings wore conducted In Con
tinental hall, a builldng erected by
tin* Daughters. An unununlly large
representation of delegates wan in
attendance when tin* president gener
al. Mrs Donald Me l.ean. of New
' ork, «ailed tin* Congress to order.
Mrs. Mrl.ean received an ovation.
The convention opened with prayer.
Thread made from the spider's wob
l< lighter and stronger than that
which comes from the silkworm, lu
I* ranee there Is a fnctory nsml ouljr
tor th.. manufacture of snider thiMMd
\ol I'illollgli Doing to keep Thrill
llo>».x l.xrept Wat tiling,
I here has been almost nothing do
ing In polite tire It's wince vest erd tty
.'ini the |»t>lD ,. are complaining on not
Ini' Ing enough to do. Aw we go to
prews there are only three who will
have to answer for unlawful deed*.
< ail Warren will appear for helng
in an intoxicated condition.
Tell Campbell haw been violating
lie iii >s of ihe Norfolk a.- Wi'wie **.
am’ will get the tp (1<1| fDie.
S W Akers Waw appreliended for
dumping garbage on private proper
'•> ii"«l 'll.Mites tile that lie Will have
I to i ettiove It
Hurry II Dayton, advance agent
for W. F. Sale, Jr., who will give
exhibitions of expert skating at the
Flat Top Kink this week. Is in the
<Mv milking arrangements for ths
performance Ho will be a drawing
attraction at the rink during hi*
Mad IhMMi In Had Health for Bonn*
Time and Hccatno Despondent,
I,urny, Vm„ April 17.—Mr. UeorRo
Rosser, for the last 26 year* a
< It Iron ol l.tiniy. shot and killed him
v It at his home in this place last
evening about A o'clock. Mr. Ros
■•u was up stairs lying on the bed
whan lie tired the fatal idiot with a
effect ill the lop of the head canning
instant death
Mr. Ronton* had been In had health
t'oi about live years, was about fifty
yeni a of age and leaves several chil
dren, Ids wilt having died a year
No Regular Irony Officer at the Vir
ginia Polytechnic Institute.
Washington, April 17.—lion. Joliu
Thompson llrowu, of Bedford City,
clialnuan of the hoard of visitors of
the Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
has been here for a day or two on
business connected with Ihe IuhIIIu
Hon. There Is a possibility that the
school inn\ lost* the use of the arms
which are now furnished by the W'tr
Repm i mcul The regulut ion under
w in h i I tics art* issued to schools
where military tactics are taught pro
' Ides that an officer la* detailed by
’he department to net uh coin inn ndc>r
<»r cadets l.ifuumuiu l>. C. HhankH.
| who was (he coiniunndnnt at lllucks
tnif*. at the outbreak of the war with
Spain, was sent to the front with his
i('glint-lit and since that time there
has been no army officer at the
school Colonel JohiiHon, a graduate
of (lie Poytechnic, has been acting
as foiiijiiundunt, to the complete sat
isfacllon of the superintendent and
* he boni d o| visitors Tht* goveru
incut lias allowed him the prlvllegos
°f 1 ,"* mtlllery school at Fort Mon
ioc and of the military school at Fort
Myer, in addtlon to granting him
«•*»» t it in privileges at West Point, lit*
Is an especially capable officer, and
Hi* hoard does not want to give him
up. Semi tot Marlin and Rcpristeu
Inti** Class went with Judge Brown
to ;««• Secretary Taft to second the
efforts which are being made to keep
Mm Firms and al <» Col Johnson
Old papers for sale at. this off!, e
Tney are nice and clean, only Idcts.
per one hundred.
Falling Slate Almost (Yuahi* Llfw
Out of Miner Near llraimvell.
Special to the Dally Leader.
Hratmvell, W. Va.,—April 17._
Charles Nowlnn, a minor employed
in the T. D Lee Minos near here was
seriously Injured by tho falling of a
pleco of alate this afternoon at 3
He was employed In underoreuat
ii*K In a room and the slate over
head had not been properly proppod.
A piece S feet long and 4 foot thick
ga\o way and fell on him crushing
him In a horlhle manner His son was
standing near him when the accident
occurred and Immediately notlded
some follow workmen who extricated
him from Ills poaltou. It Is reprted
that his Injuries are serious and but
.light hopes are entertained for liiu
recovery. . Mr. Nowlnn la aged 40
years and has a wife and six chil
Mrs. Mary Itarger, Who Stand* Ac
cused or Murder of Her Mother
W ill <le| Hearing Today.
la all probability Mrs Mary W.
It a Igor, who stands aroused of giv
ing her mother an overdose of mor
phine or other poisonous drugs, will
ho given a hearing today. Sho has
employed Attorney J It Dillard to
defend her and the state will ho
repieuenteil h\ (lie prosecuting at tor
ne\ at ilie preliminary hearing before
Squlio Chniiilierr
There were no new developmnts
to speak of yesterday and the au
thorities are awaiting further devel
opments In tliu cuHc.
Mm Itarger takes her detainment
in a very Jolly mood and does not
seem will rled In the least aIioiit It..
vpi'll loth Is the Hale Set Tor the
Meeting ai Lynehhiirg.
Lynchhiiig, Va., April 17.—The
Virginia Slate Union of the Aiiierlcuii
Society oi Kqulty will meet n Lynch
long. Va., on Aprl 20th, at 11:30,
and continue in aeslon tho 21at at
llili City Hall
Mr .1 A Hverelt, president, A. S
10 . of Indianapolis. Ind ; Hon Carter
Class, oi I,yiiHiliurg, I’rof. Andrew
\l Soule, of lllackabui'K, Bx Cover
aoi I lloge Tyler, of Itadford, and
oi her prominent men will ad(lro.iH
ilie meeting
Electrical Workers Are On
Strike For Higher Wages
Will lie Filler'll on the Mutko hI mi
I'auly Date.
\V. H Randolph, the colored at.Ur
of this «Ity, announces that b*
has nenrlv finished the writing of hla
new hook, containing biographical |
sketches of the most proniluet col
ored men and women in the Flat Top
1 'mI Held |i contains other Ini
pottant facts and features. Jleing
very nni(|iie, it promises to he botb
interesting and attractive. He ei- j
pet eh to place it on the market by
•Sept 1st,
M FaHeies, the new French pres
u|i ni. p'S up between . and H, doM
his hurtle t woik directly after hla
morning walk He nevei smokes and
lie reatlv a great deal In his own
words | devour all manner of
hooks historical, philosophical anti
literary, Tlstoi and Y'lgny are my
lov* i of handsome htioks. My morn
lovet <it handsome hooks Hy morn
irii.' w. ik Often lakes me to the old
hook dealer's stalls on the way. |
Moot hunting Is, Indeed, one of my
lioMiie- M\ ther hobby is playing
U«iuaiid Shorter flour*, Iglier I'ay
Awl Itecoguif ion of the iTiloii,
A strike or the International Bro
i Latliood of Fleet i leal VVorkerH liriH
lieen declared and will effect all dec
1 rleal telephone and icltyrrnph i om
|»anle "d uill inilH" a complete tic
tip of lie various telephone lines in
Severn. oj the states It effeeta Vlr
glnla. Went Virginia and Florida,
which Is in >M' jurisdiction of the lu
ternnt Iona I
Hlchi ..id, \ a,, %pt'il 17.—The
dou I hot , Hull telephone linemen at
v 1 »**ll. Fort mouth, Newport News,
Ihiuii >u and Hvitehhiii# are on >
Htiike i’ttere I- no Irouhle in Hie
balance of t he 'dale Olltei linemen
Were utn|>lo> »*d and there Is no cm
ha rassir out
Mobile lln., \piil 17. One hun
drod lliieiueii and eahle splicers of
the He|| I c|< phone Company are out
mi ttrike in Mobile Ttils partially
llc> ufi the i oust i in lion work of the
company, which i putting In an tin
lei ground <vstem
Norfolk, In., April 17.—The alrlke
hi.long tin* linciiii'ii inside workmen 1
• nil cable ipllcpt s of the Hontbei n'
H'-ll Telephonr* Company tied ii|i n|)
ney* con fr iu Hon work lit i’lttshuif.'
S.syaimah, (in., % ptH 17.— \hout
thirty linemen of the Southern Hell
Telephone Company and the Ocorght
Telephone Company an* on a drlke
Birmingham, %ln., % i *i-• I 17.—
Fourteen hundred linemen of the
Southern Hell Telephone Company
hay ■ '.truck demanding an Im reuse
of Wfigcs and recognition of the an
AllfUitii, tin., A|it'il 17.—Tho ntrlke
<»f Souliiei ii Hell tck'iilidp linemen
became offer live yesterday. Ho fur
IIM has heeii developed, the strike has
not Intcrfcieil with construction work
In the Atltinlu illstrirt, or In the ter
iliorv Involved in the strike
Interesting laulnre to be Held at tt»a
Christian Chunli Thursday
I ha people of Minefield are prom
iscd n rare treat at the Christian
Church Thursday night at which time
Key. T II Adame, pastor of the
Christian Church at Rdlntmrg, In
dlwiia, win give one of Id Interesting
led urea. Tho auhjed of the lecture
will hr I hiving Nalls," and It gots*
without raying Hint t he np|»r# i i.itive
audience which will attend will coma
a wav fully satisfied with the even
ings’ en t erf it lumen I Rev \datnj m
no sit anger to the people of Mine
field, having lectured In i ghoul three
month ago, at which lime he spok?
lie h the father of Rev .1 \ Xdams
to a large and appreciative audience
pastor of the Christian Church at
this plate and Is here now bm tho
guest of his son Admission to the
let tnie will be f»0 and cents.

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