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Bluefield Daily Leader. in m K THE LEADER PUliUSHINO COMPANY. I \ t OKTI*< »K \TKI». I'.NDKK TIIK M AN Alih.M l\\ I «'K Tll«»S. M. tiAKNI-.K. I'nldislird Iv t * r \ Day in tin* Vcar luccpl Monday* Kour Dollars a ^ car. Two ( outs a I 'opy. IliisiiiHss (Iffice: Hlaml Street. Ni xt Ilnur tu PusIuIIIck. Din*die Id l<lu|dioiM' No. mu. Advertising Itales .Made Known on Application - Kales Keasmialde. West Virginia, dome to tho Hills The Land of Prosperity and Of West Virginia, Where Plenty. Has the Greatest Nature Lavishes Her Natural Resources in tho Greatest World. Gifts. The Greatest Among all of tho Stat o s Varied Resources Ih the Poca hontas Cos! Kidds of this Vicinity. •; „ •’ NIC'N jL-. I ARI l> -— \\ i:i)\i:si» \v M< MINING. OHIO is AIX ICHJIIT. The |n «»|.|e «»r Ohio have good rea son for I'ongrat ithiling t heniselv**:; upon the election of n Democratic < ie»ve*rnor and a good government majority in the Stal* l.egislat lire* last fall. The legislative record is a good one. Among tin measures passed are* those providing for a reasonable incre ase* *»f tin* license lax e>n -nlnoiis, reducing i ail way passenger fares tee two ee*nts a mile crediting a Slate* l< illroael ('eimmission and providing leer the* regulation e»f freight rates, wiping out the* foe system fe>r tin* pnytneMit e»f county oflht'rs and put ting the*nt on a salary basis ami abol ishing prison eemtraCt labor. These .ere* the* nicest important e>nactnie*nts hill tlie*re are* otheM’s of a like praise worthy character. Now that tin* people of the Hue k * * y e • State* are* out of the hnmls of tha bosses and their corporation owners, they shemlel take* gemel care to beep emt. - Ituffnlo Time's. st\ti*:mi*:\t i ho.m hohky. lie* Says lie* fame* to .\nie*Hca te* Help Hiisvia auel \e»l I e*r llis IP* elite. Maxim tlorky gav em’ a tap lie at at N<*w York Thurseiev in ie* paid lee his lu-aiih in which in* ;:iier “I have* si slight pulmonary attach, hut it m*ithe*r causes me inconvnni «*tu*e nor e*inharrasses me in m.v work. I have* nei ;ippre*h<‘iisie>n n to m> condition. I sun sin e*netn> of Kussisi's gove*rnmeni, have bmm :i revolutionist since* I was lit year <>|<l and have im apology in make for titv altitude I •nine to this country to help (lie Kussiau revolutionary iitovenient. I shall soon celebrate my 20th anniversary us a revolu tionist I came to America horn use it. i the most democratic country on! th<- globe, and I believe Kusslu is d< lined untinnately 10 stand next 'o' Anmiicu a the land of democratic' i d<; I shall do all I can to arouse \ine|'h an interest and call out Amer ican sympathy, and my success Sri giving it n concrete form will de termine my course while in the t mint ry." t'K.VKS I’.I I OKI: lti:i:\lvl AST. “The proper time to test a cigar or stogie is in the morning before In eak fa-I said . down town lohac conlst yesterday. * Naturally, i.nlv morning smoking i- not healthy, hut n i very disci itulntiting. Try ii by linking samples ol your favorite brands in the early morning and you i an depend upon your judgment. 'moiling among Pittsburg women , i on the Increase, as the condi'iou is evidenced by my trade. Tliei* is mulling startling in this because the same condition is found in every city . 'id low n in the counfry. I-Ktsburg lea withstanding the tempting exam ple given by our inveterate men iiiokcis. holds a lew average of li tealo smokers. 'I lie most expeistv?! • laarettes I s< 11 is a brand made es ptiiall) for women. They cast four < < i■ is apiece all.I contain t lie meier-t | of tho weed.- Pittsburg I ‘l I'SS. i.ixi-; hi < ks \s ihu oxs. .1 K. Ili'rRcr, or Anthony. who In an out hiihI’iki !«• duck shooter, lias se eiitod two | mi I is oi doiin*'d mal lard ducks foi diKOVs. The din ks are taken lo I lie hunt inn grounds in small covered basket*. To keep ihem from Hying wlun in use a light leather strap with a liiif kleil noose attached to a long shore cord Is placed about their necks and a weight or nnelioi tied to one foot. o This, however, does not dimini Ii their ability to swim. and when placed in the waiei they go to the limit ot their shore cord. I’or re sults they make the old fa binned wooden deenys look lik* ISO cenU OI II “I OKI M.\ ('01,0X11 V l*erliaps tho greatest delect in e i failure to eradicate p<- ilfi'inu :m evil colonle and io distriliin Hi newcotneis to points win-re tin • really needed. Hundreds of thou amis of immigrants In-rd logit h > <mr larger i itles. where l lies I ■ coti" n prey to c-xploiler of tin it >• m naliomilitv and remain mor* oi I impervious to Amei ican/.int: inti -' etues. New X'ork Tribune \\ i :i:i» oi l u.i.; i i.ic.XTK.s. Mnt h\ a « i. Ions < on trail let Ion, the u l mo I laiillii'i for 1‘iialilitlK Ikiio im K ill, uni n..ia> ' •■< il. white < ami !i1 .»«•!» to tin- hiiPTum* ( are .ufor«i<‘il l>\ I’»•: ii-nlv.inln ami ( ollii-i Si.n. • in whi h linn of tin* il lllernt.m liml iodimnni. Il lln*s«* Stat> s h-. i |i tin* '"national n-at in tin .*|i <ii, tram liisi* thorn would h * tfh * i * * toi < oni|ilnint i-oni' i nln 11 ■ ii miKi tilon of 111 it• • -•’lit. 1 I • 11 Philadelphia I IN*« uni \<*ii-l ',n”li>li spesikinu \ <»t4*s. Ii i i oik " that tun lpm*n» Mi.tlili’ o ■.' I i ll or to tinder i.unl wha( thi*> wen- votiim f'ir. iniylit ili i nl*. pn iih ii'lal elm Son 'l l.i* ; i i a > |ioiul« nin< • of non-Kii i*.I*11 pt ' • iminluianls now com iii n o n ho" will In* a danpoi as lonu Hk lawmakers of sin It anli n i i to n*vl i* lln* sufTtapi* ipi.i I Mil a i ion N'*v. Yorh Sun. I\ \M» Ol I Ol I Hi: I MON. Tin 'tillin' i imii i. ■ I k •. ■ jurisdic tion ol . I liilinpiiu' dlvorio enso. In .n lu«r words, ii •• I'iISplnos lire in Mu* union «■ nI> \\ I*ti tin v lr> lo hrejil: out lit il III: ii> . i 'Ilil’ilpO I’o -i. / - — - - «■ « I.I I IM Advertisers should lake advantage i »l advertising in the Daily l/'adcr ^ ind tie* Weekly Free Preaa. Bpuce ' •t lie : ecu red in both publications or practically th»* satin* price. We diall offer all tin* Inducements pos dlde to the advertiser. Clive our tublications a trial If you wish the 40si results. Notwithstanding the general pros perity which prevails throughout the country statistical report* show quite an array of business failures. During tit* month of March last while the rumber of failure* among manufac tifers and traders was not so large as for the same month last year, the amount of liabilities was larger. The total n.imi»er of failures for March. ;90U. was 1.0.'»2. as ngnlust 1.208 for the raine month in ii*0&. Ob the other baud the amount in the former was % 10.H4ii.033 and in the latter ?r>,***»4.!*«(•. the chief increase being % iu Iron foundries and nails. There |j however, a decrease In the amount of losses as compared with 1!»04 of nearly three millions. On the «hob. the exhibit is tenarded as fav.>-*abl<3 I and indicates healthy business con ditions. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦<■♦❖♦❖❖<*❖❖❖❖❖ ,% THE copRECT Exc|usiveness 1 —in— X Night-wear, Day-wear, Under-£ wear, Over-wear, Foot- £ wear, Head-wear and ❖ hatters Neckwear | ❖ For Gentlemen. ' ? ? . \ “WEAR’S” The Word. f I " METROPOL TAN! ♦J* T. E. COFER, ^ ^ ♦J* Gen. Mgr. Gents’ Furnishing Company, i *:♦ T A V a <♦<♦❖❖❖♦>♦>❖<♦<* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Don’t Pay Cash! With all its not1 rr ml a hi lit \ to error I .1 1m n in • to count ami .1 temptatn n have arouml. \mi ran avoid I»otIt the 1 >'>tInn ami the temp tat ion In depo line \ onr moil cy and 1 si \ im. with « iie» k and in addi 1 ion to tlie eon i venieme and afety it altords a hank account <> lt.iinlv gives a man a better standing I I' nv easily von can en >v . all of these advantages vv II he gladlv explained to you it voii will * a' .1 Capital, - - $100,000.00 Shareholder's Liability. $100,000.00 Security to Depositors, $200,000.00 - - w1. # i“ * * IKo Other Flour Approaches MONITOR - Pulverized. ij l ROYAL-Fancy Patent. WHITE LILLY-Standard Patent. i Hull, Andrews & Thomas Co. . Wholesale Grocers K Importers Italian Goods. I * Bluefield, W. Va. | ************* ************* ************ *******************<^*************<kkkk^:kk^<k^k^^^^>** t I $ ♦ * x X ************* * ********** * * * * * * * * ♦> ♦> * * * * * * * ♦> * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ******** ************* ***** y A * * * * x it a A X | * I ! C. OLEARY GEO. O’LEARY | f XX * * A yy r II . O’LE . & II «|» X | ^ ( *!; a The Real Estate and Renta: Agents of Bluefield, West Virginia. X & | ? --- | | | I Coat and Timber Land Our Specialty. I f V ♦ T t Y X Why do you pay rent when you nan Imy yom- home on *'Monthly Payments f Consoler the amount you £ *j* *|» have paid for rent. How many homes have* yon paid for? Me now have in our hands lor sale seven new >, <|» $* ❖ seven-room houses on Bluefiehl avenue, for sale ( heap and on easy terms. Also, several other good and de- £ Y X sirahle properties at bargains. which we can dispose of on - Monthly Payment” plan. If you want to build X v »!« your own house, Imy a building hit from ns We have some of the finest building sites in Bluefiehl for sale £ £ at a bargain. If you want any kind ot Be '■'Stale Irem vacant lots to Business Blocks, property for home £ $ X or in\ estmen! for wholesale or retail laisiness >iies, acquaint u< with your wants and we will fix you up per- X .1, X feelly satisfactory. Kvery piece of propert , large or small, it sold through this office, is sure to he good. X *;♦ X We handle only the best, Kvery paper per > ningto the transfer closely examined before leaving this office. £ X X ♦> You take no risk. All inquiries by mail receive prompt ami courteous attention, A y A ♦ Y I I C. O'LEARY & SON \ t | X ♦ jt* i or fruition flesiroil portioning lo T | ? REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE ? ?' 1 ! hISS-, Bluefield, West Virginia. f I I 1 ..t X ♦♦♦ ^444444444444 44444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444 4444444444444 44444 A V X t I 1 X 4 y ►44444444444444444444444444444444444< 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444