♦ Bluefield Daily Leader.
••Sunny Jim” Alile In Set I p anil
Take Nirtitv of n IVw Tiling*.
•From Pulpit to Dabbling
In Politics.”
Tb** above is the rapt ion of cer
tain ilrlvel which was allowed valun
**<■ space in the Leader on yesp ida\.
The writer subscribes It I nisei f "A
Hiirnt Child," but we are inclined to
believe that It is not too ninth cook
lug that ails him, but too little. In
fact this "Child” Is real raw. To
use a nrript urnl expression I of which
lie seems fond t lit* is "a ta I,e not
Wliep a.i unscrupulous political
trickster, disturbed in hi* plans by
timely agitation. suddenly assumes
an air of injured Innocence and reads
good citizens a lecture, it is supreme
ly amusing. The air of injured inno
cence tin other kind for that matter)
fits badly. Ills ears will stick up,
and he can't got ihe "hoe haw" out
of iiis voice. When he goes further,
ami attempts to instruct the Chris
tian ministry as to their duties, and
their proper message, it is sublimely
lideulotis. Wo would adives is
"burnt chicken" to acquaint himself
more accurately with tin* Sacred
Hook before he attempts to quote
from it ngtiin.
I low artlessly and innocently this
"scorched juvenile'' prattles. lie
states hi. case so naively. "Let the
De\il alone" Why yes' llloss us
that's 1 lie case in a nut shell! That'll
nil that Satan asks! (). these naughty
I>i iin s. ■ ii»*n won t mm ini' l»eNII
li lone!
lie liiis tilings s:nlIv mixed some
how. We tire sure thill all the *>ieo
logians will sit up and take notice,
when this "burnt child” doctrine
goes out to the world’ Hear ho ’
"Christ's kingdom Is not of this
world. “This is the devil's world,
made so by the t !| of Adam.” The
idea we suppos • Is, that the preach
ers and ChrLti.ii folk generall.N,
should wall :iamn(| "kinder <:• refill
like" and i <-t pul thcii hands on
anything. Vitis preseni time . nd
place he|»,. Strict l> in Old Vn I..
nnd om l> . iacss Is i<> l.< **p out o the
way, and grow oar w digs as <| id.In
as possihle, for flight to a no- con
genial t lime.
o. It it r nt Child, we must . nfess
i( ' « i tii c “a peach.” We w, \ *:i
*«• ep on This thing grows serious
sometimes, and we need something
to tickle us. Vonr (it venture Into
journalism should h> no mean'. I *>
your last Keep coming. There is
one thing, however, which as well
\ idiers we would call attention to.
that is the importance of a graceful
noiu de-plume This "Burnt Child"
business Nvil) never do. It has no
"i ace or comeliness whatever Take
the most famous of Lincoln orations,
and tack this ' Burnt Child” signa
ture to it ami watch It shrivel up
The greatest literary genius of the
age. Would fly wobbly with Hits thing
hanging to him Such majestic pe
riods ns Honv front your chaste and
•If • ic pen should not bo belittled
hy • licit a sizzled-tip, fried out, half
• noked pen inline as this. Lei an
other one a real tragedy breathing,
soul moving, <|iiasi romantic one, and
eo what a difference it makes
I *ii r soul warms to in* • It lint
• him, . 11 tcildet yv ti . :111<| !i
Olisfoi | nil . 11.1 m •;« I to US if v. ■ 1.11. • .
thy* ii'#iI ii ini', nnd w h'uimI.ihi
Iinne w mill' he more ready lo apply
healing lot Iona than our Kvim.
Lacking this knowledge however vc
must leave .. to othe* hands.
flLN'N f | ,\t
We did not think the auo worth
serious mention, hut on - of our hu
morists wroti it up. mu w s<-m! |»
along Just for fun
y —
This Is to give notice to the puhlii
that I am not a candidate for ronn
• llrnnn In the Kouith Ward. I ap
predate the honor bestowed upor
tne by mv partv. but mv business nf
fair-; are Hindi that I cannot iiiukt
the race, and theiefoie respectfullv
wit lid raw
TIIINIvH IT tl.l, RltillT.
d'lie Leader, a dally newspnp pub
li- lied at Minefield, \\‘ Va . Is e mil
Milile. It Is a bright, spicy, and new
sv paper, and all who wish a goo#
paper could do no better than h
subscribe for the Leader pearls
burg (Va ) Virginian.
I'•■II I mlit Moving Train nml Ss*
inp' l ioin Death Was Mirscii
Ions—tuin-r Tazewell
Tazewell. Va., April IM. \V (J
KatlifT, n former resident of Taze
well. came near losing his life on the
rail at Paris. K>., the other day by
falling under a moving freight train.
He was on the rear of the first sec
tion and In some manner fell under
the train. Four cars passed over
him and the fifth car had a break I
beam hanging down which caught I
him and broke his left arm In two|
places and bruised other parts of'
liis body. The trainmen said that |
it was a miraculous escape.
Mr. KatlifT arrived here tonight j
to recuperate, as he had Just previous
to the accident recovered from an
attack of fever.
W. P. Hall, Jr., who has been i
clerking in l)r. Jackson's drug store
in this town for several years, left
today for Lynchburg where lie will
undergo an operation for appendici
Little Jahnn.v Head, son of Ben
jamin Head, of Pocahontas, is In a
dying condition at the home or Prof.
Brahe, where lie lias Imh*u hoarding
and attending school for the* past
Methodist Church of Tazewell DIs
The Preacher's Councfl for the
tri<t will convene at North Tazewell
on next Tuesday night
The presiding Klder of this dis
trict. Kev. C C. Maiden, will pre
_ I
Several <'niididnfe* in the Field Who
Mil1 \*»k for tin* Position.
The Roanoke World of lust even
ing • x that it has developed that
the li puhlieaiiH of the < |t> are the
on<- lio are delaying the lonllrmn
lion (it the appointtiient of Mr. Fun
kei limiser.
Who would not like to he post
Mr. \\ . K lienner, the well known
and popular yroeer, and Mr Shultz,
who ran against Sergeant Tillet. are
among those who would like to he
postmaster. Mr. Renner's friends,
■•ltd he has not a few, are understood
to have held up the nomination. Mr
Shull, it is said, left for Washington
this morning to look over the field,
and there are others pluming them
In the meanwhile Mr Punkerhousei
and his friends are losing no sleep.
T’hey have a candidate who has been
under the lime light and he shows
a fine character. ft is believed that
he will fill the hill completely and j
when he Is postmaster will let no j
other business Interests Interfere!
with his work.
In the meanwhile the business men
are doing some deep thinking about
it. They sa\ if Funkerhouser cannot
be nominated they will produce a
candidate to whom President Roose
volt will say ' Delighted,” with his
characteristic grin.
He Is a Democratic Republican bus
Iness man of the highest standing
S|.-e| Trust Dots Busy And Will
I'uild a Town In Minnesota.
M Paul, Minn., April If*. A mod
el illy with saloons or small frame
buildings, with water works, a $«0.
oon public school, paved streets, pub
lic library and all up-to-date conve
nlences. in lb*- pineries of northern
Minnesota, is now being construct
• d b> the I'nlfed Slates Steel Col
oration. 'Phis new town will be
call-d Dnlernln and will start with
•a population of I.non persons. The
iifc for the new town Is on the Iron
range, and the occupation of its
people will 1m> that of mining
All the municipal tickets appear In
1 this morning's paper, published as
’ the law directs There Is thr*** of
them and you have the privilege of
taking yoor choice.
Earthquake and Conflagration Following Destroys1
The Entire City—Ten Thousand are Home
less and not a Business Place Left.
People Watch Destruction
From Hill Tops
Flames Sweep Business Section and has Now In
vaded the Residence Part of City—Ghouls
Shot Down While Robbing Dead.
tA*' ANhKI.FN, April It*-Hunt* Ilona lm* h.i.nlinly deali-oyinl wud not a siuRie buMincs* plu.o
lias Ml standla*. Ten tfiou*au,i are homcleM* and Uie dead Mill remit lino Hie Iiuim1i.Uk.. Tlie street*
an- *»ae Uae of cliarrad ruin* rendered by Uie flame* lollouiug the earthquake. Ili.ildi.ig. Hint were not
destroyed by Uie earthquake Men* wooa eouauuail by I be spread tun Ham.** wud (lie p«*ople tliaf could,
ll.il to (lie 1U1U aud Mat.lied Uielr ,-|(y Im>1ii^ d.**tni).il liy lire.
UA8H1NUTON, April II*.—The flr*t oftleial communication couccriiinK Hie eortliquukc a( lata AiiK«*leM
Mild (lie de*(rueUoii of properly by iiaiuen mm nwIvmI lien* today from (ienernl Funafoit, of Hie I ull.il
Mate* Army. Hi* eonuaunieaUou It, Mire *uy* (but (bey nr,*(l UmmikuikI* of leni* ami all of (lie nttloii* Hint
.an possibly la **nt. The biulu.-n |M.rtl.. tlie ell) l« cl. >* I roy.il and at lens. I.iimlred HioiimiiimI people*
are made bowele**. Fin* is still raK|nK mid (lie troops an* umnIMJuk Hie police In Hie uork of tvafeliliiK
Klioul*. Many depnilatloua an* lM>iuU eoiiiinili.il aud tiuinlxr* of arn*»t* have* been made. Nitnibei*n of
1* lllllt Ik liat-M liana ____ u
.. ..w «|-IT mug'll simimg irotn me uenu. mm- loss lire is probably a Uiotis
W,M* *ml ** ",e “UM* conununicaiton tin- liest pail or tlie city had not Iteen destroyed by the.
,<OS AMiKLKS, April 10.—It I* estimated that JWMMl lives wen- lust m Hie eily <d Hun I ran'i*rn
in the earthquake and conflagration that followed. The hospitals are able will, dillhiilty to care for the
injured. many of whom have lieen treat'll. The panic-stricken people who have thus far escaped Injury are
|*n |Hiriit|( to leave the city in large numbers. The llanie* ran along a pa Hi in a Iraugiilar circuit ami
skipp'd hi a dozen directions to the residence section. At nightfall . lire had made it* way over into the
North I leach section and south along tlie shipping section down hy hay shore, over hills and across to
I bird and Inwnaemt afreets. Warehouses and manufacturing plants fell in Its path. I bis completed the
< ulus- district known as south «f Market street. Ituw far south the flames extended has not lieen told as thiU
part of the city is shut off from the city proper. After rt»t% thousands of persons were making their way'
with blankets and scanty provisions to Holden toil.- I’ark for slielf-r. Those in homes in the Mayes alley
piled their houselHihl in the streets, from where .. were carted hy trucks t«. ... ,,f Hu- city.
hv-iytMMly in San I-ran cisco who run Is preparing In leave the city, hellexing the town will Ih- totally
destroyed. Itown town everything is in ruins. Not a business house is left standing, theatres have lieen
• ruin hied, newspaper plants are useless. The loss will reach HI .*10,000,000 or H'JOO.fHIO.OOO, hut nothing
deflnHe will In- known until s partial '-ountlng is niade. On every side is death and siiflerittg. Muring the
lute afternoon thin- people were shot |.y soldiers as they were til work in the ruins. The buildings not
disiroyed hy Hr.- were blown flown,Inn the gaps <1 i«l not stop tin- mad rush of the fiery elements. The brave
•it* light* r* who are now working, are working in shifts, being compelled by their long battle with Hu
ll" me* to seek rest.
In the City Hall every document on record was hunted. .Mechanics pavilion caught lire just as the
last of the injured had Ix-eu carried front it. Women raiiit«-d everywhere and tin- scenes enacted have made
brave men weep. Willing men were driven hark by tin- police while their I.-s were burned Iw-fore them.
>lrmlM-rN of Divorce Colony will I’rea* j
Kiouv Palls. H. I»„ April It*.—The
I’lilted Staten Supreme Conn decision
in >!•*• Haddock divorce rase created
.1 sensation here today among mem
bers of the divorce colony. Howev
er, It Is believed that, regardless of
the decision, the present members of
the colon> will not abandon their
intention to secure divorces.
Chicago. April 1(1.—-It. Is estimat
ed by Chicago lawyers that the decis
ion of the Supreme Court of the
I*tilted States holding Illegal all di
vorces except where both parties *o
the suit resided within the same ju
risdiction will make Illegal .*.(10 <||
'ones that have been granted In
this eltv alone, and pave the wav for
till manner of complications In the
next generation over inheritance and
the rights to property
Several promlent attorneys declare
that the decision means chaos In re
gard to the title to personal proper
tv Property left hv men who re
married after obtaining divorces now
held to he Illegal must go to chil
dren of the first marriage and can
not he held by children horn of the
subsequent mf>"v1ntre
Suffering Prom Too Pree I sc of
Whiskey, Undo Simpkins is
Taken In Charge.
Wade Simpkins was fak< n - idden
lv ill upon the street |avf u •')( nuf
ferlng from som c ing simllt i to de
erlum tremens and was aken m po
lice headquarter* to rei i c medical
attention We underatand that at
a late hour his condition Is serious
.but not necessarily fatal.
Capitalist* nf Southwest Virginia
Interested in Enterprise,
Itristol, \ »t., \pril I»».—Hrl iol is
• «* liiive a new bank. Tilt* promo
ters are well known business men ot
tills elly, along with Mr, I'ntrh k Ha
gan, prominent capitalist ot Somli
west Virginia, and his son. Mr ('
K 1 lagan
Soul Itern llnilroiid Company Will
Simiii I teg in Erection of Eo< o*
molitc I'laiil,
Atlanta, fia., V<pil HR.—Atlanta Is
Hie probable location of a $3,000,
ooo plant for the construction of in
comotlves 11 was learned .vestei
day from an authentic source that
the Honthei n i.illrond w ill shortlv
begin the erection of the plant, and
this cjtv's chances for securing the
big concei n arc bright.
After Two Attempts a Venire Was
Secured and Evidence Now
Iteirig I iiki li,
Charlottesville, Va., April lit.—
The case of the •>ate again-* ( S
Hawkins, charged with hlaekrimllifi:'
the late |{ I) Hullenflne, million.il «•
and society leader, came up in r I• •
court this morning. Judge <i V\
Morris on the bench. The evidence
given substantiate that given at th
preliminary hearing Hnwkin* i
represented bv Vttorney r VV Allen
land hit brother, W B. Allen
I host* \\ Im Will SIuimI llrfori' flic
•lodgment liar «.f Till* <'||y.
I .1 Itogg got rail or roil I'W and
attempted to Holier tip In riding
freight trains, hut was pieventod
from so doing hy the timely arrival
nf Officer Newkirk
A tlent With a flat wheel was tak
efl ill tow In Officer New I ill, who will
inn him on the hop track for re
(’hurley Paxton forgot that they
had gotten a new i hal ter and fired
a gun a little too soon
OfTlcet Newkirk arrested Thomas
Mann foi trespassing on the ird.
w hose assets amounted to one w Irt
t le.
Add Mavis, who had eoneenled tip
on his person a knit*' and conth wn
hown where tin C|f\ (fall i lor tied
In Officer New kit I
HcpaHmr-nl Of .hislice Will l.o Ifio
I lie Coal Carrying lload*.
Washington. April Iff. Tin* M»
partment ot Justice has given riul
tite Information that they intend tr
:• ftei , I•»• cf. | r al I ' Iflf toils
The announcement w .1 made thh
'Irunootl after tin < In 1 o' 1 lie \< w
York Stock Market, hut i< h;td hero
argued upon hy the caldnet meet
Ifig earlier In the evening They wll
• akn In consideration <11 the facti
now known or ran he ascertained re
biting to the transportation of eoa
in the Interstate eomfnerrn to a<l
vise what If any. legal proceeding
should be hegim and to conduct un
der the direction of the Altorne'
Oeneral such suit' or prosi»cutlon'
If any as mav ho warranted hv thr
evidence aecured.
\\l» \H \ ItKSM.T OXK >I\N IS
ivit iti.it,
I'ocHhuiilHN, \'n„ April to A tor
rlhlo explosion occurred at I I o’clock
this morning on tin* works of Itoxlcv
Son, contractors, who are Imlldlng
the railroad to Itosslvnho, In which
ouo man was killed and three had 1 y
Mr Itlllup. nne of the foremen for
the firm of Huxley A Son hud Ills
force at work near (Nil. Browning's
|daio yesterday setting off blasts and
were tiling tlieniw by electric bat
From the result of the explosion
today It transpires that only two of
the shots went off Today they went
to work to clear up the debris and
three Italians had hold of the stick
pumping out a hole when the cup
set off the dynamite, blowing Mr. 1111
laps and the three Italians Into the
creek close hy. Mr. Billups Is very
badly burnt about the face, hut Ills
injuries are not thought to he fatal
One of the liallans is dead and (he
I other t wo wlm are seriously Injured
were sent to the hospital at Welch on
No. 2 this evening.
The injured were given all possl
hie at teuton hy Mr. Itohertsou, the
hookk«*eper, and Mr. Stewart, the
walking boss.
I’roinineul l.'ilUtn Hil ls Willi l\'uI*d
l'< idtiil W hile Iliil lliioling.
haiivllle, April III. Mr .1 A Itoa
iin. former president of the Danville
Commercial Association, and a prom
ineiil and highly esteemed business
man. met a tragic death this morning
while out hunting roldan in a va
c.mt lot near his residents in I lie
suburbs of I ho c||.\ ,\||- Uegan
curried a tloaldc barrel Imi gun and
It is supposed that tin1 weapon was
discharged by telling It fall heavily
it* iln* ground or by his falling
I _
I’aaly W II lie Interred m l amily
ItnriiiI (•round.
The mother of Mr. Hugh Shuflle
burger died of canter of the stomach
veslerda\ afternoon at her son's res
idence on llatf street after a lln
goring Illness Owing to the fad
thill Mrs Hhuffleliarger wits verv old
her death did not come its it surprise
lo her great host of friends, as tie
end hits been expected for some time
llurlal will lake plies- today at He
it half mile this side of ITInreton
a half miles Ibis side of I'rliocton
Site leaves to mourn leo death foai
sons iintl daiighlers all residing It
• Itojeet* Own'i-r \ nlivii'o IYo|iosiil fin
| Ibllll'll Ml < MMlfMl fMl /.lull Mil.
All in-.’Ml la | lom look I ii;.’ iiia poum
fill nt I ImIiK’HI of f hi’ <|ili linn as |i
who hall iiiiitiol /,ini, ('it, 1 ltd |i
vast rosout• 1 vfi’i'i' lit of; mu 1»ff a
('liliairn ’"-ti 1 ilay l»ow 11 thtouKl
Ills atloiiM’V . throw down tho I’liunt
lot in ti< 1 • iii| 1 Ivin >mi*r VVIIhtit (Until
Vollva anil hi- folowors whon a pin
position advanced h> Vollva to th
offoi t that tho $21.0(10.000 osltito h
Mirnoil ovor to a hoard of nontrol wa
rojoi toil hy Mow lo Tho proposo
hoard was to In- iiiaili* up of riin
tnoiiihois, four to ho si’li’i toil In Mow
io and a llko nutnhor In Vollva, th
ninth to |»o sojonfod t»> tfI«■ hoari
' llfiwio rojoi mil tlii’ jnopo al on th
tfronnd that not oul would In tin
aiipilovii. in ihn ip point ruonl of \TtI1
• va on tho hoard hut that lit* no Iona*'
101 oanf/ml tho now |oad<*r as ,1 un-ni
hor i>f tho 1 hut 1 h
Tho roalstratlon hooks will olos<
1 In a vo 1 v fow day*. All partlos win
• ato not mulMtorod had hottor do *<
without fui 1 h**r delay.
Nephew of Mih, M> linger Conies to
lllnetlelil ninl Hum IIin^ Taken
1*0 \\ llsllitlgtoll.
•'or » second time tHo body or Mrs.
Mmy Mytlngor, whom death last
week has caused much talk, and
also the detainment of her daughter
wlto Is suspected of Clioaing her
death, was yesterday disinterred and
taken to Wnshlnton. I». (!., for tlnnl
A nephew or .Mrs Mytlngor esme
to this city yesterday and at once
proceeded to tnko steps to have the
hotly removed to Washington, her
former home.
Mis. Marx W Mytlngor, horduiiKh
ter. who Is accused of the crime anil
Alfred Iturgor, who posed before the
public In this elty as her husband.
"i’Tii taken to Princeton yewte|-day
morning hv ('onstnhle It Idnkenho
ker, to awnlnt the notion of the grand
lury. Constable Idnkonbnkor Hays
that the couple were very happy on
• he trip and I lint Mis. Mytlngor sang
Severn I songs on the way and also
kissed her "mint" several times and
noted as though nothing had over
t’lih'f of Police Newkirk, who Iras
been working on the ease, received
a letor from Itarger's real wife at
Washington yesterday, enclosing a
photo of Iiiin and iiIho an affidavit tw
the effect that he was not divorced
front her. This nllhlnvt and also
oilier evidence In the poseslon of the
authorities will he used against IHir*
ger at l he l rial.
Nebraskan in \\ iisliinuinn Hays fon
ledenHo \ eteraii Should lie
Democratic f 'nndidnte.
Washington, April lit.—“I believe
• lie eountry generally, that la, that
port Ion of the people who vole I lie
Democrat le lid,el, approved jhe re
cent niggesl ion of Judge Pin ker that
.t Soul lo i n mini he nonilmiled by
iho Deinoei'iils In I PUS,” said VV T.
Yancey, of ('hadron, Neb., at the Ic;• I
<‘igh IlnlH toda> "I am a Northern
man by birth, ami wiih roared in
Pennsylvania. My father wn* a
Whig. uml after the war he got lo
volIn:' l lie Democratic ticket, and
died a Democrat, n few years ngn.
I last 111\ vote for Mr. Itryan in I HIM!,
and have voted Hie ticket ever slnoe
I believe a Southern Democrat
could come nearer carrying the conn
try, if lie he the kind of man I am
ililnklng about, Ilian anv Norther*
or Western man the Democrats could
name | believe William .1. Hryan
Is one of the ablest men In tills coun
try. hut he call never he elected pros
Ident, in my humble opinion. Tho
prejudices in* created In | KPli will
never he eradicated so far as lie is
eoncerned Nominate him and you
will find that while many thousand*
of Demoerat! who did not vote for
Parker in |‘in I would vote foi Hryan,
limn) who left the party in l.HPti
and voted foi McKinley or Palmer
ftopuhlh an ticket
My candidate is John W danlel.
of Virginia I want a Confederal*
, oldler nominated I believe the peo
’ pie of fit** N'oitli and West wtio vol«
I tie democratic ticket would rather
vote for a man who fought on thn
Ido of his people than to vote for
a younger man. My father and tw*
of tils brothers fought through the
, war on tho l iilon aide. Hut I am
not animated b\ the slightest pioju
i dice towards the Mouth on that ac
i count In fmt. the stories my fattier
h» told uh of his experience* of
i the war have convinced me that a
people who could put up such a film
!• light must have something la them
a to mouse* the ad miration of the
s world, even their eneme*
I Menatoi danlel represents the old
-< hool I mppo •• there are good
people in the Mouth now as were
a there when t her were tight in#; foi
the ('onfederac' . hut we know those
a old fellow were all right. W<* do nol
• have o ink* am thing on faith. Men
atoi liant'l Is one of those, and I,
fm on lielien* the democratic partr
could not do heifer than to nominate
\ late report received from Welch
' stale licit the Italians are in a
> precarious condition and will lu all
. probability die.