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Leader. A~VEAK. SAIN FRANCISCO IS NOW DOOMED BY THE FLAMES „ „ - . 3““S »E »«"' 'OH THE USE OF THE DESTITUTE IS SAN FRANCISCO CONGRESS APPROPRIATES ONE MILLION DOLLARS Democrats Take Case To The Supreme Court * * ______ - V A Mil Case Will Be Finally ItreMed Ry That August Body. A telegram whs received In this <*U>' last evening from Charleston from Attorney II. A. A. Rita, repre* ' resenting the Democratic party In Minefield, announcing the fact that a writ of error had l»een grant’d by the Supreme Court In the case growing out of the writ of mandam us granted by .fudge Chambers, and also sustained by him, granting to die Cult <1 Citizens party recognition as a political party in Hluefleld and compelling council to appoint one ttom that party as a commissioner of diction to he held here May 1st. The announcement of the writ of • error cornea as a surprise to the peo ple of Hluefleld as it was the con census of opinion that the case could not be taken to the Supreme Court on the ground that all the evidence taken in the Circuit Court was not reduced to writing. The many friends or both the Dem ocratic and I'nlted Citizens Party await with interest the decision of i he Supreme Court. Attorney Rliz feels confident that lie will be successful and sustain the writ and that the Democratic party in this city will lie recognized nH n political party and will lie given rep resentation at the municipal elec ripal election. . HAWKINS IS * ACQUITTED Verdict of Not (.Hilly in Trial of Kxtoiiion ('barge. Charlottesville. \ a., April 1*0._ I lie trail o. I lie first indictment against .Ionn s. Hawkins, charged with eztor.ii,;; money from ti * late Moliert I. li:i|Iantine. caiue to a close last evenin';, with a promptly render ed vet tin t of not guilty. While other cases are ponding i agaiui Hawkins, it is belies**d that. CHARGED WITH BRUTAL CRIME LynchiNRrger Accused of Throwing Ills Wife From Scomil Story Window. ' Lynchuhrg. April iio.—Mrs. Ben Ja mie Hinkley, wife of swell known Twelfth afreet drugglat. lies at her home unconscious loday from n fall from the window of the second story of her hme last night ahrtly after midnight. It is feared she is suffer ing from internal Injuries, the ex tent of which cannot be ascertained at this time. The Incident is shrouded with mys tery and her husband who is under arrest, charged with making the as sault upon his wif* refuses to make a statement. , Hinkley after he was arrested ad : mltted It Is said (list he slapped Ills i wife but it is not ktiwwn whether | she leaped Horn the window or whether she was pitched out by her husband. However, a man who saw the woman strike the pavement and before she lapsed into unconscious ness says Hint her husband threw her out of the house. -- TENNIS SEASON HAS OPENED i < >|M'iiing Lames I’laycd Ity llliicfhhl Men. Yeneniay afternoon several gen tlemen. as well as ladies, were to he seen#i he tennis court practicing for wha* is considered, the most popular spoil of the day, tennis, which goes to show that Hluefleid ns well as oth er cities believe that spring Ih here for good. FAIR PEOPLE 6ET TO WORK Stockholder* Amend the IMitu of Stockholder*. Itoanoke, April ;IO.—At a meet ing of the Koanoke Fair Asovlation last night in the council Chamber all the interest* were harmonized and the outlook for a successful fair Is encouraging lion K. If. Angel presided. It wax shown by the report of the committees on stock subscriptions that tho plan adopted of allowing a party to own not more than twen ty shares was not successful and It wa amended to make it fifty shares. The stockholders have now every hope of getting all the money that Is ! required and work w ill be pushed I on the new fair grounds us rapidly | as possible. NEW AMUSEMENT FOR BLUEFIELDERS llo\ Hull Alley and l’«*o| Itoom I* 0|M-nrd. I A box hall alley and pool room will ho opened hero today at the old stand of the Eureka Hardware CoitT I P&ny, on Miami afreet, across front Kellpy and Moyers, which bids fair f*t be the best paying amusement that | Minefield h«H, as they have always been very popular in other cities, many people taking it in preference to howling, and It is very good ex ercise as well as pleasure. We understand that they will open this evening and you must lay aside all cares to investigate It. Mr. James W. Shirley is tho man ager, and as lie is well known here, it goes without saving that ii will! ho a success. i Messrs. A. S. Honker ami I’eroy | Klee played the opening games, which as a result of their long vacation from tills s.-ort, was rather slow, but taking all facts Into considera tion, was very good Indeed We understand that several tour naments will take place with the neighboring towns, and w'*> can say. I that from the way the Hluefleld men ! showed themselves on last season that they will be very interesting. SIX MILE WATER FLUME W ill lie r«e-d to Transfer Pulp Wood To Hnllroad Instead of Hauling It Otci-lMiid. Bristol, Tena., April 30.— Work has begun on the six mile water flume of the Coluhls Paper Company, and he ited near Bonn moutaln, in Carter county, Tenn., on the Hast Tennee see and Western Nort Carolina rail way. The flume will he used by the com pany to transfer pulp wood to the railroad from the* woods, and w’hen completed will bet he longest wafer flume inth e region I he flume will obviate the necessi ty c»t hauling the* pulp w-ood over land. and while it will cost a large amount of money will the means of a great saving to the company In • he shipment of pulp worn! from the* mountains to its Mg plant in North Bristol The great calamity which has ta ken place at Han Francisco receives the sympathy and regiet of all No human foresight could guard against smh forces of nature The people of • lie magnificent city have suffered grently and our deepest sympathy get*'.-, out to them It is now a strick en city and appeals to the whole , country for help. |,et the response* he quick and let it he* auffielent The south especially should contribute her share where so much devastation has been visited upon a community resentntlon at the municipal election, and have to look to others for im Immediate relief j I.’IS I In* Mime evidence would 1. silh i P;tl«*d b> the same witnesses, it nolle l> r»-ii*c|HI Will be entered and possibly Hie collapse of the case against Haw kins will pm an end lo the whole matter. MADAM MODEJESKA WELL RECEIVED Large Attendance At Frst and laud tppearance of the Favorite Actress. At the KIks Opera House last ev ening a highly cultured and appre ciative audience greeted Madame Helena Modjeska, when she and her strong company presented Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots.” one of Shakespeare's tragedies. The prin- ! clpnls in ti *• play wore Madame Mod Jeska. Miss Loretta Wells, as Queen Elizabeth .*nd Edwin Caldwell, a Sir Edward Mortimer. Madame Mod Jeskn, though advanced in years, In- i terpreted ih** paslng tragedy with ! fine artistic realty. Sha was encored atseveral climaxes of the tragedy and the large audience seemed well pleased with the production. The minor1 parts were well played to the saris faction of all and to say the least the people of Minefield avid surround ing town- ihe later from which there W’as a large attendance, regret very much that this In to be her Inst np Tearanee on the American stage. A representative of the Dally Leader last evening hnd the pleasure of meeting Madame Modjeska and hei husband Count Charles Chlla powskl, a Polish noble, at their pri vate Pullman car In the yards at this cllv and was very well received bv the distinguished actress and her husband, the Count They spoke in glowing terms of the city of Hlue field and scenery sIoiir the Norfolk Ar Western Madame Modi* l:a’s first appearance upon the Amen* an stage was at New York In 1877 and, she informed a representative of this pn|*er that she would soon leave the stage for good I BAD WRECK AT COOPERS Freight Conductor Itadly Hurt. Hat her a serious wreck occurred at Coopers, a few miles west of here, on Thursday night at I) o’clock,! as a result of the engine splitting a ' switch and jumping the track The engine went down a high embank tnent and plunged into the water which was very deep at that point, but fortunately all escaped injury, except the conductor, who was bad 1> hurt The engine and five loaded i hopper oars were completely dornol Ished and nearly three hundred tons ; of coal were thrown Into the river. It seems that the person In charge of the switch left It open for u train ' which was going in an opposite di rection, and as it happened the train was delayed, and the crew on the unfortunate train thinking that it had passed, went on. with the result as stated above. Th*1 w reck crew was on the scene in a few hours, and i although traffic was delayed for some! time we understand that at this time I th*- wreck has ben cimplntely cleared ' and trains are running as usual MOItF IIOYM MNOI f,|> H %\ F. IT. Toledo. Ohk,, % pell i*o.—1{> . ,|, gical operation miracle has been wrought in the life of Harry Hurley Harry was aged ! 2. and was one of the worst hoys t. 1 th • city ||e grew so had that he was finallv sentenced to the reform s< bool. Then It was hep hov had o « • sobered a fra* 'hat his mothc-f remembered that Hired .skull, and it was decided to have an operation performed nn hi head A bom nearly an Inch lot was found Imbedded in the hr,tin by f)r Honnely a few day* ag<.. a 1 now. from an Incorrigible boy v in. ould Jump 0111 1 he econd slot Indow at night to stay down town and sleep In alleys, Harry has been transform 1 •d Into a tractable and loving son. 1 I.ATKHT AHVH'KS ST \TKs Til AT thk <TT\ is thhkatknko >*V WITH HKSTHI'C'TION |»\ | *^K. i COXtinrss HAH a, PKIATION ANI» | STATKK HAVK SI \ | > ‘ f • l » rOXTHim-TIONs — Tin* Inteat advlios from San Fran elaeo stntet hat the tire Is now |u fttll possession of the rlty and prom Ihoh to destroy everything down to ilhe water front on Famous n\cuuo The fire was Tor a while tmdei con trol hut hah broken out afresh and Is biirnlnK very rapidly. Fern build Inn which Is located on the wntei front presents a very pat bet I mo f'mnt presents a very pntheiie scene and men. women and children are conKregatltiK there eager to leave the doomed city, lilver boats have been sent from Racramentn and other sea plrts which provides crllcf for a lim ited number If the panic stricken people The Western I'nlon has re celved word that the fire which lias bfore crept around the base of Tel egrapn mil. left i»nt few houses standing, ami has crept back, from the west, and Is now in full possess i«»n of the houses on iln> hill and will ni diulit have every thug down lo ilie walei front on Vanessea venue many llres have reached lo Octavia fnl scene or nuy, women and . Iiildren ami a rew am tries ilia l linn have ooii.^i mu ... f . n i_ shore of llje bay as Int as Fori j Mason Is strewn with all orlg If ve hides that linvo broken down with heavy loads. The fire came very dose lo Fori; Mason Iasi night and (lie big Fontana werolimee will, no doubt go today. The lire will he a clean sweep of evei wiling as rai as Golden Gale Park Him Fmodsco, \pril -Jo.-tb ie ial Funston is co-operuling whh the mu nidpal authorities. When men liavi* been needed lo carry «>n tin work of rescue they have been piessed into service. Tin* mayor's orders are io kill without warning all malefac tors. I'be Presidio rPservaiion. llie vast HI<I1U1<M1<I district of thousands of acres. Golden Gate Park, and Hiej surrounding hills resemble one vast picnic ground Teni ami Impio vised coverings have her 11 < reeled ev ery w here. beds and mattresses thrown down all over 1) 1 • ■ section There is only one danger, and I lint Is that the food supply will run out Kvry grocery in Han Francisco has been taken by the aultioriiles, and each family is being sold only one art Ido at a time ' mm • * j»j ri|i| l; t l * <) ;» fl 111 lion dollars and a numlx i of slates J Ore following stilt h\ '-•'ndillg large donations. ARRESTED FOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY Scene of Holdup Wn* Halt igli Street Hurlf Thursday Morning. .Ijik. I locket was anested Iasi night l»y Ofiler Hunt on i'tr < 'targe of highway robbery. It msoiih lh:it Market w,i m corn puny with Charles latmb mtl both j had indulged In Intoxicant too fn*e i ly. and itt a dark spot, on the street L l.iitnh was told to hand o hi in on ey, which he refused it >, hut in stead cried out in a |o voice foi itt) officer, and If ickett. tl,u>i in that he meant htislm-s. look <> hi hee|. httf Wits taplured. neveri Ic |e oid j . he|#i fm trial at H o i lot t l;i ' n I "lit i, before 'Hf|t»lre Chamber , wtmh re-| , suited in Market being fined $'. no. *nd cost, amounting to f* •• I In the meantime |,amh toot. ii|»on himself to give his ft lend a drink of , llfptor who was at the time in .ri-on, I, (Of offended and resorted to oath 1 which caused his arrest, and he war I t Ined 92IYOO and cost C|«on defnull j. >f payment, he was sentenced to an > lays in Jail to meditate r\ Bluefield Choral Society __Will Hold Festival In May MR. TRIMBLE HERE APRIL 28TH. R rack Mliot of flic Repeallug \i*m < 'ompaiiy. Mr 1 rtmlde, the crack shot, with the Repeating Anns ('oinpany. will visit Minefield on April 2Mh, and give an exhibition on the grounds of the Minefield Cun R'luh in tin* after noon Mr Trlinlde has been giving ex hihltlons in all the huge Hth* and s very well spoken of, he at one 'into making the highest score in the I’nltod Slates This ra ret rent Is not afforded to •nit few, mid you will do well to see him BALTIMORE & OHIO GETS BIG LOAN New Stock Meing Offered at I'ar to Subscribers. New Vork, \pril i»o.—1| become known todav that (lie Maltlmore and *)hto liud secured a loan of $'.*,000, nntt for three months in aiitielputton of die second iinymeni on the new idiwk. amotiiitlng to $27,750,000, whleli Is being offered In sharehold ers at par. It Is explained that this loan was merely a hanking transaction to pro ide tIk* company with neeesMurr lands and tin* shorter note were not disposed of as noted. I lie loan ft is said matures on .hi •.' • *>. I lie sale of the stock was authorized to take up $ | a.000,000 I per cent I wo vcm notes, w hich are d a* iu May to i inihurse l he couipu it' treasury foi funds tis(>d in the purchase o| s tocks and to enable the improveiiM at of terminal facilities. HEAVY IMMIGRATION Kstinmtc for OMNI—Kills Island — Force Overworked. When the Immlrgatlon authorities at Kills Island. New York. got on the Joh Tuesday morning they knew from i In* list of h<earners piled up ami waiting to he cleared that the bureau had ahead of It the hardest w<M>k in Its history. They had hurd >■' settled down to work on it horde of Italian Immigrants when the tele phone began to ring. More immi grant vessels and still more, had been Righted at Fire Island, coming through the fine spring weather to pile up trouble. The Inapectors held a conference and laid out the week's work. The capacity of Kills IhIhhiI Is about n.ftftft immigrants a day. It can handle a great many more on a spurt, once, two or throe years ago. It put through 7,300 a day. Hut guch a pace as that cannot In* maintained without wearing out the force, and It w'iih planned to handle Just about 5.H00 inlay and no morn. On that schedule In the Nlew Am sterdam. which nrlved In the morn ing, was H»*nt to her dock under guard, with Instructions to keep her immigrants aboard until Thursday afternoon, the very earliest moment when she can he disposed of. The Republic, from Naples, and the Zee lan, from Antwerp, which passed fire Island at noon, will have to wait until Suturday. Ollier ships are to wait until Friday, and anything later rmisi wait until Saturday. Other •dill's are coming deeply freighted. They made a snap circulation yester- | day ami estimated that the pickings or the year will lie about 1,100,000. '•’lie greatest year In the past was HOI),non Forty-five thousand Immigrants^ was the estimate for the week; the) greatest record The greatest previ ous record was made this year sIho the w-eek ending March 3 1, when 30. 700 arrived. Thnt heats by 2,000 K**rt Date Hm N« Bn, **« ^ Will H*. Held Middle of May. The I .on tier |m glad to announce f" the music loving people of Blue Hold and Hurounding towna that the Minefield Choral Society will hold their festival noiiio time In May, the •'*uct date having yet not been de •Ided, but In all probability about the 1 nth They have Mrured the service* of Mr Frauds Abbott, a high barltoue. who studied abroad and aluga ofter ’ '* HtyU' of <’oroHle. the grand opera «‘».gor Canrled brought to thin • ountry; has been H«our*>(| by the management to iidst in the festival i r. Mootnau, a tenor singer of un* «»»'«'«• *»-m«. ,„„„r of length from Stahnl Mater Several of Hluonelda popular so “iHtH w 11 n*o render several good numbers. the choruses are expected to be exceptionally good owing to the fart ' 1,1 Choral Society has been studying them for several months I he festival will be the first to be “‘Id in this sect ion of the state, If not the entire state, and everything will he done by the management to make It the best efertalnment of Us hind ever held In West Virginia BUGGY RIDE WES FATAL *"*• W“- "• «»»"". Jr.. 1)1... thing Thrown I'mm Hiigg, Nesr Wythofliif, Wyttievllle, Va., April -M_Mr. Itlbble wife „f I)r> william Kibble r . *l,« luji.r.j „ rl„„lwa Wylho.lll. iftnranon, dM |2:30 l<Klu), Khe !|,uck on '"“k <>f hor wl,.„ brown from the buggy. A H. Stewart, who was drlvln. ,W'r' WHH <l»'»K«ro..sly hurt, hi* ’Ollar hone being broken in two ills shoulder dislocated and was otherwise hurt about the M y ,,,M physical condition is bet. er today. yis. Hlhhle was a daughter of Col. Hubert Mayers. „f fh,H pIaca ^ esves one child, a little son Mr. Stewart lives In Russell county * ,K '* bro,b«r «' Henry Stewart of he state corporation commission «ud Is here vlslf|„g hlfi alater> Mrg » A. Campbell Mrs nibble and Mr Stewart w,.r« ,,n‘» 'be latter Is nearly ,.r* by the result of the dreadful ar dent which has cast the deepest oom over rills entire community I be east hound four o'clock train rlghtoned the horse and caused the una way. W ILtCROSS BATS today at gbaham nueficld end iirrtvun «„ t>,^ lla|* Today on the Ground* of the laller. The baseball enthuslaat* of Blu<,. Hd ,,rwl Graham will have „n op ortunlty to witness the flrst game of •“ball of the season at the grounds •raham this evening, „t *rblrb •rm> the niueleld and Graham team, ’•III cross hat* The game is scheduled to take l,*m at 2 p. m.. and no doubt there lr,n ho a large attendance of the fans .'• Mr and Mrs Frank Hudson were fong those present at the play l.rst 'Ighf, and are at present visiting n the family of ft, Garrett on Hlu eld avenue. I,f,rY 1,1 the I'nlon and to every one f our foreign possession*, colonies. nd dependencies with the single ei •»r«»lon of little Guam This I : the rat time on record that a month as covered the entire field I he number of new arrivals yes tday was 11,8d7. HAD EPILEPTIC AT STATION A ailsoil a A •l eal I lea | 1,1 H\rifc||ioiit \liioill> (lie I (yslaiiders. I'* • Kpley, w hose home Ik in I’oil month. Illio while awaiting • he nillviiI oi No l;iHf night hud an eleplir fit from which, we are glad lo sn.\, lie w as not very long in re ini ering lie hiiv.>. he is not Hiihjeet to them :is fliIk i: liii hist attack, and tills would have lioen serious j| he had not hoon taught ti\ ;i hvstnnrlei he lore lie fell He was removed lo Wade's I’har mai \ where lie t waived tin- proper medlcal .'Mention NEW RINK OPENES AT 8 P. M. Minefield Skating Kink in the Rust I llll Opens |or Itllwiness Tmlny, Che Minefield Mnuseinent f'ompa I.v'k fiew rink In the east end will *e opened io Hie pitldh tonighi at i • O f loci and it KIM'S without st\ tig that Ihl t welcome new in ey I •iy on* in Minefield i well a*, ml 1 oinlng town I'he tint ha laen tinder roust rut 1 ion more than t;o dnv- and Is con 1 ddered amontr t|i»- finest in the * <ooth The rink will also he used i' im a summer fltealre the manage I v|th Hevei a I firm t las- companies I I’ho wdll appeal there later on The) 1 tknflng < . ( at it \ at pie out i sj* 1 ' Mint 11 t»d , I i he lint is also er|uifi|iei| wuli an | tp to-dale lunch counter umler thn), nanagement nf Mr t; R Mann The manager of tie rink Mi S !, I JollfTe, has hml a large export . i nre in thi line and is to |M con li ratulati'd upon having such }) fine j ( nk. I .ii. ...N. ns-niii mr ii previous year, made In a week In April, 1903 |f Mils thing keeps up, however, last w#*ek may lie hen ten hy this and both hv some of the weeks to come There may, Indeed, come a time have to wait more than a week with •he immigrants penned up In their I leer age before they ran be cleared Kilo. Island, as has been said, cun handle only so many a day. And every Immigrant has to pass through Kills Island Therefore the steam- I ship companies will lose some of the profits of this heavy Imrngratlon traf ‘ fie through having to feed the steer* ' Op. passengers oil hoard and through 1 delays to vessels kept in port until after their sailing time The Island 1 KOI through with f»,200 yesterday and 1 will handle ft.649 today The lot which landed yesterday was rather unusual for these days in the propo lion of northern I in migrants More than one thousand or one p ■ • i oi lip. total, wore Kii; Ilsh-sp. u* people n good propoi lion of them Hcofeh These came on •h»» f’edrlc, which carried also a good I lot of Herman , -o that old employes ' mid it **emlnded them of fhistie Jarden Mien the K<|iiita sprang lomethlng unusual If had 1,231 !•.md not ii woman among ^ hem 'n • Iy they were returning •»ll«n luhoreis, hack from their a Inter In to win k on i|ants and * allroad . nil public works Kurt he . there were very few Itus i dan .lew lie .lews preferring not * 0 travel In the time about Passover. 1 he I rnhria, however, did have a few’ 1 * eftigees escaping from the troubles ' 1 n Russia, a sot of long-hoarded pa rlarchs in In hats In that nine hatch came a set of genuine '<< a# ks big men in long boots. fl hi huts and skirted coats These r non. with a few small and meek • vomen. were consigend to the West, f vher*. they are going to try farm nbor r I tie officials on the Island, al o hough they keep no regular tab on ;» li-.i point, l»e|feve on nap judgment e Hie tend* in i of immigrant |o die up in New Vork lias been slopp j II I The sfatistles of Inst month are h iniisiinl on that point They sent mmlgrnnt* to every Htate and Tet R