OCR Interpretation

Bluefield evening leader. [volume] (Bluefield, W. Va.) 1906-1911, April 24, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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‘T fifWWI ■ I Wl
VOL. NO. ,4 m.EKlH^l.1), WEST VIRGINIA. Tl KSl^Y MOKMNT., "-~ rOCk'li(E«s
The funeral of V. I. Spangler, an
• ged nnd renpcted citiwen of Ingle
wide. a few miles east of Blueftold,
whose death occurred Sunday, took
place at Ingleulde last evening and
his remains were laid to rest in the
cemetery surrounded by a large con
course of sorrowing relatives and
friends. Although his death had
been siiK|>ected for some tiiiio. it
came as a surprise to bis family and
friends. He was a member of the
Methodist church and hud boon since
He was the father of H O Span
. gier of this dtv.
lie Attempted to Persuade a Friend
To Act as n Spy.
Manchester Kng., April JM.—Fa
ther Gapon. the former leader of St.
Petersburg workingmen, waa purged
by revolutionists April 10. The
dealing out of the summary punish
ment to Gnpon by revolutionists re
sulted from his attempt to Induce n
ftiend to net as spy upon the revo
lutionary leaders. The proposal
made by Gupon was reported to rev
olutionists who determined upon his
Beat* Bis Aged Mother ami us a
Result Get* Five Year Sen
Chat ha in. Va.t April litt.—James
Dooloy, charged with cruelly beat
ing his aged mother so that death
resulted, was convicted of malicious
wounding, and given six years In the
Property to the Kxtent of gmo.ooo
Wi|M*d Out hy Flumes.
ColuinhuH, Co., April —Fire
wiped out the Acid department of
the Home Mixture Guano Company
yesterday afternoon, causing a loss
of $100,000. Origin not known.
Trains Will be Running t(
Cars on the temporary railway of
MacArthur Bros will be running to
Princeton by the 15th of May. This
line in being built by the contrac
tors of tho Deepwater railway for
the purpose of getting their heavy
machinery on the right of way.
However in the permit granted by
the county court they are required
to haul ail freight delivered to them
for carriage between this place and
Ingleside. Owing to the dnsnfe con
dition of this temporary line they
will not haul passengers,' But the
facility with which this part of the
, county will be able to receive its
freights will make this the shipping
point for tiie lower and northern por
tions of the county. And IPs up to
the town council to at once put the
road In repair between the court
hotiso »n<l depot,- Princeton Jour
M act'd I tomb In Vestibule of Iaf«f>
ette Hotel Yesterday Morning.
New Vork. \prll 2.1,—Otto Adams
forty-seven years old. of No. 36U,
Van Slcklen avenue, Brooklyn, was
arrested Inst night charged wUn hav
ing placed a black powder bomb in
the vestibule of the Lafayette Hole;,
Pulton and Crescent streets, one of
the landmarks of Past New Yor ,
early yesterday morning
Misses Luey Price and Grace Tins
iey. of Newport, Va., are In the city
on a visit to Miss Sue Payne on Rog
ers street
Three Kobbeci.*., A Shooting Serai*.*
Ami Kin* IC<|h>ii>^1 at I Navy.
1»AVY. W. VA., April 23
(Special Correspondence.)
A serious and destructive tire oc
curred a fee miles west of here at
S o’clock Sunday morning In which
the upper tipple of the lilnrkston#
Consolidated Coal and Coke t om*
panv. their blacksmith shop and a
number of cars were consumed
The fire Is believed to be of incta
diary origin. A number of detec
tive* are working on the case, and It
is thought that the parties will he
apprehended within a short time.
The loss is estimated at 31&.000.
partially covered hy insurance.
Shipments or coal will be delayed
from 30 to t>o days.
A shooting scrape occurred at Itig
Sandy, a few miles west of here,
yesterday. In which the participants
were two negro men and a woman
of the same nationality
The woman started off up the
road with one or the men and her
dusky lover became fired with the
pangs of Jealousy and drawing Ids
revolver, shot her in the hsck
killing her Instantly Then the dark
wooer hied himself away. M*ekiug
"greener fields and pastures new.”
and a more healthful locality. He
has not since been heard from
A robbery ocrured at llensloy. four
miles west of here, this morning al
about four o'clock. The com ml hah ry
of Jewett, Rlglow and ltrooks was
broken into and a number of watches
and smaller articles in the sho\ cases
were taken.
The miscreants, nof I*. ing content
ed with their work, proceeded to rot)
the postofhee, which is in the same
building, and took -all of the mail,
which teas found sentered along the
railway tracks. Two registered let
ters were also missing. It is under
stood that the federal authorities will
take this matter up. The local au
thorities are now doing everything
possible to track the robbers.
McNeul and Woodson’s store at this
place was among the number of
places visited by robbers last night,
and several hundred dollars in cash
and merchandise was taken The
parties w're pursued by the police
for seveial hours, but they succeed
ed in making their escape
A saloon at this place was also
robin .1 Sunday morning. The lost
is estimated at $500. A safe con
taining $200 in cash was demolished
by the cracsmeu and rifled of Its con
It seems that a well organized
gang of robbers are doing tills whole
sale stealing, and every effort Is be
ing made to capture them anti break
up their nefarious trade.
Up anmong the hills of Sligo, Ire
land. lies a small and mysterious
lake much famed in that haunted re
gion One day a noted English pro
fessor, exploring the hills, was ask
ed by his guide If lie would not like
to see the lake, "for it’s no bottom
at all, Bor.”
"How do you know that. Pst?"
asked the professoi
"Well, stir. I'll tell ye." agreed the
other. "Me own cousin was showln'
the pond to a genteiman one day. sor,
and he looked incredulous like
Just as you do- and me cousin could
not stand It for him to doubt Ills
Wrd, sor, and so he said. I'll prove
the truth of me words,' he said,
and off with his clothes and Into the
water he Jumped.”
The professor’s face wore an
amused and qulz.dlral expression.
"Yes, Hor, In he Jumped,” contin
ued the guide, "and he dld’nt come
up again at all, at all.”
“But,” objected the professor, I
dont see that he proved the point b\
drowning himself.”
"I* !♦ drowned'' Devil a hit drown
en Wi.s he Sure didn't a cable
come from him uext day in China
askin’ for his clothes to he sent on'
Chicago Inter Ocean
There will hea mass meeting of
Citizens at the Court Mouse, W'ednes
dav. April 25th, at 8 o’clock, p m
to consider holding n "flood Bond: ”
Convention. Hpecial talks by the Nn
tlonal Ciftod Hoads representative.
Every onn Invited
Itluefleld Chanitwr of Commerce,
The Daily Deader has every rea
son to hope for a bright future Krom
the rapid growth of Its circulation
the indications makes Its permanen
cy assured heyond any quest Ion. The
imoolo have demonstrated their de
Hire for a representative daily new*
paper In the city of Minefield by the
liberal manner in which they have
come to the support of this Journal
Wo shall strive to l»e worthy of
their continual pannage
KIKI.D \MISKMK\T <0\||>\\\
mu,ni\<: i\ riiK nrv.
Since the opening of the now *«kat
iug rink. I»y the Bluett. Id Amu*,
mem Company In the cant -ml. the
report has been circulated that the
foundation was giving away and (hat
the building was otherwise danger
ous. This report was undoubtedly
circulated with the Intent to do the
place of business an Injury. An in
vestigation by those are in a post
tion u> know atate that the building
is without doubt one or the anfeet
and most substantial la Bluethld
The entire building is erected on a
go<*d foundation of the most solid
substance and there Is no danger
whatever at this place, which is des
tined to be one of the most popular
places of amusements in the city
TllltKK MKN DltlNo WOOl» \MO
KKV A X l» A ItK XO\\ |»KAI».
IUmIford, Yu.. April £1. As a re
sult of drinking wood alcohol which
they thought was whiskey, three men
are now dead at this place. They
were employed on the construction
of the Deepwater railroad const rue
tion works near here and died a hor
rlble death. One of them. David
Koberts. a steam drill man. died Just
aTter reaching the hospital and the
two others whose names are not
known, tiled on the train before
reaching here.
si'RMJX’CJ Till; OTIfl'!K siih; rilK
I>r Samuel Johnson. Noah VVeh
Kler and ihe rest of that famous hand
ot dlscarnato spirits, whose early re
creation watt the tanking of dictlona
l ies, were thrown Into a state of rage
tlu* other day whne tin* news wont in
over (he Styx submarine cable Hint
Mr. Carnegio had taken up the <pies
Hon of H|M'lllng reform. It lias been
tht* practice at (lie Cheshire ('beetle
Inn. in the trans-Styx London, where
post mortem encyclopedist* hnv<
Htelr “clubs," to make light of the
modern verbal reformers nnd "slin
pllllers," It was immediately seen,
however, thut Andrew’s addition in
Hie reformers’ fold put a very dif
ferent complexion on the case.
Sir," said tlm doctor to Boswell,
in his bos! "how-wow" manner. "I
have never slept an hour less nor
eat an ounce less meat on account
of these caitiffs, hut now that that
Scotch Barbarian, that futile High
land Cherokee, has supplied them
with money,, they ruin the language
Inat welvemonUi."
"I don’t see, Ir,” replied Boswell,
“why nry countryman did not eon
floe his charities to librares and he
ro funds.”
“Because, sir." thundered the doc
tor, “he is Insane on the subject of
charity; he could not make a worse
use of his money than thus to threat
**n the integrity and purity of the
great vehicle of expression
"There is. however, sir,, replied
Boswell, "something to he said in
theli favor. Thru saves three letters
OVer lIllOlll'Il l’!l I II Ifll' I !■ . I U >1 i.,.
caws one; they take less Ink. and less
room on a pane, think of
"Well, air." said the doetor. "sup
pose they do; what of that? A
man with his aims and legs off
would take up less room You tala
up less room than 1 do I tors that
make you any more valuable to the
world ?"
I ran see no logieal conclusion,
sir." replied Boswell. to lie* omls
slon of silent letters They do no
No good sir'" snarled tie- dorlor
There are some letters, sir when
the, ,nr silent" New York (Untie.
Charles \ ogtisf I . Hefon Confess, <| f«,
Swindling »le Norfolk A West,
New York. April 'M\.— It. «• he
was taken to i*ini> Sing pi - o-i yes
tnffliiy Charles \ >gutr '-mo, head
of a gang of form r- wlio p■ 11 1000,
OOh won Ii of fuigisl slock • or I ill
cotes of lie Norfolk ftt \V Bail
road Coni'), n> on ill m.n ! ion
j fanned In full the dr ills * f the
[scheme i< swindle |*: ,» * ,t»:,t|M.r
j financier* of Is country 1 Ktnope
■ out of 910,000,000 Ii w.i, by mere
j accident that, the scheme fell through.
'(iU\K 4'KKKIi Tilt: si'KVK OK \
kiluno mtv •:»* \\ morning
I.AHT. >11 toh i;Kit «AP
4 Ml .
Saturday iiiovuIuk Inn Gray, whose
homo Ih In Piedmont. \V. Va., while
walking ttp the track toward* Pinna
cle Store, met a Hungarian named
Alex t'udy and la . .mis,* he would not
get oft on the end of the tie* shot
him. without the slightest provoca
) Uou whatever, and then lied to the
1 woods.
A posse wan noon organized and
1 crowded the country for several tulles
around and fluaily captured him.
He was taken acro>s the mountains
for fear of lynching, but the Itunga
I rlans had vowed nge.inoe and fol
I lowed close behind the officer* w ho
i had Gray, and went to th,* Iieepwator
a.iups nearby and ■orranixed a mob.
| whf» about s o’clot k marched Into
town I lit* authorities learning that
i a uu»h was coming took him out of
the jail and hurried him to tin* woods
where lie was kepi i«,i several hours,
i :as the enraged Hungarian* were bent
(upon getting revenge The lltinga
■ rlan* went to the jail but wore bea
I ten back by the guards, and they
,the Hungarians l learning that he
• had b,s*n hurried n wa> u» die woods
struck out in hot pursuit, but fall
led to catch Hie wav the officer* had
gone, and turned buck to their ro*
pecilve homes. It was learned last
j night that after killing Alex Cady.
i Hungarian ran down to whore the
, dead man lay. After being told by
Gray not to come, was allot three
I times, neither shot proving fatal. A
report from Princeton states that
quiet lias been restored. but eould
not learn whether ot not the negro
| had been placed In mil tlu re again
or taken to a nonrbj county.
j ■— .
Mrs Fannie Caldwell Marlin, wife
of \V II Mnrlln died h( her residence
on Third hi reel Sunday aflernoon nl
^‘ ••r*. after being siek only live days,
of coiiKeHtlon oi the brain.
Mrs Martin was .'I years of age
Coming here I I years ago from I .on
don, Ky., where the was reared. She
! had been a staunch member of the
Methodist church since childhood,
I md was 41 the time of death a mem
I her of Grace -erect church
She iHHiirviv.-d li\ n hitshand, Ihree
boys and one girl, one of her dnugh
rers dying some time since.
She is survived l»y a husband, three
dnv afternoon at L’:3o nf Grace streel
church. We extend our Hymi»thh“ to
lie br>reaved family,
MARE TO If \\ E GAME \T f.R \
lf\M NEXT HATERl» \ \ .
Arrangements me now being > m n «i <
by tho Minefield Itaso lm|| tram to
crown tints with the Graham tenm
on the Ini lets ground^ at (irahatn
I next Saturday evening The game
called for last Saturday wa- ittiau
fhorixed by the Minefield uniting
went, so \\" were informed |. ,i eve
nitlK. but i tie game for re<xt Satin
day Ik to be a reality. t he Mltm
field team Ik iium pracfh ng and get
( 11 ti g In sba|s for the eo .inn sea .on
The exact hour of t tie g me for next
j Saturday Is no definite! known hut
will he imhlMmd In fh • • e nilainn
at a later date
Tm #*nl y»T w * * Men Killed When H%»
lilokion (In iirrcd \e«»
11 inul.id t olo., Iprll ‘Jit.—— A tie
result of a dust explosion in a mine
of the folotad I’ '“| K lion Couipa
n>. forty mlh -t »»f Trinidad o*
• lay. twenty two nilnera . ,< knov a i
Ire dead and oie dtll'T l‘ • t‘*-ine
There were forty men i the tu ne
at th*‘ time of ttie ( xp|< ion
on teen fninei ho wrae wo I n
3,?hn feet from lie entrance * ■ I
uninjured through a noth i #», • eg
The explosion occurred In room
and 4, near the matu entraim, and
was the result r>f a windy shot hml
j ignited the dm*1
\n order for twenty two roffin
Iras lii'Pti received hy a deal •:•. •
taking establishment ht*re , 'hat rrtn
n> bodies having 'ns n taken on
during th*- afternoon The mine w
not badly damaged and work can !
resumed In a couple of days
| T- ' * - .
[Sail I ran cisco Ih-liqcd by lUiu au«l
y»i»n *»•«. Not HultlclMM to Wtc|.
• «’r Ilte Homeless.
Han I'nimTsi'.i, April 2A. The eon-j
diHotl of the liom.'W' Is aggravated
this momiug by ruin House- nt for
<»i rupam > nn« helnfc nilll/cdto she!-1
tor ns ninny as can !*♦» safely p|?tc««d
in them, and frnme slriit-tiirra i
parts ot tin- »-lty an- holm* Untried to
oontplri ton
| | *
Thousands nre being transported
1 across the lm> free of charge. where
they will find temporary homes it;
other places while the work of re
construction Is In progress Oaricw
will ho set nt work at once to clear
the debris from Ihe si root, which will
give employment to thousands of
I’ho street railway offe-lula umiouu
oed that the ears will, ho one rated
trout tbo Fen y build tug through
some of the streets, and within four
days temporal > sorvloo \\iil bo or
(alillshed over the groutpc patjl of
tin* .n\
Many tit ins are opening up tempot
I ary Quarters in Oakland and an
nounce that they will cm tv for tludr
| employ es until such lime as they
jean Ik pill look to work. Tito dan
ger of suffering front lack or food
or clothing is past.
The necessity of (pin ran fitting ref
ugees In parts of Hie city ts yet n
I possibility. Human In-lngs, horses
and tlogs are huddled togotlp-r in
- hiii-Ii close quarter* that it'is almost
impossible to prevent tlio spread of
disease, although the lookutl-for ep
idemic has not >ei developed.
Tin* Uriel, ami Slone llusincs* I'Iiicco
At •e a Total Writ k.
Santa Itohu, April -d.—The dtoynr
f fl I Ion In llimYHy Ik complete” ^
Tim enllro business suction. Is hi
ruins and prnelleally every residence
in I lie t<|\s n is more or less damaged.
The luick 41 n<l htonu butduo.ss flocks
together ylib lint puhlh buildings
were all thrown lint. TJio eoiirt
house, halls of rocortl. lie* Oeyldon
tal mid Simla Itosa hotels, te Athe
naeum Theater, the new Mason U tcni
pie, (><1(J Fellows blo< It all 'In- hanks
everything went ;u^d in :i11 the
1 Ity not one tone or brink building
is l<H standing except the (’alifornia
Non hw eslern depot.
Almost every one is sleeping out
el doors, being afraid to enter I heir
llQJIICh exeepl Jill it hIioI'I time until
repairs have been made There are
plenty of provisions Some have been
uupplb‘<l by *01 In i*>,tow us - iOnf ibneh
bus b i n brought in from uirionnd
Ing eoimi ry.
Itysfnnder Also ICeeeixed a Shot and
\\'ill I'rolialdy IMe.
North fork. \\ . \ <i., \|»ril i!:«.—
Unfit* Wright was shot and badly
injured t»V Waltm Simpson in a plslol
duel here tofl.ic Simpson al o re
(lived a serious wound at the hands
ol Wright ' Ifvstnnder, Whose name
w« are unable lo h-srn received a Ini I -
let from Simpson'" kuii through- the
hips and another In the abdomen,
which wounds will In alt prohahljly
l prove fatal. It" was removed to the
Miners' Hospital at \Ve|eh, where li
cannot survive
cannot snrvuvc.
Simpson and Wright mad*- no at
tempi to escape, ami Were aii<- *ei
by Deputy Sheriff .1 JI Ihdchei and
Constable It I, Martin
The ui'ii were employed h the
Mironin foal K- Coke fompnnt The
t.toitfde was due to gambling
IM»»;s IT l/OOK HI HI*M lot N?
Ml- s D|ln Mae Compton Jeff Mine
Held on train No. I ye tc relay morn
Ine f »mrlntr the dn\ her ft (enti
le lined that a vein parllc ilai male
lend of lies, Mi H Hyde, also
vent east by the same train If
,i- ..uggested that then d»*tu Inal Ion
|V,i f-trlstoj, whir It if correct would
Indhate that congratulation will !»<•
in order upon their letinn to the
The almve which w ,e published |n
he local column nl till paper was
done without the lead foundation in
truth, and we mod readily corrftt
- lie error that our Imaginative re|*Qr
ter allow'd lilin-eir to bo drawn, In
Justice to the coun t lady mentioned
we have dis|>en>«-d with the serf’lews
of the rejioi tei who allowed hi*
thoughts to become so badly mixed
Plunge* Into Ittver ami ' \te*'euew'l
Tlu,t*r hiiihII I toy s,
T ^ — \ FJ
Hlmron. Pi*.. Ap**l ttt.—\lr« Ward
t'ainphell. of t Irrenvlll#. neftr fms
place, saved tin* lives ol three wntnll
hoys, all sons of prominent tgen. by
I plunging into the cold wntei of ihe
Sbenango river enrlv yesterday mor
Delegates Will Vote Pof Miners to
Itetnm to Woi-k.
Pittsburg, Pa., April The i
poslhlllt|«>h of popoi* |u Hie nnthrarlte
i «oal Industry aro growing hilghtotf
and there'hre strong Indications thill
a majority of delegates to the trl-rtls
trlci eonv<'iitkm to I* calk'd by Mitch
Oil some time this Week, will vote
against strike
I'nlrtn otn.'tiils wild have tas'ii teat- I’
ing the sentiment In various local!- !
ties throughout the region havel
feund ii uniformly aghfnsi n strike
The miner* say that If Mitchell and
the leaders do not Insist on a strike,
or the operators try to bring on trotl
hla Jt>y uneniptlup to operato, wjj.lt
strlke-hroalcers, they will vole for
an\ proposition that will return
them to work.
r. -
Very IJtlle lining III Police Court*—
Those Arrested for Violating
City Ordinances.
©corge Warner and James Mowry,
trosimsslng on the N. W. Kail way
r#dar drwpffo -ttf^’RtgTr * KVnr: Off
The Grass.”
.T T Chili, Klli’boiu . ,)e.|l mnl ciuin.
Morris were nrroaled on Hie snim'j
charge, the latter for refusing to
give a lnd.\ room i«» pass on flu* side
A Hugo was arrested at Mrs.
White’s hoarding house for having
too much loieimi. and domestic II
<|tioi in aid ahoui Ills person.
Tucker Pottle was arrested for
rushing his hand (doubled up) into
the lace of one Calvin Owen and hud
it not hern for a friend who canto to 1
lils.-rttsouip >ou would have fund Cal
vlti at the House of Detention.
Joe Al iens, accompanied by Ills I
wife, resolved that they would enter
Simon Trig’s house, and being told I
that their absence was d'slxd, they]
tried to force their company upon j
theh neighbors hut objections were
r®alsed and vou have a faint idea
where IhcV are spending their line
I _
I *»*ii %■«•!, Colo., April lid.—Kvery
imomhig i i'M in from the west biiugh
lefugees from San Ki'anciwo who loll
luii row in:- loi |»-* of fholr experlen
i i*h ami give graphic descriptions of
the horrors thpf followed ilu- earth
tpiakd and lira
I climbed ovet dead bodies, pick
ed my wa> around flaming debris
^ and wept o\«• i almost iinsiirrnounta
'hie obstacle* ? out of Fillf, - i
I cIhco.s# said f Kendall, a rMlt
Oni«h:i .iil»-f, upon hi am
hero I. eight. “I arrived In -kin
I Frauds* o ^ht* night pretlons to Mi t*
| earthflhakt' I was awakened about
' T.; | r» in the iietrnlng by being thrown
out of mv bed In the I’ahu e Ainu v
I rushed to the window and looked
out Tift- houses were re-llftf? and
! like playthings, J Huuied
'ut el t»t it In - and ran Into the treet
Here l *i« iiuuif dead and the <U»
lu I wa pii'd up nlone Market street
Men ih l women -fought about the
entianee ol the fen \ like a hand Ol
infuriated ilmal f made m\ e
I < ape | do not i-member how foi j
wa i dosp-d’ate as an- of tlu-m. \j*
i lie boat pulled over IJie bgy Ilu
roar of the (piling buildings aud the
Illei of the people filled Lpe aii T he
groan and ' rl< of tho?a pinned, tin*
dei the. timber* of the colla ping
building* were pitiful tn hear and
Hie worst of |t was that nothing
could bo done to save them "
We are holding out breath until
-oine of flu I e-nioi r ats of Minefield
who have been here longer thnn we
.have, ojien up on om frl'-nds the en
emies. win* want to pill ihe I leuio
r-ralit p*itv out of business 0«*t
reaily, Petnoerst* :md let'how the
people that if cannot he done
— Ill I, ■■ I —
Ilfs \xv Alt thin Kept Him Front A
Visit of Home DuraUun at*
M aural *vt lie.'
"TIT-*'- • /p
t'has fYomeans, a mm of the "late
Morria Firtpipuiis, wiio was Iimoatlv
hanged m lilies Court House. Va ,
was arraigned yens tent ay In the court
of Stpilro tlodhey on the charge of
committing u felonious assault upon
Miss Oalti .Crtiy. by striking bet;'on
tho head with a rock.
I'ho trial was hbori. as the dlls
ouor oonfosed that he, way, guilty
For this u nso. nnd on gnhefal f>Hn
rlples. ho might h»th“'N**fr-fiifc to
tho pehirenttnr*. ‘ WlMNl " flinty hi
ilf<- there is ho]»t*, ao he waa .oft*
fenced to tho Reform ftefcool at f*rm
tylowii, owing to hla tender afte.a|[o
give him the hetioflt nil h'4gf*s
that ma> he entertained for him. a^d
trust if ho ever Rp|*eHr» on . l||c
cominoiis here agaiu. he will no|. b«>
a niounoo to the public and to sofle
ty. for hla past record shows ttiat
ho is possessed of ull tho Uults of n
"terror. ’* • ? . v.
I’ho voice of the people Is altnott
nuaniiiioun.U» s.yipg.tltat he has been
propony disposed of.
10very <>ee<1 mid Kvery Aerf *4[oln
Willi Others in ('oiiiinoii Wor-‘
MM,I. f
* —y . “ ,rji \
Sim Fraui'lmSi, r»|„ April iMt—
On the HleiiH.nl' hhaltered chu review
and on ihn greorn nlopeH of pnrk« and
reinoN'rles (ho people of Sun FrRU
clnco iiHHntnliled at tho usual hour
for roIlKlotiR nervldm. There »nn'Bn
distinction i|s it Meet iir^ -i^euo mlna
t’nthollc clergymen celebrated
mans in a Jewish cemetery and ev
ery deed knelt with bowed brj»dr
wUIUs WTvk'cn. were fit progrenn. On
the HtnpH of kit. Mary’H Catheter*)
and on the upheaved plivement of Ihe
tlolden i bite a venire Archbishop Moat
Komei v t elebratoil tunas at (’» o’clook
I bo uto vice \va;i aLp’iided by (ho)iR
aml ■
ooi.li AiriM.lt’Alj, INATItl'MH.NTH.
. . T- i-4'l M . ..... „
Despite the vnfd .oldTtloiiH in 4de
> * *ii i I > to I Jib worjit* blflplr of gold,
the value of (hat precloun metuli |h
woll kepi up not oul) by' the VpU'-rg
lag need of It foirmonol:i fypffrpoHoM.
bill also by .Uiy ol
ta Hie artH and the Irfulcs. " One
hoiii'co of future great deinund for
gold in the latter line Ih divulged In
Hie cut roai number oli OohIIo'h W’pek
IV. In which Henry .SeYidM Ifear/lalev
relates how an eminent doctor*.has
(Uncovered tu procpuH for t e m p ift*! u g
gold to the li.irdncHH of steel, n^t In
making all kind i<>( AuV,Klval ufijjtrn
merits out of the hardened taiotal
The utility of thPHO,*will'Ilia appro
elated by every Vufrgeon* t
A hypodermic needle Ik novpi
inserted without leaving a pdiiiahoiit
blue speck In the skin of the pn
flent, probably bernu*<* of *fhe,
tiutiH very small quantity of Impnri
*> i ijhI or otherwise which It con
tains. The gold needle Invnrlnhly
leaves no mark whatever. Approei
sting these raids, efforts in vtdilch
surgeons pailiculail> Jiavu Jieei/' In
lereded, have linen inside’TTflTy'ears t,,
contrive a process foi .hardjanlngfcold
so If «VinId he ‘nVcd ‘ frtr the blj<t*e
of tiu- insti upnjaU; of Htirgery of, all
kinds This Is Jnsi what I>r. Van
'f’hnn hn*t sccrfmpMahed after eighteen
cars of experimenting and research.
Ills method consist* of iUiv^uploy
ineni. of hent'|ind chonilSmfmut the
Iemporing process does not nfsike an
| alloy of the previous metal.* Pure
gold tempered by thpr process re
Minins (Hire; but the surgical insf.ru
menta which- hr. Vaughan
1 manufacturin'*. ftnd which ar«* IMni
uirijtito ho used exfcnafvejy 1H"hlHjpll*
• ns ’afid by practicing phj-rtrlj&JfMad
1'iwv.ih, are or fon»teoff^k /raIs
MnenesM. ihewy. beinr*‘*t>> >efi|i|ea4' 'tint
rod at costly, us Ihvfrurrf^ka^s'nf the
oirest grade of the nieihv’
^sldW from Its use* In. syrgfery,
vbleh Is Hi feature of this new itr^On
! tftm which npuer lh first, the peVfec
j lion of hr. Vaughan's process Is jof
world wide iriiporUuicc^. ip majiy
1 branches. will Vf'dfiAwy wurgt a
t revoljition in, many aVetiiiew ,of prac
tical nieehanicM and nike the n;imt*of
Its inventor An. famous as that of
j Tester or KdIson
Tin l,cad." Publishing rnnipattf
' h.-o much ilo 1.c i and fin- UiVafteif
pi ill’ i llg • taldl |ll)IUUl lO tWJ J^oitgd
lanvwtiere In this- rcrlrm; xtlff* fcould
tie clad to do yonr printing for you.
\ld vo loune newspaper by .giving
It wiui' iirtnllng yob nmy ti^ve to
do VVc dim II appreciate your fa

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