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For The Best Line in Rings, 77* T *7 TJ Handles Them. When you buy Diamonds, Umbrellas, Jewelry. XjL X X^l * * JC JL^ of h'm you get your money's and Ornaments. worth _BLAND STREET JEWELER_worm. { Me * * « * ^■"^-^•^^’**BE i DAVtBE. JOHNSON R. C. McGLAUCHERTY : t! President Vice President \ > —HBm—— i f*7 -a-rjaag-B State Bank of Bluefield : Bluefield, W. Va. f. M. PETERS J. D. FOOTE Cashier Assistant Cashier j e—e^ea*a»eee'i*aiaee'mW'<eee>»ee'ie#<e>efeeaae’ae<y BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS S BLUEFIELD RAL ESTATE f Which makes it the BEST INVESTMENT for your v • MONEY in the Country. Pays BIGGER «' *» DIVIDENDS Perfectly SAFE and ° GROWING in VALUE all the time. Our Lsat f includes the BEST VA LUES to be had for t QUICK BUYERS. S u * STOCKS AND BOITM ■ ANDLEU OOinflDEWTIALLT. j A. S. BOOKER &. CO. I SEAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AOENTS. Corner Princeton and Higginbotham Avenues. A l^>iiMiManaiiii»MH»»8 »»» twnwiiio^ I I FLAT TOP NATIONAL BANK | OP SLUEP1ELD. WEST VIROINIA. I» \ Z if: gi,g,nln< HOI. Total Rssouroaa Ov#r I HALF MILLION DOLLARS 1 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY | L. E. TIERNEY, President. ii R. E BOLLING, Cashier. W. H THOMAS, Vice-President. T. E. KING, Assistant Cashier. „ !: Progressive, Conservative j; Accounts Solicited. ^H^^wiNSwswiieieni'eieMOWWW - - eBay Milk For a Gent a Quart i Subscribe for the Leader. “HONESTY” IS HIS MOTTO — Sherburne M. Becker IMarea Thai It U Crying Need of the Hour— Smoothing About Ills Inter esting Career. Milwaukee la pulling itself to gutbur aftei hei election surprise the triumph of » “kid," Hhorburno Al. Becker. twenty-nine, over the four-time mayor. David Itose The betting night before the election was 4 to 1 against Meeker, und his can- ( dldacy had been regarded us a Joke and generally bellttlad by the case hardened politician* of tho city. He was opposed by every element usual ly aligned against good government. Becker's victory was only another of those reform waves which have become so evident In American mu nicipalities In tho lust six months. It was won on a clear-cut Issue of i honesty In public office. Tho party uspect was lost In the campaign. Young Becker not only dared cut loose from partisan Issue* but from the two old gactlons of tho publican. He was a refreshing Innovation, and that won out A testimonial to the confidence felt In him Is that the most radical vote, tho Socialist, was cut down although ho is from what Is known as tho silk-stocking ele ment. and the utmost stress was laid upon thut by the opposition He Is the son of a banker, a Yale College ninvi n f I U mi tho Iia.uI nf inriwiru tion, a tobacco factory. On the oth er baud, as an Alderman he already had made good, was a man close to the people, haa been a cowboy and a hunter in the Heckles, and goes to prize fights. lie has a charming wife and two handsome children. He Is of An American family many gen erations old. Decker got Into politics when he whs twenty-five, lie ran for super visor of his ward Everybody laughed, but when the returns came he had won. Then he was elected Alderman. When he announced his candidacy for Mayor, the old pol iticians said he was crazy. His op ponent, Mayor Hose, called him a “brat," from the platform, and he wui attacked on all sides because of his youth. Decker met flie Issue and made capital out of it Although not yet installed the bosses already have found they can ot cotrol him The peeple of the State are demanding that he run for Governor, but Becker says “wait.” "There are many things I consider the need of the hour In promoting the public welfare In American cit ies,*' says Becker "Judging from the movements for reform In some of our largest municipalities, I take it that there has been too little hon esty In public office, The people, as a rule, have been to blame, for It has always been In their power to select good tnen. "But there has been an awakening 'W ,'WV- . ill over the land, and the people, egardless of party alt’.lint ion •». seem o have cast off many of the hurntt- . p •len that have been fastened upon 1 ti hem f, "I believe that generally there has >oen too much politics and 100 little ntsInesH In our municipalities. The teople have vot«*d the tcket, no mat- 1 er of what it was composed Now, hey stem to realise that men are of more importance than parties; still •arties are not necessary or of great ;ood anti large advantage to the p*s> tie.” Tolstoi lias lately added book binding to the nummerous skilled radee which he already ptaetusMi He spent the first half of the present ivinter in binding In leather a I'hra ry ef 100 paper hound volume”, do mg everything from the inttk:n>. of he covers to the gildlnt- at« l I - let ln»; with his own hands Toi.,ioi Is In excellent health hut teat’s loss Hum formerly and sleeps longer. H,s reading chiefly consists of Knglish ■* tnl Americans hooks dealing •vitn !'■ o tleal questions, such as eo-opcin* Hen 01 labor and capit tl, working rl«*8 houses and municipal govern- . tnent. He reads now chiefly lying iown. He no longer rides on horse hack every day, but he never falls to take a walk, however, fiercely the Jt or in nuiy rage outside rPbe church of Christ is not a school of philosophy, it is a reservoii ttf life. It should be large enough to welcome to its membership all who profess und call themselves Chris tians, and to its ministry nil who, in the spirit of Christ, are endeavoring to promote peace and good will among men. Christ has given his minister.-; both their mission and j thuir equipment: "As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. Re ceive ye the Holy Spirit. Whoso so ever sins ye remit, they ye retain, they are retained." Whosoever ;.*• cepts this Christly mission, mani fests tills Christly spirit, und gives I himself to tills Christly tusk ol’ do- \ llvering men rrom the pains and lUr boudage of sin, belongs in the Chris tian ministry, whatever philosophy he may hold respecting the true so lution of tin* enigma of life.— -The Outlook. Philander C. Knox, senator from Pennsylvania, is*vu inveterate road er, devoting all his time from legis lative or legal duties to reading. He purchases all the best hooks and all the rare editions of old w-orks which come his way. He reads in his car riage going to the capitoi, on trains and every place where he must spend some moments waiting. The ring people as they have been accused, ask that they he exposed to tho public* for any graft in the city government of itlefiold The other side expresses a willingness to do so and will at once proceed so we are Informed by both the opposing parties. Now we shall see what is what. n.Ul.KV'H .%TTITII»K. Senator Halley Is not courting the rcHidential bee. hut he has shown tat he Is too courageous to run om anything. Washington Host. Do You Want To Start A Newspaper? If you <t<> t It** Leader Office Can fix you up nicely for that purpose. We have two or three Job Presses Amt all manner of type, as tfootf st« new. We have stones, cabi nets, eases, chases, perfor ators, gas engine and all the necessary appurten ances to go right to work. We happen to have this Material On account of placing two large offices together, which has brought about a duplicate of material. 11 you are interested, call on or address THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. BUIEFIELO, W. «, m,* !THE (HILLER SUPPLY CO. --= AGENTS FOR- . | Cameron Pumps. New York Belting ft Packing k Erie Engine Works, C Boilers and Engines. Canedy Otto Mfg. Co., § Hazard Mfg. Co., For‘es-B,owers and Dr"ls $ Wire Rope. Crucible Steel Co.. Black Diamond Tool Steel. » McBeth, M,*‘ °° F. E. Myers ft Bro., $ Victor and Canal Special Pumps. Fuses, Sc. Cyclone Drilling Co., ft Dodge Mfg. Co., Well and Blast Hole Drills. Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers. Blast Hole Loaders. £ *t,c* Morley Bros., p The Lunkenheimer Co., Lumbering Tools. V Brass Goods. Valves, Ilc. Rex Flintkote. y The Fairbanks Co., Roofing. % Valves, Pumps, itc. Johns-Manville Co., 1 M .. w . . _ _ _ Asbestos Roofing and Pipe Q ** York Leather Belting Co. Covering h And Many Others. | | A Large Stockto I)ra\\ From < I At Our Bluefield Branch. j | GIVE US A CALL! ■ ...m-imnnriftrm*ru^ On The European Plan. Ernest Arters. Prop’r. American Plan, $2.00 i ; European, $1.00 ! 1 Princetoa Aveove, j Btuefleld, W. fa. l | ALTAMONT .. HOTEL.. Opposite Passenger Depot. J. L. PATTON, Proprietor. New, Modern, First-Class. Long Experience Fits The Proprietor As A Delightful Entertainer of the Public. I Every Attention Given To Guests. Every Want Readily Supplied. Convenient To Business. All The Homelike Comforts. JlllllllllllllltllllllllllHHIIIIIIIllHtllllllllli iiiiiiimiiiiinimiiiimiiiii.iiniiiiiiiiitiiu | BLUEFIELD INN tty Myron Marsh. 5__ | -—-==■"■ ' ’ 1 Pleasantly Situated Near Passenger Depot. [ - This Popular hostlery is too well known to the Traveling Public for extended notice here. It is one of the Leading Motels ol the City of Bluefield. 1--- 1 I | § Princeton Avenue, near Passenger \ I Depot. 1 ; 1 8 llllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllHIliHtlltll tlllUtliHIIIIIIMMIMMItttllMllltlHttfllMflH ! "”-"1 -Hi- .. I UilU—1_LJU_; ! [The Southern House, f • s y a /Dtss fsate perfuna, Prorprtetor. 5 8 Corner Princeton Avenue and Mercer Htreet. t =—= | > i T | as three large rooms newly I | IA A furnished which can be | | rented by those who also desire 1 | table board. Call and look at the 1 ; | rooms or phone for further infor- 1 f | (nation. | Bluefield Phone No. 1044. | ^ aillllllimMHMUflHMMMIHIHIIMtHimiNi IIIIIIIIIIHIItllllllllll||||||||||||t||||lll.|||||f > Mr Mrvan’s home coming has ev *3 Idently lte»*n deferred and the fn U dlana democratic state Convention In June will not see or hear him p The Commoner, published yesterday /; announced that Mi Bryan would nol reach the I'nlted States until th( S middle of Heptemher. After the No V* vember elections he will stert fot L New Zealand and Australia. He hat l^ijust arlfved In Kgypt, after a totn ^ of India, and his Itinerary from no* % on Is thus indicated hy the Common i #\7 Wl He experts to sytend a week 01 P, more in Kgypt, going from there t< j(f the Holy latnd where he wll ptofe* bit remain two or throe week* ft t* now bis Intention to go from Sy ria through Turkey nnd on to Mo* row and St Petersburg, Russia, where he will arrive shorflv »f»*»i the convening of the Duma. Swr. den. Norway. Kngland. Ireland. Scotland. France. Spain. Italy, Switz erland and Oertnatiy- this Ih ahoul the order In which he will yjftit tho countries named Trunks and light hauling io 20 minute* notice at any hour during i , the day 'Phone I 1 H, H. II MILCIIRR A COMPANY