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For The Best Line in Rings. T IT*’' \\ Handles Them. When you buy Diamonds, Umbrellas, Jewelry, JP, of him you get your money’s and Ornaments. worth BLAND STREET JEWELER worm. p- ‘— --—-* " ; DAVID E. JOHNSON R.C.McCLADEHEBTY | 1 Piesidfint Vice Piesidenl I j State Bank of Bluefield j | Bluefield, W. Va. J j F. M. PETERS J. 0. FOOTE j | Cashier Assistant Cashier | i[ ^ BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS | I! BLUEFIELD RAL ESTATE f ii .- ■ | | | \\ hich makes it the IlI.S I I ,\\ KS I M lvN I lor ymir i i MON ICY in tin* Country. I’ays ItltdiLk’ J | I)I \ I I)10\ I >S 1’erfeetly S A IK and A , \ . . v i I CUv’OWINtT in VAKl’IC nil the time. Our List S includes the IlKST \ AM MS to be had lor y | (HICK III'VICK’S. % 8 STOCKS AM* ltON'IAS II WDI.FII COXFII>KNTIAIjI<Y. I aTs. BOOKER & GO. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS, j Corner I’riuceton and 11 ij^inbotham Avenues. $ IBlucfidd Book and I Stationery Co. I I FINE HAND PAINTED FRENCH CHINA. Wo have just received trom our Im I porters, a beautilul Line o! Hand Painted French China. I ho most appropriate tiling- you can select for a Gift, as it is comparatively uinex pensive and prettier than any designs I ever shown in the citv. Call and £ ;. ~. TELEPHONE 73 ELK'S BLDG. I sr • c.. • 4-ss-g-t; ^^t; &c vc-.:e-e-t:-c-e<c<-e J FLAT TOP * | NATIONAL BANK OF BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA. § ^ Organized 1903 Total Resources Over v | HALF MILLION DOLLARS I v * w ————- ■"• v> e i UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY I X v S L. E. T11, lx*NICY, President. 1 W. E, POLLING. Cashier. 2 | NY. H THOMAS, Vice -President. 2 T. 1%. K 1 N(», Assistant Cashier. h> if. •Jv ———— ■■ii'i- --- - ■■ —■ • ————————————— Progressive, Conservative s. /' Accounts Solicited. You Can Buy Milk T^§g7 iFor a Cent a QuarfX (If there’s enough water In ft) I You can huy paint the same way, but I — _-i y°» °nl> get your cent’s worth of paint; I C- (32) thc ot^er ^art is watcr-or something E about as worthless for painting. | I New Era Paint I I tr» part paint »r+rj ntom at U E E *' ** rtl ,p*“ p*’* • b«e*«** H fwrrfcer dMn *nY o4mv atm. iff ■ •»<> »•»« tender. Cnrmn rrm<iy tor »„ mdocrt »ow I ■ w u>lor card 1 and paint information g I Acmn VkM Lmd A CM* I****, MMfc) 1 I M. G. WHITLOW !| ^____ M Subscribe for the Leader. * no'll! <.»•:\ti.i:\ii:v There wan a seed* looking man sitting oil I he end of one of t he bem-hes in Falrinoiint park and he had been there onl\ live minute when a well dressed and prosperous middle aged man with a cigar in tils mouth took the other end He had not been seated two minutes, and did not appear to have observed the other, when lie* seed) voting man rose up a ml said Sir. von appear to la- a gentle man “ Yes. | am. was lie- replv after a look "And I am a gentleman also " Nothing more was said The smoker smoked on. and the other sat down and watched him from the coi ner of his eye When live minutes had passed ;eed.\ rose up and mini led: “Sir. nm I mistaken in apposing you to ho a gentli-mnn ' “Why, no. I am a gentleman, id " "I am glad to hear you sa\ mi. I also wish to reatllrm I am also a gentleman.’’ lb* sal down again ami looked up among the hare lira tidies overhead and then away over the lamb cape Til© other drew long puffs at Ids half consumed cigar and indulged in thoughts and three minutes hud pass ed when seedy bobbed up for the third time nnd somewhat indignantly said Sir, I again demand to know it you tiro a gentleman'' “I am sure | nm" replied the oth er Then give me some evidence of the fact ” 'Here it is," lie said, ns in* lu-hl ....■ 11... .....i. i._ • \ son oi tiii: ( oni i.Di,i: \( n On** of the most distinguished law OMH in New York «iiv, and oin "hose personal appearance marks him for noiiio whether upon the si reel or in any n.--etnldage. is Roger A 1'r.vor, w ho ill his earlier days was one of (ho most hrilliaut orators of tin* south. ’■Ir l*ryor lias heeu so long a mem •*er of the New York hat that the younger general ion regard him as a livtue for iill time past In ls;,.s he was appointed a meiiilier oi congress • o (ill an niiexpit'etl term from Vlr gitiia. If*; was l lien elected to the same post, hut when his certificate of election had been gi\.n he found no congress to which he could go Uni this did not I uve him without an ofUr**. i(s he was i mined In tel.\ elected from tin- old lohn l(atidol[ih district to tlf confederate culture aliuh met in Mont gomery He did not serve long in this dvh capacity, .as lie was one of the llrst to answer the call Tot troops, and his record in the war was one m bravery. 11«* was in a half score of battle and soon won the shoulder strap of a higadlcr general, but because of some differences with I't -edent Itavis h*» d«>cllned to hold this com mission ai d • nlisted as a private j„ n cavalry segiment. o d . . tie* end of tlio Wiir he was gei rail) i<garded ns one of the great milit. i heroes of t he son t h Rmi. I’ryot has Iways been a Item ocrat and j on* todtiv lie takes 1*1 He personal pan in politics, but Is very milch interested in everything relating to the same He does not make main public appearances, hut when ! > doc ho Is found to possess the lire, vigor and i:\ii.kvs t rim UK. Squalor j* noi ««>u i tin t»i< l*t••si<lfin iiil !»♦*♦*. l»<'t ti«> j|, « hown • that hi* Is too ioiirMXi*'iiis to riit* t rotu :iti> tliink Wjixhiirjion !’•» . >—■ — ' -— Oo You Want To Start A Newspaper? It V o 11 (| it 111«• Ledcr Office C an fix you up nicely for that |iurpoHt*. We havc two or lime Job Presses Ami all manner of type, as t*ooi| as new. W «* have -tciiies, rain nets, rases, chases, perlor iiturs, i>as engine and all the neressarv appurten ances tn jin rij;ht In wink, We happen t<> have this Material ( >n arrnnnt of placing two larjfe ultirrs together, which has hron^ht a I ii i n t a d n pi i r a t e of material. II yi m are i n terest ed, ra 11 i m i n* add rcss THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. BLUEFIELD. W. VA. * —1 ■■ — All. Kxnctly! I thought one gcu Hemnn could not lie mistaken in an other gent lentil n Very good, sil very good, and next lime Im- mon oi . • gentleman and don't -moke the stub too i ilns.' " I he other day, siia contem porary. UepreHenlat ive I hi I P.»-,, i-Jp.(| a fellow member a ‘riyvard.’ There have been limes when the nttcrn iu-e of sm-li iin epithet on the floor of t’ongress would In* extremely dam cr ons Hnt now it is nearly a ha m less parliamentary indecency” (^ei ns not regret these ‘‘times.No n i;m ever proved his courage by proving himself a blackguard or rowdy be cause he was called a coward f mi rler-Jonrnal NOT TII.\T KIND or SI ITS . A dilapidated person rang a \\ cst Philadelphia door hell and asked tin* lady of the house, a lawyer’s v lfc whether she had any old suits "flo to see mv husband at his of fice,’* she answered. “Ills are most ly old He’s had one of them I kt ow for more than twenty years." ''he tramp looked discouraged Phila delphia Record " ---- emipieneo ,,r hi earlier *|a> \ swv loit i:\rn uom:. Thn inode; a and lip in dale -in K'*«»n is not content antes lie pos sesses a special saw made for the sawing of each parti* ular hone of tit** hod.v. lie must possess elpclri *'al maehines. \ rav eahini'ts. oxygen < vlinders and oth«*r forms of equlp ment, the sum total of which reach es thousands of dollars in value The modern surgeon ran also give tin* old fashioned doctor a great deal • >f surprising information as to the size Of modern foes A committee has hecn app tint***! h.v th** eye specialists oi Paris t*> [ 'I raw up a letter oi eongral ulat ions to Duke Theolore of Itavaria. hrotli «*r of Kmpcror Kran* is Joseph of A ns trla. " ho has just performed his five thousand! li successful operation The duke enjoys ti world with reputation as an oculist and has Imill i hospital at Tgernee where lie practices l*a tienis come from all pails of t|p> | world to he treated The m\al sin j genu never accepts a fee from t poor patient, hut taxes the rich accord ing to their means. &&KM. ./Sh ,• THE (HILLER SUPPLY GO. --AGENTS FOR « Cameron Pumps. New York Belting &. Packing £ jib Erie Engine Works, Co. Boilers and Engines. Canedy Otto Mfg. Co., $ Hazard Mfg. Co., Forges, Blowers and Drills, jjt Wire Rope. Crucible Steel Co., Black Diamond Tool Steel. McBeth, Mfg. Co., r v? m or* ... . ® ’ F. E. Myers Sc Bro., > Victor and Canal Special Pumps. Fuses, Sec. - . ^ .. \i Cyclone Drilling Co., - ' Dodge Mfg. Co., Well and Blast Hole Drills. Pulleys. Shafting Hangers, Blast Hole Loaders. Morley Bros., // The Lunkenheimer Co.. Lumbering Tools. Brass Goods. Valves, Sec. Rex Flintkote. The Fairbanks Co., Roofing. Valves, Pumps, Scc. Johns-Manville Go.. , v i i n ... Asbestos Roofing and Pipe New York Leather Belting Co. Covering And Many Others. | A Large Stockto Draw From $ At Our Bluefield Branch. GIVE US A CALL ! j-ilk'. •?& -i -#■' '<*>■' ..-j.. w j Oil The Euro iean Plan. Ernest Arters, Prop’r. 11 American Plan, $2.00 ![ European, $1.00 J ' Princeton Avenue, | j Bluefleld. -1! W Va j j Restaurant.Billiard and !( Pool Tables and Bar J! ‘ Attached. ]' I Polite and attentive servants. ex < | l< iit rooms, pri vat.* parlors ] | 1 v«• i \ 111 i 11 o to 111;ik. vo11 . i >tn I 1 j ^ tiI>1. and at «*as<*. ! [ * ' I ALTAMONT I .. HOTEL.. Opposite Passenger Depot. J. L. PATTON, Proprietor. i New, Modern. First-Class. Long Experience Fits The Proprietor As A Delightful Entertainer of the Public. Every Attention Given To Guests. 1 Every Want Readily Supplied. Convenient To Business. I All The Homelike Comforts. v I hiiiiiiiii fiiitiiiiiiiisjiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'i.iuwaiiidiDimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 1 hi1 Jhi If 11) INN I ' :i S B\ Myron Marsh. g Pleasantly Situated Near Passenger Depot. I his Popular llostlery is too well known to the Traveling Public for extended notice here. It is one of the I eading hotels of the 1 2 ( ity ol Bluefield. E E 1 I in k ( ton Avenue, near Passenger I I Depot. | "mniMiimiiinsmiiunw ’n>•.iu1111111f> itiiiniiiiimiiiiminniiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHi= ..... jThe Southern House, 1 !irs.:'3 its itc p:rlutt3, prorprletor. Corner Princeton Avenue 8 tunl Mercer Street. ~ ■■ § i Has three lar^e rooms newly I furnished which can be I rented by those who also desire I table b > trd. Call and look at the ! ro mis or p i me for further Infor- ] j mafion, I I’dinfield Phone N„. 104 t. I »»••»> Mtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinninii,mill * > N III III |M»\\ II »||SI \M I I \ I I II It x i>- ninny ibm |)»w|p should • 'In- in mis4 /Inn • 'll\ i*i 111. i i:y s I'liii.osonn. , ♦ t» i •••• <m nmip « rprk repntntloii s much \ crlinn n- n Inm environment. The |ki< > < innot ».*• brought hnek. '»ni the ■ -ni Is nlwnyn open to e K pnlrs born of experience. More than ordinary Interests at " '' lo l,1‘' Iwrsonallty of Right l(< \ Mhnkti Soven who Is now n guest i tie* .1,1 |>;inew legation. Washing on \« x» to the mikado, who Is In* heart of i hf ,la|iahese rhurrh, m-ho|. Shako Ik the highest dignity ot iIt** ftudrlhlst religion In .Inpan c-oigf Orlfllth. ihe Kngllsh globe to ii i who ha seven times endi I- d the earth, si\s he means to trav 1 no more, tint will Inilld a home on ilie Isle of Man and settle down O novel writing as a neighbor of Mall Caine,