OCR Interpretation

Bluefield evening leader. [volume] (Bluefield, W. Va.) 1906-1911, April 27, 1906, Image 1

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Bluefield Daily Leader. 1
All Russia Threatened With Uprising Of Organizations
Bluefield Will Get Offices Of
Pocahontas Coke Company
\rrangemcnts Complete! and Out
Headers Will lie Given Assoei
Aliii Press Ser\ lir, (Dm
•timing Tomorrow.
Tl.e Drsdei is glad to inform its
man render* that, commencing to
morrow morning, they will he fur
uinhed with the late news from all
purta of the world, and new* that l*
reliable in e\ ry sense of ihe word.
It lakes lime to look after all the
details connected with a daily paper,
hence ilii' delay about the service.
The following telegram which was
received by the Dadr last night from
Melvdle K Stone, President of the
Associated Press, at New York, will
disclose to our friends the good news
relative to the press service:
“Tlios. II. Garner,
Manager Daily Deader.
Elm! it impossible to arrange to
start your serviee to night. Will ilo
the In a I can to arrange to mart
same tomorrow night.
Melville E. Atone, l*r«-*ldent."
Diva Woman Mutilated It) Thlev***
\\ Idle t neonscioiis.
Colorado Springs, Col., April 241.—
Passing through this city today oil
a Denver and Kio Grande train bound
It MHOST AS ('Okll
The Pocahontas Coke Company,
which has hud its office* located at
Mramwell, is now making arrange
ments to move them to this place
and the old Wist National Hank
building is being remodeled to ac
commodate the office force
Tiie Pocahontas Coke Company is
one of the largest in the state, and
owing to the Increased amount of
business this enterprising company
has for some time felt the need nl
an office at this place, hut owing
to the scarcity of buildings for rent
they have not until now found a
suitable office.
Bluflelders can prnuld\ boast oi
the office being located here ns It
Is one of the largest sales agency*
In West Virginia.
Mr. Thomas F\ Farrell Is the man
ager and Mr W. .1. Denis, secretary,
both of whom are well known In this
city. The Htv of Minefield extends
a cordial w(drome to the young men
who are to locate with ns.
Troops Have lleen Stationed in the
ttuscnieiif of Grand Palace.
Paris, .April AN.—The strike sltii
at ion has improved before the gov
ernuieiil’H military and police prep
aration to crush disorder, and pub
lic uneasiness lias been considerably
relieved. Alarmist reports, however,
continue to circulate conrernlna what
Faithful Service of an Kmplojre Ham
CauM.it MK Flection to (iffi..
Hjr Directors.
I'Jk ins, W. Va.. April *Jtt.—An
nounce inent has been .nude of the fo|
lowing appointments of the general
officers of the Coal A Coke railroad.
Senator H. G. Davis' new road:
Johu A Kmmai t. purchasing agent
with headquarters at KlkiiiH.
Mr. Km mart entered the service
of the West Ctrglnlu Central railway
In 1X92. and serv.il that road eon- i
tinuously until he ldentifl.il himself
with the Coal Ait Coke road In 1903.
I K Dye, general passenger and
freight agent, with headquarters at
K1 ikins.
Charles S. Turner, general suiter
tntendmit of motive power, with head '
quarters at Gassawuy, \V. Va
Negro Taken hinn Sheriff and liana
ed lly Kmag.il Citizen*.
Oak wood, April ISO. A negro
known as "George," 19 years old.
was taken from the sheriff by seven
men and hanged to a tree near town.
The sheriff fired on the men but no
one was hurt The negro had strip
lied himself, entering the home or a
widow near town but was heaten off
by a daughter «r the widow who i
hit the negro With a lamp. Ills arrest
followed, but Indore the sheriff could
get the man to Jail he was taken by '
u mob and hanged to a tree and his
body riddled with bullet#.
tv#, vim ..h” ** ii ti* uri imiriiiH rrsiuc,
was a San Francisco fugitive, who
said her nrne was Miss Logan, aged
twenty. She wore a bandage on her
loft hand and said that while she lay
unconscious upon the floor of the
lobby of the St Francis Motel in San
Fran isco after die earthquake last
Wednesday morning, the third finger
or her left hand was cut off and she
v- s robbed of diamond rings that
she had worn there
Knights Templars Hold a Itusiness
\ml Social Session.
Mr. K. II and F. S Easley, and
several other members of the Com
mandery of Knights Templars, left
last evening for Hrumwell where a
regular meeting was held last night,
at which time several masons took
degrees. Quite a large number of
visitors were present and after the
regular business was transacted a so
cial session was held.
may pusslhlv happen May 1. One re
port says the Spanish and Swiss an*
a rrhists have succeeded in bringing
forty bomba into Paris. The police
are exercising extreme vigilance and
tire shadowing the chief agitators
and watching the centers of disor
In fluHsin it is unlawful to give
kisses in public. ,\ kiss on tile street
is penalized by a line of $3.75, and
on the street car by a fine of $5.25.
De<ln rat Ion of love on a postal card
renders the sender liable to a fine of
The minister who enjoys the con
fidence and friendship of »V H
Thomas ran never have a more loyal
friend. Thomas Is a prett»' goon
preacher himself, and will make a
trood mayor.
Inevitably, many preachers Sun
day "drew lessons’* from the flan
Francisco earthquake. Some of
them were at pains to "Justify the
ways of Ood to man” After the ca
tastrophe at Lisbon, certain 18-ren
tnry philosophers and divines did a
great deal of such moralizing Kant,
while djsensslng the scientific as
pects of tin- disaster, thought that
if was Intended to show man "that
I MS h;i f If fit • I ft /if hU htiblfinu ti >iu rwif
Pishing Smacks NHmmI With View
To Settling (tight of Pishing
Mobile, Alu., April gll.—It is re
ported here that the fishing smacks
, Sterns, of Mobile, and Traston, of
Pensacola, have been seized by tin*
Mexican authorities while fishing off
the Yucatan coast, it Is stated that
the Mexican government has made
the seizures with a view to settling
I • he rights of fishing territory of the
Yucatan coast where many vessels I
from this port and Pensacola load
their catches and bring them on here
for shipment It Is denied by the
[captain of these vessels that they!
fish In Mexican waters.
! Struck on Hack By Piece of Ma
lias Accepter! n Position ns Cashier
Of a llank.
II K Tnlllfero, «ho has been con
nected with the Flat Top National
Hank for some time, in capacity of
book-k* *w. left yesterday mor ing
for Hot ; ingv, Va,. where li ■ has
accepted a losltion as caslil ■ of a
hank at the place During M Tal
lifero’s st > ii«re h** has math many
friends, w : o regret exceedin', lx to
see him d< -art. i
Fourth Attr up! to Hcf Fire to H«*c.
lion *»• C. A- ft. Shops
Huntiie'.lon, \p»il *241.—l.asf night
a sh*e ' ihue :»fr*• i dark an attempt
was mad** to set fire to the roach
department of the C A' O shops.
The attempt was unsuccessful owing
to lb** fact that if was promptly i
discovered by the watchman
The hose cringed for the protec
Hon of thh department in rase of
fire had been • it bv the ,u s*rennf
l>tst i the time ihe fire was discov
ered otnr one threw a heavy file
through a window of the watchman's
quarter, striking that official an urlv
blow on file bead ffe recovered In
time to fire three shots at the ft Ing
fire hug
This Is th** fourth nffmpt that has
been made recently to burn this sec
Hon of the shops and the affair Is
shrouded In deep mvsterv
H. K. Mason, an electrician era
ployed by the East River Electric
f'o . as right badly bruised lift yen
,*'fd’V ,..b||r unload'ng a new tur.
A heavy piece of machinery fel*
i. 'he end of a rail whbh Tew m t,
striking him on the bad . an I throw
ing him under a pile of heavy wheels
and other machinery, badly bruising
him all over, but fortunately r.n
bones were broken
Me was taken to St Luke's Hos
pital, where he received the necessary
medical attention from '» Thotnp
s •• and Is geft'ng nlo .« i«ul w*|| i'<
•r.* • i t
There is not living a woman, rnan
or child that can Impeach the excel
b*nt character of W II Thomas.
Even f -s opponents compliment his in
tegiiiy and worth as a good citizen.
Remember your old party and beat
in inind that strange Idols arc being
place j to the Lont to disci edit th •
party of ,l«* Pf • - * on Liberty loving
peoi I • of MIip ndd. the party tha
you nave nlwa cherished is helm
assail.>d Will you stand Idle Vo1 '
and </ork as yo never did before
To a layman ibe ldlo>--vncmcles or
the 'aw. leave a sens., of b llde.
nient. for no soonei had l' .preme
court decided ibar trust ofTHdas must
answer nil «|iieri|ons put to them than .
the trial court in the beef tret case'
decided tft: i tin'i nia'nui cannot
be convicted on tb * e id i ... they
have gjv. i in an inv< igatio Al
exandria fiazette
t’dy a good man doubtless, but '
he bus got Into the wrong pew
the goal of his purposes.” Voltaire
In his “Poeine sm le Desastre de
Msbonne." attacked the optimism of
l.elbnitz and of Pope 'I'his provok
ed from Koftenu that strange rejoin
der in which he condemned Vol
tairo's pessimism, and defended his
own familiar thesis, that all Is per
feet ns it comes front the hand of the
Creator, hut Is corrupted and strolled
hv man Nature, he said, had not
crowded together at Matron 20.000
fall houses to fall and crush their
tenants. If the population had been
content to live in a natural state, and
had been sufficiently scattered, the
loss of life wortld have been inconsid
erable Nor was the sudden death
of so many a great evil Their stif
f-rings were Jess than if they had
lived to Ire vexed on their death
beds by lawyers, physicians and
priests Those who attempt a sat
isfactory explanation of the evil in
the world are. Indeed, likely to And
'hemselves shoulder to shoulder
with that eccentric minority which
It.* succeeded In squaring the circle,
or discovered the secret of perpetual
motion In any event, the optimism
which profespe to And uplift In such
cniastrnphles Is. as Schopenhauer
said, "a hitler mockery of the woes
of mankind.” After all, an earth
quake with its sudden destruction of
life and property presents no more
difficult n moral and religious prob
lorn than the poverty, distress and
death which are with us every day
The General Distrust of the
Government’s Inten
tion Regarding Fun
damental Law the
Document of the Czar Has
Been Denounced By the
People as a Mock
Ht IVtmlMUf, Apirl Utl The po
litical nit uptlon in Russia Iiuh sudden
ly grown threatening The publlcn
tlou of the draft-Mf the now ••Fun
damental l.»w,” or 'Constitution of
Russia,” has uroiis^l a storm of in
dignation and amid the present gen
eral distrust or tb<> government's mo
tives has furnished Just the stimu
lus needed to aolldlfx the entire op
IKMtltlon in parliament
For some time the social demo
crats and other pel (aria t organixn
tlona have ben trvfng to nrange a
general uprising to coincide with the
convocation of parliament hut appar
ently they were making no headway.
Now. however, a great movement
umong the Idle workmen of the cap
ital, who number 42,non. has rome
to surface and there Is more than a
suspicion that tills movement is sim
ply to cover for a real uprising which
Ih being organised liehitul It
Rig met Inga of men out of work
held in the suburbs during the last
few nights were attended by orators
of the social democratic party.
A council of men out of work has
also sprung Into existence like the
famous workmen’s council which <11
reded the hlg strike of last fall Pro
clamations have been Ismied calling
upon all workmen to support the men
out of work, who demand that the
city within a week put them to work
upon the construction of new street
railroads and bridges for which $i,
000.000 has been appropriated. The
men out of work also announce that
they will send a delegation of eighty
seven representutlvte to the city coun
oil •nnll/kl 1 _ './SW->. I .
' ” • .II" I MJ til* II Mill ill!
Hwor of the municipality.
Them Is a h<liking anology be
I ween tile methods now adopted by
tile workmen and those preceding
Ted Sunday,1 January 22, l!ior». and
many people believe that they see
In the new organization the band of
f>apun. All trare of the former
priest has been lost. The holy synod
officially denies that he is H<*<|uest.ered
in a monastery, and he may lie the
directing spirit behind I he scenes of
the drama which is being enacted
It is significant that tin* head keep
er of the local prison lias received a
leter signed b> the Workmen's Lea
gtte warning him that the prisoners
will la* liberated May HI lint saying
that ills life will he spared if he does
not Interfere.
The Kerb Insists that with (he real
tzatlon of the new Russian loan and
under false conviction that the rev
olutlon Is suppressed the government
hnH not hesitated to again show tla*
cloven hoof, not even making Its in
tent Ion to dissolve parliament If if
Is found to he troublesome.
M HrinnehnnlnofT in the Slave to
day calls the draft of the "fiiiida
mciitai law" a mockery that will he
resented hut evorey hones! man, he lie
member of the Mlack Hundred or a
social revolutionist,”, adding
• ..L __I..* . ..
ifi in uiihd
logic on flic eve of assembling of
the cal masters of the tountrv run
°nly tend to push the people to a
fresh revolution, and w; h Its at
tending conflicts and annuli' tin
existing regime seem* I tfrtl to go
down in blood ”
A real dangerous clement in the
situation however is nt v in tie it
tltudn of the liberal* but in ttie po
slbllity of anothei upheaval from !■
low at the vet > moment when the
intellectual fort e of the round V had
been united
Steamer Sank Crosswise in Channel
tout all Truth* is II.-lit I p.
Detroit. Midi., Iprll ipl. A New
Kpeclal from da a It Hie f.trlr ... v
Lake Sii|»erioi t rattle Im blocked' >1 by
the Canadian st« trier ftoqnni lu ll
sank last night t ro :s wl r tin- < n
nel after striking the head o. in
dyke in (lav lake
All the steamer? have he. n held
here since midnight and noth Inc can
get. through until the froquoK Is
raised or swung out of tin- channel
The steamer truck in the inn
place the lfnt( hlnson did n few years
ago Tugs anti divers left here a*
mldnigh* anti work Is being rushed
The Iroquois was flown hound ss i»I
« cargo of grain
Tri-State Convention Will Be
_Held At Scranton Thursday
Cenntiiieni Itlnrtli-|ti >|„„ Vir
ginia || to TIm- Altar.
Cepe ('Irnrliw, \«., April Mi.—
One of the pretliat wedding* of the
spring wtm sole inn I zed yesterday at
iho Southern Mel hod 1st Church at
Cherlton. Vn when Mis* Hannah*
K 8l oak ley beeanie Hie bride of Mr. ,
Otis M llray, of Hlueflcld, \V. Vn.
(lie Hev. K. C. Hall, of Routh Hill,
Vn.. officiating The church was
’Hatefully decorali-d wlili evergreens
and cut IIoworn Phe hride and grooin
were pretailed h> two little tiower
glrls who MOitlerod ffowera at their
f«H*l as thex marched up the aisle. !
Phe hride wore a handsome travel- !
tug suit of grey, trimtiied in green,
and w;m attended hy her sister. Miss
('harlot te St oak Icy. Mr. (’. K. .lor- |
dan presided at the organ and dur
ing the ceremony Mrs Dr. H. C. |
Kell a m sang a solo entitled *1 For ,
You and You For Me.” The ushers
were Messrs Willis Addison, of Cape
Charles, Herman flolote, Tims 8
Nottingham and W. S. St oak ley, of
Cherlton. while Mr. (Janet, or Hlue
Held, was the lies! man. Tho hride
Is the attractive and acompllslied
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Tho* .1
St oak ley. while the groom Is a pop
ular and well known train dispatcher
of Die Norfolk fi Western rnllroad
VlsUIrs from a distance wore: Mr
Currett and Mr. Lornlne. of Hlue
The hride and groom left on (lie
i fternoon train for an extended
Fountcr Proposition Will Then lie
Sent to The Miners »ly the
Wllkeahnrre, »•»., April Ut». —The
general scale committee met thla
morning to complete the Inst touches
to the counter proposition to the op
erators, which the miners say will
avoltl a strike because of Its radical
modifies!Ion from the original «le
matuls Kit her an official statement
containing a synopsis of the coun
ter proposition or the complete doc
ument as sent to the operators will
prohahly he math* public some time
• his afternoon.
LATKR. The general scale com
mlttec decided this morning to Issue
a call for a trl-Htate convention at
Scranton. Thursday. Mitchell indi
cated that the counter proposition to
the operators will he sent to them
this afternoon and that they would 1
bo requested to make <virly reply so j
that the convention might act on I
their answer Thursday.
ItSllrnnds nr Putting l'p a Still Fight
To <Jnln Advantage In IVhiI
At the Wreetllng Match l*at Night
Melvin Have t’p In Mccoml
A» tho Pint Top akatlng rink Innt
night C. H. Carter, of Virginia won
•he decision from N. 11. Mlllor, bot
tom known an "Chick Tucker," of
Baltimore, In two rounds. In the Amt
round thorn wan aonie very cloae
work and ended w^th tho favors
equally divided, hut tho Virginian be
ing too hunky for the Mnrylnnder.
made It more than Interesting for
Melvin In tho latter part of the see
ond round, canning him to throw up
tho npongo.
I'hla docs not reflect nny upon
Melvin hn lie In a very hunky young
man In hlH own cl nan.
Melvin miyH ho will moot any man
ton on or ton Off at nny time,
l>. W. Mlllor wna referee and hla
decision met with the approval of
Melvin challenges Cnrter to meet
him at PornhontuH on Mondny night,
April 3ft, to a throw at 8:30 o'clock.
I). W. Miller will referee thin contest
a I ho.
FOR $30,000.
■ twHiait,' Mult fur f.‘10,000 up
l‘‘or Trial July 11.
<an<«* t'ily, April ail. From till In
dlcatlona the light for lit** rout***
through flouthweat Virginia to the
*<»nl Helds between the South and
Western and the Virginia und South
woutern rallroada has Just hegun. A
year ngo the rival roads hegun a
light for the right of way up Clinch
river from f’llnohp.irt The South and
Western secured the right of wn>
and iii once hegun grading on a large
scab', tint work having progressed
rapidly over Hlnco. To secure a rival
road the Virginia and Southwestern
has located Its route from MocciihIii
Cap In the direction of Knoxville
und It Is underutood that construe
lion will hegln ui once.
To head off this move on the part
of the Virginia and Southwestern, the
South und Western, under the direc
tion of Mr. Oeorge I,. Carter, has
put engineers to work locating a par
«H®1 line toward Knoxville. It is re
ported from Knoxville ho has de
clared his purpose to build Into Knox
viHe which is said to he a part of the
ureal scheme- of the Seaboard Air I
Line- to have the- best facilities for'
transporting coal southward of any ,
system The- same spirit seems to
animate the* Atlantic Coast Line
which Is behind the Virginia and
Soulhwestern. The result of the
fight bids fair to be gigantic railroad
building In this section.
The Virginia and Southwestern al
ready hies Its line- in operation from
Mrislol to th<- coal fields by way of
Mlg Stone flap hut owing to Walkers
Monata I n and other heavy grades
It is handicapped its proposed line
to Kogersvllle will shorten the dis
tance to Knoxville at least a him
fired miles and obviate- the necessity
•I. A. II. Hruce today entered suit
against I). (1. Lilly for thirty thou*
and dollars. In two suits, one for
slander for fifteen thousand and one
for treapuHB for fifteen thousand
The suit came up over the trouble
Mr Union had when the election was
hold on re-locating the county sent.
Mr llruce, when Interviewed by »
Loader reporter, said he had no ststc
mont to innko at present.
Wo understand Mr. Lilly hns also
entered suit against Mr. Hruce for a
like amount.
'•"I'K I*ii«ly of iniJIiMlcIp'ti/i T'links
Sin* Should Have * I '-.non.
iCichmoiid, Vn., April a<l.— Henry
M aid on of PrederlcHimra Is being
I’ucd In the i’nltrd MLitos circuit
» o>n t i >r i.oo The plniiiliff is
MIhh Nellie It. Hinds, of Philadelphia,
a stenographer and typewriter
The declaration In the case him
been hind In t ft Ih city by Scott (h
Huchanun representing MIhh Hinds,
and flie case Ih to be heard nt ruIcH
May I in thIk city
rile <otu.il Mill Will K»t«hlUI. m
Dyeing Depart incut.
tour In Florida and will make their
future home In Minefield
Tho presents bestowed upon the
Knnpv couple hv their many well- 1
wishing friends worn numerous and
If you don’t want the law eti
foreed don’t vote for Thomas. He '
believes in enforcing the law, or re- i
peal it.
(•ha**il> rind of a Woman With Her
Head \lmoNt Severed l''rom
Ilrisfol, Tenii., \pril ’JO \ ghast
ly 11 ltd ua< made In a little planked
Up house nil Seennd si reef this city,
not thirty feet from the main !
i hroughfare. Techie tllover, a wont*
I ea is
of age, lav dead in a hlood soaked
bed Her head had been almost
severed from her hotly and tin ugly
gash had been made arte; her ritme j
and cheeks I'lider the bed was found
a new axe, whleh was literally cov
•rtsl with Mood, and the handle was
: I t* smeared with blood The floor
• nd the walls of the room were be
fit tiered with blood, making a sick
* nlng sight
The police claim to have a cine
hlclt may result m the arrest of a
oman on the charge of murdei
I he Hoanoke Times Maya:
The Roanoke Cotton Mill |H going
right ahead, and plana are being ar
ranged for the addition of another
department It will he a dyeing de
pertinent, and will add about forty
new people to the force of the mill.
The noceanary equipment haa been
ordered and work will begin ahortly.
The cotton mill ban plenty of room
In the big buildings they own, for
the new plant,
Will KwfciMt Their ar (due Mortice
To Connect With M*|eni Idne
Roanoke, V*., April JMI. The
Hoanoke .street Hallway Company
will apply to tbe afreet commlt.too
of the city council tonight for fran
chises foi two extension*
fine Of the extensions will he
from the Hast Hoanoke car line near
»ho passenger depot, down Common
wealth to 011 met, out Ollmer to
Moorman's road, and theme to Kiev
enth Ktreef connecting with the Si
etn line
I tie Other MXfension lo be a«ked
for will be for two morn squared on
th Heimont ttno frm Woventh to
Thirteenth street
|K»n f waif for Thotna* to aak vou
to vote for him He la randy too
modest to nak for u vota for hiiiiMlf.
or mossing Walkers' Mountain
If the Mouth and Western should
build to Kno |||o It will have two
lines leading ».thward and be |. *
posit lot ‘ . m u any compelliIon ih:
might hronght about
The , i, of tunneling flinch
Mountain hv ih<* Mouth and Western
fen miles w, t of Onto fltv Is pro 1
grossing rapid I \. the work going on
night at day S Walton K Co, of
falls Mills, have the contract to
in ho tunnel and grade the road
,i distal', of fen miles The have
men at noil; at every cut and fill
md with 'h<‘ exception of the tunnel
will ad i", their contract far to
ward com lulon fhl year
I desire to announce to the voters
r»f Minefield that I am not a candi
date for councilman from the Hev
>Mifh Ward, and would not nerve even
were f elected I thank the many
friends for good words spoken hilt
under no conditions arn I a candl
The Japanese government today
control many of the important mo
nopollcs A large percentage of the
railroads, the telegraph and to),*
phone lines, the salt works, the to
hncrtr monopoly and the camphor *
production are directly under the
’ontrol of the government
I hrr** imins in Uf Hotm1 ronfutdon
mong Home of thr votor* In r**f**r
a* »• In tin* candidate for Hnporvlftor
mi th*- fpi/nns and Ormorrntlr tick
'* Homo think it la I W Hlmpkln*.
ho nir hrttko man Wo w|ah to any
,;,t I* Is not .1 \v Hlrnpklns. hut
I W Simpson. tho loromoflvr rngl
•lOOf .
II it nd rod of p**op|r havp h**rn say
ing. wIkIi wo had a good adrnlnlttfra
ifn Now Is voiir opoprfnnify to got
Vol" for all toon on th** l»om*» '
atlo 11* I;ot and work for If
»M W \ fltKtli TIIINd \\ »ft*;N III;
S\w IT.
Mt John II 11 it g**H former mayor *
f Hhaw vlllo, Ohio, ramn to Mltmflold
1 i tho 2flth of last Mm* h In on*
'• *y h** had hough n hnrh**r shop,
•id at th** ond of two *| ivh h« had
l ought a lot on l’nlft-<ki .»*«•«•! ami
I**’ « r* sld**n» r to ronfraM llr Im a
Dotiiorrftf. an KhkIo. an«l Odd Pol low
md an nil 'round htiath i
Ono arruHod rongr*m*man Mr.
Rlarkbinn of North Carolina who
had t»***it rhnrgrd with r***riving for*
ror Irgft) praefirr h**for<* th** govern
HM*rit d«*:iftrf m**nt« has hrrn nr
iptiftrd Hr wan givrn an ovation
an hi* trtuin to th* Horn**

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