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For The Best Line in Rings, TJP" T "ML T ^,r 1T~ IHfe Handles Them. When you buy Diamonds, Umbrellas, Jewelry, |\ Jj, j,^g .5_*z JP^ of him you get your money’s and Ornaments. worth _ ______L_ AND STREET JEWELER ~— --------- ! - -—- ~ ~ -**"> j * DAVID E. JOHNSON R.C. McCLAUCHERTY ’ , Vice Presideel I I • |! ■ State Bank of Bluefield ; ; Bluefield, W. Va. [ F. M, PETERS J. D. FOOTE Cashier Assistant Cashier ■—■■■■ ■ ' "" — ■ ■ ■■■—■■ - 1 1 1 + r*.r r- : -I.r . t-/ • it. . L t'tf-1 • t-1-1- W-1* t dr > BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS I i BLUEFIELD RAL ESTATE ! Which makes m the I *. I -• I l\\ l.s I ME NT t > > t you* i i M( > \ ICY m tin* ( <>ii nt IV. I'iiNs HKidlCK DIVIDENDS I Vi l«< 11 v SAFE mid II G l\’< >\Y I \( i in \ \MIC all the time. Our last I includes the lilCS I VAl.l ICS to he had t»*r <>l ICK BEYERS. $ STOCKS AND ItOXDS It Will.till COXFI hKNTI ALLY. $ A S. BOOKER & CO. | REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS. Corner I’riiict ton and IIigy;inbothnm Avenues. S a j- i .Via ^ 3»> » >.**•**** IBUicfidd Book and I Stationery Co. I I FINE HAND PAINTED FRENCH CHINA. We have lust p-reived from our lm- B I porters, a heautilul Line «»l I land B Painted I'rem it C hina. l he most B appropriate thing you can select for B a ('»ift, as it is comparativeK unex- B pensive ami prettier than an\ designs B I ever shown in the citv. Call and B see it now . B TELEPHONE 73 ELK S BLD G. I .. . . -h I flat top t NATIONAL BANK 1 Y '% OF BLUEFL-LD. WEST VIRGINIA. it •T 11 j Organized 1903 Total Resources Over *y ! HALF MILLION DOLLARS I •it p ■,< _ m —- ty 1 UNI 1 BDSi AT IBS DEPOSITORY t •a P \j. I Tll.k’NkY. F’resident. p % k'. I«. IIOM.ING, Cnshier. 9 I \Y. II THOMAS, Nice I ’resident. S T. K. KING, Assistant Cashier. p 9 —————————— n, $ — ---————————————— „‘t Progressive, Conservative Accounts >sc>!icritecl. ) * s '• • > 5 3 5* S>5»*9 You Can Buy Milk For a Cent a Quart) (If there’s enough water In It) You can buy paint the same way, but you only get your cent’s worth of paint; the or'icr part is water-or something about as worthless for painting. New Era Paint 4ft pm*a paint rrary atom at u <1**p** • •*' tt JV1 fwTW Aaa nay “W pAaa, ktriptr C Mil ready n'H, for im Hainan ar mu, —! for color cardi amd paint information amt *r Mmn Vhm Land A Dmad* MkC r — M. G>. WHITLOW • Subscribe for the Leader. l oNM-ius iwt i: 1:1.1« t ici« * si it \ i< I-:. H is gratifying !'• note that the technical press lias sound-d a not of warning again -t the preposioruic proposal to generate hydraulic elei Itlr power at (he Victoria falls of i he Zamhosl river, ami transmit it ov« i a distance of 7 l.p. miles foi us.' in Ho gold mine, at loltaum- imrg lint, alihotigh the pinpo .il in d<div< t this power at a tlguie that would he a: oine economical lo the eon aimer and profitable to the company ha h -on ridiculed hi tin technical pies Un lay pH Idle io liahle to he misled hy a scheme which, on the face of it. would si•••m to hold out flattering prospects of success. Al the present Unm the most important common ti.I purposes Is that ITom Niagara to Mliffalo, where tile lllstanee eovered does not e\eee,| alioni :!U mile- Tin longest I raiistiiisn'on, [to cot ilrlltg lo present Informal Ion, i- lltal which n In suecesslnl op iation in ('alil'ornia over a distance oi a hoot l'.'u miles, so that I lie proposed lianini ion lim in South Africa will In- :: I u per cent longer than anvthing that ha \(»t been altempleil According to I’rof William K Ayrton, who not long, figo made severe crllieism of (he whelm* In the I ailidon Times, the .lo hanneshuig mining distiii t con-aimc tihout I ad.nun horso-powei at an average cost of $iun pet hot so pow er per year Niagara semh 2i,nno horse power to ItufTnlo. where it is sold al alioni $ I l* ■ pei horse powet per year, and Muffalo. a we have no ted Is distant I rout Niagara on|\ ‘.’it miles l-'url heriuoi •• in , in. neii-li < o\s|in:m\<; ill.I Kit>1 NTS. Hood livers w|| read with delight tlie announcement tin t In- famin' in the celebrated III n Point oysters, which wan threat* tied hv the rava lies of t.irtlsh amoiu the oyster in'lls mi t}ie Long Island promontory, i> not likely to In* |: ting, for the siehl of Itlue Point o\ f< s will lie materially Increased through the lilanliiig of hundred nt thousands of spawn A good many oysters whieli never saw the |. ion near Itlue Point nr*- sold for ■ n».in* Itlue Point oysters, hut there i' a tla\nr as yvell as a si/.e and ehiil.'i • to lie ge|| (line article which ha for yeai n*n deieil it a prime fayoriti with tho -<• wlio like good food and ••-•*•■« i tM' good oysters. There i much III treatment of the oyster, and New York is a great oll'endei Many of i In* best oysters, in oi d1 to lie serv' d on i he table look we* yv'ilt*', ai** tie: * ei| to a bleaching process, which can not hut injure tin* natural flavot The healthy color of nil oyster is not dead white, Ii Is •■.ratifying to know 111:11 this famous <> tei lied it Itlm Point Is to lie kept up mp that tb supply of this article may at lead he nm< lent to gratify the* yvant, of people living in Ihi vicinity Many person prefer the t:i!•-■••» oy hus to the Him* Points, and il taste is one that they can i* lit' gratify Tin Itlm* Points ha- n i ■ and rep illation which can hardlv he surpass ed and evorv baiKpiet a ' s a It ♦ ♦ I * • heller, perhaps if a half dozen of these sneculent hlvalvi - In* in the fen si Host on Herald Trunks and light hauling In 20 iilniitea notice at any hour during ihe day ’Phone I I S H. MIU’TIKK ft COMPANY horhoo.l oi Johannesburg an* alum darn supplies of coal, of which an excellent < 111 a I i t\ .an lie delivered on the Kami for from <L*.«'.n to < .• (ll.| ton Eveil if the Viclorln falls plant were t<> he Ini ill. nn.l a ;,t at u ,m mission lin«> constru.letl. ji |s no; llkoly that the iinporlant mining in dustries in Johannesburg would he willing lo t nisi l ho opera!Inn of their . «'OHtI\ plants to the Integrity of a few copper cables extending for over 7m* miles through the wilds of a savage country. Scientific American Koltsov to on To < on(.i;i:ss. ! Late returns from the c.ih district democratic cougreslotial primtirx at Ml tuingha in, Ala . confirm the nomi nation ol ('apt. Klcliinoml p. Holisou over ('ongressnia n John ManKliead The nomination is er|uivalont lo an election. Complete unoflieial returns give llohson a major 11\ of c*:, ovet Congressman ManKliead Toilet paper, 5c a roll. Sunbeam Jellies, any flavor and guaranteed pure, ALEXANDER & PEARSON. rim Congressional Record need careful editing nowadays There are Home acrimonious words used' in debate that wouldn't l<>«>L ai all well in print IIOW Till: KAIMIt SMOlvCS The KaHir KinoUi on lijs ,i<im ill'll sil III .1 toll.ll . • . 1 i '' g till' oilrt h tor a pipe. rills benighted -av.i will'll til tohiii'i-o hunger seiz,- him. • loots a piero of cliiye) oil iilumi a foot sritiiiro nnd puls i i hi veil twig i l herein, .so lliiit hot h — rd of the twig stirli out. Then lie luiihl a fire over the iiltire and when III- lire has snf 0' ienlly hardened Hi- clny lie draws out the twig, iinii a eha u nel. a kind of pipe stem, is left < >tte end of t he . hntin-1 he ho| lows into a howl The oilier end Is his mom h piece II- puts his to •ntiio in ih- howl dmps a live coal "ii top. and. lyit’ig down falls to. I he Kalllr sucks aw i\ vigorous I' a ml very Idai I and strom ;ir— Ho* lames thill ont-r his large mouth, lie will not use an ordinary pipe. II liU-s his own wav <if iinoklng host. H- is. | siippn--, Ihe only suiok-r v\ hose pipe is ..m ill " Si. I.mi i s I i loll- I Il'IllOl I ,1 I Hon i take any slo k in Hi- re I'oris id i ai ■ hi|ii;il;es in nuiucrons sections Oi Hie earth. They nr largely Hi- -tt'ci iif iivi'i'w eight ini agina t ions l.-fs hope th- strained pul.lh at ing subjects There is the Olympic tournniiienl at \Hiens. ro, instance tentlon can soon turn m less sadden — W e have 'tunes, cab nets, oases, elui'es, perfor ;itors, eas engine and all the necessary appurten a tires t<» jti> tie ht to work. We happen to have this Material ( )ii account of placing two large ollices together, which has brought about a duplicate ol material. II you are interested, oaII on or address THE LEADER | PUBLISHING CO. MEFIELD. W. VA. 1 ■ I I < « v “ ;*•. f y.'.:*• i.v -> • - \. yx. ^ - THE miLLER SUPPLY CO. \m ijs $ —-AGENTS FOR-| i Camcron PumPs- New York Belting & Packing {* 6 Erie Engine Works. Co Boilers and Engines. Canedy Otto iVlfg. Co., T Hazard IVlfg. Co.. Forges, Blowers and Drills. Wire Rope. Crucible Steel Co., B,ack D'am°nd Tool Steel. - CB*th, ?°; F. E. Myers ft. Bro., 7.1 Victor and Canal Special Pumps Fuses 8c,. Cyclone Drilling Co., 7 Dod6e Mfg. Co., Well and Blast Hole Drills. Pulleys. Shafting. Hangers, Blast Hole Loaders. * Morley Bros., The Lunkenheimer Co., Lumbering Tools. Brass Goods. Valves. 8cc. Rex Flintkotc, The Fairbanks Co., Roofing. Valves. Pumps, 8cc. Johns-ManvIHe Co., ’f® New York Leather Belting Co. Asbestos Roofing and And Many Others. | A Larjfe Stockto Dr; w Prom At Our Bluefiekl Branch. GIVE US A CALL ! • • - ■ ...... , , _ . --- II I I , i I i » * i If TaltamontT .. HOTEL.. Opposite Passenger Depot. I J- L. PATTON, Proprietor. | New, Modern, First-Class. Long Experience Fits The Proprietor As A Delightful Entertainer of the Public. Every Attention Given To Guests. 1 Every Want Readily Supplied. Convenient To Business. All The Homelike Comforts. milllltilllinmiiii.imimciiiiiiiDiiii.iit ...... | Bl UEFILIJ) INN | By Myron Marsh. Pleasantly Situated Neai Passenger Depot. ! 1 -- -.. 1 I his Popular Hostlery is too well known to the Traveling Public for extended notice here. II is one of the leading llot< Is of the City of Bluefield. 1 I’lino Ion Avenue, near Passenger I Depot. 1 = i miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiiiiiini viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiHninnnf lllltlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIf |||||||,||l„„„(„||||||||||||||||„,|||||||||||a| | (The Southern House, I /Ptso it ate perhina, Proprietor. Corner I'rincetnn Avenue f iiml .Mercer Street. Has tliree larjje rooms newly I furnished which can be I I rented by those who also desire I | table bo ird. Call and look at the 1 rooms or phone for further in for- 1 j mation. ] l'»ln« lirld Phone No, It) it. tHMnuiiitiii'ii.itiiHntinmitMMiMti' . • Insurance coninnnle- are plalnlx . r.mlin:' Hie San Frani Ihcii dlsantei "hi . titan i lie*, have l»e« n <1111111111!’. i|«iii ami tie- fear i- ohtatnlm: ex i’ " ion in New York Immrance < lr 1 h iliaI ami of 'll*’ < onipnnle* " ill he forced eithl'l to IW|K*lld <11 t<i ralso in \ capital from h(o< kholder*. One of tin* Ini *’ Ifarlforil inmpnnle* h he.n very hndlv hi* atnl (Inure* iii I" *• i nmoi II a- i- now Hinted the In fm w hlrh the insurance corn j panic- f all he held liable amount to > n much a % In.uon.nno, it nia\ he ; com ln<|e<l that the total properlx Io n in San Fraficfscn will he fitllv twice , that mini tiiomf, k•■:!•:> oiiio i.uvvkiin, riie most retnarkah|e thing about '!"■ l!"f' I Ohio pension frauds |M In lie • VI nioi (fintiry detective instinct Of i he attorneys, which enabled them *° ,,nf1 "••v»*ral petrous In that state who were without |»enslnns New \ oi l; Kvening post M\\ f.HIi:\ \m i: or Till-: toil, iso \ MM. 111*. »roil roads will probably kirk bera live (.'of|| ml-slotl.’l tJm field did noi luivf. rharue of the investigation of ib.-ii rase Washington F’ost