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For The Best Line in Rings. Handles Them. When you buy Diamonds, Umbrellas, Jewelry, of him you get your money's an Ornaments. worth. ____L_ ND STREET JEWELER _ : DAVIDE.JOHNSON R.C.McCLAUCHERTY ; 5- President Vice President : }. ■ , \ s State Bank of Bluefield ■ 7 Bluefield. W. Va. | i t j... F. M. PETERS J.D. FOOTE ► * Cashier Assistant Cashier | •> * - - . ... . t •' „ - • ’ft BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS | IS BLUEFIELD RAL ESTATE | v -- — 1 — 5 * Whirl. m:.k, > .1 t it - P.LS'1 IWI'.STMKNT foiynur * £ M ( ) \ K A i.. thr L<»m.t«\ I’:.vs ltltitihR % I»I \ 11 > | \i»^ IV-hrtP SA l*K and .» , (i l\'( t\\ IN* ' 111 \ '. M I ill lli' t > 'll- 4 >iii I -1"1 t £ . i nr I. i< 1 •' *v 11*, r .1*1 -T \ Al.t'KS to hr had f-»r ft & t jl It k I »l Y 1\ 1\’S. > a |\S t\i ' H VMM I l» HIM till N I IAM.V | A. S. BOOKER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS. £ " t'ornn Prim1'. md I 1 ir u,i..hntham A vrimrs. . IBlucfidd Book and I Stationer? Co. I I FINE HAND PAINTED FRENCH CHINA. I VY. ha\ • i t r> ived !r< in our lm w I porters, .t heautalid Line ol I land H Painteri I'rencl ( hina. 1 lie most I I appropriate tiling \on can select lor ■ a (lilt, .p it i- cnmp.irati\t-l\ tinex- H p. ps; a and ■ tin than alt) designs W I ever shown in the city. ( nil and H see il n< >v\. H TELEPHONE 73 ELK'S BLD G. | -jr~~ * - i-c-t.-e t-c \ FLAT TOP ? NATK SAL BANK « r or C* Ui- _D. WEST VIRGINIA. ’§ Organized >903 Total Re.ources Over £. l HALF MILLION DOLLARS ! -- ,, 3 L, !' Li * ;» VI •> DEPOSITORY \ 5 % g 1 l- lll.KNhA President •* W. I.. BO I. LI NO Cashier. j J \\ H IMG MAS Yire-Preftiflent. I I KINO. \<-ei~tant ( aslm t y, __-_-_ _ --- --i}. Progressive, Conservative &’ • ALCounts 2S<>1 iclttrci. « A %*•% - •' ~ 1 ^ - j You Can /Sft®. Buy Milk For a Cent a Quart)* (If there’s enough water In It) i You can buy paint the same way, but I f '' rent’s worth of paint; I \ *rt is water-or something I about as worthies for palndng. B New Era Paint I 1ft p*'* paint rr*ry stem ef it B -„ m pnim m •%* * » ,«- i r, N/tV-r dun ftn Y ndur p+an, K •rvd l»«n lortfer Comn rt#1y mum ' r «u indoors or •** ■ Aak for alar cardi and pain* infer* rtton ■ Acmn Wtnm Land * ' * «u. Fnms 1 M. G. 771 in LOW. '• I Subscribe for the Leader. j 'l lt \\SI*OltT\TION Till; |>|{o|U I.KM. % b< I hmtliiK wnli movement and «ol<> f.'ilv foilsaiinp with tie . .. use ,,| linnian III. . when le dr < , iin Kim il),< fji'< .ii ii nnK roail of India Thousands of hare <n .andl> I f. . t polished the stones of i In foot wax that conveyed al «ii\ pal. • the .•ml • ess urindiiif' el tie i,•. -u i ,„| wheels won- deep and . im; I'tlts ill I ll* 4»li-‘ |.a \ < m< i so main piHiplo. a a month «»i I’tiii da vs. entered oi loll any «.i the old w tilled cdpl• a Is oi (ireooo. oi Homo, oi India llllill, like <»ii| model n |ii»l> nloas renters. depended foi ;h< ii v*>i\ lit** on the outside rountrvi now hei ween sunrise and sun < i. Itni I iheinsel\ *s hack and forlh. in .ml out of \ew York nh*io I rans|.oi iai ion is i ii<• prol.l. m |>. * •'' III Oil ft W hi* Il poop 11 I 1 and the mean to niox.-m tic n ... i he Pleat uuostions of i Ii ho u a 11 roads lead to town W" have tunneled lni..*;.'i| I Kio'ind and the river we h: v< t hrow n preai ll> inp a i < li< - . ‘ .u ■. . i intervening waterw -ys. \ve In \. m l worked lhe surroundilip eoiioiiy with lilies of liiiminlnp trolleys, and ih< ferry-l.o.ii swlims with repnl iitv TtlJ.KST <>\ "H' SKA HO \ ICI». 1 •Somewhat tall" ■' ""*bl> j hut i was not »)wnx I aid ' apt n« l.-lt or 111.* Ii; i I. '» ! inuton i- • a n i ve«| f mm ": . ' \fler my tweni i< * ’ i i lt«l.■ > i • measured me muI ■ \< n inches In i nr- lierlli aboard onbT. likewise fb ' ” 11 ,-i i ml i l.e eidei doxx > • ! me 'Some of you I • oinp* | me to l«i * .. t \ * m\ ,ca11dock, an •1 • • • ■ I• i tide light IIxtiir* ' •"«> low fo> , my entire safetx i in t •; ■ to I • ■ i l ii o11nd wi111<■ * Ob. no, not j pound ; He j i he lab i on i If Atlanta Sea I ion i I • 11 m ' lie cniplox of ill 'in who own ile Xrlinc.ioi ;m '.cars, going mod of lb. line olf -'lore to 1 lie VV. I coast Of \ • i. lid I lie West I mla 111> was I" ' lib d • Me. about thirty n • Ollier captain- I in high terms ot <' t !•’i< I;• • 11 of his qualities as a n amr abd line ter mariner and " ml »"d t I low. and snv fnit ie c ,1 fell gt ll will'll ' Ill'll dons height hu io"d 1 mi in food stpud moro than " ’ mill me Jom tin I. Trunks and light hauling in 20 limitf nolle* .it ;my hour during n? »iay 'IMioui- 1 tv. S II Ml).* H Kit * CO>lP\NY ',J I . I — < ■ Oo You .^ant To Start A Newspaper? li \ ■ >n • I• iIn* Li.tier Office ( an ti \ \ <in 111 > niffly l> >r t lUlt pill JM >S»\ \\ i • 11;i \ «* t \\ * * > i I 11 n • Job Presses A ml all nianm-r of t ypt*, as jo ii ni as new. > i ■; The Ollier evening a man ailed on •'< woman ami (old In i die had <•>. Ithe Maxine Klliott. and halt lil • !•-«111;t May, ;• ml hands 11K<* Sa < ih Itcrnhnrdi. and ti i«t h lih • I nlia Marlowe and next day In- told somebody that he was tin mo-' lu ll I if»« eonversationli n In had v. i met Kxchattge An entim-ni C< ttaan s,n-nii t \ fi1 *• t tie* tinn i i iiniin:; wind*, i in sit|i|»|y id Wiiter on earth will nm In snllh-i.-nt to stt|,|.o. i |||'e I'.at tin t. is nothing in thill i«» worn Kenim-hv *►**• -•• <\ i* \ It.SI . Itl.t | | ( I I I \ \ I teel a I Specialist. "’HI *"■ f miteli.-ld Inn On \|. ,1; A|"'il "Oth If yon at. nfft t jug "it It piles or h-nmn lioid . In p mn ises to ( lire yon. To at un til ahso Intely -afe and pain!- Nodi •-ntion from business No ('111 t In >|-'( >|;m , < I ITINC. IN INC or SI-l-'l'TMt I \C Kxaminstlions made and m,failing Prognosis made in every . . amen fl'le in my method of treatment N‘<» charges lot -aim- mil. treat iiieiit i* begun. if yon write me hefore Co- daU mentioned above | "ill > on references in yonr min town so that ton may a., ri -in ri , merits of my treatment from r.pi, Rentative business men whom I hav. treated, whose integrity ... question. n for any reason y«,n should prefej | h.mld -. you ft yotll home, if you \\ ill will In, I Will he glad lo . ill! is la, Toilet paper, 5c a roll Sunbeam jellies, any flavor and gun ran lead pure, ABBXAXrJBK A PBAitSQN. s i i w:\tn t i i w Tll« 1 lt|(*l|tS o' t ' 'I'll III i '. In | • | «• \ || In. • ! .11 of I ho . Iioolv through |i o n! I. .hi in li 11* nl \ lo I ho WOO'I t >, I ;> V d I ' "Hough of find io I i n,"in I) Tlio I nivorsit v o i ol fml n« in" to t lit* ronfl o ' . • \ I lm I in i I roads in v l<»w oi In n • • n, 11 n r. St 1*1 I.". ;| nil I llo I I, , , , -'ll il l* 'liool would h:tvo It I Tin m (louts not only ( *.. i• i in• 11, hilt MWl'll 111" wood i >. t '• •! 't to town in wagons. SOMI'I TOM.I I lAVIM | tfS. \ growing gleam glowing i.'ronii Tlio Monk Ini' Idiglili'd tlio In iglil liroom Ido >>,11 Slosh of I'roshlv trii'd II v i it li h. li is dimply impo iI>1 • m :m>ono to ro|H'il those tli ■, onion.-o'. fast. I lio.v ai i gon. oi . . id!* t ion of l on g it* • t *.vl tors . n i-loontionisl A I , ■ . • nit at" tlio fidlowh , lal.oii at inn (loin from ili - oloout ioni ' of inert* than on ton • t wist or Si \ I hil'I. tin 1" SI ("It 1 Two III || I i ieil .. ,1 I'ml lm i t!iv*. Iltiuii lint's gn I : ;i | 11; vv hip Situ I; Imiii'.', Staphon S'i in g( i • t na i o(l -till. I tv i hick I v II na i > - Slio stood ai ilio rtooi of Mr Smith: fish a' ci • shop "'dinning him in St. I.oni tJloho It.-mn; i.,i Tho ! : I. a Russian loan i- pi inatlv mpial !*• mil ilio nation.d dol.i of Ilio I'llilod Sti'los. Sail oatlool. for pros per it i*n"t if We .have ..stnlU'S, Cal) • nets, t ;isi s, eliast s, perfor a tors; ifas eituine and all tile neeessatv-. Mppiirten ami's t<> jjo rij'ht In wmk. We happen to have this < >n account of placing two large olliccs. together, which has Imnight about a iluplicatc oI material. Il you are interested, eal I on or add reus THE LEADER PUBLISHING GO. 8LUEEIEL0, W. VA. '«•**,;' : ,;i. . -• * •£>. A, jgc, THE (T1ILLCR SUPPLY CO. —--AGENTS FOR Cameron Pumps. New York Belting &. Packing Erie Engine Works. 0 Boilers and Engines Ganedy Otto Mfg. Go., 1 Hazard Mi . Co. Forges- 8!owers cnd Drii,s t Wire Rope. Crucible Steel Co.. Black Diamond Tool Steel. McBeth. Mfg. Co., r .. D r. E. Myers & Bro.. .: j Victor and Canal Special Pumps Fuses, 8lc. Cyclone Drilling Co., ‘ ‘ ,;! [ ... Dod ic r.T'g. Od., Well and Blast Hole Drills Rv .oys, Shafting, Hanger Blast Hole Loaders Morley Bros., v The Lunkenheimer Co., Lumbering Tool*. Brass Goods. Valves. &c Rex Flintkotj, The Fairbanks Co.. Roofing. Valves, Pumps, &.c. Johns-Manville Co., .. « ^ Asbestos Rooting and Pipe New York Leather Belting Co . Covering And Many Others. % A Larjce Stock to Dr.'w ; noi. i At Our Bluefield Branch. ™E USA CALL! ! altamontT .. HOTEL.. | Opposite Passenger Depot. J. L. PATTON, Proprietor. I New, Modern, First-Class. I Long Experience Fits The Proprietor As A Delightful Entertainer of the Public. Every Attention Given To Guests. I Every Want Readily Supplied. Convenient To Business. I All The Homelike Comforts. I _a(t«iizimmiiiiiiiii4iiiil||||||||l|l||l|||||||t. iHiwnumtiimimimiuuuimiiiimiimn | BLUEFIELD INN j J By Myron Marsh. 5 =: —■■■■" :- :n | §: 'Pleasantly Situated Neai Passenger I><-pot 1 This Popular Mostlery is too well known to the Traveling Puhlk lor extended notice here. It is one of the Leading Holds ol tlu* City of Bluefield. | I >rinc < Ion Avenue, nevtr I nsscrujcL I )epol. Hiinniii»nninntmntnininininnnmni iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiifMti” ^——MMM iniiiMHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii .. }The Southern House, I Rate perhtns. Pvortntctov. Corner Princeton Avchue iiml Mercer Street. i-T Tas three larjjfe rooms newly I j JL JL furnished which can be 1 | rented by those who also desire 1 | table board. Call and look at the ! rooms or phone for further infor- ] I mation. ittiH'fioM I’hono No. 10 11. "II.X I II Issl I. is l»tt \|». Hi" llvoi Issue I* dead. Mr Hrv ■ 11111 elf h;i - topped talking a limit ll< Knows Hint th** Issue of iho hour I i lie restraint of monopoly find lit !<\ i^nl of the polity whltli t.' or lie few .11 the expense of the v n\ h\ s|H*rl;iI lenislnfIon .Norfolk I. inrlninrk i «; \»* oi ditm to fi roeeni dotlalon front j- the Iteneli In Conner titut. n man must m1io\ hi wife Hut did If ronlly need muv lognI intorforonto lo tmtnh ^ llih this fart'’ ...""HMiiuimiii III \«.l!\. Come into tin par lot. aid 11 e White house ehiefs t|,e ll.moenttle . rahhlta. I’ierimoTTt fml'pcndent Tile |Srr»b|ein of savag* Niagara KhIIs Is simple \|J that |, ip., v Is to make the rot pot a t ions who ate taking the water < .nr. ii |.,M I .ml !»"' *• i»' *he river again above the rails. Miss l/illian l! i ■ < * I de. i ion to stick to coined \ hereafi. i will nn dotlhtedl) hi* approved In aittie ixoph Who have lat.dy heard her sing.