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O7 V - ) Bluefield Daily ' VOL. l.'No. ins. l>lil KKIKLD. WKST ViRQlXl \. SUNDAY MORNINO, \l ill’ST 12 1:mn;. PRICK TWO CKNTS. This Is The Way They Generally Do Things. Republican Committee is Embroiled in Judicial Contest. l'ls<;|; \t III |, (IMIUJI.S OF ( OK 111 l*Tlo\ IN* MoN'ItOF roi \. TV.—W VmiMW 1.1 \ I S Till r. \ FUSION of TIIK SITI \TION. The meeting «if (In1 I'epultlicun ex eciitlve committee of Monroe count) {•t I'nlon last Saturday, August 4 tin m-<l out to Im» a noteworthy polltte n| event and was slmmli/.cd by the moat astonn<lIni’ clmrK*** of corrup tion emanating from prominent and life long republicans As Is goucrnll' known tills committee meeting was hold for the purpose of prescribing tin- date and the method of selecting delegates to represent Monroe count) In the Judicial convention yet to be tailed, which convention Is to nomi nate a republican candidate for Judge In this Circuit. The rival candidates, Judge H \ Kit?., the present incum I'cnt. and Hon. I. c. Ilerndon, bad hotli been In the count) for a week <>r more prior to the meeting, a number of friends were co-operating '.1th each and there was much swing ing around the circle in advance Judge llltz was called to lilucfbdd *>n Friday v Imperative official hitsl 1 '*SK. *»*>* Mr Herndon remained here dlrr-ctlng his lieutenants in portion. I'mi days* I In* sitimlion had been grow ing more and more boated, and the whispers that money wan being Im properly iih<hI grew louder, culmlnut iny at last in the naming of Individ na'.a and tin* direct charge front oth < r republicsas that they had “aohl out." In HO tub ruses* the alleged amounts* wore named and rlrciinudan < • s* given with reinai kalsle particular ity. When Saturday oainet not only wits ‘ vi'tv one of the 12 commitleenien tu Union, hut repuhlleanH from all "vor the county Hwnrnusd hither, tnk ne the most aggressive interest in the matter. Bui that was not nil C» lehrities front Mercer and MrI)ow • ■II **>itlilies put In nit appearance and were very much In evidence. Indeed, ■ ome of them had been busy In the county for several days nil for the purpose of winning favorable action from the committee. From McDow ell county in the interest of Mr. 'I- • udon i a me Circuit t’!i"l; \V. It. Payne, Judge Strothei of M< Dowel! ('rlrnlunl C'onrt> 10. I. Long, (.'hair man of the republican judicial com mltlee, ex-Attorney C.eneral K P Hucker, <’:*i»t It It. Smith and Mr. James Harvey (’hamhers, brother of the late Judge L L. Chambers. From Mercer county in the Interest of Judge Hitz Came A .1 Hearn, and Justice John A ChamheiK. The Ititz men from Monroe were disposed to resent the masterful and dominating activity of the visitors front Mellow <11 although admitting that all had some claim of influence with the Mon ms- people, except Circuit Clerk Payne and Judge Strother, who, they I f i• t wnni nil u i n, Yi ll> the two latter came was a dark, In scrutable mystery to mnnc others claimed they could solve |t. Ah 11 imp passed, the confidpnee of fho Kit*/ men who seem to have r • lied upon their admitted majority in the county. began io give way, and they denounced the influences fit work against them The committee met at 2:ftn In the afternoon, find the first round was 'Illicitly over It resulted In fii -u blood for Herndon. Statements are somewhat conflictin'-’’, hut we are reliably Informed that It was by n vote of * to that, the committee ordered district meetings to he held on Saturday, Sept H. for the purpo-ic of * lent Inn delegates to the judicial convention. This, we believe Is what Mr. Herndon wanted, t’nlon district wiil meet at fnlon and choose 2 del ".’.ifes Sweet Springs district at Pipe drove and choose 2 delegates, Second Crei l< fit 2 alrvlew schoolhouse j I ctmoM 2 delegates, Wolf Creek dls trie! if Wolf Creek, and choose 2 d< i.'gates, Springfield district at Hun t« r'« Springs anil select \\ delegates, and Hed Sttl|ihnr district at Mallard, and select ?, delegates The forego in./ lomprlse all of the vote cast fo* t over nor llawson as the basts of i« , r* sntnt jon . hut if tho vote cas* fur President ttoosovelt Is settled up Zar the basis ,,f representation then c county will tie entitled to on» mote delegate who will probably be (V e|, a* alrvlew school house and in It t < e adopted a rule requiring that candidates for delegate-at-large must In certified to Its chairman not later than |0 dfivs before the date set for ♦ uch district meetings. The committee furthermore made a precedent by go ton ' nt side Its own membership for ( Trent, making A. C. Nelson of Ah derson Chairman, and Geo. B. Mare, of vlderson, Secretary, neither of *vIt*Hit had heen elected to the i*om ■ii11(1*1* by th»* roti*rH July 7 lust. Itoiti \u*nh»* Nelson nod Bure an* rwiiK nlxed as active supporters of Mr. 5 le| ndon I* Is said 'the vole in the commit tee tt'iiH not a true t«*st of l he strength of Hit/, and Herndon, but we have nothing to verify this furl Inn than the absence from the committee of Mr <\ Is. Dunn, one of Jmlue Kite's staunchest supporters, which seems • o have been enforced by circum stances of a very extraordinary na ture— hut that Is another story told in another column. The adjournment or the commit tee was followed by a renewal of the charges ,,(■ corruption hurled back and forth by leading republicans of the county We have no personal knowledge whatever of the truth of tlese accusations, hut certain It is tha' members of the party which the committee claims to represen' ;*i.*l him* n stood on the street co- :i i . and openly declared that a big pro pott'ou of their committee In! void it One old gray-headed republican ■ v-*i red it was un effort "to buy tho franchlae of a people." Others asser ted that certain men had scarred themselves for life l" HOI mi l|R 10 in K«* l||) MU' elld gel iu »liIh controversy for either ono side or tin* other. hut if oven a frac tion of those criminations and ro 1'i‘iniimitioiiH nre Hue. it should awa ken unfeigned grief um) mortifica tion u the.breast or every good c*lVi *eu of the rotinty. No man llveth to himself ii ih! one party ran not in* cor mpted without injury to the whole h< d> of tin* lertorate and harm to society in genera] Whether the con dilious and practices alleged to exlsi here extend to other portions of the ••iicult we are not prepared to say. \*uoiik the Instances related in detail h.v rcpoh'icuiis of the heat standing in their party as Indicative of the methods i niployed |e the following Au emmissary of one of the candi dates for Judge, It is stated ap proached a certain member of the Ju dicial committee some weeks ago and said lie was in a position to net the committeeman $ luiju tf he would support ills friend for judge, hut added if the deal was made tin* com mit tei-man ought to give him $100 of — 1 — 1 'h»» money. The commlttccinau treated the proposition lightly and 'laughingly said It wus too early t«> fool with mirh matters. About two weeks Inter he again approached the I committeemao. Having he had a little further Information alnce their last 'alk and believed now that he could •0*1 hint $1. •tin out of a ileal pro v Id ill the latter would give him $:*0t) \galii the coiiimJttoeniHii sought (o wave hint aside, Haying there was I plenty of time vet. The eniinxun i lold him he was tired of trifling and would talk business to him Ilia' I he could pay him $3,000 for his help To ibis the committeeman told htn? { *hat he was not for sale. Ills visltot ■ I promptly raised the offer to $3,r>00 and the committeeman, getting hi ; da inlet up. replied, "your whole gain, hasn’t got money enough to hu\ mo 1'lnnlly the candidate's agent Held Ite had one last proposition to make, mid It was a cool ft.000 If1 fit committeeman would do what ! Was asked of hint And the latter, • *ii*liy aroused, answered that he I ad children at home and he didn’t impose, »f*cr lie was dead and ge:i« tltnl any-scoundrel should have an opportunity to tell them their father had over sold out.” This Is the substance of the sto , I’.v «h It is told by dozens of repiihlt ca ns. If true, the committee iiih4| deserves a harp and a crown and tlic j Viol hand front every honest mini. THE JUDICIAL CONTEST.! Wo publish quite an extended nr , li> from the Monroo Watrhniiin In I reference to the judicial con lent in j Monroe count y thla innruliiK- Kcud 'it mol yon will hpp wliat methods 1 mo holng reunited in Mm Jn llc.d Jd:»trlcl The voter should make a ••ole of these thins* nnd dlpcounlance hucJ. unworthy rhlcnnary at th. |»o11h Wo wive It to our readers as a mat ter of fact for them to consider. Up mouther tlieae things and do not for I we* KOod people. A nuhher of our county people ip in the elty yeaterday attending i ie iH/rnocrnfic Con vent ion. SHOOTING AFFRAY ON DRY FORK. CIRCUS ■NillV ItOltlNHON IIKICi: \l<.I HI i WMNTV-I'IITII. Tin* inoiloin circus has about |t nothing debasing. Mankind has al ways held physical achievement in high esteem; Ha heroes are those who havo done something notable. FlKpec'lally la Miniate, and the dis play of leadership on lhi* baltie hold. hold In *ho highest osteoma. The military horn stands on the pop ular roll of faun* Physical prowess delights the average man; and in the athlotlo exhibitions of the rlreus, the racing, the display of oonsiiimnalo iiorseinanahip, and so on, which are the leading features of a circus, nearly every one, young and old takes pleasure and a pleasure that |s most . ort a Inly innocent. Within the print half-century or ho, the circus in Atnorh-tin has moved to a mnrh higher plane than It evei before omipled The exhibitions are unobjectionable on the wore of mo rality; flu* comfort and couvenl •nrc of spectators are carefully con wrved; there is no more four of meet ing Insult or (Unagreeable Incidents than there Ib in attending a lecttire or i theatrical performance. Ab h result, the old-time prejndlrc agalnat a rirnm as a proper amtise ment for all <lasses, ages and s««xe* in rapldjv disappearing. The love of diversion and harmleHB amtiBoment for all classes, ages and sexes Ib In born In man To forbid them In to turn counter to human nature. The Creator would not have implanted thin desire for amusement In man kind were It detrimental. III. t Nil MTItP.KT MI.THOIUST t oNlCl t. \TIOV Al. services held at Christ F’plsro pal (hurt h, Taxeweil street l unday school at 2 p. rn W C I rutin* r, Supt. r reaching at the Manilla School house. South Minefield, 1 I a m The public cordially Invited to these service* 'I 'ie Bishop of West Virginia will u « the church at the evening hour, and we will not have I he usual aer vice for our congregation at x p. m J. A. BAYLOR, Pastor. J. B. McCLURE ELECTED vi:w PitistiPAL koi< (jkaiiam COLliKfiK !S i: \ T hkhsion. At a meeting of tin* Hoard <*r Trimteea f»r Orahafn College held v«i‘terdiiyt the resignation of Prof •t M Oroever ns principal wna ac cepted, and Prof. .( M McClure, who I.«h l,u*i: connected with tlir- mile®', j f°r *•*•«’ past two >(,*»;', was elecled i • o lilt the vacancy I’rof. Mcf’lui<•*:• | n an> ;• lemla throughout thin station ; will he f.'nd to hoar of hla well- ! mi net promotion, ;ih he has worked* .'.ilthfully fof the college dining Its struggle for recognition, and It It j ••mlnently Piling that he should he < s< h'i i< <1 to '•apt i intend Ita ftif urt fit#'’ th. Prof Vc.Mtire l»* n native ot 1 Kentucky, * ml ha i a wide reputni p I ■h an ‘it ileal or through this se«*|», j •le was foi evt ral years principal I j of 1*0 f» honh at Hram.vell, and an ' i lit * rector In the Weat Virginia State Normal Schoola. We wish for the school during th* coming Herndon a greater degree <»f pioaperlty than It has ever enjoyed In tie past, and we are confident of Prof. Mettime's ahilily to run II in i a manner that will be a credit to this M'GRAW TO ENTER TAIN MR. BRYAN.! Orafton, W Vn., Aug. 11.— John ! T McOrnw, member of the National j Democratic rommllbN) for West VIr- | urlilia, and >i mpinlifr of the kmicidI committee to the reception to b# ac* corded William Jennings flryan at | Madison Snnare Oarden, N. Y., ban | received a letter from Mr. Hrvan. In which he accept* Mr. McOraw's Invi tation to he hi* guest for several days »t hl» summer cottage at Deer Park. Md The Nebraskan will probably ' tie es< orted to thnt point liy West Vtr- { Klnlans who will attend the New York reception Thev have already heen i appointed by Mr McOraw Mr Hrv I an was a guest of Mr. McOraw at , Iteer Park, during his four of Went Virginia In 1900. There will he no celebration during Mr. Bryan's stay at Deer Park, the distinguished vis- j Uor* preferring the rest. LET DEIEGATAS ALL ATTEND. The Convention at Princeton and Inaugurate Reform on the 18th DEMOCRATIC MMTItHT E'OWKXTIOV IM \1 I'l.l KKIKI.II, .%I Ill'll. I t> Han Ison mill'd im>eMng |n **■ «!•*»• and slated Its purpo and i.mned W. II Thomas Tei.ipoiarx cl.eir iiiaii mid F. \l |'i>lor* t, uipn i.>»-v h itcIhi v Tnnt|M)rHry orictnl/< lion ttiiK made permanent. <'n iiiotlon of F. J. Hrowi, v coin consist In* of I'. .1. ltrown D !' Ki cneh, F. M Peters „ ml p n H.'.« ev, whs named by the ehdrniun to il« l antes lo ltu> t. ,, '**»», who i ported the foil.twin;; do • i.; :«• wore accepted i,\ th„ convi>nt ion to-wit tt. L. Halley, l). M Easley, p s Hrow 11, \v H Thomas. it M c>ilf«>o, / 'V. A’i« «kcti, N|« t i»,."ii >1 * V, A. II I .it ml, I*. ,1 Kelley, A s Hooker, C\ W. \kers It II Halley, H. n. Shelton, F. \\. n. Poatleth wnlto, .f. K.. Crockett. .1 11 Moyers, t). c. Jenkins, A l.vmh, \ O. MrCue, Thos. E. I'ogri y. «’ it Hell K. II. Easley,'O. 0'l,*r\. F M IV tern, 1>. K. French, O. Wright. w. I Wlnsett, A. If Carr. C \ Halley, *' 1’’ Francis, .1 D. [Harrison, 1,. a l>«inii. T. B. Clamor,'H. W. C'nbheKO, C. .1 Klnfci John Ftolierta, If. u. Kills, A It Thompson. \V r p»«r klns, C A. Kill wider, \V. II St Clnlr 1 A. (’ampin'll, CJeo, K Halo, !•' |, A. Wilson, ,1 T Tfcornton. \\ R M«*Art«»r, I* S IIIkkIiiIioIlimn, \\ s Crookett, .1. S Mnstln, i; m m,Cii1 loch, (> .1 Kills, II K. Slili. y, R T. Spencer, W. II. Coffman. Win. II Thompson. KrIIII HrIIov, th>n. R. < a Id well. Henry llnllo.v, Jos Heiher Intlon. Harry (I Whim, T. II Whim, •fohn CiiIIIiik. I* D. DINette, s. II lolllffo. <; I, Dillard. II H Tlmiii|i son John Hurborle, Mallard Wilson, J. W Hester, Andy Ooft. Charley Ter IJiis k. || Shrader, Jas. C David son. V. in Harry, Tas Perdue Hold Turrr*., It. R. Thomas J. u Cal Top. .1 II. Ilardv, W ll . isivlnic. D (*. ■ l<lns was noi->inali .| f i I * ■ osldoiif of Kd lira I ton and T II. Hooker for member of Hoard M H Post lei hwnlle was nominated for Constable, and I'. M Holers foi r-ommitteoman from Heaver Pond I dst riot. Convention ad jour nod. — Gary Played Well But Got Beaten. HOOSIERS LAUGH AT ANTI KISSING RULES Indlanopolla. Auk II ludlnnopo IIh dim! Indiana generally are laugh !uk sit and qiil/riug tin* state iu»ui«l of II nltli today. Tn hloek rnnutim i*lIon, * uln'ri'iiIokIm and lut'l|»t«*nf miuh «*f the white pl.tkhi* the board IIiImKh that Kissing ahnuld In* atopp **d. Kittling on tin* month la particular ly object iounble, and in a Hot of "rules for school children" the hoard Hponka espcenily «*r tlu» klralng Imhlt. Do not Ivias any one on the month or allow auvhod> to do ho to you." tho rules say. In tin* opinion of tho hoard tin* gonna of consumption may oaally in* com muni rated In this wav and it la suggested tluit not only children, Imt grown people may well do away with Up* imhlt of UiaaliiK each other on tin* mouth when they meet In the at reel or In tin* home \moiiK other BiiKKostlona to achool children are tin* following: Do not put vonr flu Rem In your month: do not wet your flimera in vonr month when turnlnK the leaven of hooke; do not put pencils Ip your mouth or wet them with your lips; do not hold money In yoni month: do iioi put plp?t ip your mouth; <|<> not imt nuythtuK In your mouth oxoopt hioil :iipi drink: «!o pot swap npplo «nroH, rnnitv, .how-lim gum. hnlf*oat on food whist Ins, heap hluwors or anything flint Is put |,i iho month: pool fruit or wash |t hoforo eating |l . iiovor I'liuith or hiioozo in a person's hue turn your faro to ono side or hold a hnndltfrohlnf before your mouth; keep vour faoo and hands ■Mid linger nails eloan; wash voiii hands with aonp Nnd wator hofuro on« h iiioiiI : whi'ii yon don't fool woll l»»vo "it yourHcdf or havo ... hurt h.v othoi'H, do not ho afraid to ropoi i to tin* tonolior; loarn to lovo frosh nlr and loarn to breathe doojdy, and do It often.” Kditor II K Mansell, tlf l.ohanon, N'» . loft this morning lor Ills homo Ills oxoollont who Is still horo with Imr |iiirouts for l ho prosonl hut will soup leave for hor Virginia homo. QUITS CHEWING AFTER 81 YEARS I " - Wluthrnp, Mo, Aiir II I'.llns M Claik Ii.ih decided I«* «11111 iIiowIiik to harm after elKhtv-ono yours of tho habit Hi* wan ninety five yi*m s oi am* TuoNitay, and to rolpbrntt tin* event railed together hi** rrlundn with lh»* aimonneoniotit that hr* Intended I to sign n pledge |irov<*d to ho his I doilarallon that In* will no longer UMo lohm eo Mttrh ceremony attonilfd tin* dot la t at Ion. and Ills tow iiKpoople, nmii) of whom won* present' me now wager on how long ho will hoop his pledge Odds arc that ho will, though after tin* Hint fow hours Clark ml •fitted ilion* was something ho min tod OOVRNMF.NT WIJ.I. MAKE EXHIBIT " % WiiHliliiKtnn, Aim. I 1 The kov *** "iiii'iii exhibit nI tl»«* .1 atnestowii ICxpoHltlon will rover 70,000 h<| u me itM'i of apace TIiIh compares very fncoiTiiiiv with Mm* exhibit made »t I • i1 f I ii nil (itxl In which 70,000 Hqum-c i«m«i wmh iitlltxod Thin, or course, does not Include Mn> Hcpernte oxhl liltH in in* made by Mu* life Nnvlhr <1 <* part incut Tin* Kovcrmiii'nl Iiohi'iI will determine nothing dcllnltc re KimlliiK tin* IiuIIiIIiikh unit exhibits until the return «>f \uslHlnnt Hecn* turv of the Treasury FMwiihIh, on Monday. BISHOP PETERKIN IN BLUEFIELD. Itlshop Peterkln Ik to occupy tli<* 10IIIHropill pulpit In Mile city IoiiIkIiI PoIIowIiih are IiIh future nppolnl i uictitH in Mils sect ion : \ti|f I It Mi Mora Cnmu Crock, at n in A up IMIi Hi til I till) I 7th I 0th 20th lOllihorn, N p. in Mary, R p. in Iflek mini t'anther, s p m Welch, s p ni. Itraiuwell, i i ii in All peihoiik are conliallj Invited to (it tend t bene Her \ h i .*. But Graham Had to Root Hard. \ M\l IIVMK nr lt\KF » t mi rmvrit—w intikist I N«J <• \ 'll; I IK»M ST \HT To I I \ ISII. On yt'niorndv nl tbo Tnwor nroundn i OiHlinm took llnry Into ramp In a I T»nio ih:ii wan Honor mill ntoro ox , r*< Inr. tlmn Friday’. aim* hctwcon iUrnlmm nml niuuflold. Tho iniRe row,| i.r rootorn won* treat oil to n "vl.lltlilon of Ilio imtlonnl amito (lint Mn r«roly. If over, mtrpnimod Have In • l*o largor Ionic non. TIio amno wna n pltchor'ii r:inio •Ton* t*«*Kl«iiliiR to oiul and MoOluro. of Himhlim, |iltr|ioil llio boat riiiiio Hot lina «*vor boon pltohod In tliIh k<‘i Hon. I union wont in to do tbo llwlrllng for Uinhnin, altlimiRh nuf i'oiIiim: from an*. Injury to bln nldo \t Ho* olid of tbo Hivoud InnltiR ha wiim oonipolloil in lonvo lilt* nniiio, Mol’liiro tnklnp. IiIh pbo o. in tbo two 'inlny Hint ho pltoliod I union did lino work, iiHowlin', no liltH and trlkliiK out two man 11111 opo (Jury mini ri-iobod Hi t durliiR tho two Ini'lniv' ib it ln"lo i pltoliod, iind af lor Mi <'Inn \* oni Into tin* box only ■>no Uni - It’ r -n i' It i *d noi-ond Thin !oi,i |\ ouo w i "lllg .loo," who, In tbo illib I it it I it t' noon rod n I wo ImR "< r. Hut "llli, .loo" lookod no loiody on tbo n<-ooui| in I, iliiil Mb linei wan ‘•'ill In to inn foi him Mbdinor bold lb*> m;i< k Hr in 1 > In itn piano wlillo ,\n i iiii'u truck mil i lii «•«< men, f*»— IfriiliiK tin side Ami llii'ii nynln In li'n M'ventli (In' little Ora Iih in I'vlrli't Hindi' III rim of them |ii\ down • Ic* nil. k ami narrowfully no in • • *;»ri li of oilier wmli|t-i to i'oni|iior lint (iialinm Inul not |o I an> of IIiomo oilier world!, no |t‘n a rlneli Hint (lary found none In llm Hevon Inntnyn Hint lie |dlelied Mil’I life MlriieU out fourteen men, an average of two for "ncli Innlnr he |dtehei|, and here let It he i',elill> whlnpered that the only lone lilt that (lary Heeured diirillK i In* nine Innint'« wan '' 1 (Ik Joa'a” I wo hugger of the 11 f l li Innlnr (Si ahaiu'K two bciiii'H were made In the Heventh Innlnr, and one In Hie ■ •!fthth In the seventh Taylor, (Ira hini’H clever aliorl sdop, demountra• led that there yvan no hole In hln hat hy putting the hoi e hide over the leliee for tlll'ee idatlonfl, Morlllg on deele' hot drive to Mlrhimr, who ininlde lie hall In the eighth I,eon aid look Hint on a hit, stole Heeniid, and tamed tin \V Iti nmllold’n hIuhIi Ing • wo haKK»r The hattIny: lionom of the game go <o W Itruinfield who has throe two* hai'i't i to Id’ eretlll. 'lay lor In next with a dnyle and a three hugger lamiard hat two situ;,let. (<i hln rreil II ami W'it I• • t» and McClure each f e rried a Mjtiyle. There were hut ttiret> « itoi'M inmle during the game, which win' a lif t clawr exhllilllnn all dm '«t v through Tin* catching of Wlt t*11 for <li a ha lit w an HrHt eliiHH in every way not all error lining recovered aealli t him AnderHOn demount rated that lie I ni w the r ime hy umpiring In a manner that gave ullxfuction t*i all Follow I nr we rive the lineup of tlii* team, and Nummary of tie '1 vIt V I'otdtlon. I h OII/IIIAV W III nmfield ■I Itilitoii, ( 'll IIIIIII fell I! Ill Taylor W hrunilleld. Tell W \ Will la in ;• h Ml* her, hh (1 Will «»n .1 h Met 'I. T . vli.r 't ■ 11 < I *■' r. Sayri a 0 f M Mi itnmf)•• Id I IIJtlfH Mi-<' I ii 1<■ i.fomu il Witten • on,< Hr • n <•11111 |> I f < * t I I (till loti Hill'll*. Mil <• lliii Leonard, 2, McClure, T: i r .irid VVMtffl Two M.'n'i'i i ■!, VV. Ilriimflcld, 3, sll \ I OK ■ loll.II M.o I Ml rim I 2, Taylor, .-ii i-|i* It; Leonard Vnri|i»r Mh on M lh i iff liit'li1'!, none; off M. Cliiri- I , off S;ivr«• I llii In |• 111 li«>i| hull Steele Kiroi ( iiiiiiliii'liftm, Mlcln r mill W \ Wilson* HIrii<-k out h> McClure | \ ; by In Ue« 2 ; by Stt> re | | l'tnplrr* \ iidnrHon. FIFFORT TO STIR UP A WAR. Sim I 1,1111 Is. o, \ur I | I’ll#. 1 ' ll! 'I"|;it I'll llli-'hl'fl ;i '.'tis.ll iollHl HtOl v to (hi1 I'ffi'i I tlint th. (•••«•• • nt disturbance mil i<;.oii of \ nifiii jin out hi • it k on Hu* Mi■ xli :i»t bonier wu clto a Kj. *r»nttc- plot to wtli up war lirttvoon Mexico Hint Ibe I'mli il Slates New |tort News |h to have a news** , paper to be called the Independent. IMfMKSTM1 TltOI It I.HM ItltlNOH INTO I'l.W THK w ini m sri<:ri. I ?:<*«. I lartiijin, or Dry Fork, IiihI nlylil nt y • IT. o'rloi K shot with >i *v i>< Iicmi r rlfl#* liih on In-luw, Mor ris ' itniiH'ii, i|i»* lull entering JnHt In iov% III#* ear nnd coming out on the olImr kIcIi* of tlo* load Tin* woiind<‘(l man wan hmuglit *" Hi#* VVel«-h llos liltiil on No I *» lodiy and in in n critical condition and In not expected to Hvh The shootin originated from dotni'Hlir affair and na rrflHti'd mil aide ruble ••x#"il**ni«-n’ i i that vicinity. llurinan is mffrn i#'d to in* n #|i*Hp#*- j rate innn when ... nnd flint he linn killed fiili«* in at during ills ni refr Thf llrlulii I. lit Khow wan in' progiea* at tin- linn of thf shooting! and created > onsi ei n ■ t Ion among I In* people, during v- Ill'll i*no* Hannan! nimli* Ills i*h<;i|m and If |h now he ll#*v**#l that In* will it#* h har#l man lo r*n |»1 it if More ironhlp In expected iitol will hf Hin** i#i mine BILL TO PREVENT IMITATION ELKS \TM\TI, <.\ . t»iII. \ Mil **im« Infrod'teed in He* ^‘nuti’ la do aJ&tied to put tin Kit Xfrlrnn Irnlta toil' mil of IimsIim in -<hort nfdiT In llilM Mini*’. TIM ni<• ii«' M-eka ta make II ;» nilKili'Dii'iinm for inv pfM'von not h morn her of ftir* l!« n< vo|* nt and I’ro feetlve Onli-i »> Kli Km t or rot I Oi i der of Kafrle*. KiiIkI'' of |’\fhla«, Odd Fellowa oi XihI' h* Frdo find \< < opted NIhmihh io u < 11 .my InKlKiiln of , .•'.ilil oi hhmI/)iI lorn 'I • rlmitfo wliloh la I oilovod to !m .iimcd »t eertaln ! m-pro notlelHi which nominate lliemaolvoa "Rika" tlmi "no de will ho allowed in any prose fitlon, that itie H'ln-ed la n member of nr v organization oilier than thoae f >«‘< lfl'-d wliii li hud adopted an In flsnl* .<• |ta own Tlie Klka In many ifeefIon* of the iniiniiy have gone Into eourt with In jam Mona to pro vent negro Rika from wearing the rem.’af Ion Inalgnla and f»» prevent ti in from iialntr any rltnii v->• f< h may l « the an me aa the white Ordei 'l*‘ f Mattie Iteeker returned ln«*t night after aporidlng avveral daya In Roanoke. NEITHER DAVIS TO BE CANDIDATE. Keyset-, auk. I I Neither t'ol 'I' M I>a vis nor liis brother lion. ||on iv (I Davis, w ill consent to he a run rthlHte for congress In tile second «||h triri tills fall. Col. Davis adheres to IiIh del «>i in I mi I Ion to withdraw' at the • • *|»IrnI Ion of bin presellt tertn.lltldex Henatoi Davi turns n deaf enr to the ImportunltleH of Ills personal and po lllleal ft lends II l> believed, however, that lion floury (2 DhvIh may be ptrvulled up on ti» make the rare In I't'iS foi gov ■ i nor of the st.-ite w hich lie lint; done o much to develop He Is rnmlllHr with Its resources. Its possibilities, rind Its needs arid he Is looked upon In in tins • « the strongest candidate I lie parts could Holed BOURKE COCHRAN SERIOUSLY ILL. Han Francisco, Cal Aug I I News comes from l.uke Tahoe that I ton i k e Cockrn II Is serlourly III or heart r,allure A short Mine atm Mr Cock ran b n here ror Tahoe w ith a party, one member or which was Miss Annie Ido, the daughter or the former Coventor Honor.a| of the I'hll lpplne«, to whom he Ik betrothed I'rincciiatoirP'd exercises |r, the high altitude in which the lake la situated brought tm dangerous cardiac W'enk lie is to whb’h f’ockrnn has long heen subject Ills phvsbians fear complications, which mttv prove dangerous, a he I lift two ye.fCH obi, and not In a good phvsb Ini condition Mias Ido remain at the patient's side and nurses him with the prented care No effort was made to lynch Jessie Pit/Herald mid Annie Henson, Hie n< gro murderers of Mrs Hotter) Broughton, when they arrived in llsrboui vlllo yesterday under the protection of troops Immense crowd gathered at ’trcef corners as the prisoners passed on tlieii wa> to the tall It Is thought lynching mn\ be attempted In <nse a verdict of death Is not ranched In n short time Attention Is directed to the circus ad. this morning. BLOODY DAYS IN FAYETTE i m i: ri oi'i i: m \ \ |.; m tv 1*1, \c. r • tiii: r. \its m \nc i:i» u rni mi isi»i:i:. I-’H >•♦•» I«-v 111«- W. \’a # Ann || v#»n people ehargod with nnmhi are now In llu* county lull I’lvc m| •liom r<’H|iMiiKiiii«> foi ii,<. linn(it or loin people, worn placed there with In ;i week. Another for whom a re ward of $ I Oo |m ofl'-n il Is expected lo •»o liroughl In iinv day Three of the lioinli ||||“. 01-1*1111 I'll I Ills We |{ Al T’li ii tin ii nil Slit 111 liny night I,oo Uollin, ii rnlIn»nii man wan shot l,\ Will Collins i young l(u*h Hun min Ml. Till* llllllllll* Kill rll-tl lit || |||l*| I \ I go round Walter linden wan with I Colllnn ami they hail ii llltle -ciiHle with It'ilan an<l niiot her railroad man Ihilnii lilt Collins In I to* head with a hoi He knocking him down Collin • hen hetfim iin* shooting Imlan died at M< Kendreo hospital Sattirdn> night Sipilre Station held Collin and IlMaden on a charge of eon iplrm v and murder Hern line he l*l;iv fully r«■ nir<v«■<I hli frlond'ti hut and placed |i on lil own li'Tol, (loorpe Linn: of Ml Cnrhon win’ ahof nml killed at flu* Spoil h;< loon on \miniioni' Creek hint Wed ii< mI i\ nli'li* III* clnver w» Penn i ft old n The men were the bext of 1 friends Hoth were drunk l.nnjr wic atiol In the bren*<i und dli'd three j hoiil* after In- wan Mhol Koldn riin i from Iho saloon after tin- shootlnr •»i ■ * I v^r mu f«d Min next dn\ ni flniiloy Jiinetlons t»\ officers Mom nnd Hoiilnhv, while h<> tvnx w;• ifInr for n fin In. Kqunre Mavis hold him lo answer >i charm- of rii'irdm nnd h<> In now In lull Tin dead man wim a •on of Mavld Main; and wan about 2'\ yonr* old l.i/zie Johnston, colored of S< Ih charged with the murder of her infant < hlid .1 W McCorkle, ro|n* • nlliir *ln HoBfinki' World w in to «*■*• n on yesterday and report that Journal I* In an excellent condition and flourish I ok in every way. The World will soon move Into new quarter* and add new nnd fast prtbften to U* equipment. ,