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Bluefield Daily Leader. nv niK run LIUDHR PUM.ISHINCJ COMPANY. I NO»K»*' »KATKI». “Kutsred hi Heroin) i'Inhm iuHtt*,r April X,” 1906, at tlm post olllce at lilueflold, W a., under h< l of <’•> iiko-hs of March 3. 1X79” UNOKK rilK >1 ANAfiliMKNr OK - TllOS. I i. (lAKNKH I ’uldislicd Kvery Day in lie Year Kxrept Monday. In»ur Dollars a Year. 'Two Cents a Copy. ttushmss Ufficet aland StrtiHt, Ni xt lltmr tu Pusluttlce. Dim 1) Id lelcplione No. Advertising Kate Mil Kt mi V pplication Rates Reasonable West Virginia i mac to the lltlls, I lie I .and ui Prosperity sad Ol West Virginia, Where Plenty. I las the Ore.i test .Nature Lavishes Her Natural Resource- m the ‘•reatest World. '*i/ts l lie (ire.i test Amoa^ all «*( ih'* si « \ nio<| Resources is the Poop; hoatas ( mil Fields of ilns \ icimty Mrs Carrie NaHou aiinoiirn ill slie will lil»* suit again'i Wtllhiin l.o eb. I lie President's secietary. fin ii suits offered to her I tit In Whit House. .1. M. Calhoun v»ho \\ as | • . I;,, commissioner to Venezuela for l'r« i <1 «*n t Uoosevclt and whose repot showed the general dcviltrv of tin Asphalt Trust, was in Wa diiugton short tinin ago evidently trylug t" discover why his report on the \ phalt trust has I.. uppr. s, .| The present condition of \rl zntlla oil the joint statehood epic tjoe shows that there are limit to tin president’s porsonnl influent e Hi letter advertislug Arizona to conn* in "tth New Mexico 1ms seemed to count for nothing. The territory Is solid for single-hiesscdness. It Is stated In the news from Puna nia that tin* series of heavy rains in •luly lia\>* hampered the work of sail Hation in Colon and that condition' today are worse than ever before. N. wonder the Canal coinmlsslon with its $ I n,unit u y ear secretary Mud it necessary to stay in N w York until Hie rainy ■ a mi is over Meauw’hlli tin* money (lies but not much dirt. The Canadian Government to prr \*m 11«• • dumping of \merlcun Trust products, especially those of the Steel Trust, has increased the tariff dut\ oil any ptodm t sold cheaper there than in the* country from which it ! exported Yet tin* Kepubllrims lisiv. be.-n ti ing to make the voters i be lieve our trust products are not F-old cheaper abroad than at borne \ ■ * many I-".*«1 • • r• i! otlie nr feeling ■ ,t after all. it will t, just their 111. ■ # i! !*i l.-nt Roosevelt does not i . ft»• • a thl-d term, 01 if lx* did i v. .'uiul.i iif defeated A gn.»il many too feel that the coun try would go to the delimit ion how wows, if their services were «]i a»-used with. Hut it i- if., to a> the l'nlted States would still 1..• on the map If the <; O. I’, was out of distance. The people of T*'\ have unani mously renominated Senator Hailey for another term in the r s Senate and his action will lie endorsed by his election by the Democrats when tile legislature meets. it |j a great triumph for Senator Kallov, who had enemies within and without his state and his election will ho welcomed hy Democrats every where, as they re gard him as a champion to expose and denounce ft public .n abuses and corruption. What may expec t t.> get from 'rotary Root's expensive trip on a arship to tho republic' to thn South of us?'s have the expense bill and the credits if there are any. Of course, the war vessel for the Root trip, and perhaps the sipht of her may encourage* some of those roun tries to "pay up nnd look pleasant'*' and hew ire of tho other hig sticks *hat could be sept on a more un friendly on nil I NNh-'i* i ! ■ • i • j > > thought that $t sub-( Ipt loll I I.IIJ Was Uo( kef**lli-| , Mor- | in, ilan ..iin' (iouhl, Vanderbuilt, I iiiov, r and all the rust of the big it* bib am now know Just what Is • i• «1 of He iu puhliry and w*l • i n l it' 1 wh«'n th«‘ campaign fund "ib 'tin i nines mound how big a ‘ k i. • \i • it'll riii re is more than ui" wm of fooling the people. I'"t Hi"! <'ongressmun Hitchcock. 1 • '* 11 hi nominated and probably " I trim tin. Omaha district • 1 he larirt i: ue in the World :sn long as the |{epublluan • and nonsor for this intn ii" i • iid ni"nniii«'iiinl graft all its • rm p "ten ions are »s a tinkling Ho you hear thatt Mr UooHevfit ? ___ i Will Hie tneichuiit wlm is w ise eve" ease to advertise? Ves when the1 " • a,row iipslili. down- when tli<• ! icggar w-.o-s a frown; when lee on H i sun, when tin* sparrow • if l', i •-! w he i gold dollars gel ' 1 • *i• •:i when tin* women secrets ■'T when a fish forgets to swim; i "ii s ii •.i .dims a hymn; when girl ; 0 hack «• mint; when the small hov mils a drum; when no politician v hen mi lire pies makes d* s;,nt it a am Its fun to i" when nil lawyers toll i‘n cold water makes 11 dr till wh'-n you Jove to smell lunk w in ii ih, driiniiner has to lass when these tilings all eotne " pt* - 'hen men that’s wise will .elect to advertise. Exchange. The Philippine currency is again lld.-r di. ' uvslon m consequence of a 1 in th" Mi.*, of silver, which has >*d to the withdrawal of the silver] •< so from ( Irenlaflon Our itopiih h hi -dalesmen seem utterly unable o leg slate on Philippine matters, iiher on the money ipiostlou or on lie tariff Why not give the Flli .1 no a square deal. \ brick irust wllii fourteen plants as been organized In the central and Veatern states and will Jump up rice to liu-rensc their alre:,d\ large ■i oflta. The enffln and cradle trusts ro still doing business ut the old 'ands and all are protected ip plun '■•ring the people through ih« lurlfT ’ bieli fosters them Vet thcKpptllc icaus have determined to continue o stand pat. That a until like llnrrlman lives, moves n ml has Ids ail gust being in another sphere altogether above our Unit** ( iiisrionsne -' is the royal ilo< trim* preached to the Wells-f'ai go stockholder* by William N'elxon, Cromwell, flam man's eounxel Mr I Cromwell’s sentiments ought not to he missed by itie minority stockhold ers because, possihly, their Idea of I llarrluian hud not h«*on <o exulted, j Mr Cromwell is quoted hk saving at I • ho Wells-Fargo meeting in defense of the piesent. management The express business lives by fa vors. It is entirely dependent upon its railroad eonuectlons There Ik only one man (Hat riman) to l»e thanked for what the company has gained through the favor of the rail roads. It is not mu the business acu men of |is officers, hut In Ills wonder ful executive genius on which the stockholders must rely if the pros perity of .In- company is to continue lie cannot be replaced for he moves in a higher world Into which we nia> not enter The ‘'hither world" theory has been in the air for some tim** The big Insurance presidents prae'lcod If for the beca lit of t he p lteyholder and Mr. Iliei once ..lebrated utterance to It for the benefit of tin miners. \nd Imre |i comes rigger* out for *h<! benefit of the mimuit stockholders of an express compnn with an excessive surplus, {evident ly the theory may In universally ap plied without much effort by ingeni ous miml Sprlngfieid Republican. WATCHING THE RED PERIL 1 It Is all well and good to laugh at the recurrent |>ronnnclamontos of the kaiser and smile indulgently at his <>er»*ional vigorous decim al ions r »rt corning European affairs, hut there is a vast amount of sober sense in his latest statement that it is not so much the yellow 1 til as it is the red peril that Europe Inis to fear. Anarchism, despite the rigid es pionage of an imi)) of European spies and (leiectlves. has grown rapidly within tin* past io years The pres ent revolution in Russia will soon spread new host ol it apostle all over the continent and the power or this r "1 terror will he multiplied more rapidly within the five than in all the preceding years. The life of no ruler of Europe can be regarded as safe to-day, a fact that lends im mense weight to the I aiser's words. In the country the propaganda of i asslnation is undoubtedly growing, t .s finding new recruits every eta; j ttuoi- the ignorant, or criminal, or mentally unh lanced element of the vast ilia s oi immigrants entering our :it* s Tins land must not become 'tun a lendczvous or an esylnm for The m itderei's and king killers of E nop'1. Hrescia mutnied his plot of minder here, and It looks as if unoth • i of his kind had been apprehended ' only » few days ago with dynamite in j his possession as he was about to i hoard a steamer for Italy The words ! of Emperor William are applicable1 to this country as well as to Europe. I I 'm yellow peril will take care ol It •'•lf rile red peril needs constant I watching Philadelphia public |,od-j ger J lie* lloreiitine section of the Amei I i<an Nun League lias sent a silk ■ nurii to Ho American torpedohnut The Wilkes was Iasi report ed to tie at Norfolk Va THE NINTH DISTRICT. The i-dempt|on of the Ninth Con KiwHHiomil Distil* t is a political object dear t*< every democratic heart 1n \ irginia Mr. Hlonip. the present represent «11\the only republican in 'he tn»o's delegation, jK a native of strong personality, who has built m> a compact otganlxatlou and swayed It so f:u to Ids will, hut not without •nucndei ing resentment* In the rank • »f his own party. They nre not wanting aide and popular men to champion the cause of democracy iu the south west, hut, for some reason, rot pin I ii l\ diseernlblp at this <lls 'slice. the most conspicuously suit aide aiii'icg »In■ in Reem reluctant to enter the rac* Former Attorney (letiernl UiD \. Ayers is in char ec.ter and eudownments on*- of the foremost living sons *if th** Old Do minion, with a record of public and party service which would ensure *«n thusiastic npport should he allow Hu» us*- *»f his name. Mr. Honry Stuart n«i \ of the corporation com mission would also command milt.'- t domoci itir following and draw from tho opposition forces, but he. too, ms so far ovuded solicitation to he ;* andldatc Hither *»f these t-eutlemcii • • i!d ako an Ideal nominee, and dth'*r o il"tn wouhl reflect honor >ii the d i ii**t and state if elected, ’a expp - ng tii*. |io]i*-h that on*» of them m i" induced to challenge the supremacy of Mr. Slemp in tliu -t ronghnld h* claims li<- lins, lids pn '.er b not idind to the fact that the field o at i t uctory choice includes -»"ch ia1111c11 and Inestimable derso *• ats Hu* liannn, Irvine, <)rr and Tyler Tie- convention will meet Au gust l'-tli, a ml wo shall look to It vlth cinliden«-e for the soloellon <*f the most worthy standard-h*sirer then ivallid'h- I Im- uiicertnlnty which at tends tic contest slioubl. and n«i louht will inspiri' our party friends to greab-r exertion to win, and the democrat upon whom the choice <>i the 1-onvetithM) shall fall should milk*1 siicrllli* if rn-ed be to answer th* call of th> people. Virginia Flint NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. or rmi’.Ki. tiiio i>km<m i:\ts WIU, < \ltKV THE Old) »| || VIKOIM.Y lllSTIlirr. Every tiling indicates that the dem ocrats will carry the old Virginia !>th district easily, if proper effort is made, and it looks now that the en thusiasm and confidence of 11; p;it\ in that district Is growing ail (lie • line. A good man and through can vass is all that is necessary to retire Mr Slemp llis own record and the record of his party will guarantee his defeat f properly put before Hie people. Let our democratic neighbors get to work, make a determined ef 1**1 t explain tile situation to the peo ple. and victory will lie won. THAT WILL MOVE HIM. Hulldoze is the most stoical man I evei knew. There’s only one thing in the world that will move him.” 'WIint’B that?” Fite honk of an automobile.” THE REAL QUESTION. AVImf do you Intend to do with • our automobile?” l hat doesn't concern me,” an swer- d the nervous man. “The «|ii.<s tion is. "What Is the automobile go ing to do with me?” Flat Top National Bank OF BLUEFIELD WEST VIRGINIA. Organized 1903 \ Capital Paid in Cash, $100,000.00. Total Resources Over Hall Million Dollars UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Progressive. Conservative. 1. ktikrmcy, ■•kiwh.i.-m Accounts Solicited. )' " 1 n< »>ias. vk . i'ki IHBP CHHI - - v v t s • r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ VVvvv^v^irvvv^ VVVVWVV^/V V Vacation Time! i ^ 1 rile time has come when your thoughts take you to Shady ^ Nooks and Rippling Brooks in search of Health and Fleas- f ure. Let us sell you your Midsummer Outing Outfit. Back * it iu one of our Beerless Trunks or maybe a Bag or SuitCase 1 hat will he starting right. You will be sure to end right. Then You will have them to use again next year. 1‘aily Leader Want Adds Brings Results. ♦. “ "" 1 ' " ■■ R. Kemp Morton Attorntty«ut*I .uw, OkAMAM, VlkdlMA t c OLEARY QEO. O’LEARY \ \ (INCORPORATED.) < S G. O’LEARY & SON, * 4 ■■ I be Real Instate and Rental Agents ; of Bluefield, West Virginia. < < M 4 All persons, strangers included, are cordially invited 4 4 to frequent our office, keep an eye on the wonderful de j velopments and advancements in the above lines. The <1 % current year will be the greatest yet known in our imme 4 2 (iiate coal fields for opportunity We keep busy, but «? to note oui manipulations means to learn to make money. The most rare of all opportunities lies within your ^ le.ich at the present time to buy real estate cheap and reap big profits. We have acreage in and near Blue neld alone that even the inexperienced can handle at ;! enormous profit on small investment. You might ask why ♦< • i we should call outsider’s attention to this? Be reasona- i »v 4 bio, and, in justice to yourself call on the undersigned J and gain an inkling of the inside. 1 i C. O’LEARY & SON,! j. ’ 1 (ieneral Office No. 6, { Higginbotham Avenue, A Bluefield, West Virginia.: < i vv/vywr. --- — ■ — -- ■ ■ _—_ ' . -.-i-innnniv„,.n_ii_ (iet Acquainted With .... IVORY WOOD-FIBER PLASTER. ! s’.^riisfassr < NON conductor of heat, cold and electricity • There dre dozens of imitations, but "IVORY WOOD firfr ” . j p|a*tcring ln *»"<* °f buildin* * ^ing ivory. Cornmumcate w.Vus* AUfor'boSwltJ,°yP*Um Co • is the °"'y genuine. Everybody that want, fir.t-class job of : cement. g^i^aaaB^'sa^sjKauwOTss :: . mmMgiM.t S.“““"'-*>~i5WaJSSfa*agS‘iPS !| While Slai Lime. fi: ,s:a, j| trade »n Car-4 oad or le , than Aar-Load °C *** <,,SCOvcr®d Can supply the IV\ IkF \AIf S beneM of Con^lor» a& well as o..r Mtrrh n» W% ll\I. l^A%II_,3f friends wc carry in stock at all times lar*e s*ock o Wire nails from 3 d. to 60 d * ° * ot wirtoarm.^ ... ..... 'A e solicit business from the trade. Null, Andrews £ Thomas Co.: WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, " BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA.