Newspaper Page Text
»iiJEfield Daily Leader. -N,tl- IN°- 111_[_UI.E Kl'l Kl,l>. WEST Vllt<ilMA,UI-:i.\lsmy MoUMXc, Al ,:i .1- ,, . ~~ H>MCKT\VOa:NTN. TENNESSEANS WIN VICTORY FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Johnston City Gets Revenge Yesterday. FROM Till lll li: \ m FOR H.\\ IN(. WON TIIK FIRST H.\ >IK. lit a no e a ini exciting game John* vou City tok revenge for the defeut of Monday «>n ' e«|( rdav a ftei noon. In the ninth inning It looked as if Mine field would pull together and pluck a • -cond victory from the Tennesse “tis tint the hope- of tlie Minefield looters were not realised. tlie singles or Tnvioi Hiid W Mnimfield not heing follow i <1 hy anything in tlie run get ting line. Steel, ill the h,,v for Minefield and pin hed ; good game, hut did not reei-iv'e as good oippoil ns did Wallis, who twirled the sphere for tlie boys from Tennessee. Whitten W It ru m field. Williams. Anderson hud M. Mniiiiliold have errors re cnide.l II! alust tlieiii. It. Mritmfleld’s ei ror t>« lug i .'bpoiisililt* for one of Johnson City's five scores, Anderson's error was oven more fatal. In the second inning Anderson let a hall g. t through and the runner went to tliiid w hen he should have heen stop ped at the* initial sin k. However, We all know that even the best play ers have off day mil we look for Shorty to redeem himself ill the next game The Teiiur ",,ns secured eleven liils Oil' of Steele, Imt after the see «»in| Inning they were well mattered Minefield straightened out seven of Wallis'-, benders, but not being able to buni b them at criticul times count ed but twice in tb - nine Innings In the third Inning some good ball placing was seen when Leonard lilt •ate and Hrcvard and Man each Re ctired a sacrifice hit, retiring the run ner. That both pitchers wore up against heavy hatters is evidenced by tin* fact that etii h pitcher has hut four strike outs to his cr dlt. From a spectators point oT view It was a good game and all should sec to-morrows gane* it good tinse ball Is what they want to see .1 t'lTY Position. BLFEFIFLI) Foster s s. W Brumfield Lynch c B, Brumfield Leonard « f (Jlblift Brevard 3 h Taylor Barr I b Williams Wallis p Ste.-le Kogan 2 b Whitten Maloney r. i Anderson HufTaher c f Speefe 'o1.1 • I • -on a i d . In» V‘ti‘1 " lie:.,in, Maloney, Huffaker. 2. Taylor, \nderson. \V Brumfield 2. It. Brumfield Two base hits Maloney, l(ufTaker Whitten. Three base hit Steele Stolen bas* Foster, 2: Iveonard, Brevard, 2. Hogan, Oihhs. Taylor, 2. Anderson, \V Briinifleld, B. Brntn tleld. La. e: on ball Off Steele none otT Wallis 2 Struck out It- Steele, I: by Wal lk. 4. I’ii'-' "d balls Lynch 2; B Bruin field 2. I' niplt e- Foot < A PROGRESSIVE COAL COMPANY The Dixon i’ocahontu4 Fuel Coin I*'• **V was organized a few month ago for the purpose of developing its «'Oil| land at OtuiKtcd, nlmut fom mil*- east of Welch During the t*arl> spring of the pre **nt year the com puny heg.'in the erection of dwelling nml store horn* - and otliei building: but did not lie.-in work on rdukltig tin shaft until a hurt time ago Tin shaft work ha made gnat progroflt and at thl time tin* nhaft la sun! 110 feet as the result of t a dayi work. Ml of the houses for employer »ie well constructed and are amour the las I, In the Ibid, The grading for the aide trie k la shout completed find the track will la* placed within tin* cnurHe of twelve or fIfteon days 'I In* company has ."ill men employ ed and I hone working on the abaft woik In three shifts of eight hour* each The eon tmeftnn work on Mu shaft Is being done bj the com pati'. und i Mu supervision of .1 I’ Dll'is the general super Intendanl of the compare The building ol ho i a and other hulldim wan let by-contract to t w. Dn*w The ma; alficent runner I which the work has progrer * d speaks well foi the com; ny officials TIi com pany hope to he .dlippilig coal he fore many mouths. Mercer county Is having quite * noinhcf of new voting precincts mud* in Mu county of Mercer, publication of which is made la this journal In another place Your attention Is *11 ret ted to the publication. ■■ I. I ■ TYPOS MEETING IN COLORADO. TIIK ANSI \|, lOWKM'IOV OF IWR IXTRRNATIONAL i \io\ llWi.W THIS Sl’ICI \<«S, col,., Aim. I I. The fifty-second annual con vention i*f the International Typo graphical Cnlon opened todm Mayor Henry l Hall welcomed llie three hundred delegates who |MVKi|iitii<l tti.nno union printers President .1 antes M Lynch of the union re-! vponded. I lie chief event of the day was the I formal pn*seiitatlon of hsokt* to the1 \mns M Cummings library at the* [ I'nlon Printers’ Home, which Is |o | i ated here. The chief business before the con* vent Ion which will continue all this .vis'k, is the consideration of plans for further carrying on tin* tight for ui s-houi duy. The organisation has! Xpended up to date about $St)0,0tt0| .11 conducting tills tight The cottven | lion also a (Tonis representatives of all lie unions of the intermit loual or -ranlziition an op|»ortunlty to inspect the hiillding and the work of the tnlon homo, which has liecn uuilii tained n this city for the past thir teen years excursions to Cripple Creek and tiller points Ilf interest | lit lie Pikes l*eak legion will he an important tea lure of the convention week NOTHING DOING. mi-: iikim itMr.vxN “stand p\r* VXD WII.L CONTI VIL to HT VXD I* VT. nator Mli k. of Ohio, after a iou feretice with President Roosevelt at Oyster May dedansl that the prest iletil would he endorsed by Jlie cann ing OUlo convention and then* is to he a sirring ‘stand put” declaration . cgni ding the t m I IT Heuatoi Mick ■xpressed himself freely on the tnr . lY issue and said : It would he practically Impossible for tho Sixtieth congress to revise • he tariff.” “Besides, it would he dc idedly had political Reuse. There has never been an exception to the oceur rence that when a political party in control of congress undertook to re vise the tnrlfT two years preceding a national election it railed to elect Its -nndidute in that election ” VVe niusl at the proper time, how "ver, recognize and deal with the “titiment which d mauds a revision »f certain schedules.” This authoritative statement, no If»nlit represents the agreement of Speaker Cannon and President Koose veil, that the republican party will dand pat on the taiiff until some Mine in the dim future, for the 'proper time" for action may he ln leflnltely delayed. We now know that 'it would he practically Impossible” for the* con cress to he elected this fall, which .' ill not he organized until the- Winter of 11*07, to attempt to relievo the •eoplo from high trust prices and no promise is even made that the Sixty first congress, which Is elected at the lute of the noxt National election foi president and will do no business tntll 1910, will even consider the matter. The republican program is there fore an indefinite stand pat propo sition, until the proper time” ar rives, and |t is safe* to say that, the *i opei 11 mo n‘*ver will arrive as long is the- republicans have a ma jority. Mow do those latifT reform repub licans and Independent voters like • he outlook and will they aid in the ■lection of another do nothing con {rest. 7 >AYS AYERS IS TO BEAT SLEMP. That's nil right nhout whom the h'legiite to the Hrlstol convention >■ he|ng Instructed for,"' said a Deni ■ static politician from that section, ■vho is in the city to-day. "They may nstrnct and Instruct as much as they ph-ase, hut von will see that General \yeiH Is going to he the man on the first ballot He will accept, and when ■ie sa\ s he w ill accept you w ill see the greatest hurrah the district has seen fa twenty years. The people are going to st.itit right hv \vers and they will •led him over Slemp. Da not worry ihoof his being i lerted The Detno rat* out there have gotten on to a few things that have been done and Ihey will see to |t that there Is no film flam work 1 The convention will meet Thurs day at noon, and hv six o'clock the work will he done \nd you will see men who have been out of politics fot rears get In the game and there w>ll he all sorts of fun In the Ninth district. This will he the farewell appearance of Colonel Hlemp ” Nows Header. POLITICS PAST AND PRESENT. SDV%Toil El.KISS \Mi HIS fo ld TH'A L TIlirKKKY. (Special to the Dally Deader | W %SHIN(JTO\, A tut- 14. The eltHtion of rutted States Senator b> the legislatures of the states has be couio a thing of tin1 past la a num ber of the Important state's of tin* Du Ion. The legislatures of these states now merely ratify the choice of the voters in open primary elec tloua. The politicians iin* watching this departure rrom the old mnchlue plan with considerable Interest and "one Minecheuslon. for all thy old plans of fixing caucuses uud conven tions arc* useless sad the appeal must be mad*' directly to tin* parly voters. The nomination of Senator Ollloni, of Illinois^ has Just been made under this new plan and the rutlfli*atloii or bis acts nH Senator was almost en tirely due to his consistent support of lhe railroad rate bill In Its most radical form. I ’edit Iciuus here are wondering what would la* the lestilt 0f such a primary election In other states, and WeHf Virginia Is often cited as one that might discard Its Senator IT the* republican voter* had the opportu nity Of voting directly on that issue. Senator Elkins, unlike Senator Oil mmii, was ,iii open railroad svinpal hl *er hi all times ami continued ho until lie discovered that the modified railroad rate would pans both I louses of Congress Kven then Senator Ki lt Ins was hand and glove with Sena tor Aldrich, who Is noted as tin* representative of the Rockefeller corporation and trust Interests to embarrass the passage of the meas ure by amending or defeating Its most important clauses No one In Washington believes lie (la.illy voted or the hill because he wanted to see t a law, hat because |t was a o »llt ical necessity for him to vote for It •p Have his face with hlv comoou ‘ nts. The whole city was laughing at ils political Ht|iilrming and the ni||. road men were Haying "KillIns had ‘o dn it." The true position of .ten jCoj Klklns on railroad leglslatl ei Is shown by the clause in tin* anil •cliHte law, which exempts railroad oft i lals convicted of rebating from 'incoming .'ilmlnully liable and the fort that some of the railroads, whlcu save alien ]y been convicted -ind lined for rehatlng would now ho see ing their officers In stripes hut for the kindly aid of Senator Klklns V fine. If a large is hut of little tron He for a great corporation to pav. luit a railroad president In jail would lead to a general exodus of railroad officials to foreign climes, to escape hiicIi a {degradation. The defeat of Secretary Shaw in his contest, to prevent the nomination of Gov Cummins in Iowa Is another evidence of the way republicans and democrats feel on Ibis railroad Issue. A letter from Mr W, F. Illll, edi tor of the Mills County Tribune, published at Glenwood, Iowa, to a newspaper correspondent in this city “aid: "Secretary Shaw spoke at a Chautauqua here July 17 to an au dience of nearly f»,u00. The audience was gathered to honor him as a na imiifii r 11hinr i«• i , |»ut wiiH greatly dis appointed at his address. He Ik evi dently not In touc h with our people, and republicans even more than deni oeratt* complained He lauded the senate* as being a beneficent organi zation, instilled the wnterlng of iail road values as being the same thing as in Increase In farm values and praised Steve Klklns by name There was no applause, end If he bad gone further the disapproval of the* au dience* would have been made mani fest It was a frost.” So the* disc reelited Shaw Is adver tising Senator Klklns as one or the boss railroad slork watorers and plaining him for so doing Shaw before the Iowa convention effectual ly repudiated him, even to the point of hissing him off the stage, had the presidential hee buzzing fnrlouslj and expected Klklns tec deliver the West Virginia deb-gat Ion bound hand and foot to vote for him •Jhat little game is spoiled by the* action of tip Iowa republicans, but the West Vlr ginla republicans will have to sit ii| and take notice*, or they will be flying • h»* Klklns kite for another candidate for president. Our city people who rannot get away to spend thp summer recreatim arc* now having a big time in watch ing the exciting games of base ha I which wc enjoy every day. There It really no reason to go away fron Blueflelel during the hot season foi we have a regular summer rexoi light here at home all the time an way. Keadthe Dally Leader. GOES TO CHURCH TO HAVE IT OUT WITH PRESIDENT. Secret Service Men at Oy ster Bay are Compelled to Remove Cranky Woman From Behind Presi dent's Pew. his ii \i{i> sriti (.(.i i wiih thh III T»* IIX I S. OX ST I*'It It XV. \«»u. |:<, mi , A , I.. tense, who Is huuiiiiim hiK In to t(»M Hay for the piir|Kvsc of Interview iiu: the President or Mrs Hooscvclt . 1 ■ what she declare** Is "a tnti11 «'r of life , nut ji t« pup timing I lie servlet* lu t*Vi i.1 s Kplseopal * Iiiii eh yesterday. A Miss tenae, or Miss r.ise, »s her um* Is supposed fi» be, has (tended .erv cliur<h sorvh (he President has since Ills nrrlvnl here lu July. She lias climbed Haamooie mu <>n f,„,| tevernl times, owty to he turned HWuy by (lie siM'iot serVh e uien She presented ht'isdl eaili lit (he church and took a directly be hind the pew unilully occupied by the Koosevelt family. When I'sher James Huffy requeated her t<> ie|iuipilsh (his sent alie refused. MOVRI) It| KO|«'K Duffy forcibly t amoved her to the rear of the church, uml Minn Khat snys In* tore her gown In so doing Tor tills uct she lulet applied Tor it warrant for Duffy, Imt w.m refused. In the rear of the church Miss ICsur refused t«> sit down V secret service ngent stood hesld.j, her. mid during the service she nettle no few*-i limn ii doiseu attempts m gel past him Ah the president win- leaving the • hurch three secret /-mxpr p,. n sui rounded MIhs Knar. Imt n. -diouted “Mr. President, Mr. Pr< Idem, ('resident ItmMsvolt, won't *ou peak to me u moment?" The President turned tils |i*ud ns ho passed hulk, did not pnnse. Miss Ksac says her watch chain was hroken In this scrimmage with the secret service men ami her watch fell to the Itoor. * INCH WILD DltKAM The president was aeeoinpailled hv Mrs. Roosevelt ami Quentin and Representative and Mrs Dougwortli Miss Kkhc haH -tati'd to ac<|ualntam es she has made while here that she was to have hern mm I -i ti White House at the tti « ’ m cc Roosevelt hecaine Mrs | ,th: that stie was to have mm high government otliclat j * t it p t Ills wrong die <•< to li ess When the |> * carriage had deparled Mi* *• ■■ tllowed Hi go It was theii e light a warrant for Duff* ' he will stay In Myslet • idle accompllshei her purpo! \DVANTACE of SUMMER SHOPPING. t’areful 1»n> • i ; appreclati* fully the advantage of making purchaw-M in the Hiimtm-i tlim- Thom* who an mil careful !>u.eis will <1 <• will i<> lake lh4* him it will wive llienl inoii r»y. Only a f4*w wcckH ago tin* ntor*v were hualllng with 1 if«*, ami lIm• no'i worked clerk pa -shed to tin* utmost 141 satisfy tin'll i a toinera Now -shop plug Ih a nal pb-asure. Tin-re Is no 4-all to he an>' lung hut leisurely. no need t4» <14-< 1414 m a hurry, and Hub 11 k c* I Hi ora I of ' 4-lng th*- one thing you have 4-t o* - heart upon sold i«» HOfmdiodi 4 I • No one Iramph-v yoni skills, nml no ariXloiiH shnpwalkci watches with pprehemdon b-st yoni ,pat|em • i-1v "'ll hefon mi can !*• ■ wailed upon Tin* fact i that the stores are fall 4if g4>oi| thlni to buy. Kail good 1114 filling t h 4 • h 4 ■ I \ 4 *s. The soiled ami hold-ovei /mill have beep ’-obi In tin* lea ranee H*i< lloston Ttavelia WO FEAR \B0TTT J ' / K The I . .. T . klo cor >' it, desplt4‘ alarmlat In r<- Is no danger •if flo* k the .f. 14•: 1 new-• -ii| poachei n on I’aal Inland, \) 1 .1. • ssnming a f ile of Inti-riiatiomil travlty The A met 1 >1 i-rn hansudor at Tokio the rorr*’Spoml-ail mills, a oieul l#t , pan that hi- t-nver mm-nt w ill Invi ti 1 gat** th>' tiialt* 1 carefully and I'lpiit | aldy arid wild In* hoped that Japan 1 would not allow the cordial relation I existing lift W cell tile two countries to I be Inletfi’i red with by so trivial an I affray. | By a i< markable law or roval et liquet te which h is 4-xl*te«l foi a num I Iter of .4>ars at the court of Slam, I no perso is pci in It ted to sleep in an apartment situated above that occu pied by Ihi> king A deliberate breach of this rule has on more than ,one occasion been pulnshed by death TIDEWATER ALL RIGHT, WORKING CONSTANTLY. ~ —— WORKED SUNDAY TO LOCATE LINE. It\ILItO\I»S INTO III.\t u >|ol \. I \l\ Itt'OlON lit.Ill’ loit POSITION. I'll in|. Aug 1 t Pur the pur pose „f paralleling the Virginia and Southwestern Hallway and neeurtng advantage him poult I on h in the uiack '•totululn cull I fields, the Louisville at,: Nashville unexpectedly hurried about twentw engineers under Chief Locating engineer Peyton of Louis ville and Nashville, Into I ho Held early Sunday morning and the engl neers worked all day Sunday local* lug about five miles of the line. The engineers got off the train ut Pennington Lap and Immediately se cured horses and rode to a point some two miles distant whole they began surveying the line. I lie two roads having already spent .1 uitllliioii dollars in getting into the Hold and now the tight ts on for po sition, and II Is expected that Louis villa* and Nashville will parallel the Virginia and Southwestern, probably tor tirtv miles, as the engineering' corpse has made permanent location near Pennington flap. It Is believed that the Hlaek Moun tain Held Which Is In'-! being opened will prove to he o||e of the richest 111 the "Jit I re section, and the rail* roads are spending a large amount Of money In fighting Lw position SULTAN TS O. K. SAYS THE OFFICIALS IWT SToitll.H X UK. IN rilU'II.X TION roWKHN’IMi ICI I.Dlt'K iiixi/m. Constantinople, \ug H. Officials Inform cullers ui (lie palace Unit tin* M*i I In ii Ii il h hoon sulTcrlng from the offri in of a chill ilurliig the past woer, hut that he has now completely Ir eoveieil. I’apei* are Imhhlru to puhA llsh anythin.- i ihii ceiling the “f the saltan's health or the shun 'hmnient nf the Sellmlk Sensational stories of the sultan a illness are in circulation. ORGANIZED HUNT FOR DEFAULTER. Chicago. Vue I l An oruanlT! ed hunt i ip nrni'ie'. imlay In the \ |. i lnlt.v of \l iltson aiu| other Wiscon In towns ilii'ei tei| hy llie Chicago police who helleve tiny are on the light track of I’aul Stenslaml the I ngl11 ve ha n 1. w rei leer A feward ol $ offered hy th» Chicago clearing house has stirred up the police of the country. I’hi* first complete lit (lf notes forg ed hy the fugitive upon which lie (ill tallied money to their face value from the hltlik, gives a total of |u NCPTH CAROLINA SHOOTING AFFRAY. 'I K Drake, .'i prominent fnrmoi of \iu|i i on r rhiiiI v. N C wif Iml und 111mf.11111> killed »honI mldnl'hl Saturday bv .1 A’ i iKoii, ii ! cousin the liicedv * 'In flic lied room of f *i;«I e\: t, < • t Kmer «>n, who cum • to \m! i immedi ately aftei th< h ’otlm in mdered land said Hint Drake, ileiinir the | room at a la*** hour and finding him | there had opened ;lre, and that he, i in self defense shot Crake. Itoth me,i are will known In 'm.ei*on Drake war -tU v ai - of ar*e ; ml wa- pro’ i porous and retired iTm i mi, who I ' venn old, hold a inlnoi county position The dfiUKltli' has dl i.p peared. ANOTHrn BANKER .OOTS THE BANK. t t iifsiioi.M. oi kiicmim; It \M, \ I. V, I IHM'I N VI l«t\ \l. will it; | \|M M | m 100,000. Hit rninghfim, Ala., Aug II Official* of the first National Monk have aunoitr< « d that Me* ft • Id holm, paving teller of that hank, i 11tni.otin short in his account* X fhi holm was bonded for $:«n rtmi tile to ol file hank will lie reduced to fTo non There Is a general rocon (ruction of the voting precincts of the • it v of Minefield us will b< n*»n from j» tmhlh .tlon of the County Court In fills mornings Issue We «|o not know anything about the chance hut I «<■ hope the change Is made for th« good of the city. If It not Oine ol our frI■ nds will have to teji t. i nhoul It The Dally lander Is the host ad . vortlalng medium in thia section. MET DEATH ON TRACKS I'oi.niirii van’s i.i 11: <ittsiii:ii «»l | 1 MUCH WIIICICI.H. \ m.kI airhloiit ts'curotl JiihI Iii front of Uio pa Mongol dopot initny w lion Molvln Howard, n i-nlnm«| oin* j I’lo.'oo of llio HonHioi n K\|i|vhn i’oin i»an\, wau killed nml htu IhmIv tor j I ''tidy matiglod by passenger (rain No -• •lie Main waft Into and Howard was liaalonlng to hts work of unload jlng tho express wlit'ii ln« oollliloil with I a follow workman, Hu* form of llio l olllston tbrowing him hoiio.itii tbn j rapidly moving train Howard hud I lint'll working for Hit* Soil thorn ICx proHM ('milpatiy boro Tor about three! Voara ami was a valu«*<l omployo ||o was a nnHvo of Hi'tronl, Va "hort* his wlfo ami tlirm ihlldron 1 now Iho, mill Mhi'iv his tomaliis will' 110 taken ihl:. morning for liitoruiPiit. ROANOKE TO GET TIDEWATER SHOPS. 111 I’OIC IICH THAT Till: < I I \ || \H IHCCV III .1 I \ III IA HI (HUH I PON—SAI.ICM s llltlltIK I \HI (CHS >l'l l„ The Konnoko papers »lalni Unit the Tidewater Hallway some time ago decided that that oily was Uio proper p I a oi * to I ilj. looaUoti of their shops lor tho sc.-oml division. I ho lit si tormlanj, as has already •>o. n aiiiioaiiood, will he looatod at Victoria, in I ain.'iili. i a • .unit y whloli is olio hiindr.'d and milos Iteiiy Norfolk; the will l»o lo < atirtl Ip Hoanoke, which Is hull 'll', jji and thirty one niU.-s west of VliHorln. and the UiTW* terminal will he located at Princeton \V»sf Vlr ulnln, which Is h.dwPon ninety and '•no hnmiro.l nilles west of lf/innoko U Is report.'d that a committee of IttfHlnnwn menof Hnlem last r the |'"nor.d nianau.'r of the Tidewater for |'he purpose nf present Inc Hal.mii's ad adages as a terminal point and to ofTer other Inducements, lint wore nil successful in winning Mr Uul’ny over to their view of the matter II.> Is reported as having inld Hid tin* Tide water had n I rend v decided on lion noko, Prlneetnn and Victoria, and that while the di taines from Iton nolle In I'rlnceton and from lionlioke to Victoria are more ano.|iial than tin company would Ish for i< di vision points, the ineipia Illy would he more marked If Hal. in war** .In. eii insiend ni Itoanoke In other word , the . ompativ wanted the se< ond division pointto lie as near the middle of the diidiinee between Vic lorln and Princeton an possible. MAKES AMERICA DUMPING PLACE « z \i: \\ m,i, in.coin iiiTiir.ii cit 1/1 hi IK)KM \i*i WANT \t iio.xir. itniriN, xng. ii. 'Yiiii now military revolts breaking mil every where, with ti r m«*<l pea cut! fight lug tin loyal troops, and m ul> ev*'|*. < millions of |*>'0|de on tile vi'i iv of starvation, the r/arv advisers have hit upon a movI plan to get 'id of tin revol ut lonlrt m 'I'lie government will sa> lo all who all- <1 i isat iKiled with the auto i'1'ntlf fot in of government If you no not like |t here, why leave tin lountrv, and go oinewheie < l «• Wo « • In;II not try to detain you, hut even male your road easy. (So to the I oiled Htales, where the people eem to lovi> you mo, and w» 'hall help vou with word and deed Kueoui aged a lid Iteavlly fttih "Idl/erl l.y tli" llnv ian rovei n meiit. two new lin i, the Ifu o AMlalle HOamlllp Co and t ho ftONsInii Hteainshlp Co . hi*' to t'Kiid oil1 Iron * r to roll logulailv i.rt .vrrii I,than and Vew York These hoi, t . will enrry prneth ally no eiihln pa eiiger , tint they are under eon till t with the pi Vei lilllelit at HI I’e iii hurt; »o enrry sierrago pmaen* "i half the prlt e of any of the other Him ENDED HIS LIFE WITH POISON. IIWiHn/ton. \Y. N'a , Aug. I t \\ illtnm Whit . thirls live yeni of iUK* of the el«rfenl deportment of the If’hes.ip ai e and Ohio Itailrool earn* J In re from Thurmond, NV Va fXnlur !day night, and nftoi lining til all day, ended i.N life- lo droikinr enrnolh- nehl. j II" he a wife at Wtill *m port. f*a nnd In a I* iter to her In as he had I hh.wn iti ii ilia mete V. a ltd eotlld nof heai Mi Idtii of faring lio’iio and tfrtonda again. Tho Entire System Will be Ready for Delivery on the Da to Fixed. mi it hum s \ \ ik mi a t\i> i ot it ii:i:\ siiwi siiom is i\ this si:< tio\. Norfolk, Va . AiikuhI it -All aloioi t||(. lino „f t|,„ Tidewater rail road. work |m progroaalng rapidly. Mill llio IndliatIoiih an that MacAr 'Iiiii Itroihora, ihr gonornl contrar* will ho iiblo lo dollvoi the en iln> avaiem in ihn company by tho conirud ditto of coniplotlon. About nlnet > mile* of I In* roadway have ... eotnplotod tv oat front tlio Nor folk torntlniia. Hotwocn Hoanoko md U(H l<# U Va , whore the Title* wnlir Mellon meet a the Deepwater aiHdlon. Mac Arthur llrotlicra have it belli 7.0 Oft nii'ii lit work. Ilomer Atl<Itiaon chief dork to A I'V MuoArtlinr, vlce-proaldetit of the Mur Arthur Itroihora Company, la In the i'lly on lilo way to Now York, liiivlng left several days ago for I ho *xlronio woafern a«*rtlon of the aya *'*i*i• • steiidlim from the Slate line tl mil. i went „r Hock \V. Va which wan <tl\iil'il under liln ohservnlIon. In i lila Meet ton there wore at work " hen he led fourteen ’dentil shovels ■tnd nlioiil t.OOO men All along tho Hue there l-< the greatest activity In •vldenee.nitd forces, especially tlioae • t work i>n th«> tunnels, are employ ed at nldht iih well ns In day He lween there and Itoaiioke fast pro cress Ih rfelng made and in the vlclnl tv of Itoaiioke the contractors are pronnhly more active than at any d hop point. Mr Kltnore Iiiih the subcontract for the first. four mlleH west from tlleii I,vn, on the State line, MaeAr • loir Itrothers, however, doing the tunnel work at I la list (lap themsel ves. Here the tunnel Ih to he about *20 feet in length. Two HliaftH have hoi'ii sunk nml the heading from the •sst and -.vied eiftrnnra have been pitHhed I",o feet In each direction l> .1 Mailhiiiald has tile contract do the next two iiiIIom Mason Hau er and ('oil-man have two miles of const met Ion on which there aro throe tunnels and fast progress Ih lining made by them Carpenter and Box Icy have the m-xt five miles, Includ ing Hie large tunnel at Oney Gap, ad two c.mall tunnel): Tho Oney tunnel I one of the most Important to|«st on the line, and something like 200,000 cubic yards of rock will have to In* removed. The heading from the ear,I end ban advanced iboot 2.00 feet and fast progress la being made from the western!, where a force Is working night and day, and has advanced about f.00 foot. Two team shovel are employed all the time H wiih necessary for MaeAr I Ii ii i* Itrot hers to build a private Hue from Inglosldo on the Norfolk and Western, to Princeton, In order to • •ml Hr construct Ion plant over the iioiintaiii - 'la* \rthiir Brothers are Ill II v i 11 * 11 HV II »“ ill ii till i lit” ii* i* i mill mll.u, of roadway mailing one cut of 000 i ri \v N (’amp linn one mile of win I. under way, with one small tunnel. Winston Urofhent k <’o are iMilldliirc tho next four in.lew of fho line, w It Ii heavy cilia all tho wav. fuliicM IfeariK* & Co have the con i t' l foi on* mile of pnmdmotion and i. ilmil & Ml/, have tlie next four nil- beyond TIiIh wt retell of five nil. i I*; t|i» roughest the (ontruclnra Uave <■< i i experienced in years of • llroad building I* N on. eontlnu nll fif liOllldeiM with MiHtdy oil that makes the work of blasting dl ftW up Thin Hf retch |r> between pool a \*n 7 and tfi ’ The atrefeh that Ifi Iwing built I * v norland I. It/ Parries the \v.ul to Hock From that point • i to lieepwliter W Va . the rood practically built There may be ; v. i I pl?ii c a lu re the working fore* • have not b n discharged At If..otiol Vta< Ml loir llriu have | tint I Id' d another Mtealll 'hovel to their .pilpineni and put on more men In ‘ loir cult log force M Princeton, \V \'a , eight tracks ■ I liein laid Thi ' iy mid to ho tho In a t \ ird Hi if an\ rood ll*w built 111 hr i eon fruet Ion and it Ih l»< I loved Hie Tldcwofei contemplates making Hi of an important dlvl-lon point or v i 11 locate ''hop'' there Homer At* I 1n«on It Is pleasing to know that a num ber of our I<m I people will visit the I’rv.iri le.'f'idlou in \< w Void. II Will h<> roiie fhim; out of the ordinary and •'UtlideiM'o in Mi lJryati and they .ill I'iv. him o rceeption that will it po amthlng of the kind ever i iimui in Iliiw country before If .. ill he credit to any citizen to Join He |uo. i don and mingle with the . throng of liberty loving mawsew that will add their enthusiasm to tho oc casion.