Blueffeld Daily Leader.
‘ Entered hi second-class mutter April H,” 1806, at the pout office
at Minefield. W. a., under act of Congress of March 3, 1879."
Undkktiik Management of - - - Thus. B. (Jaknkk
Published Iv very Day in the Year Bxecpt Monday.
Four Dollars a Year. Two Cents a Copy.
Business OIlicHt Blaml Street, Next Door tu Postotllce.
liluetield Telephone No. 503.
Advertising Kates Made Known on Application • Rates Reasonable
West Virginia Come to the Hills,
The hand of Prosperity nnd Ol West Virginia, Where
Plenty. Has the Greatest Nature lavishes Her
Natnrul Resource* in the Greatest
World. Gifts
The Greatest Among all of the State's Varied Resources is the Pocn
liontas ('oul Fields of this Vicinity.
The most awful accident In history
was the fall of u Roman amphitheater
In the time of Tiberius. Fifty thous
and people were crushed.
Spain Is the only country that ha'
a coinage hearing a baby's head on
It (’ctlns hearing the baby head of
King Alfonso were issued in iss\
The glitter of a presidential nomin
ation. which the stand patters pre
sented to tiie earnest gaze of Gov
Cummins of Iowa, was too great a
temptation and lip surrendered on
the Issue that had made him famous
Surli Is not the stuff of which presi
dents are made.
Writer describing a plague of rab
bits la Australia. "A farmer barri
caded himself in with miles upon
miles of wire fencing solely to keep
out tin* rabbits. They eat their way
up to the barriers and in the flghi for
the green land within the wire they
die In myriads. All around the en
closed land they lie in heaps of «>i
nedthio -ize. S*,;irm affer swarm fol
ir.»» r n, and at |a*r the heap': al
so b’gli that th** lai - i otcers me! e
their wav over the fc;.<e and l!,e
faric is ruined.”
'The hath of the next century,”
savs T. Huron Russel) in his hook
“A Hundred Years Hence,’ "will lave
the body speedily with oxygenated
water delivered with a force that will
render rubbing unnecessary, and bo
aide it will stand a drying cupboard,
lined with some quickly moving ar
rangements of soft brushes, and fed
with a highly desslcated air. front
which, almost in a moment, the bath
er will emerge dried, and with a skin
gently stimulated, and perhaps elec
trifled, to clothe himself quickh and
pass down the lift to his breakfast,
which li«* will oat to the accompani
ment of a summary of the morning’s
news read out for the benefit of tin
family, or whispered into his ears by
a talking machine.”
"How many democrats really be
lieve that Mr. Bryan was 'cheated out
of two elections?' And why should
any well-informed man believe such
a thing?—Washington Evening Star
Nevertheless, there are many intel
ligent people, nor all of them demo
crats, who, In view of recent revela
tions touching the millions of money
used by the republicans in IS9t> and
1900 have their doubts about what
might have elsewlse come to pass In
the elections of those years. There Is
every reason to believe that. If tin
democrats had been possessed of that
ninny millions, they and not the re
publicans, would have carried the
country, and some reason for believ
ingfl that if they had been able to iny
down dollar for dollar beside them,
they might still have carried it par
tisans are aiwayt crick sure But, as
a general proposition the belief that
the republicans have been buying the
people with their own money Is not
111-founded, and may exercise consid
erable pressure upon the popular
ml ml In 1908. Courier Journal.
Head the Ds
In view of the content now in pro
I'less between Organized Labor nnd
tile leaders of tile I ignibllcail parry,
i' Is Interesting to know what tie
labor leaders think about "mnintnln
tig existing conditions," or standing
•at. On tills point, Mr. Samuel
(tampers, speaking before a commit
tee or congress on March 11. 1006,
ised tlie following very significant
I think that nil through hlston
you ran find that same appeal and
plea made by everyone who profltted
'•y the unjust conditions which ob
tained at that time. Those who pre
lit by in just ire, t hose who profit h\
inal-ndministration, those who pro
fit by unjust laws, those who profltted
by human slavery, in all cases and in
all ages have urged those in whose
power it was to make a change, to
‘maintain existing conditions.” It has
been tiie repudiation of such claims
'hat lias made for tiie progress of
■lie world, and that has established
*'en the republic of our country.
very corrupt politician, every over
'""iiine lums. every greedy rnrporu
Mon. every discriminating railroad.
*vory trust, every man who profits
from a wrongful condition of affairs
will urge* the advantage of main
taining existing conditions.”
’Ilie further fact (hat the Labor
leaders have determined to try ami
defeat Speaker Cannem, tiie stanel
”a» lender, shows which way the* peo
litleal wind blows. This is a demo
'■rnflc year for tiie people who are
ire*d e>f republican procrastination.
\inoiig the curiosities of chure-h
ire iiltecture in America may be* men
tioned tin* fact Hint in Santa Rosa,
'al , is a church with a seating cu
Piie ity e.f 200t whicli is biillf entirely
<>f timber sawed out of a single reel
wood tree.
('harks Kmory Smith has been to 1
Oyster Hay. We believe be was there
between the visits of Boise Penrose.
Mr. Smith began to discuss the suc
sesslon to the presidency as soon as
he reached the office of the excellent
newspaper of which he Is the accom
plished editor. He assumes that Mr.
Brvan will be nominated by the dem
ocrats. an event that is certain to he
pulled ofT unless Mr. Bryan slial.
make more mistakes than any other
human being has yet been guilty of
in the entire history of American
politics. But Mr. Bryan Is no ordi
nary man, and has remarkable np
tltude for misapprehension.
Mr. Smith thinks that it Is going
to he a Idg Job to beat Mr. Bryan, and
no republican can beat him unless
he shall represent “the policies which
President Roosevelt embodies.”
Whoredn do Mr. Bryan and Mr
i Roosevelt differ? Did not Mr Brvan
! give the democratic party in ward to
Mr Roosevelt when In* went to for
eign parts? Was there ever before
a more dutiful ward or a more pa
rental guardian? When the presi
dent went on chase of the octopus,
•lid not Mr. Bryan’s party Join In the
pursuit? ff Mr. Bryan were president,
wherein would he reverse t|>p poll
nos or Air. Roosevelt?
Both of them are for regulating
the railroads; both or them have It hi
for Standard oil. Both of them are
down on the meat trust like ten thou
sand brick. Roth of them are pater
nalists up to the handle. Both of
•hem believe In government, am| a
heap of it What has Mr. Roosevelt
done that Mr. Bryan does not h.
dorse? What has Mr. Bryan said that
Mr. Roosevelt does not approve.'
What is all this row about? What is
the difference between a Roosevelt
democrat and a Bryan republican'
And those are the two classes into
which this people are separating.
True, there Is the tariff. They wet*
agreed on that when Mr. Bryan made
| his first whirlwind speech in congrew
and quoted Toni Moore’s “Bast Rose
j of Summer” as a buttress to free
I trade. Since then, however, .long
j that went* over the devil’s
! hack have come under the
i devil s belly, and Mr. Bryan stood o,
;m exonrgnted platform touching
•he larilT, made to soothe the con
j science of Henry M. Teller and Frnn
icis G. Now lands, both stronger pro
tectionists than President Roosevelt
Touching the tariff, at present
Mr. Roosevelt appears to lie little less
'•inn a standpatter, though there is
lothing so uncertain and so aston
ishing as American politics. That is
"hat makes the game so fascinating.
Take the tariff out, and what Is .he
difference between Mr. Bryan ri.i
■ Mr. Roosevelt?- Washington Post.
Some persons believe that it is the
doings of late or the Pittsburg mil
; I Iona ires that -make the heaven.»
"fop so much.—Now York Telegram
Maybe you have noticed the scarc
ity Of dimes. Statisticians have dis
covered that, although more dimes
are being turned out of the mints
than ever before, there are fewer
than ever before In circulation. It is
said that there Is now so great u de
mand for dimes and such a scarcity
of them than the coin-rolling con
cerns who make a business of put
ting up coins In packages, are saving
them up, with a view to gutting a
premium on them. A famine in dime*
would be a serious affair. Kven now
there are only throe dimes p*»r capita
in circulation.
The modest little coin performs
many of our most vital
functions. It Is with the dime that
the fastidious person gets hls “shine’'
and the hard-luck one hls meal
The dime buys a rose with which
a man summons the tlush of happi
ness to his wife's cheeks, ami It
buys the drink with which he drives
hope from her heart and peace from
his home.
The dime Is to the child wlmt the
dollar Is to the parent — the unit of
his calculations and tin* gonl of hls
desires. It sometimes seems us If
• lie boy would rather have a dime
than u quarter.
This brings iib to the* ‘’dime
hanks.” which are the real cause, per
haps, of tin* famine
The penny-ln-the-slot machines are
held responsible for the scarcity of
pennies; street ears and automatic
music* and picture machines accu
mulate the* nickels: hut there Is no
particular contrivance in general use
that gathers dimes into the* boxes of
An official In Washington suggests
that the country is so prosperous that
people keep dimes in their pockets
to hear them Jingle. But other coins
jingle cjulte as well Besides, the* trou
ble is that the dimes are not in the*
people's pockets, hut in mysterious
No doubt the "dime hanks” hold
most of them. And il the* scarcity of
dimes Is the* measure of saving, wc*
can cheerfully grin and get along
with the other coins.
Since 17U2, when the* dime was
established, to the present, there
have* been coined 520,000,000 dimes.
But the slight relation which the* to
tal coinage, or even the amount out
standing, hears to the amount in c ir
culation is shown in the lac t that it Is
reported by the Treasury that there*
are still outstanding about sot),out)
half cents. 28,000,000 two-rent
pieces, and 20,000,000 nickel three
cent pieces which no one ever secs.
Iii 1850 the ratio of prison popu
lation to population was one in 3,443
it huh'tnnts. i;, jsco it was om* in
1,0 17. in 1870 onrf in 1,17 1, in IXXO
one in 852 and 1890 one In 757. In
other words, Ju the forty years from
isr.o to 1890 the prison population
Inn-oused nearly five times as fusl
I tin* population. Courier-Journal
' * 11 1 11 ■
Number 97 Bluefield Avenue,
1 _
Art Squares.
Floor Oil Cloth.
- -
Lace Curtains. ••
Window Shades. • •
General Furnishings ••
tor Houses.
-— J t
• <,,,r 1 udertnki Department is being enuinned with «i... i. , « , , t
of all kinds of Caskets, etr. 111 W,U‘ 1,M ,n Ht a,*‘l ‘“test designs l
«*• ... * • . . ♦
Vacation Time! |
The time has come when your thoughts take you to Shady 4
Nooks and Rippling Brooks in search of Health and Pleas- *
ure. Pet us sell you your Midsummer Outing Outfit. Hack ^
it in one of our Peerless Trunks or maybe a Bag or SuitCase. j
1 hat will be starting right.
You will be sure to end right.
Then You
will have them
to use again
next year.
Daily Leader Want
Adds Brings Results.
R. Kemp Morton
The Real hstate and Rental Agents
of Bluefield, West Virginia.
All persons, strangers included, are cordially invited
to frequent our office, keep an eye on the wonderful de
velopments and advancements in the above lines. The
current year will be the greatest yet known in our imme
diate coal fields for opportunity. We keep busy, but
to note our manipulations means to learn to make money
The most rare of all opportunities lies within your
reach at the present time to buy real estate cheap and
reap big profits. We have acreage in and near Blue
field alone that even the inexperienced can handle at
enormous profit on small investment. You might ask why
we should call outsider’s attention to this? Be reasona
ble, and, in justice to yourself call on the undersigned
and gain an inkling of the insidt.
General Office No. 6,
Higginbotham Avenue,
Bluefield, West Virginia.
JLYou. Meet to uild or Repair?'',«»« pus™
plastering in any Kmd of^^ngTs usmg -'.VORY.^ Communicate wfth^ C° ’ “ thc °"'* «enuin« Everybody that wants first-class job of
CEMENT. Cement and are sellir .S*holiMnd»LAhbXrKa,mMi.*t‘*r*de
. •• ">• ffiSSffilffi’SSiS!*- “1
While Slai Lime. teaStttiiSKg;
trade in Car-Load or less than Car-Load™* °Ck yet d,scovcrcd Can supply the
wire nails, SiSSS;^H?wfla,wasw
v»»vmAnnr.MMMWWWMM, ...1m _
We solicit business from the trade.
Huff, Andrews £ Thomas Co.,