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Newspaper Page Text
KINZER iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiiii ... ...—......—.---------- . _THE BLAND STREET JEWELER._TiTTV The Best Watches and Clocks. Unsur- Kk H |\| passed for Cut Class and Jewelry. AflLJLJL ^1 STANDARD--' ■ = SHOES In Every Detail! Walk-Over. W. L. Douglas, and Stetson Shapes for Men are the BbST in the World They are the recognized Staudard of shoo value the world over. They are:— Host In Style. Beat iu Fit. Best In Workmanship Heat in Wearing Quality Sold Exclusively by S. AARON, The “Shoo Man.” ' BLUEFIELD. WESTVA. ALWAYS READ Leader Ads And then make your purchases accordingly. Money Money Money ] In any amount to loan on Watches, Dia monds.Jewelry, Musical Instruments.Type writcrs, Silverware, Guns, Pistols and all other valuables. Business Strictly Confi dential. SLUM LOAN 00. HENRY RODCIN, Licensed Pawnbroker. 221 Princeton Ave. Look for the Three Gold Balls. COU *TY COURT ORDER, j WEST VIRGINIA. At a County Court continued and held for the County of Mercer at the Court House thereof on Saturday, the SMth day of July, 190$. In the matter of establishing a 1 new voting precinct In Hast Hirer District: It Is ordered that thero be and is hereby established a voting place at (lie public school house at luglcslde, 1 whoso precinct lines are as follows, to-w lt: Beginning at the line between Virginia and West Virginia and on tho lino between Oakvale product , and I’rlncetou precinct and with said 1 precinct line In a northerly direction . to Will White's, so as to leave said Will White’s to Oakvale precinct, thence with the road leudlng to the Harman branch road and from thc| Hannan branch road with said road to the corner trees at the mouth of Stinson's lane, and thence Willi the road leading from said corner trees westerly to the district lino between Bast Itlver and Heaver Pond near B. M Oney’a, so as to leave said B M Oney to Princeton product, tbeucej with said district line southerly to the' j luglcslde turnpike, and on with same i to the district line near John Q Spangler's and with Huld district line j to the said state line and with aald 'state lino t nthc beginning. It Is further ordered that the num ■ her of said product shall he No. I. It Is further ordered that all electors I at ensuing elections within the Haul boundary shall vote at said place herein designated It Is further or dered that the clerk do cuase four copies of this arder to be made anti delivered to the Sheriff and said Sheriff Is hereby directed to post a copy of said order at four public places In said precinct. The Clerk shall also post a copy hereof nt the front d«sir of the court house. He shall also furnish a copy hereof to the Princeton Star-Journal, a rej publican paper published In this county, and also to t4ie Dally Lender a democratic paper published In this county, who are directed to publish the same In their columns for one month and present their hills there of to this reurt. A Copy. Teste: ESTILL BAILEY, Clerk. DISPOSING OF MILLIONAIRES "What shall we do with our mil lionaires?" What a funny question. Give them to the comediennes New j York Mall. I ======== FANCY PATENT = '. ,:^==: improves the Grocer’s Trade And the Housekeeper's Bread. ( Superior to the Best of Other Makes, i It Is PERFECT I FLOUR That’s All. < MORE SOLD In this Region than All Fancy Patent Flours Combined. _ _ i It is as pure as can be made. Ask for Ideal Flour and Have no ] other. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured Solely by j < I -^ The .—.-- j 'McCue & Wright Milling Co., BLUEFIELD, W. VA. Speaker Caution Inis an Idea that may head off an Indorsement of him} as a presidential candidate by the) Illinois convention. *'Seo here." rats your uncle. "1 must go stumping this fall for a republican House. If I am Indorsed for the presidency my use fulness as a speaker may he Impaired, .for some people would Insinuates that | was speaking once for the party 1 and twice for myself.” “Rubberkote" Black Elastic Roof and Iron Paint For all kinds of roofs and other rxpoaed surfaces. < I f •iiaraufecd to Inst tl yearn. In any cane whoro It fall* to do thlti w% agree to aupply froo of charge aiilHcltno paint to keep the mirfuco in good condition tho atalod length of lime. COUPON. If you uro Inter oh tod In Black Paint, cut Ihla out, mall lo iim and wo will ••end you caah corIIfleate entitling you to credit of T> conta per gallon <wi all Huhherkote Pluck Klaallc Hoof am' Irou Paint purchnaod from our dealer Name . Addroaa . D«nlor’« Name . Manufactured by PIONEEIt MANIFACTt’ltlNCI CO., Clovolaml, Ohio. TIIE Et’ltEKA IIAKHWAItE CO„ lllio-IPM, \V, Va., KkcIiimIvo Agent*. » r w r -r w w VWWi i 4{ ^SUMMER-^» • “ ‘ ' ♦ H^dft M B^m m Sb k* >;; TO^rESsI d jgk K3 y5?*^ iru b ■Bl bb ■ 18 816^ ■ H hRl 8 ft r bb ■ ■ 1 S n B S □ ■ I I ra flf w I p® ■ B ■ D Q I ^ U I £*■ B SL VE n « 1HBI ■ B B B^n VLim B B ■ wC It ■ ^^^B ■ ■ * ** *-Wk ■r Bn* MB ■ VS jB? M M & ™ ™ B Bl BB BB ► -AT THE- < ' C<—* Inter-States > - * i “ * --— — < | Furniture j Emporium » _ 4 -=-. Great 1 -- BARGAINS ARE NOW BEING OFFERED IN FURNITURE AT THIS STORE. Everything will go at a I ► > i jj COME \ and see the great display we are making and \ the inducements we are offering the public. I Try a Leader Want Ad ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ LOOKI_ LOOK! VV<\ too, tiro offering hoi»io Great Bargains this Week About 100 Sliirtw t hat were $1 to go at . . 7Mr 200 Shirt* that were nO, flO n»ul 7a centw to go at dbe These are big values. All of out entire line of Ladies' Mi anew and ( hildren’s Oxfords to go at cost. Will give a big rodurtion on all Snmui> r < ioodn. A tew Ladies' Hats left at lean than half rnanufaeturer’w priee, Twenty five per cent, off of all Skirt*. Tin y must go. ( mm and -it before buying elsewhere. We will wave you money. ► Ykkv 1 ki i.v^Yoi k*, I Banks & Rosenheim, t 119-121 Princeton Avenue. If nr Artintir Jlnli Jlriulimi (fall mi (tlir filurftrlft Dctilft Ctaiirr.