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Newspaper Page Text
COUNTY COURT ORDER. WEST VIRGINIA. At a County Court continued uud held for the County of Mercer at the Court Houro thereof on Saturday, the 28th day of July, 1906. Id the matter of establishing new voting precincts in ltock District: This duy W. C. Hedrick. Edward Cooper and A. 11. Cal fee who wore heretofore appointed a committee to lay off and define new voting pre etnets In Rock district made their report in writing, which |h in wordt and figures following, to-wit: 'To the Worshipful the Count) Court of Mercer County" &e., which report being inspected by the court Is in all confirmed and adopted: It Is furtIter considered by the Court that the old Glntto pre< Inrt be nail Is hereby revised in conformance with the fallowing boundary Beginning at J. II Harman's at liluff and running witli Blato road In direction of Span Ishbttrg to np olnt on the Lnshtneet road where these roads Intersect, leaving said Harman's In the Spring Precinct; thence with said Loah meet road by way of Deaf and Dumb Shrewsbury hoys' mill to Rich creek; thence down Rich creek to forks of same at Foley place; thence a straight line to Lnshtneet and Spanlshburg road at the fork leading to A. J. Huffman's; thence with Lashmcpt and Spanfshburg road to Lashmeet; thence a straight Hut to lower end of tunnel on Wide mouth Creek; thence n straight 1 in• to G C. Anderson's, intersecting the old line: thence with the road to C E KInzer’s to forks of road leading to mouth of Widemouth Creek thence with the Clark’s Gap road t< W. M. Smith's store, leaving Jo. Thorn to Rock precinct and W. M Smith to Thomas precinct on Crane Creek; thence leaving Clark’s Gap road, and running with the old Gl atto road to Wldemouth Creek to bridge below S. P. Lambert's; thence up Wldemouth to mouth of brunch between Betsy’s Flat and W 8 Cook, and ruunlng up said branch to Low Gap near Lewis Aker's thence with top of Mountain to Rich Flat, to county line; thence with county line to place of beginning It Is further considered “by tin court that the foregoing revised Qi atto precinct be divided Into two vo ting precincts to he known ns Spring and Matoaka precincts respectively It Is further considered by the court thnt Ihero be and hereby is establish ed a voting place at the public school bouse at Rprtngton whose preclnc' lines are as follows. The revised Giatto District Is di vided Into Spring and Matoaka Dis tricts as follows; Beginning at Low Gap near Lewis Akers’ and running with the Giatto road to S. P. Lam hert’s, thence leaving said road nml running a straight line to Big Branch Junction; thence to top of steep on Harris Ridge so ns to leave Lon Clurk lo Mntaoka;thence a straight line tn T. J. Hurst farm, leaving the Hurst farm to Mntaoka. and It. B. M( Comas. W. It McComas and Ren hen Farmer to Spring; thence with the road by L. M. Kepnss’ to Deaf and Dumb Shrewsbury 1 IOVR ' mill, the end of division line. It Is furtther considered by the court that there he and is hereb\ established at Mntaoka a voting place In the publics chool house. Whose boundary linos shall include all Hie territory of the revised Giatto precinct not included In the boundary, of the spring precinct. It la further considered by the court that there be and Is hereby established at Pin nacle school house a voting place to be known as Thomas precinct, whose precinct lines are as follows: Divis ion of Hie Godfrey district is ns fol lows; Beginning at a point In th< County line near C. W. J. Walker’s, bo an to leave said Walker and John Fletcher to Thomas precinct; thence down dividing ridge between Thotnn and Crane Creeks W’orks to Mora, leaving Sagamore to Thornhill pre cinct; thence to top of Web Ridge near B. W. Walker’s and up said ridge to county road near Taylor’s to the former Godfrey district line to Gap near Lewis Aker's and with Spring precinct line to county line at j Rleh Flat and with the county line to C. W. J. Walker’s, place of be ginning It Is further ronsldored by the court that there be established tit Thornhill |u the store building o! O. W. Atkinson a voting place whos* boundaries shall Include all terri tory of the old 0odfrey precinct not ; Included In the foregoing boundary of ! the Thomas precinct. It Is further ordered that the ' said precincts he numbered as fol lows Maloaka, No. 2; Thornhill, No 9, Thomas, No 10: Spring. No. 11 It Is further ordered that all elect tors at ensuing ejections Mt)11 Vote In their respective precinct at the places within each respective pr». «Inct as hereinbefore designated I* Is further ordered that the 0P>rk do forthwith furnish to the sheriff m; copies of this order and the said I fieriff Is directed to post « copy hereof In four public place/ in each' precinct herein described. The ' flerk shall also forthwith poet aj copy of this oid«*r at the front door I of the court houne, and f irm-h cop ' les her* of Sir the CoulfP <1 Knterprl ' . a republican paper publisfmd In -aid county, and to the Dally Lender, a democratic paper published In said county, which paper are directed to publish fills order for on** month in their columns and render h*ir hills therefor to »hl court A Copy Teste E8TILL BAILEY, Clerk I COUNTY COURT ORDER. VKW l*m:< IM TH TO in: IN POI NTY. WI.ST \ IIMJINIA. At a County Court continued and hold for the county of Mercer :tt the Court house thereof, on Monday, the j JClrd day of July, 1906. In the matter of increasing the voting precincts in lleaver Pond dis trict : This day II. I. Shott, A. .1. Hearn and I*. .1 Kelley, who were hereto- j fore appointed a committee to lay off and describe additional voting pro-j el nets ft. C. Ab'X Cooper, who were heretofore I appointed to lay off and describe a voting precinct for (Irtish Pork, sub mitted their respective reports in writing, which are in words and figures to wit- “To the Worshipful, the County Court of Mercer County,” &»\ which reports being Inspected by j Hu* Court are in all matters con firmed and adopted. Ii is further considered by the Court that in eon 1 ormanee with Hie report of Hu* said If I Shott, J. Mourn and p. J. Kelley that there be mul Ik hereby es tablished within the city of BlnelieUI s voting places, numbered from 1 to k. Inclusive, the precinct lines of which are and shall be bounded as follows; Precinct No. 1: On the north by Norfolk and West ern Railway Company's right of way on tin* east by Thomas Street; on the south by the summit of dravely ridge, running with a Hue of the Bluelield Water Works and Improvement company's land, and on the west by tlie line dividing the states of Virgin ia and West Virginia. Voting place at the store of \\\ A. Reedy Precinct No. 2' On the north by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's right of way; on the east by Mi^mr street; on the south by the summit of (irnvely ridge on the line mentioned above; on the west by Thomas street. Voting place at tore building of R K. Carter Product No IP On the north by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's right o| way; on tlie east h\ Higginbotham avenue: on the south by summit of (Irnvely ridge on the line mentioned above, ami on the wc-i by Merer i BLUEFIELD BOOK AND STATIONERY CD'S, LIST OF THE SIX BEST SELLING BOOKS I • Coniston . , •, .... 7. r> .Reach i Jr7*k.er8 Ahead.. . Rarlow ;• Lady Retty Across the Water . Williamson l1?1l,,1Il>eci,l<‘8.Von Hutton “■ ll,e Ju,,Kle.Sinclair According to the above list the six hooks named sold at (ording to their arrangement. Resides those named a M,v< NVC everything in kKCKXT FICTIOX and would he pleased to have you call and see them or let us have your order hy mail or telephone. Telephone 73 ELKS BUILDING *:’*°*°*°*G»°*°*0*0*-Z*0*C* One Way to Help \ The I Daily | Leader ! On Its Way to Success IS TO Patronize those who ~1[ A VERTISE In its columns. Do this and we shall appreciete it and return the favor in any way we can. u QO i| tell them you saw it in The LEADER, j street. Voting ple«*> Ht City Hull. . Precinct No. I On Hie north by the Norfolk and U extern Hallway Company's right >f way; on the oust by Monroe street I to the Intersi-ction of Halelgh street; thence a straight Hue to summit of Gravely ridge; on »ho south bv the in in till t of Gravely ridge on the linen of the HluefiJM Water Works and j Improvement company, and on the v“*t l>j Higginbotham avenue. Vo j ‘lag place at tore building of of P. ! 1 Kelley. Preelnct No. r. On the north by the south line or Precincts No 1, 2. 3. 4 and 6; he south and u<*t by tlie Virginia Mato line; and on the east by Hi* ( \dn) Preelnct No. 9. Voting placf *i store building of Hall & Noel Precinct No. t; On the south by the summit of Gravely ridge or precinct no. fi, to i point opposite tlie In tersection of Monroe and Kal*-igh • reels; said line being also a part of the northern boundary of Precinct No. r>: on tlie west by n straight line 'n the Intersection or Raleigh and Monroe aerect thence along Monroe •rosslng the railroad to Henry street; hence along Henry, .Sussox and Warren street, to tlie head of Warren dreet; tlience a straight line to the lorthern boundary of the city of Minefield tIn in e with the northern ine of Preclm t No. 7 to the Mttles { burg road; thence with the Hltfles •urg road to the southern line of I (lilttleshurg i Precinct No. 11; thence i with the soieie rn line of HttHesburg ) Precinct No I I to Hie western line I of the Ada Pierlnct No. 9; thence Jviitli the western line of the Ada j Precinct No. 9 to the northern line or Preelnct No. r.; thence with the northern line of Precinct No. G to the beginning. Voting place at store building of \ I.oher. Precinct No. 7: On the south by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company’s right of way; on the oast by the lines of Precinct No. (l; on the north by the corporate limits of niuefleld. being tlso line of Precinct No. t; to a point on a line of Hensley street; on the west by a straight line running from 'he said corporate line to the head of Hensley street; thence with Hens ley street to Marshall street; thence 1 willi Marshall street to Reese street; ' thence with Reese street to the Nor I folk and We tern Railway Company's J i igiit of way Voting place at Houch* ins store. Precinct No s f>n the north by Hie corporate lines or the City of Bltteflold; on Hie j south by the Norfolk and Western THE BLUEFIELD DAILY LEADER. Having been published three months, has existed long enough to give assur ance of future success. Tl has done more than a great many other newspapers, have done in the beginning. It lias paid it way from the dart, with every promise of ' ■m increased patronage in ;the future. That the publication of this journal has inet. with obsta cles. is not disputed, but un |der eisting conditions, it has made remarkable strides forward and still hopes for a greater prosperity. The field is here for such i newspaper, and if our friends will only have confi dence and continue their patronage we shall soon have a better newspaper in every way and established in such a manner that obsta cles will appear in its career no longer. i I f you want a good dem ocrat ic newspaper in Blue field, now is your opportuni ty t< give it that support which will make it more readable and more attract i ftfi Flat Top National Bank OF BLUEFIELD WEST VIRGINIA Organized 1903. Capital Paid in Cash, $100,000.00. Total Resources Over Half Million Dollars IJNITF.D STATES DEPOSITARY Progressive. Conservative. , k. . * K MOl.M.Nt;, ( A-Hii.iv Accounts Solicited. u> n miomas, \ k » i V( ,v- K I Mi, Ai-hista.N I Hallway Company's right of way; ou 'be #*ust by the linos of Precinct No. ! Voting place on Allen street in Store building of Norfolk and West ern Hallway Company. It Is further ordered by tho court that there be and Is hereby estab lished at Brush Fork Schoolhouse In heaver Fond District a voting place in conformance with the said report of K. C. Dangerfleld. J. C. Davidson uml Alex Cooper, whose precinct lines are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the corporate lino of Hluclield on tin* county road leading from .1 II. Higginbotham's to Minefield at or near (he dwelling house of Thomas Miles on said road • ml running with said road to where if Intersects tho road leading from Mttlesburg to Falls Mills, by way of I Higginbothams and front that point to the dwelling house of Mrs. A. it. Davidson, and Dinning from | • lie said dwelling house of Mr. \V. B | Davidson so as to include any voter! at said house on a straight Hue to tin* dwelling house or Ile/.iklah Poe. so ns to Include any voters that may it house on th«* waters of Lorton’s Lifk and front that running with the waters of Morton's Lick to the line of lloek District and running from that point in a south west di rection and with said Rock District line until It connects with line di viding .Mercer and Tazewell county, and with said county line until It connects with the corporate lines of Bluefleld and with said corporate line of Minefield to the beginning, and the voting plaeo shall ho at Brush Fork School house It Is further ordered that the num bering of the voting precincts in. said district he and is hereby changed ;o that Ada Precinct shall No. 9. Belcher's School house No. 10, IJt ' lesburg No. 11. Brush Fork school house No. 12. And the electors with in the said prod nets shall at ensuing elections vote at the places herein set fort It within their respective pro ducts. n is further ordered that the Clerk nr this Court do forthwith make of) and deliver to the sheriff of this county four copies of this order for ench precinct herein de scribed and the sheriff shall post In rout- public places in each pre cinct a copy hereof. The Clerk Is also directed to cause a copy of this order to he posted at the front door of I he court house. B Is further ordered that the Clerk do cause copies hereof to he delivered to the Dainly Leader a democratic paper in said county and iIn* Dally Telegraph, a republican l»a|i.*i in so id county, for publication, and said papers are directed to pub lish in (heir columns tills order for one month and render their account to this Court. A Copy. Teste: KSTILL BAILEY. Clerk. __ _ . . The . . Growing Stronger All The Time Has the Mo .t Complete Outfit For Any Kind of PRINTING In Bluefield. % We Strive to Please Our Patrohs! Satisfaction Will B« Guaranteed In Every Instanced Your Order For Job Printing Solicited! • . Office . . Bland Street, ,Next to Post Office. History of the Middle New New River Settlements. I BY=" David E. Johnston We have gotten in Two Shipments of these Books But have not yet caught up with our orders. It is a splendidly got ten up 500 pages book, well bound and illustrated. If you want one, get your order in at once—will de liver as Quickly as possible. I The Art-Statonery Company^ No. 125 Princeton Avenue Bluefieid, - - West Virginia.