Newspaper Page Text
THE WHY OF SOCIALISM. So< ialism Ih a doctrine horn of the intense longing of philanthropists to UbtrtA Um« froa t ].• conditions in the cities,” says Torn Watson In his magazine "The doctrine has no considerable foothold an'where outside of the cities. Its arguments are based upou citj conditions. In our rural coniutu niti.-s it makes no headway, simply because comlltions wlilch encourage It in the cities do not exist in the country. ‘ If the overcrowding in the cities could be counterbalanced, if the sur plus population could be Induced to scatter out and go to work In rural communities, responding to the earn est demand for laborers in the less populous portions «>r the I'nlon, cre ating homes and farms upon the millions of square miles of unappro priated or easily accessible laud which impatiently awaits the benefi cent touch of human Industry So cialism would at once cease to be a factor In politics, and would once more become, what It has so long been, a cult of the studio.” THE SIZE OF IT. It look now a* II the late Bussell -’age's greatest mistake was in pro vBLijfc, $25,000 bequests to a l< of - tt : t relatives Providence Tii e'lne. The Daily Leader is the best ad vertising medium in tills section. 190G - 1907. The Wesleyan University of West Virginia, (Now West Virginia Wes leyan College.) College courseg leading to drgrees. Preparatory (or Seminary) courseg leading to diplomas. School of tuuslc, school of busi ness, school of oratory, chool of ped agogy, chool of unglueeriug. Clean town, extensive campus, large enrollment, strong faculty, varied cow.-;es, Christian Influences, vigorous school life, moderate ex penses. The new college building gives much ’satisfaction. Particular attention Is directed to the conservatory of music, whose new director and Instructor In voice, Pro fc. sor Benson, is planning largely for the coming year. The full term will begin September 12. For large catalogue and depart y mental announcement# add res# Pro* Blent .1. VVI Fit, lluckhannon, W. Va. llarry Q. Turner, assistant editor of the Hatchet, Mrs. Carrie Nation's paper, is looking for a “consecrated prohibitionist" to push a whcolhar-! row frotn Guthrie to Washington bear lug a message from Mrs Xutiou to the president. Mrs. Nation adopted this method as the one more likely to ! impress the chief executive with the Importune#' of earnest action on the temperance question. Mrs Nation’s wheelbarrow trundler must lecture and get subscribers for the Hatchet [on his way. SOUVENIRS GIVEN AWAY TO ADVERTISE FINE TEAS AND COFFEE COFFEES Ground to Order. From 15c per lb. up. GOOD TEAS 30 to 35c per lb. BARRY’S BUTTER STORE. N&WNirrfblk&WistBm HtIuhIiiIo Iu KATitC May 37, 1906. Leave Bliiefleld 9:30 „ n, for Ro ftuoke. Lynchburg. Norfolk mid all I • .n,,K °n .th° shtM,n»d«»ah dlvlalou. , oilman sleoper to Roanoke and Ito- ! Pnrfnr N»W Y°rk> V,u Mageistown I I arlor mr Honnoke to Norfolk i», ir> ?. Jn,,y for Konuoke and Intermediate polnta. 2:50 p tn. for Roanoke and Lynch hrn-g and Intermediate station* and ' ihe Shenandoah Valley, Philadelphia1 'ml New York. Sleeper to Philadel phia- Roanoke to Richmond 8:33 p. tn. for Roanoke, Lynch hnrg. Richmond. Norfolk, PiiIIhihu I deeper Last Radford to Norfolk and I Lynchburg to Richmond. Cafe Car Trains arrive at llluefleld from the ; ejist at 8:58, a. iu., 1:55, p. m 8 05 I P. ni., and 9:05 p. m. From the west at 8.00 a in-9:20 II • Ul 2:05 p. iu., and 8:18 p. m Leave Rluelleld at 8:15 p m for Kenova, Columbus and all polnta A»*Ht and northwest. Pullman sleep, era for Columhua and CiiicluiiatI, O Cafe car. 9.08 a. m. for Kenova, Cincinnati ' Portsmouth, Columhua, Si. Lou la'. ' I hrough Pullman aleepera to Coliirn hus. Cafe car. Leave 9:15 a. m . and 2 15 p. ni dally for Tazewell, Norton, and all at a Ilona on Clinch Valley dlvlalou Arrive from Norton and all polnta on the Clinch Valley dlvlalou at 2.3# and 7:55 p ni. Leave 5:50 a. m. for Kenova and Intermediate statlona via Wayne. Leait; 00 and S SO p m r.n Welch and Interuiedlate stations. For Pocahontas 5:50 a. in. 9:0T a in. 2:30 p. m. and 8:10 p. m Ar-• rive from Pocuhontaa at 8:00 a m 2:06 p. m. and 8:18 p. ni. For liramwell, leave Minefield 6:50 a. in. 9:08 a in 2:30 p. in. and 8:16 p. m. , Fall on agent Norfolk and Western Itallwky. for tickets, maps, and addl- I ♦tonal Information W. B BKVILL, O. P. A. Vo* nnlr* Vo r. E. OSBORN, liOI IH MILLER,. Manager. Aa*L Manager. MOMMVVVMMIMVIMWVVVIWWIA Hotel Windsor IJmler New Management. I his favorite hotel is now tnuler new manage ment, and excellent service The rooms are cleanly kept and the best service is rencdered to guests* 1 hat is possible to bo bad. The closeness of the Windsor to business and its excellent table rec ommends it to the traveling public. On the American and European plans. Opposite Passenger Depot. BLUEFLELD, WEST VIRGINIA. And Ready For Busines THE FLAT TOP FURNITURE COMPANY. Come And See ,()ur Large Stock And Take In The Great Induce ments We Offer. If you wish to Reach the Masses and The greatest Nnmber of Readers in the CITY OF BLUEFIELD You can do so by taking space in the columns of this journal.. Thero is no Question But what the DAILIY LEADER Has the largest city Circulation, And if you wish the best Results, You should ad vertise in its column Tersm Reasonable, and. M.ide known on applica tion. 1 i STOVES AND FURNITURE, RANGES. Wo are now in our now store, No. To Blucfield Ave., next door to the West Fnd Drug Co., where we have a large stock of House Fur nishings, such as lied Room ►Suits, Rockers, Iron Reds, ( hairs, Bed Lounges, Rook Cases, Desks, Straw Matting (a large lim; just received.) Art Squares, Rugs, I jOCc Curtains, Sideboards, Coin r bination ('ases, Safes, Re frigerators, Sunshine stoves and (food Will Steel Ranges, 1 he best in the world. We will be jdoaed to see you and show you through our new bouse and new goods. Prices a re i he lowest. Yours to I Mease, FLAT TOP FURNF TIJRK COMPANY, IMione 48«i. No. 7ij Bluef’tld Avenue. £ No. 4643. r,'l,W,N MANV* »*»,»'»ld»*n». WAf/TKB O. POIJ/M K, CASH, t# **■ A HfKIPKB, Ass’t Cash. j: The First National Bank »♦ ;• bluefield, west Virginia. ► Capital, Surplus, and (Individ Profits, 9300,000 ► ► ► .Deposit Your Money With the Oldest and Stron* * est Bank inJTown. J*. A. ^ A A A A A aaa - . HERBERT B HAWES. FOR SALE! Attorney and Counselor. No. 6 Telephone Building, BLUEFIELD, - WEST VIRGINIA Prompt personal attention given In claim* Old NCWSDanCTM frtr acalo ' in Mercer and Me I towel I counties, W. Va., p«pc rrt Inf SrllO an<l Ta/ewell county, Va. Commercial and . . corporation law a specialty. at thl8 office VCXy cheap. W t-t: fr t : c - vc-croc C-C C>»«e-t^V« BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS BLUEFIELD REAL ESTATE Which makes it the BEST INVESTMENT for your MONEY in the Country. Pays BIGGER' Pl\ 1 PEN 1>S. Perfectly SACK ami GROW 1N(« in \ Al.PK all the time. t)ur includes the HKST VALCKS to he had for Ql-ICK BUYERS. _ *T<»OKH AND HONUM UAMU.KH CONKlOKNTIAM.Y. A. S. BOOKER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS,* Corner Princeton and Higginbotham Avenues. 1 a a aa-aa 3 3 a a aa^a a aa a 344ma m.««j> » ......__ ~__1 Hotel Altamont, J. L. PATTON. Prop'r,"] Bluefield, West [Virginia. A DELIGHTFUL PLACE TO STOP. CIoho to bualuoHs, right at. tho imobruKi'r depot and In nvory way convenient to tho traveling public. Nice rooma, attentive servants and courtooiiit attendants froui the pro prietor down. Flrst-slasH In every particular. Everything you want that cau he had. STOP AT THE ALTAMONT WHEN YOU COME TO BLUEFIELD Are You Going On A Trip?: Protect yourself and family w. h , Combination Accident Ticket in The Travelers Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. Accident Tickets Sold for Any Length of Time From One Day to One Year. CLAUDE W. MOSS, District Agent. ELKS BUILDING BLUEFIELD, W. VA, —____ THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE BEST The.Penn Mutual^Life Insure ice Co. i ( of Philadelphia. T. T. Carter, ARCHITECT. Office 6 andt7 Lazarue Building, BLUEFIELD, - WEST VA. . , —— ...... ■ . NEW 'LIVERY STABLE. Chestnut St., W«st End. u BLUEFIELD, W. VA. < P. tiny tor’s l.lvery, Feed wnd Hoarding Stable. First Claaa teams at reasonable rates. Your patronage solicited Teams furnished at auy time day or night. Alsu light and heavy hauling done, ■ -^ ..--- -- - i — w ’ ’ - w * ' » • • * • • • * • ^ v v v v v v v'i r v v vv’rvwwvl SAXON IN ■ and LUMBER COMPANY, BLUEFIBLD. ». Vl Our Specialties: Class, Sash Doors, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Moulding and I Work, Lath, Hair, Shingles, Tar Roofing and Building Paper. Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster and Sewer Pipe. Rough Lumber, Hemlock Framing, Boards, Mine Rail, Mine Car Supplies. WRITK OK CALL ON'US. Georgia Lumber Go. Dealers In All Kinds of Yellow Pine Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Shingles, Lath, Glass and Sewer Pipe Cement, Lime and Building Paper. Agents “Alpha Portland” and “Black Diamond” Cements Bluefield Avenue. Bluefield, West Virginia.