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The Leader. ALL ABOUT BLUEFIELD Mr \V. II. Shutl or Coopers. w.,s In t he < ity \ esterday. Mr (5 A Rhlrey left last night for u tnisluesK trip to Roanoke. Mi I’. I*. Flanagan, of Kcktnnn, was here yesterday on busiie is. Mr. \V. P Hansen has returned •from a buslm-s. trip '•> Fhbago. Miss I .el le Crawford left yesterday for un extended vi It to .Notion C F Riismi e||, of Mt Powell wa n business visitor to Illucffcld yes terday. The leeetit wet weather has time x'hat delayed the paving on lllnofleld avenue Hurst Ib-eher and Stirling Mann returned yesterday from a trip to Mountain Lake. Mr and Mrs \V. ,\ Itodell return .ed last night from a pleasant visit to Atlantic City Messrs. Harry Itowi-n. of Siininoni and P. (J Coodwill, of Hoodwill. were in the city yesterday. f.O men's tin line) white and fancy vests to close nt reduced prices They fire all m-w pedlgo. \ in overstoeked in ladles’, mi ms', and children's white duck hat . Must be closed out regardless of cost K R. Pedigo. Mr. R. C Morrison, of the Hint field Hardware Comiutny, returnod last night from a visit to his home mi Eastern Virginia. The Labor Pay Committee will bold a meeting at Hunters Hall to night at 8 o’clock, at which a full attendance is desired The Ladles Auxilary to the Order of Railway Conductors held nn Ice cream festival at the residence of Mrs Pouthat last flight. Mr F. C. Wright, traffic manage! of Rogers, Brown & Co., who has been here for several days <.n busi ness has returned to Cincinnati. Ladies', Misses and Children's (-heap, medium and best white duck hats at greatly induced prices bin stock to select from at Pedigoe's • We still have four or live French pattern hats that were $13..r»n, $!»;. and $ 1 s. Take your choice at $t.a(l, but please be in a hurry. K. S. Pedigo. l)o you mil on the Art-Stationery More often on Princeton avenue. If you do not you miss seeing lots of attractions that would interest you Cull and see. Don't forget to remember that Piinceton is going to have a great lot sale soon. Better go over and buy n corner lot and It will make you rich some day, Supt A C Needles of the Not folk und Western passed through Blue field last night on liis j,| i\ ite car, ac companied by a party or friends, for q western trip. Miss Belle Weeks, one of the ef ficient clerks in the Ferrell Mercan tile Company's store, returned last night after spending her vacation in West minister, Md H P. Barlow returned last night after spending n pleasant visit at his homo and has resumed hi dutlet with tin* Minefield Produce and Com mission Company. Sublette and Barnes have the freshest kinds of groceries alwnyu on hand. They strive to pb-aso and never fall to keep the best of every thing You should call and fake a look at the arrangement of their store*. Let all the good people of Mercer countv who want a clean county gov ernment attend tin- Democratic ((in vention on next Saturday. Council together and nominate your lies? < iti zens and then nn to work and elect t hem A suspicion- looking character was arrested yesterday after an unsuc cessful attempt to pass a counter feit dollar on • v-wa] busines men of the city He was lodged In Jail and will have an oppoCunity till morning to explain how be <•;«!:.** into |»Os-ses-ion of counterfeit money The tailor made - i(t that We ar* offering at about halt price are prro * lentil V Hie moM|o a will la- worn in the fall, Kton mats 'I he only rea son that we re»lu< <• them so low is to rbar up the odd- and ends Wlo and economical shopper* will giv nttontIon to inis ad. K -h Pedigo Ward Halh y, of \dn ,< In to s< #, the Trader on •> • .-• # d. It#, jn an other that is « i llm. 1 in <*|f a friend of tip Journal l.ct hem con finite t#, ff.fu# We want evei man In M< i< >• r county t## remernhc that in#. I#eadef is f##r |t« home people fit I t«t*'i the I of htlfnani’ aft# I . wards. The annoum- rio nt To f<« salon of f. this morning Prof t it j, r principal, Is at ed < «to of i *•. perlencc and a thorough genth man in ©very -e of the word Mating known him fot a long tim* we do not think if out of plan# for a cultivated instructor who tak>* r | ‘ at pnd* n hi prof# . M I s hard v ot t t, e<m .. ic-p i n. mity. SOUL AND BODY. Tie- belief that the soul leaves the body at the Instant of death Is very • at isfy III.’ >o the most of us. If It • mid la- locked tip In a Harvey Ized rurlble- Met hlehem steel armor-plate off.n worth $23,000, It Is doubtful If •ven the toot-toot of the Angel (Ja oirel's horn could open n crack big • nogh for Its escape. Our multls nre j pending vast sums on tombs these '•lays. But there liusn't been a sensa tional grave robbery since the A. T ; .'tewurt J«d» was so badly botched j i'end multls are worth no more than j i>aiipers just now. The market price j is lower than May State (las, and ..rnvo robbers tire small potatoes, unalb r even Ilian highwaymen. The brigands bad i line chance at itm k efeller recently, but were afruid The Minefield (inn Club will have it elaborate bant|iiet at Hie Hotel Windsor tonight. The bill of fare a sumptions and tempting display «'f the best tilings to be had, and a ood Him generally is anticipated Tile Bonder will give a full report of 'lie entertainment There will bo a oyai good time in store for all who it t end. The Swan Company house furnlsh • s ind undertakers advertise in this Issue of the Header. They arc loca ' <1 on Mluetlehl avenue and have i ■ t opened up at No. H7;. They have line selection of very pretty goods uni it would be worth your while to call and see the superiority of heir off. ling- They nre only tnnk i g ready to -Imw the public what ' toy propose to do in the furniture mines- and they are making tin ex aorilinaiy good start. You should II at their place of business and see for yourself. ACHIEVEMENTS 01 OLD AGE. It is loo lair' Alt' nothing is too late I ill tin* tired heart shall cense to pal pitate. '.ito learned Greek at eighty; Soph ocles Wrote his grand Oedipus, and Simon ides Gore off the prize of verse from his compeers, When each had nutnhered more than four score years; ' ml Theophrastus at four score and 1 on Gad but begun his ‘‘Characters of Men.” Chaucer, at Woodstock with the nightingales, t sixty wrote the ‘‘Canterbury Tales.” Goethe, at Weimer, toiling to the last, unjdeted "Faust” when eighty years were past. Wlint then’ Shall wo sit idly down and say I he hath come; it is no longer day ? I lie night hath not yet come; we are not quite Gut off from labor by the failing light; Something remains for us to do or dare I’ven tiie oldest trees somu fruit may boa r. 1 or ago is opportunity no less l mn youth itself, though in another d ress; \nd iis tie* evening twilight fades away I ie s|<v is tilled with stars, .nvisihle by «iay. - Henry \V. Longfellow. MISSING MAN COMES HOME. (Mileage \ug. it After an un 1 <p**ctod absence of thirty-one years I rofessor Charles H. Frye, former p' i intend' nt of the Chicngi normal bool, returned to Chicago Sunday. Gne of his first aits after his arri • I at hit home, was to hand fifty * 1 00 hills to his wife with ttie remark Wk me no questions.” Fry was i years old when he dls ■ pea red. Since Hint day no word had • i, received from him by his wife I ie was recognized immediately in ■He of Ids added years and altered a ppea ranee. Hei mid tii have made money in II * I'hllippiiie islands, where he re <d»*d for several years. iiifiiiiiMMiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimii jl Bluefield Cigar Manutactur- i '| ing Company 1 ( Our Leader { [Pride of Bluefield] \ W ill I a- found i dHirion* 9 < iU-ir In -Mtinkr, Why Not Smoke a | Home Product When \ It is The liest ? E r '•nr r mid you * If I iki tlo-m Heller &. Webli, Proprietors | . ritlilllllllllllillllllillllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHif GRAHAM COLLEGE Will Open Tuesday, September t, i«oe. vot it iMTitov.\tii<: soi,i(Tri:i>. We do honest work and shall strive to be worthy of your support. Wo have the followi!ik courses; LITKItAltY, i:i,«M t '| |0\. Alt sir. AltT. Hales of Tuition Primary Depart meat p«*i month $;*.Jio Literary Department, all above Primary, per month,.$1 on I'loentIon, per moneh, . $ Music, per month.$4 00 Art per month, . $4.00 Hoard in the dormitory and Tuition in the Literary Department, $n;.00 per month. Hoard and tuition payable monthly In advance. I’or further inform: lion rail on. or address, •I. It. Mi-rid I’M. Principal <•11 \IIAAI, \ \. Want Column. WANTED:—Two wliitr men in (list rilmte samples of t (dluloid st a fell. Applv at niirc to M i*. Adams at I In IT, A ndrcws & Th omas. FOR RENT.-—Four room Hat in Paris Pudding. Ap ply to F. II. Easley, DU) I ‘riiiceion avenue. 8-iotr. WANTED: - Nil experienced dry goods and notions salesman, to travel southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky. Applica tion should l»e nccompained by statement of annual sales for the past years, and reference to former (Mil ploy men t. Add ress, F. 0. THOMAS K- CO., x-ll-4t. Roanoke, Vu I OR SALE: Six room h msc <m IHueficld avcinic. $1000 <*asli, balance $‘jr> per month. Applv to •F. A. DON A If 1T E. TOR RENT:- A six room residence on Allen st reel. Apply to (I. E. Edwards, -M>. AI len si rco f\»r Pari ie i liars. W .ANTKI):—Several roomers and boarders. Hood accomodations. Apply to Miss Kate 1'erklns, South ern House, Mercer street. WORKINGMEN ATTENTION. Good positions are wait ing for you! Call on Amer ican Employment Bureau, 2!>, Bluclicld Ave., Bluelield, West Virginia. THE BEST FRESH MEAT at mi; ENTERPRISE - MEAT MARKET, W. J. FORD & CO., Props. No. 5 Princeton Avenue, BLUE FIELD, W. VA. At our place you can get the best meat selected from the best cattle in Tazewell county by an experienced meat man. Come and see us, we will treat you right. i BARGAIN 3ALE. For the next few days we will offer any Ladles Purse or Handbag in our stock at exactly HALF PRICE. “ We do do what we say we do do,”—so if you want a real do,”—so if you .want a real BARGAIN In Purses or Handbags, call around to see us. THE ART STATIONERY Company, 125 Princeton Avenue. KELLY & MOYERS. - wDEALERS IN WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ALES. BEERS Porters and All Kinds of Liquors. FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD & POOL-ROOM CONNECTED OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPTLY TIS VERY TElVIPTINfi1 HAVE YOU TRIED OUR l : = Boiled Ham, v Breakfast Bacon, • And Dried Beef Ctr Sliced on our new machine* any thickness? Call and sec it manipulated ^ °r Phone Us Your Order. We keep all the delicacies and • staples in .. . ? Groceries. 1 Large and new quarters, with a great f, variety of goods. Prices will Please and quality of ;1 goods the best to be had r __ "‘CALL OR PHONE ■ SUBLETTE & BARNES, THE GROCERS -- Bluefield Avenue, Bluefield W Va ....... ' - Mid Summer-Bargains! In keeping with my regular custom I am closing out cost and carriage the remainder of my stock of Seasv,jp Goods, which is composed of the following* REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WA TER COOLERS, OIL AND GASOLENE COOK STOVES, HAMMOCKS, COMBINATION FILTERS AND COOLER, LAWN MOWERS AND WINDOW SCREENS. I make this offer in order to move this stock out of the way preparatory to making room for my large St FALL GOODS. ALL goods offered the first class and will be used for the next two or three months to come. To any one who may be in need of the above goods, This SPECIAL SALE offers a rare opportunity to purchase at Bargain Prices. Bear in mind that stock in the above mentioned lines is already running low; hence it will be wise to make pur chases while stock lasts as we v/ill not receive any more >of this class of goods during this season Do not forget that I carry a large^and well assorted line of Cast and Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves. If you are in the market or a Steel Range or Cook Stove, do not fail to examin > my line before making your pur chase as I am confident that I can please you in quality and price.. , . The Shelby Delivers the Light Where You W'ant It. I carry a large and well assorted stock on hand all the time and solicit your orders, which will be filled prompt iy M. C. WHITLOW, Phone No. 12. 323, Princeton Ave., Opp. Freight Depot. FURNITURE! !___ ^7 tl V' Pf?/CP ^ c make it interesting to shrewd buyers. We me of ______ • feriag some great values for little money. Having ~ ————bought out the (iem Furniture Company, it puts us in shape to give you great bargains. These low prices will only hold good for a lim *m" b> loom ti up our crowded floor space. 1 he stock embraces some unique, nice and line pieces of Furniture. ELABORATE— HALL TREES. CHIFFONIERS, FOLDING BEDS COUCHES. LOUNGES, ROCKERS BEDSTEADS. SUITS, ‘Don’t fail to Call Before you Purchase. As we are in shape to Save you money. ANP IN FACT, everything in the house furnishing line BLUEFIELD MERCHANDISE EXCHANGE - , -—■= RALEIGH STREET. - ■ - - YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US. We are receiving Stein-Bloch Fall Clothing Daily. Are looking for REGAL SHOES September 1st. Thornton Clothing Co.