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Bluefield : >aily Leader. _V<>1, '• NO 1M-. ~Z I.i.r :i-ii:i.i>. wkst minima. r;n ,.\y moumn.;, \r.:i sr jjj .==== ~—PMOBTWoc’knts I MOB IN PURSUIT OF NEGRO FIEND. Thousand Men Hunting for Negro. 8I.A8HKD YOING I.ADY'H THROAT WITH MKAT KNIFK AMD AT TKMITKI) OITHAUK. COLt'MBIA, H. 1\, Aug. IS. —A special to the State from Greenwood One of the moat diabolical at tempts at criminal assault was made yesterday upon the (arson of Miss Jenule Brooks. the SO-year-old daughter of J I*. Brooks. a pros perous merchant and farmer of this place, by a negro named Bob Davis, Brooks was absent himself tem porarily leaving the young lady In charge of the store. The negro after niuklug some purchases grubbed a meal knife and said: “Yon are what I want." Seizing an Iron bar the young lady made an attempt to de feud hereslf, whereupon the negro slashed her across the throat, making a gash four Inches long Hnd almost severed two of her Ungers A posse of 1.000 men Is iu pursuit of the negro and if caught he will probably be lynched. Davis’ brother was lynched 12 years ago for assaulting a white woman. MORE PAY FOR THE PRINTERS.' WAHHlMflTON. Auk- l.1._ Public Printer Stillings has gone on record u« favoring higher wages in the gov ernment printing office. “The work of the office has bo changed" he Bald today, '‘especially in the printing branch since the In troduction of typesetting machines, that the estahlshed wage of $4 per day Is hardly n fair compensation for men and women who are skilled op erators on these machines, and Is not gt? much compensation n« paid' by commercial and newspepar offices to those doing like service.” Me will recommend to congress a higher wage scale. THE UNITED STATES SENATE. STATE* THAT ELECT SENATORS NEXT WINTER AND PROB ABLE CHANGE*. The terms of 15 democrats and 15 republicans who have Heats in the United States Senate expire on March 3, next. The democrats are: Bacon, Ga. Gearln, Or. Baileyt Tex. McLauren Miss, ( Re-elected.) Berry. Ark. Martin, Va. Blackburn, Ky. Morgan, A1h. Carmack, Tenn. Patterson, Col Clark, Mont. Simmons, N. C. Dubois, Idaho. Tillman. S. C. Foster, La. (Reelected ) The republicans are: Alger, Mich Elkins, W Va. Ailee, Del. Frye, Me. Benson, Kan. Gamble, 8. D Burnham, N. H Millard, Neb. Crano, Mass. Nelson. Minn Ciillom, Mass Warren, Wv I)o!liver, la. We!more R. |. Drvden, N. J. Horne of the democrats have al ready been re-elected and others Humiliated hy popular vote Berry will he succeeded by Davln. Blackburn hy Paynter and Carmack by Taylor j Oenrln will be succeeded hy .Ionsthan Bourne, a republican. The atales of Montana, Idaho, and Colorado arc doubtful, ho the democrats have lost 1 and 3 are In doubt. In the republican list the state of Delaware, Kansan, Illinois, Wes* Virginia and Rhode Island are doubt-| ful. f* in all, hut the chances favor the republicans In most of thpse states. The new state of Oklahoma will elect two senators and the outlook there Is very favorable to the dem ocrats If a democratic tidal wave should overwhelm the republicans this fall three or four states now counted bh •urelv republican, would elect dem ocrats ATTENTION, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. In order to supply st once the un / precedentcd demand In Minefield for IVORY Wood Fiber Plaster, our factory has shipped* ns four extra car loads which we are receiving to day. So that you may not he dis appointed in your work please let us have your older promptly for Ivory Wood Fiber Plaster MI FF, ANDREWS A THOMAS CO Exclusive ''Ivory” Distributors. LONOWORTH IS ON BLACK LIST. l>R4>rH HIM iMtl.rtlt |> roNTItl HI TIOX BOA AMI S\)s HKH OOINC; liAt'K TO OHIO. NKW YORK, Auu l<V Represen tative Nicholas Iaiiikw orth, or Ohio, was a visitor today at the headquar ters of the National republican con gressional campaign committee He deposited ope dollar u« his contribu tion to the campaign fund lie Hnid he f^uild leave for Ohio Thursday or Friday and that Mrs. lamaworth would accompany him Mi lamg worlVhaid he was a candidate for re-«|^tion and expect.*,| that he woiiljl fin. "All that I know about 1 he situa tion iu my district." said the con gressman, “has been learned from the letters tliut I l>ave received while 1 have been away. I know nothing nbout the opposition of the labor lu tereala to me outside what 1 have read in the papers, from which I gath er that 1 am on the general black 11**, hut for what reason I do not know " NEWS FROM GRAHAM P. (*. Win bourne, the general as sistant agent of the N. K \\\ |{\ Co nt this place, hits returned froiu his vacation much refreshed and will re name Ills dutlea today The publlc will he glad to see ''Peeler's’' smil ing countenance again III grading the Htreeta for Hie new granolithic aide* walks that are now being laid by Contractor T K Maker it has been discovered that many of the buildings 0n the principal streets of the town project into the Htnad beyond the building line; others are set hack too far from the building line, the result being a great Irregu larity nnd ainsIghtlfrieRs In the ap pearance of things And yet no one seemed to notice this until the civil engineers called the attention of the TownCouncil to the matter. It |s to be hoped that tin* Town Council will deal with this matter for the best in terests of the town and of the people, and we feel sure that all good citi zens will lend their aid In making all encessary changes in the* width and grades of the* streets. The First National hank of (Jra httm has recently doubled its capital stock and elected Its officers for tlu* ensuing year. The capital steak of this institution Is now $r»0,000 on and wet predict for It a rapid progress in promoting the In terns la of Its cus tomers and of lhe town It offers to all the* most modern facilities and conveniences in the* banking line, and Is a bulwark of strength to the* finan cial Interests of the town The new officers are: John Wal ters of Walters & (to. President: Jas. . Dudley, of the Thistle* plow K Foundry Co., Vice President; j K Morton, Vice-President of the Mank of Mataoka, Cashier. S5.000 FOR ADVER TISING <M»AltM OF TIIADK ItAIMKH XON’KY IMIMDDV WITH WIIHTI TO AHVKKTIHF THE MTV— III MIXRHH MKX RKAIo l/K IMI'OItTAVCE OF MH\ RMKNT. The committee from the board of trade, appointed to raise $5,000 for advertising Bristol, have already re reived a considerable amount In sub scrlptlons and are much encouraged ft Is not thought that any trouble will be encountered In raising the amount agreed upon ns the business men of the city declare they are con vinced of the efficacy of advertising and believe that Judicious advertising will do Bristol much good The committee appointed to spend the money have not yet had any work to do, hs little will be dons to that end until the $5,000 Is raised, nt. which time an advertising cam paign will be agreed upon by the committee and carried out Bristol Herald It would I s commendable If Blue field would follow the example of Bristol and advertise her many ad vantage*. CANNOT ACCEPT It I* now officially stated that f}en eral Ayers cannot be a candidate for congress |n the ftth Virginia dis trict on account of urgent business engagements still there are some who think he can be prevailed upon to accept the nomination. AMI &ICANS AND CHEESE. W'K NOT ONLY KAT MoRK n» IT. HI T WK MAI4K \l.|, TIIK Htmtmii winds Americana used to l*e half a polo Retie, half delimit, when they took che«««e. They had «o often been told that it was Indigestible that they would as soon 'have questioned the rule of three. The status of i hoese I* entirely different now Physi cians are declaring -and the people are bellevelug — that cheeae. If eat en properly, is u<>t onl\ digestible, but a I ho more qatrlUous weight for I w-elght, tiiaii almost mix other food A Rreut amount, of ch«e«e tunuufac lured in this cdpntrv is exported to those places In {Europe which have bi»en. and still ate famous for their .cheese, and oar product Is fully equal to the native brands, it is said that Stilton cheeae Is made In this country sent to ftCnalaud, w here u cloth Is put ! mound It^ and reehlpped to this and other countries ns the genuine En glish StilUui. The doth used puts a peculiar print upon the do ese rind which Is supposed to Identify It However this may be. thin country Is successfully making cheeae wlibh were once made only In certain Kuut pean districts Chief among these Is the HW’laa cheese called Schweitzer kuse by the Hermans and Urn yore by • he Ktench. an excellent brand of which is made In Ohio, Much of the native cheese Is made III the state or New York. It Is called simply New York cream cheese and runs frfom the new, nearly white and nearly tasteless cheese to the dark yellow or dark reds, which In flavor and appearance resemble Stll ton, Parmesan, Edam and aliniiai European makes. To get any pur tleulnr kind flic buyer must except It be American Swiss, Roquefort, Minhurgoi or the like- go to the shop and buy by sample. Most or • he Americau cheeses, Indeed arc nunicies*. In Europe the call for a certain brand of cheese always brings Hie same product. The white (‘ream che«*ses, aucb as the Neiifchntel from Normandy, are made In 1hia country to perfection !’ Of the. eight ggiultiH ended Eobmary lf*or., lli«» cheese exported from this country amounted to 7,202,11X6 pounds, for the corresponding period of 1906 It was fi,0ft9,09ti pounds This falling off Is merely a coined deuce, and does not Indicate a |es sen f a g of the* product, been use that industry in this country Is Increaa lug. During the last four years It lias nearly doubled, and a feature of tin* Situation I* that Americans are I becoming great cheese eaters a fact which may, Indeed, account for part ( °f the falling off of the exports. TUNNELS WITH OUT ROOFS. Nature seemed to he niggardly with space In making the canyons through which the Moffat road pas ses. One of these Is flyers canyon and the other the famous (lore can on. In both of these there Is merely room for the road to run beside the river hank and Hii«*h space as has been secured to lay tin* tracks has been obtained by blasting out soil and rock. I'ait of the rock blasted from the canyon walls lias been thrown In to the stream so that tlio mountain torrent roars along with over-inereas Insr fury hut Is powerless to cut away the almost solid stone embank ments of the line Dyers canyon and More canyon are two of the available places for crossing the main range of the huge mountains that lie to the westward of the continental divide At either of then** points the passes made by Nature through the mouri fains saved the Moffat road many thousands or dollars In tunnels There Is little choice, however, between tin boxed canyons and tunnels aside from • he difficulties of construction. Th* walls rise high and straight, and no more passage foi teams can he found through the narrow defile than If li were Indeed, a tunnel. It is merely I • o all intents and purposes a tunnel without a roof BRYAN CONFIRMS REPORT ABOUT AUSTRALIAN TRIP. ' I'AltIM, Ang. in. William .1 Brv nn confirms the report from Mel bourne that he Intends to visit Auk tralla He say* he will start Immedi ately after the November election, na’llng from Han Franclaco ami mak lug a tour of New Zealand a« wo|| nt /UlStnillo He will be gone ten week* and travel alone fils Itinerary la not yet definitely decided upon. M was expected that Mr. Hrvan ttould Per President Falllerea today, but ‘he foreign office s< m q moat courteous note saying that the j*rea ident regretted the fart that Mr Bryan’s stay In Paris was so short that It did not jtormlt the time lor M I alllerea to return from Ham boulllet |n order to receive such a distinguished citizen. SAYS SHE IS INSANE. Lunacy Proceedings Against Miss Esac. \\0\t\\ WHO I'lill ll Tu SI K TIIK riUMMKM W 11,1. Ill |»»tK. s|j\TKh ro (tu i{ r Oyster Huy, N.\.. Aug. in. I.un ‘r> proceedings were instituted to day upaiuHt MUa Aal l,. Kane, or l'.li /nbolli C«w. wlu> created a Ulatiti Imnee during the ijiurrh service# al-| 'ended l*y l*r*»«kpeut UoiTkevelt yen- i erday. Should nM I Case remain vlthln the jurHAlictlun of Nassau-1 ■ounty ottirera until Wednesday, she vill be taken hufoie Judge JackHon. t Mlneola, for jU^ffimit incut an an mane person. ’ Miss Case w:| examined hy |>i k’owler. of OvstakjHav, and l>r. Sen ntar. of <Hcncovdflvi>n were formally oust It utcd exnnjBu a in lunacy by *oi in 1 loirmnnilbounty overseer of lie poor. The rttult of ihr cxmnlna lon wan the drafting of , report that '•llaa Chhc |h Ueuftnlly tuconi|ictent to '•e at large. ArArdinu lo the legal •rooeedurc tfVcetAiy. tliia report will "" presen ted t<o fudge Jackson, Kit ing at Mlneola.j ninorrow, when an order will be tj ficd requiring the preacme of Mil f Case before the court. This older cat Jot be Hcrvcd until Wedneaday, and I ik there are no tuirges of any cA-artei against Mia i ♦ use there la to prevent her from taking IhiimoI Oyster Hay and Nassau county Ii&Gic ihe Is served with I lie paper*, f \genera! Impression I cannot sijm much against the character of j|H)Hevelt," remnrkH Senator 'PI 11»»»;«ir9“<mil\ that lie calls t«M> many goorl asn liars " This In *i rather notnhlmftilnitc from the man >'llh Mie plt.chftjHj whose hostility to i he occupant of^tie White House Is well known, and to whose political i lit agon Ism to the president has been added a personal animosity because of Mr. Roosevelt's revocation of a certain famous Invitation Mr. Till man does well to admit (tint the pres dent Is a pretty good sort, it savors of sportsmanship to speak pleasantly of your opponent, though aiicli an admission a a the South Carolina non ator’H could hardly he wrung from the Hon Joseph \V Halley. Alp] I* Is wftrth while to observe that the Tillman estimate of the president Is discriminating * lie calls too many men liars” There Is a general im presslon that Mr. Roosevelt Is too ready to Impui- falsehood to those who aerpilie hi impetuous disfavor. WATCHING FIGHT ON RATE BILL Ni:\V YORK. lug. fft A dispatch to a morning paper from Allunth City, ,V. .1 , says There are rumors here of a coining railroad conference to consider a fight to be made against the railroad rale Idll. Hast night nearly a hundred lawyers, so if ts said, known to rep resent railroad Interests, arrived here and there are a -sore or more of rail road official here who have arrived lately flrent seerei t being maintained over th«. rcpicsi'iifutlvcs of the com Ing meeting, and at the liotct where •he delegation of lawyers with a hat t a lion of sfenn" a pliers and clerks, all Information well as tin* name of the new conn 1 was refused "It Is sold thui any meeting held will he In sei iet” "OUR POLICY’’ A FAILURE. "OnI Philippine fictlley'* |k evident Iv a failure ;it fo**f ns far ns the* material welfare of the people of the Islands i re com or lied. The public debt I* mounting up and although every one and everything Is faxed In • he utmost, tin -ovcrument i-. so top heavy that |« <<.<m more* than the KlllplooH are ahl< to pav. The peo|de of the I’nlteil M’ <• don't »• pt< * - n t «*s*m to eat« tnu( !i how these (stand' nro governed or how much the re puhllra pollc\ oppresses them, hut soon and not long henee they will wake up to the fact that a repub lie cannot tax > ■ >p|e without repre sentat ion without the people of the governing nation participating in the troubles that such a system entail* The Constitution must follow the flag to have the ft ig respected Anv deficiencies in this morning’s paper We hope will be overlooked We had to shut down our machine »♦ 10 o’clock to remedy a leak which nece«Bltater| considerable time. CONTRACTS ON PROBATION. HKcUICTAin IIONAI'AItTK l»KTFIt MINFIt TO II \\ I: lll'IF Foil NAVY. The most contractor for I he New A m k navy-yard against whom com plaint recently was made, will he at low ihI to furnish meat on prohibition for a while |f |t falta to fulfill the terms of itls hid Secretary Honapartc will cancel the contract P0NFES3T0NS OF A DRUMMER. The gentleman was very warm, very Indian it and very eommunlea tlve as o sat In the smoking ear on his wav from Concord to lloston oie day la at week Why he should he warm was obvious enough and by his communlea11veui'ss ho sooti re vealed Hie cause of his indignation to all who would listen to him. He con titled to his fellow-passengers that he was touring certain sections of New Kngland In the Interests of a firm making a specialty of certain kinds of groceries, among them a "line" of Jams. "St in wherry" Is the name of One of these Jains, which It appeared did not conie quite up to certain regulations Imposed by state laws The warm, Indignant and com municative gentleman had been te Concord 11* confer with certain au thorities who were of the opinion the "straw berry might he Improved upon " What's the matter with the state, anvwo.v?" he exclaimed In IiIh wrath "Why don’t they want our Jams” We hitv nearly all our apples hero and • hey' ought to buy our Jams. Straw berry? Well I guess not* What do •hey expect for 10 cents? Apples; that’s what |t is. and that ought to he good enough Thev’ll he expect lug oysters In the stew next Hut never mind We’ll get even with them We'll charge them more for their cheese, " This Illustrates fairly well the at tltinle of mind of some of these com morclnl tonrl ds, who come to New New Hampshire with the Idea of doing "the natives " It Is unwise and poor business: hut hi Mils put •letilar case the Jam drummer, l>\ Ills own confession, found the "na lives" are not so green ..s ho had supposed, us trust that his firm will continue to buy apples hi New I Hampshire but cease trvlng to sell them done up hi retfv glass pack ages and p,h*p,d at rn wherries ” Manchester I'nioii THE HFr*r cvr'TENf!E SHOOTOEOGY. W lint 1 lie llaltluiore Hll II apll\ lei 111 h “shoofolm'v" |h a new crick III 111#* Civil Service now aillillli I luleri'd under our paternal umcin merit Til IH hi'lllK n HlreuilOIIH adllllll II si ralion, will! I could lie inure proper Mian llial Its civil servants shall lie experts wIMi 11 lie and pistol. That Is HhontoloKv" as applied to the ex ion hv (he civil Service Com mission of candidates for Intel rial llevi fine positions in North Carolina \S I llilt state Is tlo* home o| the luoonshinei who is uaturallv quick on tin* trlvaer. It was delerniltied llial Hiose wiio In future are to face hi# Im I lei s tnuxl know soriielhinp of the science t heinsel ves K'-ailiiiv, will Ini' anil arithmetic me in future to count (ml llllle and practical matters are in count foi lunch, hence tin. hioiiii taliieei Hint can Klioot is to he pre ferred to tlo* scholar Most of the mountaineers have never had the oppm 1 unitv of <»i11ir to school lint are well versed In hooiolov ." o there are i swarm of receptive can dldufes for examination and the mountain resound with tin- popplriR i of pistols and the hIiikIiic of rifle httllefs, pruet Icini? for the next "exam.” TIi* mountaineer* are rnoHtiy i< ptlldifUtlP, ftlpeclllllv when I he |< pilhlif a n party j* |,, power and the iiiooiihIiIim i H lire a I wn vs "ai<ln t he I'ovemnientwhefliei republican 01 detune nil if "o We nil! expert Mood •Inies when diootolo- f'ef III |l wre k Tire trouble V. itli this "prar • leal" program t* the multiplicity of candidate* and the D n I' will hr . a raft of voter** In I fie Tenth North t'arollnn ftlMlriit for lack of placf to no around The demoi rat* d flare tlu* district will id vo a niajru Ity analnat the republican* In eon erpieni' of o many disappointed iipfdleanla. for a* II will hardly Ire necessary for a revenue oflb*ei to he able to sign hi* own name, under • be new policy about every repuhli ran citizen I* a candidal* for all claim they ran ahoot Whether the republican xhootol t»nl*t* will exterminate the moon ahlficm, or whether the lath i will diminish the republic an ' • for the future »o *ny Mr* Hhlrr-v Bjrfyed In d nlaht from Red Sulphur Hprlni'i to vl it relative*. STEALING FROM j RUINED BANK. -— WONDERFUL MIRAGE SEEN. -- > i.kvi i \\i> i,ioi*t.»: ki:k iwich. ri ii i'iiti iu>: nr cwxin.w i \ki: sin me. KohUUmiIh «»f Iho IlightH, Iii the eastern pint of i'lcvolutiil Hiiudin witnessed olio of the iiiohI remarkable mirages of w lilfh thvie Ih any record In Hint part or tln> country. Wonder ! fully clear . ml rihtlm t the Canadian I '•lore of I.i.i* Kilo. On mlhm dlMtant. spread .mi before them in th“ '• Y Tile olienoniltion lusted for I * vi r mi hour, and attracted the no th *'f thousands of people before p fnded The In “ted iitnio'iphc *•" picture was no clem* that the city of Rondeau could he plainly ho.oi, *to> churt li H|di >h mid principal hul'I* iH*| standing out in hold relief, it Is the tli'Hi mImye aeon there in nwiuy yenra, nnd Weather Forecaster Ken V*t I > t*;tld that I lie recent heavy ml 11M over tile lake limy have had HonietliltiK to do with creating atimm pherlc condition* to make u mirage possible. BASEBALL. Tho Game Not Played Yea torday on Account of Rain. wii.i. it. w two otwr.s on sat* I III)\v. V large crowd wont out to the Tower lot on yeHterdny afternoon to uee the third of the .lohiiHon City Minefield series, hot their hopes were daiiipencil |>y a downpour of rain which caiin* up at throe*thirty o'clock Moth ICliniH Were oil the ground ill uniform, and the crowd waited pa tiently for an hour In the hope Hint • ho rain would i enao,. yet, though ‘lope is said to tie ollc of tile lri<*HH||ig < h titled for luniiklinl that did not ■snipe from I’aiidora'H iii.vhIIc Pox, ill wiih In vain and root era mill play era waded tin* mud hack to lllnelleld and tlrnhaui. Tomorrow will he ladlefi day, ladles being adiultti'd free to the groundH, hut the IIHIial charge hello' made foi <i<1111 ImhIoii to the grand stand On Huturday a double In aider will he playd In order to complete tip H«*rt CM III :-i x Willi the TcllllfSHcnilH The Hi; i game will tie called at two o'clock in Hie afternoon, and the other will follow Immediately after 11111 e 11 e | d ’ ■ team ha hot n greatly drengtto ned by l li• ■ addition of a new battery from Cincinnati the ini nortation being made for tills He rles The people should lllrn out ell mas , and hIiow llndi apple, iatlon of the efforts of, lllo Ilia luigemeilt III oipplv them willi a first class art! cle of baseball. \ftei I lie concIlIHlort of the pres • nt Herh'H Mlipdiehl will probably pln\ lohnion City three ganes In tin latter c|i,v. F.VEN DOWN TO OI.D AGE THEY COME. M It IIMI, MINI \ \ ITT i IS WO M\.N I \IC Mi\ \N( i:ti IN v i: \ its. developments of the past 2 1 hours have caused thoughtful persoiiH to - top and Imptlre whether I dint ini'ton Is to have emit her epldemle of mil old* S Mill'll f|M HWept over the c|t> (lining the month of June. Within h-s.-i than 15 hotira after the death of W. M White m* itrred. auothet at •eliipted nlrhle to*»k place at the old Continental hole) on lower second avenue. The victim wa« a woman '**11 pant middle life, wIiOHe name | Mi ■ Mai v Hours H«t condition will <1' * >ovoi i if shout II o'clock a io| dr Millet wa summoned to Htlend her | After two hours of persistent ef i fro t the woman w rr< pronounced out I o' danger ladle could fro learned of Mi Horn last night, nnd the motive for d»e attempted self-d* stru< I loti |r lai k In.'. She lies been staving at th<* * <ifit nental hotel for -rime time .1 I a noticeable fact that in the cit'o of at least, SHI per e nt of the "ilrjrfe* In this city this year the I '• l« 11m-a have been under DU yeai ■< of 'it*" Til** elilrstlro *if a woliion *d '•’if 11 on i1'' advance*! years upon the rtconn add a it* w Inter' it Hunting t >ti dispatch (Jen Miles savs there will he n gen **ri| war wh**n the Panama canal It completed. Tito Oenoral would any orn**thlng worth while If he could assure us that there will be no win intll • he completion of the canal Courier-Journal. Full F.xtont of Looting Not Yet Known. "I»l N I or MOVKl l.i i'T TO PAY IlKhWIl'oHS MAY UK IlK iu n:n to sw pkk i:\t. (1110 040. in. \„u. ift. Th„ bo_ ll«»r Hint Inrue amounts of collateral «,v«ui «>> security for the notea In the Milwaukee Wenue Statu Rank, have ••ecu ntoli'u, practically boonuie a cer tainty taut iiIkUI. when a note for fiuiou known to lie koiiiiIuo was t on lid In 1‘ronldotit Htenlaiid’s house a< li' ron street and l.awudalu avenue. Search was made for the collate ral security, but It could not he found The discovery opened up a Held foi almost unlimited "peculation "* i«* how far the loot I hr proceeded before St enaland's dlaappearauce. If I lie real hatate and other aecurl ih'H in (lie hank have been stolen or found to l»o worthless the amount of money left to pay the depositors "ill probably bo reduced to 26 per Cent. THE WASHINGTON HERALD WII.I. MMCE ITS APPEARANCE. \\ \siiiAug. in. An nouncement was made today tiy Scott U. Hniio formerly managing; editor of Hie W a ah I n gt on Poat that a now morning piipor. to ho Known aa tho Washington Herald will he ptihllahod Imre h ginning about Oi l I Mr. Hone vll| ho the hood of tin* outorprlHu. BLUEFIELD GUN CliUB. HI l.l» \ IIWyi KT AT Tilt: HO Ti:ii Wt NltHOIt UHT NHJIIT. Iho lU.leheKI Ollll t'tnh la having • gland haiH|iiet at the Wltidaor an ve go to press Wo rifgret that wo • re not aide to give a full report of • he royal affair on account of having to work on our machinery. We only have time to any that It wiih a great •ffalr and flint the Wlndaor won •olden opinions from the Club for • ho fittmptiioiih repaid apread. GOLD BRICKS FOR LITERARY TYPOS. rOMWtllO KIMtlNCJH, tug. ffl - l ine spec litis mi Ilm Colorado 'prliigs and Cripple Creek district iHIus.i today » irrled Mm- delegated to Mm* fifty-second an min I convention of •lie fnlernatlonnl Typographical Un ion now in session In camp. Twelve hundred dollars In gold bricks will t»e awarded an prlzoH to • ho writers of the best articles de crlpflvo of the trip and the gold amp There were go hualness ses lotis of the union today. ANOTHER MONOPOLY. mi i:m'Iii:sh comimnikh wii.h SOON it Id IVVmifMTKI). The expres - coni pari lea form about • corn plot e n monopoly an could ho -irganlzed They have divided up the 'errltory among them and do not compete over the same lines or with n the Manie area Their operations xtepd over 11*8,000 miles uf railroad Old there are only four of them; Mi#- \dam-t the American; the Unlt <1 Minii and the Wells Fargo. They • re aid to do 00 per cent of all tho ■ x P i * - hn-dness and they also exer Hi- control over some of the amaller omtinules oulside of their exclusive Hold- lint having connection with • hem This virtual monopoly of the vpie* littnlio s has been under no or! of control hut will now, like the nllronds, have to file their schedule of r if* nml main- account of their huwliier-i to flu* Inter* late Commerce •'ymml mIoii, -o we shall soon know more about these cpr-e corporaMofis nd may hope to bar* their exorbi tant rate-i modified f<i a reasonable extent. Tin* evpn companies are common carrier as tlu- railroads are and with -hom they are closely allied The "porta of the railroads for !90f hov • that the expr* s companies paid the t llroad | I 1,000,001), hi* h Is Mil to ho about f»0 per Cent of flielr gross earnings. That there i 1 a close alliance between the rail road and the express companies i - shown, ns several directors of each are directors of or officers of railroad • om pan left There Is n strong suspicion that when the )ri Ide affairs of the ex press companies nr** exposed that It will Pe found that large amounts of mo-iei have ... paid to republican • on paten funds and for lobbying purpose* t*» prevent hostile legisla tion. such a* flu- Life Insurance com panies have boon exposed In doing.