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The KINZER ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ «-» ** r ♦’ WVWVVVVV Pioneer Watchmaker OF BLUEFIELD. Jewler I Come to My NEW STAND and See my Great Attractions ; in NEW GOODS I • r _ they will Startle and Attract You. Everything that is Exquisite ; and Ornamental can be had at my place. Reserve your Holi :. day Orders for me. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ** ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 4« 44 My New Place 233 PRINCETON AVENUE. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Chestnut St., West End. BLUEFIELD. W. VA. C. P. Claytor’a Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable, /lrst-CInss teams t reasonable rates. Your patronage solicited. Yearns furnished at any time day or night. Also light and heavy muling done. _ TO THE POINT. Yes, located at Norfolk now. Coming down during the Expo? If so, write me about anything you want to know, or call to "ce me. Same old boy; glad to hear from anybody at any time. Houses to ent during the exposition.—Good property for sale. B. WHITE ATKINSON, Board of Trade Bldg. Norfolk. Va. Subscribe to the Evening leader. ► 44 44 44 44 4-4 4-4 4-4 44 44 4 4 ♦ ♦ 4 Let us have Your name As a Subscriber To the . . . liluefield Daily Leader. under our own man agement, and we shall do our utmost to please our customers. Let us Have your Name . We guarantee prompt and regular delivery under our own man agement. Pay your subscription to no other except to the Leader office. You will not be trou bled in the future by collectors. t Polite and courteous employees of this office will attend your wishes. [*Give us your patron age and we guarantee satisfaction in every particular. | The city subscription \ | list is Jnow absolutely J COOKING EXHIBI lieu ■ ■■■■ Hot Coffee and Luncheon Served Free to all During Exhibit I owler-Richardson Hardware Company, No. 19 Princeton Avenue, BLUEFIELD, WEST VA. I MR WILLIAMS AND OTHERS. The democrats of tho Houao nro hard to lead. It Ih an old story, and goes back 20 odd yearn, with many i "halcyon and vociferous” details. | Call William U. Morrison, a vot ©ran now taking hla ease out In . Illinois, and ho wll explain Home of | the difficulties ho encountered In try ing to rovlHo the tnrlff whllo ho wna J the lender of tho House. Tho Ran <lall wing of the party modo life a ' burden to him and defeated Ills whole ' program. Call Roger Q. Mills, now taking Ills onao In Texas, and tho tale ho will toll will bo worth your whllo. Ho Anally succeodod In putting tho tariff bill brought In through tho House, but his pntlenco was worn to what John Wosloy Haines would call a frazzlo. Did William M. Springer llnd lead ership a pleasant office? If he could bo called back and Interrogated ho would make a confession which would stir all hearts with mingled ntniiBO inont and sympathy. William L. Wilson, as attractive and accent|jllshed a man as over led In thi' House, brought all of Ills skill • and suavity Into play nnd needed It nil. Ho was a broken man physical ly when lie retired, and did not long survive. Then tho democrats lost control, and have nevor regained It. Mr. Unl .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ — HERBERT B. HAWES, Attorney and Counselor, No. • T«l«ph*n« Building. BLUEFIELD, - WEST VIRGINIA I’ron>pt personnl attention given to claims in Mercer nnd MclMwell comities, W. Vs and Tn/.ewell county, Va. G mmcreinl sn corporation law a specialty. ley of Texas trliyl tils hand as loader, but throw up the Job lu ungor and despair. Ills critics charged him with hnrshneas and buttslsiu. llo retorted with charges of insubordination und Impracticability. Mr. Richardson of Tonnossoo camo next, and while one of the boot par IlntnontnrlnnH in the chamher, could not mnrslml his forces for successful action on anything . The complaint agnlust him was of a lack of driving power, llo wan the opposite of Mr. Halley in that particular, bolng a man of much patlonco and concilia tion, but he nlfio failed. Then came Mr. Williams, who wo atlll hnvo with us. Ho Is not so dic tatorial an Mr. Malloy, nor bo concilia tory a« Mr. Illchurdflon, but knows the ro|k>H an how to pull them, nnd has wit and humor. Now his supre macy 1h threatened. The mutineers am snylng thlngH and throntenlug him, and his dny« an lender appear to ho gliding awlftly by. Hut, uncertain as tho tenure In, the place has Its attractions. Men nsplro to It, and koiiio scheme for It - Washington Star. A FINANCIAL QUESTION. Flnnnelor’H wlfo- -Henry, when u cashier, or a treasurer, or some man of that sort,runs away with a lot of money, and his hooks don’t bal ance, they call It a shortage, don’t they? Well, Hupi^so, Instead of tnk lug tho Urm’n monoy, ho leaves a lot of his own monoy behind—is that "longage,” or what Is It? Financier I believe there’s soma word tl describe It, hut f don’t know what it Ih. There Is never any oc casion to use It. Bluefield Collecting Agency. Will do a General Collecting Business. PERSONAL ATTENTION given to Collections in Bluefield. Exceptional fncilites for making colleo in all parts of the country: The* UTMOST PROMPTNESS in making collections highest aim. Notary work of an kinds attended to. Offices: Paris Building, Bland Sfreef, lllltllllilllliMIIIlltllimimtfiKIII IIIHHIftID lUf II Independent and Outspoken on All Public Questions. The Bluefield Daily Leader. The KepreHcntative NewHpaper of the Pocahontas Goal Fields. II'uhlished rvi'ry Morning in the Year except Mon day. Office open for Business Night and Bay except Sunday. . Per Year, - Per Month, - Single Copies, - The Leader f« Sold On All Trains, IIIIIIMHIIM lUtllllllUflllllllllinilllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiN $4.00. 40c. • 2c.