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Flat Top National Bank I OF BLUEFIELD. WEST VIRGINIA.. Organized 1903. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. i i. K. TIKKNKY, I*kksii>knt. Hr. K. HOI. I, I NO, Cahuikk. $ M. THOMAS, Vu K-l’KKHiDKNT. \V.H. HICKS, Abbihtant Cahuikk. So Resources Over Half Million Dollars. capital stock. $100,000.00 K -y | a * Stockholder* Liability, $IOO.OO..OO B oMq Interest «urpiu* ^..d. $a»,ooo.oo ? PAID ON TIME .DEPOSITS, Security to l>epoi«ttor«, $2V!A,000.00 • rr,nm» »i Proof of the Shoe Win n roil Imy llnguls you got 1'roof hoforo you pay ami satisfac tion a- long as you wear thorn. Tin* nvotago shoos aro being In. ip* in d hocausn tin* cost of shoo tnatorlal: has groatly incmasod. Hut w. Till n-o in Hogals tin* sauu* Tm 'MT -'i ■: in Oak Hark T:min><| solo h*a qwwr* **** • tin r ;i ini tho same first - <j ua 1 i ty nia ~ t* rials throughout. I lie ur: ,ii .spec I uni i mils l a u is mi- si,uni>ii proof that net.- the very n st materials are i ■ ! ,a every mlr. Send for St 1 • • Hook. Mall orders i.omptlv filled. Tlie largest retail s' no busi ness in the world Stores In principal « iti . from London to San Francisco. The Shoe Tl at Prove Thornton Clothing Company* SALE AGENTS. Cor. Princeton and 11 ii$jjjinl>otliaiii Avenues. Lively Selling i * . — — ( >ur stocks are now replete in every de i partnient with the right goodsat the right ) price. The kind of • goods you want to buy ; and will buy when you ; see them. Millinery ( )ur M illinery stock shows the result of careful selection, with strict attention to style value and good work manship. Every hat from the lowest to the highest priced, em bodies that mysterious style touch that makes it right. LADIES’ COATS, SUITS and SKIRTS A splendid assort ment to select from in al 1 the new and most desirable weaves and colors, prices reason able. SHOES Try a pair (A Rad cliffe Shoes for women, made for every possi blc occasion, in all shape-- and in all Un popular leat hers. Cor rect in style and per feet in fit. THE SWAN EO I ralortaki rs ainl Funeral I >i motors. I linos PoasonahJo,— Satin fa»-tion guarantoofl. I hi;. Phono, Ifjr,; Xight Phono I88J. Toloj/nono PuiJfling, Plano Street. H feWN^rFslkScWesten Schedule in Effect J miualy «», 1907. Leave Bluefleld 9:35 a. m. for R , ii.oke, Lynchburg, Norfolk and al points on the Shenandoah division Pullman sleeper to Itounoke and Ro '.tuoke to New York, via Hageistown arlor ear H.iauoke to Norfolk. * •:> ft. in dally for Roanoke aui intermediate points 2:55 p. ni for Roanoke and Lynch lung and Intermediate stations and i0® Shenandoah Valley, Philadelphli •nd New York. Sleeper to Phlladel 1 a Koauoke to Richmond. s -13 p. m for Roanoke, Lynch burg. Richmond. Norfolk, Pullma, sleeper East Radford to Norfolk am Lynchburg to Richmond. Cafe Car Trains arrive at Bluefleld from th. east at 8:58, a. m., 2:10 p. m, 8 1< p m, and 9:20, p. m. From the west at 8.00 a. m. 9:21 a. m. 2:05 p. in., and 8:18 p. m Leave Bluefleld at 8:20 p. m. foi Kenova. Columbus and all polnti west and northwest Pullman sleet era for Columbus and Cincinnati, O Cafe car. 9:08 a. m. for Kenova, Cincinnati Portsmouth, Columbus, St. Louis trough Pullman sleepers to Colum hits. Cafe car. Leave 9:15 a. in. and 2:25 p. m •ally for Tazewell. Norton, and al* stations on Clinch Valh v division. Arrive from Not ton ami all point* n the Clinch Valley division l 2: ir and 7:55 p. ni Leave 5:50 a m tor Kenova am Intermediate stations via Wayne. Leave 6:00 and 2:40 p. in. foi Web b and Intermediate stations. For Pocahontas 5 50 a. m. 9 0t a in. 2:40 p ni arid 8:10 p m. Ar rive from Pocahontas at 8:00 a. m 2:05 p. ni. and 8:18 p. m. For Hrarnwell, leave Bluefleld 5:50 a m, 9:08 a m. 2:40 p in and 8:20 p. m. Fall on agent Norfolk and W’esterr Railway, for tickets, maps, and addl tlonal Information. W H BKVILL, O. P. A V»ino9« Vi W, S. CROGKETT, F. D„ Embalmerand Undertaker, BLUEFIELD WEST VIRGINIA. Phone 128 Day and Night. Kverythinj{ reasonable in pro r. ( Ml it ml undertaker fr*r \ A \V IV y Co. The most < oniplete Hto« k in this part of I* he St 11 e. Carriages and Funeral Equipages FURNISHED. BIDS WANTED. ;>ted bids will be ret. ived until b*, for the- erection of a brink on- and oflfm building at Print \V. Va.. fo, T If. Molt, Plans •nd tfK rlfli i*ion ran be aeon at the • • b 6 and 7. Fl illdlnr, i In fl'Id, W. Va. or T M Molt, lh Inc . ton, W. Va. r, 1 l-ROD-6 1. COREY'S PRIN CELY NOME cii.\ti:\i \ ii,i,i;<.i:\issi; oxck m:i,o\(.i:i» to pkinci-: ■iKitmii; ito\ \i» \ktk. MT“an.| Mrs. William Kills Corey '■re enjoying eonntililal Miss at tie* Chateau Villegenisse. country Place not far from Paris, which Is :*i'l lo have cost the president of the I tilted States Steel Corporation fl.odO.Ooo and which le* presented to M a hello Ciltuan before sle- became his bride. 'I'llere they enjoy ahso l"le seclusion. Reporters. whom Corey holds in horror are not allowed '«* pass the gates, which give ingress !o extensive grounds and which are si rlctly guaranteed. I ant in a jiosition. however, to furnish the following details, obtain ed from a person who today paid a visit to the chateau and had a con versation with Corey. Tile Coreys arrived at Villegenisse. with h Is less than an hour's distance by rail from Pari*, on Tuesday. I heir trip from Cherbourg in the automobile which was waiting for tm-m on the arrival of tin* Kaiser Wilhelm II was wit limit Incident t hat ■ alls for remark. My informant, who is not connected with a newspaper ami who had business with Corev, said he nevertheless approached the chateau with some misgivings, as lie 'lid not quite know whether the hap py bridegroom was in a mood to dis cuss a business question of any sort. I fTc chateau.’’ he continued, “is a magnificent place with a lovely -'■I ling, which Prince Jerome Bona parte formerly owned and which Na poleon ll[ am| Empress Eugenie fre quently visited during imperial days, in my opinion the state is the most magnificent within a radius of r.O miles of Paris. It is justly celobrat '•'I for its n>--s of magnificent growth. A l»ig ./all surrounds the \VO|»|) FOB Cl! AMHEK liAIN’S COt (ill REMEDY. People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md . writes: “I wish to tell you that 1 can recommend Chamberlain's f’ough Remedy. My little girl, Cath erine, who is t wo years old, hits ' been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I took Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever.’* This remedy. I-or sale at Whites Pharmacy, Cor. i Princeton acinic and Bland street, j FREE Subscription For One Year S«nd us five paid up subscrip tions for one ^y«ar ?ach and we will send you th« Daily Leader tor one^year free of charge. BLLESTONE PUB. CO. \V \'a park and the avenue entrance, which is closed by iron gates, stretches from there for half a rnlle to the chateau. In the house Is a formidable bar tier of servants, not one of whom "HI. a rule, as much as take a ’ « ar»| from a visitor unless he has had orders to admit him. One Baloon, 1 gleaned, Is called the Persian room,, and is a marvel of Oriental furnish ings, being filled with rare rugs, mo saics, inlaid tables and embroidered silk hangings. Very old ivy-covered tr«es make up a wooden park around the chat eau. Half a dozen other ancient groves dot spacious meadows through which are cut out broad, smooth mads, most inviting to motorists. On tlie splendid estate are lakes, flsh ponds, a winter garden of perennial shrubs and hothouses filed with rare •lowers. In tlie ^rounds stand Greek statues and old bronzes. The whole • •state glvse a lasting impression of beauty, age and spaciousness. On my arrival II sent in my card and was told that .Mr. ami Mrs. Corey were out walking in the park. Would wait? i sat amid their lovely set ting which i have inadequately de scribed and waited. Then the steel magnate, with a happy look on his face and the new Mrs. Corey on ills .'irni. came slowly coward the chat eau. I he bride and hridgeroom had apparently forgotten all cares and lorries, i was very civlly received on introducing myself and came away with the impression that Corey is very happy.— Paris Correspondent. MltS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. Mas been used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS fur their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUC CESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, oftens the gums, allays all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the best remedy fur DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Guaranteed under tlie Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906 Serial Number 1098. AN OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY. TIm* department of agriculture has issued a circular calling the attention of sportsmen and game dealers to an outbreak of disease among the quail of the country, which threatens serious results. Not enough is known about the disease to make tho diagnosis absolutely certain, and tho department’s circular asks for infer mation on which the base treatment and portective measures. Hut tho outbreak is suspiciously like the dreaded “grouse disease,” which has played havoc with the game bird’ of Kngland for nearly a century. WILLIAMS’ KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overlooked your nervous systeni and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, hack, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appear ance of the face, especially under the eyes. Too requently a desiro to pass urine? If so, William’s Kid ney pill will cure you. l’rlco GOc. For sale at Whites Pharmacy, Cor. Princeton aenue and Illand street. R —-H Hammocks | Th«re is r«al :omfort in a nice BH— a^ one that is large iy and properly ad mocks w?re select a view to comfort as iervice. Great care h the selection of iber, and we guaran to give entire satis - 1.50 to $8.50. j| se? our Hammocks jur stock is picked i have it ready by m Real Hot Weather lefield Book & Stationery Co. PHONE NO. 73 : : : : ELKS BUILDING. if minMitirim “Cover A Multitude Of Sins” Wearing Good Clothes. » - - liKAl'TIKUL Cl.oTIIS we show — Samples 1 1-4 yard sizes—made in g < Guaranteed Fits, and worn over the I KIPLING SHOE we sell, will give you that sense of be ing, of self-confidence and proportion yon admire in tin* well-dressed New Yorker. Just drop off at the (Graham depot car stop and^find us a little below. It’s up t<> the samples and our prices to get your order. Yours Truly, THEW. S. KING COMPANY. STATE BANK OF BLUEFIELD G =D Transacts a General Banking Business Offers Every Facility to its Customers Consistent With Sound and Conservative Banking. David k. Johnston, President Loans Money on Real Estate. k.c. mcclauoukkty, vicc-i'icsThree Per Ct. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, f. m.petkks, cnaiikT. AND DESIRES YOUR BUSINESS Georgia Lumber Co. Dealers in All Kinds of ■Yellow Pine Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Shingles, Lath, Glass and Sewer Pipe Cement, Lime andJBuilding Paper. ■■HnwRa^'n Agents/Alpha Portland” Cements and ‘‘Indian Rock” Lime Bluefield Avenue. Bluefield. West Virginia. T,T, Carter ARCHITECT. . .Off)** 6 and 7 I .azama Bn tiding,. . BLUEFLELD, W. VA. Old import for tale. Iflcta per Mildred Apply at leader office, tf. l)o yon take tho leader/ If not, why riot? Only 2fic, pep roo**#Y, do* llvered to your door. Ar»OT«» KWntUrlfl A »Vf>l r ti n <1 dtm r It • n I. DT tjnlrkly n«^»rt«iM fnir ■ >,irm frnn whether nr IriTntiih.n l« pmhaMy |.n«wtrf < oirtmniilra tlrrtmnirlfMf MA'.niiOOK '•« I'ai'-nra K«nt frttn. OMnwt ni/rtrrf f..r nr nrtrv patwtrlK, rntnnfK Ink on Itirnritfti A < >). rpctilyy rwflr#, without flinrgo. In tint Scientific American. A handanmalf UltiKf rat/wl wwokly t nritnnt rtr nt latlfrn r,f any Wflantlflo Jtirr.,' 'I mi, »-a ynar : four nionlhl, |L Bold try all nnwutfi iinra MUNN&Co. 361 Broadway, New York Branch Offlca, *W6 ¥ Bt„ WaKhliitftw, I). C. !■■■■■■■■■« The Daily Leader.... will be found on sale at Lucas News Stand 1 19 Princeton Ave. BiaiGBiiua