Newspaper Page Text
ALL THE LATEST TKI.E- I UKAFHIC NEWS BY THE I HKAKKT .NEWS SERVICE. — ■ - . - - - - -- ■ VOL, 2. NO 303_ HU KKIHI.l). WKST VIRGINIA MONPAV Al- TKRNOON, AI'RII igoS_ PRICK TWO CUN IS Democratic Crotn* Government Club A meeting of the Democratic Good Govern ment Club i« scheduled for tonight at 8 o'clock in the Bailey building. A full attendance in re quested. “BOY MAYOR" TO MAKE CAMPAIGN HAH PLACED ORDER FOR A DU PLICATE OF THK LARGEST IN THK WORLD AND WILL CHRIS TEN IT “WISCONSIN.” Chicago, April ♦>.—•Milwaukee's “Boy Mayor,” Becker, will make his campaign for the governorship in a balloon. He has placed an order for a duplicate of the largest baloon In the world and will christen It “Wis consin." The plan is to use the great gas bag for quick transportation from town to town in northern Wis consin where the roads are muddy and hard to travel in the late spring and early summer. FOUR PEOPLE MEET DEATH BY THK COLLAPSE OF TWO OLD TENEMENT TTOUSKK—M ANY OTHERS BKLIKYKD TO ||K UN DER DEBRIS. 1-ondon, April 6.—The collapsing of two old tenement houses In Cas tle street here today caused the death of four people and the injury of scores of others. While four dead bodies have, been taken from the ruins it Is believed that many more are hidden beneath the. debris. TORPEDO FLOTILLA I AHEAD TO TIME " BATTLK8HIP PI.KKT IS PETTING ON NEW COAT <7F PAINT PHE' PAIJITORV TO SAILING. San Francisco, Cal., April 6.—A wireless message from Magdalena bay conveys the information today that the torpedo flotilla has arrived at’that place. According to this dis patch the fleet arrived much sooner than It had been expected. The message further states that the bat tleships are putting on fresh coats of paint preparatory to sailing up the coast, “Cinderella in Flowcriand" will be given by the school children to morrow evening at the Elks* 0|M>ra House. RKLMONT CAFE. Dally. Full Course Dinners, 12 to 3 p. m. 50c J, F. Thompson. Mgr. TEDDY’S DAUGHTER DDES ASTDHT KTHKI. ClilMHM ACROSS KX G INK'S TKNItKIt AXI> HUNK IiOOOMOTIVK FOB AX HOCK— BIG MCKiCIi OHICVKH HKR CONMANIM. Atlanta. Oa., April fi.—Miss Ethel Roosevelt, daughter of the presi dent, stood at the throttle of the Atlanta and West Point train when It steamed Into Atlanta at noon Sat urday. She had been its engineer all the way from Xewnati and had brought It Into the terminal depot here Just six minutes ahead of schedule. '"I'm so sorry it’s ail over with,’’ she said to Engineer J. T. StiTl when the train sloped down and came to a standstill under the shed. "This has been the Jolllest hour of my whole life. I guess I'm the only president’s daughter who ever ran an engine.” It was Just before the train pulled out from Newnan that Engi neer Still heard the. girl’s voice be hind him calling: “Mayn’t I come across and watch you, Mr. Engineer?” Turning Mr. Still saw the daugh ter of the president of the United States on the tender. Some man waiting ne*r her explained to the engineer that Miss Ethel had been teasing her mother for a ride on the engine. She had slipped away from the parlor car, it seems, before Mrs. Roosevelt /could -reallzo wljat was happening, and there she stood. Englner Still reached forth his big hand and lifted her to the seat before him. ”1 suppose you’d like to run the mogul?” he asked. “Oh, if you would be good enough to let me," answered Miss Ethel. A minute later her palm had closed over the throltle. lever. “Now pull open the throttle,” said the engineer. Miss Ethel pulled with all her might and off rolled the train, while she laughed delightedly at what she had done. “Cinderella in Flowertnnd’' will Ih> given l»y the school children to morrow evening at Hie Flics’ Opera House. You are Invited to I'edlgo's Spring Opening Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. HUES WYTHKVIMiK EDITOR. Bristol, Tenn.. April 6.—J. J. Nlcodemus, district agent here for a life insurance company, today brought suit against James A. Whit man, editor of the Wythevllle Kn terprise, for $.r»,000 for damages for an alleged libelous publication, in which it was charged that Nicode mus left Wythevllle with an unpaid board bill and solicited insurance only a part of which had conformed to contract. The case will be tried In Wythevllle, E. S. PEDIGO REQUESTS THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE AT HIS SPRING OPENING OF MILLINERY, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 7th, 8TH AND 9th BLUEFIELD, W. VA. TWO BODIES TAKEN FROM THEBLOESTONE REMAINS OK (11Altl.KS \OTNO AND AKTHl’H .CASSELL ARK RRCOYKItKD TWO MILKS UK LOW SCENE OK ACCIDENT— SEARCH KOR THE OTHER VIC TIM STILL (X)NTIM KH. Tho bodies of Charles Young and Arthur Cassell have at last been re covered from the waters of the Bluest one river, but the remains of W B. Sandora have not been lo cated. Charles Young, the youugvst of the three men who were drowned at Rock last Wednesday evening, was found Saturday morning about 11 o’clock at Tunnel Mill, two miles below the scene of the tragedy, and Arthur Cnas'dl's body was found near the same place. Kvery day since the fatal event parties have searched for tho miss ing bodies, but until Saturday their efforts were fruitless. Thursday the river was dragged for over n mile below Rock, and Friday the stream was dynamited in the hope of being able to float the bodies, Saturday a party of men secured n boat and renewed tho search. At Tunnel Mill they unexpectedly discovered a hu man hand protruding from the mud and a few moments afterward un earthed a body which they identified as that of Charles Young. The body I with the exception of the protrud ing hand was completely covered by tho earth and debris that had been swept down the river. A long distance telephone mes sage from Itock today says that the | body of W. 11. Sanders has not been | found and It Is feared It Is at the | bottom of the river. LONE WOMAN GOES ON STRIKE WKSTKItV UNION DIMI’KNKKM WITH MKttMMNGKIt BOY’ A N11 Olltl, QI'ITH JOB. N<*.w York, April 0. — Miss .Mary Curley, a lone telegraph operator of the Western Union Company, sta j Honed at Stapleton depot on the Staten Island Hapficl Transit railj road, went on strike today when the I company dispensed with the services of her messenger boy. MORGAN TOASTS | ROYAL FAMILY NEW YOltK ( AI'ITAMST OIYKM MUSH Alt HK< KI'TION IN HON* Oil OF Hl'KK OF OltUKANS. Home, April 8. .1. Plerpont Mor gan gave a musical reception last evening In honor of the duke of Or leans. Several Homan aristocrats were guests at the Morgan function. At supper Mr. Morgan toasted the king and ciueeii of Italy and the j royal family. WANT MORE PAT AND LESS WORK ■■■ ■ I S Chicago, y\prl! f» Member* of the local union of telegrapher* at a meeting here adopted rejioltifIon* recommending that a strike be de 0Jared again*! the Western I'nion Telegraph Co. on June 1 and on the Postal Telegraph Company an I the Associated press on July 1 ,.rt leas there Is a 10 |H»r cent Increa* • In wage* from those paid on Murtn 1 last year and an eight-hour day for day work and seven hours for night work. MINISTER JOINS ELKS, UNO PKRISRIONERS ASK RESIGNATION roughkoepBlft, N. Y., April <?. — The Pine Plains Hapflata have just requested the resignation of heir pastor, Rat, Mervin Jamba, !>• he Joined the (Poughkeepsie loje-e of Elks, although warned before by I I* parlahioners to keep out of th# or dff, BANNERMAN 'TENDERS HIS CJIIKAT IIHITA1X IS WTI’HOIT KITHKH 1‘UKMIKH OH MINIS* TH'i—HKSKiNATION Ol I’ltlMK HINISTKH IS OFKH'IAI.I.Y AN-, NOINCKIK London, April C».—dreat Britain j ts In u peculiar position, being with- : out cither a premier or ministry. The long-expected reslgnaton of Sir Henry Campbell liannermaa. prime minister, has Juat b*H»n ofTclally an nounced. According to a court cir cular he resigned on the urgent reo 1 onimendatloti t»f his medical advis ers. As the constitution of the «oun try provides for no automatic suc cessor it rests with the king to ap point a nt'ud of the ministry. But unless a premier is chosen who can select a ministry suitable to parlia ment tho question will be submitted to the people and nnother ministry chosen who will reflect the senti ment of the country. TEAMSTERS VOTE TO STRIKE! I Chicago, April Serious dis comfort for thousands of Chicago families is oecaxloned by the rise In the cost of table necessities. Heav> loss.* to grocers and fruit dealer: are expected to result from th< strike vote of yesterday by the South Water street commission drivers* union. The teamsters d< < tded to quit work unless the cm ployers would agree to give them an Increase of $1.G0 a week. Tiie mission services at the Cath- ! olic Church opened yesterday at tiie 10 o'clock id it as with a large attend- ' ance. in the evening at 7:30 the church was again crowded with an attentive audience to liBten to a dis-j course on “The. Importance of Sal- ' vatlon.” The missionary father pic tured to his hearers in glowing lan- 1 guage that the salvation of our im mortal souls Is the most Important.! nay, the only Important thing in lire, and that we have hut one soul and one chance to save it. At the end of tiie lecture benediction was given with the blessed sacrament, 1 which Is. as Catholics believe, the pal body and blood of onr Savior. A most edifying sight was wit nessed this morning when In tiie we0 small hours people got up and were present at mass at 5:80 In large number*. After this mass and ♦ he mass at 7:30 very practical In structions were given. This will he the Order of services for the com ing week, mass at r,;30 and 7:30 eai-h morning. The evening services j will begin af 7:4'.. The lecture thl* ••v nlng will he on. “Is One Religion is Cood as Another?’’ All persons1 i of whatever denomination are cor- j dtally Invited. FROST AND FREEZE Bristol, Tenn , April 0.——Farmers j report serious damage to peaches | and other early fruit and vegetables I jin southwest Virginia and Fast T"n ' j as thr* result of a heavy fros’ i and fr*o-z». thin morning, ice formed ! over standing water In the higher i attitude of southwest Virginia, par-' I tlcularly In the cabbage belt, where! i there has ben much Ice for two! 1 morning:’. You feel the life-giving current. | A gentle warmth fills the nerves and blood. it’s a pleasure to take Hoi- j lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 I cents. Tea or Tablets. The White) Pharmacy, Heo t b< Merry Widow* at Pedigo's Spring Opening Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. No. 3 hox. un is iiK'VXi-rrr, <a\imi>atic fou tiip. ORMiM iiAtic nom ination hut (iOVI ItNOR A\M WIIO IS ItlMF.IYINU Mi l'll St l*roUT FKOM IIKMOiJ lt.\1X AM, 0\ lit MTATK. POLICE MADE ME STEAL SAYS 19-YEAR-OLD BOY Philadelphia. Pa., April 0. An amazing story «r alleged dishonesty in tlu‘. pollee department of (his rliy wns told today by Henry Hothenh *i ger, aged 19 years, who was arrest ed charged with larceny. The youth who says his home Is In Reading, 1*8.. made a confession to the super-! intend* nt of police in which he says 1 ho wus aided and abetted in a num* hor of robberies in the wholesale district of Hie city by four po'lco men. Those police, John Kelly. M. Luckcnblll, Albert R. Slthenj and i lohn W. Straub, were arested and probably will be given a hearing to morrow. < opm 4'auglit With Good*. Kelly was arrested In uniform COUNTY COURT HEARS APPLICATION FOR SALOON LICENSE The county court held Its regular session today for the purpose of hearing applications for licenses. Ucpior license* were granted to all the applicants whose application have been published in Tho Dally leader except to J. It. Hcamer, who was not present, and to .1. H. Maker and I. L. Cohen, whose applications ' were filed before they received a permit ’from the city council and consequently were not matured. Their applications will go over until another term. K< an rant licenses were granted to the new restaurant on Princeton avenue, uh well as to the others who, made application. The criminal court also met this morning and instruct ions were given to the *rand Jury. The misdemeanor docket was a very large one owing to tlw fact t!mt this class of cases has been set aside from time to time In order to try the felony cases. If Is the purpose of the judge to dispose of the misdemeanor docket nt this t'-rin and court Is likely to he In session for several weeks. EVELYN ASKS FOR REFEREE New Y rk, April fi * Vfrs Kvelyn N'osblt T1 iw, through her counsel, Daniel o'lf llly, made application to fust lee Kendrick Jn the supreme court today for the appointment of a referee *r> take testimony In the action which she has brought against h< r husband. Harry K. Thaw, for in annulment of their marriage, ALABAMA COMPANY BUYS BIG RANCH Mexico ( '/, Mex., April ft. W H. Britton, of Birmingham. Ala., at 1 his associates have purchased Ho* Rodriguez, a ranch of 4 71.000 sere? situated In fho State of F)itr.ingo. Included In th*« deal are 2&.000 hf-ad of goats and f#,000 head of cattle. The consideration Is given at ll.200.0U0. while pul rolling his bent, and the Others were tnkeu Into custody ai their bona* The dwellings of two of tho accused policemen w »*•« searched by detectives and It Is ns sorted good* alleged to have been stolen were recovered. In the eon fHKlon Hothenbergcr says he was the tool of the policemen, who made It easy for him to commit robberies. Hothenbergcr declares that th*» rob beries began about the llrst oT De cember and continued almost nlght ly until Christmas. It was announced late# tonight that two of the accused polleonier had made a confession of their com plicity in the robberies. While ad mitting their guilt they did not In criminate the other policemen. IIHKOM'TIONM AIHlPTKI) IIV III,I Idll.lli IHV. }|2I, O. II. r. Whorens, On the first flay or April, l Dos, it pleated the (jreat Spirit to fake from this Ilf** (lie wife of our beloved brother, |«J. T, Spe.nrer, therefore he If Resolved, That we recognize that Brother Spencer has lost a loyal and affectlonate companion, whose lire wuh a benediction to all who knew hep and full of good works; that the children have lost a loving and af fectionate mother; that the ehnreh has lost nn handmaiden of whom It can be truly an If), "She hath done what sho could." Resolved, second, That the sym pathy of the entire memhcrshlp of Blue field division No .*12 I be extend ed to Brother Spencer and family In this time of sore bereavement and sorrow*, and that the (Jreat Spirit will so guide them that they may he again united In heaven, which was ENGINEER IS II TYPHOID VICTIM 1>KATI! OK \v. <\ MAtNHKIlM OC« Cl’HUKO SATKKTVAY FYKNING AFTER AX II.IAKHS OK FOl’R WKKKH. W. C. Handers died Saturday I night* nt 7:40 o’clock at his home on blueileld avenue, after an Illness of four weeks, lie had been suitor llnjT with typhoid fever and recently \ complication of d I season "”*JeT In which he was unable to survive. Mr. Sunders was SX years old and was born In Lou v<\n worth; Has., where he spent his early life. When a young man he entered the rail road service and previous to Ills Ill ness was nil engineer on the Rad ford division or tho Norfolk & West ern. Ilo had been running In and out of llluoileld for six years and ha 1 ho.«n a resident of this city for three years. He wns a member of Roanoke lodge No. .101, brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer*, and Also iKdonged to “The Elks lodge of this nlt.v. lie WHS a member of Grace Ohnrcli. Mr. SnndorH was twice married, tlrn to n Miss Campbell, of Abing don, Va., by whom he had one son, Frederick, who, with his second wl e. survives him. Six years ago at Lurtch he was marled to Miss Kf fle Long, of bolsprlng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T>. Long, now of t111?- city. The funeral service was held at Grace Methodist Church this after noon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Thomas Prlddy, assisted by Rev. I). F Hawk. The funeral was attended hy tin* Elks in u body. Interment whs m:i le. In Maple Park cemetery. The friends and relative of the deceased desire to express their ihanks to the neighbors and friends for their klndneSH during his sick ness and death. i * i* ‘pa i'**d lor the fit It ti f ii I. Resolved, further, that a copy of these resolutions be spread’ ou the minutes of division iN®. 324, a ropy I l’° Riven to Brother Spencer and a | copy he Hen I to each of our dally l papers with request for publication. Press on there’s no such word an fall; Press nobly on! the goal Ih near, Ascend the mountain, breast the Knlp, Look upward, onward—never f< at. Why shonld’at thou faint? Heaven smiles shove, Though storm and vapor Inter vene ; l hat >.un shines on whose name Is love, Serenely o’er life’s shadowed scene. C. K. 1/)WI)RR, 8. R. CROY, I’’. A. FRANCISCO, Corn rnltteo. MiIh Ik ihe season of I1st 1*‘Khim>hk, headaches and spring disorders. Hoi* Hater’s Itocky Mountain Tea la a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents. Tea or Tab lets. The White Pharmacy. try one on r 1 t*m>{ (A c, *tr>o»v W^e want to show you that we have the best patterns and best fi ttin g Suits made $ 15.00 to $-0.00 METROPOLITAN MEN'S FUR. GO.