Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Leader Published every evenlug except Suudaj. Entered as second class matter April Kth, 1906. at the Post Office at Bluofleld, W. Va., under act of Congress. March 3rd. 1X79. St BSCItin ION HATES. Daily, one year.13.00 Dally, six months . 1.60 Daily, one month.26c Address all communications aud all remittances to The niuestonc Publishing Company. Telephone; Business office and Editorial Hoorn. 603. Advertising rates made known oi application. Tl’KSPW, AI'IIIIj 7. I!H»H. Will tlio Telegraph take the pains to furnish the people with a finan cial statement before the election, and do this without jugglin'; the figure*? Our contemporary is in close touch with the administration which has the books and therefore in a position to do this. Itut If it 'Undertakes such a state ment, please do not try to show a large balance -in favor of the city before the election and then show a large deficit afterward. Let the Telegraph tell how much It costs to run the city per capita and compare it with other cities. Surely it can raise no objection to doing this. Til K WIIITR FKATIIKIl. Tho ring has shown the white feather. It is customary for the party In power to rail their conven tion first, outline their platform and name their ticket. They have bro ken every precedent and fixed the date of the convention at the last possible moment the candidates can be named to got their names on the ticket. The administration forces dread the Issue. They are afraid to show their hand. They have shown the white feather early in the game. People of Hluefleld have gotten tired of ring rule. The present offi cials will be relegated after the next election. With all their illegal votes they will lie unable to muster enough to elect their ticket. Tho people have become tirc* 1 of a city council dominated by a few Interests. They are tired of a sj*t of men who take a stand at one meeting and reverse themselves at the next. MU. fJOO|> C1TIZFX. Mr. flood Citizen should carafyily consider the coming municipal elec tion. It la a matter of supre p« Im portance to him. He. should decide with which side he casts his lot One thousand of the best people of Mluefleld will name a ticket. Thi* thou«and will he composed of white Intelligent citizens with th>* best in tereats of the city at heart. An other ticket will he named by a few hundred whites but by a majority of b1a< kw. It Is for you. Mr. flood Citizen, to decide with which party you shall cast your lot. The officials of any community are gauged by the Intel ligent *• of those who elect them. Let It not he said that the Rlueflfdd city off'laln are elected by the worst elo ment of the city. I**t pure, high-minded, honorable whi*- men rhooae your city ofTcialg. Mr flood Citizen avis this to hlm ■ If. to his wife and his chll Iren. ”Bvery man to hi* trade” is an oid adage and U familiar to n »arly • II of us It is brief In Its wording but t »nvey« « great deal in Its mean *r’* It Is merely a terse way of *aylng that a man who makes a spe ciajy of any one thing knows more about, nod is more proficient In his (•articular specialty than any one else could Ih it is for this reason that we all seek * specialist when we have any serious physical all oient ft u for the same reason that The Itydale Hemedy Co went to one of the best *;-«*elalfs's In the United Htafes on tiger and Intestinal trou m-s a professor In a Columbus, o . Medical College, and secured from b tn a pr* »< riptlon from which fly dab s I deer Tablets are made. This «pe- * *» knew more about liv er troubles than a doctor who treats all ds«»v- and ths* Is why fty ds . . Uver Table' < relieve and cure more gulchly i l liver troubles than «be ordinary I'ver pill, and pow 4era tablets In s metal bog, f| por sale by the White Phar macy **«*• tm n won \ »on r %i*t. »Uron M 0 April 7 Ih^,^ ,f» *wt*port H*rrw f»rv Taft «» 'hr aatinrial * on*ration win t,* • | *,y ih*. H uph ftakota ttatr Hrpnhilrga loovrat'on whkh a«a*m~ ,'1'1 h‘*r'' '***T fl» ntlrrirnt among thw d*»wgate. |« aigroat „nanlmo.,. for fh* w-rrrtirjr ;t M ,<r r0j | f raw ford haa b#>rn lndorft»d hy f hr llrpnh'P an <Hat# rogimltiww for 1 M*frd H'atrw wnator A lf:«.|Nf N IN IWr ' Ml Ml N f.ynrhburg Va . April 7 That Virginia will |»r piarr | in th* Taft 'oltimn la thr a«atrm*gt of ft* pah < aa l*ad*r» who ar* working for thw lnt*r**»a of th# war rorrrtgrv. f* la d*4*larr| that th* d*kgatog-*t. argr to b* *l**t d hy th* atat* r >n (\nri»; or coxkkiikratk picksidfxt as km iiak hash i no ixcii»knt. (From Carl Sehurz's “The South At tor the War." In McClure's.) The capture of Jefferson Davis was a very serious thing, and it was regarded by not a few cool-headed and long-sighted men as a very un fortunate one. It has become well known that President Lincoln wished that the downfall of the Con federacy would not deliver th** chief or the Confederacy into his hands. A Lincoln anecdote current at the time seemed to have good authority I ehind it. After Lee's surrender a friend asked Mr. Lincoln whether h.* did not think it would be best to I t Jefferson Davis get out of tin* country Lincoln answered by tell ing a story of a Methodist preacher out west, a strict temperance man. who was offered a glass of water with a dash of brandy in it, and who replied that he would not ob ject to a drop of something strong In his drink if that drop could be put in “unbeknownst’’ to himself. Lincoln no doubt saw clearly that the capture of Jefferson Davis would burden the government with a most embarrassing dilemma. The public voice would Insist upon the chief of the rebellion being tried and pun ished for treason. Now, his crime of treason had been committed in the south. A trial for treason by a regular tribunal in the south would h * a mere farce, for it seemed a foregone conclusion that no jury in the south could be found that would pronounce Jefferson Davis or any of the heads of the rebellion guilty of treason. A trial by a military com mission might result in a verdict of guilty; but resort to a military trib unal for the trial of a political of fense after the close of the war •night have looked like a stretch of arbitrary power befitting an old world despotism, rather than this new world republic. How to beat an undertaker; Cough '■d Coughing end In Coffin. Cure the ough, stop the Cougmng, and let he undertaker keep his Coffin. Ry ’alo'a Cough Elixir is the best and •irest way or accomplishing this re lit. Best, because It contains the “pt remedies known to aid nature to ure a cough. Surest, because it posl ' vely does not contain opiates oi irmful drugs of any kind. Ouaran ‘led under the Pure Food and Drug ’.aw. For sale by White Pharmacy. a. w. S\\|s I\ TilK TOILS. Mristol, Term., April f»._0. W. Sams, a stock dealer of Carter coim fy. Tjnnessee, was arrested here to day on the charge of obtaining money fraudulently. It is alleged that he knowingly gave a worthless check for JL'SO in payment' of a team of mules, then sold the mules for cash, following which he Is said to have taken the oath of bankrupt cy. He was taken to Abingdon, Va.. i for trial. Don't wait -ntll you have a deep t* afer| cough “An ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure," With the flr~r tickling of the bronchial tubes jf. t a bottle of Rvdale's Cough K11 *; r Safest for parent or child. Contains no opiates. The White Pharmacy. " 1 "1 VWGIJIIA '"Mtvrmv Parkersburg. W. Va.. April 7._1 lt< ."iMicana of the Fourth congres- 1 •: 'in! dl-trlct will convene here to u ,f,f the purpose of electing * candidate for congress and dls »f t delegates to the national con ven' on It is likely that the lat ’ r *HJ he pledged to Taft, The I convention Will be held In Terrapin "k ' ;,klno. which /ran the scene of h* riotous Republican senatorial "invention a couple of yeara ago. No n* k. The following 's notice that .?. Wtl'on Thomas, residing at God frey, Mercer county. West Virginia. • m» !' ai*fiI|cnt Ion to the county court of said county for a license to »HI at retail spirituous liquors. A,n‘'* porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature for the period begin ning on May j*t, |<tos. and ending I tune 3d. i»Of) In the ft. f». Crock* ett building In the town of Godfrey. Mercer county, West Virginia, Given under my hand this the Idth day of March. IhO*. Teste; KSTfLf. RA1U5T. Clerk NOTH »: or AITI.M'ATIOX I 'Oil lil< KVSKS. This Is to certify that the follow ing Is a complete Hat of applications for licenses lo sell at retail spirit uous liquors, wines, porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature; to maim-, faeture beer, porter, nle uud drinks of like nature*, an I to sell at whole sale beer, porter ale and drinks of like nature for the perio I beginning May 1. 1908 and ending June 1. 1909 as Hied In my office, which said list contains the names of said applicants, their respective resi liences. uud the place for which the application is made. J. Maker, residing at IHuefleld, \V. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines porter, ale. beer and drinks of like nature at No. II Hluetleld avenue. Minefield, Mercer county. W. Va. I. 1j. Cohen, residing at Minefield. VV. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, ale. beer and drinks of like nature in building No. 419. Prince ton avenue. Hluetleld, \V. Va. H. R. Hunter, residing at Blue field, W. Va., application for license | to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, nle, beer and drinks ■ of like nature at No. 29 Princeton i avenue in the city of Bluefleld. W. Va. P. J. Kelley nnd .Ins. II. Moyers, partners, trading as Kelley & Moy ers, both residing at Bluefleld. \V\ Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature at Kelley & Moyers Bllg., corner Raleigh street anil Higgin botham avenue. In the city of Iflue fleld, W. Va. H. M. Cohen, residing at Bluefield, W. Va., application for licence to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, ale, beer nnd <1 rinks of like nature at Altamont Bar at corner of Stewart street ami Prince ton avenue, In the city of Blit- field, , W. Va. Ij. Lazarus, E. Goodman and B. • A. Heller, partners trading ;is L. 1 Lazarus & Co., and their respective I residences are L. Lazarus and E. Goodman, Lynchburg, Va., .md B. A. Heller, Bluefleld, W. Va.. appll i cation for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors. wines, porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature In the Lazarus building at corner of Stewart street and IMnceton avenue, Bluefleld. VV. Va. M. H. Kelley, residing at Glattd, W. Vn.. application for lln nse to ! sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature In the Ashworth & ' Kelley Hotel building, Glatto, Mer-! ! cer county, W. Va. n. A. Fudge, residing at Bluefleld, | VV. Va.. application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, 1 Porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature at No. 14 4 Raleigh street, in the city of Bluefleld, VV. Va. VV. F. Stinson residing in the city of Bluefleld, VV. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous li quors, wines, porter, ale. beer and drinks of like nature at No. 34-36 Bluefleld avenue, in the city of Blue fleld, VV. Va. J L. Corvin, residing at Bluefleld. \V\ Va., application for license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines, por ter, ale, beer and drinks of like na ture at No. 133 Princeton avenue. In the city of Bluefleld, \V. Va. Bluefleld Brewing Co . a corpora tion of the city of Bluefield, VV. Va., application for license to manufac ture porter, ale, beer nnd drinks of like nature and to sell porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature at their building on Bln- field avenue and Isxuist street, in the city of Bluefleld, VV'. Va. Ernest H. Arters, residing at Blue fleld, W. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, porter, aie, beer and drinks of like nature at the Windsor Hotel Building, No. 453 Princeton avenue. In the city of Bluefleld, \V. Va. L. Kaufman, residing at North Fork, W. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wine, porter, ale beer and drinks of like nature on lot adjoining the Patton House on the west in the city of Bluefleld, W. Va. Samuel L, Matz. residing at Blue fleld, W. Va., application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wii„'j» porter, ale. beer and drinks of like nature on Lot No. 7 ‘‘Hig ginbotham Reservation” on Prince ton avenue in the city of Bluefleld, W. Va. G. T. Beamer residing at East Radford, Va.. application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, j wine, porter, ale. beer and drinks of like nature in the building where .1. Baker is now conducting a sa loon on Bluefleld ivenue, in the city i Of Bluefleld. W. Va. A. K. Ooodwyn and Thos. H. Mil- | lor. partners trading as Ooodwyn & Miller, application for license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wine, porter, ale, beer and drinks of like nature in a house where l), A. Fudge ha.4 a saloon at this time on Raleigh street in the city of Blue fleld. W. Va. Given under my hand March 6th, 1 90S. E.STILL BAILEY. Clerk of County Court of Mercer county, West Virginia. TO I'lJOTKTT IIIK (JOVKKVMKNT. Washington April 7.—A bill ha* been Introduced by Representative Hobson, of Mabarna, to prevent combination* >f firm* or Individual* from ronspiring to raise price* of supplies furnished the United State* government nr combining to put up price* for structural work. Any per-on, firm of representative of a firm off->ndlng against this pro posed Jaw |h to be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall bo Imprisoned for a term of no! ]esa than one year nor more than three years, at the discretion of the court. •fPMOlf f* WITH lor.K KVI'I FOR AJt YRARS. f have been afflicted with sore •yp» for thirty-three year*. Thirteen ear* ago 1 becamo blind and "a* blind for elx year*. My eye* '/ere badly Inflamed. One of roy neighbor* Insisted upon ray trying Chamberlain's Salve and gave me >*]f a br>i of It. To my snrprlse It tealed my eye* and my sight came oaek to me.—1 . C. Karls, Cynthlana. Ky Chamberlain’s Salve Is for sale ny The White Pharmacy NOTICE OK TIU STI K'S BALK. l’y virtue of a deed of trust exc oc. i by Mozulie C. 1‘arteo to Kirk patrick & Howard bearing date uu tin* 2nd day of July, 1900, and re eor led lu the office of the Clerk of llic County Court of Mercer Couuty, ft Virginia, in Trust Deed Book No. 13. page No. 409, to secure the payment of six (6) certain interest bearing notes, executed by the said Mozelle c. Partee, and payable to < ertaln persons lu said notes men tion* d. 'flu* principal of which notes aggregato the sum of $13,000, $2,000 of which amount has been l aid. and which notes are fully men Uonej and described in said deed of ■ nst. and default having been made 1,1 payment thereof, and being required ho to do by Bernard Mu ■on and Hog*' Mason, the owners of aid notes, the undersigned Trustee "ill. on the 22nd day of April. 1903. commencing at 11 o’clock a. ,u- at the front door of the law of fice of Judge H. A. Rita, In the Kel 'ey & Moyer Building. In the City of Bluetield, Mercer County, West Virginia, proceed to sell BY WAY OF PUBLIC AUCTION. to the highest bidder two (2) certain por tions of real estate, situated in said Town of Uluefield and conveyed by said deed of trust and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Lots 21 and 22, in Section 308. having a frontage on Bluefield Avenue of 35 feet and extending south between parallel lines and of that width to Rogers street, it being the same property conveyed to the said Mo zelle C. Partee by (’ora Roles and husband of deed dated April 1st. I9f>4. and recorded In the Clerk’s orflee or Mercer County Court In Deed Book 51, page 124. Two lots lying together, adjoining the above, enoli haviug a frontage of 35 feet on Bucfield avenue and extending that width between parallel lines 20g feet 8 indies to Rodgers street, and being the same property con veyed to the said Mozelle C. Partee by I). W. McClaugherty and wife by deed dated March 10th, 1901, and recorded in said Clerk's office In Deed Book 5 2, page 24 9. Ex ception—From the property above described th* 10 Is to lie excepted the following. 1. A lot conveyed to H. R. Ron den bush by Mozelle C. Partee, by deed dated November 1st, 1905, and recorded in said omen in Deed Book No. 56. imgo 89, described as BEGIN NING at a point on the south sido of Bluefield Avenue, the N. W. corner of the lot owned by E. E. Carter, west with said avenue and fronting thereon, 4 2 feet and ex tending back between parallel lines, SO feet to a 15 foot alley. 2. A lot conveyed to William Hicks by Mozelle C. Partee by deed dated September 27. 1 904, and recorded in said offico In Deed Book No. 52, page 305. described as BEGINNING at a point In the south side of Blue field Avenue and at the N. E. cor ner of the adjoining lot owned by the said William Ilieks, and run ning thence eastwardly with the I south line of Bluefield Avenue and ; fronting thereon 2 2 feet, and ex tending back of that width between * parallel 1111**8, in a southwardly di rection* towards Rodgers street, 80 feet. TKItMS OP SALK—Cash In hand sufficient to jvny the debt above mentioned and Interest and the cost of executing tills trust, the balance if any upon a credit or six (f.). twelve (12) and eighteen (18) months from date of sale. lvITIKPATRICK ft HOWARD, II Ell. J. W. WEST I QUITS LEAGUE Richmond, Va„ April 6.—Special. —The Rev. J. \V. West, field secre tary Tor the Virginia Ant^Raloon league, has resigned that office. The reslgnltlon is effective on and after May l. The resignation was ten-' dered Immediately following the state convention in this city in Feb ruary, but was not announced at that time because of the possible ef fect of such announcement on legis- ! latlon then pending In the general assembly. West will take up work elsewhere, but will be identified with the light against the liquor ele ment. The Rev. J. D. McAllister will probably succeed him as secretary. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams* fnytan Pile Ornament will cure Blind, Bleedlug and Itchlns Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams’ In dian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Mall ftc. and $1.00. Williams M'f’g Co., Cleveland. O. ILLINOIS ADOPTS ARDOR AND RIRD DAYS. Chicago, April 7.—Chicago Wom an's Outdoor League, after a year of hard work, has succeeded In hav ing the legislature provide for an arbor day and a bird day. Governor Deneen has just designated April 24 as Arbor day and October 24 as bird day. Typewriters For SALE and .for RENT We have on hand the following second-hand and rebuilt machines; '• No- 3 Olivers, with long and short carriages, $75 and $85. 3 No. 3 Olivers, Regular, very little used, $55 to $75. ’ No. 5 Underwood, 75,000 serial, $05 cash, $75 time, i Blickensderfer, No. 7, almost new. $25. I Manhattan, "B," almost new, $25. 1 Commercial Visible, $10. > Brand New No. 5 Olivers, The No. 5 Oliver Is the king of the typewriter world today. More OLIVKRS have been sold In 1 West Virginia in the past two years than all other writing machines combined. Williams & Stewart Room 60. State Bank Bldg. BLUEPTETjD. w. va. Entirely pure Lager Beer Can be had at All bars in the coalfields. People want it"] It is made from the best Malt and Hop Taken as a tonic it is A beneficial beverage. None better made Brewed by the BLUEFIELD BREWING CO “Bank of Personal Service” FLAT TOP NATIONAL BANK of Blucficld. West Virginia, Capital Hto«k .$|<M)IMM»<Ml Htookhohlar*’ Mobility. .|M» immi M» H"rP,u" . HA.Mmi <Mt IMTi:i> HTATB \T DKnWTORI. F^ys 3 per cent flntcrest on Time Deposit*. Imliviiliiiil, rommrrrlul «n<t Corymrshi \, .«.«»*« *. i*Nn4 f'1 K TIKllJfKT, l*rc«.| «*»»; ft. *. OMMff W. II. TIIOM.AH, Vlf> rrfiHiM; W. H. lllrhN 1~ irrniT r*»hlrp. . 0 * When in need of anything in the Electrical Line remember wc do first-class work at reasonable prices—promptly. Intermont Electrical Co., Phone 212 Bluefield, W. Va. Q - ‘y\ MODKLBARHERSHOP | HIX I1ATHH HIU ONE IIOLUIt. | K ELLEY ^ MOYER BLDG. KELLY & MOYERS. DEALERS IN WHISKEYS. WINES. BRANDIES. ALES. BEERS. Porters and all Kinds of Liquors FIRST CLASS BILLIARD II POOL-ROOM CONNECTED OUT OF TOWN ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPLY w. E. & E. L. SHUFFLEBARGER ARCHITECTS Satisfaction Guaranteed Itooms 6 and 7 Sobn Building. Bluefleld, W. Va. 'Phone 44, DAVID E. JOHNSTON, President. It. C. M’CLAUGHERTY, Vice-President. F. M. PETERS, Cashier. W. M. CORNETT, Assistant Cashier. State Bank of Bluefield SAFE, CONSERVATIVE, Strictly Commercial Banking Paid-Up Capital . 3 50,000.00 Stockholder*- Liability . 50.000.00 Surplus Fund . 44,000.00 Security to depositor* .. $144.000 00 Attention is called to the fact that this bank is STRONGER THAN EVER, having during the “hard times” increased Its capital and surplus from $50,000.00 to $94,000.00. and is now prepared to take caro of any account large or small. PAYS INTEREST ON >TIME DEPOSITS TAILORING A man’s apparel should be distinctive, tt should reflect the lasts and characteristics of its wearer. Hi. personality ought to find expression In the set and style of his garments All our tiros and talent are given to the crealon of Just such Tailoring. From the first clip of the shears to the lact stitch. It Is the work of our expert craftsmen. Do you want Tailoring of this claaw—tbs satisfactory sort, If so we’re nt your service. char LBS FISIIKR THE TAILOR Hurocwr to P. i. Relief. RALKIGH HTRKKT Hpeclal Department for Cleaning find Framing at Iteaaonabla Frlcea. If you are looking for an invest* ment, considering buying a home, or ^selling your property call and'see us. We handle all classes of.'iReal Estate, Stocks, Bonds and Insurance,"etc. . . Ocn^ml Agent* for EUREKA LAND COMPANY HALE LAND COMPANY C. O’Leary &;Son Real Estate Agents BLUEFIELD - -/(WEST VA. Bo*l627 Phone 518 i i