Newspaper Page Text
AFTERNOON. MAY (», I QoS PRICK TWO CENTS UNION LEAGUE FINANCIAL IHKFKTIiTlfS l\ WAV OF UASFRALL <'Ll II. Baltimore, Md., Mnv 2t».—The Baltimore team of the Vnion League liaa disbanded according to Catcher Luskey, who left with hlg wife last night for Marlon. C). Financial dif ficulties are attributed to wholesale desertion among the ranks of the local club. Nothing doing in the line of pay according to a current report, the management having Ig nored obligations that foil due May 16th. Two players are stilt in town. BROKE EVETNT LEBANON 11LVF.FIKI.I) TldKIIS Id»ST FIRST (■AMR To COI.LFLK IIOVS, IIVT WON SKOOXII. Tho Bluefleld Tigers have re turned from l>-hnnon where they P' iy«*d two Kamos with the Russell Col lope teniu. They broke even with tho students, losinK the ft ret game by a score of 12 to 7 ami wlnnlnK the second by a score of 6 to 4. The Tigers say that both games were good and at all times close and exciting. The fielding of Ben Gilmer, of Bluefleld, was the feature of tho second game. Ba4 terics: First game—Draper nud Rainier, Ayers and Clarks; sc-«<fllU game—Looney and Palmer, ;v Lecat and Clarks. The Tigers are making arrangements to give Russell Col lege return game* m Bluefleld. The team as a whole Is loud in their praise of tlio hospitality shown them by the l/Oinnon boys and the latter In return say that they have never crossed hats with a cleaner team of hall players than tho Blue fleld Tigers, I INKST t’lil R HOIKF IV THF WORLD. Los Angelos, May 2t'».—The I^os Angeles A Mi let ic club proposes to ■build what it claims will In* the flnest club bouse in the world. The structure wil lie of reinforced con crete throughout. The cost of building and Ihe site will t»e $l, i r, WIFE MURDERER MOW OF FORM Fit SWFLT II FART. New York, May 20.—On tin- tes timony of Oeorgic Dickinson, Pbo woman whom Theodore S. Whit more is said to ihave been infatu nlerl with and to whom he is de clared lo have given his wife’s* jo.w elr. a few days after she was mur dered near Harrison, tf. J., tthe pror -cutIon expects today to show that W'hftniore. slew his wife. Jersey City. N. J., May 26.— The trial of Theodore S. Whitmore for the murder of his wife, I^nn. on Christmas night, was begun here yester ’ay. It I* believed tho Jury will be eoqipleted and the* real ef fort to clear the mystery of tho “I-amp Ulack Swamp” murder will begin. Whitmore will endeavor to establish an alibi. The state de trends largely on the testimony of former companions of Whttmors, who d*H-lared he threatened to kill his wife; that lie waa a member of A hand of thieves infest inn the Limp lilack swamp. The nude 1 body of Mrs. WhUtndfee was found in- a stagnant pool the day nTter I Christmas, and was identifiel Jan uary 2d. Whitmore was arrested , January 3 i. SOITIIKKX THl’ST AND DKPOKIT COMPANY OF P.AI.TIMOIU: IN IIANIH*. OF llFCFIVKIt. • * -< Haiti mor., m<1., May iHi-—-Follow ing an investigation by the etate treasure!, tho Southern Trust & Deposit company of this city has crone into tho hands of a receiver by order of Judge (Jortor in the circuit court. The Investigation re sulted in finding that the concern was Insolvent. CRUISER MICHIGAN KVKXT T\KI>. I'UCK WITIIOt'T MISHAP. (Philadelphia. Pa., May 2fi.—The cruiser Michigan was launehi'd at 1 1 o’clock at the New York Ship Pudding company's yards at Cam den, <N. J., without a mishap. DIs t ingul?hod visitors were present from Michigan. as well as represen tative of the navy department. SHORT IIO\HYMOO\. John Scott, the Norton n;an who eloped with his flf teen-year-old step-daughter and was caught »t Pocahontas where they 'had reen tered as man and wife, was fined one hundred dollars in the police court of Pocahontas and -then taken back to Norton to answer t* the authorities of Wise county for his miseonduef. No doubt Mr. Scott is a sadder, if not a wiser man. It Is not likely that his wife will again receive him Spain after his treatment of her daughter, even I if he should he acquitted hy the ! court.*. lllHfTHM (X)RNKItSTOM; LAVISH 1 The regular-meeting of Rluefleld F.odge No. 85. A. F. & A. .VC, will he held tonight at. th • lodge room in :tho Lazarus building, Princeton avenue. As business pertaining to the laying of «fhe cornerstone |»f niuefleld High School on June nth will he discussed, all members are requested to t>o prepent. John Williams and Gus Hurt, of | Eggleston. Va., were in the city [Sunday and left on the afternoon train to visit friends at Tazewell. __^_____ IlKLMONT CAFE. Dally. Full Course Pinners, 12 to ft p. m. r»«c. I». P. MAHTJN, Proprietor. A. O. H1MH, Manager. “IF VO! HFF IT AT I»FIH«0’H IT’S WOllTH TIIF I»R|< F." \&orct(myhji\ Many Men of j Many Minds | Oiw man prc rer* a cer tain make of Mocks, an- I other is equally certain ; that his favorite exeells 1 all others. We please ; them and earr> several brands hut Only tin lt«st. I Men s Hosiery lilaek or Tan CoMon Socka... IO nn»l 1 ,V lnl«*r Woven Toe arvdllerl, nne seamless, substantial and comfortable Sock, Black colors . 2.”< Gordon Dye Socks, none better. Mlark and fancy striped.2ftr Shaw Knit, desirably |>opul»r, black with split soles.u.V Silk Plated Hose, black aivd colored. r»Oc Silk Lisle, black and tan .. ,V»c Piirci Silk Itoac, black nnd colored. . . .. 9l.fiO I I 1.1. 1.1 NR or MR VS H\IU ItP\sm itV. E. S. PEDIGO 325 AND 327 PR I NORTON AVR U.IRFIRU) WEST VIRGINIA MA11, ORDERS HRCKIVR PROMPT ATTRNTION. WAK IIR.ATII OK tt'OMW lol VIl OX Cil.Ol « KSTFlt FI.ATS. _ CSloncester. N. J., May 26.—The body of the woman found on Glou cester flats on the bank of His Timber cr*ek vat Identified today as that of Marie Mooney, a iced 8.r». of North Woodbury. The woman lived with her mother and has been missing since last Friday night. It was tiiought that she had met with foul play, but an examination of he.r body fnlled to reveal any marks of violence. It is thought that she fell from a trestle into the waters of the creo.k and was drowned, and the body washed ashore. The suicide theory Is scouted by reason of lack of motive. I FUNERAL OF AARS. KELLEY The funeral of Mrs. IP. J. Kelley will take place from the Catholic church tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, conducted by Rev. Father Olivier. The following notice wm handed us for publication: To the members of Rluetleld Chapter. United Daughters of the Confederacy:- You are requested to meet at the late residence of our sister. Mrs. I\ J. 14ol|ey, on Wyom ing street, Wednesday mornlim nt 0:45, to attend In a body the fu neral at the Catholic church. MRS. W. H. THOMAS. Pres. The Interment will he made at Walnut C.rovo cemetery. Among the relatives who have arrived to attend the funeral are Capt. W. T. Raid win of Radford, an uncle of the d«censed; Mrs. W. T. Baldwin. W. T. lluldwln, Jr.. Radford; Mr. and MrR. W. n. Raid win, of ltonnoke; Albert Raldwln, R. M. Raldwln and sou and daugh ter, pf Raleigh, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Rlla Barns. Mrs. pe.gglc Hams, Mrs. A. .1. Oopenhavcr, aunts of the de ceased ; A, J. Copeiihaver. .1. O. I). Oipenhaver. Dr. Copenhaver. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rams, Mrs. Nel lie Rarns, Mrs. Ilnrbara Moss, Capt. John iXally. Miss MargatcM Daily, Mrs. Rarhara Moss, Joaeph Rarns and several others from Tar.ewcR counity. Mrs. Kelley wtaa grecjtjpy beloved and her funeral will l>< larg«Uy attended. pleisFwI LIFE SENTENCE MI RDl.HClt AT III NTINtiTON fJLAl) TO HAVK IIIS XKCK. The Jury who tried Vic Rudd for the murder of Norvell Piuniley, of Hinton, nt Huntington, brought in a verdict of guilty of murder in the. first degree with a recommendation for life imprisonment. Rudd seem ed pleased with the verdict, and was evidently glad to save his neck. The prisoner listened to his sen tence with composuro and then called for a Cigarette. He is a de generate and the verdict is regard ed as none too severe, Till; CtNRIRATKH. Nino prominent Wont V'irKlnla Derttorrat* are anxious to he one of the Tour who will t?o to IX'tiver as delegates at larKo. I,aw retire a Hermann of Ohio. George F. Neal of Patwll. It W. Horner of Wood. 0. VV. Oaenton of Payette. John .1. Cornwell of Hampshire. William Campbell of Jefferson, Sidney Johnson of Monroe. Clyde Johnson of Pleasants. .lohn T. McGraw of Taylor. There, aro six candidates lor Judge of the supreme court, they helot' Walter Pendleton of Roane. William Gordon Matthew.-; of Kanawha. 0. C. ICinKinhotham of Pp-hur. Vfe'v;P » I’o.'V of Harbour. Wvndhnm Stokes of McDowell. •I. M, Wood of Berkeley. \IXH\ MTflKKT mtllHiK. The new bridge at Allen street 1 now spans the railroad yard and will soon he ready for use. The stairway will be completed early next week. Geo. X. Young, sut»er!ntendent of school* at fnwhod, Ind., arrived here today from (’lea rc reek, Ha loljch cmiftty, where he has h cm visiting his wife’s relatives, and will sro to Princeton this afternoon to visit hi* father, A. J, Yount?. HI KT.W'K MU AN. it KN(JliAM). ,i\v (iol'U), < :• \|j\\ voitK. OouUl uro K'l ch;niii)k»»Hh:ij ui HngltKh UmimIh from Mil. ; FLOODS SEND MANY 7 0 DEATH MHVKN m;so\‘ KIU.KJI ,U|i tr,n M.\l>l ■ KOMI .M SS |\ soiTin:i:\ okchoma—hi v HKKIIM n|-' Hoists IIWi: WASIII H \\> \\ OlalioiUA City. O’;la . \;;»y 2*. Seven |h rxont: are deal, about j . t are lioinoh'Kti, thou mads nl ncrpj -•: lowlands hi. limndn m1. |i,«ii Jri* is of hotiHPQ arc wnsl'o* away m daojmred. railroad mi*’ u « brid kvr hip k<»tic over a ia>* e ana of Hie southern part ol the tn»o; several railroad liridgiv .it dam aged mid I ho tracks of noarl> every railroad rompany operatin'' .a the Hate are dlsarran;,. 1 :n a r'olt o.f heavy rains and overflowed ili'crs The dead are: Wjl.MAM 1 .INHI.AY, Anadarko. I IIO.M l*K IN'S <'f 11 ’ KK K, Slmvne.' W. M. HAU.K1W. wire and child, I*'r«»d( rick. NRdltO, drown. ! nr fiuthrtc. 1 X11 »|:\ 1 11 • I ( mnron river, near fiirhrl. Trains are delayed on all roads and many are kh p adc.| Crop are damaged aloiiK tho riv. i More than 700 hon n vVoat Guthrie are HIllMn r^e | | , Hood has fallen but the bottoyi ire hI i 11 submerge I and water kn < ,\r |« running through the str. < t ifiin dre.Is ar; honieifc an I Irani mrta tlon from one part of to.mi i » an other la by means of ho.'i Dalian. T> v . Ma> 20. r■.• ir lives nn* known to have In cn In ?. more than n million dollnr* worth of property do troy 1, t.000 p<>op!o mad hoinolce t<•!(• 'inpli and telo pliom* wire* In and wont of tie city out of connnlji Ion. a a r< il of n record rIs#* and overflow of Trinity river, making tin* nnati.r volume of water ever knvri In (hi* city, Thf flood pa* I the reeor I in a do by the rl*e in IsOt; fifty-two feet ^ lion business lion i n ill I jfn what Is now a pool'i residence «oe tlon of Dallas were/ watnpod. That ‘arm Mention of the city lad niirht wan under Severn I feet of water and thoiiRandn have their house hold effort*. while the p -Idence section of North Dallas i: cut off from I he Hualn< « part of th” dty so far a* streit car 11 n< * ire con cerned Onlv on.- lliv 1 op< tint’' to a part of North Dallas. Tli» wjv |er work* plant i out of <■< • :nils Fkm, and the lljrhf pan* I camped RIOTERS BUSY mot. m mul l mm stvii f it iik.i: < \u \ \ i iiooi uo. I.ICK, f’heater, Pn.. Mny 2« I;iot fol lowed riot. In tlie ear trike ion last nltrhf Mob violence is in foree in all soot Ion of the el»y atul a down strike breakers, ?n charge of the ears of the Chester Traetlon company fare) badly ot the hands of at like rympat li l*er«. At |0:30 a mob of 3 onn men e.ha»rif<'d a nt Pev nth r> tt and F.dttemont avenue. They follow* ed the ear for four squares and were throwing atoms ml hooting the |K>llee. " VKKS I 1 TO ll.WiiKIt A\lt WILL TIIV TO IIOLI) TlCItltl TOUV. hi. ivt.iHhnrr:. M ay 21; Tin* nowapapcrH print a dU.pa4< li from Ituwflian Manchuria to Uio that tho Maputo hotu<>on tho Cltl* and .lapanoao over Korean frontier has hul china to aoml 5,000 for<>lf?n <1 rlllod troopa from Kirin to Tohontao. with a view to maintain ing hor claim to |>oshohhIoii of tho lattor |»la<«. HOUSE PISSES MIMIIIKS WMOtS |(»H \\ i;\i;iiimoi i:\mk\t. Washington. May 2 •!. Working under ii*•:i vy pro; sure w ith an eye single to mljoiirnmont al tho earl pO! il IlH.riM'Ilt, | ||f' JlOtlHf*. ynt/fonlay dispo c,| of a grout I amount of Ini lie ss. Hurly in l ho Herndon il I m 'I a in o manlfe-i that a | Imlior spirit of r»«-Iint? obtained be tween Hi.- majority an I minority, in conHo«|iiorm» of wliirh several! bills wore passed by nnnnf iiioiih 1 consent. it developed wlon tlm house r<<< oil |a»t night that tho roll hail lo on oallo! 22s .. situ. rongroan convened. Tho sum total of tho day's bn.-l floMi via as follows: Tho oonfor- | oiioo r* port, on Mio r. iinlry rlvll and tho pension appropriation hill wore agrood in. thus Bonding those riion’ tin to'tho president for slgna~ j turo, an.I having only tho gonoral j dfb leney and military n» adoiny ap-i propriatIon Idlls to Ik* considered in order to oomploto tho diH|KiHition of* • ho fourteen supply men uros of tho government. The conference report oil the. District of Columbia child labor hill was agro'd (o. nnd the following hills vn-ro pas sed: mii i Amcn'IInK tho navigation Inw; removing t'ho <1! crimination* against native officers of the I’orto Ftlco provisional regiment of Infan try; granting title to a cemetery In Imlm<|ti*•, Iowa, to tho archbishop of that city; encouraging tho t]r Volo|rriiont of coal deposit* in Alas ka: an I pr**s riblng penalties against tho sale of cbH»hfng and government proporty tiy soldiers. An omnlbu Judicial hill provid ing among othor things for addl ” Clonal federal Jndc< for Ain ka, Hawaii and NVw* Mexico; tho hill i revising and making moro liberal tho IMrk militia law. an I several .purely local to tho OlwtrJrt of Co-, lumbla woro also passed. Tho omnibus* hill relating to tho disposition of tho public lan Is was sent hark to confer* noo. Following an active debate of an hour and half, the project for a re duced hall of represent at Ives was ' defeated by a large majority. I EX-PRESIDENT CLEVELAND ms roM>mo\ shown \n su;\s oi' IMI'ltOVtAIKM A\|) Ills I'ltllCMis AUK AliMtMKII. Lakewood, N. J., May 26. Thorc Is renewed concern ovo- tho eondl tl«»n or (irowr Cleveland. it c«n »o! I*e sakl that ho has crown definitely worse, hot ho has not math' oxi*hMimI recovery. it is un dorstootl that ho ’has not boon out of bod lu two weeks and It Is loam* od ffotn thost' Immediately Dhout him that lu* Is wakeful at night, hut lulls Into deep sTutnbcr in day tlmo. St IT IIKTWKKN TilK t lTV AM) *’’• T. OLIVKIC NKTTI.KII I IIitt»i <;n Till: iJl'oitrs oi I’ll \MltlOlt OI-’ COMMKItCh!. Tim long pending litigation be tween 1*3. T. Oliver and I In* oily over tin* right or way for Miami street bas at last boon adjusted. This bappy consummation wan brought about hy the committee of tho chamber of commerce, composed of * 'apt Win, McCarthy, W II. Thom mh, ami O. ('. Jenkins. Tin* terms of settlement wore satisfactory to both Mr. Oliver and tin* attorneys for tin* city and tho work of widen ing t in- : l root and paving tin* same will go stcudMy forward now, tio the urcut delight of the people of 'ii*- In-autiiul suburb, Bout'll Mine field. Mr. Oliver will now go to work and roinovo ilila houses from the right of way, and the paving of I Ilia at reel and the completion of the Hired railway to South Mine field will bn completed within a few weeks. Mm. Itachol Alderaon, widow ol ('apt. Thomnr, Aldersofl, a former ('• (lili ait and very prominent ciuu zen of the Flat Top coal fieldH, died at her home In Devil's Lake, North Dakota, and wan burled at Itnnnoke yesterday hy tin* Hide of her dls tInguIshed husband. ('apt. Alderson first came Into prominence as one of the leaders in breaking up the rfrffanif.atflon known uh Id** Molly MaguIres in tin* coal regions of I’eniiHylvanln. Don't wait * nt!I you have a deep seated cough. "An ounce of proven Hon Is worth a pound of cure." with the first tickling of the bronchial tubes get a bottle of Itydale’s Cough mix I r. Safest, for parent or child. Contains no opiates. The White Pharmacy, NEW BRIDGE AT NORFOLK NItOl.I.Rlt |,|pr op TIIR »V W. ItAll.ltOAD A MAKVKL* «u s mccK or wohk. ot tin* Norfolk 4k- Western railway mor the eastern branch of 4ho KlixnlHMh river opened today nt n«*ou to clone no more. It will bo takon down, Itm hii bine rued founda tions dynamited and Hold for Junk, for tho new 1300.000 roller lift draw will tomorrow after no»n take Ita pine©, Tho Kovcrnnicnt baa allowed tho Pennsylvania St»M«l company, build er* of the new draw, forty-olirht hoijra to keep the chnniml cltMOd, bill they hope to have everything III "hape by tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock »o that trnlna can go over tho new Htructure. The new draw hn« never been lowered. 'having been built an It now In, In an upright poult Ion with trac.ka laid and every detail of It eompletcd. It Ik conaldered a marveloua en I itlneerlnK feat. Through an error It. lina been printed ih it It |h the longeat Rlnglo Hpan In the world and that It wan 170 feet. It |h I HO feet nnd the meftvknt wpnn of Itp Idnd In tfho world. I hope n mnlnn now but 1 IttIn work to do mid moot of this will l»<> completed Ity tomorrow after-* noon. It has taken eighteen months to do I ho work. Today over two hundred men ore •‘nanged in wrecking Mio old strue I ure. Until the now drnw la placed In ieommlwdon I he trains of the Nor folk and Western will enter the ••Ity over the bridge nnd tracks of I ho Virginia railway. SHIPS COLLIDE IN FOG NHVHN III Nl»ltl-:i» I'/tSSKVdKIlH TIIICOWN IS I'ANIc OF|o HAN l»V IIOOK. New York, May 20.—Tho Clyde l.lin Heainer Hemlnole and an un known steamer, both off their • •oiii'ho and In a denim fog collided '’•* lerday off the Jersey const. The Seminole Ik hard aground on 11he wand banks. Rhn Is heavily b ••<!< I and IiiiIIk from W«*Ht Indian port :m I Iikh about 300 passengers on board. dlepi-aleil blasts from a Tog born !>n\« warning that another at earner i In trouble on the barn. ovei :tno passengers on tho Im ps rtment of Charity’s steamer Tlios 8. Mronnen. returning from New Mrighton, were In a panic last, nil'll! when the ideaitishlp Marvel, a i f* el freighter, crushed ln*o the Itrennan The passengers were snfely landed at the battery. Get Under a Hopkins Straw Buy a Hah that will fit' your head. We conform them to fit you if hecessary. Clean them too when they get soiled; no extra charge. Stiff Brims for the conservative men; Soft Brims for the young meh $2.50 to $5.00 Nettletoh Oxfords in Tans and Calf Skins are sJling for $5.00 and $6.00 Good Clothes $15 to $30 Metropolitan Mens Furnishing Co