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VOL. 3. NO 33. DOUBLE TRAGEDY STARTLES ROANOKE Yol N<; i: \IMtOVD MAN IN STANTI.Y KILLKI> BY Yoi’Nd WOMAN. WHO TIIKN HKJNKS ► ('AltllOKH* A*’ll) AMI IHKS BY I Ills SI IlK. A startling double tragedy ocour ,/»t Roanoke yesterday morning I a bouse of 111 repute kept by a kpiah on Knue»t avenue. Sadie ■ lor. a very handsome ypung wo i and an Inmatn of the house, t William M. Simpson, a Nor I Weateru' fireman, about 21 fs old and a eon of John H. kboii, a well konwn anil h.l<hlr Kuvl engineer, killing him in H' and then ende I lu r own life pklng carbolic aci.l. Tin* the Ltlic tragedy is that tin* young Ld threaten 1 to break with |ng woman, who had fallen ply in love with hint, and h.iTT give hint up she deter I kill tin in Ixtth. ■ re than one occasion she (rd to declare that she in tilling both herself and him. |x years ago she attempted bit suicide in the reservoir [Lynchburg, and was at that Iced under nrrest by the rg police on the complaint Barents. Inmates of tin* house In : ne iron Die occurred declare adle Itutler's mind was |mt cloar. Thorn Is not a doubt ah** had dwelt upon the plan of In# hereolf and Sifhpson for line 1Irtio past. Not long ago she ircliased a pistol, and she avowed w that her purpose in do Inc; so was to put an end to Simpson's life and her own. They did not . however, for a single moment dream that she really meant what the said. On Monday, while sit thin In the front yard of' the Ernest avenue place, she was working at a beauti ful piece of embroidery, and the keeper of the house made some re mark to her about It. Sadie replied that If she went away, the woman could have. If. She probably then had reference to her intention to end her existence. When she purchased the. carbolic :•< id is not known. She must have kept it for the awful purjiosp for which she finally used It. Her Mother's Letter. Some, weeks ago Sadie Butler re ceived a letter from her mother, begging her In pitiful terms to give IIP the life which she was leading. After reading the letter Sadie de clared that she would far rather die ever return to her old home. About seven months ago a man shot and killed a woman on Park street, and about ten months ago a similar tragedy occurred on Fourth avenue, n. w. Thus three eases, each .very similar to the other, have taken place In Roanoke within twelve months. * FLOWER PLANTS.-—Geraniums, Coleus. Scarlet Sage, Cannas., Ver benas, Elephant Kars. Tu1*e Hoses, etc. Reasonable prices. By ex press. FALLON. Florist. 'Roanoke. Va. IIKIATONT CAFE. F tally. Full Course Dinners, 12 to 3 p. m. rtOe. It. II. MASTIN’, Proprietor. A. O. SIMS, Manager WIST YIKOIMA IIOMK \Vltt;<K KU .\\l) WOMAN lilCOWM'O. — CumU-rlrxn I. Ml, May L‘T. \ cloudInir t overwhelmed Mm. Hey* j Itedstock. aged twenty-nine., at Pill Run on the Western Maryland rail road. near Dublin, W. Va.. while she wan fti her yard feeding the chickens and she was carried down the river by a wall of water eight feet high and drowned. The house was torn Trom its foundation and a section of it wrecked. One daugh ter was painfully hurt hy falling timbers, but Mr. Itedstock and an other daughter*- who were in the house, escaped injury. UNION LEAGUE HAS NOT DISBANDED _ \ IIAI/TIMOItK HAM, TRAM WILL 1*1.AY AM StllKIUl.K.I). I Philadelphia, Pa , May 27. — Ac cording to Pr« sldcnt Al Lawson, of «lo* Union Baseball League, lift tie husi neats of ini|»ortance was trans acted at an all night meeting of tin* organization. Jt Ih nald tlint the ru mors of dlshan Intent of the Haiti* more cltib Is not true and added that tIh*. Baltimore foam will play as ache.luled from now on. i:i:\it .tmiiiui. rcowMN Slllf'.l II HIM II. Philadelphia. Pa., May 27.- Hear Admiral Crow-ninahleld died at the Kplscopnl Hospital early this morn ing. HltOKK .1X11, XT XV.XVXK. John Brown, who along with the Tabor hoys was oonvleted of break ing into and stealing whiskey from the •Norfolk & Western ears at Ken ova. broke Jail at Wayne Monday night and Is now at large. Brown's home Is at IXIuefleld and the police here are on the lookout for him. FOR II NIILi™ COMPANY IIOPF.D TII.XT FINAL NTI.PS IN OC(«A XIZATIOX MAX Hi: PI.C FKCTKII TONICJIIT. j Tonight It i» hoped that the or ganization of a company of state militia will he perfected. At the l meeting 1n the Bailey building last Friday night a committee composed of I)r. F. W. Smith, J. P. Martin and H. L. Taylor was appointed to select a captain to pres nit to the meeting tonight for approval. This com I mlttee has been hard at work and i although a c aptain 1 as as yet not j l «v n derided upon they have* the names of sev'c.rhl gentlemen any one of whom is well ciuallfled to fill “II’ vor HKF IT AT I'KWCiO'S IT’S WORTH THK K.” KEEP A COOL HEAD You need it these days, just jfo to Pedigo's —he’ll help you. Men s Split Straw and Braid Hats in the swe)’ est shapes 50c to $5.00. ► Men's Panama Hats in all the correct styles $7 to $9 A full line of Hoy’s Caps and Hats, Tho most complete stork of Haberdashery in the city. E. S. PEDIGO 32ft AND 327 PRINCETON AVE. WffcST VIRGINIA MAIf, ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ..... _ )5 th*» position. The company In only to recommend a captain to the gov-, ernor whose iwwer K la to make the appoint meat. It la the hope of the promoters of the movement for an organised mi litia after the lilucfield company has been organized other towns In the coalfields such as Brant well, j Northfork. Keystone ami Welch will alao form companies to form as It were a coalfield battalion. For two hundred miles along the line of the Norfolk and Western there Is at present no military protection what ever and It Is hoped that the error I can be eorrecled. All young men who contemplate Joining fhis company and all others who are interested In such an or ganization are requested to attend the meeting In the Bailey building tonight. THIRD TERM WKNT \ lltOlNIA ItKIUlWdfANH ItK A l>Y TO HOLT IVSTIIIT. TIONS ANl> NOMINATE THK lltl.SIIMiST roll A NOTH Kit TKItM. > • i Tin* Idea of nominating Roosc vHt for a third form In gaining "round and such a result at the Chi cago con volition ia not imiKisstblc. Rcpuhllmn scntlmcift for Taft Is only a reflection of the president's populailty and the knowledge ttint the president desires Taft an his successor. General Curtin was the tlrst West Virginian to declare his readiness to holt instructions and he has been followed by Republicans no less prominent than Col. Teter and Col, Carpenter. Charles Brooks Smith, who will be. assistant •ecre tsry of the National convention, quotes (}• n. Curtin us saying: “We were selected not because wo wen* Taft men, but because we were Roosevelt nion and would fa vor the candidate of his choice. There was no genuine, heartfelt, deep-rooted sentiment in ttu* con vention for Taft or any other can didate. The so-called Taft sentiment was as artificial as It Is possible for sentiment to Ik* made. It was a Taft sentiment only In so far as it reflected the known desires and pie of the country want Roosevelt was a negative, no! a positive, sen timent for Taft. The positive sen timent is a Roosevelt sentiment. I know this and my cfflleagues know the truth of It, and so do the Re publicans- of West Virginia.” Hon. Charles F. Teter, wflo Is one of the West Virginia's “Rig Four.” all of whom are instructed to vote for Secretary Taft, has announced that he has concluded that the. poo las* and all the time. If the West and no one else, and having reached such a conclusion he announces that he will east his vote for Roosevelt.” Col. John W, Carpenter, of Har rison, a delegate from the First dis trict. says; “General Curtin Jins Bounded the secret thought of every delegate to the national convention from Virginia when he let It be known that West Virginia Republicans are for Roosevelt for president, flrht, vanla In giving him an unanimous Virginia delegation as organised at Chicago gives your humble Borvant a voice In the delegation, I want to say right now that Roosevelt will have my vote, for the nomination ns surely a« I east If. There Is no use I trying to get away from the fact I that the president is the choice of I nine-tenths of the Republicans of the, state for another term, and half ' the democrats will join In the senti ment. “When I recently made a trip through Texas and the southwest, I found precisely the same sentiment among the people, Irrespective of partisanship. Texas Republicans tell me that If Roosevelt Is the ( nominee, the Lone Star state will Join West Virginia and I’ennsyl 1 vanla In glvlg him an unanimous ! electoral vote. “Another thing —give the Repub ■ llcan ticket Theodore Roosevelt at i Its head, and every man on the tick- | et In West Virginia, from governor j down to Justice of the |»ence, will he. elected by such a rousing ma | Jorl*^ that the Democrats will not he able to ascertain lie fore Christ- : mas whether they were In the run ning or not. Whether the state ticket In West Virginia Is safe un-| der%\inv other arrangement, fls a matter that veteran leaders are quite dubious about." Engagement Announced. Mrs. T, Kaufman, of North fork, announce* the engagement of her fl‘ter. Miss Ella Catzen, to Mr. Sam Honenn nherg, of Keystone. MANY ItKOWNKIt AN»» tiltKAT DAMAdK IM»NK TO l,»{OI,i:itTY Colbert. Okla., May *J7 Four persons on an Island in the Red river were reported drowned late yesterday evening when a flood of waters covered the ptnce where tltey had taken refuge. The report lacks verification. Three children of J. H. Roberta, ferryman, were carried to - death when the river swept away a tree In which they had taken refuge south of I^awAon Will and Newton Stidham were drowned near Henrietta while at tempting to leave home In a skiff. 'Ilt ltt'lt st IM‘i:it AT KIlKNKZKIt The ladhw of Rbenezor church, near St. Clair, will give a church supper Saturday. May fit), t p. m. There will be plenty of good things to eat, and every lady la cordially Invited. — CLUB DISBANDS — WlliMI \t«TOX ri.l'll ll \|) \OT I*AII* SIWK HKAHON orKN'KI) Wilmington. l»o|„ May 27.—Yes terday nawr the disbanding of the Wilmington Cnlon l<*\agnc tiaBobad flub and tho players. with the ox ceptkui of In holder Carls, v ho slgnoil with Trenton, loft for tholr homos. This action was duo to financial trouble*. The club has not boon i>aUI alnoo the season opened. Dr. Wheeler, who Ih in charge of the. \Vw York Pasteur Institute, and liia assistant lias boon kept busy during the past few days Inocu lating people who have been bitten by don- This is a result of the hydrophobia scare, now in New York. Picture at the top shows Wheeler inoculating a victim. Below* is *a picture of the Pasteur Institute, ARE STOLEN KHJHT VAl.lAltLK IIINTFItH TAKKX FROfl I'AS'y’RF PIKI/IW. Now York, May 27.— Paul J, Rainey, the millionaire member of the Meadow Mrook Hunt Club, no tified Sheriff Co- ter, at ,Mlneo».i, l/ontc Inland, today that eight of lrs best cross country hunters, worth a* leant $1(1,000, had been ntolen while out to pasture on the estate at Went bury. THIRTY THREE FOR CARRIE FAMOFH « Rl SAHFR TAKHW l\ TOW IIV riTTHBI'lUi K Plttsbifrg. Pa., May 27 -Carrie | Nation bas been arrented again. j Thin In the thirty-third time in her career that she I* en in the hands1 j of the i>ollce. Carrie Nation’s latest | wan allowed disorderly conduct In , that she |n charged with giving four men a tongue lashing In puddle fof i something that dlnpbaned the cru-I j sader. She wan rclcaned upon payment j of $:10 forfeit for her apftenrnnce In ^ court. After being released-she de-! 1 clared that she would never pay an other fine, but would serve out Whatever penalty could »h> Imposed | In jail In preference. _ voi \<j < him: kiiom m;\v voiik to (Iihauo in a IIOA ( Alt. Ohlcnjjo, 111., May 27. Tin* most remarkable honeymoon Journey that ever lo I to Chicago was revealed Imre today In the arrest of a young man and a woman In male disguise found half starved In n t*ox car near Oriind Crossing. Prisoners claim lo he Mr. and Mrs. Max .1. Header of New1 York. 'I'li«»y way they were married there on May IX, entered ear there Monday and have I been riding In it over alnre. SENTENCES ME COMMUTED BY TOE GOVERNOR Charleston, May 27.- Oovernor Jlaw on has commuted the sentence of a murdered In ltando||ih county convlcti I of neoond degree murder an I an Ohio county forger, who en deavored to pass a cheek while drunk The cane from Ohio coun ty Is very unusual, owing to the prominence of the convict, whose life haw been blighted. Alfred Trip pie |h a graduate of Columbia t'nl veralty, in the city of New York, having taken a course of civil en gineering and procured a degree at doctor of philosophy About two years ago, while intoxicated, he I forged the name of a Wheeling clt lw*n to a check ami wm ao drunk that he took H to the men whose name he had forged to have It cashed. ^ The Wheeling cltlaen refused to cash the check aud told Tripped it was a forgery. The next day. how ever. Trlpple took the cheek to a hank and tried to haw It cashed. He wan arrested and charged with for gery, and upon conviction wna sen tenced to two years In the penlten tlary. Ilia tertu would expire next September, but he was released upon certain conditions. 'Coleman Alktre was convicted of murder in the second degree in the courts of Randolph couuty. Two year* ago he had a quarrel In the saloon of a man "warned iPbare* at Glady. A light followed the quar rel. Alktre was a young fellow, whle hi* opponent waa a mush heav ier and more powerful man. I'ahrea had Alklre backed up agalnat a alot machine and waa heating him un mercifully, when Alklre fired and killed hint. Alklre himself wn* knocked unoonHClou* and remained In that condition for three hour* after he had killed IMtare*. He was tried and convicted of second d*‘ gree murder and wa* sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. Ill* sentence waa commuted to six year* by the governor. COMPROMISE Charleston. May 27 A H|M*dal In the Mall from 1‘wrkeiHhurg says: At a conference of the Swisher and Scherr forces here laat night a compromise wait effected by whlob each candidate will get half of the Wood county delegation. The com promise was made In Urn Interest of local harmony, and each candidate 'or governor will get 16 1-2 dele rates from the county. This put> in end to the warm contra* briny waged and the rival candidates will 'ake up the fight In other count lea HOCTHKKN H4»A1» TO H«*KNI» MONKT. Lynchburg, Va., Muy 27. -It Im sald here oci Rood authority that the Souther nrullway Ih arranging to re aiiine work on Ita Improvement In and near Lynchburg in the near Tu tore. The company la operating thirteen miles of new double track, and a few months’ work will con nect new work, which will make forty mllea of contlnnoua double track between here and Calveston Notice IT. C. V. All Confederate Veterans who are going to attend the reunion at Birmingham. Ala., June 9 11 are re quested to notify W It. Stuart. No. S Ollea street, Minefield, W Va , at once, so that tickets can be ordered. Round trip tickets, $ 1 1.35. Wood until June 20th. By order of, H. 11. BA I LEY, Colonel commanding. Try a Leader want ad. 1*11< M 't-'l-MH \ <<S I'oit UIVOIU'K ► IIAItltY THAW, KOW |\ AHVIA'H, AUK SI’OITKU—THK Ull'KM OniNNKL IHHITRH A HTATKMKNT—OltKILLY |>K, C'l.AHNN MIIS. THAW HAM ^ ItKKN AN I’NWIM.INU l*AHTV TO ('Ash kiiom fihmt. N»‘w \ork, May i*7. Kvelyn Nea • *ll I’linw, 1 lir<mir.It her counsel, yes i«rdny withdrew the milt whlcfi she Instituted some tlnm ftK<> for the an niiltimnt o/ her mart-la Re to Harry K. Thaw. The motion Tor wlthdrnw ill ««« sanctioned hy Referee Heyo, wh«> had been appointed by the ixMirl to take testimony In the .pro ceed I or anil the cn^o was declared llncontlimed without costs to either Party to tia> null Immediately fol lowing the dlHinlHHiil of the action, Daniel ORrllly, personal couiimcI or Mrs. Thaw, iHNiied a Hlaiement in which he declared that Mra. I'haw had been an uiiwIIHiik party to the prociH'dliiK from the tlrst. It waa only because of pressure on tlm onrt of Iter husband's relatives that he had any part' In such a proceed ing. Raid Mr. O'Reilly, and that she withdrew the action Ih*caqsc she lev lie ves her husband's present posi tion demands her loyalty. • Thorn l\a» hren much mlspepre sontnlloii ns to Mr.". Kvnlyn Nnshlt Thaw’a action In llrst bringing np pllcatIon for nil annulment and Mien mibMiqui'iitly dim-out liming the sunn',” mill the 'statement. "Mth. TIiiiw ri luctnntly adopt ml such an application in reaponac to prcxHtiro brought by relatives of hor Iuih hand; she withdraws from thn nc I Ion nt tills tlnin bncuiiHn she bn. 11«• v * s hor husband's present sltua Ion demands her loyalty to IiIh In* terest. nnd Hint It would not servo any goo I purpose to prove nt n lime wIumi ho Ih illtomptlug to gain IiIh liberty, that ho wiih insane when h« mnrrlod hor. KopiH'Inilly Ih IIiIh true In tin* Unlit of thn unfortunate con ohi'lon «»f the Inst proceedings.” EIGHT NEW BISHOPS IMNV lt|<:i,i:<J\Ti:H NKAVKb HK.II or lti:i,l»:i-' WII l<'N RK Hll/r <>|.’ LAST It A 1. 1.4 IT WAS ANMH \ri:i). llultlniorn, *Md.. May 27.—The o|m t Ion of hlahopa hy t hn Methodist Kphoopnl conference of I1I0K la now a mat tor of hkutory. When thn an* iioiinnniiinut wiih made Info today or thn selection of thn I.ihI bishop many delegates honvnd sighs of relief. Thn ••I It lit new bishops elected are; Mr. W. K. Atidorson, of New York. I»r. .f. I.. NeiiHnn, of lleren, C). I>r. w A. Quale, of Chicago. hr, Charles W. Htnltli, editor of the Pittsburg Christian Advocate. Dr. Wilson H. Is-wIh, of Sioux City. Kdwln I’. Hughes, of flrenn Cas llo, Indiana. l>r. Robert McIntyre, of Los An gedes. Dr. Frank M. Itristol of Washlfig ton. Get Under a Hopkins Straw tar Buy a Hat that will fit your head. We conform them to fit you if necessary. Clean thfm too when they get soiled; no extra charge. Stiff Brims for the conservative men; Soft Brims for the young men $2.50 to $5.00 Nettletoh Oxfords in Tans and Calf Skins are selling for $5.00 and $6.00 Good Clothes $15 to $30 Metropolitan Mens Furnishing Co