Newspaper Page Text
OFFICIAL CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC w STATE DELEGATF CONVENTION -- I Foil tiii: national m:Mon:AT. !(' cowi:\TKA. Following Is the official call for the national Democratic delegate convention of Worn Virginia: A Democratic Flute convention Is hereby cal1«h1 to moot *n the city of Wheeling on tho 28th day or May. 1908, at 12 o’clock, M., for tho pur pose of electing four delegates at largo, and four alternates. to rep resent tho state at largo In the Dem ocratic national convention, which convention tho city of Denver, in the st:*te of Colorado, on the 7th day of July, 1908, and for the pur 1><*V of nominating three candidates foe Judges ol Uh> unpruyie court ol aopeala of West. Vtrgtuldf to till Cbe vaoaisdsa im w Iiloti wU< cn'cur i*m thu firat <lay of January 1909. Said convention •twill consist o: lewdly elected delegatee from th> several counties of the state, wlilnt delegate* shall he apportioned be tween the several countl'3 of tie stat«‘ ns follows: Mach county t< hav«« one delegate to said convention and no more. fc>r each one hundred votwa or fmotional part thereof, o fifty or more votes in the respect ive counties for the cm. John .1 Cornwell, the Democratle candidal* for governor fa tlio general election of 1904. Delegate «1 l«triot conventions for tho five congressional districts of tli< stat«* «ro hereby calk'd to iiominat. ♦ w* alternates. who uliuM. as stub dkstrhst ifrlogatwa represent ihe oon Wnwahmal district 9som which thc> are ejected, In the conventhm to In h*‘hl iu the city of Denver In th< *Ha4* of Colorado, on tho 7 th *ay o' •Inly, 11*08, as follows: F«#r tho first district—At tho <*\ of Fairmont, in tho county of Mit rlon, io sold state on the 2f»th day ot May, 1908, at l o’clock p. in. of tha' date. For Second District—At tho city of Grafton. In the county of Taylor In said state on the 26th day of May 1908, at 1 o’clock p. m. of tlfat dote For the Third District—At th. city of Hinton, In tho county of Sum mers. In said state, on the 2Cth da.\ of May. 1908, at 1 o’clock p. m. o! that date. For the Fourth District—At th« olty of Parkersburg, in the count.' of Wood, in said state, on tlw> 2Gt! day of May, 1908, at 1 o’clock p. m of that date. For the Fifth Dfetrtc*— At th* city of Point 'Pleasant, In tho county of Mason, In said state, on the 26(1 day of May, 1908. at 1 o’clock p. m of said date. The said several conventions to b oolled to order by the chairman oi the Democratlc Congressional com mitteo, for each of the said districts Plie said conventions shall consist of delegates selected from the sever a I counties composing sarid congres slonal districts, mil the basis of rep resentatlou In said conventions, fron each of the said counties, shall be one delegate, and no more., for each one hundred rotes or fractional part thereof of fifty or more votes. The above call for said state, con ventloa, and mild district conven tIons, is made by authority of a res olutlon, unanimously adopted by th< Democratic At.-fte Kxecutlve commit tse for the state of W<wt Virginia »i*dd In the city or Parkersburg or, the secorxl 4sy of April. 1908. My order sf the oornmlWee. JOHN V. M’ORAW, J. CARL VANCP2. Chairman Secretary. I'MTKf) l’limttVTKUUVS. Pittsburg, Pn , Mrry 27. Will) delegates from all parts of th< I tilted States am i frarn foreign Ian Ih, representing fho 1 r.O.OWO communicant’ of the d< ».>nilnatloa, general nMejnbly of the t'n*- -I Pr«*abyterlan Church of Nortfi America war opened today In the Sixtti Cnltefl Presbyterian church. The a««fls!oo mruh^i the eml-een t<uaia) of the church and u t**. moat largely attended ia the hls tory of the jyoor.rl a-«ernbly ‘Mo, Men's Jubilee f'oru?r«« wf the rl* nomination he* been \u proyre* here during the tbr<-e days, and tn»#sf of the delegates will remain for the general «. r mhly Alttf l.\ ISTM tTOIl'H NOTICK. Wealed bldfl Will IV- r« ee^vod by the undersigned unfci! the 2*.th day of May, 1»0«, for the following proj^-rty of the la-te Krnest if. Art era All the Hrpiore, w!ne<» and beer, har flxturei, restaurant and hotel fl»tnr«c. equipment, goods, ehs'wbs aiKl ee,.,,}* pool an,j billiard tabl-w. >tr>*k «.f •'r iff* ar;d #*»bnbcco, whhh property l-i now in the building * own »•* ’be Windsor Hotel, In flluefleid, Wegt Virginia. and all ofb«r property jn raid premi e#,; a law the une*pi**i t.-rm af Hie lea e for aald Windsor Hotel The right la re ervM to reject any or ell bid* end to c | raH ■ ra r* \ or nay part ther. #ff #jf public n ie. tlon on saM premier-* at tlm or at n mili‘»qn<'nt dat< K II. KAMI,MY. Administrator. \\ AI CM DIOlUTi: ItHTWFFV TIIK two i.h:\nmts or tiik irorw —ici;waiii> to i nscki iH i,ors —MIC. WILLIAMS SO FIIAICAr TKIIIXKK ICICSOI.C’flo\ TO AL LOW MKMItHItS liKAVH To I’ltlVT IN ItKCOIIII FOR Fl\IV ^">1 AFTICII A1MOI LPNMftXT <*•’ ('nftrttaMi. — - Washington. May 27—Under shh "•nsion of (ho ml** the house yes terday adopted mu or dor presented l*> Majority Loader Payne, granting to members to prim for live days »fter adjournment. Minority leader Wllllanfc opposed ’1m* order. Ln his opinion the irlv <‘*te was hut “a reward to men lv,|o are uiuieriipuloun. w*n who are lift honest In ulatomonlR, nfen wlio are careless and rockless of what they are willing to say.v He did not believe in matter going Into -the fongreasional Record that could not he repl!<*d to. lu Ik'/t'IMP of Do \ol Ivins Policy. I !»«• IP pu MicKid. h« Hrtn ;-»i|, In r«-kMj(>«! to tqy to dc*>iu| Mm* pnlisy »f doing noth tug. On* reason. he '•aid, why t Uw Irouae of repreeetito tlv<<« had »nnk so low was because iho )K>o|>lo were compelled to g»t fheir infosmatlou of what congress «as doing from the press. The Re publicans. he said, had iimisfc to ex plain to the people. Koplying, Mr. Payne declared that ;f was a universal custom to ur<iut lie printing privilege. It was, ho *aid. more Imperative that the order pass this session “because ad the •veeke that has h«>en wa.sted---it is ,wt necessary to say fcow or l»r whom it has been wasted. The Democrats, he aontended, . would have the same opportunity to print “speechos” that could not l>e ans wered on the floor *»f the house as the Republicans. \V«»nl*| ||<- ("run. ft would be a matter of cruelty, •mid Mr. Payne to adjourn “without allowing the. Democratic part*- the • pportnnity to t*dl the country Row hey all turned their backs on the li yan-Wllllams currency bill.” Against Mr. Williams allusion ibout the hulkiness of the* rcaord, • !r. 'Payne r»vad statistics showing 'hat between December 19 and January 7 last, before the Ullbue (er. the* Democrats Usd used up 1^9 1-2 pages of the. record while I Die Republicans had occupied hut is pages fif space. As to adjournment, Mr. Payno aid it would occur when the «ia iority saw fit to order It. The order was vigorously op posed by Messrs. Hamlin (Mo.). Robinson (Ark.), Mid Slayden (Tex.) Every woman desires a good com plexion, bud oft-times either rulm< the one she has or fall* to gain one by the paint and powder method ahe employs. A srr>od compbwlrm hi from within and ogn't he paterted or pow desrd on. Two tiilniss are necessary 'n order to be the possessor of a sopd completion. A healthy astlon of tfie liver and Rood rich blood. Rydale’s Liver Tablets taken orctf slonnlly anil followed for a week or ten days by Rydale’s Tonic and plea j fy of fresh air and out of doors ex ercise will heat all the paint and l I'OWfker In the world. Try It Just onco and see. Ttrr. White Pharmacy ' AM \1 HI ft MrlTOH-M. Milwaukee. Wls.. Mav 27.— If Is announced today that the National Amateur Pre *s elation. e| of editors sud Joumalts's •>>« 1 nected with college and other ama teir Journals, will bold Its suusal convention tn Milwaukee, l»<^mriini; duly 2 orukvi or nm,i(ATio?r. Circuit fSoirt, May Term, 1908. Went Virginia, Men er flotintf, W. (!. Pollock. C B. Hancock and (' O Wright, trustees of the Preahy ferfan Church of DluoA'Jd, W. Va.. ex parte, Jn chancery. 1, W. It Monster, clerk of the ' ;H'*i1t < irt of M«*rcer <Vmn*y W*nt V rglrila, do hereby certffy th it V. ( Pollock, C. II MgTlCgCk and f (). Wright A trustees of the Pr< >'»>*erian ehursh of Minefield, W v have filed their petition In a*ld four», praying lor a sale of certain real estate jH n uofiobl, said nsinty and state, conveyed to said trustees by deed duly recorded In said coun ty and state jn deed book 33, p \ If,, '-■fsid proprwty being known as ibe Pnsbyterlan mnnsM and located on Tazewell strecd In said city. A te t W H FIONAK Pit. Clerk. May 13, 190 H. 6-13-4w U*Wl!f MANN, President. WAIAKK C. POLLOCK, t'anliler. L. A. IKMH'HIt, AMt Cashier. TKe First Nactiorva.1 Ba^nk BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA SURPLUS, $200,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $40,000. TOTAL RESC... RGES ONE AND ONE-THIRD MILLIONS TjHREE PER CENT. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS IK) YOUR RANKING HUSINKSH WITH Till-: OLDIMT ANI> STRONGEST RANK IN TOWN Try A Leader Want Ad for Results Wonderland Theater "The Unrnt- nf Mirth arid Mch><h " A continuous show. A good vaudeville bill each week. The beat picture*, changing three times a week. Charming music during Intermission, by electrical piano. Flay lag this week—ANDY Moltltl.H. Hinging nn«| i>a„«Hig, Itlack Face Comedian. MOSS and BOIL ANVOY, Comedy Sketch Artis**. “It’s Circat.” Admission 10 cents Doors open 7:45 p. m. E. E. CARTER. Puts. J. N. VANCE. VtCI PRIS. 0 R. WOOD. CaSnicb. UNION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY BLUEFICLO. WEST VIRGINIA. Capital Stock. Paid In. Stock Holders Liability .... • • . . $200,000.00 • • . . $ 100,000.00 • • . . $100,000.00 Wc do a general real ESTAtR business in connection wil the regular banking. This department is given the p< sonal attention of E. E. Carter, whose ability as a RE, ESTATE man is unquestioned. ' SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. a I A?aim. , A . _ . _ '' iv.-v.'V.V.V.ViV CLEARANCE SALE TEN DAYS Beginning Monday, May 25,1908 '•O-O-'O-O-O-O-O-O-O ►O-O-O-O-O-O-O-fl-n.o-fi- _«.« ~ — _ _ _ _ _ _ -0*0 uik1?pmt»i*<!SP?SliS*Bn tSmJ.Sfi“ck by our enforced closing, we have institute r™L sfLE at H^D TIME RATES to make room for our Summer Stock which our Buyers have just returned from purchasing in Northern Markets. A Rare Chance for you to purchase your Materials for Spring Sswing at less than Mid-Sununer P *0*0-0*0-0*0'0-0-0-0-0*0-0*0-0*0-Q»Q»o-n*ft-n-n-n-n.n n _ _ _ _ ' MC?S \ SKIRTS ; $3.98 Plaid Skirts reduced to. $2.50 \ $4.75 I Maid Nkirts reduced to.$2.98 *5.00 Plaid Skirts* reduced to.$3.25 J $8.00 Plaid Skirts reduced to.$4.98 $•>.00 Black and Colored Skirts now.$3 75 J $<>.00 Black and Colored Skirts now.$3.98 $8.00 Black and Colored Skirts now.$5 50 $10 Black and Colored Skirts now..$7 50 $12.50 Black and Colored Skirts_$9 00 $15.00 Black and Colored Skirts. . . .$11 00 Miscellaneous 15c Percales reduced to.12 l-2c 12 l-2c IVrcales reduced to.10c 15c Curtain Swisses ..'..11c Calicoes Gcents during this sale only. ALL PARASOLS AT COST Dress Goods Ono piooc of Striped Panama, GO cents reduced to . 39c Pour pieces of Plaid Novelties, 75 cents reduced to . 55C One lot of Mohair, Plaid Serges and Plaid Panamas, $1.00, reduced to.71c Three pieces of Plaid Novelties, $1.25 reduced to. 79c Poplar Cloth—yard wide. Danish ciotli for this sale only.20c 1 Silks Black Stlks are not included in this sale 75 cent Silks reduced to.59c $1.00 Silks reduced to.80c $1.25 Silks reduced to.92c 50 cent Crepe de Chines reduced to.!.! !39c Ginghams Apron Ginghams, Amoskeag best grade Ging hams, for this sale.6 1.2c \ W 12 1 -2c Ginghams reduced to.10c 15c Linen finish Chamhrav, all colors.12-l-2c 25c Silk Ginghams reduced to.19c SecTable of Odds ahd Ends in Womch s, Children s and Ihfants *•••••* •itii**r*r*i**i**i" Hosiery at Greatly Reducedf Prices Our Millinery Department Is in charge of compe tent Milliners£»whocan adapt the smartest new styles to each cus tomer’s requirements. All Hats and Millinery Supplies at Re markable Reductions. r-* »^wnwTTTTm Pellicoals $2.25 Tleatherbloorii Petticoats .$1 25 $1.50 Italian Cloth Petticoats at. $1 19 $1.25 Italian Cloth Petticoats at..80c $7.50 Silk Petticoat# . $4 98 $0.50 Silk Petticoats .$4 48 $0.00 Silk Petticoats.$3 98 $5.50 Silk Petticoats .$3 98 $5.00 1 featherblooni Petticoats. $2 19 , $2.75 Ifeatherhlooin Petticoats. $1 87 $2.5(1 1 leatherhloom Petticoats. .$1 79 ^ $2.25 I leatherhloom Petticoats .1.25 Towels ft cent Cotton TowrU reduced to. 5c 1H went Cotton Towels reduced to. 7 1 2c M 1-2 cent Cotton Towels reduced to. 8c lo eenf Cotton Towels ndneed to. 10c 1o cent Crash Towels reduced to.10c 2t) cent Linen Nuck reduced to. 15c cent, Linen I fuck reduced to. 19c 1o cent I urkish Ihith reduced to. 10c 2M (M-nt Turkish Hath reduced to.15c 2T> cent Turkish Hath reduced to.19c o cent \\ ash 1?n^s reduced to. 3C 0»h» lot Unity •>l»«l»« Ijr Hollrd, nt lullf price. rt. , -r-n-r-rv wrr.-TT^-rrrrrrrrrrrpri-rrl‘UOfrrrrI*rM'>rrrH<* Table Linens 29 cent Table Linen reduced to.20c 75 cent Table Linen reduced to.55c H5 cent Table Linen reduced to.69c $1-00 Table Linen reduced to.79c ♦ l.W) Table ialien reduced to.$1.19 $1 .tK) Napkins reduced to.•, .79c ♦ 1.25 Napkins reduced to.85c ♦ 1.05 Napkins reduced to.$1.19 ♦ 1.75 Napkins reduced to.$1.25 «+2.25 Napkins reduced to.$1 59 ♦•1.25 Napkins reduced to.$2 29 ♦4 25 Napkins reduced to.!*3.19 ♦ 1.75 Napkins reduced to.... . .^ 25 _ | _ _ _ w W w w W \i NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY FERRELL MERCANTILE CO. 403-405 PRINCETON AVE. BLUEFIELD, W. VA.