Newspaper Page Text
It vru- M \Ti: co\\i<:\*. TlO\ id Mi l l \T i II \ 1:1.1 v TO\ ON .11 l.v -Jl>. -To the democratic voter of Wes’ Virginia: Conforming to the • dabli.-’ ciiKtkuu, and in puivunnce to:' authority vest. I In the* Demon* ’i State K\.s illive Coin mill ee It | ordered tiy said committee that stale convention of del. ate I r ;> resentatIves of the .!• mo rath- part frtoill tile several e unities (»; tilt ntate he held in the citj or Charle ton. in the count) t>f Kanawha, f i the purpose t»r s listing candidate of said party to he voted lor at tlo general election to lie held ill 111' month of November of the pres nt >'.ur for the following ollices; Governor, set ret ary of sat . ft at superintendent of rree schools, and. tor. treasurer, attorney general, t v. electors at large for jnesi lent an vice president of tile rnlte.l Sl.dt the confirmation of the chvtlon ot presidential electors for the s v.-i congressional districts, the ehoosin «»f the members of the state dem cra'h: *>xorutive committ ■«> . . |t transaction of such other h :s -, as may he deemed proper an 1 1.. e.ssary; and the snid conv •> 01 sliall assemble nt i o'clock |> m «»n the ttftth day or duly. | f»As Said convention shall c.»nsi t r delegates from the several enunti* of the state, proportioned as f.,’ lows; lvaeh county shall have on< delegate In said oonvejitinn, and m more, fop each one hundred vot. or fraction thereof of fifty vot. o more cast in the county for dohn d Cornwell in mni. That is to ay Counties Votes |»,d mP Harbour'.fi if, Berkeley .‘jr.r.s ofi Boone .. 9 oft ft Braxton .itir.o 2.". Brooke .7K7 X < aboil .3173 35 Calhoun .1110 (’toy .1142 II I>oddrldge.1233 12 Payette .3062 10 Grant . 37 t 3 Greenbrier.2653 2 7 Hancock .557 6 Hardy .12S1 13 Harrison .2 16 1 Jackson .2221 >»<* Jefferson . 2579 26 I/eWifl .1 73S 17 Lincoln . ..1637 16 I*ogan .1151 12 Marion .13 11 13 .Marshall .2600 2 6 Mason .23 11 03 Mercer .2S56 3 0 Mineral .1106 1 r. Mingo .16X2 17 Monongalia.1821 lx Mon roo .1550 16 Morgan . 6 47 6 McDowell.2 6 0 7 2 6 Nicholas .1 J30 1 j 01>V> .502 2 30 Pendleton .llsO 13 Pleasants .1012 10 Pocahontas.1213 12 Preston .1135 It Putnam .1715 17 Raleigh .1617 16 Randolph.251s 25 Ritchie .16X0 17 Roano .2001 20 Su4umers .2062 Taylor .1671 Tucker. 1 360 1 2 Tyler .ir,3x ir, Cpshur .000 ' 0 Wayne .2311 >3 WeWer .1 209 Wetzel .3032 30 Wirt .1150 11 Wood . 4 206 42 Wyoming .Sll X By order of the D*ino<iat|. Slat' Committee. JOHN T. McGRAW, Chalrmni J. CARL VAN'CK. S»* r<-tary STREET SCENE IN l)\.. \'EK. COLORADO, Til" ll.ill.I-nine itllil) II llient to the '<nfe.iei :ile nlil'ers of Washington '•I.'/, at Abingdon. will |»«* nil vile,! next We.Im s lay. June i I h> com in i t le** for the occasion i. ! oni pose, | of J w. Mr I Mroom, Daniel Trigg, l,. T. Cosby. lames |„ White, It. M. page tunI F. , J. Kohertson. NOTICK. Tin* following is notice that C. C Myers, in siding at Bluefleld, Mercer County, West Virginia, has ‘ "I wftli tin* clerk of tin* County > our! an a ppl i« at ion to the County Court, nceomimuied by a certified permit from tho Cits 'onnoil of i11 it*'field for license to '•*11 at retail spirituous liiju.irs, wines, porter, ale, beer and drinks 'f lih" nature for the period be ginning Jiin»» ID. 1 DOS. and ending lime :iOth, I f*0ft, in the K. f„ Hailey HiiIding. at the corner of Mercer street and niiiefiebl avenue, in the •ity of Bln*.Held. W. \*a. (liven under my hand thi : * av of May IPOS. KSTII.f. HAIf.KY. Cl* rk of County Court. 1 w itivii: mtiMMi:i;s. Orenville. Miss . May 29. A parade, music, banquet, ball, fire works and other amusements hav " ,in provide 1 for the del. elation of 'he t'nited States Commercial Trav iers nt Mississippi and Louisiana. 1 ' " ■'1 ■ here i large numbers In 'ay for a comentIon of two days. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams" fnMan Pile Ornament vlll cure mind. Dh edlng and Itchlnv Piles, it absorbs the tumors, allay; Itching at once, acts as a poultice gives Instant relief. Williams’ In I Pin Pile Ointment Is prepared Jo? Piles and Itching of th. private parts Mall Oe. and $1.00. Williams M’f> Co.. Cleveland. O Clias. H. Smith —- - - THE. WALL PAPER MAN PAINTING, CHAIN DKCOKATING AM) PAPI.K HANGING Special Attention to Paper Hanging *■» < oicnki: i*i:in» i rov \\i \m» mi iu ck m. d im aiiih) SIKH’ I'HONi; ir,H HI;h||iI\(|; I'liovi; m James Adams’ Bi£ iOc Show ONE WEEK Commencing Monday, Mdy 25 A li<rM of I’rally (<lrU, Kurin.*- ( >nH*(li:iiis. < i* < r l»rinr,»'i ;mr| DON'T MISS IT A Show With A nutrition. thriu>;i of I'rogrAm I >i f\ REI) EOT opposite ELKS OPf.RA HOUSE lHK>rs < i < om l*Mici in i t \ i w ••"■'in. Ain L'P. Over 100,000 mot li d> Sl toy illy parasites have 1km mj 1 l',f •'•"in 'll*' experiment Sta ""ii a! Melrose Highlands this mo,,,h- :‘s a result of the campaign naugurated by th** national and agricultural authorities avail, t the deal metive gypsy and brown-tail moths. Four distinct varieties of parasite j Hies and b*'*'tles have been used in such ox i P* i iment. •lie large colosmn beetles, as well is two Other species closely allied 1 "> l hem. climb tile trees, seize the caterpillars am: never let go until 1 •'ey have devoured the wriggling "isect. The tnehinid tlies lay their K.vs upon the outer skin of die aterpillars, usually close up to the head Th*- larvae that hatch pono !'rnt »li** skin of the caterpillar and i j iced upon its Intestines. 1 A not h**r group of parasites do- | posit eggs inside the skin or the | caterpillar, and there another | parasite, ,i minuI. midge. that drills- , into th* eggs of t! • caterpillar tin 1 lays its eggs ins! The larvae of •lie parasite lie I itpo:, the contents <>f the caterpillar's eggs until roa l> , to enierg, . Sotnc of these flies also | enter die nests or winter webs of the brown-tail moths an I there, op erate upon the hibernaling eat r liilldrc illirin » tin* iriul.o* monl lie The scientists ay there is every reason to believe that in time Up -• parn-dtes will accomplish the prae tical suppression of tip* gypsy moth her* as they have in Kurope. Tip* present experiment Is r* - arded as the most important that lias been tried in the war against the gypsy moth. The workers at the experiment ^Ration, who include trained natur alists from the department of »< i culture In Washington, assert that there is no likelihood that the para ites themselves will prove to he undesirable additions to New Km hind insert life, as all the import*- I species which are found to !»*• i: any way *1 rigorous have been re jeeted. It the theory of til scientists that after the pa radio s have reduced the ranks o f tip KM1 y and brown-tail ninths they will themselves become fewer n I number from lack of food supply livery matt to his trade” Is nn dd adage and 1-- familiar to n-jariy all of us. It Is brief in Its wordfn : hut conveys a great deal In Its mean tng. |f is merely a terso way of 1 saying that a man who makes a spe cialty of any one thing knows mot about, and Is more proficient In hi.-;; particular specialty than any one ' " coni 1 be. it |g for this reason Ihaf We all seek n specialist wh*n VC have any serious physical all ment. jt Jr f»»r the same reason that I he Itydale Remedy Co. went, to one • f the best specialists In the Knit* ■’ states on liver and Intestinal trou s. a profe or in a Columbus, o Medical ColI**ge, and secured from Vm a prescription from which Ry *;i •-* River Tablets are made I lila specialist knew more about* liv er troubles than a doctor who trends all diseases, and that Ms why Ry I ' ■ s River Tablets relieve and cur. n re r/ul* l ly all liver troubles than ‘be ordinary liver pills and now lers. fiO tablets in n metal box, 2' eefb.* rr0r *aI0 j,y (hn Whlf„ pf,1r many. •'•I \ M Is \ « , \ V. & H. w. H.AIliW.W fifSKKH TO IMtOMt M.VII! \ \ I ;\\ i:itk TO HlilKTOH. Itristol, Vn.. May Lit. The <execu tive committee of tie* Itristol Hoard °t Trail has under consideration the proposition or a uniform freight rat« on coal for Itristol. The Vir ginia K- tfoutliwcrtem railway hu . pet it ion* I Hie Inti rst lie Conitiicrt e Cotuini> ion and the Virginia State t.'orpoi it ion Commission for ini.-sion i » promulgate a coal rate af 00 cents into itristol instead of the present rate or so cents on “team real and $1.05 on domestic coal. \ <•ominitt.ii ,has hwen ap pointed to confer with the manu facturers and get their views of the matt. r. NoilCi: TO CO.VTKACTOHS. Mi ! will l»o received liy tho Hoard tf l; I neat Ion of Heaver Pond dis trict until Wednesday, Juno 2nd, at 12 o clock nooiv, for tho construc tion <*r n High School Huilding In the City of Minefield In accordance with plan; and spe.ciflcat|onH now on file at the office of W. K. & 10 T,. Sliuf Ih'harger, Architects, Minefield, West Virginia. Mids will he received as follows; (a) For tho huilding complete in ev< ry detail. (I>> For tho huilding complete excl ding the heating and ventila tion thereof. (c) Hills will he received Tor the h- ating and ventilating of said build ing o/i ly. The successful bidder will he re quired to furnlsli bond In a (luaranty Company, legally authorized to do business in West Virginia, In double BENEFIT SKATE FOR Rexel! Tigers Base Ball Club ROLLER RINK TO-NIGHT, MAY 29, 1908 Admission: With Skates : : 25c Spectators : : 10c EVERYONE TURN OUT. FOLLOW THE CROWD. • ho amount hid. All bidders will be required to deposit a cert Hied c heck with 1 hel r respective bid for A tier cent, of the amount hid, payable to tie Hoard of Education and name to be forfeited to the said board, In case said bond is not filed within 15 days after the lotting of the said contract. The Hoard of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should he addressed to the Secretary of the Hoard of Education, niupfii Id. West Virginia. Hy order or the Hoard or Educa tion. E. I,. noWMAN, Secretary. Hluofleld. West Virginia I1E-IIEN sitiim. \i.\i\ St. Louis, May 21*. '‘Mollycod dle,” ilie maternal rooster of |>. Kiti hell, of Maplewood, will soon become a mother again. “Molly coddle" achieved national fame re verently hy hatching twelve Ply mouth lloc-k chicken from fifteen [eggs. Even this feat left his ma ternal instincts unsatisfied, and lie is sitting again, with good pros pects of another large* brood. LIGHTNING KILLS Will, KNOWN MOVTUOMIOHY « I A It W I*! It SlltllK IN Ills OWN front VAItl). Roanoke, Va., May 29.- Shill ' lllshop, a well known Montgomery farmer, who lived near Chrlstians was struck and instantly kill ed l»y lightning yesterday after iif"n. ltishop, with several chil dren, was standing in his yard nn der a tree when the fatal bolt fell. One of the children was knocked .-'enseless but recovered. Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat; if found torpid, or out of order, your ttfhole system suf fers from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps the stomach in perfect condition, mak ing you well and happy. 3H cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale l»y the White Pharmacy. -,-— NOTICE. The following is notice that J. Baker, residing at Hluefleld, Mer cer county. West Virginia, has made application to the county court of said county for a license to sell at retail spirituous liquors, wines, por ter. ale. l>eer and drinks of like na ture for the period beginning on May 1st, 190S, and ending June 30, 1909, at Cs’o. ll Hluefleld avenue in the town of Hluefleld, Mercer coun ty, West Virginia. til vow under niy ihand this the 15th day of May, 1908. Teste; E8TILL BAILEY, Clerk. 5-1 ('»-1 awk I wks. WILLIAMS' „ KIDNFY PILLS Have you n«#tc< tea your Kidneys? Have you overlooked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you pains In loins, side, back, grolnB and bladder? Have you a flabby appear anoe of the face, eepeolalff under the eyos. Too requontly a desire to pass urine? If ao, William's Kid ney Pill will cure you. Price 60c. x For sale by The White Pharmacy, Cor. lPand street and Princeton ave. ***" 1 111 ■■ 1,1 ■”1 -■» A Clothing "Clean Up” Sale! Owing to ^1C< enormous selling that prevailed Saturday, Monday and I ucsday ip out* Men’s Clothing Departments, we find that in a number of instances there remain but one, two or three suits ol a lot. 1 hese Suits are what are termed ODDS and ENDS and to us they are thorns in our side. The reason is plain. Were we to allow these odd suits to accumulate we would soon have an enormous and unwieldy stock. Hence we must rid ourselves oi these ODDS and ENDS whenever they occur. We have placed on sale, beginning YVednesday, May 27, and continuing until sold, about 100 suits. Odds and Ends, that we have divided into four lots as specified below: At the exceptionally low prices quoted these suits will undoubtedly prove to be the season s ‘ ‘BEST CLOTHING OPPORTUNITY.” » Copyright 100ft The Home of Kuppenheimer Chicago Odds and Ends of Suits that sold up to $12.50 reduced to $6.95 Odds and Ends of Suits that sold up to $18 reduced to $10.95 Odds and Ends of Suits that sold up to $22.50 reduced to $13.95 Odds and Ends of Suits that sold up to $30 reduced to $17.95 Bur si 417-410 PRINCETON AVKNI1F.