KKXIfei TKI.KGRAM TO l*\KKi:KS. ItlHfl IMltPATlTf \K\\S_\.\. TIONA1. ('IIAI It MAX' To IlK TUB TKM 1*011.%RV l'K\( K MAKKIl TO SAVK NATIONAI, Tl< KKT— KliKINK WANTS TO V\\IK TIIK MAX. Judge Xathuu (loff. in a telegram to th»- Parkersburg D*p»tch-Xe«t‘, replying to a message sent by that paper gives bis lost word, declining to accept the leadership of a re united party In West Virginia, and to become Its standarl bearer for governor, on the withdrawal of th rival Republican candidates. At the same time he expresses hi thanks for the esteem which prompted the request, and his re gret that he would be compellel to refuse the mil of the country and of West Virginia Republicanism. Thus aga n. says the Dispatch News, was the whole situation thrown into chaos, nnd the real statuR Is hard to define. Swlshei ngnvj to withdraw on the proposi tion of Seller r if Goff would ac cept and Goff has repeatedly de clined. Decision is l-inal. There wus hope yesterday and telegrams by the score were sent from West Virginia to the chosen leader at Milwaukee, where he is v siting his son. But the telegram received by the Dispatch-News last n ght canuot be mistaken, and It is certain that Goff is out of it. Temporarily at least the whole Scherr-Swisher compromise, which had an Elkins string to it. is an nulled, ami left as if never made Both the candidates are in the rac to all purposes without a common meeting ground between them on which to harmonize differences. Both headquarters have resumed work for the tickets they repre sent but this work had been boguri yesterday only pending the final word. Both will now' work, it i.^ presumed, ns if the fight were to he carried to the polls. Want to Xante the Man. That it will not be is the belief of astute politicians who know the inner workings. The next mov ■ will be the suggestion of a candidate of the Elktns-Swisher-Matthew chooeing. Judge GofT was suggested by Gov. Seherr because he was a man around whom all Republicans could rally, a true loader, honest and im partial. But for that very reason he was distasteful to Elkins, who saw danger to himself In a “leader” whom he could not lead. Elkins did his best to block the Goff pro posal, an 1 It may be that Judge Goff was influenced to an extent by tin fact that there was this opposition. Now. It is believed, realizing tin defeat of the candidate nominated by the machine, the Rlklns-Mat tliews outfit will sugegst a man whom they can handle, as the “com promise’’ candidate. Hitchcock fo Act. The next few days will witness developments, as the lase will h** brought trt Chairman Hitchcock’ attention In "New York tomorrow. Hitchcock, according to an Associa ted Press dispatch from New York, will not seek to act as peacemaker in and for the party in West Virgin ia. He will merely seek to have hostilities suspended until after the presidential election. Then so far ts he Is concerned it can be “lay on McDuff.” Tills Is taken to mean, In fact it Is almost as clearly rftated, that Hitchcock will seek to have both factions unite on a man to lead the tight this ypar. Then the party in ferences can be fought ito a finish at a t me when there is no danger of carrying down a Republican president and Republican congress men with It. The national commltte had thl in mind when it took so firm a han 1 a few days ago on 1he West Vir ginia situation, and urged the com promise and agreement of Goff. Hitchcock, when he gets hold, it is believed, will s’ralghton out the tan gled hi. sh. HKWATttt OF OINTMKNTN FOI! CATAKRII THAT CONTAIN MRRUTItY. n« rnercnry -will «%reiy destroy the ■ense of Rmell and completely rle range the whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces Ruch articles should never he used ixcept on preacrlptlonfl from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O , contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbo system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cura be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made in Toledo, Oolo, by F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists Price, 7fie. per bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pill* for con stipation. Diagram showing how a hammer dropped from the tenth floor of the flatiron building and struck a young woman on the head fracturing her skull. WIIST VIROIMV YOVNCI MAX CIj \IMS \MHKItST COI NTi ii.\i>v I'oit ms mm>K. iMr. Frank William Wilson, or Ma’lcwan, West Virginia, and MIhs Dora Maude Hay, of Amherst coun ty, were married yesterJay after noon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Wood, No. 31(» Botetourt street Rivermont. The bride and groom met by ap pointment in Lynchburg and at the home of the bride’s friend, Mrs. Woo l, were married by the Rev. P. B. Hill, pastor of Rivermont Ave nue Presbyterian Church. Only a few Intimate friends of the couple who had been told the secret, wit neged the ceremony. Immediately after th • marriage the young couple left on the night train for Norfolk. After a bridal trip they r,111 make their home in Matewan. How to oeat an mejertake’’* Cough and Coughing end In Coffin. Cure the oough, stop the Cougmng. and let the undertaker keep his Coffin. Ry dalo’a Cough Kllxlr is tne best and surest way of accomplishing this re sult. Best, because it contains the best remedies known to eld nature to •tire n cough. Surest, because It posl ’Ive’y doe3 not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind. Otiaran ‘eed under the Pure Food and Drug (jaw. For sale by White Pharmacy. I'm* Monitor Pulverized. The Flour of quality. (At all stores.) LIST OF ICF.OISTItAKS IN M’IMIWFMj COIXTY I ININ ADKI.V No. 1 .led. Samuel Funkhouser. No. 2. Wllcoe, j). H. Powell, No. 3. flary, Rdward Ksser. No. 4. No. 7 works, S. \. Karnes. No. r». Harman Branch, J. J, Spangler. MARRIED No. f>. Pagoton, If. C. Thomas. No. 7, No. 12 works, Henry T. Graham. DROWN S CKKKK No. 1. Dig Sandy, N. K. Pratt. No. 2, Maryton, M. IF. Gray. No. a. Hnllavllle, Ksau Jackson. No. 1. Welch, .1. II. Waldron. No. Huger, G. I,. Stone. No. Kimball, if. H. I’owoll. No. 7, Vivian, John f\ Summers. No. x, l.nndgraf, IF. I). Knerht. No. Fcknjan, I,. M. Dalton. No. 10. Keystone, F. P. Landon. nit; CKKKK No. 1. Coal wood. W. IV Fame. No. 2. peeryvllle, F). Ft Payne. No. Hu anna. Floyd Chrlatlan. No. 4, Rerwlnd, George Wolfe. No. 6, Three Forks, A. S. Hell man. KF/K HORN No. 1, Norfolk. J. F. Farmer. No. 2. Maybeury, .1. D. Lucas. No. 51, Turkey Gap, W Ft. Sheets. No. 1. Prosier, W. N. Cummins. !No. r», FOlkhorn, Thomas Miller. No. Powhatan, L. K. Tierney. No. 7, Kyle. George Junkin. NORTH FORK No. I, Algoma, IxjiiIs Sehuschat. No. 2, Roanoke. W. F. Reynolds. No. 3, McDowell, George Dove. No. 4, Ashland, A. M. Shelton. SANDY It IVKH— No. I. llradshnw. I,. H. Payne. No. 2. 1/ex, David Davis. No. 3. la<-g*r. .1. A. Huddleston. No. 4. Panther, IF. L. Ix»we. IV Monitor Pulverised. Tlie I Flour of quality. (At all stores.) NOTICE At m h itu'ar St'svlon uf tin* County* Court >I«*1«I for the County of Mi'h't'r at the Court House Tliere of on tlie lltli «lay of August, 1908. In the matter of outstanding or , dera against the. county treasury; It is hereby orJered that W. C Hedrick and W. K. MeClaugherty ascertain :n as convenient a manner as they may deem wise, the number. | : and amount, to whom payable whether original payee or assignee, any au d all outstanding order* drawn by the court against the roun ty fuud. And to this end they are given authority on behalf of the court to require all holder.-, of coun ty orders, at a stated nlace and time, to present said orders before them i for the purpose of listing the num bers, dates, amounts and for what purpose issued. It is further or dered that any i>orson holding or ders against the county fund who neglects or refuses to present said orders for listing before said com missioners on or before the date set therefor by said commissioners shall after that date receive no interest on any order or orders not so pre sented. The said commissioners are directed to make their report here under to this court at its next term aud In said re|>ort indicate the amount of old drafts paid off or Issued by th's court since Jan. 1st, 1903. for services rendered or labor performed for the county prior to said date and for what purpose. A copy—Teste: RST1LL HAILEY, Clerk. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have llxod upon the 11th day of September, 190H, to make report to the county court oi Mercer county. West Virginia ah to the findings under the above order All persons holding claims against said county of Mercer are required to present same to the undersigned for the purpose of having them 1 sl ed not later than the 7th day of September, l90X. Given under our hands this the 12th day of August, 190K. W. C. HRDU1CK, K W. McCLAUOHKllTY NOTICE. Thorearo a great many people in Minefield who are persistently vio lating the city ordinances relating to its healthy and clean condition. There are some oven who seek the cover of darkness to throw their r«. fuse matter in front of their neigh hors door. Who does this? Your neighbor can tell you and your neighbor is Instructed to report any and all Impositions. Wo must look to a careful obeyance of all ordi nances hearing on the sanitary con dition of our City if we expect to get results therefrom. Considered geo graphically we rhould have the healthiest city in the state. No doubt it would he so If it was the cleanest. Can’t we make it so? With that end in view we want your hearty co-operation. Let those who do not desire the elty’s welfare he left for the officers’ attontlon. Clean uj) your back yard. Yours truly, T. L. SMITH DEAL, Assistant Health Officer, niuofleld. W. Va., July 31. 190X Every woman desires a Rood com plexion, but oft-times either ruins the one she has or falls to gnln one by the paint and powder method she employs. A Rood complexion Is from within and can’t be painted or pow dered on. Two things are necessary In order to be the possessor of a good complexion. A healthy action of the liver and good rich blood Rydale’a Elver Tablets taken occa sionally and followed for a week or ten days by Rydale’s Tonic and plen ty of fresh air and out of doors ex ercise will beat all the paint and powder In the world. Try It Just once and see. The White Pharmacy MOUNTAIN LAKE, GILES CO., VA. "The coolest place In the Sunny South.” Hotel and Jako 4,fi00 feet1, , above the tide. Hounded on the | ; south by a rich agricultural district ' and backed up on the north by more ! than 200,000 acres of continuous 1 prlmltivo forest. "The Silver Gem 11 of the Alleghanles” Is now one of ! tho moat popular summer resorts | In the Virginia mountains. ’TIs the only place east of the Rockies or south of the Adlrondacks where you can really cool off And onjoy "the good old summer time.” Reached via Pembroke (Radford, Pocahontas A Scioto divisions) N. A W. Hy. Rates $2 and $3 |>cr day, $10 and $15 per week. Write for descrip tive booklet. Address B, ELLISON, Manager. 1HOMAA K. YFFRf, M. It-. Speclallot, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Minefield. W. Va. Orralint for N. A W. Hallway. CLASSIFIED COLUMN Money to Loan L. J. HOLLAND FOll SALR Three hundred shares of the co ital stock of the S. M Smith In surance Agency. Par value $10.00. Tho owner of this stock \\ shot to sell Immediately an I will r:ko $13 50 cash per share, for same. Address "Insurance" caic D;\*ly Leader. WANTED An experienced sales lady In suit and cloak department. Apply t> Uluefleld avenue. WANTKlt Two white eneed chambermaids for coalfield hotel, apply at Dally Leader office. WANTED Experienced anj un experienced lady clerkB, apply Sntnl Turk. 9-2-1 lit WANTED A reliable r n with experlenlence to o|»arate a Lime Kiln. Write or apply to It. L. Spangler. Ingleslde, W. Va. 1 wk-4 wks-S-28 FOR RENT -Two nice dwellings on Ilnone street, 7 rooms each. elec tric light and bath roomt w ll rent for twelve months. 1). B. Italdwin Pioneer Real Estate Agent rooms 1 and 2 First National Bank bldg. I'll AS. i\ m itt.N l it, Expert Piiuio Tuner, overhauling and rcfoiting old notions a specialty. All work guaranteed. Best of references. Headquarters Bluefleld. W. Va. Mall orders receive prompt atten tion. r< Hi RENT Nu . nlODi tuto, hot and cold water. Addr*s I*. O. Box 6G3. FOR RENT —A neat 8 room dwel ling with furnace and bath room on Wyoming street, for rent for twelve months. Everything about the house neat and well finished. I). It Bald win, pioneer real estate agent, rooms 1 nnd 2 First National Bank build ing. WANTED A four or flve room cottage, in nice location. Reasona ble rent. Address W. B. Binlord, (Iraham, Vn. !*-8-3t FOR RENT'—Three store-rooms on Raleigh street. C. O’Leary & Son. 2-6-tf Ft) it RENT— Soms good office roome on Princeton avenue. C. O'Leary & Son. 2-C-tf FOR RENT—(Four four room fints wlfli bath on Red Lot, over Busy Bee restaurant. Reasonable prices. C. O'Leary &. Son. CIIUHHK!) LIMB HTOXK. any size made and delivered to tny part of the city at a reasonable price by W. H. Coffman Coke Co., Minefield, W. V. FOR RENT Store room 25 ft by 100 foet, Princeton avenue. Fine location for any claw of business. C. O’l/eary and Son. 9-5-3t FOR RfBNT Two hit tore room and fourteen room suitable ror office or living rooms. AM In lino new brick building known as ‘Kaufnmn Block” in tin- town of Kimball, W. Va. Electric I glits, water supply. Apply tft Ira J. Part low, Keys!one, W. Va. WANTED—Two furnished rooms fur light housekeeping. Address Leader office. [’OK SALE—A fine bluograss farm In Tazewell county. Virginia, con taining 131 acres, within one mile ol churches, school and store. Farm well watered, big fruit crop and other crops sufficient to do the place for next twelve months. Possession can be given at once. House of six rooms, frame, and all necessary outbuildings. Also following property: All crops growing, such as hay, corrit oats, rye, wheat, garden, etc.; two good horses, wagon, harness, farming Implements, bran new surrey, nil hftgs, row a. poultry and household and kitchen furni ture if desired. flood terms or will trade for town property, Ap fdy to Dally leader. ^AAAAAAAAAAAAaa, REAL l-STATE FOR £>ALE TWO BRICK BUSIVESS HOUSES ON Itl.Wll SVHICKT, Will Pay 15 per cent on Investment Wo also have for sale some of the Ih'bI modem equipped Residences that are in the i 'it \ of Rluetlcld. 1'iioes ami Terms Right. We have sev eral line Hlnegrass Farms in the vallcv of iimith HUietteld: line water, good improvements ami in high state of cultlva tton. We oan deliver to any pnrehaser as wo have this property h>r sale, In writing. Booker & Crenshaw Room 5 Kelley & Moyer Building BLUEFIELD - • W. VA. THE NEW YORK LADIES' TAYLOR Suits made to order. We make al terations. We Kaarantee lit atul workmanship. All work lone rltfht in our shop. U-'ve us a call. MAX HARLEM 14 IIIgKinbot ham Awmue Paris lluildlnR. BAKER’S BAR Now open to the pub lic at the Old Stand. Prompt and Courteous Service, Mail and Phone Orders given immediate attention. B. F. BAKER. Proprietor Phone 32 11 Blucficld Avc HOTEL ALKAMBRA JAMES D. CROUCH. Mf?r. American Plan Hates $2 50 and $3 ter Day Large Sample Rooms. I lot ami Cold Baths. Steam ) I eat Electric Light. KEYSTONE, W. VA. UK. A. f». WOOD, Sjieclallst. Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat. Thornton RirtK. Dluefleld, W. Va. A« ihe teacher*, •<> i» the »» il. They vmnt mi) ' gmdiialc». I ’ k keeping, Rh r > I.■ •. ', FypewHtltlK. I ’,11111 in - < utiip, I*.11 , luinclit a. they lire n»e NoiI.mik !>■ ri.k Twenty veur, tiicremful e> perienre > >ur ■ atnioKiie tell, ill nlioiil II li’» free I wentieth I »e>,i n open, Sept 1,1. Write today. Addrt*» K. M. COULTBR, I'rcnidctlt DR. C. A. BRADSHAW DENTIST No. 15 Princeton Ave. (Ollirc formerly occupied by 1)11. N. K. j KIKKSON) iiw;kkikm>, vv. va. ribKfli nr^Hi Williams* fnYtnn Pile Ornament will cure Wind, HP-edlng and Itching PH* It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at one*, acts an a poultice, glvcM Instant relief. Williams* In dian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Pile and Itching of th* private parts M’iII Or. and $1.00. Williams MTg Co.. Cleveland. O. : WM BF.URY, Pres’t MORRISS WATTS, Vitf Prcs’t A. H. LAND. Scct'y Citizens Underwriters Agency GENERAL INSURANCE FIHK, LIFE, LfWUM TV, HTF.tM HOfLF.fi, PLATE OLAM, HEALTH, AOCiiiMT, HON I IS, CTIEOIT. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A PORTION OF YOUR 'BUSINESS 5 Turner Brothers Company FOUR LARGE STORKS IN DIFFERENT CITIFS Has"the latest things in the'I >KCORATING LINK that can he found in the largest cities. If you want want your home or your store rooms deco rated, call at 107 Princeton Ave. Phone 182 T w/v'TVyvyvjvyv’ /viyv t. The Cincinnati Dental Co For the Painless Extraction ot Teeth. The surest, safest and best method ever used, no sore tfutns or ill^eflfects follow its use. ."•* Full sat of tooth. .. $5.00 Vory flneat act tooth no hotter mail® at any t»rtoe. 8.00 Hold crowns . 4.00 Gold nillntfw . 1.00 Silver ami Content fill Iukh ..50 Kxnmlnntlon Piw,—Wo Invito you to itiapect our parlors at. hnvo your tooth examined froo. Will toll you In advnncn what your worlr will coat. All work ilono l*y skilled, experienced oper ators by our Improved method n. Wo give you a guarantee In writing on all work. , ‘Twi * »• ' -AWi THE CINCIN.NVTI DENTISTS. Dr. Compton,Mur Over The Grand Leader Store. ■ KELLY & MOYERS. DEALERS IN WHISKEYS. WIES. BRANDIES. ALES, BEERS. Porters and all Kinds of Liquors. FIRS I CLASS BILLIARD & POOL-ROOM CONNECTED OUT OF TOWN ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPLY ii A. I.. ItmvIiiiK W. A. Itrmvn Invest In Princeton. ^ VIT/L have for sale a large number ot Fine ▼V Residence and Choice Business Lots I ON EASY TERMS I Also Houses and Lots for Sale, House8 for Rent — "Come and sec us, or write us————* Princeton Real Estate Agency. ► “THE STAR AGENCY” | PRINCETON, - - - , _ w. VA 1 Concord State Normal School, c/llHENS. W. Vj. Thoroui]1)ty aWbe and ready for business every day in the r\t>eek, Tlio Concord H'nto NorinaI School, Athens, West Virginia, ufandH for the heat and strongest mental and moral touch ing of young people. , **lift*1 Wo take pupils at all times In llio yo„r and give them nil tho same Instruction an | attention. Hi ere Is no echoed whore the* ptiplla can got better help and Inal ruction than at Concord. A strong Moil'd School given each student teacher a chance to seo Model Work, and to tench under Its Influence, School begins Tuesday, September 8. 1908. Komember ,hflf al> graduates receive a tlrst-class certlfi i ii { «-Y « 4 ■,<* t4' « * M Any Informant Ion concerning the school may bo received from the prlaclpal. Write, C L BEMIS, Principal, Athens, w \/a R. W. DOSS ELECTRIC CCL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS No Job too lartre for us nono too small to receive prompt attention. Como H*o us, write or phone us. ami our to Kleetrlcal Rupplles. railway and telephone construction work. Oct our prices. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HOUSE WIRING j» R. W. DOSS ELF.CTRIC CO. HM EHKhh, Pari* p,l<|g. Hiictfinltothiiin \ve. Phono WHW’H I'lione \£UH 425