r the weather. Fair tonish: and Wednesday, i g3SSS3SSSSSSS3»»ai»?3SSS3S3gS$SS3>S$SsH VOL. 3. NO 157. Indiana Safe For W. J. Bryan UNION LA llOIt CUTTING TAFT AND ALMOST SOLID FOli NE BRASKAN. Indianapolis. Ind., Nov. 3.— Heavy vot ng early today here to day and from early summary looks as though Bryan would carry the state by a safe majority. Marshall, Democratic candidate for governor will surely be elected over Watson Republican. Republicans are cut ting Watson. Labor Union men are scratching Taft and are almost •olid for Bryan. Reports of the s.tu&tion in this state are highly pleas ng to Democrats and had got Republicans to hustling. AN EIGHTEEN YEAR BATTLE TIIF. GREAT COMMONER TELLS OF HIS LONG FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE—WIN OR IXKiK, HE SAYS, HIHtREFORMS WILL BE FINALLY ADOPTED. Marysville, Kan., Nov. 3.—Wl«l iam J. Bryan concluded* his cam paign before an enthusiastic audi ence here last night, it was the last political speech, his address at Lin coln being non-partisan. His pero ration was delivered with all the earnestness at his command and as he declared that he had giv en an impulse to honest politics and helped to create a sentimeut in fa vor of reform, he was wildly ap plauded. MR. BRYAN’S SPEECH. ‘Mr. Bryan said in part: “Ladles and gentlemen, I am now 48 years old. It is eighteen years since 1 began my political career as a candidate for congress. I told the people of my district that If elected, I would not try to get their hands into other people’s pockets; that I would simply try to keep oth er people’s hands out of their pock ets. For eighteen years this thought has run through every speech and act. I have tried to apply to gov ernment the Jeffersonian maxim of “Equal rights to all and special privileges to none.” I have tried to BELMONT t'AFH. Dally. Full Oourne Dlaien, VA to | p. m. «©c. I>. R. MARTIN, Proprietor. And Manager. (F Tissue Paper, Drawing Paper, Water Color Paper, Tracing Paper, Blue Print Paper, Carbon Paper, Always In Stock FLAT TOP BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY THE NEW BOOK TORE BLAND ST. ELK’S BUILDING help make this government a gov ern moot of "The people, by the peo ple and for the people. “For eighteen yearn you have had a chance to scan my every speech and act. While Republican leaders have disappeared as the result of investigations. I hare invlteJ the scrutiny of my opponents and have outlived their criticisms and their misrepresentations. I know not what the future has for me* 1 know not whether it is the people’s wish that I shall be their spokesman in tho WlHit© House or continue to* perform the work which I have tried to perform as a private cit izen; but I have not lived in vain FIGHT FOR HONKST POLJTIC8 "I have given an Impulse to hon est politics; 1 have helped to croatj a sentiment in favor of reform and as a candidate I have but one thing to rely upon the confidence of the masses In my fidelity to their inter ests. My opponent has behind him all those forces which are consid ered potent in politics; but I would rather have the love of the people the affection of the multitude in whoa® behalf I have fought, than to hold any office. If I enter the White House, I shall enter it free to serve with a singleness of pur pose. If I a:n elected l shall for four years devote whatever energy 1 have and whatever ability I pos sess to tho one object of making this again a government in which the people rule and under which every citizen shall draw from soci ety a reward proportionate to the service which he renders to his fel low men. STATISTICS CHOI* SIMMAltY FOIl NOV KM BRIl WILL UK ISSUED NEXT MONDAY. Washington, November 3.—On Monday, November 9th at 11 a, m. the bureau of statistics of the de partment of agriculture will issue a crop summary which will givo the following information. The produc tion and quality of corn, buckwheat potatoes, tobacco, flaxseed, rice; the percentage of the 1907 corn crop on farms November 1st, 1908; the averago weight per measured bush el of the oats crop of this year; pro duction of apples on percentage ba sis. At the same time a review of foreign crop conditions, a« reported by the European agent of the bu reau of statistics, ma7 be available to the public. On Tuesday, November 10th, at 2 p. m. a supplemental report will bo issued, which will give a general review of the crop conditions on November 1st, with comparisons, and will Include the following list; Tho production oomparod with a full crop, of grapes, pears, cranber ries, peanuts, Kaffir corn; the av erage yield per acre of sorghum syrup; conditions on November 1st, or at time of harvest of oranges, lemons, sugar cane, sugar beets, av erage yield per acre and quality o' sweet potatoes. No report on cotton will be Is sued in November. J ^ IF V°U »BE »T AT PKDIOO’S IT’S WORTH THK PRICE. I: Wooltex Suits i| Fashion Faultless i; QUALITY THAT PRESERVES STYLE 0 Whatever Style, whatever Color is most becom j; injjwlo you, you will find among this seasons Wool 11 tex Suits. !: You may be certain of the correctness of design, 1 ► of thoroughness in workmanship, of honest goodness \\ of every hidden part, of wearing quality. Not only Suits but also WOOLTEX’COATS i: WOOLTEX SKIRTS l he prices are modest, surprisingly so ii E. s7 PEDIGO 325-32 7 Princeton Ave. i: Blucficld - . Weft Virginia **TTTTTTtf fTTttttf PHOTOC«RAI*H OP rt’M. J. BUY AN, MRS. BRYAN JE BRYAN AND RUTH BRYAN LEAVITT AND 4 HII.BREN. Bennett Will Win Heavy Voting In New York NOHTHEHN I'AKT OF THE STATE IN FINE CX)Nl>FITON. Grafton, Nov. 3. Hon. D. B. French, Bluefteld, \V. Va. Wire estimate as early ton ght a? possible. Everything in fine shape in thin end of tue ntate. JOHN T. iM'ORAW. VAYfSTTE ALE HIGIIT. Fayetteville, Nov. 3.—“The polit ical situation seems to be good in Fayette, and, in fact, all over the state where 1 have been. K. 1.. NUCKELLS. AFIER 20SS GOK FOItMElt SALVATION A It.MY < APTAIX GOES GINNING. Cincinnati, Nov. 3. George B Cox, the Republican boss, probably escaped death fro.n assassination this morning when Hen inn New man, a former Salvation Army cajv taln, was arrested and locked up. Newman made several threats against the life of C >x an l when searched by the pol ce was found to be armed. There was consider able excitement around the polls when Newman was arrested. KOH HACK IN KLt KFIKLH, W. VA. Ist. htock of merchandise and fixtures at bargain, being holiday goods and staples. Only a few hun dred dollars. 2nd. Established confectionary bus ness, handsome fixtures. Rea sonable. 3rd. Two very valuable store buildings ('business block) on Princeton avenue. Lots through to McCulloch avenue. lbs: huslne,. location In the city. The last chance in the main business square. A superior lnves jn< nt anu a splen did income. FOB HALF IX OKA H AM, V A. 1st. Two corner lots on W at or (Main) street facing N. & \V. Ky. depot. 60 feet front by 165 to street. Rest hotel and business biock site in Southwest V rginia. Junction of two divisions, opposite new UanJt of Graham. For invest ment or speculation. 2nd. One six room cottage oi» Wistar street, Hot water hea'ef, bath all modern Improvements and cellar. Stable on rear street. Ex tremely convcnlf nt and desirable. Near depot, sure to advance. 3rd. One four room cottage, small lot, city water, well built stone foundation. Convenient to busi ness Any of the above Items. will he sold on reasonable terms ;o relia ble purchasers For further partic ular* addreaa undersigned a. once l* I will be in Biuefleld for only a few days. E. I). LUCAS. Biuefleld, W. Va. U-3-3t BRYAN CRIES AS REFERS TOWIFE OANIIIDATK MOVED TO TEARS AS UK MAli^ AFFECTIONATK REFERENCE TO IIEKEMATE.— MMOIA LIVES HIM A GUAM) HKC El'TION. Lincoln^ Neb.. Nov. 3.—The great ••.if demonstration in the history of Lincoln was given to William J. Rryan by his feLow owiishi.-ii last night on the occasion of b a return to bis home city at l bo close of his campaign. Non-partisan in charac ter, It was participated in by Demo crats and Republicans, and the Dem ocratic candidate was driven thru ‘he streets and cheered by almost the entire population of the city. 1 The reception was tendered to him i as a citizen of Lincoln rather than 1 ;is a candidate, and n the speech lie avoided all referone* to partisan !«• sues, in ■ e parad< which followed I bis autori die fr jiii the union sta I tion, however, many polltx al trans parencies were carried. Mr. Bryan reached his home city j at 8:30 o’clock las night on his special train, coming direct from K<11,H«t>> where he h * spent the day ! in a final whirl of speechmaking. I II h train wan met the union at t on by a trernenodns crowd and as ho score of earring s and automo bile* forming hla Immediate escort started ucross the v.aduct from the railroad station, th great parade foil In line behind him. The pa iade moved through the main airee' of the city through olid manses of cheering people and after circling through the city r- turned to the Hotel Lincoln, wher Bryan spoke, overlooking ‘he pubic srjuar<>. A great shout rose from the multitude filling the square as he appeared. He was Introduced y Frederick C. i .'tieppard, president of the Bryan | Club and spoke lor half an hour. Mr. Bryan's spec*' h was greeted i with vociferous che.-rs. The candi date was moved to tears as he made an nff**et onate reference to his wife and when he cloned the demonstra tion accorded him was such ahe he rarely had experienced In his three I campaigns. "I believe I am going to be elect ed.” he said. " More than that, I bell.-ve that It Is going to be more than a hare victory. I believe that there s a stirring of the conscience of the American people, a moral awakening, ah uprising that means ft sweeping victory and I will swear In your presence that no one who votes for me will ever have occasion to be anhamed of the vole he casts ” W. r. T. r. NOTICE. Assess No. 93 Is now due and must be paid on or before Novem ber 25th. 190S. W. C. BRUNER. Secy. HKPIIIUCAN8 OHA1KJK TAMMA NY WITH ItKI’KATINU. New York, Nov. 3.—The polls opened at t> o’clock this morning. There were thousands of voters In line at many of the-, polling- places. It Is reported that Tammany had planned lo steal the election by send I hr an army of repeaters from Jer sey to this aide. 'Police Cummin aioner B ogham at the request; of the Republican manager thwarted th m anil uro keeping close watch on all men who came over In the Jersey gang. Two uniformed po licemen'are assigned to each on* thousand of six hundred and thirty three polling places. Bingham has ‘ordered Ills ofllc.-rs to arrest all persona whom they suspert of llle gul registration but not unt'l they { have cast their voteu. ELECTION A eratlc majofity of at 'eau*. 10); Oakvale, Willowto i .ml He tint Princeton, 200; \then.4 100; C'ot burn 80; Glatto 40 Ma; jakft CO; Hock iio; (Joociwi l, 7r,; druuh'ork 120; blttloslMirK 130; other pr.t clncla In the county not h-i'-cl from It is confidently expected, how *ve>r, that Spanish burg, Flat Top un<* Hp ccr will k*vo a Democrat!-! ma jority, iWille Simmons, Cooper, '.VmI dale, Thornhill and Crate* Crc jk will he* Republican. In the city th*- vote la forecaate I an follower First ward, 2G3 votes east out of a registration of 315; eg:,mated ma jority for Deniocratlc state a tel county t ckets. 100; national 80. Hecond ward. 2 Mi voter out of 317. estimated Demcera Ic majori ties 135 and 100. Third ward. 151 onf of 193. Es timated majority, Dtey for state and county; 90 nations’. Fourth ward, 210 out of 278. Ka tlmat-*d RepuhlleHn majority on state* and county lle-ket, 50; nation al 60. F.fth ward, 540 out of 685. Kh tirnated hrepu-ft'lcan majority of 150 on state and 175 on national tickets. 8 xth ward, 250 out of 822 rejgis \terej, Estimated Democratic ma jority 40 for coun'y and state artel 25 for national. Seventh ward, 270 out of 376. Fatima ted Republican majority 40. Eighth ward. 161 out of 229 Es tlmated Democratic majority of 25 for s"ate and county and an even break on national ticket. The Democratic state and county ticket will carry the* county by from 650 to 760 majority. M’IiowkIjI, rorxTt. Adv.cen from MdDowell oonnry (Continued on page four.) Federal Judge Refused Vote FIVK THOISANI) IX RICHMOND FOB HKYAN—FIFTH DISTRICT IX DOl’llT. Richmond, Va ., JMov. 3. — Heavy voting marked the early* morning li-mra hero today. The- Taftltes and tart Democrat a arc being rounded up by Republican lenders and car ried to the polls In autoa and car riages. Tile Republicans are deter mlned to poll a lilg vote. The weather is Ideal. It la believed ! that Itryan will carry the abate by al Joust twenty-live thousand. This c"y will give Dry an live thousand of the sixty-five hundred votes that considerable apprehension over re purts from the Fifth dlatrlct where It is posHible that Parsons, Ropu* ll enn, may be sent to rouKresa over Saunders, Democrat. RIVER COLLISION STICAMKit AND PKHHYItOAT rob- I I-1DK NKAlt WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. 3.—Steamer City of Norfolk, bound from Norfolk to Washington collided with the ferryboat Lackawanna three mlloa below the city in the Potomac river lira morning. One “Thun reported k lied and many Injured. ' Jt'IHaK HlkWUND WADDlld* IS TITKNKD DOWN AT THK POLLS HKl’AlSK HR HAD NOT PAID POLL TAX. / __ Richmond, Va., Nor. 3.—FodornI Kdmund Waddlll, Jr., was turned down at tho polls of one of tho moat fashionable' precincts lu Richmond this morning, when he applied there for a ballot 10 cast bin vote for Candidate Taft. Tho hooka did not kIiow that the Judtje had paid h a poll .axes for three •years preceding this election and, therefore he was denied. Accom panied by Hoverai of his Republican friends Judge Waddlll hurried to tho lilist lifts court whero his case Is being gone over by Judge Wl‘t, •s’ho Is HlttiiiK today especially a.o ilecido any disputes arising out of non tests. [LECTION RETURNS at DEMOCRATIC CLl’H IN THK* daili:v hliloino. A wire uml poone has been In stalled In the Democratic Club room at the Halley building. Tho returns will begin to oome in soon after seven o’clock. Now York, i)hlo, and other atates which have voting machines will ascertain tho result In a few moments after the polls aro dosed. Tho local returns will he received over tho phono. The udmlsHlon wIII nnlv im vr.,» KVOX l>| .Mill PH KNOX OPPRA ll/\TH KNAI'PI’BI/T H< H P HATH. KVAPP-PPi/r ( PI T HATH. HTPTSOX ST;\|»|j; HATH. ■SAVOV SIM in s Hld'HSTAIt'S ( I S'I’O.M Mil HITS. I liA WI I, KHIIITH M. A K. HI ITS. I’l 1,1, Mill SH MIITH. SI’,l»A HATH TltOISPHH. imi^no Tirol spun. INCH It A I \< 'OATH. 1*2 IVI 'll MAIM 'OATH. K.VOTHK HUHPWlfPRlW. XKS-TWO WAI.HTCOATH. PA It MICAV JACK I TS. XIOHT HHIItTH. PAJAMAS. “ HATH POMPS. SMOKINO J V'KKTH. MATII TOW PI,S. IVHPHW P A It. MOSIPItV. " ('<>M,AI{ HA OH. MPVS JIAVPI.MV r.VHpjr MIMTAItV MldSHPH. m:tti,pto\ shops. *""" Mil,I,PII SHOP THPPH. HOI HP HI,IPPPHS. PI TTPp l,POC|Vr;s. I'PKIOVS OMPsm C|,OVpH. i mmicpi,i,ah. " I A N PH. I IKIA II IX |» MAOS. 1,11\ l,V SPIT C \HPs. OI IC PPATPOItM. ——— "F.vrry thlriR that’* best |n Men's Wear." on* popm v. rh»* h!io|» that Aatlsftr* ’* Metropolitan Elk’s Building. Men’s Furnishing Co. I Bland Street