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If You See It At Pedigo’s It’s Worth The Money. An ounce of PREVENTION THE MOST SERIOUS COLDS are contracted during the First Cold Days Is the vsrdict of the test physicians. Zotton Ribbed Vest and Pants, each 25 and 50c. Ribbed Corset Covers. 25 and 5()c Wool Vests and Pants 7.1c, $1 and $1.50 Silk and Wool Vests and Pants, ea. $1, $1.50 Union ^uits in Ribbed Cotton, 50 and 75c Union Suits in Wool, $1, $1.50 and $2.50 Union Suits in Silk and Wool, $2.50 E. S. PEDIGO CO. 325 and 327 Princeton Ave, Bluefield, : : : : West Va. I Note Our 3Days Speccial BLACK Heather bloom Remember only 2 to each customer at these spe cial prices. Our $1.49 Petticoats at 95c, Our $2.25 Petticoats at $1.50 Our £4-00 Petticoats at 52 95. SAMUEL TURK, Turk Building Princeton Ave. Bluefield, W. Va. Schedule In I'.ITmI JINK 20, I0OV. I>eave 7:20 a. m, for Roanoke i Norfolk and all points ira the SH»*d a oah divlaion. Pullman Sleeper Koanoke to New York, v.a Hngera •own, Pullmau Par.or Car ltoanoke to Norfolk. 8:55 a. m. for Roanoke, Rich tnoni, Norfolk. PuIIiii&j Bleeper. Car to Roanoke. Parlor Car Roanoke to Norfolk. 12:40 p. rn. for Roanoke. Lyacb tourg and intermediate stations an.l the Shenandoah Valley. Philadelphia t iid New York. Sleeper to Philadel phia and New York Cafe car Gary kind Roanoke 9:18 p. m* for Roanoke, Lynch* »urg, Ri brnoid, Norfolk. I’.,llm.ji< Fleeper to Norfolk, Roanoke to * Lichmon 1. Leave Rluefleld 8:20 p. m. for Ken ova, Columbus and all points West and Northwest. Pullman Sleeper fot Coluuibu* arid Cincinnati. Cafe cn-* 8:10 a. m. Pullman Beeper for Columbus. Cafe Dining Car. I^eave 8:20 a. m. and 2.05 p. a.| dally for Tazewell, Norton and al rations on Cllc'h Valley division. Arrive from Norton and points o he Clinch Valley division %t 12:20 o and 7:05 p. rr.. Leave 6:00 a. m. for We ch an jjtermedlate stations Leave 10:45 a m. for William ton and intermediate stations. Leave 2:16 p. m. for W«ich an tDtermediale stations. For additional Information call o i*ent Norfolk and Wests™ Hallway W B. BEVILL, Uen. Pass Agent, Boannks. Vi t IlKAp MOKIMTAMTV. "When 1 know ft friend Is o,i th water wagon, 1 don't urge him t have a drink." "Neither do I. I Invite him to wine supper Nothing like beln lavish when they'* not going to e« you," oi r of the qi rvi ion. ‘So he refused fo let you marr his daughter.’’ No; but he imposed condition that | cannot comply with.'* "What were they?" "Said I'd have to go to work first. Personal Mention H. A. Haskell, of Ashland K»,, ! is her** for a few da«* an l>ualne*w. j Mrs Mary Hllltpe. of It anting* on is spending the day here. The advance agent for 'The fler vant in the House” la in town I <5 N. Halley, of Pncahoatas Is j spending the day here. J. H. Callls.. of l^exlnatoa, Ky , !■ In the city on l>u*lno«a. Tlieo. Heller, of taiiilsvllle, la a business vltltor lu th«* city today. (\ \V. Ixtnit. of Pittsburg. I* re* i istered nf the Stag Hotel. H K. Wright. of Cleveland. Va . Is buying goods In this dtv today. Chief Despatcher .May Is attend* Ing court at Welch. C. S. Cray, of Anven, Is stopping at the Avenue Hotel. I). T. Johnson, of Swords Creek, left for his home thi smornltig. after spending a day l,i this city. A. M. llayes, representing a whole sale millinery concern of Louisville. Is here today. Mi's Mattie Thompson, and Mrs. J. W. Crockett, of Tazew *11. passed through the city this iiiorulug on their way home. TWO CASES IN SQUIRE’S OFFICE. Ill’ case uf E. D. LeBtor against I). (I Lilly, to recover money due on work done by Lester, came up before Squire Clod bey this morning A ver dict was r -ndered against the plain tiff. Rock Moore sued Charley Moore, both colored, to recover money bor rowed some five years ago A ver dict of $K.ri was rendered against the defendant. WOMEN ARE IT IN ICELAND ' Copenhagen, Oct. i l.— Iceland is a veritable paradise of the woman I suffragist, for in that far northern r j country the fair sex actively partici pates in all except Parllmentary elec tions. And the attainment of this privilege “and prerognt IvefO as the determined Icelandic champions of “woman's rights’’ regard It, is hut a matter of little time, for they have succeeded jn Interesting ujorn John son, the new .Minister and editor of Isafol.l. the principal organ of the territory, in their campaign. As late aa January of last year, I i 1 V i i n a 1 ,egtsiativi- measure accorded to married women In Reykjavik and Haltialfjordnr, who pay taxes how ever slignt. the right to municipal ballot and to a Heat In council Hut as early as 1HM, unmarried women and widows of more than twenty live years, who were 'elf-supporting or householders, were granted the right to vote in parish and town elections. Woman occupies a foremost place, not only in rli• ■ history hut in the present-day life and accomplishment of Iceland. .Manual labor is perform cd by great numbers of women and a life of Idleness and luxury is un known eve | to tin* most prosperous and admittedly aristocratic matrons and b lies. The rigor of the climate and the unyielding character of tin soil ren der th-* entire population one of great resourcefulness lienee, con stant labor and d udgery are the lot or a major number of the women. iKjspfte then- drawbacks, howev er. f ub in • and education prevail among the fair sejr and m;*n> socle tie exist among them or study and research Women physicians are very com mon throughout the island, they having prepared for practice in the schools and college# with male stu dents. WEST VIRGINIA INDUSTRIES News Regarding Various I n d u s t r ies Throughout State As Told by Manu facturert Record. Tli* Norfolk liatloay h»a rrrrtll; tilvH an order for St.* 0*10 too* of 0|wp hearth Moot roll to !»•• deltvored ml !MN*r A pm« re |H»rt *a* * thoi tklo order U divided W»wn Ih# pMinaihtnli Si«m*| Co. of Pa t h< Cam •*'.*» Hiwl Co of l*ltu»burn and (hr Ht*lhlrh**tu Steel Co., of !t«*< nlehem h» \\ . V* , til Kf toll *«I**a* I. Matt* bourn, Mount Vernon Ohio, tut* leaned wlndow-iUw factory; mill improve and operate. W. Vm . viarlinaUora 1.1.m* an«l Stone Product* Maryland Portland Cement Co.. *20 tillable HMk . Halt (more. M<! . protxraea change of title to Security Cement ami Lime Co. and acquiring tlerkelev l.lme atone Co. of Mart tnshurg, will ma.iu factum all kliitla of lime and alone producti* including hydrated lime, daily output o. lump lime, toon bar rel*. >> \ a. »iif'eiiiiK t»iinit roiar ; Specials Co. Incorporated with $'• 000 ctplUl stock by l( II Carter Klin drove W Va. L. i*. Kunkc. .1 II. Hlinmid. liotli of Wh< Iiiik. and oilier*; to ounufadun- iraiio W. Vu Olendon III re a inaoii and Humber Co Incorpora i--d with $ Ha. 000 capital atock bv Thomas K WaUh, draft on. VS Va .1 C U. in Sutton. \V Va . S Wlnentaa, K.iunettabiirit Pa., and other* W. Va Hewlsburn -Continental Oil and G*a Co bl(‘or|KiraU><l a lib $100,000 capital aiock l»> i» c T Davia. Jr., laawlablirK; Stain*- Dnvia, II A, Mathew h. both of I'harlc-ton. \S\ Vn.. and others. W. Va.. ParkerahurK South IP od Oil and Oaa Co. in« with $10,000 capital stock by John W Itaybould. Horlng St any Harry ltd sail and others \V. Va., ParkerahurK Columbus Oil and dan Co Incorporated with $40,000 capital stock b> It l| \|.» ParkeraburK: W. H Sapp, c A Crab tree, both of Coluinbiir, Ohio and of hera. w. Va., Coal I on DhvIh Cn|||i r\ Co*, main office Hiking. \V Va will construct ,*»0 coke ovens at Conlton; •iinprovcmonlH Include now Hiding track and <5oke*drawln§c machine. W. Va., Mcckloy.- Spruce Coal Co Incorporated with $55..100 capital took hy T. K It I hi*. II Carter, r, C Hendrick. \V. II Rader, nil of Reek Icy. and W. (j. Caperton. Hlalt Fork W Va. W. Va., Minefield Virginia |r n Coal and Coke Co., llrlHtol Tenn ia planning development of two mine* which hnv • been Idle 'V. Va.. Farmington. \v |* Kl\ and K I*. Denny of Wayneshtirv I’a., purchased for $ ^ 4 «• k 10 and will develop !*m; acre* coni land also puri-hn.-'Cd for development ,ni acres at Sko.GlO W Va.. 1/ if i i Coin n mi gw tit/ cd. Il is r« iort< I. to ilevelo;. coa ptoperti h on lands of i w !{«•*•.t on lalantln Creek VV Va. Matewnn. »{»■ | l.■. k• * I r . f i,i | (' will dev t lt^i , o.t i i in r.'itor.i rt Vo 11J<1 twin tipple VV, Va.. Morgan towr hral’ Coal K Col • Co Ificni n if. ,| : :i $.'100.00(1 ( a ' I 'h | || K i;>« Iv of Mot i;.i nf ow > \\ I ,, , Oeorg< C t.ain and S M 'Pal.a I'nlontown. Pa and othei \v Va . Walch Shamrock Coal Co incorporated with 115.000 capi at work by A. Z l.tts and K. K. smith or Welch. J |» Riley and J. S RUfv, Doth of Hallavllle. W. Va_ Manufac'urcra Ricord. TAFT GOES TO MEET DIAZ. El Oct. 16 The city Im Ray ly de orated In honor of President raft * ho will arrive in the city to morrow morning President Dlax Has proclaimed a holiday all over tho •'■'*)' and a great crowd will meet him on hla arrival, oKTK\ »I\IM*K\S. I he Imwh haa hla trott-blaa.** "Aa to how in particular?" " b«*n he stretch*** at point to hold rt ma„ over through a dull sea son that’s the time he gets at tick for n aalary ralae." WANTS « iu sunt i,im: ibtomc ‘■d toad** ard delivered to auy •art of the city at a reasonable r * * e hy W. II 'offman Com** Co.. Uiiefleld. W Va • <*lt lit VI V id llotli-e With l» too me. tin Thom Street, aim a cottage with l n*o it* on 4th *lre« * Vpph to N II \|c<'lau*h **rt-v- St-ltd. UNREDEEMED. 12 siae solid cold Watch with diamond set fitted with 17 jewel El gin movement beautiful ly ornamental case. Reg ular value $a*S 00. This cut sale $43.50. HENRY RODlilN, OPTICIAN Jeweler and Pawnbroker, 221 Princeton Avenue. I I i TIDBITS For Epi cure* Do you want your o\seers luscious? Do want your oysters with the salt tantf of the sea ? Your oys ters unbruised and un bloated? Your oys ters free from yerms. Th-n use only Seal Shipt Oysters. You tfet solid measure and no w.itcr. Sublette & Barnes ROBE. E. MOOKE A1TIRNEV-AT-HW,< llliinllHrt. Sest Vlri|lnli>. I • T oilet lions d^Sfjrciatty Helm Is ftoMap SstwfMl Hank <■ Finest Line Ever Shown. K ! Gold and Silver Mounted in Repose and Rtched F^atterns - RANDOLPH & MITTENDORF Leading Jewelers Bluefield. W. Va. IF MONEY SAVING Means Anything to You I his is your chance to partici pate during this special event. Those who read and act prompt ly will profit in making pur chases here during this sale. Don’t forget the Store and location. YOUR FALL SUIT is ready. We direct your attention to a splendid 520.00 Suit for $14.95, Men’s Autumn Suits 51500 at 59.95. This assotrment of shades and colorings is very ex pensive, better'appearing and better wearing suit cannot be had for double the price. EVERY DAY BRINGS new arrivals in Women's new Kail Suits; new shades, new materials. Special attention is called to the lines we are show at $1 1.95, SI 7.50 and $22.50. as they represent the best values attainable WOMENS OUTING GOWNS. Kvery garment bears a tempting price. 59c lor $1,00 Gowns. Ciowiih $'1.00 ; value, $1.50. Hive styles, made all sherr nainsook, trimmed in all the prettiest ways with valenciennes lace embroidery. WAISTS--Silk and Linen,$5*0 SIIJ. I A! FHTA WAIST, for $3,29. K markai !<• values in White Linen and Madras. W a is I >l.o() .uni $2.00 values for 98c. SIL K PETTICOATS.—xceptional ofTcr lVtti< at-, for $3.98. #5.<M) and So.OO Silk L.(dies’ LLd- vveir ,VV’oine"’;? •|ersc>' Ribl>«'. 1 . w?.ii. |oll^r ilI1(j shor^ sleeves, at 24c, A Women's Jersey Ribbed, Fleeced Uned, ankle l'Mi t i, \ > t ,md I*.mts, 7«><. v alues ; special price 49c. ( I I ( ^\■ J-* W b)() paii oi line Kid (1 loves in * • Hlack, Blue, Grei 11. Gray, I an '1 "1- Regular and $1.25 values, .t 69c. * f SHOES. New Fall Shoes for Men, Women and Children aro nyw Ready. 1 tr lii< - ».■»!. 1.• • injj w r p],iO! on s sir Jt .4.1 . i't' A omen’s Shoes in I’.itcnt V, <>lt .infI < »nn Mrt i! Hi •* h» ii>U Hutton .it ,j ,p» »ial prit «*, $2.39 were $3 Boys and Girls Shoes at a Bargain 417 rind 4I'J Princeton Ue.