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/* T OOLS Mt t rae North Pole >* * pesirw IN Ol T;:i ) i,% , ,-OH HIS dash To r u: NokTti i t>':: SELECTED mn Karm T ** c * s IN PREFI RINCI. TO Al.l. OTIl R:», BECAUSE or THE IK PEPFECT TEMPER AND AFiSOLIT t RE LIABILITY. Wc carry KUlf KVIftn Quality Tools for bench, home, garden und farm pocLct knives, razors, scissors am shears and tuble cutlery. M.G. Whitlow Hardware Co.. , ^ Princeton Avenue. BLTOFIELD, W. VA. FLORENCE GEAR BETTER THAN EVER . .', ' - work in *‘-M ti is (.aiii’ilr 1 i,i : i» \ i:ic !(> i!: ♦ • -i ,t Pianj islmlii’i • f ‘•,lotvm,rt (1 :r r,f* ♦ .. amon- onr own • • • > r. ... >>. m ... . ,• h.iVt w:stcV. ■ 1.<T • : . i - ■, ii , I.. r ,i 1| • .it • • h» 'i i liH" role in "Flufry UuITIph." Mi . i- I. ■ , in-,: <:**ar will !»«• seen in "Fluffy RufTles" ■ i • .| ...j-i, ’>* I l.vs O|ioi‘u House on Oct. iiiff vlarv.*’ io |, now * ■ ii ... THE SHOE/ OTEL COMES MONDAY. _ ! >lt' <’• Wliiti" famous Hroa<lwi> : ire ‘The Show Girl,” laden with i mm or and wearing the mystic cap which It A Harnett de; Igncd for her when ihy Ilo'toii Cadets brought her out. will :'mile upon the anuHeuinnt seekers at the bilks Opera House next Monday. Th* Show GhT’ has received care fill attention, and money ha* been • end* 1 without Ml"» on the cos tume and s-'enery. A typ c, 1 Whit ney < oru . dazzling ns to beauty and daintily arrayed, has been provided k I a ea t of princlp-ls said to be; •etter than any Mi*. Whitney has ho1 far -el eted. Thu cast i headed by h<* following well known metropoli tan favorit';-»; John Mylle, Helen sit.a *. Hurt Eaton, Mary Or*h, Stel- ( hi Rinehart, Ell worth Ellis, Harry I/Oidcr, Clem Johnson and Rodney! I'd Martollcu, aUo a large chorus of , dancing girls. PLACED IN BANKRUPTCY itichmond, Va., October 15._ .liwi-. Kdmund Wad ill, Jr., in the I n li' | Slates Court here, estorday •I't >■ \ the Wiir *-Krumor Tobacco Company, of Xorfolk Va., ininvolun tui.\ bankruptcy. 'I’lil confer :, which conducted an indei endent cigarette unnufacturi ig ! 'll. die-s, recently .-tied the American 1 Tobacco Company and the Wclls \Vhit (•.'.(! Tobacco Company, at Ita! •i’ li. X (’., claiming punith ■ :1am-1 u."s to the amount of $1,00),000 or alloc d acts damaging m the .iniiif company in violation of the ‘‘-ml anti-truHf laws. Vn;RDEREI> GIRL NOT IDENTIFIED I' Hon. (* I r». Th. police he !‘ ■ hat murdeie,! j»lrl, wliniie 1 *g •" 1 ci’d ari.ia were found, may h,> Mildred Higgins, <>! Moston The ■ xainlnutioi, is ir emplet ■ until t.: • head i.: found. The mother s:t\a Jo seph Harris, alias Burnham. chloro formed her and stub h -r daughter nn(| two hundred dollars < it -t me,’ • •til. There is an interstate :■ c !i j for Hrunham. The goveri.o • off*" live hundred dollars rev, irj [oi fin ! ins dhe head. Physicians sav the .holy was chopped to pieces wth an ftxo while still warm \V Va.. Hunt i iston. Omega Linn her Co. incorporated with $10,000 capital stock by .1 |{. F.e Sage, Azel McCurdy, F. \ .lohnson and others. In Hats. Clothing and Shoes for Men. Good Taste Combined With Latest Fashion a ^ they arc NEW, hut because they are t-hT .are sty,cs.chosen tor our clothing stock. • • S n° strivinh' f°r original merely because it is different. Merit must he team-mate with oritfi~ nality to find place with us. Therefore it is safe to choose clothes here The man who is a stickler for latest fashion will be pleas ed; men of most conservative taste will find naught to cavil at. In Hats wc .ire showing the Latest Blocks of STETSON and HAWES HATS. NEED WE SAY MORE REGAL SHOES ARE REGAL fit for a king. They give comfort u.d satisfaction to the'r. TYLER UNDER ARREST 'bio to ( ircu Surrounding Dcnlli of ills Supposed \\ ifi*. Richmond. Va., October 14.- Sus picious circumstances connected with the death or Mrs. Fannie T>ler. who drank • arbolic acid on Sunday dying early the following morning •at tiie Oty Home Hospital, led t’or oner Taylor today to direct the nr- ] res, or C. L. Tyler, who had pa sed i as the woman’s husband, on the charge or assaulting Mrs Fannie Smith, on ,the night before her death. Rail was refused Tyler pending a further Inquiry, on the ground that ! ho is charged with having made a muderouH assault on a person who has since die i The woman undoubtedly di si from the Immediate effects of drinking a largo quantity of the poison. Tyler is said to have a wife living in King 1 and Quo, n county. The woman, who was formerly .Miss Fannie smith, or i this city, also has a husband living, j The woman followed Tyler to the j theater Saturday night, where she : found him in company of another woman, a quarr d followed between the supposed husband and wfie, the woman being attacked and beaten by flic man. w_J5 ■ VV e have made such a i study of Box’s Cloth?s, Hats ahd Furnishings that i we believe it will be a real advantage for Mothers to know us. 'vVe have made friends ! with the boys; we have used some of thier id?as; we ! hav? followed out every ‘ crook and turn of the Boys Clothing game. Come ahd s?? our styles ih Sampeck Clothes. 'I We will be happy to suggest remedies for M?n ahd Boys clothes troubles. SHUMATE CLOTHING COMPANY 239 Princeton Avc. BlueficH, : West Va. I The Home of Good Clothes Jj *or Men and Boys. 1 - - V'o I fave Warm Wearables fur Crisp Days Overcoats, Raincoats, Slip-Ons Gray and Tan Mixtures, Also Blacks 42, 14, or 5‘2 Inches in length Sergos or silk, half or full lined. They are made by HIRSH WICKWIRE I he shoulders on a Hirsh Wickwire Garment cannot be successfully imitated. 4 hey fit up around the col lar. I he shoulders have that broad graceful rounded effect that well dressed men demand. ' $18 and Up j&* WL Slip-00 Of O DT Hiroli.WckwifC Co. CHICAGO/ A Suits in Grays, Blues, Dark Mixtures and Blacks; 'fhey are worn and approved By critical men everywhere. $20 and Up The celebrated “Dufold” Underwear (two garments in one). Light, warm, comfortable. Overcomes the principal objection to wool—the scratch, $1.50 and $2.50 the Garment Balbriggan, Lisle, Wool Underwear all weights 75c. to $4.00 the Garment Pajamas add Night Shirts—Madras, Outing, Flannel $1 to $8 Warm Gloves in Cape and Mocha $1 to $3 We know what you want and we have it Men's Furnisfdng Company ELKS BUILDING : : : BLAND STRflfiT