i "i. ’’1 III;’ i ' m: mix i . • i ; yea i >• i‘\lr;i : I ro: . 1 ' s2."u t<> sj; i -j.r»o Boy s Over Coats . . yi ! . I ' . i . ’. Oil • V.- (I i • .’.or . • 7 10 - > I (l! • $. >.“>() to $ ! o 3 u* 7 Mix* c Boy's Reefers Lir^fe Double B e;i’t»d Lap R. year*-. Lined *.r Uni neJ. R d . an or Colors. $3.30 to $5.00 Boy 's Shoes Sc1 o 1 Shoes rhr.t arc Warranted to give Servic*. ^.rent G*n Metals and Box Ca'c Lea’ her«. Siccy 10 to 5 1 .. $!.50. $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 E S. PEDIGO CO. |: 325 an*’. 327 Princeton Ave Biuefield, : : : : West Va. I WHEN IN PRSNC ETON STOP AT Princeton inn . H. PERftiNS, P o;jf.zior fest Accommodations Rates 32.0i Princeton. West V, Deceit Part of Your Pay in This Bank I >* u < i. 'il !t ! I!t ten j c: < nt --of; A sav k ml <>rk l: g Every facility ;haidli y Commercial Accounts. V r ray Fou* p: r.t I..a ;■ ;! co: ; j. ’ g very six months. Fidelity Banking & Trust Co. ! Blaefleld, W. I N V E 5 T I G \ TIO N • • I •:*> i»*r -1 r:. ! 11. union 1 !, \ - 1 i; ill inn lit UMi Ki;i,!A Ml,I," t the ■ nr . ■*>»,-. r. < l» llvHon >: HerwinJ r»»;urn 11' i«a»i i'iu a itr .» . j i datives < a* l*owi*lI stl*!tuOi \1j and IS i k. W. 1). Carter o * A. iwmt. \V Va.. r< t n rued 4 tlvjt ’ -• atter a two w»oks visit ae li Hi ot \! i • A. I’rnl.ergi r. on L 1 kowA^J <• t r< i > K [ ^.aw1-,1 li sister • . (J. \. £ i.-lley. i 0 it h « y. ti * •; Ii'ii to li ionn r ft- ;• this mornirtg iroin Huntington on their way hotffv [ Td# well. The W. 1 h bn ket ball te^ni Je:i | »r honi / i Ii'b m..r > ng. ' Aim I *< a s1h4. Hector of L^yli L k wiio lias bee|| vi- in* t)u: [ ion* of Mrs. K. <’. Stone On Uhlfe ATTENTION TO 0. V. ' Th- <» will l,c ;i im.eti.iig of Mer < r Camp ('. V. a', the court, Uo^ito 5 .u l'i hire: mi o.i irdav N mot ho l <> giving* char tv compare.- w tli united ciiort. Other method III i\ *aro for . many S h i' only the As- a iat«• 1 (V;;ariti. s can »;.'«* tor all of Hr mnidy per son o.- families >f m . < !tv. Let nil of the friends ;T char tv coni ' of thi very imi o.tn tr meeting. By order of !,r«'s. C. It. Uanco k, C'll Pah. Com. C it \v. Keglev. ^ FOR KKNT One seven-room - h use for r* nt on Minefield ay emit;. . rrof. T. H. It. Christie. i i! cr.l i* to The* I.e ulcr, Wednesday, Nov, II Return date i \11 Star Cast I < udniL' the Iurmie>t' *>l all comedians JOSEPH GONEYERS As The Constable to hi .-1 r »ii ;• I yt rvl('Cr I. |)* < C of | ntid vlMr j*y i I looms ii'j A’ 'lovt'i1 Iftii* * 1.75 ? - F.CKfAM i Of'Vw'v without CHURNING i(iir.:of ..!/,!*, n/ tl.'Inpff ;■»■ I*, in , (ff:, ,r lV),J "" n' \ *•? y-r »*' fro nirt ul.r r drlichu* -77‘a '■bHr'W.n lvrlv,7 All Will! ?. * ‘ danger of p< mim« f ofeen* l lui v/oi.cjftfi ull, w/ff (|(fj THE JfflTfAKf CRYSTAL Cl. A 55 ICECREAM FRJ-EZEf^ W. H. HARRY ANT) CO. fiiuj I ~7 I'riiii 1-ton \ t« I'llOXF. in:* i KllsitVTi hi \\ *j*il>ley Mori) in if rubject, "Thcj +*rr~Tn and 1 he C'OI >• " flubjec*: 1° tlie evening d cmiw, “A (Jood-l l4i Iikhvj Deal.” All members.! *r* ri.< and strangers cordially in-'j j vit«tl. Sunday chool at !*:hn a. in. ! DICK i. M L'I'llOl.lST < III K< II. Sunday chool at 9.SO a. hi.. .I. \l/ , i! lu. Super ntendent. Services ai II a. m. and 7:h0 p.J in |T a':lift r hs ih** pastor. Sacra-\ mf\i of tlh«* Lord's Supper at morn-; MTiimtA.v t'liritt ii TOTT scfiool at 6: I.", a. in. | J^Ulne services at ll a. in. sub j' Ct' <\f Ktinion: "A Review of Two, 'i 'ixH." In 'tailing; of oflieera l,) this >«#vl©e. At 7:SO p ni. a special • »: if service with a erinoa on the subject ”C!etti-:jr and Diving Forgive h\’ ^ of oil's.-’ A hearty iuv.tatio i to the public* by la* parlor. KKV. (’. R. \V. KKfJLKV. f MTHOI.IC 4 'll I' 1(4 II. •'la .- will ue 'cclebrat 1 ::t 0:30 v*. _iu it’ tin* church of tin* Sacred Heart, .North Mercer street. CAIA X It Y BAPTIST ('Hlltt'll Preaching at II a. in. Subject. l&How i() Spend the T mo Till Christ " At the close of the ervtce i M»<* .Mini’s Supie w ill bo observed. ■-Al at * Invited .Mombet - an* nrg < 1 to bo present. CHRISTIAN’ ■ HURCH Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.. C. !l. Fink Superintendent. Preaching at II a. ni aid 7:30 P. A ful^ attendlanoe of the" I mombers-hlp is desired an I strang ers tire til <> invited. W. S. Uri.bAkl), Pastor. Hli.\ N I) STKI J/r MI THOIMST -labbat.h school at 9:30. .1. Lee , II n no and ,| A. B. Bruce Sutperio I tep.iU'nts. •Junior league jat ,2:30., Se»niox* J.eague.at 7 p. in. I’o'blic worship with preaching by ihn pastor at li a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. a Morning subject. “Bearing t lie. Marks oi the l.ord .Tesutjg’’ hvening subject: “The Kingdom *ii'd tliosi who enter.'' I io m isic is good and you are *tnrlfr>:i to woroship with us. , ATTOKM.Y XVIIXKY l)FAII. Morgantown. \\\ Va.. \ov. 0. _ %t ha nr coy Ji Willey, a member of t!m local bar. is dead after a brie( illness of typho’d fever. He waii' twenty-eight years old, and is mir by a wife aid one child. Mr. Willey was a son of Prof, and Mrs. Wlll’ani I’. Willey. married yesterday. dr. Piercie ('lark of Island Creek <’ii(l Miss Ola Wiley wore married yesterda> .it Willowton. this county ;i> 1:30 o'clock p. m. by Kev. (',. A. ■tplitti on. ttMl - I *i°nltor |*aal\' rl/»*il Kjunr, Tin* ifn'm of fnii st«»r(.v • • • • • ELKS OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, Nov. 9th 1 .Pjrst and only time here. Tfte BueccK; or Three Lands Emerson Cook , presents Elliott Dexter * and the Pullman Children Helen and Beryl : In “The Prince Chap” | and a notable east. ’ Original New Vork Madison • I hcatre Production. 1 *re . ciseiy as played i year in New ?- ^ ork- i year in London and 8 months in Australia |* ,{.I\ice 25. 50. 75C., $1.00 |* ^at sale opens White IJharm :* ary, Wednesday Nov- 3rd. Charles t h \ I TID-BITS For Epi cures Do you want your oysters luscious. Do want your oysters with the salt tang of the sea ? Your oys ters unbruised and un bloated? Your oys ters free from germs. Then use only S<3al Shipt Oysters. You get solid measure and no water. Sublette & Barnes I FOR THE PAINLESS * EXTRACTION OF : TEETH £ The Surest, Safest ahd l Best Method ever used £ no more gums nr HI effort* follow ltMlw\ ■i Full set of’tseth $5 Very finest set o* te?th; nQ better made at ♦ anv price . . $8 ♦ Gold crown . . $4 ♦ Gold Fillihgs . . $ 1 | Silver and Ce ment Fillings 50$ | EXAMINATION FREE We invite you to ; inspect our parlors ahd : have yourteeth exam ; ined free. YVill tell ♦ you in advahce what l your work will cost. ! AH work dor.e by o skilled, exp?r.ehced op ♦ crators by our im t proved methods. We ♦ t give you a guarantee J Hi- writing on all work. f .THE CINCINNATI OENTISTS : f DR COMPTON, Mgr. * Over Grand Leader Store 4 4 J 4 j -j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 « « 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 * 4 4 4 4 ♦ The Twin Drug Stores East End Pharmacy ; *%■ Uur FOUNTAIN serves the Best Hot and Cold Drinks In the City. After Theatre Trade a Specialty Biuefield Pharmacy Coaner Mercer Street and Bluetleld Avenue OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CUT FLOWERS m DESIGNS The Rexall Stores The Vmol Stores Operated by The Goodykoontz Drug Co. DRESS-MAKING. MADAME WHITESIDE, Late of New York City, solicits the patronage of the Ladies desiring the services of an exclu sive dress-maker. Dress-making Parlor in con nection with the ^ HYMAN DEPARTMENT STCRE, POCAHONTAS, VA. TAILOR MADE SUITS The Iik? of wh eh has never before been seen seen in this city. The garments ar? made of the very finest all wool ma terials, including Broadcloths, Prunellas, Serges, diagonals, Homespuns. The coats are 42 and 45 inch?s long, lined throughout with guaranteed sa tin, Skirts made in the very lat est fftaited styhs, big showing in blacks. Th?se suits are worth from $18 to $20. Our One Price Sale $14,95 SAMUEL TURK ” PRINCETON AVE. .Why use dirty smoky coal? CALL ' P Standard iiel&SupplyCo ’PHONE NO. 20 and get a ton of good clean Coal and a load of nice Kindling Wood ! I ABSOLUTELY FREE. A Ladies Hat. Elegant. Price $40.00 A Cents' Cold Watch, 17 Jeweled Elgin, 25 Year Case. Both on exhibition in our Window Here in our offer, rear] carefully: With every purchase of 25c or more, that for every 2F,c piece spent with us we will give you ono coupon. I he lady having the largest number of coupons on December 24 will win the hat. The g#nt the largest number of < f>upo!is gets the watch. Coup »ns cannot be transferred after turn ing jnto our office. Ihese coupons will he gi /on on every clnB* of goods we han dle except pianos. That la, purchasers of sheet music, cmall musi cal instruments of any description, phonographs, records etc. will be entitled to coupons. If you don’t enter thi.» contest yourself make yo,ir purchases and give some friend the benefit of your coupons. ’ or, exhibition our Window-Parties buying pianos durmg .hie contest will receive special discount and also be award L J ShC#‘t mu*ic rablnf'f This does not include install ment purchases exccp, where payment of $50.00 or more is made r.th ,r ^ ° Rea<* ,h°n ROt b Contest starts Tuesday. Oct. The Duvall Music Company, No. 19 Princeton Avenue. 'Phone 398