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< A Bona Fide Closing Out Sale at the Union Clothing Co. Backed by a reputation for Fair Dealing A Tremendous Erasis In Values AT —.—— UNION CLOTHING COMPANY Railrord Fare Refunded / to Purchasers of S25 or Oyer for a Radius of 30 Miles This $15,000 Stock of High Grade Clothing’ and Furnishing Goods, Footwear, Etc., for /Wen, Boys and Children to be Sold Sale Begins Wednesday Morning, Nov. IO, 9 a m. £ REGARDLESS OF COST Sale Begins Wednasday Morning. Nov. 10, 9 a.m. Isihf" ockandksto.UeSftivT„<;!.cS=d. .°„U‘ a‘ **'he Union CWhinjt Company will quit business as soon never had an Cn^rt-unV.v f^ „f- d!spo5.ed 01 7ht P^l’le.of Bluefied and the surrounding territory have never naa an opportunity fot money-saving such as this big closing out sale ores ms Lv-rvihiiitr . eluding our handsome line of Fall and Winter Clothing anti Furnishing.^ themselves of this opportunity. ! his is a bona fide Closing Out Sale and is backed up by our Reputation bepacedT>nsC!iia,pea,in^ whJch Wf, -have -njoye^or the last six jears, oc placed on sale. Remember, everything goes, incltiding the Store Fixtures. IfiblS OusJ , nii\o Hand tailored. all wool garni* Mis. Lau* < in tlu- piedomdiate foiors, $25.00 and *2s.«)o suits, closing out price . and $22.50 suit-, exception *h good value, at the original price, closing out price ?ly..>0 and $j ‘t.:,o suits, closing 0,11 price .-.Silt.DM ?l'."0 and f 10.50 suits, .strictly ail wool, hand tailored garments. Extremely low ut tile original pin , closing out price .St—.IK and ? 1 1.50 suits, fa aoie service giving suits,.well male a’d shape retaining, c!o ng out i'! lte . $D.DK •> 1 2 oil it it.. c.ositig out •, ric3 st».dm 1'■ 0 all ! 1».5 1 suits, best val ue on the market even at the ori mal jir ce. You’ll jump at if at our .M7.IM *VOO. $v50, *11.50 suits and more than worth it. < lo-ing out . So.PM t,(ld coats, worth from 5 1 ti» sizes rang** from 2«; to 12. cloy ing OUt price .S--DM Met. s extra vests from suit*; worth up t0 13.50, cl os ng out . ID.*. Hoy.- l-othing . . BOYS CLOTHING An ext rao rd in ary largo lint* w i: !i a size ra'ge from 1 •; to 20 Years. K\»*py garment a dependable ple< <• °f merehandi -e. j lie latest sluul Jngs mi l st>l*$10.00 to $lo.:.t* Hir.ts «lost K out ;»rice . st- in f^.ao suit* closi;vjf out price sts.'s Our en-ire line of Youth'’« rioth ing were exceptionally good value* at the original r-r;rcThe r-jo-l - out price houid move ,ii ■ •/ t. m in a row day. ?7 r.O uitr r lo-ir. out ;.r;< #r».fH Ih-oi) inn $ 6. \ip. f.| , ;f) - out pree . • i i j r —• out price . * IOH o Iru: S i. IH BOY S KNEE PANTS SUIT Made up bon. In Kn, , K and an algid vt y i. $5.oo and $ "• 5m Out priT-iu . . $ ».oo a j # j - , price $ . 25 and $.{ >o „ x' is * M* prfee , J • I 0 L'l % *~.7H price such value i as Wiese has never lieeu offered to the puld’c before. I >on t nwi's this ('losing dim sale. MEN S WORKING GLOVES ^r:i«l• *. clo’itig out price !)Hr. 5I U11 tirade, dodng out j*i« .» ,»<•. tirade, dosing out price :{tir, Canvass Ciloves. uric. (irad , clos ing price . 17,.. Canva s Cloves, 15c, tirade, clos ing price . «... MEN’S Heavy OVERCO/VTS W iiiirj days are hero, you want I a heavy coat. Take advantage of t he«e price.., they at e the best that have been offered in this vicinity for many a day. *i:s.r.u Overcoats, closing out 1>nro .$(M)H $!h.0u Overcoats, closing out S' f»5 Overcoat.;, closing out ini e . #«• is ami $.*,.!>5 Overcoats, clos ing out price. Ka.ttM ZEPHYR RUBBER RAIN COATS. Named because they are light as air, and waterproof. and $n.00 tirade, closing out . M {- IK RUBBER CApES FOR MEN j $*•.00 Valtte, closing out j»ri« <• FISH SAND SLACKERS *•’ do tirade, do ing out price $:.*.:** BOYS' RUBBER COATS ,o tirade, (do? r.g out price gii-IH CHILDREN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS I «> sell quick we have priced them as follows: " '■ li ivc jw-r <t fi>w in fork They must ko. ■ 'l l i. .uic r i i ^ oir pth<. s j. »h Oral!. I Iosif! :r Oil: price MJ.IM - < u ;i:ni $j 7", Oracles closing out . XI. UH " trr-*<1« op, na o t pi . uHt OVERALLS 1’ain‘er - WlilO* .Overalls, S1.00 1 <ra(l<‘. do-1ni< out pro-. <;*, . 1'aln ■ r White Overall-. ,'0c. ,'l‘‘ *• »-in« out prt< * .jj», . II up OriitJ*- or Tnnu tnd Strip;-I * * • ‘ 'I.. elf.; ' out pi r»f». 1 art furnl-h < oats to macth any • ‘ above at the Hnrno price. I’m Chet k licit i*;i t $ |.i, t t« ratio, < >- iI: out prIt■<< .. . . youths Overall , ;,fi Orndl*. rl . ilW wit If) . -— ■ —■ ' " ■ . —.. — Children's Overall.;, 3r,c. tirade, closing out price . i4._ WORK SHIRTS \ (iood Work Shirt for . . ..HOc. Mt-nV, Flannel Top Shirts, $2.r»0 Crude, (losing out price .... #1.71) and ? 1.7.” Oradc, closing out price .sjtl.O* 'l ot Oracle, olosing out price 7f)c MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS Oracle, closing out price* *1 00 ami $1.2.7 tirade, closing out !,rlc“ . 70c ;<Oc. V alue, clo.-itig out price* . ,;li»r. UNDERWEAR HEAVY and MEDUM WEIGHTS Wright’s Health I’nderweur, $2. a suit. Closing out price*.SSI. IS <>r 7l»c. per garment. Hod Flannel, same price. Heavy Fleeced .Lined I it lerwear, ¥1.00 tirade per suit ’* dosing out price . T.J(1 a suit or ;*tfc, the garment Heavy Jtihbed I nderwear, per suj: $1.00, closing out i»rice, 7^c. p i suit or JJflc. pci (iai-inciit. -Ml Nil . underwear Ik first quality a 11 «\tra good values at original price. it’s a big saving to you at t.o* Closing out Price Sale. We have one lot of underwear in a cheaper grade, .7oc. per suit, value, < lo uig o,t, price :wc, pe, suit or l!)c. per garment. . . SCRIVEN S DRAPERS Elastic Scam i a jari ent special r»uc. price . J lo < ng mi t price .. l‘-r iml. closing out . EANCY VESTS UiiTf assortment of these v. is. in wfyll.sli up-to thc-mlnuto outs. ” "'Ulrsrtc, dosing Out ji''iWii.ll I S- <n tirade, closing out price •>_' on Hr.ide. clo»- ng out price mi. is $1 .o tirade, cl,, out i r|<c osc. MEN S AND BOY S HATS H",li S'.fT and Sr»ft Hats In Mm laiesf ~ha|oM and shapes. •loMn H. so t on radc4 up to 1 oo. closing oii| price. M.t is No-nanie flats. $ grade, clos ing out price. j^., * *“ "n **’ ,,,l " >n out price Mi-fin ' I; a> i < cio in g out prif. x |. m * 1 1 *■*’ 'd' Hocf? r Olf prin> fiHc * 1 M n,! ‘‘.of. a out pro. 7i»,. " ‘I f> ' n < • n nice lln«< of die ;. = working an,l r»ir caps. •'5J.MO., f»Oe. and 25c Caps, • losing out pviVc, respectively *<•2-1, 7t>c*. :Jf)c.t Die. MEN’S SWEATER COATS $-’.•>0 erode,* closing out price si.ok ?• •>(» Crado, closing out price iinc. NECK SWEATERS 5 Crude, closing out price S—.1!) and $Crude, Cloaiiig out l,r*co . ssi.*ij ?i.5n Crude, closing out price »8c. BOY;S SWEATER COATS 't.T.i Crude, closing out price .'■*l*v!K Crude, closing out price iih< . MEN S SHOES A vai lety in both working and dress shoes, ail leal hers and many r. ha jies •?I.uii Cratlv, closing sale price S:{-2 I Crude closing sale price $2.!)K Crude closing sale price $2. IM ^11 closing sale price $ Id) s ?-.(*n Ci utc. losing sale price *1 r,H A fun line of Overcoats in stock. ' h< y have been cut to u figure that "iil "lake ihem nil. Remember i"nt you will need them soon. NECKTIES A superb variety, -,11 shades. Sure ioine to suit your ndividual taste. •>"(. Variety, closing out price ;i7c*. ^ ■*' ^ ies, I f»c. Crado, closing out LION BRAND LINEN COLLARS I-lon itmnd l in<-n. '•I'1.' J..c. Grade, closing out i,rlce . Mr. Kubber lioilar? best L'ir grade, closing out price . 17,., HANDKERCHIEFS Good lie. tirade, dosing out >,n™ fir. A spec a I \ apco, closing out MEN S HOLEPROOF SOX Guaranteed Six Month * * ,’cr Box or 2lr. |*, r air. pairs to Box. §fuuu»ntfo onh jjv < ii wt h U»x purchase. price l<. 11 .iU J’rr Box our pipe do .iiig out < >r | >er pair. i .C, Vnlue eloping out price , I or. Grade, rlosn out I SUSPENDERS •Pic. Crack*, dosing out p •».. :».)t 2'oc. tirade closing out unco... i 7« A good Suspender for . . Uc MEN’S TROUSERS Our stock of Men's Tro users is largo and replete in all •he sty'os trom the semi peg top to the more conservative. We arc most excep tionally strong on this line a id our i< \v lor Uiis grade of tner'iUuiiise. I he closing out price is i •. excep tional bargain. DO and $G.50 Trouser;, cits .*>. price .. SSI ip ?«>.uu and $5.5o Trousers, <*1 > llKg price .-. ... $;{.J|N 14.00 and $4.50 Trou-evs, c l.» - ing price . **pmn <3--'•> ami $3.50 Trousers, doa inK price.$i».7H <3.00 Trousers closing price <-■50 and $2.75 Trousers, dos ing price .SI ,>N Men s Corduroy Trousers, <3.50, closing out price. s‘J in BOY’S KNEE PANTS in Knickerbocker and Straight Well made $ mi serviceable pants tor the yotuigater that is rong’r on dollies. . <• Id Crade. do. ing out price .SI t‘2 $i.l.i and $1.2a tirade, closing out price . us* <l-0d (Jraue, closing out price Tile. $ i .a*. anl!l Stf>c. tirade, clo ing o it price . . .. (Jtic. O.ic. tirade, closing out price inc. ■ >d<*. tirade, closing out price 30c* MEN’S CRAVANETTE RAINPROOF COATS Made ii]) in Gray mixtures, Tan nnd Black. This coat furnishes the ervice of a raincoat and overcoat. With the double advantae of bei i.j I'Kht, tUid adaptable to all kinds of wcayther. This stock as ortginal'y l»rlc< d 1)/* us was good val.w* R r flic money. An exceptional r lfig of onrs. The following p-ic- s lor our closing out sale will >i»a!:e thcin move rapidly. i>^i‘t put -t °n buy while the Op^Jtirilty p r selection K good. They can't laR long at these figures, $ 1 .>.00 and #10,50 Raincoats, . l »s mi: on] price . aifo ,s * '0 *'0 Raincoats, closing out dress gloves ■'> I. >0 t.i i Ic_ closing oof 11rice Sf |c * 1 "" clo-mi; out price 7fh . Don t-rget (he elite, WEDNESDAY. Kuv. Jot >, at 9 a *n ,rn _ . .. .■=- Tl. - ' ^rything 38 ,epre9aUted- L°jk '°r bi« caoVl*“ ««“• Uc -ure and be on h'anTto participate TnThi, ^rcaffigain Evint*1"* * b°n* We wish .hank oar patrons for their hearty • patronage daring the past six years and hope they will take advantage of our Closing Out Sale 113 Princeton Ave. CLOTHING COMPANY, Bluefield, W. Va 2# A VVfrtW Our store will be clos - e<i Monday and Tues day. November 8th and 9th to arrange stock and mark down prices. Look for the big sign. Bl.UEFIELD EVENING LEADER Published er«r7 evening except Sunday. Entered as second class matter April 8th 1906, at the Post Of fice at liluefleUl, \V. V u”3der act of Congress. Mcrcb 3rd 1879.' SllISCItlI *TK>N KATES By Carrier, Payable hi Advance Dally one year.$4.00 Dali sir months. 2.00 Dally three months. 1.00 Dally one month. 40c By Mall, Cash In Advance. Daily one year.$3.00 Dally six months .$1.75 Dally three months .$1.00 Daily one month. 35c Address* all communications a-nd all remittances to the Blue stone Publishing Company. lelephone: Buelness office and Editorial Room. 503. SATUIRAY NOVEMBER O. IT’S TIME TO Willie Southera board of trade and T< M IT. congro*jeK, chambers or commerce* are calling attention geu uialiy to t lie couiiuerciHl advantages oi the South, and to many definite localities particularly, it would be a most appropriate, not to intimate profitable thing for Minefield to do a little training i;j this direction. l here are few cities in the South with greater po.ssibilities; few* in point of national resources, better suited to become manufacturing centerj. In a Western city the size of Minefield with the advantages this city has. you would hud a. chamber °i' commerce and a general popula tion yelling itself black i*- the face to attract the attention of the In testing public, and judged from the results a considerable amount of attracting is done. But it is only on extremely rjiro occasions tliat our chamber of commerce makes a poise that would aniovuu to even a ifieep and the sound that the aver- 1 ago citizen makes is a near relative to silence. Josh Billings once made a wise remark that is thoroughly worthy of all acceptation about tooting your or the same would not t><‘ tooted. It * a sober fact. Now. Blue ii,oW lias lots to toot its horn about. ic~T3 adjacent to the finest coal area in the world; there are immense deposits of iron not far away; vast amounts of timber are near at *liand: the finest building stono in tho country is to bo had; the city is surrounded by ■an exAa*ll(ent mg.ui cuIturaI region which presents pos ibilitie.-t of truck farming, cream eries. chickens turkey* and every th ug that goes with tho soil of this latittuie. There are opportunities right here to profitably operate a dozen small factories but It’s a dead certainty that our people who have money are not going to Invest i.-f this direction It's out of their Hue. We must attract outsido capl* tal and the only way to attract it is to publish onr advantages—toot our horns, Minefield is not gow Big to grow very much larger rmrier present conditions nnd^s Jb'wvory ores interest to boost. The boauty about tile matter we have a most, excellent text. Sl’l Mi INK; OI < '| UMATK. «p'jiU-ihK of climate, have |ou °Vf'r struck anything in this lino fr.i i'r than the r,tll brand which Blae HohK Jims boon getting. IfK im nion v* It i* t0 |(o doubled |f it is to l,o oxoo 11 od in tho world, and K<»ii1K short time l»arl<, did y on ovor encounter a finer summer ali enate than We had thin y ar? It be lf»riKn to tho regular stock and Is nothing exceptional. W hon Now York, OMcago. Phila delphia and Baltimore arc swelter ing in botnet**, Minefield Is getting mountain breezes that are really *t+nt and when the e same nt1e« 1,0 « ioueh of fall cold Bine held is ottiriK a weather assort ment that rivals the Italian brand Newborn, X. C . Nov. t; - Th Norfolk and Wester,, shops were biirmd here today with a log of l^tKt.nno. The Cause of the /Ire is Unknown,