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ARE YOU going to buy a steel range or cook stove this fall ? IF SO, remember that we ma k e t h e money saving prices and sell the dollar saving line. Wc guarantee each of our cook stoves and ranges and our guarantee is worth something, for Wg are right here to back it up. Do not be deceived by low prices, as they only buy cheap or inferior gooas, the saving in monev you can make good by buying one of our stoves or ranges, which will prove a good investment as the cost of keeping a cheap stove or range in repair for a short while will more than offset the price which w'e would charge you for something first class and again when you buy of us you have the satisfaction of know ing you are getting the best TRY US. M. G. WHITLOW HARDWARE COMPANY, 323 Princeton Avenue, Deposit Part of Yo u r Pay in This Bank If vour pay this month were cut ten Per cent would It put vou down and out? Certainly not. If you save ten per cent of your earnintrsthis month will you nut l>e better off? A sav ings account with this bank wilfmake a plan of this kind work out so well you will adopt it asa regular methodofnetting ahead We pay Four per cent Interest, compounded every six months. Every facility for handling Commercial Accounts. Fidelity Banking & Trust Co. Bluefieid, W. Va. KELLY & MOYERS. DEALERS IN WHISKEYS. WINES. BRANDIES. ALES. BEERS. Porter^ and all Kinds of Liquors. FIRST CLASS BILLIARD 8c. POOL-ROOM CONNECTED OUT OF TOWN ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPLY THE GRAND Thf- manafr<*r <»f f.h<- firand *.!*» oft> fn to th“ p»*r#oTi f o* ■ >iv im * umb'-r of coupon* at* »*<1 to t* .. a<1 trillion tlokot*. r • riiamo Thu that « v In th< w n«]o ■ of 1 * • ■ - Ar, f o jf-xolar O’ !*• Jn • <- - 7, «*r f I h* ' ,*\f< -«t W ill #r •■* *r J i . a "7,■ or an'! v. Il^rlo >• otj A't-Ji * Jay ii’Kbt Ikorobft .2nd* Open—2 to 6, >• ' !<*" -'*r, will ko<*p tJm aUi!>s ffi • poron’H iiAiiir* whom 4 tn *h< rn r'-tir ,\ up f 1 < ’» ;r>! and 2 f t U o' 1)t f* >■ o' Wc I known riK’it * ' ‘ 1 J ^ ?,o w 1! conn* th<» vo'#* 1 »»*rs«»n gating tfw io**t v,#t' '■ < '• '- '.' 'ir iwt t nn diamond r ng on r’hiiMtmim night. 7 to 10:30 PRODUCTION OF RICE IN 0.3. Washington. .Yov. i r.. 'j ju* growth of ri< «• .production in the* I 11 i<«*«i Stat* from an uvcrunc of '-s than loo million jiouuds p. r auniiin a tow years ago to an aver age of r.(M» millions per annum in riM-eiit years a id over 000 millions tn 1 It OX, lends in tore t o a study just made by the Bureau of Statis tics oi tin- Iicparttnent of Commerce and Labor of the markets offered tor this /itii'lii iilar commodity in the \arlous sis'! ion.s of t.he world, and eap«Mdally in <<>untrios commercially nd.iacent to the t'n t• <1 Stales. Ki<«. production In the ;Unit< d States sel dom reached job millloa pounds pc, ■'to um piio,. to lx*>:, and had but iwire crossed the 200-million line ; nr.or to ! tom Then came in 1901 a production of 3xx million pounds; in 1903. ."OH millions; m 1904, | ">M* millions, and in 190.x, cos mil lin’, j«ound.s. Tin* rice production of tie* Cnitcd States in the list de cade has thus ei|iialed that or tin* I half century immediately preceding, | <»r in oilier words tin* quantity pro I duced since tin* beginning ol fin* I year 1900 lias been as ,m*'*,*ii as tlnit jot tin* r»0 ears ifrom 1 x Mi to loot). Tin* production of dom stin rice *ti lit** recent period greatly * x *eeds tr< consumption of domestic and fcieign rice in (lie earlier p viod Ill ,.»>! is Of l ice it; • ’in I*,, ♦.»,! i*- * •« t * * (including; ri<e flour. meal, d broken rice) *<>*..) -uring the •• i,vi nt yyears n 100 to 200 million ponds per annum seldom [ exceeding 200 million while the do mestic production about equaled the im oort ■?, linking (after deduct ini; the small exports of that period) an average annual consumption rang ing from 2Cu to mo mini ; pounds. Kven during the recent period of I large domestic production, importa tions have continued at about the .imi* rat * as to former years, while exports have (save in one or two ex ceptional years- been comparatively small, thus suggesting a largely in creased domestic consumption. be »I»ito the fact that the home pro duetinon was. in 1006, 4 06 million pounds; in 1907, r,20 millions; and In 190X, 608 millions, the imiiorts amounted, in 1906, to 209 million pounds; in 1907. 202 |-2 millions, mid in 190.x. 21V millions: while the exports of the domest it product wore, in 1906. hut 29 million pounds in 1 907. 33 millions, and in 190s, 22 1-2 millions, and of foreign rice, in 190 , 9 million pounds; in 1907, 9 1-2 minions, and in 190.x, 7 2-3 millions. In addition to these ex ports to foreign countries there was sent to Porto Rico in 19nx, 90 1-3 ponds and to (.he Hawaiian Islands 76 thousand pounds. < hlef New kirk left for Charleston, where |he V ill appear before t he grand jury In the \V. O. MUtcoiuh case, who is charged with fraudu lently securing a pass from the Norfolk an ! Western for a woman wh<, he claimed to he his wife Not Simply Up-to-Date, bat in the- lead, the new P erfect Joiht Bracelet A large variety of pat terns in all width, Plain, Chased, Engraved, f inished in Old Knglisb and Roman, nil of supe rior Gold Filled quality. HENRY RRDlilN, OPTICIAN Jeweler and Pawnbroker, 221 Princeton Avenue. <V' i -Ox > ff y\ r y, • ‘ J > / P K ' * (' •• •' .^ _ • , \\ I **• Monitor I*mI\' ri/< <1 rionr, Nip Qh' rn of QffnfHj'. Sol(| «( ull Itetall SfO|( „ GREATEST CHURCH I axgvr than Westminster, large* **on than St. Paul's, is the Church oi Santo Domingo. This s eat cdilioe, renowned in many oountrius, is knows hot only for its size but for the* beauty fttnl mngnlflc,,neo of its decorations uud the many historic eveuts tntwlned In its history. The church wan built on consecrated ground. having been tho site of tbe mal ty* loin of two ix> mlnlcnn priest*. It was early in the epoch of Spaulah occupancy when Corley. * nt Vola* yuey do LrfXm ftVyiii Mexico city to Coa' zacoalcos with, a biinrl of men to protect that port. In those 'lays tho road luy through Oaxaca. Of Oaxaca itfolf little war known other than the reivs taken luick by the few expedi tions thit'. had boon sent to tho south by the conqueror. Vi'husquoz de Jxxm brought some settlers for Oaxaca, among them t»elug s> vernl Dominican friars. After the soldiers had pro vided on their way to the port the Indians rose against the •mall band of settlers nnd on tho spot where the church wok Afterward erected two of the fathers were cruelly put to death. By J6f>0 there wort a number of Dominican friars in oaxaen and the lU'-stjoit of erecting a church and con* icnt for the use of the order was agi lAted. The exact date of tho beginning of the work is not known, but it must have been, shortly after the middle of tile sixteenth century they began tho work with a few laborers, who gate their ser\ices. and every member of tlio order worked hard collecting ruorg, funds. A petition wai seni to the King of Spain for assistance, to which ie responded generously. From time to time tho King scut other contribu tions and there no halt in the work. S-'t. Paul’s cathedral lu London meas ures MU by 115t> feet and cost .C 747,954, or 7,41)7,540 pesos, oi some 5,u0ll,uo0 poins less than Santo Domingo. Some I idea *>r tho size of the structure cuu be obtained wlion It is considered that foilr buildings tho olze of Westminister Abbey could be ret on tho ground cov ered by thin Dominican temple. At the present tiny, liowcvor, only a small part of tho church is used Tor worship, the other portions having been converted into barracks by the Government. Owing to the great height and thick ness of the walls of tlic church it has* been iiS'.d for a fort on any and every oocasion wiusn necosanry. No wars, however, marred the serenity of the early Dominicans, and each year saw tho church increasing in wealth. The library was rank1 d among tho greatest in tho republic. Tho interior of tho church was decorated in many places ' with pure gold. Tho lirst drug store In tho city of Oaxaca was opened by the Dominicans in tho temple. When the struggle with the French began it was not long until OnxSea was in the hands of a French army. Ban to Domingo was turned into a bar rack and the gold decorations, tho fine paintings and costly adornments were ruthlessly stripped from her wall*, l'iio fi’fats wore driven out and for six years the church was a fort, and noth ing more, Tho accumulated granduer of 300 years was undone in a few brief mouths. Tho greater part of the structure is still used by tho Federal garrison. Auout ten years ago Archbishop Gil low received permission from Presi dent l>iaz to restore a portion of the 1 choreh. Thousands of dollars were fciHfiit on the interior of ihe main chapel, which is ranked as the ino.->t luimlsorne of (ho republic. The dec orations on the ceilings were executed at great cost. .Surrounding the front of the edifice is an immense court, nicely paved and enclosed with a high iron fence. On each post is a brouxe Angel. -Mexican Herald. Alienism. "You are an alienist?" "Yes. sir," "That is to say, you know a crarjr *Mn when you him?'1 "ThcU’s about it.” "Is the prisoner sane?” "He is." "What particular thiug determine* four decision?" ‘ The size and source of the f*a, M course. You must b" a nov-itu.”' "No extraneous comment, jtfeuse. Do filicuhitg ever lio under ^kth "Thoso of tho other side, y<9, al ways." "Put supposing you had been re tained b,, tlic otli i side?” "In that caso thi sid • would have become the other side "And you vuy tills j ri oner is Mne7" 'No, iii. a no; crazy as a bare, an tmb' ;1m from the cradle ” "Haven’t you changed yo ir mind In •be last few mine "s?" 'TBntirely so For an Instant. 1 hai fo^potton that I was r* .lined for ui prisoner end hot tbe. to ate.” §ry>l after, the CHSo went to tlM Jury.—Public Lc'd-or. Tho governor of Mississippi did not dodgy the boom raised by the fact that, the silver punch tsjwl pro •onted by the state to (ho ixvfleshlt ts adorn • I tty a portrait of J* ft' r iov, Davis His Justification of the pio> ♦.ur/- wax simple: "If you condemn him, yon must con^wmn ns." Nor did tht nuvsl officer who responded to tho governor fvnde the po'nt Kverybody within gunshot was list cnu.g intently to the offb * r's word# wfirn he "We shall sot dcn> the memory of your departed cliiof tftlu the hotnage that Ih due him. foi wo believe that there should hr rendered unto f>»VLS a tiibute tiiat le dim Davis." FIRE LOSSES IN WEST VIRGINIA Oiarltftito’u Noy. I.'. The lyjort oi t he Stile* Jit • ru<i.shrill ,;>r monlh or October made 1*11 »! e to v shown that property rallied ;.t ?l»y, | I -■> WBu lieitroy-d Two . on ii;ry an<| «• ii;tif suspicions hr* .s were re imrted bur lifted anion*; the 1 FIRST CHORUS GIRL TO HAVE OWN MASSEUR. , Chorus -iris have automobile, mid j [»ood)e do > and or her lu.xuiies but I’auluw* Yates of • Tin* lied Mill" company, which coniBs to t.;.e K*ks Theatre, on Wednesday Nov. 24, is Hie first who has hrouuht with her a masseur. Iit>M Yates is not ah ordinary • norus Kiri. Sites tin • xjiert dancer atul sh» Is h• • i>r busy ‘ ovt n and performances a week, doing i gymnastic work us strenuous tis a Imd player in a training camp. slip keeps in training all thp time looks after diet :ih carefully as a prizefighter, and lias ‘‘rubdowns’’ regularly al'Usr her hard work “1*01,1,\ Ol- Tin: CIIUTS." I'“!ly r>f * h<* Circus,” one of the mo*! worthily successful of recent \i;.' ricuti plajw, and in which cotn * <l.v 4iinlf -em I-tragedy .aiv < Insely out wined i„ provide inceKsant ex. cit*■meni, ai 1 also a happy ending, an i which pi be^Mi pronounced far an I wide a i.:,. ( leanest and purest di ma (>t ’lie decade, will ho seen ,or in this city at the hlks Opeta House on .Monday Xov. “2- T,1r‘ production offered to local tleuilre goer is exactly identical wil,‘ that seen for one entire season ie hundreds of thousands of delight erl playgoers at the Liberty Theatre m New York City, while the cast is I he most competent and uniformly excellent see,, ie tunny a long day. Securing an attraction of ,his mag J'intde *for Uii city is an enterprise > ' seems fillIV to be rewarded by :ui overflow, a g audience when "Pol ly ot the Circus'’ comes to town. The World’s Best Boohs , C?M >°La 1011 th* * books, tii? 10 books, the 26, books, the I>0 boobs, the 100 books that are considered tho nest OI ail moso published' Yet thac. is conHfthirjj you oupht to k now. iTof fjlob* - Vcmirkc Co. havepubiifhcd a containing then* lista, and wi will give* n .-on o who cal la at the Store thus wuck uik! !ri*[<ei'i --—wrt>ick« Elastic Bookcase You will he pleased to learn tho rr-»i. mir;r eomliinationn that S U1-!j .T 1,'<‘ °n,t^iw Slota^Ven>ici<« Lnit System— how they l.i m odd \va!l-gj.'uecsr-how little they cost. a pleasure to t>how freiV.crol.'ke line. PLAT TOP HOOK STATION!!HY l’0„ Exclusive Airents. r^od’AA APPRECIATION 1 his Brink values the business it receives from its Customers snd tak< i ev< r\ opportunity of telling them so. Our tu t< i et the iJthor hand appreciate the fart that the service extended Jto then^is coupled with security* Any business arrangement to be permanent must be mutually satisfactory and profitable. There fore- in tin selecting of your bank, have PERMANENCY in view and establish yourself for your present and future well-being with a good sound bank. ^ Flat Top National Bank BLUEFIELD, W. VA. Resources Nearly On Million Dollars I Oflicern —I.. I'.. Tierney, President; Edw. I'. Tyree. Cashier; W. H. 1 lumas. Vice President; A . B. Micks. Asst. Cashier. • IMRECTORS J. 1). llonakcr I'. E. I’eery C. YV. M.'I'homas. C. (). Wright. p. F- E. Bailey, YY\ !)• Thornhill, E 1,. E. Tierney. R. M. (larrett. B. Strongest Organized bank in this Section ive National Hank of BluctR-M. B- IIanco< k. J- Kelly. S. Pedigo. A.5 Heller. The l*r«»jrrcHH I In* Growth ol This Institution to'rs who ''ll'?? iiV' str,)n*',cst|Nationa| Bank within a humlrcd miles is due to itsofticers and direc pcss in wl.i. 1, " r 1 !c succos,s W1,h which they have carried on the various lines of busi~ of nortiiiilir v 1°' ' V1 1 *‘e k’hnvlcdgeof different branches of industry thus obtained is union bv HI !" d,rtrl,n*: tho a1t:lirs of the ,jank. and in conducting the business of the insti offervov ev ?r ‘ • 1 °“,lservat‘.ve methods. Wc solicit vour account whether large or small, and v<'-' mantage consistent >vith conservative banking. Tl IK RK'ST NATIONAL-BANK’ EDW f \ A] a XX, President of BLUmi'.l.Ib W. V.\. W. C. POLLOCK, vice President L. A. fTOOPER, Cashier. BARGAIN HUNTER! This is a Chance for a Bargain that is a Bargain. i SATURDAY will start jjj a Sale of Ladies' and Misses' | Tailor-Made | Suits The like of which has never been seen in this city. The garments arc made of the very finest all-wool materals, in cluding Prunellas, Ser ges, Diagonals, Home spuns, I he coats are 4n and 45 inches long, lined throughout with guaranteed sat in ; skirts made in the very latest plaited styles. Navy, Edison, Gray, Olive, Raisin. Cedar, Wmeand Myrtle. G^een repre sents the Colrange with a big showing of Black. I hese Suits are worth from -18 to >20 and the whole lot goes on sale at one price $12 50 \ We are SELLING THE HEST LADY’S AND GENT’S SHOES IN THE CITY FOR $1.50. $2.00. $3.00 SOROSIS is a distinctively feminiue shoe. The leath ers are selected, the designs on^inal. the niceties all con sidcred with due referenc e to the womanly foot and personality. Hoots $3.50, M 00 and >5. Men’s Suits and Overcoats. Men's Suits and Over coats We are Placing on sale for the next week a special lot of Fancy \\ orsteds, in Blue, Gray and Olive, also Black Thibet Suits, in all sixes, BL’ to 48 at the attractive price of $a95 A Special: Just Received J00 dozen of Men’s Un derwear, worth from 50c, to a 51.00, at 44c. ’ •