Newspaper Page Text
♦ . . • « ♦ ~~ -^ ^ -—-K1L , . 1. OG.____BLI Eg ELD, W. YA; WKDXESDAY. AFTERNOON, \ >1 .< \. PRICE TWO CENTS TRAFFIC IS TIED UP IN Grain Carrying Roads at a( Standstill on Account of the Switchmen’s Strike. INDUSTRIES FACE A SERIOUS CONDITION. 2,5000 Men Walk Out in St. Paul and Minneapolis Yards. Minneapolis, Dec 1.—tivery grain 4 - carr>»ng uain o* railroad* entering Minneapolis or til Paul Iras been tied up by the can* tou.-. in t. ngetm ut* on account or the Switchmen's strike. The order was Issued by the rail road companies In oruer to prevent j congestion or rrelght In the local yards. The switchmen s stiike is on in earnest It practically, as far as this locality 1* concerned, ties up thirteen railroads of the Northwest and involves 2,300 switchmen. The men demanded six cent-; more an hour an 1 double pay ror Sunday, and overtime in excess of ten hours. The men were employed by the variou > .railroads running west an l north of St. Paul and Iakc Superior to the Pacitlc Coast The mourning mill industries throughout the /Northwe t Luce a very serious condition, and their business will be brught to a stand- 1 still unless an agreement is reached. Ira ills Tied l*p. Duluth. Minn., Dec 1.—Ten thou sand are threatened with id 1* ne s as a result of the switchmen’s strike. All freight service of the trails con tinental lines is tied up today. RED Vi DOW MAY H ' AMERICA i.ondon, Dec. 1. Mine. Marguerite It. it.hole arrived at the Charing Cross stht on at 6:35 o'clocq this morning from Paris, acrompanle 1 by Dr. Migeon. Shu aiiro tly avoided the shoal of French and English reporters wnoi trav<4)d on the same tr^ln as Mme. '•Veinhci! end cros ed the Channel 'o Jmvci on the same steamer. She could not escape the photographers, j who n si 'e flashlight negatives of her Mrs Sleinheil proceeded to thoj fir* i*. Central Hotel, where she was' not iicelved, .md later engaged a suite at th( Midland Hotel "f have come to England for pro-1 to o’up he gai-d. “The cruelty of the F’fiich pres* was killing me. f nm I rokM> down and need -oliPtiude nttf rest. If th<» English reporters di not have nm alone I shall to t» anVher country, possible America Peoplt ought to have pity. I do not want ar) I ody but my laughter, 1 have * igaged English conn el lo protect me. It is abeolutel) untrue the jeport about my join nc the niu af'Vj p: c fesslon." A men and a veiled woman, who are i«’f\cd to have been Dr Mic tion and Mine Stein lieil, ht.'t the Ml Panel Holel this evening an 1 took f n tr„ a foi the North Their do- l ' nat*c* waK apparently l/lverpool, hip ah 111fii• rnystifloation prevented verl'h at<o i THE WEATHER Washington, D C. Der 1 Fair and warmer tonight; Thursday in creasing bloodiness and warmer $ CHARGED WITH FOUL MURDER Believed Defendent Knows About Mysterious Reaths of Other Women. Now York. Lk*o 1. — Miss Virginia Warllaw was arraigned in police court at Orange. N J. today charged with the murder of Mrs. O. \v. N. Stead who e body was found in u bath •tub in a vacant hou^e The police believe that Mi-S Ward law- is a professional woman mur lerer. and they declare that she knows shout various mysterious (ioatlj of otlu r wmen in the vicinity WAS KILLED i OS RAILROAD Kllah Kos was instantly killed this morning at la< ger Rob., sti p.t d cu morning at la* ger Ross stepped out of the way of a west bound freight train only to Rtep in the face 01 No 2 rapidly approaching. Ills re mains were taken to his home at Sandy Hook, six miles fro» laeger. He wa forty live years ol i and leaves a wife* and two children ESTIMATED COST IS $3,000 000 Washington. I>ee 1. -It is est' tnated at the War Department ihat the forelield artiilclal aland for the defense of the entrance of Chesa peake Bay, recently advocated by President Taft iu one of his speeches . before th<- waterways er/nventio., at Norfolk, can be constructel for about $3,000,000. This is rfar below the I or ginal estimates of from $10,000,-' 000 to $12,000,000. The necessity' for ueh a structure was pointed out by the Taft defense lM»ard In 1006. hut the proposition was dropped oe enuse of the great expense. The plan ' contemplated the building of a., is lan] on what is known as the '‘mid dle ground” n the entrance mid-, way between Cape# Charles and lieu-; ry with heavy batteries o arranged as to command the five-mile chan-) nn] of navigable water rom-tructingi the only entrance from the ocean. That poln la about eighteen miles below Fort Monroe and he yon I th< effective range f tin* heaves) guns at that fort. The original plans have been niato-i riallv changed and tin* coat considor ahly reduced, ft is now propo nd to construct a fortification similar to that on FJI FraPe in the Philippines, j That consists of a small it closure surrounded by a wall of concrete forty feet thick and containing two steel turret each mounting two four teen-inch guns, together with a sec ondary battery of four six-inch iruu The use of turrets instead of dis appearing gens i a saving In space and expense. On the Fhevnpeakc Islan 1 it Is proposed to erect the largest and most effective guns oo tainable. It said there are no en gi'nnering difficulty- In the construe tlon of the Island. a* ther in a good sand foundation abut seventeen feet below the surface. The plan s to confine the allotted space with rows of piling fl 1-1 if with finely broken stone and cap the mas with solid concrete, having outer walls fort\ feet thick Ammunlt on. mines, ra«». mates, etc., will bo placed lnmeath the floor forming the base of the gun turrets. It Is ron’endol by military and naval exports that the promis'd for tification would make the entrance to (’hesapenke May Invulnerable and e net daily safeguard the Nat onal Fap(f«|, HaJHmoro. \nnapolis. Nor folk. Newport News. Richmond an I ; • he other cltle and towns on the bay or Its tributaries. W.VI.POSTMASTERS Washington, n. r . Dec. : C M I- leshor was appointed postmaster at Reach today and If. (i Halley at i Roth. 1 FA-SKX ATOR rLARK \V A. Clark, former Culted .*■ at**s t-enWor front Montana, ha* ret anted from Bn rope \\ here lift left hi fam ily In Paris He pi aqjeBi** to hasten the completion o$ h.1* $2,700,000 N- w Voi k nn >u»n. w hich ha he* a st %on yem>* Imildlsiff. Cor the turn ls Id tips of his mansion he has «o outuulated many valuable loeora tious, notnhly !’or' inn s "The choice of a model." II*' had paid more than $ I 00.non or tapestries that ho le:* r *1 to the * >i*s*»rt of ljueen 1 ;t hella of Spain Certain Persia a and Chinese nip- ho old.anted for $i!f*0, 000 .Mr CM uric loean’t care for statuary because the finest lacks life" Tills pi tine *now Mr. and Mrs. Clark and their Cltth avenu * Mu "slop HUSBAND AND FATHER IN PEN Unfortunate Woman Comej to City Seeking Work. Sent Away by Charity ".\1y heaband and father are bo’l !ii tli* prnltentiar>. and I have rn way to niako a living ,'or my nin* mouth, old baby, was t !)*• kI itcnn :i’ main ity Mr. Cordi* h> murk, o Wise, Va., who earn*' <• tli<* < ity )i week to look for employment n ; dome*tle. Sh* had be* n wot.ti (g ,o a family at VV *• f*>r a iollar week, blit wa told it was pes-Mblt f*»r hej to earn $•'! a w****k ill Him field. She arrival her** last Suada. w ' three dollars but 1 h 1 • was soon takei up for board. «!» being unable t< find employment on a* * mint o to Ineumherenee hf,r eh I 1, wbi* li 1 but nine ninths old It v. (',* :.i*! Wfth told f *';e p;* la Id nilglil of O’ nun n*' t<>'> - ;u«- > in two f\ SS’id<-11»• r !<>•» shnv fd I. is be $ i ni' led tlic ii TorMinate woman fur tv day The woman tented • tale o ni a#or: mi** tlutt wool I move t h heart of th inf>* t hardened m r Hho Htnti i iIki1 her fattier. .Iain Mirehl’u Id, had -n i»>d ti >< • i , the Tennessee slate j*enit• i it'a • k.llintf Nannie .Skird nd SS ill i< Coy, afterward Inirn )itr the h hide the f rime Kobhery w • motive of the murder Hi wi; nave damayitiK testimony a .rain h m at the trial Sfter he w 8 r< leased he returned to hi h one Kodgersvllle the seem* of the ru der hp«1 was. o -,1* h o-k a fe when he lashed his wife f<\ pi with a biitefier knife for testlVt acal' t him in the trial <t tlo- mu der In* j,ad iu«f finished do|n_• t< years for HI* wife live | bttt t m i|a-fc after the revengeful i had n»t her body open.' For this erlme he v.-a•- amit to the in-niton* tiarv for twenty year . W'th her mother -ad an I v r i'»h/w in tti penitentiary tills woman nj%rrl» I .jo lt* umark and was only married six month* whin he wan an-okf od for stealing $3 to from an Hal an mn Reliant at Rodger, vllle. U was t *n <*’ii< '’d three yearn at Imrd-laoor in I the . t ate jit Ison Til© child Willi lmt one I) in J v a I born to 1lie woman life day after her husband entered prinou. FhJef i Newkirk iKittgiil tlie woiuhti a t tik• • f , to llHIlte, V i where 11 • i I < !*i.-* to have sorm friends who will tah< eare of h**r. She left, this inomins. BRIDE OF TWO MONTHS DEAD M •' Kyio Farloy no* olo l!u>i< i, , «*g* <1 21 <1 !<•«! at Vermin . i Oklahoma Sunday morning of h ’ d se/iHe. Mi-h. Farley wan the w * (if Kyle Parley, formerly a .«> h« r '•( AlllCtlH college, and Who h I < 'I t , c him: ( bool In Oklaliom i o Home lime, She wan the daily hP o ’ j lr and .Mr It. (■*. lyurton of Ora bain, and had only been imirrii I f1 o' | month •, tfir. marriage t'king In ■ >• l i/.ewelJ. Jji 'til overtook, tier d* nly n-' ho was Pi lie be t o h* i la.Hf Haturday.?! The rcm.ii: were *nk< r the » ty ihi morning, a .* ’ !>y Mr and Mr* II. F. Farb . ;i Merefo Farley, Hubert Fir). fford of \tben floor a* ( illo a id other relatlvea* and free. 1 of Fw* family, ging to peter*b!own vvh -♦ they a, j-e to b«* i it* r* ! ,, I I TflFit \ N I III I:« II s| .|;\ |( Prayer and iiraitto nervin' in i < to* e| today at 7:1.% p. m Hub Id Hearing t PAYS HEAVIEST TAXES IN STATE Norfolk & Western Pays Over $2,50,000 to State of Virginia. Khhniotid, Va., l>*»c I More than i wo hundred and llfi y * lion ’and dofllan han fM-en aid'd to I lie • r • !.' in' r or (lie utnto oy I lie Norfolk i \V* tern Hallway Company, Vir k ■ * hit taxpayer The ,'*eond hiytjOKt. corjioratioii in C" 1,1 I' 1 (lie jClie: ripe ike tllid' Ohio, whhli liii;- yielded up $IU!*. • • I/. 'Ili ibird (be Southern U l ‘ whl |i thla yar paid $111, u r: *17 ' IiIb w • Ik- hi * lay on whl* h I'" ' uao-uion inhdti pay the'r tax en lo the ytale without |i<|n(< bur dened w! I h the "i per «<• pi. | m r».«I * v v !ii< h would have her n added to on i row I'm* * |<al|v all of tlj'un h 1 dr ead eomplle ! .< , I 11 la w, 1 “ d'V" , Of < 0117 e I','I id* Oh I" tlio:-e paid for ft <ri' hi*m a id ,,r t l< V , for K tier I! fie,. ,,d • t ff> • ho< i piirpo «■ Th* v In i*( CMon, 1 i a*** *v< >iiii(h ti r, 'U* 'on ii tv* v h> i e, * f v , * n p«»r*M> prop* rty or real enf.ifo. r ')n Pf \ f..r r ;oTNB' TTON^ TODAY (» h<* Co o' la * rn Coal Th< plant, la th* f|. « "'< ' tin- i n r >1 <*nk In if kt n) ami ‘. lu ll Conm-ll .Ml* pfofttn t, \ lari >< Of O ’ ' III 1w I »l< I f IJf 'i’il mu eft <oki' iirfolc. Th«‘ < otti patiy ' ♦hnr#' Tin Con OIL SPOUTER iS , Nitroglycerine Magazine Explodes and Shock Felt 20 /Miles. Cameron, December i To iy Clamor an oil upon tor, was blown 11* atom s today when a nitro-gly (Min*' magazine belonging to the Marrlotta Torpedo company I c\ 'loti* d. All i ho w Id w s in itio town wore i broken and (bo shook was .‘oil for 20 milos. Washington. I’a . Doe |,—A nlti > I oer.’iu* explosion today prtii ■> ally destroy** I the town of Caiin ron, W Va. Om> man was killed and many hurt The hook n tolled for twenty miles I Cambridge, Moss. |). c ]. The Harvard .ilblotic eomniltteo today. d*sd led to tnoruldN coasldoi sag i or. t on. looking toward a change In i Hie foaCoall rules with a view to! I modification rendering the game lo>< 1 i brutal. The eoinm.ttee wne pnn’tieal 1 ; I.V nminlmoi In its decision regard it’g I be )M opo •• 1 i liange. 1 .1. I*’, tiiiiiiili #>.’ I Ion inker left , lor <11* n Alum this a lernoon whore I whi le la win M |iose of !,;,()Oil acres^ or t 'liihm, owi'ial hy him nnd Mr. H ir II.:g of (lien Alum To I>nvIh l.umnci company him 1 nffored S’s rui i\er« or Hie ilniher' a 1 Mr. Orimtii trill rlirn the. Heal toninnow h» *11 relj,fnim' the coal right. The land has an eigh» fool vein of eoal ll l a. uoi been learned how soon tlie I>uvl« <■ in|»aii> will eommeneo j eotl.iag REV. WOODS WILL COME TO BLUEFIELD lii spit*' or (ho ' roug proN t of ferod hy the repreM utailvo of the lllto ksbtirg I'rcshvioriiiu ehunh a id olhera who felt an Interest a the : mailer, Montgomery I'reahytery. at 1 he < all< | meeting in Salem la t Monday rdon «■<! I{< v. I) ,| Wood I a pastor of tin- ohitreh He re to nr 1 oept the rail fo the lUuefleld dtuidi. a derision Hint hn hronghf the j v-ry keenest regret and sorrow to* : h" n»< tnlioiH of the or»m;ro:-,atIon of the diiirchea in Me- town and on iCoa-ioke Valiev whol e ,\| r Wood Id' ids * a I w<lvo year o i,< I, f ill h fill service Air-. Wool will leave' her#- I hoilt the middle o I >« ee iii |»er fer a visi in his homo 11 Mai * i a , hnrg. W' t. \a anti a mine the du-j ties of hi new ohargo 1h< hi t of f lieeomliij. \ oar v < i .i'Ts v i cr,\< i;. • M Mo wdl I avo lonleht for . Mobile. All whore ho h i accepted a jtc* i >fl wit | he .iouth All 1 tie It 1,1 e f'otniMiiJ a d 1 Hii 1 aye it. j Mr. Mo he been connected with Insurance Corn pair for many y. ar> r.nd In I " a a -■ !* HI. of I III < I ', for von ve;,, that 11 me lie hn mad" for h u n it ho f. of frl» Id Who on I„ lose (dm. '' P' -|» '•*>»* m»i| m t I i | |, . Ill cal • ,inii»HKn .mm mow n'il I la •ftunary ole< tim.-i. mb i h<> a loftl ion of a REBEL FORCES OF ZEES!'] One Hundred and Fifty Men Dead and Wounded Are Left on the Field. PRESIDENT MAY RESIGN TODAY. Cable Report Says that Con sul Caldera is Alivo and Safe. colon, I>o<\ i. Detail* of a Nlca i .c is a n buttle near Itunu reached ber< toclux The ItevnhjtloajM^rvWou :« c oiiipleie vic tory putting a'rt loiei’s i«j ioni. One iiumlrod urn! liny mon hi longUig to \ \w P r Option (jfc ai’my were left on the fUlifl uflhfti’ won n led or dend. /.•‘lit.Vii to design. Washington, Dee. I. Consul Mof hl* ill Minefields entiled today that Zel.ivo may oon resign. I’edro tioii/.nloH Zelaya, tin* tin if li<itl representative Pros! lent Zelasa arrived here today, hut the chances are that lie will not he re ce.vorl by 'the state department. Ml Salvador f-IIKl rlllo, repre muta tive of Kntradii’s government, who h. in Washington, ayH that Zd t<*a government will soon Tall. < aldci:» Safe, New York, Dec I. Tie Ameri can New a Service received a message fi 'Mii I’re-Ideal Zoluya ioday stating that (dusaj Caldera t* *sfo am! on Joining all the ron' guarantees. I* la reported that Zelaya may re sign today. I ’litnl l«<«mi|| l\\ported. Rluelel'ls, .Nicaragua. D«< i A large consignment of arms and am munition for the insurgents arrived <ui tfic Steamer Stan vangeren from New York today. The final assault ♦ in M a migna I \ ex peel e |. Marine* Iteady. New York. Dee |. One hundred ami li t\ five marine- were .cut from tin drooklyn navy yard today to join tine now in rendine-* at FMilla d< 1 j*lii» to -hip to Nicaragua. I‘<*mp;t, h’la Dec Marie \cosfa, otitic t'lihae wl'lfiw dl d lure late '"da from DlgiitfnJ hn-n luflieted upon her h\ a rejected suitor Mi tt* l Com* <i ti ■ t<a irr* "t defore he died the young woman charged tiorpe/. vitii fin ing set hor afire. t-he d> c la red that she had reject** ♦ cl t lone d' nil and I hut n it h f wo ' onf**derat« fie forcibly entered her home in \V< t Tampa la t iltrht. She wa hound hi d and <,of Then the tncfi saturated her eiothlng w fit yas ol tie i d touched a lighted match to her ’’ * u n <• worn a n u a , foil nd n* d f in, |e o| to foot and * died •1 • m , a top hi ,k 1 'ig a '■ i" h» '< the police. She did not t* ' <i ‘ ■ n n who wc with fjo h I Ill’ll, -he ell-irrcil. ili n* r ''i • Iheawful crime 7'OOTBAT Tj under ban. 'V * I I,. Would 'r•»u• f.iiM* i’» n il r v. Va cv i,—gi i-e W' Vi f.inla l'nlvrr>:ify ii l his hk 1111 fraoi it rad • u, f t’or»I: • • vuu ,i >y, l‘ 'll a stop to fhr r • do 1 ' fit- - mi Of 1U' I 'I 1 *« y < *m l av.* boon iniofvi -«vo I ■ ti ij". i> th**m a f inr Hnod • o;*f»n • Hi. miniM g. vertil mom r ad; o Introdur. !. n> k ff - >nll tdayina ft penal ofTt