31,000 AdlhS OF
lt comes from an unquestionable
e«>.lice ihat an attorney of Grundy,
Va . whose name was not learned
has secured options on 31,000 acre*
Oi coal and timber lands around
R.< hlands, Va., ami the general opin
ion is that these options were ob
tained for the Ritter Lumber Coin
pan.' which will at once purchase
the property.
The Ritter people are not in the
cosl ibuataess, but they are among
tin- largest lumber manufactures in
tie United States an 1 while noth
ing definite on this point can be
tr.aied, the supposition is that, several
big band mills will be In tailed to
oilt tlie timber.
The boundry on which the op
tions have been taken contains a
number of individual tracts, and
among them is some of the fin 'st
timber to be found in the country
The coal lands are also said to con
tain aonte exeelent deposits, but the
proha blit les are that the R iters
will turn the coal end of the deal to
people who will develop the porp
So sum has been mentioned, but
judging from the current values of
coal and timber lands the deal i i
volves eon derably better than $2,
it 000,000.
Spokane. Wash., bee ,\t
recent meeting of 500 men an I wo
men. representing various parrs or
the Western anil Pacific stases, who
had gathered in Spokane to di mss
country lile problf'ins, a request was
made to have the report of the conn
try blfe Comm slson printed and iis
trlbuted free. Satisfactory arrange
ments have been completed to have
this request carlnd out by the Spo
kane Chamber of Commerce.
Thin commie io:i was appointed b>
ex-T’resIdent Roosevelt in 190k for
the ptiT|K>se of mnk'ng a tour or the
farming states to investigate coa
lition* H>nd «all the farmers’ atten
tion to the opi>or.tunities for modern
buslne « methods and better living
on the farm.
On February !* tile comm sison's
ret»ort was rend In the I’nlted StateH
senate and ordered to lie on the ta
hie owing to the opposition by Sena
'or Tillman, who objected to its pub
iieation as a public document for
the reason lhai the minis don was
ap|sdnted by President Roosevelt
without! jiiipf horiQy I'rom / ongr<
tlia« if Is not prvide 1 for by law and
that it Is not provided for by law an**
tor Dolllvcr spoke at length in ‘-is
Roanoko. Va., I tor 2. Howard
LI til o, fho <onrlemn*d murleror of
a x people in fin* hanan >*mn<y> r«
calved a letter 'Tom h',-( poiin*«1 >v»
tcrdxr Hinting that he* had hope* of
pitting a now I rial for him
1*o:i»lon. 1*»<\ 2. Oeneral Hodh.
hoarl of the Halv'tHon Army ih
1 ItroafeTied with tolal bl.'ndneg*
Madame Soled a 1 Villafraace, pu
pil and companion of Franc sco Fer
rer, the famous anarchist, is slowly
pining away an a result of the exe
cution of tiie revolutionist by the
Span j-.h authorities. This beautiful
woman tint came in coutact with
Ferrer, when she joined the school
he established in liarcelona. where
he expounded his anarcristic urine, -
pie*. She whs an ardent admirer of
the conspirator, who, attracted by
lier beauty and minimal intelligence,
made her hU constant eomanton an j
a member of his household.
Many of the plots laid at Ferrer's
door an1 believed to have lx»en .n-j
spired by his beautiful companion,!
and her activity in the cause r**.- «i11-'
ed in her expulsion from Spain.
The accompanying photonrali
allows M. Ferrer nnd IMadanie Villa
franca strolling alon^ a Paris boule
vard. It was taken shortly before
Ferrer's arrest
Chicago, Dec. 2. —Following the
coherence of the superintendents
and field workers of the Anti-Saloon
Longue of America being hold in this
city Nov 80 to l)«c. 4, tho first bien
nial convention of this organization
will o]ifn on Monday. Dee. and
cntlnue until Thursday. Dec. morn
ng, afternoon and evening Keslsons
being held.
l-i ad i it ion to the prominent speak
era wiio will address the delegates,
on every phase of the liquor ques
tion. r« port will be read trom every
state in the t nion, showing the pro
gress of the work done along the
1 ne of abolishing the saloon
'I he convention will be opened by
,l r< option to lelegates tin.l guests,
olhiwed by a banquet tit the Audi
oriunt Hot'I cn the evening <* Dec.
»5 Dr. Howard II Ku. ell founder
and organizi i/ l.ol hhe £ n { Saloon
l-e igne of America will bo tin pre
aid tig officer The pcakers and
-special guest will be Congressmen
fann'j; ,M .Miller of Kansas. Jtieh
•no: 1 I* Hohaon of Alabama, .ioltn
W. I-.mglcy of Kentucky and Benja
min H Humphreys of Mississippi.
Tuesday morning act: si on w II be
devoted to the reading of “state re
porta,'' and the president's a 1 dress.
At the afternoon -esison William .1.
A iderson. National f/eglslaHon .su
perintendent w II deliver his biennial
iwjmmih <» .».w hi sift ii I wrier.11 Mip
K* v <i W Vouiik of Kentucky ami
or tlie* National 'I r« asitrer. w ill !»<•
tin’ featureg of the thirl day’* ge -
a ion.
KotiUne liii'iru’KH an l tlio fi
of the ’ H11 of the hlilU’H . t Ilf sche
dule for thr. la-1 day of the ronvoli
tion togofher with 4ho report« of
committeeg on resolutions. I'm K.
W. II furry. President of tho Nor
mal Industrial Institute, Ohio, will
deliver an a ldress on “Tho Negr >
and thi> Haloon Problem.'’ Tho rlos
1:ik addrerg w II In ni ido by Father
.lame4 M. Ixary of Minneapolis,
J. A. Herrj i hlof ejerk for \\ u.
I>uw on was called to big homo this
niornlrp at Crewe. \'a., on account
of the death (>r his brother (i W.
Men rise j I years who die I slid
j denly last niicht R. Berry ei-n
■ierfod with the Cosgell and llllioH
I Company i> also brother of the de
J reaped.
The switchmen's strike In the west
will nrt a ect liio condition of traf
fic on the X. & W. us the Broth
cruood of Train mn’s n fur superior
organization holds the fort on this
syst *ni. The Sw'trhmon's union is
compo < I of the scum of the rail
road and was organized by a few
ore heads who were unable to gain
admission the trainmen's lodge, it
»s alleged.
Chicago is the rendevous for the
switchmen, it being claime I that
over I,oOb members of .hat lodge
work on t he yards in that c ' y.
“Snakes’* is tin* name given to 'the
members of the Switchmen's organi
zation i>y other railroad lodges, and
it Is not 'I.a r weather’’ when the
member^ of the . .• .nmen and Switch
men meet. It is claimed the Train
men's lo lge lias more members t han
the Conductor's and engineer:, lodge
Meiiiphl , Te:in., I2 Tho |
faculty of the Memphis University1
dec. Jed to a ban do’’ Kith li in am
h tics until safer rules are framed.
m i:i» \ i u.i; o' io.i \ i. \ its.
Dover Del !*•*(•. 2. C.ipi John
liownltiR, who |*a I |,js f03<1 birth-,
flay fin ful. t la died a* Ilia home
»' Little Creel:, nfl»r till( l> euC/:
this morning, after ,t h >rt lllne**.
rain. Downing erved in thn-< vval
the lac being i i'j civil war, when i
he’ held the pf«U on of tnasfer-af
arms in tho United Statej - ate am*
I ship Yankee.
Capt, Downing but. reeen:| had
h s pension In* reaae 1 from $ l 2 to
f in p r month i i<i tie Iie<I n 1
Saturday - next, lie would have r< -
■ < ivefi h „ first quarter's ifierease.
A speelal meeting of the ,1 fr
Moo of general ehairrmn repre-ent*
ng all of the trainmen and eon lor
'Crs enst ov the pp, r|Ver
;ii. | -outh i»f the Ohio and Potomac
rivers will lie held *t* Macon (J.i
nn 1 i-t» rr December. U ho;
hie - learned that r,,„»> . ol .f,,A
importance will bo transacted at the
?!*•«•»ft;;r Several will attend from
I llltif tloltl
Thirteen Big Railroads Tied Up
as Result of Switchmen’s
Strike, Flour Mills Close and
i en 1 housand Workmen
Out of Jobs.
St. Paul. !>«< . 2 . —-Tin* entire
Northwest is threatened w th famine
ns a re uIt of tin* switohmen's slrt'ke.
Thirteen big railroads between here
aud Seattle and other western points
are Involved n tin* tie up. The flour
mills on the PacMlc coast and
throuhout the Northwest have Hosed
down for lack of grain and thoute
amis are thrown out of employment
There is no retirement in sight,
ami tlii* situation is becoming more
grave every minute.
Trainmen May Sflko.
Minneapolis. Dee. 2 .—The Hroth
erhood of Railway |> rain men may
strike In sympathy with the h witch
men. The mutter Is now under ad
I Ton !liotiH.1.1.1 employes of lloiil*
m 11. are thrown out of jobs In tin*
■ Krtinvovt and miens aset demon. Is
jf^arhel a flour famine is ininiiu(*nt.
j lu the Iron range eountry the
« imll towns will soon bo faring n
famine unless train i of foodstuff
: <r ui be brought In there At Super
ior >00 men were lull «in* in tin
Great Northern i lwn> machine
ftheps. The mine; will be a fleeted
h - file topping or'freight iraflb*. On
ti e ore dorks at Duluth and Huperl
o. within is bourn. 10,000 men will
h rmt of employment and t lie gen
eral loss on account of no employ
it.ent for la)M>r and Inab lily to le*
liver merchandise will run Into
thousands of dollars.
Virginia WardlOwHeldWith
out Bail for Killing of
Mrs. Snead.
New A.—MWlfrf con
tlniieH in the ea*»o or Mrs. wi. M.
Sneed whose holy wag round in :i
hath tub at East Orange. N. .1. Minn
V rginia Ward low, licr h|>iu ter nunt,
who in charged with tlte murder
Is he I .1 g held without ball
Mrs. Snead as a. daughter of Col.
Hubert Martin, wb<» serve 1 under
(Tener.il Porest during the Civil
Wa hington, f)oc . Tinmigh
Count Conrad de Uuis-ent Steen
brtque Hlaronghen, f h« Belgian
minister tr» thl> country. I n*• l« Sam
has reeeivtyj an Invitation t/» at
tend the Internal ional ('ongres., on
ra liology and electricity, to he held
n Brussels In thin
An international eoimni don will
he appointed at tie- fortheoming <u •
ventlon fr the purpo <• of »\fi mining
all questions pert a nine t ladiolmv
If Iftf IN < lf|( \(,H.
Chieago, 1 tec 2. Rim ill j,rnr n
nent Koreann said to hnv he* n Im
plicated In the murder of F>iine< jto
of Japan, are reported
in thIf city.
<in « nsboro, N. It. . j \\ iH
out. a ny jtreviouH Ititirt I'inti .fid
w . h no known moMvp. other (ft&ti
a f-light rcmont*tf»W5'p fmiii < ntom*
bfr of her family about #•> iviyant
IndulK«nct»n. Mias Ethel Norman.!
fiK*'*! Kovuntooti, and prominent .n
node ' ;n thlf elf ;. , null <1 sul
fide here today hi shoo* in hen Jf
through the heart with t vvolv«u
Hho • unto homo about, r. in o < lock
an I paxaing her mathm hn'I
wen dlreetly to her rouri reared
the revolver to hop Jen .1 i tired.
death r*>uiltina Intaantly
IJ N lilt ON |UH l\^
Key West, Fla.. lm.
If r> j or* a rw elte<| j,«.|.
injr -ay that the Malory llru
U -itliore off French It*-* I
Iter a dispatched.
Millionaire Ten Cent Man
Says City Should Have
- K '•*. Kl'hy cnvyer r>f a string of
live- mid t«• ii cent atom In nil ol the
principal t-il;«s was in tin* <lt> to
day .Mr. Kiihy own a I oily live
stott* - all oVo,. t iiu I oiled Si a (e: •, out*
of 111(111 bo tig in lilucfioid Thin Is
b. , lliBt. I rip to LhlitCltj uiiii ha
mat',| in* was .surprint* I at tin* si/.y
of lie ity and fit? wondered wJiy
•I* *''■ m'1' -tot more , manufactories
hero. lie btiyn it Wiu the b* st lo
tat ion fO|. business (•r\fc*rjirTRo: b<*
had over soon any whom.
Mr. K rby say, that (to fdart* d to
work lor .Moon* ;md Smith Iry
good , iii'*icliniitH at Watertown in
!•*(•( at tin* age of | 1 at a salary
of $2.a0 a weok an I worked eight
yoarn for tin* : unit* people and wlion
l*(‘ *• * igfiod to go in ini si ii so for hill)
« If Ik- w,v go'll ig ? I I a week. In
M.o (••gin years in* hud worko.l fort
that t-onipaii\ lie had savod $:»00
and with till - ho opened up |jVe
<ti (I ton rout store at Wilkeabarro,
IV . it artiienhlp with r K. Wool
worth. in | SKI In | K’ h 7 ho bought
Vr. WoolW'ofth'H toi l in In nun- I
pany and put liis nano over the I
tor. H< shortly afterward opined
a loro at Williamsport, I’a., and '
s Wi' oin at Colombo. Oh o. I-Vorn i
ti< ho *;■ i t' d to branoli out.
.Sinn' op-niiig the tore in tbH,
o.'iv several month a ago, ho has
oj)otM-d ten others, in different cities.
Starting w t li a capital i,j $f,on •
twenty five y* ap; ago lie now
worth $2,500 000.
.Mr. Kirby tnak'H h* lamp* at
Wllkesbarre, I’a there In* owns a
brio home it.- |. |i lor I’h heb Ipiiia
ids afternoo i
Lower House Adapts the
Asquith Resolution He
lating to Budget.
I o '*»u !)<•<• 2 The hoii or
common today nrloptpti \ u.»i,
ff-o|nlIon «ih< hou
lord ;or , failure roa tb< l>u !
K1 1
i‘f*rlitnn*'nf will ifinroini.'d
morrow and will noi r*.-ah<‘ ml*' m.
• 1! fail nary 17. when a gmitral <|eo
The i<olMI«al -iftiafAfm hit t Mom
liot-n inori k ns*' tn iho h or
Cl iu* van Hamit'/oil, tli(» twelve
1 .vent* old American girl, who haa
! ‘I'nralUed’* the French mtiidc.tl
world by her wondei Till ma.ter of
Chop 3ho recently captured tin* llrat
prize in ilii> world fmnc I National
I'om-eivat 01 y.
Wit ♦liliiK*on. Dee. | An Inter
esting report Juki IhhiiimI by t hi*
Department of Agriculture on To
bacco Product Ion In | he United
PJtirteH, shown while some tobacco
h produce 1 In nlinoHt every «(nte.
b than one per cent of llitn cotin
irys crop ip gioivn went of the M.kh
IhkIppl, Texas being the only trana
MlH«i :ipp| State in which lie iiidtiH
try has gained much lni|iortance.
Kentucky leada all the States l i
°bact > growing M pcp'Mj^tfa niojpe
ban one third of the liu-tef! StAUot
['•>*op, mil about on*’ ninth of the en
[ 1 l «* crop o I he world
'I'he tobacco grown in the IItiIIjmI
^l«teH In of two general lypea or
laspe , t | | eignr tobacco, and ( U
chewing, Miioki ig, hiiuIT. and ex
port tobacco*. in I !if)x something
more than I .id million pounds of
Kig.ir tobacco wan grown in the
I n led State and nearly four tiineH
• hat amount of the other types.
Ih - eigar tobacco, are grown
tmi ti.'* iii New Knglati I, .J’e.iiimyl
Vania Ohio arid Wiacobalii, though
there ,’s n eoiisldernble and rapidly
im iea iiic prodnet oil oT ’III. type j,i
(loorgia, Florida. and Texan The
obaceo n < | for chewing. Hinokitig,
'-tuff am] «*x, oil m’e produced nio t
heavily in Kentucky, Tenne ee.
North rafiditiii, Virgin'a, and South
t 'a rolina
Tobaeeo production p. largely ion
lined to ecriain eb-arl.v <!<• fiti<• I dm
••'lets, each o) which prodl|C< ! ,i
upecljiI type and fills a demand for
bat type I’he I 'ml of Tobaeeo |
grown in partlcul r 11 strict a re- j
l|"t'(l., bainl> on the oil and climate]
condlt Ion ••'
I'hilfMlHphia. I*i.. Dir. L' Ml
nlijofts r*lat|iiK to fhrrnk*nl fii/i
ii« iT.ii/ will li<' dlsriiH-i' | al tin* it
Oh'l It 111111:11 |||«,f»t.|tl£ or tin* A n 11 ■ r * ■ ■ i: i
Dp lit nil’ of <'h»»rnTfnf Kin-:il»’ "I
wlii'li ill Ilf- 11 * * I * 1 In lliis < if Dpi
X It* 10.
• Oi li ir la f >' r 11 i-rp Jntv<
lie' ll in.* ly now f|ovi*|f>jtiu* j|is ;n i o
fir' I. v hi* It liiivf* in'Tfsi < f| 11n- i‘f
oiiiff o' to r-ontiir ononnomiy
Imiinjt i* i >i hty.. ronw rifl'T ihri
tlt’l' i' .f'. will iiihK*- »Df*'|ti't>i f vi ur
o <11 i Ip v i* i ii Sty o( y r> a for Pit i
Ipnia »o in pfot jilnntH of Infj'r* In
f| i trial < ' i,, i nif>R.
.'I >'or loh M. fl* ybiirn. of I” la
W tj. aO a*J<|if . of WnloOQio,
DIM 'I I SHIM 1 11 HI \|l
on. f ha ■ * )i. |m»pr of ihp ftunard
' A I *'» ' ; * l; to I t
ili na<lrnH
Tin: IllOl’t'S \l< ol' TIIU I’MTKH
hi that kno\ will iii<;
askioo to \ \mi<: xiow
Colon, Dee. -Wirclwig advices
from Nicaragua state that reinforce
meat* an* being rushed (o the Insur
gents army and that Kstradu In Jo
lermlned to push tin* struggle fol
lowing ni» the advantages gained at
limn:* I 1
The notion ot the United States In
u fusing farther recognition to
Zelaya has been rece’vod with great
Joy hy the insurgents, anl Ih regard
ed as favorable to their cause.
Claims Victor}'.
New Orleans, Dec. 2 ,\ report
from Nicaragua today states tliat
Zelnya Is preparing to resign the
pres!(Jo ic«■ and that (lonerul Irlus
w II succeed him.
The government culms the victory
at Kama, and one report says that
too revolt t Ion ltd h were killed.
•Counsel General Altechul. Zoluyu’s
representative says that Secrotary
Knox will ho oslto 1 to name Zo
l&ys ** pine-HHor.
<4 Marine, Hull,
Washington. Tier 2. Official or
d*■ r: wen* issued today hy the navy
'•'■partiiieni for tlie transport I’rnlrle
i* sail from I'h I In fl<*lph la with a
large force i,f marines
I he cruiser Albany and the gun
hoat V oriel own have been ordered
from Mugrf;. lena inis to t'orlnto.
I when they arrive will make
x I'nited Sixten w#r xe sels on the
Nicaraguan co«»Ht.
nor Itod.rlguez, Nicaraguan
charge d affair, Is waiting to hear
from Zelayn as to whether he will
h ave Washington or • ot. lie was
greatly exo t'd when In* received Ills
M'<: pori t'lilli ha nlvo signed tin*
I' It Davl:, i* vi am, died
.it«]<]>-iiI thi morning ;a» hit home
it Kill -1 * * 11. V;i. II*- u a seemingly
m * ‘ »* In-.- t of health last night anil
‘ - Iw-irty i|ip«-r A* M o'clock
In- took mi<l»l«*nly ill aii'l huITi red
fur three Iioiiis, fh<- end coming at
I oVIoi k ih morning.
Mr I»• • v . • rv< I in Ih* Cnfed
'■rnlt* army derl'g tin- Civil War, an
a li«*ut*■»»-'!i:• of th*- | nh Virginia
ri i'ini* it l|i mirv v» d h> his
wifi- iiu| vi i childror . all living.
Mt- Mm l;. Waller 01 tJrihim,
Mt ' I’- T.. .Stan!' /, of KIIIkioh,
I**i "i! 1 #»• v i o 11 ii a' Ington .fames
I >i v . n I,.it i C11 ■, i in I . and K . 1/.
11iivI of I'-l! i‘o, T* mu . are the mir
v iV in I Min t f ill V I >1 Vi , chief
In , |lo» 11via on of
■ i d today that H f}.
ih- i m » n - i l ight miles
l |;li 1 •• • I" jiO^i | |. ' Ids foal
! \ in \ f’i i i-k ;n a Chicago
fit to la i we* ’ The price to ho paid
: :ou,onn n feo tdmpie for title
'Hid of wh eh I - to he paid the
■ ■ in1' I ilr the buyer* will
«t ■!• -• • loprneu' ai once The
property located on the Kiatcr
° 1 ’hat mi 'roui Jm-na