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Announcement At tlx present we are carrying a most exclusive line of I'URS, both in odd pieces anti sets, for Ladies and Children. We wish further to announce that On Tuesday, Nov. 30th, and Wednesday, Dec.l, we will have v. ithus a repre= sentative of one of the largest Fur Houses in New York City. He will place on display Ids entire lineof muffs .scarfs and coats, prices ranging from $15.00 to $200. S he ladies of Biuefieki and the Coalfield, are especially request ed to visit our on those days and inspect these lines, or call at any time and see our regul tr stock E S. PEDIGO CO. 325 and 327 Princeton Ave Bluefield, : : : : West Va. 92t ’ This Elegant Hydeffrade Pet ticoat, 10 inch • Flounce, with Dust Prot f Ruf I ties, worth and sold tor ?j>2.00 OUR PRH E FOR 3 DAYS ONLY 92c * Bring th s Add \\ ith >ou. • This is onqucs ticnably the Greatest £kirt Offer made ir. Bluctield Wi cann >t sell more than two to each Purchaser, SAMUEL TURK. Turk Building Princeton Avc. Blucfield. W. Va. m > ♦> a*♦>♦> ❖ ♦> ♦> ♦>♦> ■ >❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ <♦ a<♦ •><< *Wy Br. pvf MORRIj w„ ;tS. Vies Tre/; a r. la: tj ice*; Cit/ens Underwriters Agency GENERAL INSURANCE fII • M \* i n » i»' 1st! r - ! ni v\, \, i ill \ Ml »« n . s is \ »:i in i. * VV: RESPECT f t.Y SO :cr. A P 'TICN OP ( OUR BUSINESS. *2 ** /♦ **♦ ♦*< MSI VOt It •!{< V * 4 vvvvv v*v v<•>♦>♦>* i; v Hill* in V C. OI.HAPY & SON,: Me **‘tc ana Mental A^cut^. 4 I, W. Va. * r i nrcka ,.nd Hale . and Co. ♦ Gen. A^C ,♦ ♦.* V*/ v♦ ** • •'*♦’*♦ • ♦ * ♦ • * ♦ ♦ « % V ♦ ♦>' * \* *> ♦' ♦ **♦♦*> ♦'» -•« p ♦ *’ PERSONAL Sij'i re Hui ton . 111 < 1 wile lft i for .Mulliu^ this morning. C At Spangle^ <»* I'otorslow ii is in tlx* city today visiting friends \V II Holbrook o* II fUsvillt* ib in tlu* r ’> oil liusliK as to lay M II I’os letdiwaltr i limiting al Si . Clair today . Horn to Mr. and Mrs. It. W. < lll'lon a botiming boy. Sam WHHuiiih b*H lor la/.twill tb s mortiiiij; in attend t nut I'ra ik Smith with the Interstate C’ommeree Coin nilsion was in 1 li«* < it.. i bis morning. .1 I*. Ward agent at 1'<m ahontas i* attending ; count at Tazewell to day. Hubert (ireever. or Graham. Is very ill with pneumonia *ut the home of liis parents on Higland avciino. i K Hull iiud family or < Ira ham have moved to Proicwtou, whore the. "ill make th«*Ir future home Mis. George Capit'o and Miss Fr.m •’ s * •tpil.ti left foi* .Roanoke tli ■« morning. II It Thomas, rum riling tdtlcer. left tor UounoUe this morning. where he will he local oil for the next two weeks. Miss (lei'trii le Rucker who has 1" en yis.tiiij' relatives at I’orahontas returned to her home iu Graham yesterday. W V tJoa k left for Colnmlm s this morning to wttend the election of officers in the M ri. T. to he held tonight I'll* Ladies' Ai.l Society of I he Firs baptist church "ill meet at h" parsonage Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A good attendance i lesired I humus Gregg v co-president of tin* o. R. c. accompanied hy tiis s«»n t'arlyle paasoJ through the cit,. tltis morning going to Virgin a City . on a hunting’ trip;and will return 'o l tliis city in a few days. I o ('. Cash t rnicrly ehatrman of P tit*' B. It T. now with the safety I appliance department of the Intet sta'e Commerce who has been in the city for a few (lays, left for Welrh this morning The Thunder Sounding Smokj. The Vietoria fails, die untive name for which is Mofd <>a I'oiinya. or the Thunder Sounding Sumlm. have right y been called the most lieantifiil gem | ill the whole of I lie earth's scenery. No pen picture <«r phot..graph can give the faintest idea ><f »!m marvelous gran deur and lieaniy of the scene. The majesty and mystery of the gigantic gorges, Hie loatiili.g torrents, the won derful atmosphere effects all couie ip' ti < m- with a force and power as t 'lio igh untiling had ever before been | read or heard in connection with I them, t'lie falls by moonlight are a j truly f.ifc' IfjMTny ffptnt.Tcte. The roar mg clouds of spray 4 lie somber rain I f "lest, tlu- stream ol the /.nmbe/.i shimmering far nhove the tremlding earth, the lunar rainbow, combine to nuke uu in Uni utMe picture. Where the y.arbbori takes its mighty plunge of a sheer I"" feet the river is "ier a mile w ide, or, to be exact, b.sus | fed lt»rn*t Mrvti Horse or Beet ? i • In *1 <ln,\ hi'THO w.i- imi* hi Kiinboi i*r 90HIO >f it «»ih ..lo ii fur !)•• ••tlircr* tr km .it thv m<»uni. i|. ,i:n|, \t tin- till.i». 1 ’«■':(kIn11ti *ni»l «}**ntlemon. I ;nn worry to *ny that HO H I' r o IJliablo to «f|*! |||| i,nr rut ion in >< of toilii.v ,itiO liiui lo tn 1,0 pari if It 'I It' '< !<■ h t ill', Kill* !, | f|||| i.ntv 9 i - i < Ii :.c ||< -o is jit t||,. otIn •nil. a in | .my otto nil" prefer* it i all ► ■ !■ Iiiii,.'».lf." NoIhwI.v iliil |u i f< ;■ it, ami so tliry all !,o IHf Hail Itl■ l«i«■ I’ i'ihmI lilullfT. on tlioi hmt ftiil'lii'tl I’o iktiimi «ml • • 'ill ov |.i lllioil . Hy .lave, jroiifh ftlOti. I liiui I luivo o,,i|o i nr si a ko jn tin- |.iini4' l it i < j, 'In lior-o il. .ainJ i ||o ni (h i iv |topf " 1 iftat Cop Book 61 Stationery Co. (Tordially invites you to attend its second annual opening of holiday goods on Friday and Saturday December third and fourth 1909 ~Elks building 3Man<* 3Muefiel<*. Va. r was J11fti a fiooge b? Tils io get t hem started on I lie horseflesh.—Diary | of ! >r < lllver Ashe. Needlo Dust. In factories where nettles are made i tin* grindstones throw off great «ju:i uti n<‘s of minute steel particles, with which the iiir becomes heavily charg ed. although the dust Is too due to be perceptible to the cVo. ltrcafhlng the dust shows no I ill rued late effect, but gradually sets up irritation, usually ending in pulmonary consumption. In* , effective attempts were made to screen the air by gauze or Illicit guards for nose and mouth. At last the use of the magnet was suggested, and now masks of magnetized steel wire are worn by workmen and effectually re move the metal dust before Che air Is breathed.- London (frnphic. fMot tntjrtaming, A vender of fresh shrimps 111• 1 had a very unexciting da\. Money wns ■:ircc. Kvetitually In :i street :t woman stood slmutin^ .-it the door. Murry inn tip. In* asked eagerly. "A peu'yrth. nmni'r" "No." she replied sharply; ''a Imp' ortli. D'ye think we'\o got company*.''' London tv-raps. Wlirt He Leck-d. "lies cot no license to 'nil; tin* way he does." "•Hi. lie’s £ot ;t' lheus\ all right! Wluit lie lacks is a nigy.rle.”— < 'love land Lender. Disagreeable, Aunt I rim tell a irlniicc wltai ••filer people are thinking uf me. Nien (absentmiwledlyi How vary disarm* i Mr for you. auntie! Although tin* world is full sufTrr i ig. it is full of (lie overcoming of it Keller. DOING BEST UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES Bluelleld, 1 Joe. 2, 1009. ' Kdltor Kv«*llillir Lea 1 < • r In regard to the statement in the Telegraph thiK morn inn about no ex ui»< could been offered to the man from Coalfield about the streets being dirty had it been a trouble with his I»A|>er he would have found an ex cuse too quick. Iiwnt-V.-I, lilt- Klli'OlK Il.UI UOt'll ne glected for two days on account of horse power. The hrsos ha I all been in service hauling dirt from an al ley at Seott street to tin* West End; of t lie e»ty. Our horse power is short for all demands and we do the best wo can to ok op the streets clean a:rl the poplo's attention should bo called to tb*> fact hat too much paper and garlage lias been strewed out on the streets. At the present wholesale; scattering of papor a pears bananas j and all fruit peelings, it is a matter of impossibility to keep the streets i eat an I clean at all tunes. Three dollars a dap Is sent, for cleaning paved Greets for labor and use of one team which brings daily ex pense,, for cleaning paved str<*ets up io $7 a day. This is Intended for the Informa lion of the Daily Telegraph and will! with any information along that ! line. VI. M. CLIFFORD, Supt. (<i Highways and Sts. No OLD GOODS q No LEFT-OVERS from the years long past. <J Every piece in our stock has Artistic Merit. <] Every thing pertaining to the JEWELER’S ART now shown by RANDOLPH & M1TIFND0RF Leading Jewelers Iiluefield. W. Va. -v •h-K-K-t-w-H .. •‘•fill • • n n-r rrrr t •r,Tn*rl"n* <>\\ Ollrn I )<x's I’ny I )<iv Corin',J --— ,, . . — , » * >i how nmch you ram but lu»\v much you save is the all 1 port ant <|uestion of tin- waye*earn r ■ —* ‘Little and "’!M) !l1 ,1,r purs*-. • „\ mo?t commendable practice * tin ! >rrad winin i of today is 19 deposit a portion of his week ' r ,n',,'rnl ■ yet in ,1 -.1 \ in c* a< count—it provides a toni m-t ni 7 lor old s e and relief I n a rain' d; ,M 1 ' cn» 11 a rain na>. * briny otn »a\ - 1 foi'i ban! where con c* ati e methods guarantee safety . I’.ld I t II I h. W. V.V I III' I'lkST NATIONAL HANK 1 KcsfiMrces ,i million n«I a half dollar* Sold KxilusiTi'ljr by Huff. Andrews & Thomas C», Wholesale—Car L‘»t—Local Ix»t. and* your craving for liquor la pone If you take the McKanna CURE There Is none like 1; offered anywhere outside of McKa-anas No Dangerous Hypodermics Ca!! or wrrt I)R. J. J. MrlvANNA 225 Princeton Avenue Rluefleld, W. Va. FRESH FROM THE COUNTRY GOOD m PURE Water Ground Buckwheat, Couih try Sato-age, Back Bones and spare Bib?, Fresh Butter and Eggs, South vyood Honey, Black Eye Peas, White Deans, Bird Eye Beans, Lima Beans,, Dressed Tt'ltKKYS and rillt IvKNS. These are just a few. We have lots more of ell kinds o- Fre h Fruits, Evaporated Fruits, Frinh Vegetables Canned Vegetables Pickles, Preserves, Sauce t, and ev ery good thing i,( the grocery line. Sealshipt Oysters every day. Don’t forget to place your order for your Thanksgiving turkey, and you will not be disappointed. Sublette & Barnes Two ’phones, 181 and 34 1. Uie FOR THE PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH The Surest, Safest ahd f Best Method ever used 1 no gore gums or ill pATim-Is * follow its «*«**. ♦ Full set ofAtseth $5 \ Very finest set o* te?th: no 7 a better made at any price ..$81 Gold crown . . $4 X Gold Fillings . . $1 : Silver and Ce m«nt Fillings 50^ ♦ EXAMINATION FREE : We invite ^gu to ♦ inspect cur parlors ahd ♦ have yourteeth exam- ♦ ined free. Will tell ♦ you in advahce what ♦ ; your worh will cost. ♦ All work done by ♦ skilled, experienced op ♦ erators by our im- ♦ t proved methods. We ♦ give you a guarantee ♦ in writing on all work. ! THE CINCINNATI DENTISTS D : ' [ PTON. Mgr Over Grand Leader Store, IKE FASHION 425 Princeton Avenue J. .s TURK PROPRIETOR We announce to the public that we have prices cut in half in all depart ments, especially for the Christmas Holiday trade. Do your shopping early and avoid the rush. be ginning Nov. dOth until Christmas, for one dollar in cash Two Dollars worth in | Merchandise now if you have to buy any Christmas Presents in Ladies and Misses’ Tailor Made Suits, Long Coats, burs, Beautiful Waists, Silk Petticoats Military Capes, Millinery Etc., \ ou can select \our goods now and we could hold the same, with a de posit, until Christmas. lviuencnener BEER It contains a aulfttuie pro portion of solid, nutritive mat ter, predigested, and is a pos itive boon to people with weak ened digestive organs. Eminent physicians and oth er competent authorities rocom mend the modeate use of beer. It contains malt sugar, which Is easily digestible, healthful and strengthening. Be sure the beer you use has been properly brewed. We tnkp extra care in every detail. Try a sample case. niA EEiEi.i) mti:\vi\rj co.. Bill* field, W. Va. ’Phone X i. 210. The office and furniture make an impression. The clothes and personal appearance make an Impression. A Typewriter conveyH the sort of Impression which all these things, at. their best, produce. It is as lasting a* ear he made and ns elegant as business ought to he. BluelRld Typewriter Exchange A. WYGALb, Mannffi SJJ45 Princeton Ave, 1 ROBT. E. MOORE AITORNEY-AT-IAW, i Blimfifiri, West Virginia. Collections d Specially Refers In FlaMrp National Rank